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BAGA Exhibit Inspires Art Students
from MHS Courier May 2023
by MHS Courier
— Emmanuel Dolo, Reporter
When looking for a place to present art beyond the classroom, students at Mandan may feel defeated. Yet with the help of art shows put together by the Bismarck Art and Galleries Association(BAGA), the perfect stage is set for aspiring artists to share the pieces they’ve created on their artistic journey.
BAGA is a gallery show in Bismarck that promotes the study of visual arts. The association helps shed a light on the potential that many artists in the local area embody today.
Their 14th Annual High School Juried Art Exhibit is an opportunity for young artists to embrace their hard work and creativity.

By entering their art in specific sectors of the exhibit, the artist gains a helpful sense of exposure and confidence in their work.
Artists can grow immensely through the exhibit, helping them establish confidence and understanding when practicing different artistic techniques.
Senior Zoey Junker has participated in this exhibit for three years and she shares how it has affected the way she goes about creating her pieces.
“I’ve learned to go more in depth with my art through research rather than just jumping into a piece having no idea what I’m gonna do.” Zoey Junker Said.
This new sense of curiosity towards her work is what helps Junker and other local artists learn from their pieces, exhibits like BAGA’s help art students build an understanding around what their pieces have to offer, as well as the history of the techniques used by many artists worldwide.
Natasha Heier shares how she uses this exhibit to educate herself on all the opportunities and history art embodies, she says,
“The exhibit made me open to do more things,” Natasha said, “I have expanded what I know and understand about different kids of art.”
From painting to printmaking with copper etchings, artists dedicate hours to their pieces and enter them to the exhibit to be judged.
Art Teacher Mr.Gieser shares what he wants students to take from the exhibit experience as well as how he encourages students to participate.
“The show gets the artists into seeing their work more professionally, and it gets them thinking more about the possibilities with their work.” Gieser said.
With a myriad of works from artists that use several unique styles and techniques, the BAGA exhibit opens a great door of possibilities for artists, and enables them to go beyond the classroom to learn about art.