May 2021
The Outcome Of An Extremely Stressful Year — Leah Emineth, General Reporter
As the school year comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the year and everything I have learned this year because, oh boy, I have learned a lot. Coming into the school year, I had high expectations for myself in terms of grades, but I realized just how difficult it was for me to balance grades in a hybrid schedule. Like many students, I was not doing well, and I was to the point where I knew I would not be able to salvage my grades in all of my classes. My parents would tell me to “just ask your teachers,” but that was something that scared me. In fact, it was the last thing I wanted to do. I was scared of what they might say or think. I hit some of my lowest points this year mentally, and the hybrid schedule added on to the stress and anxiety I was enduring. I was unmotivated not just in school but also in dance, work, and just my everyday life in general. It felt like I could not get stuff done no matter how bad I wanted to. It felt as if I was the only one struggling with my school work even though a lot of students were failing the first semester. As second semester rolled around, I realized I was not in fact dumb. I just struggle to learn in certain ways. I was able to make my schedule a little easier, and I slowly started getting back into the swing of normal school. It finally felt like everything was going to be okay, even though I still had to get some of my grades up. I finally had motivation to do my work and I even talked with some of my teachers, which to my surprise was not scary at all. My teachers were supportive and understanding through my struggles that I realized that it should never be a scary thing to struggle because it happens to all of us. The best thing to do is reach out for help instead of digging yourself deeper into the problems by keeping them a secret from people. Looking for help can be scary and embarrassing but there are people willing to help because, after all ,we are all human and nobody is perfect. As my grades started going back to normal, school became so much easier and I realized that not every type of teaching works for me. I may have struggled a lot with hybrid but by no means does it mean that I am a bad student. This experience is one I have learned and grown from and I am now thankful for all of the pain it caused me because it made me better and helped me learn that it is okay to struggle.
Opinion 03