Page 8 & 9 Dreams are in motion
Low tags affect MHS Japan hunters becomes Page 6 reality Photo by Austin Kahl
Photo by Mariah Higgins
Mandan High School, 905 8th Ave. NW, Mandan, ND
Bathroom privileges properly used at MHS Dan Lengowski
General Reporter
A recent survey found that 34 percent of 100 Mandan High School students that were polled about bathroom use did not use the bathroom for its intended purpose. The poll also found that 7 percent of the polled high school students used the bathroom three or more times a day, almost once every other class period for many students. Twenty percent of respondents agreed that a bathroom furthest from the classroom was the way to go. For many students, a trip to the bathroom isn’t just a quick in and out experience. The poll found that 33 percent of those polled had spent more than five minutes in the bathroom during a single class period. One senior said, “I went to the bank for money and got lunch,” on a long ‘bathroom break’. Although many high school students don’t use the bathroom to actually use the bathroom, 61 percent said they actually had to use the bathroom. The poll also revealed that 23 percent of those polled had been questioned about their bathroom use.
Page 15
Volume 21, Issue 2
Photo by Dreams In Motion
November 2012
MHS hosts school election
gin of electoral votes getting 303 electoral votes as opposed to Romney who received News Editor 206 electoral votes. Another big part of this election was The government classes held a schoolthe race for the North Dakota senate seat. wide election on Tuesday, Nov. 6 in conHeidi Heitkamp took the North Dakota junction with the general elections. senate seat in a very close race with Rick Social Studies teachers Ryne Jungling Berg. Heitkamp won 50.25 percent of the and Kurt Miller organized the election votes while Berg got 49.31 percent of the along with their classes. The election’s votes. Heitkamp won purpose was to inform by just 2,994 votes.. students about the elec“What surprised tions. me the most was the “It provided a great margin by which opportunity to educate the students picked our school on the voting Berg over Heitkamp process and the elecin the student elections and issues themtion,” said Miller. The selves,” said Miller. students overwhelmThe school ballot Photo by Jessica Heller ingly picked Berg was different from the Over 500 voters at the high school over Heitkamp with real ballot because it 62 percent of the votes only had certain offices. cast their ballots Nov. 6. compared to Heitkamp Students could cast their vote for President, U.S. Representative, U.S. who only had 39 percent. Students were also able to cast their vote Senate, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, on each of the five measures. All measures and Superintendent of Public Instruction. passed with the students but measure five. One difference in results between the The same results were seen in the actual actual election and student election was elections with each measure passing by a the choice for president. In the student wide margin, except measure five. election, Mitt Romney got 57 percent of Other results for the student election the votes cast. include Jack Dalrymple being elected as Nationally, there was a different result. governor, Kevin Cramer being chosen President Barack Obama was re-elected as the Representative in the House, and with a close popular vote of 50 percent compared to Romney who had about 48 of Kirsten Baesler being chosen as superintendent of public instruction. the popular vote. Obama had a wide marKaytlyn Fleck
Staff editorial
The Courier staff would like to thank everyone who made it possible for us to make our recent trip to San Antonio, Texas for the JEA/NSPA National Journalism Convention. While in Texas, we attended sessions led by advisers and journalists from all over the country. These sessions gave us tips and suggestions on how to improve our skills in writing, photography, design, and how to better get information to our readers. The Courier staff also heard from two nationally recognized journalists, Rodolfo Gonzalez who is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist and Charean Williams who is in her 19th season of covering the NFL. The staff competed in write-off competitions and exchanged papers with other schools. We were able to see how other schools designed their papers, wrote their articles, and what kinds of things their staffs did to make their papers. Without your help and support, this trip would not have been possible. The Courier is very grateful we were able to attend this convention. The Courier staff hopes to take the skills and ideas we learned at this convention and apply them to future papers. We hope we can make improvements and give our students a better paper. We would like to thank those who bought candles from us or made a donation, McDonald’s for helping Kat Schmidt go on the trip, and administration for allowing us to go. We would also like to thank our readers for supporting us. With all your help and support, we were able to have a very successful trip to San Antonio. After coming back, we hope to make many changes for the months to come and we would like to hear what you think about them. We ask and encourage that our readers continue to enter submissions, suggestions or comments about our paper by messaging us on Facebook or e-mailing us at mhscourier@gmail. com. If you know a unique story that should be told in the Courier, please let us know and we will possibly feature it.
MHS Courier Editorial A special thanks from Officer Walt
Life goes on in a rush for most of us! I am this somewhat older individual who is very active and a picture perfect specimen of health. I LOVE my job as School Patrol and Security Officer here. So, what’s up? The next think I know, I’m being told by a doctor that I have just been declared a candidate for open heart surgery. What? Are you serious? Yes sir! The angiogram has revealed that you have one artery with 90 percent blockage, with three others showing 80 percent to 90 percent of the same. Surgery will either be scheduled this Friday or next Tuesday, (Sept. 21 or 25). But Doctor, I have a homecoming game this Friday night at Brave’s field in Mandan and I am needed in my role as security officer. That’s pretty important stuff you know! The Doctor gently but firmly reminded me, that it’s your heart, it’s serious and the choice is yours. My response is, okay let’s go for surgery on Friday since I want to get this over sooner than later. As I began to wake up following my deeply induced sleep while still in ICU after surgery, the nurse leaned over and spoke into my ear, “Walter, can you hear me? The Mandan Braves won their homecoming game tonight!” Well, I almost jumped up from my bed, but they had me so sedated and with bunches of equipment attached to me there was no chance to jump or even do a fist bump! Even after transferring me to the cardiac
floor, I remembered the score, Mandan beat Williston 18-0. Isn’t it interesting that a person, no matter what your condition, always remembers the important stuff, like football scores? As I write this note, it is now eight weeks since I’ve had my quadruple by-pass surgery, and I am doing remarkably well. Though on a limited number of hours, I am back at the role of doing what I love most, being at MHS with my extended family. So, smokers, litterers and parking violators beware! Let me take this opportunity to say “thank you” to the students and staff for your get well cards, notes, phone calls, personal visits, and most of all your prayers. I also want to acknowledge several “get well” posters that were signed with many encouraging notes written on them: 1) Football team and Cheerleaders; 2) the Student Council; 3) School staff. Last, but certainly not least, is the tremendous support received from Dr. Bitz, Mr. Andresen and Mr. Just. And now lastly, my deepest thanks and appreciation to the students and staff for the very generous monetary gift you gave me. To say the least, my emotions were overcome, but you have all touched my heart and life in ways that are not only appreciated, but will leave its mark on me for the rest of my life. God bless you. I love you all.
Courier Staff and Editorial Policy Editor-in-Chief..................Kat Schmidt News Editor.......................Kaytlyn Fleck Sports Editor....................Mariah Fredericks Features Editor..................Kaitlyn Schelske Design Editor....................Morgan Brinkman Editorial Editor..................Hannah Schlosser Adviser..............................Hannah Sagaser The Courier is a news/feature newspaper that is published throughout the school year. As an open forum for student expression, all content online and in print is decided and moderated by student editors. The staff welcomes letters, articles, submissions, of any student, faculty, or community interest. Submissions may be turned into the Courier, room 221, and by message to or mhscourier. All submissions must be signed by the author if they are to be published and subject to editing if space is restricted. The Courier strives to be objective in its news coverage. Columns and letters reflect only the opinions of the writers, not those of the Courier staff, administration, teachers, or student body. Editorials that are not signed reflect the consensus of the staff. The Courier is funded entirely through advertising sales and subscriptions. Contact the Courier at if interested in advertising.
Running Amuck
Normally, girls cry over break ups, tragic movie scenes, and sappy love songs. I, on the other hand, bawl my eyes out over the beauty of my Bismarck Career Academy instructor, Mr. Phillips’, guitar playing. Particularly Jimmy Hendrix’s “Little Wing.” The godly sound of his guitar strings picking away at brilliance just brings so many emotions up, I can’t even contain myself. Not even 20 seconds into the song my eyes are filled with tears. By the time one minute rolls around, I’m crying a river. I guess blues and shredding guitars is more than enough to make this girl happy.
Recently, I was in intense training. No, not for a sport, or a test, but something far more intense and dangerous: Black Friday. Yes, this was the year for the perfect storm (and I am not talking about Sandy); basketball started a week later than usual, my sister was my wingman and a beautiful shopping list was made. When the clock struck 12, or three, or six, or whenever, I pounced on those deals like a jungle cat. Middle aged moms made way, poor college kids didn’t mess with me, and shop-o-holics stayed clear because I was in it to win it...I mean buy it.
Kat Cluck! Cluck! Ahh the enchanting sound of chickens. I like chickens a lot. Wait, let me correct myself, I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT LOVE CHICKENS. I hold them and I cuddle with them; I even paint their nails red as a symbol of my love for them, but my chickens love me too. They love me so much that they run with excitement all the way from the back yard to the front yard to greet me. They squat when they come up to me, which means they want me to hold them. When I’m petting them, they make a soft and gentle clucking sound, like a cat when it purrs. Some may call me crazy, but I call it love.
Hannah Cheesy jokes. Why was the little strawberry crying? His parents were in a jam! What’s brown and sticky? A stick! HAHAHA! I could spend hours reading the jokes off the back of a Laffy Taffy. No matter how simple they are, they crack me up. Any kind of pun or play-on-words puts me in a fit of totally loud throw-your-head-back-kneeslapper laughing for what seems like an eternity. I’m obviously not hard to amuse.
Next issue, we want to hear from you. Whether it’s a rant about the dude who cut you off this morning,or a rave about the $20 bill you found in your pocket, we will give a prize to the funniest and most creative Running Amuck that’s submitted. We will publish your Amuck, name, grade, and picture.
Kaytlyn I use to hate cats, but recently I seem to have an obsession with them. Not regular, old, boring, smelly, raggedy homeless cats, but specifically fat, furry, warm, cuddly cats. They’re just so furry and cute and I just love to pick them up and squeeze them. I even have this thought that I’m going to be a crazy 50 year old cat lady with no friends... Just kitten! But as of right meow, I am A-Okay with my new obsession.
Kat’s Chat Kat Schmidt
We fight over what’s for supper, what actually happened on “Family Guy,” and who’s right and wrong. In the moment, arguing about these pointless things can seem like life or death is at stake, even though fighting about things like these is a waste of breath. Maybe some of you have figured out who “we” is, but for those of you who have not figured out the obvious, I am talking about siblings. Siblings fight and sometimes the fighting seems like it’ll never die, but the cures for this are ignoring the instigator, not duking it out to the last one standing, and not tattle-taling every single time one of you does something wrong will be your solution to stopping the relentless and eternal fighting. Sometimes ignoring the little smart remarks and snobby attitude is helpful
MHS Courier
...fighting among siblings is temporary when resolving conflict. In my own experience, fighting with my little brother used to be an easy battle, but now he’s got a little more sass. As hard as it is for me to not to spat back my fire, I’ve realized it is useless to fight fire with fire because it only creates a bigger fire. Pretty soon the conflict is not between you and your sibling anymore, but has migrated to the rest of the family. Very rarely, but it has happened where fist fights break out and it’s all because I couldn’t resist the urge to put my two cents in. I know now that never turns out well anymore. I used to win those battles, but I don’t test my luck anymore. Some people define resolving a conflict by whoever wins, but essentially “winning” a fist fight just creates hard feelings that will only arise later on. Bottom line, fist fights don’t solve anything and just create nice shiners. Instead, just try to forget about it
and move on because chances are, you won’t remember what the fight was about a month from now. I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck remember that little annoying voice yelling “Mom! Dad! She did this! He did that!” That just about drove me up the wall. I know it seems a little first grade, but believe it or not, many of us still tattle. Well, I realize now that the only thing tattle-taling did was get someone in trouble and give them a reason for revenge. And nobody wants payback. Fighting among siblings can seem like it’s going to last a lifetime, but hopefully it’s just a phase. Based on poll results, the most popular way siblings worked through their conflicts was just forgetting about it. A majority of those who said they just forget about the issue said they have made it through that “rough patch” phase.
We’re not making this up!
Kaytlyn Fleck
News Editor
Man encounters unusual intruder
Ron Philipose of Philadelphia received a call from police saying that there may have been a burglary at his home while him and his family were at a doctor’s appointment. As he and police arrived at his home, they found it in shambles, including blood on the wall and couch. Police drew their guns and begin searching the home. They found the intruder in a back room, but there was something unexpected about this intruder; it was a deer.
Man arrested for stealing cop car A man in South Africa was arrested for stealing a cop car at a police station after an officer left the keys in the ignition after going to use the bathroom. Police chased the car until the car overturned after the man had lost control of the vehicle. The man was not hurt, but was arrested on charges of theft and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.
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Specializes in ambrees, coloring, great updos, gel nails, cuts and hair extensions. Call Samantha for an appointment today! 667-8740 207 6th Ave SE-Mandan, ND-58554
Man gives cocaine as Halloween candy A man in England was recently given a community service sentence after he accidently gave his cocaine stash out to a group of children on Halloween. Donald Junior Green reached into his pocket looking for sweets to give the children, but pulled out eight bags of cocaine he had bought earlier that day. The father of the children, who is a cop, called his onduty colleagues and the man was forced to face the consequences.
Man sues wife for being ugly Jian Feng of China sued his wife after being shocked by the appearance of their child. Feng said that he thought the child was “incredibly ugly.” Feng had originally accused his wife of cheating, but his wife later admitted that before they were married she had gotten plastic surgery, but never told him. Feng filed for divorce with the claim that his wife had deceived him and convinced him to marry her under false pretenses.
The judge agreed with Feng and he was awarded the money.
Four-year-old in tears over election
Four-year old Abigael Evans from Colorado was in tears after hearing a report on the radio about the presidential elections while she was in a car with her mother. The reports that had been on the radio for nearly six months were finally too much for the little girl. After her mother stopped in a parking lot to see what was wrong with the girl, she replied that she was “tired of Bronco Obama and Mitt Romney.”
Old lady takes on robber
Hertha Wallecker, 82, took on a bank robber that was armed with a gun and a homemade bomb in Vienna, Austria. She took the thief’s mask off his head and tore the bag of stolen cash out of the robber’s hand. The woman reportedly yelled at him, “The money belongs to the bank.” The robber was arrested later that day.
Health Careers
The Health Careers October Blood Drive was the best yet, beating the all-time record for Mandan High from last year. The school is currently second in North Dakota high school blood drives. There were 66 donors whose donations could save the lives of 232 people. There had been around 100 students and staff that signed up or walked in to donate.
The 2013 speech season will kick off with an informational meeting on Monday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. at Seven Seas in the Executive Two room. This meeting is for
MHS Courier
News Round Up Speech (cont.)
all prospective new members and varsity team members. It includes a demonstration, speech tournament schedule, and a Q&A session. You are encouraged to bring a parent. Refreshments will be served and will last an hour. The National Forensic League Chapter earned the 2011-2012 Leading Chapter Award in the North Dakota Roughrider district. This coveted award is the highest honor a district can receive, and is based on student participation.
Concert Band II, III and eighth-grade concert was held on Nov. 15, The Jazz I and sixth-grade concert was held on Nov. 20, and the Concert Band I and seventh-grade concert will be held on Dec. 6. All concerts will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the MHS Auditorium.
Items were collected on behalf of FCCLA during all fourth period classes from Nov. 14-21 to be donated to Carrie’s Kids. Mrs. Mosbrucker’s classroom won and received cookies and Tutti Frutti tokens.
Low tag numbers affect MHS hunters Kat Schmidt
ers in his hunting party don’t, making his hunting party much smaller. The limited number of deer licenses Junior Adaer Halverson said, “Well, I was affected many hunters at Mandan High sort of mad because I would have really School this fall. According to a recent poll liked a buck tag.” of 99 students at MHS, 41 The North Dapercent of those who said kota Game and Fish they do hunt were negaDepartment, or tively affected by the low NDGF, made availamount of deer tags. able 65,300 deer gun Sophomore Austin Barse licenses as compared said, “I didn’t get [a deer to the 109,950 made tag] this year and I was available in 2011. Bemad.” cause of the combinaOne student who wished tion of three consecuto remain anonymous retive hard winters and ceived a doe tag, but the a disease outbreak in parents did not receive south western North tags. Dakota in 2011, this is Not all hunters were the lowest number of negatively affected by deer licenses given the limit, meaning they out since 1988 acas an individual received cording to NDGF. a deer tag, but were still According to the disappointed. North Dakota Game Senior Levi Schlosser and Fish Departreceived a tag and said, ment’s winter sever“[I] still got a tag, only a ity index for deer doe though.” Senior Nathan Schmidt shot a 4x4 the winter of 2010-11 One student, who was one of the more mule deer south of Mandan. wished to remain anonysevere since 1949. mous, was negatively affected by the Inversely, the winter of 2011-12 ranked as limit. Even though he has a tag, many oth- one of the milder winters raising expectaPhoto by Nathan Schmidt
tions for a possible increase in deer. “The past couple winters, besides last year’s, I think really hurt deer hunting. With less deer around, [NDGF] can’t give out as many tags,” said senior Austin Kahl. “That’s why I only got a doe tag this year.” It is evident from the poll results that hunting is a part of MHS culture and way of life. About 64 percent of the students polled even consider the first day of deer season a “North Dakota Holiday.” For many, the seasons of family fun and traditions and were cut short this fall due to a limited number of deer licenses. The NDGF limited the number of deer licenses given out due to low population from the hard winters and disease to allow the species to recover. Numerous students, according to a poll at MHS, have run into problems with poaching in their experience with hunting, as well. Sophomore Jesse Engstrom said that he has had a problem with people hunting out of season. Poachers, according to NDGF, who take a deer out of season or an extra limit of fish has reduced your opportunity to take that game. Senior David White said that he’s seen dead deer with missing antlers. One student, who wished to remain anonymous, said there has been a problem with hunters leaving the carcasses in ditches after they took all the meat.
Student Life
Junior Nichole Bloom
Staff Photo
This edition’s “Student Spotlight” features junior Nichole Bloom. She enjoys writing, photography, being a barista, drinking coffee, singing, guitar, and thrift store shopping. To be featured in the “Student Spotlight” submit your work at, www.facebook. com/mhscourier or contact a Courier staff member.
“Breezy Day at Sleepy Hollow July” The thin layer of flesh that covers my bones, tanned a strange apricot, nearly matches wood of my gem from Melbourne. My false brown hair moves against my chin due to this subtle breeze that shakes the three prongs of leaves; we are kin – eternally family. With a simple problem with symmetry, regardless of my face turned to my kin, can you not recognize me with your face to my sponsor? These petty inquiries are just that; my kin are telling me to continue, turn from you toward them. Unbalanced ears believe them, the whispers through the breeze.
“Nostalgia” The year is 2012 and I am young, young enough to not remember the death of Frank Sinatra. I own a bowler hat.
I wish for a Model T. The boy I favour wears suspenders. We listen to records. We add 'tele' to the beginning of 'phone.' He took me to the antique store. I believe that was the day the feeling was palpable. Nostalgia. We walked through the memorabilia. The interests we shared, obvious. Our conversations turned to such nostalgia. We ache for an era we were never apart of. Agreed, fish out of water. I believe in my heart, love, we should give it a go, this gasping fish ordeal--
As “Christians” awake at mid-afternoon, the false poet traces inspiration to earthly things – humans, events. Does a true poet not find eloquence in windows, misspellings? This particular poet finds herself referring to Pablo Neruda and a glorified sweetness. Words: “once when the…” These found bound in black vinyl books. Vanity fails to be something to aim for, but skill is found in this mixture indeed. Some poets flaunt emotions, others own soles that do not leave cement. The richest of this kind know of both extremes, compromises, and holds a pencil without motives.
eternally dwelling in the antique shop.
“As Did the Chinese, I Ponder the Term “Poetry” After the moment of darkness, as film is removed from one’s eye, the numerals the clock bears, to blur, and the morning proceeds with skepticism and ponderings of the loss of words such of these. Whether or not this is worth repeating, poetry is the religion of literature.
Staff Photo
Inspiration is found on a blank sheet of paper
Hannah Schlosser
Op/Ed Editor
One girl’s dream This past
summer, senior Mariah Higgins was able to take the trip of her dreams halfway across the world to Japan. For two months, as part of an international program, Higgins visited various parts of Japan reliving the trip After a day of visit her mother once ing temples, Mariexperienced her ah and her host junior year of high school through family ate Miso the same program. soup and tempura. Higgins was excited to learn that her mom had also been to Japan, the one place she had dreamt of going to most.
How it began
iggins became interested in foreign cultures a few years back. The food, music, and language: everything was intriguing. While in Japan, Higgins had only learned enough Japanese to ask for directions, get by in everyday life, and speak small conversations - what she called "Survival Japanese." She had traveled with other Americans, Canadians, and chaperones of all ages, none of which she knew though. "In both host families, there was always one person who spoke fluently in both English and Japanese, but it was fun to actually try to talk to the others," Higgins said. Most members of the host families knew just as much English as Mariah did Japanese, yet communicating effectively wasn't an issue. Mariah's time was split into two months in which she got to live with two host families that were different parts of Japan.
Saitama, Tokyo
he first four weeks were spent in Saitama, an area just outside of Tokyo. Mariah lived in an apartment with her host family consisting of three other people and even a dog. This time was used to focus on Japanese language education. She was expected to travel through urban Tokyo, taking the subways, trains, and buses, commuting an hour and a half each day, five days a week. "It was nice that I got to learn Japanese with the other Americans and Canadians who knew just as much as I did," Mariah stated, "It's easy to learn, honestly." Back home, she studied the Japanese language as a pastime, like another might study music.
Mariah’s first host family bought her a “Welcome to Japan!” strawberry cake. Mariah and her 10 year old sister’s elementary teacher pose in the Saitama schoolhouse.
*All photos credited to Mariah Higgins
becomes reality Miki, Hyogo The second month she indulged in the
Japanese culture. This time, she was staying with a host family of seven people in the suburb of Miki in an area of Hyogo. She took in the city life, where even the architecture was different. She visited TokyoDisney, tea ceremonies, and various shrines around the city, too, though her favorite had to be TokyoDisney, she said.
Cuisine One of Mariah’s favorite times
was supper; the food was one of a kind, and eating with chopsticks was so interesting that it soon became normal. Main dishes included Notho (fermented
Mariah and her sister, Mizuki, attended a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony, where she got to wear a Yukata.
beans), sushi, and salmon eggs; desserts were pretty intricate too. Mariah’s favorite foods were Dango, a rice-flour and dumpling dessert; sushi, and Yakisoba, or fried noodles and rice. Even though the food was delicious, Mariah still craved the “American style food” occasionally. “I gained like ten pounds!”, Higgins added. This was the longest time she has been away from home, but says she never had been homesick. Taking this trip and experiencing everything was so exciting for Mariah with so much to take in.
The program This year marked the 40th anniversary of
the program both Mariah and her mother had used. She traveled through South Dakota’s program this time, though, since it’s not as prominent in North Dakota as it had been in
Mariah stands next to a Ghibli statue (a Japanese Dsiney character) during a school trip. (left).
Higgins visited the Boyodo temple which is featured on the back of the 10 yen coin. years past. One of her biggest goals is to get the program up and running as it had been before. She feels it’s important for everyone to be able to experience the culture like she had.
Student Life
MHS Courier
The University of Mary’s freedom plan provides free room and board to graduates of Bismarck/Mandan high schools.
Schedule a campus visit today to learn about just how affordable a private education can be!
This means you can get a private university education for the same price or less than you would pay for a public university, and you don’t have to live with Mom & Dad to do it. Schedule a campus visit today to find out more about the freedom plan!
Contact the U-Mary Admissions Office at (701) 355-8030 Toll Free at (800) 288-6279 e-mail at or visit
* To be eligible, you must enroll at U-Mary the semster immediately following your graduation from high school. The Freedom Plan cannot be combined with any other scholarships and does not have a cash value.
U n i v e r S i T y
o F
M a r y
7 5 0 0
U n i v e r S i T y
D r i v e
B i S M a r c k
n D
5 8 5 0 4
Noobs of the Month
Student Life
Flow of the Month Sophomore Aric Riopelle
1) What is your technique? I get my technique from Brady Zittleman and cannot repeat it. 2) What benefits does “The Flow” offer? When you’re on the ice and know that you have nicer hair than your opponent. 3) Is it an efficient chic-magnet? I have a flow and I play hockey.
Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook by searching Courier! Freshman Riley Schnabel 1) How big is your freshman pack? About three. 2) How does it feel to be a noob? Pretty good. 3) What’s your most embarrassing moment so far? Eating lunch on the wrong day.
Freshman Anna Freidig 1) How big is your freshman pack? Pretty heavy. 2) How does it feel to be a noob? I like it. It’s fun. 3) What’s your most embarrassing moment so far? I fell up the steps.
Keep up-to-date, browse through pictures, and let us know your opinion by following our Facebook page! Student submissions can also be entered simply by sending us a message or through email at
Student Life
MHS Courier
Student Life
Does That Make Me Crazy? Kat Schmidt & Mariah Fredericks
Editor-in-Chief & Sports Editor
When I take a shower, before I can use any shampoo, conditioner, or bottled soap, I have to run it under the water so the bottle warms up. Is that crazy? ~Silly Soaper MARIAH: Crazy? More like genius. You have solved the problem of cold shampoo! It is a tad time consuming though. KAT: I agree with Mariah, you are genius, not crazy!
Does it make me crazy if I practice interpretative dance in public? ~Dodo Dancer MARIAH: Yes, yes it does indeed. Can you
imagine a sane person doing that? I am curious to see this though, do you carry around your own music and travel in costume? KAT: Interpretive public... sounds a bit crazy to me. But a great place for this would be on stage at a talent show! Here’s an idea, show off your mad interpretive dance skills at the talent pep rally!
in our veins, that off number could irritate anyone. KAT: Quite frankly, I’m going to have to disagree with Mariah on this. Numbers are just numbers silly!
I have to watch an episode of LOST every single night before I go to bed. Does that make me crazy? ~Lost Lover
I hate it when my inbox and sent don’t MARIAH: I don’t know Lost Lover, I’m havhave the same number. An example is if ing a hard time rationalizing this obsesI have 20 in my inbox and 21 in my sent/ may be a little crazy. My quesoutbox, I would delete one from the sent tion is, what happens if you run out of episodes? to make it 20/20. Does that make me KAT: I’d have to say you have an obsession crazy? and that you’re not necessarily “crazy.” ~Number Nut MARIAH: No that is completely understandable. We all have a smidgen of OCD
You would be crazy if you had to do that in order to function properly. If that’s the case, then you might need some help...
*Students submit their crazy tendencies anonymously to the Courier in room 221 or message us on Facebook.
Student Life
MHS Courier
“While The Lights Were Out” was a success, despite challenges Morgan Brinkman
Design & Photo Editor
“While The Lights Were Out” was a success despite the challenges thrown at the play. With the school’s water break the play was originally canceled. But with Principal Mark Andresen’s help, the play was rescheduled to Oct. 26, 27, and 28.
The play’s colorful set fit its vibrant characters.
Although it was not the best acted play I’ve seen from Mandan High, it was
definitely the play with the best storyline. This year’s play was an amusing murder mystery with all sorts of twists and turns that kept the audience on its toes. Seniors Michael Haaland and Cierra Horning played the roles of the Clive and Monica Wickenhams who hosted a dinner party in the living room of their elegant home. The entire play happened in the Wickenhams’ living room, including two murders. As each of the characters were introduced to the audience, the more enticing it was to see their attire, guess what will happen next and hear the variety of accents. Like a flashback to the 80’s, the many fancy guests arrived in their flashy dresses and over dramatic attitudes. This is where it got interesting. Already the play was spoken in British accents adding to the overall feel. But in addition, French and Southern accents were thrown into the mix. Sometimes though it was hard to understand what certain actors were saying, especially
during crucial parts of the investigation. was a solution for the audience to convey the murders. On top of that I was not expecting the The tech crew put together a stop moover dramatic reactions to situations. tion replay, strobe lights and all, of what For example, when a storm knocked happened ‘while the lights were out’. It the lights out, the murder of Clive Wickenham was committed. When the lights had the audience completely engulfed in all the commotion and was easily my came back on all of the characters refavorite part. It was nothing like I’ve acted accordingly but in a short amount of time became more seen before and was completely involved in getting rid of the body than grievbrilliant. Without any words the ing. whole reason for After the disposal of the play was shown. the body, the rest of It will be excitthe play was dedicated to figuring out what The murder mystery kept the audi- ing to see what’s happened while the ence members on the edges of their in store for next year’s play. “While lights were out. It took seats. The Lights Were myself pretty much Out” was a hit for me and I hope to see the entire show to piece together who more plays with story lines similar and as killed who. It was the perfect cliffhanger amusing in the future. to keep the audience engaged. But there
Girls’ basketball teams up with Dreams In Motion Mariah Fredericks
Sports Editor
The Mandan Girls’ Basketball team volunteered to help Dreams in Motion with their first wheelchair basketball game on Oct. 28, 2012 at the Mandan Middle School. The event involved participants, ages 2-25, with mobility challenges or visual impairments playing basketball with volunteers who played in wheelchairs. Two teams went up and down the court in a friendly yet competitive game. The event successful with a significant turnout for the first game. A wide variety of players ranging from experienced veterans to first time players competed. The game had elements of a regular basketball game such as passing, shooting, rebounding, and screening. Players would carry the ball in their lap as they rolled down the court. Defensive intensity was high as players attempted stealing balls and passes from the other
October Athletes of the Month “With eight competitions in the month McKenzie earned her keep as one of the top swimmers for the team. She had seven first places, eight second places and four third Junior McKenzie place finishes,” coach Manley said. Martin
Senior Brady Zittleman
“Brady exemplified a team player doing whatever was asked of him throughout the season but even more so in the month of October,” coach Sheldon said. Zittleman was a captain of the football team.
The company is Mandanteam. based and relies on The basketball players volunteers and donations who volunteered enjoyed to support their non-profit themselves as much as the organization. Their goals participants. are to improve physical “It was fun to know fitness, self-esteem and that we were making a teach communication difference and seeing skills. Soccer, sled hockey, joy on people’s faces,” wheelchair curling, and senior Lexi Goldade in this case, wheelchair said. When asked if it basketball are sports they was a competitive game offer. she replied, “Yes [it was “Every child deserves the intense], I got ran over a Photo by Dreams in Motion opportunity to play sports few times.” “We showed up and Michael Kaip (left) defends and learn the life skills that helped push people against Dayton Farley (right). come from being part of a team,” Dreams in Motion or played ourselves in wheelchairs,” senior Courtney Goetz said, President Annette Kaip says, “It is exciting to see the participants develop these “They were very good with the chairs.” skills while, at the same time, their selfDreams in Motion is a company with a confidence explodes.” commitment to provide opportunities for The next wheelchair basketball game people with physical disabilities to play sports. They have hosted 15 events in 2012 will be held on Dec. 2 at the Middle school at 2 pm. and plan on holding more.
The volleyball team ended their season Nov. 9 at the WDA tournament. The Braves lost to Minot in the fifth game.
Girls swimming finished eighth at the state competition. Junior Rachel Ford took sixth in the 200 Medley. Senior Nicolette Haug received first team all-state.
The girls gymnastics team will kick off their season Nov. 12. They will have their first competition in Dickinson on Dec. 1.
Spor ts Roundup
The boys basketball season starts Nov. 26 with three returning letter winners, Keetan Wanner, Nathan Schmidt and Erron Collins.
Girls hockey had their first conference game against Minot on Nov. 20. They will have their next home game against Devils Lake Dec. 7. The cheerleaders had their first competition Nov. 17. The basketball season will bring in four male cheerleaders to the team.
The wrestling team had their first competition last Tues. Returning State Placers are Adam Stein and Curt Zachmeier.
Kaitlyn Schelske
Feature Editor
Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it?
Stetson Ellingson Freshman
Justin Schafer Sophomore
Tessa Keller Junior
It was obviously opposite day.
That’s the only way it can let out its emotion.
No comment.
Yes, but you’ll drown.
Clown fish can when they lose a son called Nemo.
SIDE Makenzie Schmidt Senior
A man made it. If a woman made it it would be an inlet.
Miss Charlebois French
Because it let’s it’s power “out.”
s Can you cry underwater?
You would drown from water pouring into your eyes.
Why do square meals come on round plates?
To confuse people (mostly blondes).
Why are highways built so close to the ground?
Short people built them.
Because being high is too mainstream.
What’s another word for thesaurus?
A dinosaur?
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Yes, the mermaids vent to me all the time.
Yup, that’s the best place to do it because nobody can tell.
Charge more for less.
To teach shapes that’s why the slices are triangles.
Do you know the price of round boxes these days? Why wouldn’t they use square boxes?!
Construction workers are afraid of heights.
If they were low ways no one would be worried about going into the ditch.
Because the government loves irony!
Why don’t you look it up in a thesaurus.
Un dictionaire des synonymes.