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Social Injustices
The battle between race, gender, sexuality, etc. has gone on for long enough. Social movements such as Black Lives Matter, Feminist movements, LGBTQ social movements, Indigenous peoples movements, Asian American movements and many more have been created to fight for their causes against society. Over the past five months, riots, shootings and the press have spiraled out of control. Destroying a car dealership or burning a Target does not aid in achieving justice against “police brutality” or “systemic racism.” The government may have its faults, but previously stated social movements and countermovements, Blue Lives Matter which challenges Black Lives Matter creating an inadequate comparison between a profession and a human race, seem to be destroying communities across the country hoping to “make a difference.” Instead, people involved in said social movements should look to reform the government by coming together as one. The founding fathers stated in the second paragraph of The Declaration Of Independence “that all men are created equal,” but we seem to have forgotten what our country wanted for its future. Speaking of the future, it would be an understatement to say that our kids will one day learn about inequality in the year of 2020. Remarks about how Martin Luther King Jr. would be disappointed in how today’s society is handling racism and equality have been made across multiple platforms, but it took non-peaceful protesting in order to bring attention to the social injustices in America today. George Floyd was suffocated by a Minneapolis police officer in May. Jacob Blake was shot several times in the back by a Kenosha police officer. Breonna Taylor was shot by a Louisville police officer during a botched raid on her apartment. Tamarris Bohannon was shot in the head while responding to a dispatch about shots being fired in a nearby park. Linden Cameron was shot by a Salt Lake City police officer after responding to the mother’s 911 call for mental help. Perhaps the biggest villain of the issue may be the media. The press did wrong by reporting on multiple extremely touchy issues within the past five months very subjectively. The general public should become educated on the facts of said issues spamming the internet before reacting solely based on emotional ties to ideas and theories. The press has become a faceless, insensitive source that the people are becoming too involved with. There is not a single solution to the continuous issue of social injustices among our society today, only recommendations and ideas. Every U.S. citizen deserves to be able to walk down the street, sleep soundly in their home and work a job without constant terror, for it is not fair to profile all cops as racist killers just like it is not fair to profile all black men as child abandoning, shady muggers.
This article is the opinion of The Courier staff.
Luiza Conceicao Larson (11), Olin Halstengard (12), Aspen Jewkes (12), Bailey Dammous (12), Nicole Wu (12), Harleigh Walthar (12), McKayla Limbo (11), Reese Baker (12), Daisha Hale (12) and Diego Arce (9) are pictured from back to front and left to right laughing and talking with peers.