MHS Crier | 5.18.18 | senior issue

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Munster High School | 8808 Columbia Ave, Munster, IN 46321

Senior Issue

’18 Crier

senior issue | volume 52 | may 18, 2018

INSIDE LOOK Senior superlatives | page 3 College map | pages 4-5


UPCOMING final exams schedule: wednesday | periods 1 & 6 thursday | periods 3, 4 & 7 friday | periods 2, 5 & 8 Last day of school | may 25 Graduation | june 3



Firsts lasts for the class of ‘18

Signing onto their laptops for the first time in 6th grade was the first of many

changes for the class of 2018.

“I remember that it (the laptop) was very heavy. I was a bit taken aback by that by just having it for the first time. I felt like I was finally a real student.” —Kali Konstantinopoulos

Between biology and finding a prom group, we always wished we knew more: What advice would you give your

freshman self?

ALL SMILES Then freshman, Thalia Choiros, senior, prepares for the Homecoming pep-rally with the rest of her team. CARRYING A TUNE Then freshman, Aneri Patel, senior, plays with marching band in the summer sun. MUSTANG SPIRIT As a freshman, Vince Bravo, senior, cheers on the Mustang Hockey float in the Homecoming parade.

Over the past four years Mustangs accomplish a lot: What is your proudest


“Being a three year varsity member on the soccer team and making AllState this year was pretty dope.” —Laith Srour

“Probably tell her to stop caring about everything (what people thought about me). You know chill more because I was really stressed out about everything.” —Izzy Malagon archive photos by Chelsea Eickleberry

42.5% 17.5%


Most significant addition to MHS


New Mustang emergency procedures of Fame Cafe Alumni Hall

photos by Megan Szymanski, Easan Venkat

THROWBACK THURSDAY Reed Watkins and Micah Flahaven, seniors, play a doubles match at Ping Pong club as freshman. DANCING QUEEN Hansa Vavilala , senior, performs with HUM, the Indian Culture group at Battle of the Bands her freshman year.

2 Froyo The cafeteria added froyo to its menu during the 2014-15 school year.

archive photo FROYO FUN During the senior’s freshman year, the Corral started serving frozen yogurt. Here, Cameron Smith, senior, receives his vanilla soft-serve.

TUNING IN Students watch televisions provided by Student Government and Paragon in 50 minute lunch, both are new this year. ALUMNI OF THE AGES Previous alumni speak at the alumni hall of fame assembly in the auditorium. GRAND OPENING Evan Dong and Thalia Choiros , seniors, observe the opening of the Mustang Cafe their freshman year. FALSE ALARM Becky Radke and Kalie Miles, seniors, huddle together during a fire drill earlier this year.

source: Crier survey of 228 seniors, out of 390, on Google forms between May 2-16

PICKIN UP THE STICKS Jack Foster and Jenai Richards, seniors, play the marimba in preparation for a band concert their freshman year.

Freshman Year


3 Mustang Corral Initially started by student body president Dan Green, class of ‘14, for DECA, the bookstore is now operated by school extracurriculars on a monthly basis.

4 PAINTING PERFECTION Mariah Dixon, senior, works on the mural her freshman year.

First Mural The mural made by art club stand on the wall across from Mr. Bob Shinkan, math teacher. Painted during the 2015-16 school year and showcases Munster’s sports and clubs.

02 news may 18, 2018

Guest Column

Sapere Aude* On striving, seeking and never yielding In his Allegory of the Cave from Plato’s Republic, Socrates describes an underground cavern where people have been chained together their whole lives. Their bodies are positioned in a way so that they can only see forward, and they can only see puppet shadows projected on the cave wall in front of them. They perceive these shadows as reality. All of their lives, the only truth they have ever known stems from these shadows on the wall. The allegory follows the journey of one person who breaks free from his chains and ascends a ladder from the dark cave into the sunlight above. As the man climbs into the light, he experiences confusion and pain, for the only light he has ever been exposed to was firelight. However, as he continues on this journey, he sees real

Mrs. Tammy Daugherty English teacher

items, not just their shadows. He learns that all he thought he knew is an illusion, and once he has seen reality in sunlight, he can no longer go back to his former ignorant state in the dark world of shadows. Socrates allegorizes the journey of enlightenment that we all experience once we begin the journey out of ignorance into the daylight of truth. You as seniors have begun your journey on the pathway to enlightenment during your time at the School Town of Munster. From learning how to read in elementary to exploring We the People at Wilbur Wright, you have taken steps on that journey. At the high school, that journey has included researching and writing about issues of our local and global community; exploring our world from the Dunes to the Florida Keys; performing in our musicals, ensembles, and choirs; and so much more. But, your journey does not end at graduation; it should never end. As you leave Munster High School, continue climbing that ladder. For some of you, that will include diving deeper into topics in post-secondary institutions of learning. For others, your exploration will continue in the armed services or the workplace. It may not be long before some of you begin your own children on their journey to enlightenment. No matter where

FINAL FAREWELL Students in Mrs. Tammy Daugherty’s eighth hour AP English Language and Composition class take a class photo. These are the last students Mrs. Daugherty will ever teach.

Guest Column

Don’t sweat it Tara Layous Student Body President


s my last few weeks at Munster High School draw to a close, I would like to reflect on my time as a Mustang and offer some advice to all those who will still be here next year. My first piece of advice is to focus on your goals instead of letting the drama of high school distract you from what you are trying to accomplish. I have had my fair share of petty fights with friends, disagreements with teachers, and gossip during passing periods. However, nothing is severe enough to let it deter you from all the opportunities we have at our school. Though difficult to avoid the scenes in the hallway, the drama of being a teenager can prove to pull your attention from what is truly important. Next, it is never too late to try something new. I have spent almost every year as a high school student trying to join a new club,

make new friends, or explore a new career option. High school is the time to experiment with who you are and who you have the potential to become, so take advantage of the vast opportunities at MHS. Finally, stress less. There are so many small issues in high school that might seem like the end of the world. However, it is easy to forget that life goes on. A simple rule of thumb is this: if an issue will not affect you in five years, do not spend more than five minutes worrying about it. There is too much to enjoy with too little time, so do not let petty issues drain your happiness. These four years of high school fly by. So cheer at each basketball game, scream at each pep rally, and relish each dance because there is so much at our school to love. I hope some piece of advice inspires you as you continue to make the class of 2018 proud.

life takes you after leave MHS, never stop being curious, never stop questioning, and never stop seeking truth. How does that happen? Go beyond your studies and assignments. Question what you read and what you hear, and always seek multiple perspectives. I wish I could tell you the process of enlightenment will always be positive, but I cannot. The journey won’t always be positive. As stated above, the journey is often fraught with confusion and pain, for those on the journey will face conflict when what they thought they knew clashes with what they discover. In addition, those on the journey may face rejection from those who choose to remain in the shadows. After all, there is comfort in the familiar. So, why pursue a journey of enlightenment? Wouldn’t it be easier to stop exploring the world and cease seeking knowledge? The ancient Greeks (and our own Mr. Gordon!) espoused the philosophy of arete. This concept generally means living with moral virtue by reaching one’s full potential. Formal, traditional education where students learn reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic has its own merit but does not exhaust the understandings you can achieve. Partaking in the arts, tapping your creativity, and inquiring about the world around you are also pursuits that keep you on the ladder to enlightenment. A life of constant self-enrichment propels you up that ladder, which then in turn helps you maximize your potential. Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget once said, “The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.” I’d like to think that all your teachers (myself included) at Munster High School have sparked in you a fire to continue growing in your academic and personal quests beyond our classrooms. Don’t let that fire extinguish itself in the shadows, but fan the flames by striving to improve yourself. Therefore, as Tennyson urges his dearest friends in his poem “Ulysses,” be “strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

*dare to be wise

Freshman Year


Budget Crisi$

In 2014, 50 non-certified employees were RIF’ed due to the schools financial situation. Several administrators and teachers were also let go forever changing the school.

Sophomore Year


First Video Announcements Video announcements were recorded for the first time during the 2015-16 school year.


First Poetry Slam

In 2015, Poetry Club hosted their final slam in the LGI for the first time. This sparked the continuance of poetry slams each year in the LGI.


Alumni Hall of Fame

The Alumni Hall of Fame started during the 2015-16 school year. The school added its first members into the hall

FROM START TO FINISH Filming the Daily Mustang News as a sophomore (left), Tara Layous enhanced her passion for speaking throughout sophomore year. As student body president, Tara spoke during the Munster High School Hall of Fame ceremony (right). She was given a platform which helped her voice grow, and it helped her spread her message to the school. She went from filming the Daily Mustang News, to speaking at an important induction event of the school year. “It’s just cool to be able to say that I’ve had that platform here at our school,” Tara said. “I would say I don’t know about my impact on the school., but I’d hope it’s positive, and I’d hope that I’m able to spread my message whether it was the hall of fame or the announcements.”

superlatives03 may 18, 2018

Senior bests Most likely to win an Oscar

Chloe Jancosek Noah Moell


Most likely to become successful

Kali Konstantinopoulos Joey Yoniles


Best social media aesthetic

Micala Boyd Ian Brundige


Most likely to become president

Tara Layous Connor Meyer


Heart of gold

Kalie Miles George Babus


Most likely to befriend Kanye

Madison Barnett Carl Adindu


Best musician

Lissette Araya Luciano Medina


Best dressed

Micala Boyd Jeremiah Eaton


Most attractive

Sofia Balac Joey Yoniles


photo by Melana Djuraskovic SHREDDING ON STAGE Cody Phillips, senior, plays guitar during his junior year Battle of the Bands. Behind him, Luciano Medina, senior, plays the drums. Both Cody and Luciano were members of the band the Neighbors, formerly known as Three Hunks in a Basement.

Most athletic

Jaycee Helmer Vince Bravo



Most intelligent

Kali Konstantinopoulos Evan Dong


Best-Best friends

Riley McKeever Fatima Mahmood


Cutest couple

Oliva Foley Cody Crary


Best hair

Jasmine Toor Connor Nussbaum



No Transportation Zone

First MRT Their sophomore year, seniors were introduced to MRT, or Mustang Resource Time. This gave seniors the oppourtunity to work on homework after lunch periods

The No Transportation Zone or NTZ was a one mile required walking radius around schools in the district implemented in 2015. IN IT FOR THE LONG RIDE On the bus during his sophomore year, Merrick Lieser, senior, listens to his phone near the back of the bus.

DANCING DINGA Verania Rivera and Madison Dinga, seniors, laugh during the Dance Marathon during their sophomore year.


Best humor

Katie Dedelow Noah Moell

photo by Weronika Bilek

Last Dance Marathon

Dance Marathon, held last in 2016, was a Student Government held event which partnered with Riley’s Children’s Hospital to raise money for patients.



New Emergency Procedures

During the 2016-17 school year, the school introduced new safety procedures like lockdowns and lockouts. Drills to practice the new procedures were practiced by students throughout the year.

superlatives03 may 18, 2018

Senior bests Most likely to win an Oscar

Chloe Jancosek Noah Moell


Most likely to become successful

Kali Konstantinopoulos Joey Yoniles


Best social media aesthetic

Micala Boyd Ian Brundige


Most likely to become president

Tara Layous Connor Meyer


Heart of gold

Kalie Miles George Babus


Most likely to befriend Kanye

Madison Barnett Carl Adindu


Best musician

Lissette Araya Luciano Medina


Best dressed

Micala Boyd Jeremiah Eaton


Most attractive

Sofia Balac Joey Yoniles


photo by Melana Djuraskovic SHREDDING ON STAGE Cody Phillips, senior, plays guitar during his junior year Battle of the Bands. Behind him, Luciano Medina, senior, plays the drums. Both Cody and Luciano were members of the band the Neighbors, formerly known as Three Hunks in a Basement.

Most athletic

Jaycee Helmer Vince Bravo



Most intelligent

Kali Konstantinopoulos Evan Dong


Best-Best friends

Riley McKeever Fatima Mahmood


Cutest couple

Oliva Foley Cody Crary


Best hair

Jasmine Toor Connor Nussbaum



No Transportation Zone

First MRT Their sophomore year, seniors were introduced to MRT, or Mustang Resource Time. This gave seniors the oppourtunity to work on homework after lunch periods

The No Transportation Zone or NTZ was a one mile required walking radius around schools in the district implemented in 2015. IN IT FOR THE LONG RIDE On the bus during his sophomore year, Merrick Lieser, senior, listens to his phone near the back of the bus.

DANCING DINGA Verania Rivera and Madison Dinga, seniors, laugh during the Dance Marathon during their sophomore year.


Best humor

Katie Dedelow Noah Moell

photo by Weronika Bilek

Last Dance Marathon

Dance Marathon, held last in 2016, was a Student Government held event which partnered with Riley’s Children’s Hospital to raise money for patients.



New Emergency Procedures

During the 2016-17 school year, the school introduced new safety procedures like lockdowns and lockouts. Drills to practice the new procedures were practiced by students throughout the year.

04 future plans A stepping-stone

future plans 05 may 18, 2018

may 18, 2018

to success

13Junior Prom

Seniors begin next stages of their lives with college, military, work force or other decisions

Grecian Gardens was the theme for the class of ‘18. A stereotypical high school milestone is obviously Prom. Although it may not be the MET Gala, Prom provides the height of glamour in many high school student’s lives.


University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa Thalia Choiros- Psychology and Criminal justice Meagan Thornburg- Accounting


Tempe Jessica Tarpo- Marketing Carl Adindu- Finance

University of Arizona

Tucson Merrick Lieser- Business Management


Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Tallahassee Adaobi Chelsea Okolocha- Biology

Georgia Emory University

14 First

Volleyball Tournament

Atlanta Hansa Vavilala- Fiance and Biology

Illinois Aurora College

Aurora Alec Spicer- Business

Bradley University Peoria Arlee O’Shaughnessy- International Business

The Volleyball Tournament, hosted by Student Government for the Benedictine University Lisle first time last year, is a tournament, complete with a bracket, in the Andrew Rapata- Music Education fieldhouse. Team Visor won the Columbia College Chicago tournament both years. Victoria Reardon- Photography Abigail Rivera- Fashion Design

DePaul University

Chicago Alejandro Flores- Film and Television Taylor Moreno- Hospitality

Eastern Illinois University

Charleston Steven McDunn- Communications

Loyola University Chicago Chicago Maxwell Servi- Accounting Jessica Wiess- Microbiology

Lincoln College photo by Summer Witvoet A TOURNAMENT TO REMEMBER Connor Meyer, then junior, sends the ball over the net while his other team members of Team Visor during the first volleyball tournament, where the team was composed of juniors. Team Visor won the first and second tournament.

Chicago Efthymia Bissias- Art Education

South Suburban College South Holland Elise Garcia- Psychology and Criminolgy

University of Illinois at Chicago Arizona State University

THE WALK DOWN Being escorted for their first Prom, Olivia foley and Micah Flahaven, then juniors, walk through the gym for their first Grand March.

School of the Art Institute

Lincoln RJ Moore- Criminal Justice

Roosevelt University Chicago Laith Srour- Computer Science

Chicago Haley Hensley- Graphic Design Cameron Smith- Business

Indiana Ball State University

Muncie Nicole Biel- Speech Pathology Alexandra Campbell- Psychology Sarah Graves- Psychology Camille Gallicho- Business Analytics Gavin Hamilton- Microbiology Jake HemingwayTelecommunications Brooke Metzger- Forensic Psychology Xavier Unzueta- Nursing

Bethel College

Mishawaka Kaylee Galvan- Nursing

Aleksandra Manojlovic- Exercise Science and Pre-Med Connor Meyer- Law and Public Policy Karina Monjaras- Marketing and International Business Matilde Nelson- Computer Science and Pre-Med Kwame Nnuro-FrimpongBiomedical Sciences Ameerah Omar- Environmental Law Sunny Patel- Business Alexis Pedraza- Biology Ben Rasamimari- Neuroscience Abby Resech- Business Management Liv Rivich- Dance, Pre-Med Joseph Roe- Neuroscience Ashley Savickis- Nursing Sam Springsteen- Sports Marketing and Management Lauren Stofko- Hospitality, tourism, Travel Easan Venkat- Public Policy Analysis Michael Weiner- Business Administration Robert Wente- Music-Vocal Performance

Butler University Indianapolis Kalie Miles- Healthcare and Busniess Colin O’Brien- Health Sciences

DePauw University

Greencastle Ian Brundige- Studio Art and Communications

Indiana University Bloomington

Anusuya BandyopadhayNeuroscience Thomas Barron- Business Bella Blackford- Psychology/Business Maria de Casas Rucinski- Arts Danielle DeCesaris- Microbiology Katie Dedelow- Biology Carson DeLooff- Education Evan Dubose- Undecided Mackenzie Duff- International Law Olivia Eldert- Business and Media Jack Foster- Astronomy and Astrophysics Jacqueleen Gonzalez- Marketing Dakota Gronkiewicz- Neuroscience Emma Hand- Biology and Environmental Science Jonathan Harris- Biochemistry Shannon Hocker- Photography and Business Grace Iwachiw- Anthropology Daniel Kapitan- Computer Science Kali Konstantinopoulos-Intelligent Systems Engineering Tara Layous- Economic Consulting Ethan Levy- International Studies Silvia Lombardo- Global Development

Indiana University Northwest Gary

Mireya Barragan- Dental Hygiene Emilee Cobb- Computer Information Systems Olivia Dzurovcik- Nursing Neil Gainer- Art, Music, Business Taylor Homans- Education Zoe Lakomek-Undecided Anastasia Margaris- Nursing Michael Miles- Criminal Justice Vanessa Pascual- Elementary Education Brianna Plemons- Biology

Indiana University East

Richmond Citaly Munoz- Pre-Med

Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis Verania Rivera- Health Sciences Isabella Malagon- Exercise Science Justin Barrows- Mechanical Engineer and Motorsport Engineering Haley Hargrove- Nursing

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

East Chicago Christina Nowaczyk-Nursing Monique Castro- Business Management Andrea Lopez- Design Technology

Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Gary Connor McLoed- Computer Science Ashley Breger- Informatics Nemo Musleh- Surgical Technology

Purdue University West Lafayette George Babus- Undecided Ben Barilla- Health and Human Sciences Justin Brent- Health and Human Sciences Alainna Carey- Accounting and Financing Guhao Chen- Business and Industrial Engineering Louis DalleCarbonare- Civil Engineering Tony Daniels- Finance Micah Flahaven- Biology Johnny Groen- Pharmaceuticals Haleigh Gronwold- Computer Science Emma Harveth- Engineering Joshua Hoogewerf- Mechanical Engineer Technology Michael Hrinda- Chemical Engineering Gabie Ingoglia- Engineering Sarah Johnson- Nursing Jack Jones- Engineering Scott Kenning- Electrical Engineering Hannah Levy- Nursing Justin Lukowski- Engineering Sara Mavity- Biomedical Engineering James McKeever- Computer Sciences Josh Novosel- Nutritional Sciences Lauryn Nunez- Nursing Ryanna Pastrana- Cybersecurity Cody Phillips- Engineering and Mathematics Kate Radde- Engineering Jenai Richards- Psychology Fayth Schutter- English Ria Shah- Finance Ben Shelton- Building Management Technology Jason Stout- Civil Engineering Alexandria Shinkan- Biology Ryan Thometz- Pre-Physical Therapy Jennifer Watterson- Genetic Biology Alex Weakland- Economics Victoria Williams- Undecided Samuel Woolsey- Environmental Geosciences Alex Wright- Health Sciences

Purdue University Northwest Hammond Brianna Alvarez- Biology/Pre-med Jason Bayless- Business: Human Resource Management Joseph Bermudez- Communication: Journalism Angelo Bruno- Undecided Kelli Canul- Nursing Nadia Cruz- Computer Science Madison Dinga- Communications Michael Dolinski- Business Michael Edington- Criminal Justice Zach Eng- Accounting and Finance Erika Escutia- Criminal Justice Eveen Haddad- Civil Engineering Olivia Hesterman- Psychology Logan Hoskins- Computer Information Technology Paige Kessler- Nursing Lindsey Martin- Hospitality and Tourism Management Halen Paz- Undecided Tracy Perezchica- Biology

Emma Progler- Nursing Carson Ramirez- Organization Leadership and Supervision Francesca Servi- Animation Ally Snyder- Physical Therapy Mitchell Switalla- Mechanical Engineering Nick Szala- Math Education Kestutis Vaitkus- Undecided Gretchen Wineinger- Computer Graphics Technology Megan Wolski- Undecided



Baltimore Joseph Yoniles- Biophysics

Abigail Nita- Kinesiology

University of Virginia Charlottesville

Johns Hopkins University United States Naval Academy

Annapolis Brooke Dills- Chemistry

Carthage College

Kenosha Gwynn Hammermeister- Political Science

Massachusetts Amherst College Amherst Vivian Wei- Biology

Valparaiso University


Marquette University

Valparaiso Aaron Richards- Psychology Kinan and Sports Management

Williams College

University of Wisconsin Green Bay Rebecca Radtke- Pre-Med

University of Notre Dame


University of WisconsinMadison

Williamstown Rebecca Dodgson- Undecided

South Bend Sofia Balac- Business Olivia Foley- Chemistry and Pre-Med

Grand Valley State University

Madison Zack Montes- Mechanical Engineering Aileen Wagner- English


University of Wisconsin Parkside

Kansas City Jacob Anderson- Business

Kenosha Kendel Ziel- Mechanical Engineering

Grand Rapids Adam Reinsma- Undecided

University of Indianapolis Indianapolis

Rockhurst University

Taylor Fishman- Music Education Amy Kaniewski- Business


Viterbo University

North Carolina

Iowa State University

Duke University

Iowa City Joey Baeza- Chemistry

Durham Lissette Araya- Enviromental Science



New York

Garden City Taneigh Boyd- Pre-therapy

Keuka Park Lauren Kuipers- Sign Language Interpretation

Garden City Kansas Community College

Saint Louis University

Keuka College

Madrid Micala Boyd- Communications




Baldwin Wallace University

Bellarmine University Louisville Sophie Sakelaris- Accounting

University of Kentucky

Work Force

Rhode Island

Ethan Boudreau- Work Force Undecided Patricia Hernandez- Work Force Undecided Adam Kojich- EMT Training Anna Marcuccilli- Work Force Undecided William Michalski- Work Force Undecided Chloe Moffett- Work Force Undecided Breanna Riordan- Beauty School Jeremiah Yuhas- Trades

Providence Evan Dong- Undecided


South Carolina

Colby College

College of Charleston

Charleston Molly Dolan- Marine Biology

Waterville Katherine Dodgson- Biology

Noah Montoya- Air Force

Berea Reed Watkins- Marketing

Brown University

Lexington Luciano Medina- Music Performance

La Crosse Erin Wilkens- Dietetics and Nutrition

Colleges across Seniors attend colleges across the the country United States, most stay in Indiana 1 1 1

1 1









1 1


4 2


Maryland 2

Most popular majors 1. Engineering

2. Nursing


3. Business

Madrid, Spain 1

source: Crier survey of 228 seniors, out of 390, on GoogleForms

Massachusetts 2 Rhode Island


06 academic awards may 18, 2018

Best of the


Students received honors at Academic Awards ceremony last night Underclassman honors Junior Class highest honors: Anuoluwapo Abioye, Alina Arzumanian, Samantha Barraza, Megan Dedelow, Nicholas Dorai, Katharine Foley, Madeline Foreit, Catherine Gilhooly, Wisdom Ibikunle, Shreyas Iyer, Madison Lakomek, Nicholas Larson, Justin Lee, Ella McComis, William McComis, Eli Nirenberg, Chyan Rangel, Priyana Reddy, Harshavardhan Sanaka, Karolina Sroka, William Stephan, Eli Stricker, Sage Sweeney, Samuel Szala, Tyler Zabrecky, Asmae Zehraoui Hoosier Boys’ State award: Joseph Bellahcen, Jonah Clark, Nathan Karnezis, Eli Nirenberg, Nicholas Peirick, Adam Wisniewski, Frank Wolf Hoosier Girls’ State award: Samantha Barraza, Elizabeth Fonseca, Jaclyn Webber

Department awards Art: Outstanding Senior: Ian Brundige; Olivia Truett- 12-AP Studio Art; Melina Banaszak- 12-Ceramics; Grace Iwachiw- 12-Ceramics; Viviana Luna- 11-Painting III; Hazel Wolf10-Drawing; Matthew Cortez- 10-2D Art II Business: Outstanding Senior: Sophia Sakelaris; Abigail Resch12-Accounting; Sophia Sakelaris12-Business Law; Joseph Bellahcen11-AP Computer Science A; Layna Kounelis- 10-Marketing; Mahsa Farahani- 9- Digital Applications; Isaiah Rosinski- 9-AP Comp. Science Principles Family & Consumer Science: Outstanding Senior: Zoe O’Dea; Alyssa Meegan- 10-Interpersonal Relationships; James Adams- 10-Prep for College and Careers Music: Outstanding Senior: Luciano Medina; Richard Caraher- 12-Choir; Kimberly Giannini- 12-Choir; Matthew Levin- 12-Band; Arlee O’Shaughnessy12-Band; Lissette Araya- 12-Orchestra; Andrew Rapata- 12-Orchestra

Science: Outstanding Senior: Emma Hand; Kayla Prowell- 11-Anatomy & Physiology; Noelle Long- 11-AP Biology; Ariel Velasco- 10-Chemistry I; Caroline Chael- 10-Honors Physics; Kristin Sell- 10-Integrated Chemistry & Physics; Joseph Kobelansky9-Earth/Space Science Social Studies: Outstanding Senior: Connor Meyer; Efthymia Bissias12-Advanced Sociology; Sofia Balac12-AP Economics; Kali Konstantinopoulos- 12-AP Government; Ella McComis- 11-AP Psychology; Wisdom Ibikunle- 11-AP US History; Tyler Devenny- 9-AP Human Geography World Languages: Outstanding Senior: James McKeever; Lauren Kuipers- 12-American Sign Language II; Michael Hrinda- 12-French IV; Rebecca Dodgson- 12-French V; Micala Boyd- 12-Spanish IV; Sami Muhrez- 10-Spanish III; Holly Kaim9-Spanish II Indiana University World Language Honors Program France: Sara Arndt, Lilia Brunetti, Abigail Burris, Moira Glowacki, Srija Thipirneni, Petra Sweis, Casey Wallace Spain: Brendan Bleza, Stephanie Cipowski-Smith, Vanessa Koultourides, Casey Meldgin, Madison Steapleton, Eli Stricker, Emma Stricker, Allison Snyder, Kathir Venkat The DOC 200 Project Award: Taylor Dvorscak, Haleigh Gronwold, Eli Nirenberg, Sophia Sakelaris, Jasmine Toor Underclassman Principal’s Award for Excellence 2018: Madeline Foreit, 11; Shreyas Iyer, 11; Eli Nirenberg, 11; Lilia Brunetti, 10; Grace Gozdecki, 10; Alyssa Nahnsen, 10; Ann Ostojic, 10; April Roberts, 10; Emily Zabrecky, 10; Demetrios Fotopoulos, 9; Shriya Iyer, 9; Maureen Van Matre, 9

Senior honors Principal’s Award of Excellence 2018: Lissette Araya, Zachary Eng, Kali Konstantinopoulos, Luciano Medina

Physical Education: Outstanding Senior: Megan Thornburg; Mia Adamus- 9-Physical Education I & II; Aaron Gorny- 9-Physical Education I & II; Holly Kaim- 9-Physical Education I & II; Benjamin Mellon- 9-Physical Education I & II; Brett Soeka- 9-Physical Education I & II; Caeden Taylor9-Physical Education I & II

Previous Winners of the Principal’s Award of Excellence: 2017: Anthony Daniels, 11; Brooke Dills, 11; Emma Hand, 11; Kalie Miles, 11; Easan Venkat, 11; 2016: Ian Brundige, 10; Gabrielle Ingoglia, 10; Tara Layous, 10; Silvia Lombardo, 10; Isabella Malagon, 10; Alexandria Shinkan, 10; Joseph Yoniles, 10; Kendal Ziel, 10; 2015: Olivia Foley, 9

Project Lead the Way: Engineering: Outstanding Senior: Joshua Dragicevich; Joshua Dragicevich- 12-Intro to Engineering Design; Justin Lee11-Digital Electronics; Benjamin Foreit- 11-Principles of Engineering; Mirela Jeknic- 10-Civil Engineering & Architecture; Milena Trivunovic10-Intro to Engineering Design; Francis Hovland 9-Intro to Engineering Design

Student Leadership: Student Body President- Tara Layous Student Body Vice-President- Katie Dedelow

English/Language Arts: Outstanding Senior: Kalie Miles; Ian Brundige- 12AP English Language & Comp; Olivia Foley- 12-AP English Language & Comp; Joseph Bellahcen- 11-AP English Literature & Comp; Miryam Brody- 11-AP English Literature & Comp; Emma Higgason- 10-Honors English 10; Demetrios Fotopoulos- 9-Honors English 9 Mathematics: Justin Lukowski- 12-BC Calculus; Danielle DeCesaris- 12-AB Calculus; Rebecca Radtke- 12-Precalculus; Eli Nirenberg- 11-AP Statistics; Justin Lee- 11-Precalculus; Joseph Bellahcen- 11-Algebra II; Colin Garmon- 10-Algebra II; Sarah Resch9-Geometry; Mahsa Farahani- 9-Geometry; Maria Barron- 9-Algebra I

Senior Class highest honors: Lissette Araya, Sofia Balac, Nicole Crowe, Brooke Dills, Katherine Dodgson, Rebecca Dodgson, Zachary Evan Dong, Olivia Foley, Colin Gaither, Haleigh Gronwold, Emma Hand, Jonathan Harris, Michael Hrinda, Gabrielle Ingoglia, Jack Jones, Scott Kenning, Kali Konstantinopoulos, Tara Layous, Ji Yoon “Jean” Lee, Matthew Levin, Justin Lukowski, James McKeever, Abigail Nita, Adaobi Okolocha, Katherine Radde, Nicholas Szala, Hansa Vavilala, Vivian Wei, Joseph Yoniles

Senior special awards MHS Booster Club John Mybeck: Grace Iwachiw MHS Booster Club Grand Mustang: James McKeever, Easan Venkat MHS Booster Club Colleen Lusk: Steven McDunn Munster Lions Club Scholarship: Carsyn DeLooff, Sara Mavity, Sarah Wanicki

Munster Rotary Club Scholarship: Connor Meyer, Allison Snyder Jim and Betty Dye Scholarship: Richard Caraher, Alainna Carey, Nicole Crowe, Katie Dedelow, Olivia Eldert, Micah Flahaven, Colin Gaither, Kimberly Giannini, Haleigh Gronwold, Emma Harvath, Marco Ivetich, Scott Kenning, Tara Layous, Matthew Levin, Sara Mavity, James McKeever, Connor Meyer, Cody Phillips, Katherine Radde, Fayth Schutter, Nicholas Szala, Easan Venkat Yiorgo Karnezis Scholarship: Micah Flahaven, Kendal Ziel Munster-Highland Tri Kappa Academic Scholarship: Kali Konstantinopoulos Munster-Highland Tri Kappa Fine Arts Award: Maria de Casas Rucinski Munster-Highland Tri Kappa Performing Arts Award: Chloe Jancosek Munster-Highland Tri Kappa Band Award: Arlee O’Shaughnessy Munster-Highland Tri Kappa Orchestra Award: Andrew Rapata Eads PTO Scholarship: Lauryn Nunez Frank H. Hammond K-Kids Scholarship: Lauren Stofko Dr. Wallace Underwood Education Award: Andrew Rapata Central Indiana Community Foundation Joel Yonover Scholarship: Chloe Jancosek, Alexandria Shinkan Edward “Robbie” Robertson Memorial Scholarship: Justin Lukowski, Kalie Miles Dr. Terry White Memorial Scholarship: Grace Iwachiw Janice Grau Watson Memorial Scholarship: Dominick Servi Indiana University Bloomington Scholarship: Emma Hand, Kali Konstantinopoulos Legacy Foundation Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship: Khavand Peddi Legacy Foundation Primich Family Scholarship: Aneri Patel Munster Chamber of Commerce MHS Scholarship: Sara Mavity Eternal Valor Foundation 1st Lt. Shaun Blue Memorial Scholarship: Matthew Levin

Senior Class awards and scholarships Jacob Anderson: Rockhurst University, Knapp Scholarship Lissette Araya: Duke University, David M. Rubenstein Scholarship, perfect score of 800 on SAT Subject Test Spanish, perfect score of 36 on ACT English, National Merit Commendation Michael Archer: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Rose-Hulman Merit Scholar, offered one scholarship from another university Joseph Baeza: Iowa State University, George Washington Carver Scholarship, Deans Academic Excellence Scholarship, also offered four scholarships from other universities Sofia Balac: University of Notre Dame, Direct admit to Mendoza College of Business, also offered three scholarships from other universities Nicole Biel: Ball State University, Presidential Scholarship Efthymia Bissias: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Merit Scholarship Justin Brent: Purdue University West Lafayette, offered two scholarships from other universities Ian Brundige: Depauw University, University Merit Award, also offered three scholarships from other universities Kelli Canul: Purdue University Northwest, Merit Scholarship, North West District Nurses Scholarship Richard Caraher: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, Direct Admit to College of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Guhao Chen: Purdue University West Lafayette, offered a scholarship from another university Calvin Christiansen: Purdue University Northwest, Academic Achievement Scholarship Danielle DeCesaris: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship Katie Dedelow: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, Direct Admit to College of Arts and Sciences, Orpha Davison Scholarship, also offered three scholarships from other universities Carsyn DeLooff: Ball State University, offered 11 scholarships by other universities Brooke Dills: United State Naval Academy, full tuition scholarship Katherine Dodgson: Colby College, perfect score of 36 on ACT English Rebecca Dodgson: Williams College, National Merit Scholar Finalist, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading, perfect score of 36 on ACT Science Molly Dolan: College of Charleston, College of Charleston

Merit Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Zachary Evan Dong: Brown University, National Merit Scholar Finalist, perfect score of 800 on SAT Math Olivia Dzurovcik: Indiana University Northwest, offered two scholarships from other universities Jeremiah Eaton: Wabash College, President’s Scholarship, Honor Scholarship, also offered three scholarships from other universities Olivia Eldert: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Micah Flahaven: Purdue University West Lafayette, also offered two scholarship from other universities Alejandro Flores: DePaul University, St. Vincent DePaul Scholarship Olivia Foley: University of Notre Dame, National Merit Scholar Winner, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading Colin Gaither: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship Kimberly Giannini: Purdue University West Lafayette, Presidential Scholarship, also offered a scholarship from another university Hannah Giba: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading Haleigh Gronwold: Purdue University West Lafayette, offered seven scholarships from other universities Emma Hand: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, Wells Scholarship, National Merit Finalist, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading, also offered one scholarship from another university Jonathan Harris: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, J. Kent Scholarship, Antic National Merit Scholar, National Merit Scholar Finalist, also offered two scholarships from other universities Emma Harvath: Purdue University West Lafayette, offered four scholarships from other universities Jaycee Helmer: Butler University, an academic scholarship Haley Hensley: The University of Illinois at Chicago, Merit Tuition Rate Award Khaleel Igue: Indiana University Bloomington, Hudson and Holland Scholarship, SPEA General Scholarship, also offered one scholarship from another university Gabrielle Ingoglia: Purdue University West Lafayette, American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Marco Vincent Ivetich: Indiana University Bloomington, Hudson and Holland Scholarship, Provost’s Scholarship, William R. Fry Scholarship Amy Kaniewski, University of Indianapolis, Richard Lugar Scholarship, I.R.A.A Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Scott Kenning: Purdue University West Lafayette, Presidential Scholarship, National Merit Commendation, perfect score of 36 on ACT Science, also offered two scholarships from other universities Emma Klefeker: New York Film Academy, New York Film Academy Talent Scholarship, also offered four scholarships from other universities Kali Konstantinopoulos: Indiana University Bloomington, Wells Scholarship, Provost’s Scholarship, Direct Admit to School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, perfect score of 800 on SAT Math and Subject Test Math Level II, perfect score of 800 on SAT English, perfect Score of 1600 on Cumulative SAT, perfect score of 800 on SAT Chemistry, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading and English, National Merit Scholar Finalist, also offered one scholarship from another university Kinan Kudaimi: Valparaiso University, Honors Scholarship, also offered four scholarships from other universities Lauren Kuipers: Keuka College, Alumni Association Scholarship Ji Yoon “Jean” Lee: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship Matthew Levin: Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Premier Young Talent Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Merrick Lieser: University of Arizona-Tucson, Arizona Excellence Award Silvia Lombardo: Indiana University Bloomington, Amy Johnson Roth Scholarship, June and Darl Miller Scholarship, Direct Admit to School of Global and International Studies, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading Elian Magana: Bethel College, Bethel College Scholarship Fatima Mahmood: Indiana University Northwest, Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship, also offered one scholarship from another university Isabella Malagon: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Raise Me Scholarship, Anna A. Schmook Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Sara Mavity: Purdue University

West Lafayette, offered 12 scholarship from other universities Steven McDunn: Eastern Illinois University, Gary Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting Scholarship Luciano Medina: University of Kentucky, Music Scholarship Connor Meyer: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, Civics Leader Award, also offered two scholarships from other universities Kalie Miles: Butler University, an academic scholarship Noah Moell: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, also offered seven scholarships from other universities Karina Monjaras: Indiana University Bloomington, Hudson and Holland Scholarship Zackery Montes: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Powers-Knapp Scholarship, First Robotics Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Emily Mudroncik: Indiana University Bloomington, offered a scholarship from another university Abigail Nita: University of Virginia, offered four scholarships from other universities Connor Nussbaum: Western Michigan University, offered two scholarships from another university Arlee O’Shaughnessy: Bradley University, Dean’s Scholarship, Legacy and Sibling Scholarship, Out-of-State Award Adaobi Okolocha: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, offered four scholarships from other universities Khavand Peddi: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Alexis Pedraza: Indiana University Bloomington, Hudson and Holland Scholarship, Direct Admit to College of Arts and Sciences Katherine Radde: Purdue University West Lafayette, offered one scholarship from another university Rebecca Radtke: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Phoenix Scholar Award Andrew Rapata: Benedictine University, St. Benedict Award, Music Scholarship, Athletic Band Scholarship, also offered two scholarships from other universities Aaron Richards: Valparaiso University, Honors Scholarship, Valpo Fund Alumni Award, also offered two scholarships from other universities Sophia Sakelaris: Ballarmine University, Monsignor Treece Scholarship Fayth Schutter: Purdue University West Lafayette, Presidential Scholarship Alexandria Shinkan: Purdue University, also offered two scholarships from another university Laith Srour: Roosevelt University, Trustee’s Scholarship Nicholas Szala: Purdue University Northwest, Academic Achievement Scholarship Meagan Thornburg: University of Alabama, Foundation in Excellence Scholarship Kestutis Vaitkus: Northern Michigan University, National Academic Award, Wildcat Achievement Scholarship Level II Hansa Vavilala: Emory University, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading, National Merit Scholar Finalist, offered one scholarship from another university Easan Venkat: Indiana University Bloomington, Provost’s Scholarship Aileen Wagner: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Direct Admit to College of Letters and Science Honors Program, also offered six scholarships from other universities Reed Watkins: Baldwin Wallace University, President’s Scholarship, BW Heritage Award, Come Live the Experience Award, also offered three scholarships from other universities Jennifer Watterson: Purdue University West Lafayette, Presidential Scholarship, also offered three scholarships from other universities Vivian Wei: Amherst College, National Merit Scholar Finalist, perfect score of 36 on ACT Reading, offered two scholarships from other universities Laura Weller: Trine University, PLTW Tuition Award, Trustee Scholarship, Tuition Incentive Grant, National Merit Commendation, also offered three scholarships from another university Robert Wente: Indiana University Bloomington, Jacob’s School of Music Academic Excellence Award, Indiana Premier Young Talent Award, Herbert Presidential Scholar Award, also offered four scholarships from other universities Jessica Wiess: Loyola University Chicago, Dean’s Scholarship, also offered four scholarships from other universities Erin Wilkens: Viterbo University, Dean’s Scholarshipn Alexandra Wright: Purdue University West Lafayette, an Academic Scholarship, also offered five scholarships from other universities Joseph Yoniles: Johns Hopkins University, perfect score of 800 on SAT Subject Test for Molecular Biology, perfect score of 36 on ACT English, offered four scholarships from other universities

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08 ‘18 Last goodbye photo by Emily Mudronzik

CLASS ROYALTY Turnabout King and Homecoming Queen Luciano Medina and Emma Harvath pose together at the firt Turnabout Pep rally

15 First CHEERING WITH THE CROWD Students cheer together during a pep session on the football field POSING FOR PICTURES Upon the soccer field, seniors Olivia Foley, Abby Nita, Jaycee Helmer, and Kendal Ziel, pose for pictures while holding flowers PUMPING UP A SWEAT During Spirit Week before Homecoming, Sarah Mavity, Olivia Eldert and Ally Shinkan dress in ‘80s workout clothes. photos by Megan Wolski, Kess Vaitkus

Turnabout Pep Rally

Throughout the past four years we have change ourselves, each

other and the district. The new challeges we have faced and the traditions we have said goodbye to have prepared us for our future.

Favorite MHS event to partipate in

49.1% 35.1% Prom


“New experience, new opportunities, just like having a whole new life for the next four years. Excited to see how that will turn out.” —Anusuya Bandyopadhyay



Battle of Dance & spirit week the Bands Game


source: Crier survey of 228 seniors, out of 390, on Google forms between May 2-16

PROM PRINCESS Smiling, Vannesa Pascual, and her boyfriend Alex Eismin walk in the Grande March for their junior prom. ALOHA Dressed in floral shirts and leis for Hawaian day at the Homecoming pep rally Laith Srour and Kyle Snyder cheer in the senior section. BALLAD At the Battle of the Bands audition, Jacob Fitch sings MUSTANG SPIRIT Dancers at the homecoming game pump up school spirit and shape an “HC” with their poms.

SIGN HERE Looking at their yearbooks Olivia Dzurovcik and Mara DiCarlo are among the first MHS students to recieve their yearbooks in spring. First the first time since eigth grade the class of ‘18 is able to sign their friends’ yearbooks in school.

photo by Easan Venkat

SUGAR, SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE Seniors Chelsea Okolocha, Kalie Vickers and Gabie Ingoglia laugh on the sidelines of this years powerpuff game. DEMONSTRATING WHAT TO DO At an assembly to inform students about drugs and alcohol Carl Adindu with the presenter acts out a scenario students may run into in their college careers.

RAISING THE ROOF During the 2018 Prom, attendees raise AJ Zachary to the air. READING THE MAP On another day of Spirit Week before Homecoming, Chris Mcleod and Morgan Hannenburg dress up on the designated day, as nerds and they carry a map to correlate with the outfit.

During school, instead of after school, for the first time Turnabout King was announced during a pep rally, not an after school student faculty basketball game.

16Practice Last Several head coaches retired throughout this year. Mr. Leroy Marsh coach of football; Mr. Steve Lopez, Boys’ Tennis coach; and Mr. Sluder Girls’ Track coach.


Yearbook Delivery

For the first time in over 50 years the yearbook, Paragon, was delivered in spring. Seniors expect the spring supplement in the mail over summer; underclassmen will recieve theirs in MRT this August.

photo by Micala Boyd

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