McKinley High School 2021 Literary Magazine (digital)

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KHK K a H an a K au l an a The Celebr ated Work

McKinley High School Liter ar y Magazine 2021

Liter ar y Magazine 2021 Staff Adviser

Editor- in- Chief

Cynthia Reves

Takara Tasaki-Ardren, junior

Special Thanks

Design Editor

Barbara Hotta Abrew Jordin Carmichael Nathan Nakata Eren Padilla Brady Wiesner

An Vo, sophomore

Editors Rafael Elham, junior Waltzun Vanz Tuzon, freshman

Inter view with Cover Ar tist Anna Baker "Do you plan to pursue art after high school?"


"I'm planning to major in art and minor in business during college."

"What do your pieces mean to you?"



"Thank you for sharing the opportunity to participate in the contest. I'm honored to have won. I practiced art a lot more during the pandemic, and I'm glad it paid off."

"Any social media to look at your art?"



"The pieces were inspired by my interest in dark and eerie subjects. I enjoy stories and films that include demons, ghosts, and curses."

"What are your final thoughts to the Literary Magazine or our readers?"




"I have an art account on Instagram, @ano.anzu."


Here i s Ka Hana Kaul ana e have reached the finale of an unprecedented year? one where the winds of change resembled more of a gale. As always, our perception of this year differs for each and every one of us; however, there is a key similarity: it will be remembered by all. The memory will be etched, not only in the minds of those who experienced it, but in the slate of stone we call history. Indeed, the amount of events should have been impossible to happen in just a year, but here we are. From the pandemic that sent the world into lockdowns to widespread activism reminiscent of the civil rights era, the world will never be the same; and neither will the lives of those who lived through it. Not only did many have to deal with the virus, but many more had


to suffer from hate. We stand with the Black Lives Matter movement as well as Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders, and the LGBTQ+ community. 2021 will be ours. You and I, my dear reader, are facing the experience of a lifetime. An experience that I, personally, do not regret living through. Despite the obvious strife, this year has also been a year of innovation? new ideas, new technology, and a new appreciation for the little things in life. So, let us take an intermission. Let us take a moment to appreciate the creativity born from a tempestuous year and admire the great talents as well as the perseverance that shaped them. Good luck to the Class of 2021! May every endeavor be worthwhile.

Written by Rafael Elham, junior


Table of Contents Poetry "My Obachan's Melody" by Shane Kaneshiro..................................................................... 8 "Life's A River Ripple" by Yasmeen Shamim...................................................................... 9 "Lockdown" by An Vo......................................................................................................10 "Fallin'" by Takara Tasaki-Ardren....................................................................................... 13 "Dear Rylan" by Rodel Nakasone......................................................................................15 "Ode to Literary Masterpieces" by Yasmeen Shamim..........................................................21 "Hawaiian Beliefs" by Angela Yerten...............................................................................24 "Ode to Future Self " by Leila Mae Gonzales....................................................................25 "A Drive Through Vietnam" by Minh Duc Nguyen..............................................................27 "RAINBOW" by Rodel Nakasone.......................................................................................28 "Death" by Kairi Rice.......................................................................................................29 "Dear Mommy" by Autumn Battista................................................................................... 31 "I am" by Jennifer Li.......................................................................................................... 32 "Ode to Young Love" by Emma Do..................................................................................... 35 "My way" by Kyli Taketa................................................................................................... 36 "Flower of life" by Emma Do.............................................................................................. 37

Prose "Change in Gears" by Amy Ruan....................................................................................... "A Fight Between Two Worlds" by Jolie Tajon.................................................................... "Learning the Tiger Pride" by Waltzun Vanz Tuzon............................................................ "Learning Challenges During the Pandemic" by Althea Cunningham.................................. "My Running Journey" by Michaela Roark ........................................................................

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Art & Photography "Where Demons Hide" by Anna Baker............................................................................... 6 "Chikara Oikawa" by Stacy Cabusas.................................................................................. 7 "Rebirth" by An Vo..........................................................................................................11 "Drained" by Jese Reeves.................................................................................................20 "The Element of Shape" by Tylee Tom-Kekuewa................................................................23 "Life's A Breeze" by Matangimeke Kupu............................................................................26 "Ruby" by Zhenxi Cao......................................................................................................33 "Corruption" by Anna Baker............................................................................................. 38

Miscellaneous Ka Hana Kaulana's Note.................................................................................................. Colophon.......................................................................................................................


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Ka Hana Kaulana's Note In the 1930's, creative work by McKinley High School students published as a supplement in the school newspaper: The Pinion. In May-1946, that supplement became its own publication? Ka Hana Kaulana? which the staff translated as "the highest and finest creative work of any kind." The Literary Magazine had various names. In 2020, the staff brought back the name, "Ka Hana Kaulana." The 2021 staff ran with this idea. The editor-in-chief created the KHK logo you see on the front and back covers and the staff translated the Hawaiian name as "The Celebrated Work."

Student staff selected creative work and used Lucidpress for the design, with guidance from teachers in the English, Arts, and Graphics departments. A contest for each category winner delivered an amalgamation of McKinley's creative outlet. The 2021 magazine can now be something all can admire. Also, make sure to check out the expanded digital version of the 2021 Lit. Mag! It'll be up on and serves as a different aesthetic for what we couldn't do for the physical version. It can also be found on The Pinion's website at, under the Literary Magazine tab.

The magazine staff thanks English teachers Cynthia Reves and Barbara Abrew. Abrew, a long-time adviser who retired this year, set high standards and we took inspiration from the magazines she advised. While we did not have the pleasure of working with Ms. Abrew, we thank her for her wonderful work in the past.

Ms. Reves also guided us splendidly. Most of us had no experience creating a magazine and she led us expertly. There would be no magazine without her expertise and advisement, especially during the coronavirus crisis when all the work was done from our homes and the staff never met face-to-face.

Colophon This was a collaboration between the English, Art, and Graphics departments. Students submitted their work through a Google Form that transfers to a spreadsheet. The deadline to submit work was on May 18. Work was submitted was rated by the student staff. The layout was done on Lucidpress. Various meetings were held on Zoom due to the coronavirus pandemic. A draft was due to adult advisers on April 5. A final PDF of the magazine was due on April 12. Fonts used: - PT Serif - Playfair Display


Where Demons Hi de Anna Baker, seni or

This is the 2021's KHK cover and winner in the ar t categor y of the Liter ar y Magazine contest.


Chi kara Oi kawa St acy Cabusas, freshman

This ar t is an or iginal char acter, inspired from Haikyuu? a show about volleyball. I drew this digitally using a progr am called "Clip Studio Paint." I was inspired to dr aw this from a photo on Pinterest. I'm proud of the anatomy, line ar t, and color ing in this piece, since those are the main things I always tr y to work on when dr awing.


My Obachan?s Mel ody Shane Kaneshi ro, freshman

All the pure children have gone to collect their thoughts, called by their mother to drift into a tranquil blessing of dreams. And only the luminous children like to drift into an empty shadow. Still, there is a glimpse of the twinkling of the stars. Saying the silence of fear is enchanting or the mystery that mesmerizes the journey. Thinking, daybreak will release the darkness. Will the journey bless the spirits? Or should I promise the breath of life of the future?

This poem is about how I hoped the children of Hiroshima coped with the destr uction from the atomic bomb in August, 1945. Along with all the children, my obachan (gr andmother), who was 15 at the time, exper ienced the tr auma of the devastation. In this poem, the children desire peace, comfor t, and tr anquility while embr acing a br ighter future. This is the 2021's KHK winner for the liter ature categor y of the Liter ar y Magazine contest.


Li fe's A Ri ver Ri ppl e Yasmeen Shami m, freshman Life?s a river ripple, Disturbed and triggered by the slightest movements, It cuts through the surface like tears wetting the warm skin on your cheeks. You?ll stop shining brightly when night falls but you?re at ease, almost at peace. When rain pitter-patters down on the pond, it breaks the walls you've spent so much time building. It seeps through, your problems becoming a part of you. And when that ripple multiplies itself, life seems unbearable. There will always be more problems, and not all of them can be solved. So when the wind blows its troubles, fight and survive, For when the wind is calm, you?ll fade away into nothing but peace itself. Life?s a river ripple, But it doesn?t last long, so when you?re faced with difficulty, embrace it and feel alive, For there is no ripple without the river.

This poem compares life to a r iver r ipple and descr ibes the challenges and problems people face. Eventually, time and per sever ance will make the r ipples fade.


Lockdown An Vo, sophomore

The last semester was merry with cheer Until coronavirus closed the gates. Cases increased, making everyone fear. Hope had perished as people turned to hate. Events, such as prom, sat under the shade. Staring at the screen became the new trend. Students in their senior year felt betrayed; Time got lost between people and their friends. Another school year had begun anew; Yet, distance learning was still existent. However, it felt more like a review About how people should be persistent. Though the year wasn't what people expected, It taught them ways to be uninfected.


Rebi rt h An Vo, sophomore

This ar t shows a rebir th at McKinley High School. With the lessons lear ned from the coronavir us cr isis, schools can begin anew with a stronger education system. The wings were inspired by archival issues of The Pinion. "Pinion" is a synonym for "wing."


Change i n Gears Amy Ruan, juni or nly a thin sliver of glass and LEDs separates me from the game. Audible clicks and shots ring from the speakers. One voice cuts through all the gunfire, ?We got a mosasaurus incoming!? The person cries out before they stumble back, out of the boat, and into the cold waters. Mere seconds after, the so-called mosasaurus? a colossal ancient shark? shreds through the boat where the person once stood, angry that it still had one hunter left: me. Acting quickly, as I know the shark would want to resurface soon, I slip into the icy water. Hands on my belt of ammo, I shiver and struggle to reload the metal gun in my hands. My eyes burn in the icy waters but search for the oncoming threat. An audible roar rings through the waters, and soon after, one loud shot. I rise to the surface, letting out a held breath as words form on the screen: ?Survivors Win!? As my character gets transported into the lobby, the voice from before chimes up again. ?That was an unexpected turn of events. Glad it still worked,? said the voice, who goes by Clock. This was my partner during the hunt. We would fiddle with many strategies in many games, all cleverly crafted to ensure victories in all of them. However, with routine, comes uncertainty. ?How long will this last?? That thought would then dissipate. After all, the long, late-night conversations we would launch into every so often were welcome. It?s a little comical though, the irony behind a person nicknamed Clock, and the fact that they do not have a good sense of time. We often talked way longer than we should. Each day ticks down. This small, worried feeling slowly builds within me. Like a small insect, I would smack it away as it was


unwanted. Again, like an insect, the feeling persists. ?But, I do enjoy every bit of company? What if they do like me?? I nurture that feeling a little more with each passing day. It gets a little bigger once we add nice, daily good mornings to our routine. Until one single line crumbles the foundation of that good feeling: a crush. A crush Clock has on someone else. A seed of doubt is planted within the ruins of my mind as I try to regain some hope. However, it?s hard to recover what?s been destroyed. The days continue to tick down faster, and faster. Each day goes by like a set of instructions, like the hands of a clock, playing the same games with Clock over and over. Something clicks within me as the final days of the year creep closer. ?What if I made a change?? Anxiety strikes me like the ring of a grandfather?s clock chime. ?What if this? What if that?? Suddenly, my heart pounds faster with each passing tick. Still following the same motions as I always had, I slowly watch the clock tick into the final hours of the year. The thundering booms of the fireworks right outside do not help my beating heart. Rather, they boom alongside the beat of my heart. As the final minutes tick into place, I say my final words of the year: "I like you." Midnight strikes and there?s only radio silence. My heart stills, and so do the thundering fireworks. The ticking has stopped as if time is waiting for an answer. Slowly, the ticks move backwards, changing the system. Clock finally says the long-awaited words. Everything moves again; 2021 begins. The gears have been changed and set into a different, greater motion. With a larger grin on my face, filled with relief and happiness, I say the words that comfort both of us: ?Another game??


Fal l Takara Tasaki -Ardren, juni or ? You sucked me in, wholly into your grasp Your gaze shielded my eyes, I?m sense deprived Tears flowed Not protests Logic flew from me, desire flooded in Crevices gone, only corners dedicated to you Thoughts come and go Ones of you stay, plundering responsibility

You grazed my soul My entire being engulfed by this shadow A thing of suffering A thing of pain Nothing like before, nothing like those who I thought alright I didn?t acknowledge it, how could I?

I hurt with those sonnets of yours Ones meant to lift and harmonize cracks in the heart Nothing like the preconceptions my shattered self had I had my rage, my hurt And yet, there was its opposer Amongst that hate, I felt wonder Childlike in nature Selfish in reality I wondered if you were right


i n' Then there was that poke of my arm One for the detachment Another for those cracks opening Your shadow leaves, scraping off any traces it once had I realize it was no darkness, but a light One of blinding affection, an egregious sun It leaves my eyes, heart, soul Your marks disappear

I laugh, disbelief ?s court jester The door closes with a thud My heart drops in harmony My soul breaks in a chord of rhymes A blinding liquid blurs all I know My most inner parts contract, pain, it?s first instinct I dare to wonder once more, a harlequin my counterpart in this

It creeps upon me, that shadow In a blurred rage, my dulled eyes can still recognize it Wicked smiles Even rose edges of despair surround Not a single sound 'No escape', I remember My throat tightens in harmony with a cracked soul My eyes shut What else is there to do? I was meant to be joined with my eternal shadow You just happened to sweeten the bait.


Dear Ryl an Rodel Nakasone, freshman Rylan, you will always be in my life. You are easy to handle and always nice. I love you and you love me. I like how you would run up to me when I see you. You are always happy around people you know, Like me. You would always ask for help. And I would always help you. We both enjoy being together with our other siblings. You would cry when I have to leave for tutoring. I also feel sad when you have to leave too. We have some hard times together. We both could not see each other on certain days. You will always be loved. Even though you have to go soon, I will always think about you. But I hope to see you in the future. I will always love you and I will never be happy without you. You are the brightest person that I have seen. Rylan, thank you for being a good brother to me. I will miss you and forever we will be brothers.

This poem is for my brother so I could say "thank you" because he is ver y close to me even though we have difficulty seeing each other. Also, he is leaving soon; so I will feel sad because that takes away the oppor tunities to see each other.


A Fi ght Bet ween Two Worl ds Jol i e Tajon, juni or ?For being such an ominous god, you really do stick out like a sore thumb, Hades.? A taunting smile spreads over my face and my lips slowly turn up into a wicked grin. I stop a few feet in front of the tall god, watching as his eyes widen at the sight of me and an airy laugh escapes me, my breath turning into thin wisps of steam. ?I know what you?re probably thinking. I?m crazy for wearing such a short overcoat in this freezing New York weather, right?? I joke, flashing a brow while messing with the cuffs of my gray overcoat. He narrows his eyes at me, his expression darkening at my playful tone. Well, I?d say we?re definitely off to a great start. ?That?s not exactly what I was thinking, but now that you mention it ...? he mutters, rolling his eyes while shoving his hands into the pockets of his black trench coat. He lets out a heavy sigh, looking up towards the white sky. It was snowing, but neither of us seemed to mind. ?What?re you doing in the mortal realm, Fae?? "A little bird told me that you were trying to take New York for yourself, and she decided that she wasn?t going to just stand by and watch it happen,? I answer, humming as I sent him a faux grimace. He furrows his brows and his back straightens out, making him tower over me a bit more. I could already see the apprehension growing in his piercing eyes. It was almost satisfying to see how easy it was to tick him off. ?Look, I?ll be straight with you. If it were any other given day, I probably wouldn?t care about what?s on your to-do list.? ?Then what makes today so special?? he asks, a layer of annoyance in his tone. I roll my eyes and shift my weight to my back foot, resting a hand on my hip. "Well, when a goddess who could absolutely wreck your immortal life comes to you and tells you to do her dirty work, you do it,? I mutter, thinking back to the time Nyx had approached me. I could still see how shiny her pristine white teeth were even in the darkness that

surrounded her. And I could still feel how cold I had turned when her thin fingers grazed over my skin, sending a wave of shivers through my body. Every single one of her words jabbed at my mind regardless of how easily they flowed past her lips. A small shiver overcomes me, and I look away, hoping he hadn?t noticed. I take a deep breath of the icy air and let my eyes wander around the city. Mortals had been rushing around our figures as quickly as they could in true New York fashion. Their heads were all tilted down, eyes glued to either their phones or the dirty snow crunching under their shoes. I was honestly surprised that no one had snapped at either of us, telling us to move or get out of their way. I mean, we were kind of standing in the middle of the sidewalk just talking. I?m pretty sure we could get socially executed for something like this, right? ?Who sent you?? he asks, his eyes narrowing into a heavy glare. I curve my lips into a small smile, my eyes landing on a coffee shop just across the street. ?Because I know you wouldn?t go after me all on your own. You?re not stupid enough to pull something like that off.? ?How about we talk about this over some coffee? My treat. I know you?re the type that prefers to talk things out civilly before letting them get messy,? I say, ignoring his question. He doesn?t budge from his spot on the snow-covered pavement, and I let out a heavy sigh, disappointed in the choice he had made. ?Or we could just do things the way your brother likes to do it. What?s his style again?? I sigh, knowing things were about to get messy. This could?ve been so much easier for the both of us if he had just taken that coffee offer. I even would?ve paid. ?Do you really want to do this with me?? he asks, sliding his hands out of his pockets. I perk a brow, cocking my head to the side while a smug smile tugs at my lips. ?Oh! I remember how he likes to play. Smite first, ask questions later,? I say, flashing my eyes a little


wider to catch his full attention. I spin around on my heel and dash, following the flow of traffic that we had been rudely blocking. As I weave through the crowded sidewalk, I feel my hands start to heat up through my thin black gloves. It was hard to squeeze my small figure through the crowd, and I couldn?t help but wonder how the much taller god behind me was doing. I glance over my shoulder to see Hades chasing me, a flurry of people glaring at him as he apologizes for practically ramming his way through the heavy crowd. I hold in a laugh, knowing it would just aggravate him more--perhaps that?s just what I need. ?Fae! Get back here!? he shouts, still trying to push past people to get to me. ?Sorry. What was that? I can?t hear you over all this city noise, Pluto,? I tease as I make a quick cut into the first free alleyway. I look between the walls for a moment, wondering about my next move. My eyes land on a rusting fire escape, its ladder hovering high in the air. Perfect. ?You know not to call me that, you flaming idiot!? Well, that insult wasn?t original at all. I mean, really? Just because I?m the goddess of fire doesn?t mean you have to include flames in every insult. Fighting just gets boring after a while when that?s all they can come up with. Regardless of his weak jab, I decide to ignore it. Acknowledging it wouldn?t do me any good. ?What? Not a fan of your Roman name?? I quip. I run toward the opposite wall and jump, pushing off of it with enough power to launch myself over to the hovering metal ladder. My fingers hook onto the last rung, and as my body weight slams down, absolutely nothing happens. Are you seriously trying to tell me that I don?t weigh enough to pull the ladder down? ?You?ve got to be kidding me,? I mutter to myself, using my strength to pull myself up the rest of the way. ?Mortals make this look so much easier in the movies.? I manage to get myself up to the first platform just as Hades runs into the alleyway. I dust the snow off the metal railing before leaning against it, watching as he slams into one of the brick walls to stop himself from going any further. His eyes slowly meet mine as I cock my head to the side. I have to admit, he looks a little scary when he?s mad, but I know that he?s really just a softy under that little facade. I let out a light laugh and slowly strip my


overcoat, throwing it over the side of the fire escape so it lands right on his face. He growls and rips the cloth from his face as I start speeding up the icy steps, trying to make my way to the top of the building before he can even think about catching up to me. The layers of snow and ice melt under each of my agile steps, making a clear path for him to follow. I hop over a few ledges and pipes, rolling through my landings to avoid any sudden shocks of pain in my ankles. I glance over my shoulder to see if he's still chasing me, but he's nowhere to be found. I come to a sliding stop at the edge of the building, whipping my head around as I wondered where he had gone. I hadn?t been running that fast, had I? I slowly spin around once more until a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I yelp and slam my heel down onto the person?s foot, twisting my upper half to reach up and clasp my arms around their head and shoulders. I toss them straight over my hip, slamming their figure down onto the thick layer of snow. I look down to see Hades lying on his back, his face contorted in pain. ?What was that? You can?t just go wrapping your arms around a girl in the middle of New York City! They?re gonna think you?re abducting them or something!? I snap, glaring at him as if he were crazy. ?Then again, I wouldn?t exactly put that past you.? ?Why can?t you just let me have this one win?? he whines like a baby, resting his head against the snow. Some of his hair escapes the tight hold of the gel he had used, letting a few of the strands hang loosely in the cold air. ?Because Nyx would rather you not have this win,? I answer, biting the tips of my gloves to pull them straight off. I drop them to the ground, right next to his head. ?Plus, I kind of needed something to do today.? Flames surround my hand and I cock my right fist back, quickly bringing it down towards his face. He rolls out of the way and scrambles back onto his feet, his fingers wrapping around the back of my collar. I yelp as he yanks me towards the edge of the building. He spins me around, his hands clenching around my collar. ?You?re really just going to have to take my word for it, but I really do want to see you win, Hades. You?re the only one in this horrendous family that I?d actually like to see on top for once,? I say, resting my hands on his bare wrists. ?How thoughtful of you,? he sneers. I smile and heat my hands up, the immense

heat instantly burning his wrists. He yelps and lets go of my collar, his attention snapping down to his own wrists. I fall backward and slam down onto a metal platform that was jutting out from the wall. I groan in pain and slowly roll onto my side, my back already aching from the harsh fall. ?Well, that was lucky,? I mutter to myself. I wasn?t exactly aware that there was a platform under me, but hey, it worked out regardless. ?Why is it that you?re suddenly following orders like a good soldier? You?ve always been the wayward goddess that did whatever she wanted. You told Zeus to screw off to his face one time! What happened to that girl?? he asks, peering over the edge while rubbing his wrists. I slowly push myself back up to my feet and lean against the metal railing. ?I?m following orders because it?s Nyx, Hades. She could make my life a living hell with a mere snap of her fingers, and I probably wouldn?t be able to recover until 6020 or something,? I answer, rolling my eyes as if it weren?t obvious enough. ?Are you really that scared of her?? he asks, taking a seat on the stone ledge. His feet dangled over the edge, heels tapping against the brick wall. ?Are you really that scared of her--Yes, I?m that scared of her,? I mock, matching his voice in a more nasally tone. He scoffs and pouts, letting me know I had annoyed him. ?She?s the goddess of night and I?m the goddess of fire. You?d think I would have a little more confidence in myself, but when it comes to her, it all just vanishes.? ?Aw, sweetheart, do you want me to turn a nightlight on for you?? he teases. ?How about I knock your lights out instead?? I threaten, glaring at him from below. ?Pathetic.? ?Do you really want to talk about pathetic, Hades? You literally kidnapped your wife,? I snap, antagonizing him. His jaw visibly clenches, and I bite my bottom lip, knowing I finally found a subject that would rattle him completely. ?How is Persephone? I haven?t seen her since . . . well since she was back up here with her mother.? ?I think we can go back to the whole fighting thing now,? he growls. He pushes off the ledge and lands on the platform I was on. I smile and let flames dance around my fingertips. A wicked smirk plays onto his face and I wonder what was running through his

mind. His eyes suddenly glow crimson. Well, I wasn?t exactly expecting that- ?You know, I think we should take this somewhere a little more? personal.? ?A little more what--? He dives right at me and we both flip over the metal railing I had been leaning on, but instead of landing on the hard cement ground that I had been expecting, a wave of darkness surrounds both bodies. The only contrast in the darkness is his crimson eyes. I instantly reel away from him, sending a blast of fire to force him away. I continue to fall through the darkness, sending small blasts of fire to give me a source of comfort. Now he?s really taken me out of my comfort zone, and I don?t appreciate it. I suddenly slam against a hard surface and the darkness fades away. I let out a painful groan and push myself back up to my feet. Even though I?m an immortal goddess, the fall still hurt. ?Welcome to the underworld, Fae.? ?Why couldn?t we just have finished this in the city?? I mutter, looking around to see the dark shadows that seem to be creeping in every corner. I look behind me to see I am only a few feet from the edge of a cliff that seems to drop off for an eternity. I swallow hard, taking a large step away from the edge. ?I thought if we were going to fight over a city, it would be good to settle the dispute in the city.? ?Oh, I?d much prefer to fight here,? he says. He lifts his hands, revealing a thin crown of golden laurel leaves. He winks and places the crown on his head, his body instantly disappearing. My eyes widen even more as they frantically look around for any sign of him. ?Come on, Hades. That?s not fair. I didn?t know that you turned your helmet into a crown,? I whine, still trying to look for him. It was a useless act though since he?s invisible. ?How convenient for you,? I add, letting out a small huff afterward. My eyes scan the terrain, hoping a shift in the dirt will reveal his place. Something in the corner of my eye shifts and I pivot on my toes, sending a large blast of fire towards the movement. Nothing happens? no cry of pain, no angry god revealing himself, nothing. I grimace at the underwhelming reaction. I take a deep breath and create a ring of fire around my body, pushing my arms out to make the circle even larger. I hear a small cry of pain and instantly whip around to face the source.


Yet again, there was nothing there, but at least I know I hit him. ?Come on, Hades. I?m starting to get bored of your little game of hide and seek.? ?So am I.? I spin around to fight him off, but I?m roughly shoved back and forced over the edge of the cliff. I let out a small squeak and hook my fingers on the edge before I fall all the way. ?I didn?t know we were playing dirty,? I spit, annoyance filling my tone. I pull myself back over the edge and instantly roll out of the way of one of his punches. I scramble back up and send a blast of fire at him, knocking his little crown out of his hand. The laurel leaf crown slides over the edge and down into the pit. ?And that?s what happens when you shove me a little too hard.? ?You?re the one that burned me first,? he spits back at me. I roll my eyes and move my head side to side, hearing a satisfying pop from each movement. ?So, are we going to finish this or what?? ?Wow! That is the most assertive I've heard you be all day,? I exclaim, sarcasm dripping from my words. He growls and opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with a line of blasts. My movements are more than reckless, but they're still powerful enough to push him back towards the edge of the cliff. I keep swiping blasts of fire towards him, rough shouts following each of my movements. I step backward with each attack, unaware of how close I am to the edge of the cliff. I bring both of my hands across my chest and whip them down, sending one last harsh attack before falling right over the edge. A gasp fills my chest and my rage quickly disappears as my eyes meet the pit of darkness below me. And just as I thought I was going to be sent into an era of eternal damnation, a large hand clasps my wrist, keeping me hoisted up in the air. All my weight slams down and my shoulder aches from the harsh pull against my joint. I slowly look up to see Hades standing over me, a large smirk set on his face as he adjusts his grip on my small wrist. I glare at him and clench my jaw, annoyed that he had gotten the upper hand just by annoying me. ?You know, you?re a lot easier to beat when you?re not running your mouth,? he teases, nodding his head while loosening his grip on my wrist. I wrap my fingers around his wrist, trying to keep myself from slipping any further.


?And you?re seemingly easy to shut up once the person you?re fighting figures out what you?re really scared of.? ?If you tell me that you?re dangling me right over Tartarus, I will not hesitate to drag you down to the bottom of this hell hole with me,? I snap, my nails digging into the thin material of his sleeve. He laughs and tilts his head to the side, copying the mocking smile I had taunted him with not too long ago. ?What? Not interested in seeing Nyx all the way down at the bottom? I?m sure she?d just love to hear you just got bested by the one person you were supposed to be taking care of for her,? he says, loosening his grip even more. I flinch and shake my head, praying he won't actually let me go. ?Please, don?t let go,? I breathe out, hating how my voice quivers pathetically. I let out a small sigh and stare up into his eyes. They are no longer glowing crimson. I bite my bottom lip, trying to figure out what it is that I am supposed to say. Oh, how I hate having a sense of self-preservation. ?Do you mind repeating that? I don?t think I heard you properly. You said, ?let go?, correct?? he says, humming after his little taunt. I grit my teeth, thinking I?d rather him drop me than have the satisfaction of hearing me beg for him to let me up. I take a deep breath and hold it, wondering if I'm really petty enough for that. ?Please.? ?I?ll pull you up if you agree to a deal,? he says, nodding his head once. ?I hate you--? I mutter to him, barely even listening to his words, ?--so much.? ?I get New York and you get to walk free,? he offers. ?Deal?? I stare into his eyes for a few more beats before finally giving in. ?Deal.?

Drai ned Jese Reeves, freshman

This photo shows a Nor th Shore sunset taken above a dr ain pipe on a cool, fall evening. It shows the conver gence of nature and our presence.


Ode t o Li t erar y Mast erpi eces Yasmeen Shami m, freshman Dear literary masterpieces, word filled pages of hardships and fantasies, tears and feelings of anxiousness, thank you for letting me escape into a world of glory and mystery. Thank you for your neatly written pages, free of grammatical errors, my very own storyteller. What?s a life when I'm not living with you, who do I turn to? A great story book who awaits my arrival, practically begging me to turn to the next page, you truly make my heart race and slam against my rib cage with every plot twist and suspenseful phrase. Dear literary masterpieces you?re my only escape from screams and shouts, Living in a world of evil and rage, my only escape from the doubts and myself. At times, you?re my ideal, we have a perfect relationship and you never miss my calls, When I'm roaming through the shelves of the library halls. And when I listen to your secrets and explore the ups and downs of your history, You don't disappear or flee, you simply sit there waiting for me. You give me the space I request and all the time I need, and when I?m ready, you?ll help me escape once more; I?ll be your adventure buddy. You?ll call the shots and I?ll follow along, running through the pages of your sweet story song. Thank you for teaching me new vocabulary, thank you for teaching me how to write passionately, Thank you for all you offer continually, and I'll never leave your side.


Learni ng t he Ti ger Pri de Wal t zun Vanz Tuzon, freshman The Tiger Pride I always thought it would be a fun ride When I found out my brother was going to McKinley High School I thought it was cool I would drool All day thinking what the school will be I heard that every word meant something about ?Tiger Me? The Tiger Pride meant something I felt I have to see the bling Each day on the tippy top slope of my brain thinking of what is meant to have the Tiger Pride, obviously not plain Deep thinking sinking into my head but then in my brain I felt like I was in a Tiger?s den The Tiger stepped forward and prowled And stood and howled Yelled, ?How dare you step into my ground.? ?Leave at once,? as he was preparing to do a pound I said back, ?Wait, I want to ask a question that I want to leak?? The Tiger said with a smirk, ?Speak!? ?I wanted to know about what Tiger Pride even means? The Tiger said back, ?The heart that leans,? What does it mean? I thought Yet every day I still don?t know Do I have to know this though!? Yes, it is pride Then it hit finally, The Tiger Pride meaning came to me like a rally The Tiger Pride means to have pride of self, Your Loyalty Your Bravery Your Best It?s like a graceful dove Looking at the sky, but being above The Tiger Pride is special The Tiger Pride is lethal It is tradition It is the Tiger Pride That?s what it means to me Now I know what Tiger Pride is meant to be. ...


The El ement of Shape Tyl ee Tom-Kekuewa, juni or

This photo captures the element of shape, which is either or ganic or ar tificial. This photo captures the man- made shapes from the sunlight as it passes through the holes of the cinder blocks. The per son in this photo is Joab Cr uz, junior .


Hawai i an Bel i efs Angel a Yert en, freshman

Hawaiians were taught to care for the land In return, people received nourishment From the tall green mountains to the white sand, Humans and nature were coexistent. They treated others with aloha, too By showing them their love and compassion Living in Hawaii, you know it?s true It is more than just a fun attraction. Hawaiians taught future generations, Keeping their culture and beliefs alive Their way of life is an inspiration That I hope we, the people, can revive. .We should take care of the earth we live on And care for others before they are gone.

My poem is about how culture plays a big par t in how each of us grows up and defines who we are. As a Pacific Islander and a local in Hawaii, I wanted to wr ite a shor t poem of a few pr inciples that I grew up that can benefit other s. This poem is a lovely reminder of the spir it of Aloha, especially dur ing these hard times.


Ode t o Fut ure Sel f Lei l a Mae Gonzal es, freshman

Oh future self, working in the field of health, you are what little me has dreamed to be. Learning about health has always been one of my favorite things, making me excited every time. Just wanting to help my community out, it?s a path that has always called out to me. I learn more each and every day about health, though there?s still much to know. But it also makes me happy and excited to learn more. To my future self, what are you doing now? Is it something in public health? A pediatrician? Oh well, no matter what it is, I hope you?re still happy, smiling, learning, and helping others. My poem is for my future self or a vision of who I want to be. When I was little, I thought the healthcare field was not for me; however, it eventually found a place in my hear t and mind.


Li fe's A Breeze Mat angi meke Kupu, seni or

This photo shows the breeze of life as it comes and goes? blowing in all different directions with one breeze happening r ight after another. This is the 2021's KHK winner for the photogr aphy categor y of the Liter ar y Magazine contest.


A Dri ve Through Vi et nam Mi nh Duc Nguyen, freshman

On the drive to my great grandparent?s house, I stared out the window at the busy city streets, filled with stampedes of scooters and motorbikes speeding past shopping stalls packed with tourists. Ho Chi Minh was truly a sight to behold, with big bright billboards on every building and power lines stretching across the bright, blue sky. I looked back one last time as we left the city and entered the countryside. Instead of buildings, I was now met with trees and green forests filled with nature and fresh air and flat farmland home to all kind of crops and old, rickety houses barely holding on. I?ve already seen many sights during this long trip and yet, there?s still so many experiences yet to come, and I realized how truly vast the world really is and wondered what else I might be missing out on. But for now, I think I?ll just enjoy the rest of this trip. A trip on my visit to my home country of Vietnam.

My poem is about my visit to Vietnam a few year s ago. Since my family left Vietnam when I was ver y young, I couldn?t vividly remember much of my home countr y. This poem explains the impor tance of this visit because it helped me lear n about my home countr y and culture. It also made me fascinated in explor ing the world and seeing the different sights.


RAINBOW Rodel Nakasone, freshman My sister is a RAINBOW She is filled with bright colors. Like YELLOW She changes the feelings of people when she is around them. People look up to her when they feel stormy. When a storm passes by, there is a RAINBOW That RAI NBOW represents something, it is a sign from above. It could always be something positive. To see a RAINBOW is always good. At the end of the RAINBOW, there is a pot of GOLD. Even though she is a human, She is a RAINBOW

My poem is about my sister, who I compared with a r ainbow because she is cheer ful and changes other people's moods. The r ainbow represents the different emotions that people have while gold represents a fulfillment of happiness and your potential or goals.


Deat h Kai ri Ri ce, freshman

Death is inevitable, that?s a fact. No matter how much you fight and struggle In death?s hard, grueling grasp, you will be wrapped, The weight of death?s hand making you tremble. And we live our whole life being afraid, Afraid of what?s after, what?s after death. We search for the ways that death can be swayed, Hoping we live to take another breath But that is feeble, a feeble attempt To control something we don?t understand. Trying so hard 'cause we cannot accept That our time limit here cannot expand But you shouldn?t fear when your time will near, you should live your life until death comes here.

My poem was inspired by a YouTube channel called "Unus Annus," which was star ted by Mark Fischbach and Ethan Nestor on November 15, 2019 and ended a year later. Their main idea was, "What would happen if you only had a year to live?" They wanted people to enjoy their daily videos and par ticipate in challenges before the channel was gone.


Learni ng Chal l enges Duri ng t he Pandemi c Al t hea Cunni ngham, juni or tudents around the world have shifted to virtual learning due to the coronavirus. Everyone is struggling to overcome the massive learning obstacles that this pandemic caused. Students are failing and falling behind more than ever, even the teachers are struggling and stressed. My friends take refuge in each other; talking about their frustrations and helping each other with work. I would love to join them and complain about this school year and school in general, but I cannot. My circumstances do not allow it. From my teacher?s lesson plans, assignments, family situation, school schedule, to extra opportunities, I?m in a better situation than most. McKinley High School gave students the option to do either 100% virtual learning or take a hybrid schedule of both in-person and online classes. Once a week, I go to school physically. Then, I attend online classes for the rest of the week. I chose to take the hybrid schedule because I missed talking with teachers and friends. I also missed my safe place? the JROTC battalion. I spend more time working and hanging out there than any other part of the campus. It?s very nice to have a sense of familiarity while adapting to the new normal. My school changed the bell schedule three times. The most controversial change was making a full odd period week followed by a full even period week. I fell behind in school because of this. My biggest problem was maintaining the information that was taught. Having the same classes five days in a row is frustrating. Lessons run through fast. Assignments get stacked. Then, the next week, it?s the same situation but with different classes. It?s hard to recall things from a lesson two weeks prior. My time management skills suffered greatly, leading me to an abundance of missing and late assignments. Fortunately, I was able to pull myself together near the end of the first semester. While my GPA didn?t suffer, I know I could?ve done better if I had done more than just being frustrated and lazy; I could?ve studied or asked for help. Being self-directed is something I need to be able to do well as I want to get into West Point and accomplish big things. If I can?t turn in


assignments in time, how can I responsibly complete tasks and projects or fill out taxes and pay bills? I believe my teachers are doing well, regarding lesson plans and assignments. Unlike my friends, I haven?t been referring to YouTube for instructions on homework. Fortunately, my teachers have enough time to cover what they want each day. Assignments can get overbearing at times, but that?s usually my fault due to procrastinating. Sadly, I noticed that they are also stressed. My teachers work hard to help students get around issues with technology or confusion with instructions. I notice some of my classmates don?t ask for help or do the work. A lot of students come to school late after sleeping in, and I?ve even seen some students stop coming to class altogether. Overall, it hurts to see my teachers feeling lost, sad, or frustrated after trying so hard to make the best of the situations. I wish my friends? who also try in school? had my teachers because, more often than not, I see them stacked with 60 assignments from one class and YouTube videos for their lesson. My school ensures that teachers dedicate time after school to students who have questions or need support. I don?t take advantage of that opportunity much, but it?s comforting to know that there?s help if I need it. My family has been supportive of my learning as well. Even with unemployment and money concerns, they make sure that I have what I need for school and that I?m on top of important forms and events. They?re also understanding when I ask them to be quiet and not disturb me during classes. I felt really bad when I fell behind in the first semester. It?s not fair to my parents, my teachers, or myself when I procrastinate and ruin opportunities for the future. It?s like everyone?s hard work was for nothing, and I refuse to let that happen. This school year presented many obstacles in learning, causing everyone stress. I was blessed with help from both my family and teachers. My school has taken steps to help students as much as they can if the students take the opportunities. This year is a challenge, but there?s no one to blame except me if I fail.


Dear Mommy Aut umn Ah Mow-Bat t i st a, seni or Dear mommy, I wanted to thank you for giving me life because without you there would be no me. Thank you for all the hard work you do for all of us kids and for dad too. You make sure we have all that we need and some of what we want. You smell as beautiful as a rose when it first blooms, You fill my heart with light as if you were light itself. I?m truly blessed to call you mom because so many others out in the world can?t do that any more or have never been able to do that. Thank you for being our alarm clocks for school and our cook for every good meal Thank you for holding us as if we were still as small as can be. I pray to one day be as strong of a woman as you and just as kind too. I can?t ever imagine this life without you in it because you are my rock stronger than everything. You are our glue that holds this family together for better or for worse cause like you said: words don't just apply to just a marriage but all aspects of life. You are the apple of our eyes not just mine, I love you forever mommy and that's not a lie. I will never truly understand a mothers love for her child but one day I will and I will see what you see in me in my children. When that day finally comes I hope you're still here with me so I can thank you for helping me grow into the parent I will become.


I Am Jenni fer Li , freshman

I am worried, I am concerned I wonder when you?re gonna tell me I hear screams and cries from the same person that laughs the most I see scars and bruises from the same person that gives the most I want to help you? even if it just means listening I am worried, I am concerned I pretend that everything is fine but... I regret walking away when I know you?re not okay I touch the pieces of the broken masks you keep replacing I worry that no one will know how hard you struggle and fight I cry when I see you getting hurt and you try to hide it I am worried, I am concerned I understand that I can never relate to your pain I say I?ll be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on I dream of you letting go of your mask, letting it fly into the distance I try to ignore your scars, bruises, and your exhausted sighs you say not to worry about I hope you know that someone notices, that someone cares I am worried, I am concerned


Ruby Zhenxi Cao, freshman

This ar t shows Ruby? a girl who got lost in the forest. Ruby is my or iginal char acter, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood and an old hor ror game called "Ib." Because her eyes are shining like r ubies, I named her Ruby. I used my mobile phone to dr aw this picture, and the progr am was called Ibis Paint.


My Runni ng Journey Mi chael a Roark, juni or

any people don?t like running. I used to agree until I got involved in cross-country and track in middle school. When I first started running, I wasn?t the best but I didn?t give up, and that?s all that matters. As a runner, practice is the key, and over the years I became faster. During middle school, my time wasn?t that great because I had just started but then I went to high school. In my freshman year, I was so nervous because everyone was so good and I was very shy. I started out as a JV runner but by the end of the season, I was on the varsity team. Normally, freshmen and sophomores are on the JV team, but I worked hard and advanced. Not only did I make the varsity team as a freshman but also, I was the only freshman from my high school who went to state. Going to state was a dream come true because I knew the last two years had paid off. I ran 3 miles in 26:31 for state, plus I placed 183 out of 203. My sophomore year of high school was a little bit different because I was new to the island and to McKinley High School, so I thought I would be back on a JV team, but as soon as my coach saw how good I was, he put me on the varsity team. It didn?t matter what grade I was in because I had a dream, followed it, and worked really hard. Not everyone gets to be on the varsity team starting from their freshman years in high school as I did. For my sophomore year, I was so close to making state. I had made it to state qualifying, but I needed to place in the top 60 to go to state, held in Maui. Unfortunately, I placed 66 with the time of 26:30. In my junior year, we didn?t have cross country because of Covid, but I have kept running. One thing I have learned over the


years about my running journey is that you should have people supporting you and want you to achieve in life. I have amazing people who care about my future and are always proud of me for all the achievements in my running journey. An example is my JROTC Ranger team because they push me harder and they believe in me when I didn?t believe in myself. I am so thankful for them. You should join a team or a sport because they will become your family. This year as a junior it is devastating because there are no sports this year, but I have been practicing and improving so I will be ready for my senior year. Being in a sport is not easy because you need to get passing grades in your classes. I can't wait to see what the next years hold for me as I become a better runner and accomplish everything I want in life. Being a runner for almost 6 years has changed my life because when I am having a stressful day I feel better once I have completed my run. Also, running is a sport where I can show my true self, and it has changed my life in so many ways. Becoming a runner will make you better at any sports like soccer, football, softball, baseball, and many more. You should have faith in yourself and never give up on your dreams. Running makes me happy when I am sad, it helps with my stress, and I can be who I want to be. My running journey won?t stop because I have many more years to have become a much better runner than I am right now. I hope my story inspire you to never give up on your hopes and dreams because as long as you try, that is all that matters. Don?t give up on what you want to accomplish in life until you accomplish it


Ode t o Young Love Emma Do, freshman

She is as beautiful as a goddess Her eyes as deep as the ocean A smile that brings happiness to all. She is my love. A voice that makes the flowers grow She brings love that warms my heart Arms wrapped around my back. She is my love. A heart that could choose anyone And she chose me A girl barely holding on. She is my love.

My inspir ation for this poem was watching my fr iend fall in love. It was inspired by words a fr iend used to descr ibe the one he loved the most.


My Way Kyl i Taket a, freshman If you can give hope, Then that's pretty dope If you can give joy, Then that's something to enjoy If you can give money, Then that's pretty funny If you can give pain, That's something to strain I have hope But it is my cope I have joy, But I can't always enjoy I have money But its not runny I can give you pain But it's a vain. All I want to say Is this is my way This is a poem I wrote that doesn?t really reflect me. I tr ied to wr ite it in a way that maybe someone seems selfish but they actually are not. We always assume with fir st impressions and things we don?t know who they really are.


The Fl ower of Li fe Emma Do, freshman

Life is a flower A rose if you will Layered to make a beautiful bundle As the petals fall The flower starts to die Layers no longer making a beautiful bundle Life unravels The layers fall What you once thought you knew was all wrong What you assumed was true proven wrong Your life falls apart in front of you slowly The once beautiful flower leaves you in tears and despair


Corrupt i on Anna Baker, seni or

This ar t piece and the one on the magazine's cover were inspired by my interest in dark and eer ie subjects. I enjoy stor ies, films and ar t that include demons, ghouls, cur ses and other similar creatures. When I was asked to develop char acter s for an or iginal manga idea, I natur ally went in that direction. Both pieces were done on "Procreate," a dr awing software.


Student Staff Note... If you're interested in joining the literary magazine staff, here's what we did, at least this year, as a part of the student staff: - Text editors look through text submissions and try to make it as best as possible while working with the submitter. - Design Editors help with the overall format and design factors of the magazine & obviously contribute to the aesthetics of it. - Photo editors help with the editing of photography submissions to make it the best it can be, while working with the submitter. The magazine's overall process varies with each year as different staff means different styles. Feel free to ask Ms. Reves for more information if you're interested!

KHK K a H an a K au l an a

Ka Hana Kaulana A publication produced by the students of P. W. McKinley High School Pr inted by the Reprogr aphic Lear ning Center 1039 South King Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 (808) 594- 0400

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