2 minute read
There’s More To An EPS Reman Engine Than Meets The Eye.
Solid reputation in the industry for quality and integrity
Convenient, round trip freight, including prepaid, discounted outbound and return shipping
Large inventory of engines in stock ready to ship
At EPS, we’re absolutely committed to delivering the best quality reman engines and parts available anywhere. We also strive to make it easy for you to get what you need as quickly as possible, so you can get back to work. That’s why we provide so many “extras” that are all part of the deal when you do business with us.
➤ Large selection of remanufactured engines ready to ship.

➤ Reman parts, pumps and injectors and overhaul kits available.

➤ One of the industry’s oldest, largest and most reliable suppliers.
➤ Call us for expert advice!
A department within dealerships that is near and dear to me in my current role is the Parts Department. I continue to hear from dealers that they are also having trouble filling the labor gap in finding experienced parts professionals. Parts Departments are also seeing their older, experienced and skilled generation of parts professionals retire from the workforce. The talent pool of parts professionals within our industry that are equipped with an established knowledge of ITA truck and carriage classifications, most common parts, understand the various model and serial numbers for major OEMs, and have part numbers memorized in their heads, is shrinking as well.
In addition to having technical parts knowledge and experience, successful parts professionals have strong customer service and sales skills with abilities to work effectively and efficiently over the phone, by email and at the parts counter. Dealers will need to continue to invest in their training efforts to develop the next generation of skilled parts professionals, while also investing in technologies that make the research or lookup of parts easier, managing inventory more efficiently, and the transaction of a parts sale seamless. Technologies such as an intuitive ERP business system and the ability to for online parts sales (e-commerce) will also help close the labor gap within the parts departments, allowing your skilled parts professionals to work more effectively and profitably.
At a recent industry event, a presenter said the following that resonated as it relates to the Parts Department, “Your customer will wait for a part; however, they will not wait for a response.” As you are looking to recruit, attract, and retain talent within your operation, I feel that is a very important concept to consider when you hire and train your staff and invest in technologies to optimize your operations.
I look forward to expanding on this topic in future articles.
Chris Aiello is the Business Development Manager at TVH Parts Co. He has been in the equipment business for 16-plus years as a service manager, quality assurance manager, and business development manager.
Mezzanine Deck from DACS is the ideal sub-flooring material for mezzanines, catwalks and overhead aisle ways - available with a bright white paint finish or a galvanized finish on the underside
Solid Corrugated Steel Rack Decking from
DACS sits flush with the top of the beam, creating a smooth flat surface for product to slide on & off easily.
•Sizes available to fit any standard rack
•Can also be used attached to the floor for elevated bottom-level storage.
•Stronger and less expensive than wood or wire
•Perfect for use in cantilever rack
Bottom Line Garry Bartecki