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Shifting Gears Industry personnel and organization news
TVH announces changes in Customer Service and Sales Teams in the U.S.
TVH www.tvh.com
Americas just announced changes to the Customer Service and Sales teams in the USA.
Effective July 2023, Ryan Walker was promoted to Director of Sales and Services for the USA. Cathy Diaz will remain in her current role, as Sales Director USA, until December 2023 when she will retire. Diaz began her career with System Material Handling Inc. (SMH) in 1984. Her wealth of experience and knowledge proved vital during the acquisition of SMH by TVH in 2003. In 2006, Cathy Diaz played an integral role in the IMC Holdings (Intrupa and LPM) acquisition.
Jungheinrich acquires all shares in robotics company Magazino
Jungheinrich is fully taking over Magazino, a Munich-based robotics specialist. In addition to its shareholding, which has existed since 2020 and was increased to 21.7 percent in 2022, Jungheinrich is acquiring all shares held by the founders as well as the previous co-shareholders, a.o. Cellcom, Fiege Logistik, and Körber. The transaction took effect immediately upon signing this week. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.
www.jungheinrich.com www.magazino.eu
Cascade Corporation celebrates 80 Years in business
Founded in 1943, Cascade Corporation celebrates a momentous 80th anniversary this year. First opened as a small, five-person machine shop in Portland, Oregon, Cascade has since grown into a global operation with over 3,000 employees and 33 locations around the world including manufacturing plants, offices and distribution centers.
Hodge Company CEO announces retirement with successors selected
A Dubuque, IA-based company announced its longtime CEO’s retirement on Thursday, as well as plans for co-CEOs to take over the company. Hodge Company. announced in a press release that Tim Hodge retired on September 11. Hodge has worked at the company for 44 years, serving as CEO for two decades.

New Products
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HC Forklift America introduces the new XE Series Electric Lithium-Ion Pneumatic Forklift www.hcforkliftamerica.com
HC Forklift America Corporation (HCFA) has announced the new XE Series Electric Lithium-Ion Pneumatic Forklift with a 4,000-7,600lb capacity. The new XE Series of lithium-ion pneumatic forklifts were designed from the ground up to provide operators with a true lithium-ion alternative to I.C. pneumatic forklifts. Because of this, the integrated 80V lithium-ion forklift features lift speeds, travel speeds, gradeability, ground clearance, and a competitive price point that rivals comparable I.C. pneumatic forklifts.
Protective eyewear for workers who need corrective lenses
A worker who wears corrective lenses is not exempt from wearing proper eye protection. Typical corrective eyeglasses don’t provide the necessary impact and side protection of work-grade spectacles and goggles.. But, for a less-bulky, maximumcomfort solution, there is Brass Knuckle® Read (BKREAD-6010). Read is great-fitting, costeffective, super-light bifocal eye protection available in five diopter strengths: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. A durable polycarbonate frame provides extra side protection and all-day comfort.
Caster Concepts introduces TWERGO® Xtreme Casters for Aerospace and AGV Applications
Caster Concepts Inc. has introduced the TWERGo® Xtreme caster for heavy duty material handling demands in the www.casterconcepts.com
Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and Aerospace sectors. Tested to move more than 20,000 pounds, these new casters improve safety, maneuverability and workload efficiency in many applications. TWERGO® Xtreme casters are a significant improvement when compared to traditional products used in these applications — reducing push/pull forces by up to 50%.
Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas launches next-generation Lift Link® Telematics solution for North American Market www.logisnextamericas.com
Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas announced the launch of Lift Link®, a full-featured telematics solution for material handling equipment. With Lift Link, businesses receive access to precise and actionable data delivered in real-time, allowing them to more effectively operate their fleet, while maximizing uptime and usage. The Logisnext Lift Link telematics solution offers comprehensive fleet-wide insights and is compatible with various types of material handling equipment – from warehouse products to electric and internal combustion forklifts.
TGW presents new generation of shuttles
The Stingray shuttle is the efficient all-rounder for transporting totes, cartons, trays, and hanging goods. More than 20,000 shuttles are in use worldwide and prove their reliability day after day. With this advanced shuttle generation, robustness and sustainability are the focus. Covers are now made of wood, a renewable raw material from local production sites, saving 25 tons of plastic per year. As part of the FlashPick® goods-to-person system, shuttles play a central role in automated warehouses, along with other TGW solutions.

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Reman Engines, Transmissions, Drive Units, Steer Axles & Differentials 800-447-3967 | www.charnor.com
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Reman Transmissions, Drive Units, Differentials & Torque Converters 800-447-3967 | www.charnor.com
• All-Steel Stack Racks
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No tricks, just the right fix. Contact us today to find the right part for your equipment.

Guardrail / Hand Rail
• Original LIFT-OUT design cuts installation costs in half!
• Fully welded sleeves to hold and capture rails.
• Posts available as Inlines, Corners, or Ends in 18”, 26” and 42” heights.
• Rails available in 2’ – 10’ in 1’ increments.
Twin Rail Hand Rail
• Durable steel protection.
• Designed for quick and easy release, but can be bolted together if desired.
• Stronger than typical handrail.
• Top Rail is 42” high and MEETS OSHA FALL PROTECTION if used on a mezzanine.
Rack Protection
• Modular hand rail protects employees from entering unsafe areas.

• Easy installation, simply assemble and anchor down.
• Stocked in 4’, 6’, and 8’ sections.
• 42” tall standard.
“V” Face Post Protectors
• Available in 12”, 18”, and 24” with 4¼”, 5½”, and 8¼” clear opening.
• ¼” material.
• Four mounting holes.
• Accepts ½” anchors, which are available upon request.
End of Aisle Rack Protection
• Rack protection creates a visible guide through aisles and saves thousands in damage.
• Available in 36”, 42”, and 48” in either single or double ends.
• Curved end has an 8” I.D. and is 8” and 12” tall.
• Choose floor angle thickness of ½”, 3/8”, or ¼”.
Pallet Guide/Stop
• Two products in one! Keeps flue space clear and prevents damage to walls behind rack.

• Available in 42”, 45” (42” with 3” overhang), 48”, and 51” (48” with 3” overhang).
• Easy installation and creates reinforcement for the rack.
• Flush mount hardware included.