9 minute read

Training Credit

Training credit is issued through MiRegistry and the Michigan Online Educator Certification System for eligible attendees. In order to qualify to receive training credit for each session attended, attendees must:

• Have a valid MiRegistry account to receive MiRegistry Training Credit. Visit www.miregistry.org to set up account AND/ OR have a valid PIC Number to receive SCECH credit in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System.

• Provide your MiRegistry ID number and/or PIC number in your conference registration (Numbers are printed on badges)

To receive training credit for in-person sessions, complete the Training Credit Form EACH DAY you are finished attending sessions for the day by scanning the Daily Training Credit QR Code. A new code will be displayed each day and you will not receive access to codes from days prior. Please complete only one training credit form each day.

DailyTrainingQRCodesarelocatedonlargesignsneartheMembershipCounter,CenterConcourseinAmway Hotel,ConferenceLevel,AmwayHotel,onsessionsigns,andoutsideoftheExhibitHall,BallroomA,DeVosPlace. IfyouareunabletocompletethetrainingformbyusingtheQRCode,visittheMembershipCounter,AmwayHotel.

To receive training credit for virtual sessions, you must watch the training recording in its entirety. Credit will not be issued for sessions in which the entire training recording is not viewed. Session attendance will be entered into MiRegistry and MOECS at the close of all online session content. Allow for up to an additional 30 days for your training credit to appear.

Online Content

In addition to over 170 in-person sessions, conference registrants will receive access to over 60 pre-recorded sessions for on-demand viewing and training credit. All online content is pre-recorded. No live online content.

Online content will be available at 8:00am TUESDAY, APRIL 25 and remain available through MAY 25.

Conference registrants will receive instructions for logging in to the online conference platform along with in-person badge pick up instructions 48 hours prior to the event. The conference platform is located on Michigan AEYC’s Knowledge Center. For attendees who have participated in events on the Michigan AEYC Knowledge Center in the past, existing log-in information will be utilized to access the online conference. For those new to the Michigan AEYC Knowledge Center, a username and password will be assigned and included in the log-in instructions email 48 hours prior to the event.

Visit the Michigan AEYC Knowledge Center for helpful hints, FAQs, and to learn about additional upcoming training and events.

Accessonlineconferencecontent: http://learn.miaeyc.org

Wednesday, April 19

9:30am - 4:00pm Institutes of Higher Ed Summit

4:30pm - 5:30pm ACCESS Social Networking

5:00pm - 8:00pm Registration & Badge Pickup

Thursday, April 20

7:00am - 4:30pm Registration & Badge Pickup

8:30am - 10:00am Workshops

Wednesday, April 19

9:30am - 4:00pm


5:00pm - 8:00pm

7:00am -

AmwayGrandPlaza,CenterConcourse 7:00am -

3:15pm - 4:30pm

Specialist Lunch and Learn







- 9:00pm Michigan AEYC Gala sponsoredbyKaplan

Workforce Development

Preparing Educators Who Can Foster Inclusion: Building a Repertoire of Effective Practices

Ruby, Concourse Level, Amway

This session will share ways to prepare educators to design and implement inclusive environments and interactions for young children. Discover multiple examples of how to bring an inclusive lens to any course or presentation using free resources.

Laurie Dinnebeil, University of Toledo & Camille Catlett, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: Adult

Grow Your Own Teachers: Addressing the Childcare Crisis through Higher Education

Pullman, Conference Level, Amway

Exploring multiple initiatives supported through higher education including the Michigan Future Educator Stipend and Fellowship as well as various additional pathways to support the growth of the early childhood workforce.

Niccole Erickson & Melissa Thiebaut-Marinelli, Ferris State University

CKCC: Professionalism Age Levels: Adult

Thursday, April 20

The Changing Landscape of Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Series of Round Table Discussions by Michigan ACCESS

Governor’s Room, Concourse Level, Amway

Are you a higher ed faculty or MiRegistry trainer? Join us in small group discussions about current topics impacting early childhood teacher education. You will attend three rounds of discussion, with various topics to select from.

Danielle Savory, Lansing Community College; Jill Harrison, Delta College; Rod Reyes, Mott Community College

Tammra Houseman, Bay College; Beth Marshall, Washtenaw Community College; Paula Spencer, Michigan AEYC

Tricia McKay, Lansing Community College

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: Adult

Program Administration

Coaching for Compliance vs. Transformation

Vandenberg B, Concourse Level, Amway

This fast-paced session will help you understand the differences between coaching for compliance (following the rules, meeting deadlines, and corrective action plans) and coaching for transformation (growth, development, and being a better person). You'll understand WHEN each method is more effective, WHERE to conduct each session, and WHY using one method over the other might be adding to your stress. Bring your questions!

Michelle Burhkard, Grow By 1

CKCC: Management Age Levels: All

Positive Team Communication

Emerald A, Concourse Level, Amway

Foster a positive team environment, hold your team accountable to policies, and create documentation to help complete accurate evaluations.

Samantha Mitchell, Children’s Discovery Academy

CKCC: Professionalism Age Levels: Adult

Social Emotional

Building Resilience in Early Childhood

Heritage Hill, Conference Level, Amway

Living in a post-pandemic world is difficult, especially when children and educators already may have experienced trauma or ACEs. Learn to teach children skills to become more resilient, as well as tools for educators to grow their own resiliency

Brooke Morgan, Kent ISD

CKCC: Interactions and Guidance

Infant & Toddler Care

Exploring Outside Time with Infants & Toddlers

Nelson, Conference Level, Amway

Age Levels: All

Learn the importance of getting Infants and Toddlers outdoors, what issues face caregivers, and ideas for materials to support I/T's outdoors.

Liz Colegrove & Kristy Wood, Child Care Network

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: IT


Science Time

Ambassador East, Concourse Level, Amway

You don't have to be a scientist to do science in your classroom. Explore this "hands-on" workshop with easy inexpensive experiments, science activities and science table top props. Learn how to incorporate science throughout the classroom.

Sherry Ann Wolfer, Early Childhood Consultant

CKCC: Teaching & Learning

Age Levels: PS, KP, SA

Thursday, April 20

Terrific Transitions! Engaging Children During Transition Times

Gerald Ford Room, Lobby Level, Amway

Discover how to engage children during transitions in this interactive presentation. Learn strategies for planning successful transitions, new transition activities to add to your teaching toolbox, and make and take a transition prop to incorporate into your classroom.

Jocelyn Prewett & Anastasia Bristley, Central Michigan University Child Development and Learning Lab

CKCC: Interactions & Guidance Age Levels: PS

Early Reading Concepts

Berkey, Conference Level, Amway

Make the most of your read aloud time with children! Oral language concepts, reading comprehension and concepts about print are all skills that can be and should be exposed to children at the earliest levels. We will also talk about strategies to offer parents to read with their children.

Casey Sterle, Leslie Public Schools

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: All

The New Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Birth to Kindergarten: What Are They and What Do You Need to Know?

Grand View, Conference Level, Amway

The Michigan State Board of Education approved new early childhood standards for early learning and program quality in November 2022. Join us to talk about how the new standards reflect changes in state and national guidelines, as well as advances in research around brain development, social-emotional learning, equity, and trauma-informed education.

Bonnie Bonifield, Miss Bonnie, LLC & Richard Lower, Michigan Department of Education/Office of Great Start

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: IT, PS

Thursday, April 20

School Age

Multi-Sensory Math

Ottawa, Lobby Level, Amway

Come see how to help young children master key early learning math skills through hands-on discovery and multi-sensory experiences. Using visual, auditory, kinesthetic/tactile activities for teaching or reinforcing concepts helps young learners grasp abstract math ideas conceptually.

Angie Meredith, hand2mind

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: PS, KP


Childcare System Change: Powered by Community Voices

Winchester, Conference Level, Amway

Community connections create the foundation for a high quality, affordable early care and education system. Learn how to collect and leverage voices from families, childcare providers and employers to understand your community childcare needs and influence local policy and programming. This session will discuss a case study from Emmet County by reviewing the key components of creating a community powered plan for systems-wide change.

Laura Tuthill & Jennifer Wixson, North Central Michigan College; Karen Ann Kling, University of Michigan

CKCC: Family & Community Engagement Age Levels: All

8:45am - 10:00am

Workforce Development

Great Start to Quality On-Site Observation: Commitment to equity and empowerment!

Emerald B, Concourse Level, Amway

Learn how to prepare for a Great Start to Quality On-Site Observation. Discover how the process is supportive and equitable. The Assessment Team will share information on the observation process and provide helpful tips.

Kristen Howard & Assessment Team, Early Childhood Investment Corporation

CKCC: Management Age Levels: Adult

Data is Talking, Are You Listening?

Plaza Boardroom A

During the data process, there is time for both collaboration and individual reflection. Kalamazoo County Pre-K utilizes a process that encourages peer partnership, data review, and time to plan for implementation.

Cathleen Doonan & Lara Ynclan, Kalamazoo RESA

CKCC: Observation, Documentation & Assessment Age Levels: PS

Social Emotional

Wrap Around Support for Challenging Behaviors

Ambassador Ballroom West, Concourse Level, Amway

This presentation will include what support means for Challenging Behaviors in the classroom. Not only how to support the child and family but how to take care of your well-being as well. Come learn how we incorporate a Behavior Support Team of teachers to implement all of the above.

Michele Blake, Sara Root & Brittany Cavanaugh, Heartfelt Impressions

CKCC: Interactions & Guidance Age Levels: All

Thursday, April 20

Infant and Toddler Care

Literacy Essentials

Atrium, Atrium Level, Amway

Learn the 10 essential classroom practices that will develop your children's literacy skills. Also, discover how you can encourage parents to practice literacy skills at home.

Sandra Weyer, The Order of the Fishermen Ministry Head Start

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: IT


The Cultural Fabric of Early Childhood Education

Pantlind Ballroom, Concourse Level, Amway

A. Wade Boykin describes a "profound and inescapable cultural fabric of the schooling process in America." In this session, we apply culturally responsive teaching to early childhood in effort to move beyond the tourist curriculum often prevalent in our classrooms.

Kimberly Davidson & Abbigail Macdonald, Central Michigan University

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: PS, KP

Nurturing Whole Child Development through Arts Integration

Imperial Ballroom, Lobby Level, Amway

During this interactive workshop, participants will explore what is meant by arts integration in the early childhood classroom and its benefits in supporting whole child development. Participants will lean on NAEYC's (2022)

Developmentally Appropriate Practice Principle #5 on the role of active learning to discover multiple ways to enhance equity and whole child development through arts integration.

Cindy Basse, Northern Michigan University & Wendy Highland, State of Michigan LARA

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: PS, KP

Teachers' Perceptions of the Impact of Storytime on Children's Development

Thornapple, Conference Level, Amway

Teachers around the world use Storytime in their preschool classrooms on a regular basis. Most curricula present stories as part of the curriculum. This study looks to understand early childhood teachers' planning for and scope of strategies used at storytime, and to learn about their perceptions of the impact of storytime on children's social and emotional, language and literacy, and cognitive development.

Reem Assiri, PhD student, Oakland University

CKCC: Child Development Age Levels: PS

CMU CDLL Lending Library- What is it? And How Can YOU Utilize it? Sponsored by Central Michigan University

Riverview, Lobby Level, Amway

Are you an early childhood educator, looking for classroom resources; technology, art supplies, large motor/science activities? CMU's Child Development and Learning Lab has a lending library, fully funded through the Grow Up Great Grant by PNC Bank. Learn about what is available and how to you can take advantage of these resources meant to improve early childhood learning in our community.

Teresea Looman & Willi Sheahan-Stahl, Child Development and Learning Lab Central Michigan University

CKCC: Child Development Age Levels: All

Thursday, April 20

School Age

Evaluating the Landscape of ECE Today: Bringing it Back to DAP!

Haldane, Conference Level, Amway

Now more than ever, ECE educators are facing a disparaging gap between DAP and the insurmountable pressures from stakeholders. This session evaluates the current conditions in ECE surrounding best practices (post-covid). Practical strategies for advocating the implementation of DAP will be discussed.

Christina Mirtes & Jessica Grimone-Hopkins, Eastern Michigan University

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: All

Rough & Tumble Play in a School Setting

Pearl, Concourse Level, Amway

Hear success stories about incorporating rough and tumble games and experiences into our school age program. Learn more about giving students the power to make decisions when engaging in active play and leave with strategies of ways to try this in YOUR school setting.

James Olmstead & Marissa Cobleigh, Fenton Area Public Schools World of Wonder

CKCC: Teaching & Learning Age Levels: PS, KP, SA

Home-to-School Mismatch

Kendall, Conference Level, Amway

Learn about including ESL in curriculum for African American early learners to support African American Vernacular English (AAVE), which is considered the cultural, home, environmental and community language which is very different from Anglo Academic language.

Valerie Parker, Director

CKCC: Family & Community Engagement

Age Levels: PS, KP, SA


NAEYC and the Unifying Framework

Vandenberg A, Concourse Level, Amway

The Unifying Framework reflects unprecedented consensus by educators across states and settings, administrators, employers, and higher education, incorporates the recommendations from all eight decision cycles, including those related to educator roles and responsibilities, aligned preparation and pathways, professional compensation, and a supportive infrastructure with shared accountability. It also calls for significant increases in federal and state investments to help ensure the 40 million U.S. children, birth to age 8, are well-served by an effective, diverse, and fairly compensated workforce of professionals.

Mary Harrill, NAEYC

CKCC: Professionalism

Age Levels: Adult

Thursday, April 20

10:30am - 12:00pm

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