Portfolio Maitha Al Maktoum Visual Artist
Artist Statement The world is a journey that takes you through a roller coaster ride. Up with the good times and down in times of struggle. This theme is the most prominent message in my artwork; I’m continuously trying to express myself and my
Art is a journey , everything comes from something or somwhere
own life journey through a visual diary that is continuously changing overtime. The way in which I self express
Art has allowed me to understand the world and
Expressing my ideas through visual installation and art is what inspired me because art is like self-therapy. It allows
make me understand that not only life but also art is
me to express what I'm feeling and heals the soul from within. One of my favorite artists is Jackson Pollock. His
a journey. Everything comes from something or
expressionism and abstract work, and use of color and motion changed over time. Other artists like Salvador Dali who
somewhere. The depths of human lives have so many
expressed imagination and childhood memories have also influenced me. I'm also interested in Andy Warhol and how
layers and explanations, some literal and some
he celebrated popular culture. A recent artist I also fell in love with was Damien Hirst, as he expressed the theme of
metaphorically. Everyone has a different story to tell
“Death” and life after earth in a series of pop art installation and pieces. I do what I do because I would love for viewers
and expressing this through the art community is
to connect with my work on an emotional level like when I look at artists I admire.
through my art work helps me connect with every piece as each one tells a story of an experience I went through. I want people to relate to my pieces as well as get a reaction out of them. I also want to express something unexpected.
like a big therapy session. I explore my passion through research and experimentation, which is a process, that pushes me to develop my work and continuously improve upon my techniques and ideas. In my work I love to use color as a way to express a feeling, experience or emotion. The theme I enjoy working in the most is a mixture of Pop art, surrealism and abstract.
Biography Maitha al Maktoum is an Emirati born Visual Artist at Zayed University in Dubai. She developed her love of art studying intense classes at high school where she obtained all the skills of thinking and developing ideas of her own. Through this experience she learned how to express ideas and tell stories through her art. Her main theme of focus has been pop art. Looking at artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Liechtenstein and Jackson Pollock paved the way for her own style to grow. Maitha has focused on illustrative art as a starting point and then later she has explored using 2d and 3d materials to create large mixed media art. She adores using colors as a way to express her mood or opinion on certain matters. Her art explores the themes of popular culture, fashion and politics.
''Art is like self therapy its allows me to express what im feeling''
Self Portrait Size: A1 Medium: Oil on canvas
Portrait Painting New Trend 1M x 1.20 4 M Oil on canvas
Title : Kaiya Size : 30cm x 41 cm Medium: Illustrator graphic design
Illustration Kaiya was created after developing a story inspired by a UAE story 'Um Assibian' which told of a story of a jin that was jealous of her beauty. Set in the future 2000 years where poverty and living in tents was the only means left in the world. Kaiya chased a hen into the desert to get some food. Kaiyas adventure led her to a tent made of kaiyas favourite GHVVHUWV RQO\ WR ÀQG RXW VRRQ DIWHU WKH UHDO OLIH GUHDP KDG WXUQHG LQWR D NQLJKWPDUH
Title : Islamic Pattern 21cm x 30cm Illustartor graphic design
Illustration Graphic Design Graphic Design
Ceramics The Proverb “ No darkness like ignorance�, had me instantly thinking of all the articles I read No darkness like ignorance 25 cm x12 cm
everyday on racism all over the world and how ignorance has created a lot of darkness in the
world through war and politics.
I created
masks, a repeated shape of the same face to
''Proverb : No darkness like ignorance''
express that though we are culturally different, we are all humans.
Title : Escape Size : A3 Medium: Acrylic paint print on inkjet black marker, watercolor
:Escape 41 cm x 30 cm : Acrylic print
Digital Printing
Self Portrait Portrait Self cm x 30 cm :21 Acrylic print Acrylic print
Drawing Exploring expressionism, Juxtaposed and metamorphosis helped me develop a photo taken of an air balloon in relation to a personal message I wanted to convey. Balloons have always been a facscination to me , where everyone at one point in WKHLU OLYHV ZLVKHG WKH\ FRXOG テ― DZD\ from a certain situation or life as we know it. Balloons represent escape and rising above a situation and this was the main story i wanted to express through these series of drawings. Clouds represent purity and I chose this balloon to UHSUHVHQW PH WR UHテ?FW P\ GUHDP RI freedom and happiness and the escape Escape 25 cm x 25 cm Graphite pencil on paper
from my demons.
Self Portrait 1m x 70 cm Graphite pencil on paper
Visual Narrative Illustration Kaiya 24cm x 38cm Ink pen and Adobe Photoshop