1 minute read

Domestic Day Trip Visitors – Shopping Areas Visited

Aventura Mall continued to see sizable proportions of domestic day trip visitors Other locations, such as Bal Harbour Shops and Miami International Mall, remained popular.

Data derived from mobile devices that were present in specific areas of Miami-Dade County during the specified year.

Domestic Day Trip Visitors – Age and Party Size

The age breakdown of Domestic day trippers has started to skewed a bit older than in recent years, with those in the upper age brackets increasing year after year. Along with this, more visitors are bringing their children than in previous years

Q. Which of the following age groups are you in?

Q. Including yourself, how many people from each of the following age categories were in your immediate travel party?

*Surveying took place in Q1 and Q4 of 2020. Data collection was halted at the start of the pandemic and resumed in October 2020.

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