Fall Clubs Brochure 2022

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AtMi ami Count r yDayS chool ,yourchi l d' sex per i encei nourAf t erS chool Cl ubPr ogr am i sver yi mpor t antt ous .Wes t r i vet omakeeachex per i ence enj oyabl eands af e.Ouraf t er s chool cl ubsar edes i gnedf orL owerS chool s t udent st opar t i ci pat ei nanor gani z edaf t ers chool act i vi t yf r om 3: 00p. m. t o4: 00p. m.MondayF r i day.T hes ecl ubsal l evi at et heneedf orourpar ent s t ocar pool t oof f campusaf t ers chool act i vi t i es .Eachcl ubi st aughtbya pr of es s i onal andi sgear edt owar denhanci ngyourchi l d’ sover al l s chool ex per i ence. Anyr ul eswei ns t i t ut ear et oens ur eyourchi l d' ss af et yandenj oymentoft he cl ubpr ogr am aboveal l el s e.Pl eas er ef ert ot heL owerS chool Handbookf or s peci f i cbehavi orandex pect at i onpol i ci es .Agai n,wemus temphas i z et hat t hes er ul esar ei mpl ement edf oryourchi l d' ss af et y.Compl yi ngwi t hal l r ul es andpol i ci eswi l l maket heAf t erS chool Cl ubex per i encemor eenj oyabl e.

Seas onI nf or mat i on

Di s mi s s alI nf or mat i on:

Dat es :Aug29-Dec15

Pi ckupL ocat i on:L ST ur nar ound

Hour s :3: 00pm -4: 00pm

Pi ckupT i me:4: 00pm -4: 15pm

* Pi ckupi satL owerS chool T ur nar oundf r om 4: 00pm t o4: 15pm.S t udent snotpi ckedupby4: 15pm wi l l j oi nt heEx t endedCar e,andt hedai l yf eewi l l beappl i edt ot hef ami l yaccount .

T r avel i ngAr t i s t s( 1s t 5t h) L ear ner sex pl or eandr ef l ectont hedi f f er entcul t ur esoft hewor l dt hr ought hedept hoft hei r hi s t or y,l egacy,andi ncr edi bl ewor ksofar t . War r i orKi ds( 2nd5t h) Anex er ci s e,mi nds etandobs t acl ebas edpr ogr am des i gnedt ohel pki dsdi s coverabet t er ver s i onoft hems el ves .Unl ockt hes uper her owi t hi n! Yoga( 2nd5t h) Pr act i ces ever al t ypesofyoga,i ncl udi ngadynami cs t yl et hatus esmovementandbr eat ht o hel ps t udent sf i nds t i l l nes sandf ocus . Zumba( PK32nd) T hi si saf un,hi ghener gyf i t nes scl as spackedwi t hr out i nesandgamesus i ngt hel at es tmus i cand r hyt hms .

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