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The Miami Student editors share story highlights
Editorial Staff
EIC & ME picks
Curated by Sean Scott and Luke
Macy Katia Del Rio-Tsonis:
Newt-hing will stand in the way of her research
In April, Taylor Stumbaugh and Sarah Frosch teamed up to create an incredible profile on one of Miami University’s professors. With Taylor writing and Sarah taking photos, the story was destined to be amazing. Be sure to look at all the cute photos and videos of the newts. Academia lacks diversity.
What can Miami do about it?
Reagan Rude, a data analytics major, created this cool story that looks at statistics of diverse faculty at Miami and other institutions. The story also incorporates graphs and interviews with students and professors about the data.
The meeting of two worlds: documentaries and streaming services
Kasey Turman took a stab at entertainment writing for this story. He talked with documentarian and film professor Andy Rice to discuss a rising problem with documentaries on streaming services like Netflix, where engagement and glamor are prioritized over accuracy.
Reviewing the 2023 Best
Picture nominees
Reece Hollowell, resident Academy Award expert, wrote his second annual in-depth review of all the films nominated for the year’s Oscar ceremony. In a year filled with great movies, Reece brought his own opinions, as well as the opinions of some staff members, to highlight what made each movie so great.
Opinion: There’s a statue missing at Yager
Jack Schmelzinger, The Miami Student’s sports editor, knows more about sports than anyone on staff. So if you’re going to take anyone’s opinion, take his. Jack writes about Sid Gillman, a former Miami football coach who changed the game forever.
Campus & Community
Curated by Alice Momany and Reagan Rude
Talawanda’s budget: What happened and how did the district get here?
In March, Shr-Hua Moore wrote about the history of Talawanda School District (TSD)’s budget problems. After a tax levy failed to pass in November, TSD announced a series of budget cuts. Shr-Hua’s article investigates how TSD ended up in its current financial state.
A game of Kings: being sober at Miami University
In March, Ryann Beaschler wrote a captivating story about what Miami is like for students who don’t drink alcohol.
Don’t get your wallet out, these shrinks are paid with treats
In October, Reagan Rude and Raquel Hirsch wrote an a-dog-able story about Miami’s therapy dogs.
Miami Tribe and university relationship turns 50
Last year marked 50 years of the partnership between Miami University and the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. In November, Luke Macy recounted the history of the tribe and its relation with the university.
Sports Curated by Jack Schmelzinger
Cincinnati is entering a new age — as the soccer capital of the United States
Back in September, The Student’s resident soccer super-fan Michael Vestey reflected on an international friendly match that took place in Cincinnati in November 2021 and made a bold claim about the future of soccer in The Queen City.
Miami hockey’s Swedish connection: how two best friends ended up in Oxford, an ocean away from home Will Kehres told the story of Ludvig Persson and Hampus Rydqvist, two Miami hockey players from Sweden who have been friends for more than six years, including the last three at Miami.
Miami field hockey has ridden international recruiting and strong culture to MAC dominance Miami field hockey has won 11 straight conference championships, the last six Mid-American Conference (MAC) regular season titles and the last five MAC tournament titles.
Kethan Babu tried to figure out how they’ve achieved such sustained success.
‘I thought it was just a dream’: Karli Spaid becomes one of the best softball players in the country Karli Spaid was ranked as one of the best softball players in the country coming into the 2023 season, and she has certainly delivered. Wes Payne dove into how the softball star got so damn good.

‘Nobody wants it more than me and more than us to get things right’: Hockey head coach Chris Bergeron talks the future of the Redhawks hockey program Jeffrey Middleton attempts to get to the bottom of an issue we’re all wondering about: What the heck is up with Miami hockey? And who better to get that answer from than straight from the source: Head Coach Chris Bergeron. Entertainment
Curated by Reece Hollowell
An obsessively close reading of AMC’s Nicole Kidman promo
Reece Hollowell kicked off his 2022-23 academic year with an article highlighting the most important face in modern cinema: Nicole Kidman. The piece is a mostly comedic deep-dive into her AMC Theaters promo that reflects the experience of having to watch something over, and over, and over and over again.
Miami’s performing groups experience culture through music
Sean Scott took an interesting angle toward covering performing groups at Miami, highlighting the process of their members learning songs in non-native languages. Sean weaves in various social and personal threads that make for an excellent reported story.
It may not always be a Wonderful Life, but ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ reminds us why it’s worth it Maggie Peña wrote a wonderfully personal take on the classic holiday film “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It’s an emotional read that speaks to Peña’s talents as a writer while demonstrating how media can help us through the hardest parts of our life.
Curated by Devin Ankeney
The chicken and the egg: the cycle keeping women’s sports out of the limelight
In September, we ran an editorial board column that pointed out the failures that prevent women’s sports from seeing the limelight they deserve. This piece coincided with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the legislation that paved the way for a massive increase in women’s participation in sports.
Why “voting with your dollar” is so important
In October, Sam Norton wrote about why choosing where to spend your money can, in some ways, be as important as voting for candidates in whom you believe. Most people have stores they don’t like for choices the company has made, but this in-depth look at “voting with your dollar” showed readers what it can mean when used to its fullest extent.
So none of your candidates won … now what?
In November, Devin Ankeney wrote a column imploring voters to continue caring even if their candidates didn’t win. As someone who voted for a ticket-full of losing candidates, they still learned to continue caring about and believing in democracy. Don’t blame yourself for climate change paired with Fast fashion isn’t your fault, but you can slow down
In November, we ran a pair of columns by Sam Norton and Ava Kalina. Both of these showed different sides of engaging with climate change activism, and things you can do to take care of both the planet and yourself at the same time.
Style Curated by Evan Stefanik
The expressive art of tattoos
Julia Quigley got up close and personal with the art at Vertigo Tattoo for one of her first stories. It pairs reporting with style, provides excellent photos and encourages readers to showcase their personality in more unique ways than just clothing. Check this one out to understand tattoos a little better or learn more before you schedule your appointment with Steve Cupp.
From old Hollywood to grunge, grunge to coquette –Lana del Rey has done it all
One of the section’s most seasoned contributors, Allison Lee, crossed into entertainment with this piece in appropriate time for Lana del Rey’s newest album release. She toured the various costumes del Rey wore throughout her musical eras and the message behind each. Read this story, especially if you love the evermore popular del Rey aesthetic.
Gender doesn’t dictate fashion: non-binary style at Miami and in the world Ames Radwan approached their first story for style with a captivating perspective on the human body underneath the outfit. Ames walks through the history and current events of gender expression and offers their own advice, with the help of a student source, to those still exploring their fashion. Find out in this story that there are no rules in style, no matter how you identify.
Food Curated by Kaitlin McDowell Carla Hall cooks from the heart and styles from the soul
In November, Ames Radwan wrote about Celebrity chef Carla Hall’s visit and guest lecture at Miami. Hall spoke about her journey with food and her rise to fame.
Students advocate to expand kosher options on campus
In April, Meredith Perkins wrote about the kosher options served on campus, or lack thereof in the midst of Passover. Students shared their concerns and pushes to integrate kosher food into the dining halls. Aramark provided their own responses as well.
To bagel … paired with … or not to bagel
In October, Ames Radwan and Devin Ankeney wrote competing articles about the quality of Oxford favorite Bagel and Deli and whether they classify as bagels. Read both and pick your side.
Curated by Patrick Sullivan and Teddy Johnson
Humor writers’ ASG endorsements
When the Associated Student Government elections were going down, the TMS Humor staff compiled a list of wild card candidates who would be great presidents and vice presidents of ASG.
Five of the scariest places on Miami’s campus
Humor Editor Teddy Johnson wrote about some of the places around Miami that you should (or shouldn’t) avoid during spooking season. Pickup lines to use this weekend
The incredibly handsome Humor Editor, Patrick Sullivan, provides all those looking for love the perfect pickup lines to dish out at the bars this weekend. There is a reason they call him “The Love Doctor.” eic@miamistudent.net