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I would also like to thank TMSM’s editorial team: Managing Editor GraciAnn Hicks and Assistant Editors Meta Hoge, Hannah Horsington, Allison Huffman, Jessica Opfer and Henri Robbins. You are the driving force behind this magazine; none of it would be possible without you.
Another huge shoutout goes to our art director, Macey Chamberlin, and her incredible team of designers. I am constantly amazed by all of your creativity. Lastly, another thank you goes to the excellent photographers who worked with us on this issue.
Dear Reader,
Greetings from the staff of The Miami Student Magazine (TMSM). I am pleased to welcome you to the spring 2023 edition of our publication.
This issue features a wide variety of stories ranging from the re-creation of medieval times to modern ecological discoveries. Readers will also learn about a niche TikTok community, the fast fashion industry, a very special local ice cream shop, two students’ views on religion and competitive rock climbing.
Our cover story for the twelfth issue of TMSM is Evan Stefanik’s profile of Black Plastic Records Oxford. Be sure to check out “The College-Age Vinyl Wave” on page 33 to learn how the uptown vinyl shop has become the indie heart of Miami’s music-loving community.
In addition to these long-form stories, TMSM is excited to continue featuring several short stories or, as we like to call them, Vignettes. These brief articles offer a sneak peek into the lives and experiences of three different Miami students, including a track and field athlete, an artist and an entrepreneur.
At this time, I would like to thank all of the incredible writers whose skills, passion and dedication make this magazine possible. You should all be very proud of what you accomplished this semester.
Together, we have all consistently worked to provide readers with beautifully designed, thought-provoking, inspiring and entertaining stories from the Miami University campus, Oxford community and beyond.
Before I let you go, I would also like to communicate my heartfelt appreciation for this publication and the opportunity I was given to be editor-in-chief for three semesters.
I am incredibly appreciative to have received the amount of individual and organizational support from the TMSM staff and the Miami community that I did. It has been my honor to serve in this role, and I will miss it greatly after my impending graduation from Miami this May.
I love you, TMSM. Thank you for everything.
With that, I am thrilled to present Issue XII of The Miami Student Magazine.
Skyler Perry Editor-in-Chief

At TMSM, we are constantly striving to learn and grow, so your feedback is both welcomed, appreciated and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the email provided below.