Castellaw Connection

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Vol. 1 CASTELLAW CONNECT Baylor Journalism, Public Relations & New Media Alumni Magazine

CHAIR'S MESSAGE Find out what' s going on in the Baylor Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media

BAYLOR HOMECOMING Take a look at our 2021 homecoming activities

ALUMNI UPDATES Meet our advisory board members and find out what some of our alumni are doing

CHAIR'S MESSAGE Greetings and welcome to the Fall 2021 Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media newsletter. We’ve been busy, and we have lots of exciting news. In the fall, Baylor JPR&NM completed a site visit for reaccreditation by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC). The reaccreditation process begins with a rigorous self-examination by faculty and staff of nine standards that include curriculum, outcomes assessment, diversity, facilities, oversight and several other areas. Following the self study, a team of educators and professionals visited our department in October to evaluate our program. The team talked to us, our current students, alumni, administrators, and our colleagues in other departments to further assess our program. .

I am excited to report that we have been recommended for reaccreditation. This is an outstanding accomplishment for our department, since there are only 117 schools accredited by ACEJMC in the country; 114 are fully accredited, and three three are on provisional status. We are fortunate to have dedicated faculty, supportive a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , o u t s t a n d i n g s ta f f , great students, a low teachers t u d e n t r a t i o , e x c e l l e n t r e t e n tio n and job/graduate school placement rates, and generous scholarship funds. Continued on page 18

An ad-hoc beautification committee that included Curtis Callaway, Cassy Burleson, Kevin Tankersley, Lanisa Tovar, Dennisse Concepcion, Elizabeth Bates and myself conceptualized posters for the hallways and shared Castellaw’s second floor.

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Chantal Canales ('20) is excited to begin a full-time role as a marketing assistant at Penguin Random House. She attended a Summer Publishing Institute, started a master's degree at New York University and participated in a marketing internship with Simon and Schuster. MCC Foundation Executive Director Kim Patterson has been named “Outstanding Fundraising Professional” by the Central Texas Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Chantal Canales, Kim Patterson, Shehan Jeyarajah, Elvia Aguilar, Preston Lewis, and Nicolette Zulli

Shehan Jeyarajah ('16) joined CBS Sports as a National College Football Writer this fall. Jeyarajah was the youngest writer honored in the FWAA’s Best Writing Contest in 2020 for his enterprise story on SMU’s Dallas Campaign. He was named Outstanding Young Alumni by the Baylor Line Foundation in 2021. Elvia Aguilar ('17) is a recent graduate of Leadership Corpus Christi, a training program for emerging and existing leaders that builds the needed skills, knowledge, motivation, and vision to develop a stronger community. Aguilar is the Assistant Director of Alumni Relations at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Two historical fiction novels by Preston Lewis, ('72) Baylor journalism graduate, earned medals for western humor at the annual Will Rogers Medallion Awards (WRMA) presentation in October in Fort Worth. Nicolette Zulli ('14) and her colleague published the article "Epic Games v. Apple verdict regarding in-app payments, in the Nov/Dec 2021 Space Law issue of The Houston Lawyer Magazine. She is a trial lawyer with a practice focused on all phases of complex commercial litigation in the energy, insurance and banking/finance industries.

Cody Soto, graduate student, alumnus and director of social media training, ran his first marathon to raise money for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. His 13-year-old cousin died of a rare type of brain tumor in February 2017.

Alumna Rewon Shimray challenged herself as a graphic artist and designed a 2022 calendar. It is made with 100% of her original designs and customized fonts. Includes monthly journaling prompts she wrote herself as well. This project led her to launch an Etsy shop for the very first time. The calendar may be found at

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ARE THEY NOW? A n d rea Gaul

('17 ) recently a c c e p t e d a n e w p o s i tion as Inte r n a l C o m m u n ic a t i o n s M a n ager at the N a t i o n a l S a f e t y C o u n c i l , A m e rica’s leadin g n o n p r o f i t s af e t y a d v o cate. Gaul w a s p r e v i o u s l y e m p l o y e d a t N e i g hborly, the w o r l d ’ s l a r g e st h o m e s e r v ices franchi s o r . T h e r e , s h e managed b o t h internal an d e x t e r n a l c o mm u n i c a t i o n s fu n c tions for fi v e n a t i o n a l h o me s e r v i c e b r a n ds.

Andrea Gaul, Christy Soto, Jillian Price, Levi Norwood, Matt Hellman and Valonia Walker

C h r isty Soto ('1 8 ) was promo t e d t o w e e kend evenin g a n c h o r a t N B C 2 N e w s i n F l o r ida. Soto st a r t e d h e r c a r ee r i n W a c o , T e x a s working f o r K W T X . T h e r e , s h e c o v e r e d th e death of Spc . V a n e s s a G u il l e n , w h i c h g a i n ed nationa l a t t e n t i o n . Jill i an Price ('1 9 ) graduated f r o m t h e U n i v ersity of Te x a s a t A u s t i n in D e c e m b e r . S h e wrote for th e s c h o o l ’ s o n li n e p u b lication, Rep o r t i n g T e x a s , i n t e r n e d w i t h th e Daily Dot, p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e N P R N e x t G e n eration pro g r a m w i t h t h e T e x a s O b s erver and s e r v e d a s a n e d i t o r i a l i n t e r n w i t h Texas Mon t h l y m a g a z i n e .

Matt Hellman ('13) has joined the University of North Texas staff as a Graphic Design Specialist for the UNT College of Music. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, Matt continued his education at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he earned his master's degree in journalism with a concentration in visual editing and management. Valonia Walker, ('13) APR, was recently promoted to senior communications specialist for Aldine ISD. In December 2020, she received her Accreditation in Public Relations (APR). Before beginning her career in K-12 school public relations, Walker worked as the social media and events manager for Theater District Houston.

L e v i Norwood ('1 8 ) is u sing the ski l l s h e d e v e loped as a B a y l o r U n i v e r s i t y s t u d e n t a t h l ete, PR majo r a n d s p o r t ma n a g e m e n t g r a d uate stude n t t o c h a n g e l i v e s w h i l e w o r k ing for Up l i f t i n g A t h l e t e s . H e majored in J ournalism, P R , N e w M e d i a a n d p l a y e d fo o t ball and bas k e t b a l l . L i k e th e c h i l d r e n o f m a n y coaches w h o m o v e a l o t , L e v i N o r w ood does n o t c o n s i d e r o n e p l a c e h o m e, but curr e n t l y r e s i d e s i n D e n v e r .

Have an update? Please send it to us.

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Baylor Journalism, Public Relations & New Media Advisory Board Nick Alvarado Tom Belden Robert Davila Jenna Dewitt John Drake Sarah Dodd Monica Feid Deke Jones Preston Kirk Kennedy Dendy Louis Moore Ella Prichard David McHam Selena Mejia Lyndon Olson, Jr. Andrew Ortiz Jennifer Simmons Claire St. Amant Chris Talley Todd Smith (not pictured) Melissa Cook Wilson Edward Wyatt

Baylor Journalism Friends of the Department Council

MEET OUR NEW ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS We are excited to welcome four new advisory board members. Melissa Cook Wilson is an anchor for FOX 26 Morning News weekdays in Houston. An Emmy Award-winning, Texas native, Melissa received her bachelor's degree in telecommunications from Baylor University. She began her career as the evening anchor at KAUZ-TV in Wichita Falls and then went on to anchor at Florida's News Channel. Sarah Dodd is an expert public affairs strategist and award-winning former journalist. Spending more than a decade uncovering stories as a television news reporter, Dodd has been around the world interviewing elected officials, generals and corporate executives. In 2007, she started Dodd Communications, specializing in media strategy, crisis communications, public affairs and community relations. Louis Moore is a 1968 journalism graduate of Baylor University and former editor of the Baylor Lariat 1968-69 (while a graduate student in religion at Baylor). He has written widely for newspapers and magazines in the U.S., Canada, and Europe but is perhaps most remembered for his work in the 1970s and 1980s as religion editor of the Houston Chronicle. . Todd Smith is owner, president and CEO of Deane Smith Agency, which specializes in public affairs, government relations, branding, crisis communications, media relations and reputation management. He is a senior level PR expert with more than 30 years experience, and specializes in public affairs, government relations, branding, crisis communications, media relations and reputation management.

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Madeline Rockey, Monica Feid and Sarah Gill Advisory Board members help our department by hiring alumni, speaking to classes, reviewing student projects and portfolios, fundraising, and offering feedback on our department’s curriculum. JPR&NM Advisory Board Member and BizCom President Monica Feid recently hired two Baylor graduates: Madeline Rockey (Journalism/Advertising) and Sarah Gill (Film & Digital Media).

With Advisory Board Member Monica Feid

In this feature, she interviews them about their experiences at Baylor and working at BizCom.

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Alumna and Baylor JPR&NM Advisory Board member Jennifer Simmons specializes in career coaching, recruiting and HR consulting for companies. In this Career Contessa podcast, she talks about the top five workplace trends for 2022 and what they mean for you.

Online Graduate Program This fall, we launched an online master’s degree for students interested in public relations and advertising. We are excited to have four students enrolled in the program for the spring 2022.

Graduate School Application Deadlines: Spring Semester: General Dec. 1 Summer Semester: General May 1 Fall Semester: General Feb. 15 For more information, please contact Graduate Program Director Dr. Marlene Neill or visit this website

Congratulations to alumnus Andrew Church and wife Karen who celebrated the birth of twins last spring.

NEW FACULTY & STAFF We are excited to welcome to the fold Baylor JPR&NM alumna Sommer Ingram Dean. The long-time advocate for student speech and press rights was hired in August to serve as the Fred Hartman Distinguished Professor. While at Baylor, she worked on the Lariat staff. After graduating, Dean worked as a legislative and legal reporter for The Associated Press and Dallas Morning News. She then moved to D.C., where she graduated with a law degree from Georgetown University. Her most recent position was as a staff attorney at the Student Press Law Center, a nonprofit that promotes, supports and defends the First Amendment rights of student journalists and their advisers.

We also are excited to welcome Administrative Assistant Dennisse C o n c e p c i o n, w h o j o i n s o u r s t a f f a f t e r working in Baylor’s Department of Modern Foreign Languages for several years. Lanisa Tovar was p r o m o t e d t o O f f i c e M a n a g e r in August. She replaced Margaret K r a m e r, w h o r e t i r e d i n M a y a f t e r 3 3 years at Baylor, 15 of which were spent at JPR&NM. S h o w n a b o v e : S o m m e r I n g r a m D e a n, F r e d H a r t m a n D i s t i n g u i s h e d C h a ir , Lanisa Tovar, office manager, and D e n n i s s e C o n c e p t i o n, a d m i n i s t r a t i v e associate.

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Dr . Ca s s y Bur l es on r e c e i v e d t he i na ugur a l S out hwe s t Educ a t i on Counc i l f or J our na l i s m a nd Ma s s Communi c a t i on Awa r d. S he wa s s e l e c t e d f or he r i nnov a t i v e t e a c hi ng pr a c t i c e s a nd e x c e pt i ona l c ommi t me nt t o he r s t ude nt s ’ e duc a t i on a nd pos t - gr a dua t i on pl a c e me nt . T he Ba y l or L i ne ’ s Edi t or J on Pl a t t i nt e r v i e we d Pr of e s s or Cur t i s Ca l l a wa y i n hi s Di r e c t L i n e Conv e r s a t i on s e r i e s i n t h i s podc a s t t i t l e d, “ Cur t i s Ca l l a wa y ha s t he Wor l d by t he F r a me : T he Ma n , t h e My t h , t he L e ge nd. ” I t h i ghl i ght s hi s mot he r ’ s l ov e of a r t a nd how i t l e d t o hi s c a r e e r i n phot ogr a phy . He t a l k s a bou t c l os e c onn e c t i ons wi t h s t ude nt s a n d e v e n s e r v i n g a s t he be s t ma n f or a n a l u mn u s . T h e e nd of f e r s a gl i mps e a t Ka y e Ca l l a wa y ’ s ne a r - de a t h e x pe r i e nc e a f t e r s h e f e l l wh i l e on a ph ot o s h oot wi t h hi m.

In other news, adjunct faculty member Emily Iazzetti, was appointed to the Waco ISD board of trustees. She represents Trustee District 5, which includes the neighborhoods between Richland Mall and the lake as well as some areas near Baylor University. Iazzetti was appointed to serve until next May when voters will elect a trustee to a new three-year term.

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During the summer of 2019, Dr. Clark Baker taught photography to 20 migrants and refugees through Centro Interculturale di Aiuto ed Orientamento (CIAO) in Syracuse, Sicily and plans to continue this work in 2022. His work is highlighted in the exhibit, Migrant Journeys. CIAO offers services to help participants adapt and integrate into Italian society.

Baylor University celebrated the opening of the Baylor Black Gospel Archive and Listening Center, which celebrates the hard work of JPR&NM faculty member, Professor Bob Darden. Located on the garden level of Baylor’s Moody Memorial Library, the archive and listening center marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, which was launched in 2006 and is the world’s largest initiative to identify, acquire, digitize, catalog and make available America’s fastvanishing legacy of vinyl from the “golden age” of gospel music.

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Faculty reached major milestones this year: Professor Maxey Parrish taught his last course this fall. He is teaching abroad this spring. He will retire in May. Last year, he received a Betsy Award given to Baylor faculty members who excel in mentoring undergraduate students. He is an outstanding mentor who works tirelessly for our department. He will be missed. Professor Amber Adamson reached her six-year mark as a lecturer. This is the final year before she becomes a senior lecturer.

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President Linda Livingstone a n n o u n c e d t h a t B a y l o r U n i v e r s ity h a s a c h i e v e d R e s e a r c h 1 s t a t u s f r o m th e C a r n e g i e C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f I n s titu tio n s o f H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n , j o i n i n g th e n a t i o n ’ s t o p r e s e a r c h i n s t i t u tio n s a s a doctoral university with high research a c t i v i t y a n d a s a p r e e m i n e n t C h r is tia n r e s e a r c h u n i v e r s i t y . T h i s a c h ie v e m e n t c a m e t w o y e a r s e a r l i e r t h a n e x p e c te d . O u r d e p a r t m e n t h e l p e d c o n tr ib u te to that achievement with numerous books, b o o k c h a p t e r s , a l m o s t $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 in e x t e r n a l g r a n t s a n d 4 1 j o u r n a l a r tic le s s i n c e o u r p r i o r a c c r e d i t a t i o n s ite v is it. O u r f a c u l t y p r e s e n t e d r e s e a r c h th is f a ll virtually for the European

Public Relations Education and Research Association, and served as p a n e l i s t s f o r t h e P u b l i c R e l a tio n s S o c i e t y o f A m e r i c a ’ s I n t e r n a tio n a l C o n f e r e n c e .O u r d e p a r t m e n t a l s o w a s well represented at AEJMC 2021. Dr. Marlene Neill served as a panelist for t w o s e s s i o n s a n d p r e s e n t e d tw o coauthored papers. Dr. Alec Tefertiller s e r v e d a s a p a n e l i s t f o r t w o s e s s io n s and presented three research papers. Dr. Mia Moody-Ramirez served as keynote speaker for a session, served on four panels, co-presented a paper. S h e i s s e r v i n g a s g u e s t c o - e d i t o r o f th e J o u r n a l i s m & M a s s C o m m u n ic a tio n Q u a r t e r l y s p e c i a l i s s u e o n t h e B la c k L i v e s M a t t e r M o v e m e n t . J o u r n a lis m & M a s s C o m m u n i c a t i o n Q u a r te r ly ( J M C Q ) i s A E J M C ’ s f l a g s h i p jo u r n a l.

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Thanks to generous donations of friends of JPR&NM and the hard work of our department’s development officer Kristyn Miller, the increased level of alumni engagement has resulted in a growth in donations. In 2019, a little more than $50,000 was raised, made up of 98 gifts from 83 donors. In 2020, that number nearly doubled to a little under $100,000, and funds were from 119 gifts and 102 donors. And in 2021, the department raised more than half a million dollars -- $587,534.98 to be exact.

Earlier this year, JPR&NM was blessed to fund the Moody-Ramirez Belden Endowed Scholarship for Diversity. This scholarship is a collaborative effort between Tom Belden and Janice Miller, Ella Prichard and Mia MoodyRamirez that they began discussing with Professor Bob Darden in the fall of 2020. They wanted to create a scholarship for journalism students similar to Baylor’s Trailblazer Scholars Program, which was designed to recognize the importance of fostering diversity and mutual respect at Baylor University. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who is a member of NABJ. To give to Baylor Journalism, click this link. To select a specific fund, choose the drop-down window.You may also email

Other major gifts include a $50,000 scholarship endowed by a retired Air Force Colonel whose career as a public information officer for the military was shaped by her time as a journalism student. She said Dr. Sara Stone was so influential in her life that she dedicated the scholarship in her honor. Also worth mentioning, we launched the Dr. Doug Ferdon Scholarship campaign last spring, raising more than $3,500 in his honor so far. Donors also helped us fund the Sara Stone scholarship in record time last December (2020). JPRNM has received the following scholarship pledges since November: • Diana Austin ESF for Journalism – $77,500 • Steve Toon ESF in Journalism – $50,000 • Edwards Family ESF – $50,000 • Edwards Family Internship ESF (used for JPRNM internship stipends) – $50,000. Financial aid is a critical part of most students' education. Currently, about 70 percent of Baylor students are on financial assistance or scholarship aid. Our department offers nearly $200,000 in annual scholarship funds to students. An additional $40,000 is set aside for incoming freshman and transferring journalism majors. The amount offered in scholarships is more than any other department in the College of Arts & Sciences. Current journalism majors must submit applications with all required material by March 18th. Incoming freshman and transfer students have until March 6th. For more information, contact Moody-Ramirez or click this link.

Kr i st yn Mi l l er Assi st ant Di r ect or of Devel opment Castellaw Connect Fall 2021 | Page 13

Student Media Baylor Student Media, under Bruce Gietzen’s direction, earned 40 national awards in the past two months from collegiate and professional organizations. The Baylor Lariat was a finalist for a prestigious Editor & Publisher’s EPPY Award for best campus website, in good company with the eventual winner, Syracuse University’s Newhouse Communication Center. Baylor students were named an Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker finalist. The Lariat also earned first place in editorial cartoon and first place in special section (“Baylor Backstory”) from the College Media Association. Lariat TV News earned a finalist Pacemaker recognition from ACP. Other notable awards include first place Pinnacle in sports broadcast from the College Media Association; first place video news package and video newscast in CMA’s film and audio festival; first place Best of Show for broadcast news story and broadcast news program from the Association Collegiate Press; and first place feature news reporting from College Broadcasters Inc. The Roundup yearbook also has received numerous awards for design.


Serving as editor-in-chief is no simple feat. It involves extreme attention to detail, countless hours of brainstorming, a team player attitude, and a talent of delegation and balance. Ava Dunwoody, a Baylor junior, is a bit different from your typical Lariat staff member. Her plan is to become a high school teacher post-graduation. Find out how she juggles it all in this feature titled "Baylor’s editor-in-chief takes on difficult job."

Baylor Student Media Positions & Promotions

Broadcast Sequence Undergraduate Program Director Dr. Elizabeth Bates, Gietzen, Iazzetti, Adamson, Professor Sharon Gripp, Baker, and Neill, have been working on a broadcast sequence the department hopes to launch in fall 2022. Castellaw Connect Fall 2021 | Page 14

BAYLOR HOMECOMING This year's homecoming was extra special. During the event, we: Highlighted the accomplishments of retired faculty members Carol Perry, Doug Ferdon and David McHam.

Launched the News and Newsmakers exhibit, which is housed in our department’s reading room

Highlighted the accomplishments of the Life and Legacy of War Correspondence Sharon Kay Herbaugh (’77). Castellaw Connect Fall 2021 | Page 15

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CHAIR'S MESSAGE Continued from page 5 Updating our facilities continues to be a challenge. We have been able to make some changes to give Castellaw a more modern look. Since 2018, we have converted three classrooms into collaborative learning environments. Our classrooms feature new seating, moveable tables, additional monitors, and whiteboards that are more conducive to collaborative work and discussion. We added sofas, rugs and tables to two outer hallways on the second floor to make them common spaces where students can relax and/or study. This summer, we updated classroom seating to replace outdated desks with modern ergonomic chairs that offer students comfort and better back support. Tables were added to each classroom to replace outdated desks and offer collaborative learning spaces. Whiteboards, monitors and flatscreen televisions also were added to classrooms. In response to the needs created by the COVID-19 pandemic, cameras were added to several classrooms to allow the synchronous recording of lectures.

We also highlighted the work of students, alumni and faculty. A faculty scholarship wall features books written by faculty members, and numerous exhibits spotlight the photography of faculty members, alumni and students. We also have been updating our bulletin boards frequently to better highlight upcoming events, scholarships and trends in diversity. On the horizon, we’re updating our breakroom/mailroom, automating second-floor toilets, updating the carpet in our largest classroom and adding cabinets to our photo equipment check-out room. We’ll continue to make improvements and renovations as our budget allows. Three More Years Even more great news: I was given the thumbs up from faculty members to serve three more years as chair of JPR&NM. I look forward to taking the department to greater heights. In this episode of the KWBU Central Texas Leadership series, Nan Holmes and I discuss leadership: Thank you for your continued support. I wish you all good health, success and many blessings in 2022! —Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.

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Sadly, we highlight here the lives of many of our distinguished alumni/faculty who have passed away since September: Mike Blackman was a Baylor University journalism alumnus, Fred Hartman Distinguished Chair at JRP&NM, and former Fort Worth Star-Telegram editor. He graduated from Baylor in 1967 and the Ohio State University in 1974. He became editor of the Star-Telegram in 1986 and led what many described as the transition of the newspaper into a top-rated news organization. Rick Bradfield, KWTX-TV managing editor, 25-year adjunct faculty member and Baylor journalism alumnus, class of ’66. A fund has been established at the Waco Foundation to award $1,000 each year to reward exemplary breaking news and/or investigative reporting by a Baylor student. Please click this link to learn more. Steve Toon earned his bachelor's degree in communications and journalism from Baylor University. From the day he graduated from Baylor in 1986, Steve supported himself (and later his family) as a journalist, writer and editor. The Steve Toon Endowed Scholarship in Journalism was established in 2021 by Hart Energy and its Oil and Gas Investor magazine, for which Steve served as editor-in-chief at the time of his death.To make a donation to the Steven Toon Scholarship in Journalism, please click this link. Robert Dye, who served as an editor at the Milwaukee Sentinel before joining the communications department of its parent company, died Sept. 3. He was 74. A Missouri native, Dye attended Baylor University, where he majored in journalism. He started his career in Kansas City, Missouri. Dave Campbell, a Baylor journalism alumnus, died December 10, 2021.The legendary journalist and founder of Texas Football magazine was a past president of the Football Writers Association of America and the Texas Sports Writers Association. He was a recipient of numerous awards.To make a donation to the Dave Campbell Baylor Line Foundation Fund, click this link Castellaw Connect Fall 2021 | Page 19

Congratulations Baylor Journalism, Public Relations & New Media Class of 2021

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