people gather to collectively recite Durood-e-Bahr-ul-Kamal and Durood-eMuhammadia Kabir, two duroods written and compiled by Allama Kazmi. Following this, Allama Kazmi delivers a speech with emphasis on purification of heart. He did bay’a (sacred covenant with Allah and His Prophet )ﷺon the hand of his father and was given khilafat (permission bestowed by Sheikh for continuation of the chain) in four silasil (the chain of initiation of Sheikhs establishing unbroken connection to the Holy Prophet )ﷺ. Hazrat Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman (son of Qutb-e-Madina, Hazrat Ziauddin Madni) also bestowed him with khilafat in silsila Qadriya, Shazlia, Sanousia, Muammariya, Mehrarwiya and Rizvia. Allama Kazmi lives in Multan with his wife and two sons.