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2007 - 2014

PORTFOLIO UX Design Industrial Design User Research

郭淼 Miao Guo 2014.06 Shanghai, China


PERSONNAL INFORMATION Awards Experiences Main couses


My OC Transpo Android App


Scales Intel Environment Experiencing Plantfom Massage Chair Glasses Box Floating Shadow Digital TV Set Top Box Coffee&Tea Machine Turbine Generator Lighter


24Hours Concept Mobilephone



Miao Guo / éƒ­ćˇź

E-mail : gggmmmgmgm@hotmail.com TEL : +86-15202131984 2011-2014 Master of Industrial Design School of Industrial Design, Carleton University, Canada 2011 Pre-Graduate Study Preparation Program (academic ESL) York University, Toronto, Canada 2008-2011 Master of Arts Fashion art design Institute, Donghua University, Shanghai 2004-2008 Bachelor of Industrial Design, College of Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai


2009 - "Excellence Prize of Student Section" The 2nd China (Shunde) International Industrial Design Awards 2009 - Social Work Scholarship of Donghua University 2008 - "Instrumental Star" The 12th Donghua Graduate Student Science Technology Culture Festival Art 2008 - Champion--The Badminton in Donghua Graduate Student 2008 - "Jingwei Arts Award" The 12th Donghua Graduate Student Science Technology Culture Festival art 2007 - "Entry prize"--The First China Industrial Design Competition of "Tiger" Lighter 2007 - "Excellence Prize"--"Intel Cup" 2007 Design Competition 2007 - "Award of Bronze Category"--The 6th "Shanghai Electric"Industry Design Awards Exhibited in China International Industry Fair 2007 2006 - "Champion of Donghua University"--"Virgin"Creative Business Plan Competition


2013 - User research and UX Design for OC Transpo Android App (http://www.octranspo1.com) 2012 - CalliJoy Project for New Chinese elderly in Canada 2009 - Display box design for Johnson Control, Inc. 2009 - LED light identification design for Shanghai Yaming Lighting CO.LTD 2009 - Intern in Shanghai Moma Industrial Product Design Co.,Ltd (http://www.designmoma.com) 2007 - "1m2" Fresh Talents Show of International Creative Industry Exhibition Shanghai, China 2007 - Intern in FINUO Industrial Design Shanghai CO. LTD. (http://www.finuo.com) 2008 - Join in Literary Arts Department of Postgraduate Organization 2008 - Take part in 2008 Shanghai Design Biennial 2008 - Bid for guidance system of EXPO 2010 Shanghai China

Main Courses

Interdisciplinary design development studio Design Research Methods Psychological Aspects of Product Design Methodology Design Psychology Design Management Design Arts Ergonomics Product Development and Planning ResearchIndustrial Design Design Sketch Mechanical Designing



MY OC TRANSPO ANDROID APP Product Introduction “My OC Transpo� is a unique transportation App that helps you find your way around Ottawa and the Valley. It is produced by the Ottawa Transportation Commission. It is a stand-alone application that can be independently downloaded and run on Android operating systems. The application provides the end user with three mian functions; 1) check route schedule, 2) check stop schedule, 3) route planner.

Heuristic Evaluation The primary objectives center on ease of use and accuracy. 10 usability heuristics for user interface design by Jakob Nielsen 5 evaluators 39 usability issues in total, 20 high severity issues 23 recommendations

Findings Not easy to get out of and start using the application. The stops are displayed with you as the reference point. But there is no way of knowing which direction they are in. Not accurate at locating my location Button at the top right corner showing setting icon turns out to be adding stop to my favourite. Map only shows route, not on an actual map. Does not include map of route planned. You need to type in where you are and where you want to go by address, building or land mark. No instructions for how to add favourite route and stop Use of App prevents/disrupts other actions like incoming calls. Back button sometimes brings you back a screen, other times exits the application.

Implications This analysis is useful for determining the possible problematic aspects of the product, making us aware of the necessary changes to be made in order for the product to be better received. Potential issues can be assessed and weighed in terms of severity in order to determine what must be changed, and what will be taken into consideration for change.


Empirical Test Objectives We will be able to validate specific functionality that pertains to mapping a route, locating bus stops and determining bus schedules – the functional aspects the user will use the most. These tests lend themselves easily to quantitative measurements for accuracy, efficiency and speed of use.



Lab test Same smartphone 5 participants 1 observor, 1 facilitator 1 videophotographor 3 scenarios Post-study usability questionnaire Polit study

Objective performance measures co-located. un-moderated, manual Same time, same place

Scenario 1 - Near Me Questions Will the users find the correct stop and bus information around them? Will the users find “add to favourite” button easily in “near me”?

Scenario You just have got somewhere in Ottawa and downloaded this OC Transpo app to your smart phone. You have already known that you can search the transportation information around you and you can add stops and buses you use frequently to your favourite list. 1. Right now, you are looking for what bus stops around you and what routes are there in those bus stops. So after you start this app, what would you do to get this information? 2. After you get the nearest bus stop, please add this stop to your favorite list and add one bus in that stop to your favorite list.

Test Result

Success Criteria 1. Get the bus stops around you and routes in those bus stops within 30 seconds. 2. Add bus and stop to favourite list within 20 seconds after entered the stop page and bus page 3. Rate of correct competing task no less than 95 percent

Issues Found

There might be mistakes of locating the users’ accurate location in the real field, this won’t be a problem in the lab when the phone’s GPS and its network work well. They can’t find the right button to add stops to the favourite list. However, they can add buses to the favourite list quickly because there is a heart button at the top right corner.


1. Give a message to notice users the statues about GPS and Wi-Fi, If there is a problem to located the users current location 2. Use the heart Icon consistently as the button for “add stop to favourites” in both stop page and buses page.

Although participants took longer than we expected to finish the two tasks in this scenario, they can complete the tasks without any help because this is a relatively easy app and only a few functions. Even if they sometimes don’t know what that button or icon means, they can figure it out quickly.


Scenario 2 - Travel Planner Questions Will the users know how to add routes and stops to the ‘favourites’ list? Can the users receive calls when using the app? Will the users be able to effectively go back / undo actions if an error is made?

Scenario a You’re an occasional rider of OC Transpo, and just downloaded their app to use in the future. After installing, you want to get familiar with its features. 1. The app is able to save a list of routes and stops for you to view more quickly. Where would you find this feature?

Sa Success Criteria 1. Rate of correctly completing task of adding favourites no less than 80% 2. Time to learn how to add favourites and view the list takes no longer than 25s

2. After you’ve located it, the list will be empty. How would you try to add to the list?

Scenario b 1. You receive a call during your use of the app. (Calls their phone) 2. Can you take the call?

Scenario c

When using the settings (back button) / travel planner (swipe screen) / near me! (back button) functions, go back to the menu screen.

Sb Success Criteria 1. Rate of successfully completing the task is no lower than 95% 2. Time to accept call no longer than 5s

Success Criteria 1. Rate of success no lower than 90% 2. Time to complete task no longer than 3s

Test Result

Issues Found

The favourites function is in definite need of attention, with a 60% success rate which misses our goals for effectiveness, and a 40% success rate for our efficiency goals. The ability to take a call while using the app was a concern in our heuristic evaluation, and for the majority (80%) it was not a problem. However there was a user using an older system (HTC Legend, Android 2.3) who was not able to receive the call. This may be a glitch or incompatibility issue that should be addressed. The back feature’s inconsistency is flagged as an issue. Only 40% of our users passed the efficiency and effectiveness benchmarks.


1. The ability to add favorites should be able to be done while the user is viewing the favorites list – it’s simply more intuitive. This itself could eliminate most failures and allow the application to meet our criteria. 2. The ability to take a call did not seem to affect users with up-to-date systems and phones, but there is still a concern for users running older software. If the app overreaches the capabilities of these systems, at least a disclaimer for those users should be added. 3. The back button feature is a problem that is very easy to fix, by simply sticking to one convention. I would recommend that the gesture of swiping off the screen be used, to be consistent with phones without a back button (eg. iPhone).


Satisfaction Questionnaire Questions 1. Overall, I found the OC Transpo application easy to use. 2. I found I could effectively complete tasks with the My OC Transpo application. 3. I feel I am likely to use the My OC Transpo application frequently. 4. Overall I feel comfortable using the My OC Transpo application. 5. I feel confident that the My OC Transpo application will help you arrive at your destination on time. 6. Overall I am satisfied with the My OC Transpo application. 7. Overall I found the My OC Transpo application useful.

Result After running the numbers through, we found some interesting results. Although most participants were only moderately satisfied with the product (M=3.8) and had a relatively low level of confidence in the product (M=3.1) they indicated they would use it on a regular basis (M=5.9). The overall fall in confidence was not a direct result of the application but of social conditioning. The participants were pre-conditioned to not rely on either the bus schedules or bus route (the weather man syndrome).

However, you will notice that although both Ease (M=4.7) and Effectiveness of Use (M=4.7) were more positively inclined the overall Usefulness (M=3.8) and Satisfaction (M=3.7) levels were low. This suggests that the product is more geared towards the look and feel standards rather than the actual directives, thus lowering the end users confidence level.

Conclusions and implications The analysis provides useful insight into the usability of our product by providing empirical data based on various measurable elements. Here we can measure the efficiency and effectiveness of our product using measures for speed to complete tasks and the accuracy of which the tasks are completed. A last measure is still empirical but the results are a subjective measure from the users based on their satisfaction with the product and its elements. Measures are also taken based on how many people completed the tasks.

The rate of completion provides knowledge to whether our product is easily accessible to our target users, new users, frequent users, or occasional users.

The analysis provides useful insight into the usability of our product by providing empirical data based on various measurable elements.

The results of these tests allow us to see the number of people who completed the tasks. The rate of completion provides knowledge to whether our product is easily accessible to our target users, new users, frequent users, or occasional users. If the completion rate fails to reach the desired level, then the product needs to be reworked based on the areas that provided the most problems. If the tasks fail to be completed, then the specific problematic element of the product will be revised. The results of these tests, whether meeting the criteria or not, implies whether the product is or is not ready for deployment to the general public. If the product is not ready, the aspects that need to be reworked will be made so that these issues are resolved and the success criteria is met. This would lead into another round of empirical testing, with the problematic issues being the heuristics that are violated.

My OC Transpo



Krell Precision Co.,Ltd Moma Industrial Product Design Co.,Ltd 2009

The design aims to provide some recommendations for cheap domastic scales used in both bedroom and bathroom. Based on lcd technology and waterproof by a whole plastic cover, these two scales are both simple with a few lines and only one colour. It just fit the concept of modern life style without any sense of cheap.


Boundless creativeness and special design consist fully in concise and clean outlines, which is in consonance with the concept for modern life style achieved by combining image and mixed settlement on the mental and visual level.

Whole Plastic Cover

The whole scales is covered by one plastic which means it is waterproof and suitable for moisture environment. Also, it is easy to machine.

LCD Technology

The number is showed clearly on lcd and big enough to be read easily by both adults and children whenever day or night.


Intel Environment Experiencing Plantfom Intel Cap 2007 Design Competition Excellence Prize

Designers : Guo Miao, Jarel Woo, Gu Yi, Lu Chunhuan Advisor : Professor Wang Jicheng 2007 With fast development of society and technology, world is becoming a heaven for yousters rather than disadvantaged group, espacially elders and children, who has allways been neglected because of the fast pace of life. This device is just fit for this situation, useing virtual reality to take care of this group by showing image, sound and flavour imatating some particular scenes downloaded from a internet web. By rendering some scenes liked forest or nature, it may change people's mood and keep them health.

Virtual Forest

Because of physical reason, it is hard for elders to go to forest been recognized as the heart of the earth and best for our health. However, this device can show you the scene of forest by 3D technology as well as the fresh air, which would let elders relax at home as they were in forest.

Virtual Cartoon

Children usually like cartoon charectors from tv programmes or films, and keen on living and playing with them. This design could also help them carry out their dreams by showing some charectors play games with them.


Different from TV set and projector, this device is much more neutral for both hospital and home. Light blue represents sky with white body, remanding us to release and enjoy without any distracting throughts.


Based on holograph technology, smell simulating technology and internet, the plantform give us a totally new experience.


massage chair

Along with busy work, people pursue an easy and comfortable life. With application of ergonomics and traditional massage manipulation, this massage chair could give you a comfortable experience after work.

Rongtai fitness tech.development Co.,Ltd www.rongtai.biz Moma Industrial Product Design Co.,Ltd 2009


Two kinds of massage chairs with different colours might go with different style of decoration in your home.


Genuine leather could provide you the best sense of sitting and massage.


The chair has a series of conditions providing different kind of massage manipulations.


glasses box

e.box Co.,Ltd Moma Industrial Product Design Co.,Ltd www.designmoma.com/ 2009

Glasses box becomes a more fashion element and people classification plays an important part in the box design process. Based on the once-hot film Transformers II, e.box company tried to develop a new market of glasses case by designing some new transformers-box for youngsters.

By imatating transformers' body, these boxes integrate new elements into design and have totally different shape, which attract more students and Transformers fans.



“1m2� Fresh Talents Show of International Creative Industry Exhibition Shanghai, China 2007

This Floating Shadow is, on one hand, a vase, taking flowers with water, on the other hand, it is a light, shining softly by the lamp inside the vase. It is simple and fashionable because of the quality and surface of ceramic as well as the pure colour it shown.

Design For Assenbly

It can be assembled or disassembled easily, so the hight of the floating shadow is various despending on your choice of the strut. Furthemore, it is also convenient to be packaged or delivered when you are moving.

Brief Beauty

Graceful lines and pure colour as well as clean material contribute to the extremely brief beauty of the floating shadow.

Light And Fun

Various changeable shadows of flowers and plants by the light inside demonstrate the most difference of this design. The lighting and shadow illuminate the room softly, and also add more enjoyment to life.


Digital TV Top Box

This top box is a kind of device to help tv set receive and analyse digital signals which could provide a better image for people. Based on the mid-level market of china, simple without any other functions should be the location of design as well as no sense of cheep. Because of working together with tv, it should be looks like a part of tv. So colours are silver and black, and material is ABS. The point is to match tv set rather than the remarkable outline. Yinhe Electronics Co.,Ltd. www.yinhe.com Moma Industrial Product Design Co.,Ltd www.designmoma.com 2009

It is easy to consist with enviroment at home by its silver colour and also not hard to identify the number it showed bacause of the intense contrast of colour.

Some express-cards are hid behind the cover which assure the box tidy and resist misuse by children.

Don't need so much decorations and functions , this top box is simple and clear with only five buttons, decreasing the cost of manufacture. 27

COFFEE&TEA machine

The 2nd China (Shunde) International Industrial Design Awards Excellence Prize of Student Section 2009

Coffee and tea, out of the restriction of area, becomes to be main drinks in everyday life throughout of the world. With this trend, this machine, based on domastic use, centers on conveniece by integrating concept of coffee and tea as well as culture to a totally new drink service.

Efficiency Convenience Modern Through putting groud coffee into machine, pressing the button, watching the coffee pouring into caps, ones may smell the taste of coffee and enjoy their life with romance. The process, which boilling water flow through the transparent glass silently and permeate the tea in the filler, indecates sence of pure, fragrant and naivety, the properties of tea. Pouring tea to caps could biuld a tranquil mind.

Drawing Box

Put groud coffee into it conveniently.


Stainless steel, metallic paint and lighting LCD illustrute technolegy.


LCD indecate the system work state while buttoms are easy to be choosed.


Transparent material insure the process visible and fun.


turbine generator The 6th “Shanghai Electric� Industry Design Awards Bronze Award Designers : Guo Miao, Jeral Woo Advisor : Professor Wang Jicheng 2007

It is a turbine generator designed for Shanghai Electric Company. It is based on the former shape and made some improvement for not only seem better, but also looks more humanity. Control room at either end of the generator was designed more modern and simple by integrating as a whole. Middle of it was not changed much by maintain the feeling of mechanical. We also add some warning sign to prevent happening of dangerous situations.

Modular Design

Based on modular desing, three parts of the generator are joined well and easy to be installed.

Modern Shape

Lines of both strength and tenderness are married in it. Colour is modern combined with lines perfectly.

Colour Matching

Based on the safety and easy to be identified, bright colours here seems to be humanlity.

Warning Signals

Warning signals assured the safe of users by prevent them fall down or misuse.



The 1st China Industrial Design Competition of "Tiger" Lighter Entry prize 2007

It is a totally new concept lighter not only for its appearence but also for its creative way of operation. Steel material expressed masculinity and the experience of using could be more interesting.

Fire Adjust

It is the knob for you to adjust fire.


It is a lighter with a charge hole and it is sustainable. You can keep it in your whole life.

Hole and Fun

This hole is for operation, but it is also a special point in appearence.


when you are tring to light fire, you should hold it like this picture and light by pressing the button at the bottom with your thumb and forefinger.



24hours concept mobilephone Undergraduate Project for Bachelor Degree 2008 Shanghai Design Biennial 2008

24hours is a concept mobilephone designed especially for freedom and fun. The target market of 24hours is the young generation who always pursuit the fasion. It is equiped with touching screen which is bending and can identify the movements. There is also a very simple mechanical equipment, which is programmable, to assure the model of the watch belt can be changed according to the different situations.

Based on user, market and intustry, this survey analyse the development of mobile phone and indicate some trends might happen in the future. After totally research, position for design involving user, function and operation has been made.



Many kinds of colours can match your need.


The shoting angle is much more wide and flexible, because the camera can be rotated for 160 degrees.


By adding light, the phone is more entertaining espacially at night.


24hours will always aroud your handwrist whenever you are, and bring convinience to your life.


when you meet some beautiful scenery, the phoro-shoting function will help you to memorise it.


If you want to recieve a call, just unfold the 24hours and pick it up.

Hand Gesture Recognition

It can fell user's hand gesture by detecting system involving camera and screen, and give suitable feedbacks for user to choose.


If you want to send a file from 24hours to computer.


Hold you finger at screen icon just like you are holding the file.


Keep it, don't let it go, while pointing to the sceen's direction of the computer like throwing it into computer.

In this way, 24hours can connect automatically and begin to transfer files.


Miao Guo Design Portfolio E-mail : gggmmmgmgm@hotmail.com TEL : +86-15202131984 2014.06

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