Mitch’s workshop restrictions: 1. Make it out of folds 2. Make it reflect 3. Use 36˚ angles incorporate the 23rd (my age) jpeg found on the list of jpegs in your computer. Posterheroes smart cities poster contest brief: After dealing with the issues of energy and consumption, with the 2012/2013 edition Posterheroes proposes a debate on sustainability in the fields of production, health, mobility and public life in cities. Together with the issues of the first two editions, these last ones complete the six characteristics suggested by the European Community as indicators for a Smart City
I started by cutting & folding 36Ëš angles in a circle
It looked like a sun. So what could I say in relation to the sun in a smart city context?
my 23rd jpeg was the documentation of one of my letterpress posters that I printed last semester so I made the folded sun out of the same kind of paper that I used to print the poster on.
Thinking about how the sun could be incorporated into a smart city, I chose to make solar panels the subject of my poster. They conveniently have a reflective quality (adhering to my restrictions). I vinal cut a grid similar to the grid you would find on a solar panel and stuck it to a mirror & some black acetate.
I set up a photoshoot in the sudio where the mirror reflects the sky.
I also set up a photo shoot in the photo room to get some different kinds of reflections
After the two photo shoots I had a lot of different directions that I could go in.
After playing with the color in Lightroom, the final poster was chosen. Now for some copy!
cultivate the sky
I wanted to express the sun as an infinate sourse of power, so I combined an infinity symbol with the words “cultivate the sky”. When combined they form the shape of a small plant. This makes sense because plants get their energy from the sun and we have the technology to mimick their process.
cultivate the sky
cultivate the sky
final version