2024 WIP Undergrad Port (test)

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FITZGERALD University of Florida School of Architecture | 2021-2023 | Selected Works
Studio S emester P rofessor






(FALL 2022)
2023) CEDAR
(FALL 2021) (SPRING 2022)
(SUMMER 2023)

3rd Ave EcoHub

Manhattan, New York


Keywords/Terms: adaptive reuse, affordable housing, facade, lighting, urban challenges, biophilic, sustainablilty

This adaptive reuse/residential project aims to align with New York City’s forward-thinking ‘City of Yes’ initiative, a plan dedicated to modernizing zoning regulations for sustainable urban development. This project introduces a 34-story mixed-use tower that not only preserves the existing structure but also contributes to the city’s housing needs. Embracing the principles of social and environmental sustainability, our design incorporates enclosed green spaces within the tower, utilizing indigenous trees and vegetation to enhance both aesthetics and air quality. We also focused on how the lighting conditions can be improved through layering an operable facade with both clear and diffused glass

Existing Building Lighting Conditions 8 AM 1 PM 6 PM Studio 7 F all 2023 P rofessor Donna Cohen
Render&Mapping:MicahFitzgerald 5

8 AM

1 PM

6 PM

Affordable Rental Units

Residential Gym Ammenity

Residential Lobby

Collaborative Work Spaces/ Meeting Rooms

Public Speaker Room

Mail Rooms

Leisure Space

Solar Volume Spaces

Service Floor

Studio Spaces

Photo Development Spaces

Exhibit Space

Public Cafe / Local Businesses

Lobby / Circulation

Fire Station / Police Precinct

7 F all 2023 P rofessor
Donna Cohen





Ground Level Lobby Ground Level Floor Plan Collaboration Level Floor Plan
between Studio Space & Solar Volume Studio 7 F all 2023 P rofessor Donna Cohen
Perspectives:MicahFitzgerald Plans:DavisonOser Res. Lobby Level Floor Plan TYP Residential Floor Plan Volume Residential Level Lobby 9

Transparent glass allows natural light directly into the building, activitating the interior materials. Once the natural light reaches the semi-opaque glass edges, there is an increase in overall illumination, minimizing the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours.

The semi-opaque glass also helps regulate temperature, ensure privacy, and capture the intricate play of shadows cast by the surrounding vegetation. Acting as a canvas that captures the passage of time through these shadows, the semi-opaque glass creates a dynamic and visually engaging experience for occupants.

Semi-Opaque Glass

- diffuses light

- captures shadows

- temperture control

- UV protection

- energy efficient

- durability

- ease of maintenance

- temperature regulation

- slip resistence

- biophilic connection

- sustainably harvested

- light reflection

- energy efficient

- unique acoustic properties

- biophilic connection

- improved air quality

- temperature regulation

- acoustic comfort

- stress reduction

- enhances cognitive funciton

- sustainable principles

Light shining through TRANSPARENT glazing

Concrete Floor Tiles Interior Wooden Finishes Vegetation / Plants
F all 2023
Studio 7
Donna Cohen
11 SectionDiagram&MaterialStudy:MicahFitzgerald
Light diffused through SEMI-OPAUQE glazing
Studio 7 F all 2023 P rofessor Donna Cohen

The operable facade offers adaptability for indooroutdoor connections. Our design creates unique lighting conditions within the tower, influencing the character of the programmatic spaces. This dynamic feature serves as a tool, enhancing both functionality and the distinctive atmosphere of the building.

Facade Structure

Electronic Pantograph System

Peforated Metal Mesh


Shell Mound Trail

Cedar Key, Florida

Keywords/Terms: circulation, tradition, atmospheric conditions, environment

This project is an exploration of enhancing the Shell Mound Trail’s circulation and discovering a dialogue between material functionality and the surrounding environment. The program includes a boat house for row boats, an informal dining area, a library, and a solstice observation tower.

Studio 5 F all 2022 P rofessor Jamie Lindsey N
Library & Solstice Tower Section
Studio 5 F all 2022 P rofessor Jamie Lindsey
Boathouse Section

The site has as variety of vegatation, all living in harmony amongst the shell mound. Natural edges are blurred throughout the trail, creating unique ecosystems and delicate ground conditions. The structures were designed to seemingly float above the ground, hiding within the dense vegetation, with materials that act as a canvas for atmospheric conditions.

Form Iteration 1 Form Iteration 2
Form Iteration 3

Timber, chosen for its natural warmth and versatility, establishes a tactile connection with occupants, allowingthem to understand the structural elements. Corrugated Metal, with its rugged aesthetic, not only provides durability but also reflects the climate as the material ages over time. Semi-Opaque Glazing serves to create a dialogue between light and shadow, forming a visual connection between the interior and the exterior. This material palette prioritizes transparency and a sense of place.

F all
Studio 5
2022 P
rofessor Jamie Lindsey

Chamber of Edification

Gainesville, Florida

Keywords/Terms: vessel, forum, education, exhibition, legacy

The Gallery is designed to emphasize the intricay and the harmony of the downtown area. Gainesville has a diverse community, rich with a history of innovation. The purpose of the vessel is to be a forum for all collages at the Univserity. The vessel is designed to promote discusion and enlightenment, representing the Gaineseville community at large.

Materials on Site

Studio 6 S pring 2023 P rofessor Alfonso Perez
21 N

The program of the Gallery is composed of an exhibit space, an auditorium, conference rooms, admin offices, bathrooms, and storage rooms. The Gallery encourages circulation up three floors, where occupants can encounter blurred boudaries between static moments and areas of movement.

1 Adminstration Office

2 Bathrooms

3 Storage

4 Auditorium

5 Gallery

6 Conference Rooms

7 Mechanical Room

Studio 6 S pring 2023 P rofessor
Alfonso Perez
Ground Floor Second Floor

The Gallery includes three key layers of assembly: the main structure , the facade ribcage, and the sunshade facade. Semi transparent and fully transparent glazing is used throughout the atrium, creating unique lighting conditions throughout the day.

Sun Shade Facade Facade Ribcage Structure
Vessel 23
Primary Structure Third Floor

Albina Green Belt

Portland, Oregon

Role: Captain

Members: Patrick Rodriguez, Yousef Alsherif, Olivia Huffer

Keywords/Terms: community, smart growth, mixed-use, affordable housing, renewel

The endeavor of this project focuses on the redevelopment of a long-vacant parcel of land adjacent to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, historically known as the Hill Block. The site, condemned in the 1970s for an expansion that never materialized, is now being donated back to the Black community through the Williams & Russell CDC. Driven by five community priorities—Support for Entrepreneurs, Affordable Rental Housing, Homeownership, Education/Workforce Training, and Community Space—aims to revive the oncethriving African American commercial district. Our design solution integrates mixed-income residential development with commercial, retail, and community spaces. The key focuses of this project were the business incubator for local entrepreneurs and job opportunities, affordable housing, and the integration of green spaces that seamlessly connect with adjacent green areas.

Design Competition S ummer 2023 NOM AS N




Design Competition S ummer 2023 NOM AS
SectionLineWork&BaseRenders:MicahFitzgerald RenderPhotoshop:YousefAlsherif&OliviaHuffer AxoDiagram:YousefAlsherif&MicahFitzgerald

A Collection of Anonymity

Door, Window, Stair

Keywords/Terms: reading, anonymous, intimate, identity

This is a vessel where literature is published anonymously. A space where relics of knowledge are accessible for those searching for truth and enlightenment. A space with no bias and no institution.

This structure is a fragment of a larger concept, containing transient, intimate, and enlightening spaces. Occupants encounter edges of semi transparency, encouraging exploration and curiousity

Ideograms were the first step in figuring out a narative and form for the structure. All drawings used in collage are from the era of the industrial revolution. The idea was inspired by Architectual Designer Douglas Darden.

Section Collage Studies Studio 3 F all 2021 P rofessor Mark McGlothlin

The program consisted of two main spaces:

A space for holding relics of knowledge

A space for holding activity, thus the production of memory.

Studio 3 F all 2021 P rofessor Mark McGlothlin

Level 5555

Verticle Datum

Keywords/Terms: scale, transition, illumination

This structures design followed the story of BLAME!, a science fiction manga written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei. In this manga, the main character journeys through an infinitely tall tower. The structure I have designed is a fragment of this tower. The design explores how sound can impact ones navigation through a space, and how rhythm and repition through tectonics relate to the sound made thorughout the structure.

Studio 4 S pring 2022 P rofessor Lisa Ryzhikov

The program consists of two types of spaces:

Episodic Spaces:

- Arrival/Departure: Gravity Beam Pod

- Spectacle: Studio/Acoustic Chamber/Bop laboratory

Constant Spaces:

- Lodging: Confinement Cells (possible panopticon??)

- Holding: archive of sounds never heard

Studio 4 S pring 2022 P rofessor Lisa Ryzhikov

Nexus of Power

Winter Park, Florida

Keywords/Terms: mentorship, funnel, compression, diffusion

Winter Park is a site that holds a unique historical context. From the train tracks adjacent to the library, to the history behind the founders of the town, it’s clear that this community will benefit from a cultural hub that embodies Winter Park’s identity and character. This library and plaza is desgined to respond to the history held within the SunRail’s train tracks, seeking to serve as a nexus of power.

Studio 6 S pring 2023 P rofessor Alfonso Perez N
Train Depot/Farmers Market Market Vendors
SunRail Station Stop

Roof Surface

Polycarbonate Facade / Skin

Facade Structure

Primary & Secondary Structure

Planar / Structural Makeup

6 S pring 2023 P rofessor
Alfonso Perez

The ground level focuses on creating an accessible environment, inviting people to explore and discover the library. It includes facilities such as the bookstore, cultural cafe, and a reading lounge with tables for social events. The second floor focuses on creating moments for collaboration and innovation; including a genius lab, a computer lab, and a mentorship center that empowers and supports individuals in their personal and professional goals.

The third floor focuses on providing a quiet and focused space for studying, research, and contemplation, including study rooms, reading chambers, and an open reading area.

Studio 6 S pring 2023 P rofessor
Alfonso Perez Central Atrium / Book Tower West Side Reading Corner 1 Cultural Cafe 2 Bookstore 3 Public Forum

Through the plaza and the library, this design aims to create a cultural hub that embodies Winter Park’s identity and character. By integrating with the SunRail and the Central Park events, the library becomes an essential part of the city’s cultural landscape, inviting visitors to embrace the wonderful atmosphere of Winter Park.

4 Computer Labs 5 Genius Labs 6 Mentorship Center 7 Auditorium 8 Study Rooms

Through the plaza and the library, this design aims to create a cultural hub that embodies Winter Park’s identity and character. By integrating with the SunRail and the Central Park events, the library becomes an essential part of the city’s cultural landscape, inviting visitors to embrace the wonderful atmosphere of Winter Park.

6 S pring 2023 P rofessor
Alfonso Perez

The materiality of the train tracks and surrounding ground conditions inspired this libraries tectonic assembly, and the transition between the plaza’s edges

43 N

Ecosystem Studies

Natural Area Teaching Laboratory, UF

Keywords/Terms: climate, atmosphere, light, time, ecosystem

Cyanotype printing was the first step in studying and capturing the atmospheric conditions of each of the three ecosystems within our site. The cyanotype prints revealed moments of time and densities within the site.

Hammcock Wetlands
Studio 5 F all 2022 P rofessor Jamie Lindsey
Upland Pines

This project focuses on how assembly of a structure can capture and enhance the atmospheric qualities of the site while exploring the atmospheric conditions within varrying ecosystems.


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