K I N G D O M of G O D - Outline Definition: The KINGDOM
OF GOD is the royal rule and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ in the heart of every man, woman, boy, and girl who in sincerity seeks God with all their heart, asks Jesus for forgiveness from his past sin and is living up to his growing understanding of the truth of the Bible. – as stated by Harry Conn The KINGDOM OF GOD is m anifested externally in the life of those who are saved as they apply God’s word in their fam ily, church and civil relationships.
General Characteristics of the KINGDOM OF GOD Authority • Centralized authority only in Jesus • The Absolute truth revealed in the Bible is the foundation and judge of all authority. • Authority flows from God to the individual’s heart then outward, applying Heb.13:17 when not violating the rule of conscience • The KOG judges the kingdoms of men • All Christians called to serve
Value •The KOG is the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, of greatest value.
Principles of Operation • It is sustained eternally by the all powerful energy of God • It is unchanging in its nature and purpose • It hates sin, and upholds absolute moral standards • It builds union and unity without destroying creativity, individuality and personal identity
• It reigns victoriously in the midst of persecution, overcoming temptation, evil and death. • It exists on earth as well as heaven • It expands through the sacrifice of selfdenial and servant heartedness, not by coercion/physical force. • It operates from internal to external
The Kingdom and the Individual • All mankind may enter the KOG • Equal value of every individual judged impartially by God’s law • Transformation from within the individual:
brings change from Internal to External • Entrance requirements: childlikeness, repentance, commitment of faith to obey Jesus supremely
Manifests God's Qualities of Existence and Character •The KOG shows love in every aspect of human relationships •
Internal Characteristics of the KINGDOM OF GOD • Fear of the Lord • Hatred of sin and hungering after righteousness • Uncompromising obedience • Willingness to suffer for Christ (not asceticism) • Values all people equally • Humility not Arrogance • Sensitivity to the leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit (not Stubbornness)
• • • • • •
Pure and transparent motives Fruit of the Spirit Eager to learn Sense of God’s purpose Devoted to evangelism Yielded life of a servant (“use me for your purposes Lord”) • Thankfulness • Dependency on God not Self-Sufficiency • Loves God supremely
External Manifestations of the KINGDOM OF GOD Personally • A self-governed Christian life led by the Holy Spirit • Victory over sin and persecution • Integrity and servanthood in relationships with others • Commitment to missions
• Total allegiance only to God, conformity to state as it is consistent with God’s principles • Sacrificial giving: Generosity • Righteous, disciplined life, applying truth daily • Seeking to see the KOG applied in every sphere of life
Corporately • • • • •
Unity with diversity Committed to Missions Operates in purity and voluntary union Seeks liberty to fulfill God’s purposes Families are structured on God’s truth with the goal of serving God • Educational system flows from a biblically based philosophy, purpose and method • Churches are structured on God’s truth.
• Churches proclaim the Gospel, and also disciple both individuals and nations, serving God and mankind • Righteous Civil Government built on God’s truth • A Biblically structured economics system • Biblically structured business procedures • Arts, media and entertainment that communicate, illustrate and inspire liberty.
God’s Activity to bring about the KINGDOM OF GOD 1. The Cross • Established a new covenant • Revealed the character and nature of God • Demonstrated genuine relationship with God in obeying, serving, and suffering for the cause of righteousness
5. The Holy Spirit’s anointing on righteous leaders
6. Governmental Providence and/or judgment of individuals and nations.
2. The Bible in the hand and language of the individual is the seed of LIBERTY.
3. The church
7. Direct personal contact by the Holy Spirit throughout the world (John 16:8-10, Acts 1:6)
models genuine relationship with God and consistently and accurately proclaims the truth.
4. God uses nations and wants them to be structured on God’s Word in their institutional forms and in their national purpose.
Common misconceptions about the KINGDOM OF GOD Individually – It is not true: It is not true that the idea that righteousness is measured by external “law-keeping” (Phil 3:4-6) rather than by the intention of heart behind the action (Is 29:13)
Corporately – It is not true that: • It is not true that a person’s value is according to his contribution and external identification with the group. • It is not true that the KOG is the institution (because in truth, the KOG is internal within the heart.) • It is not true that the purpose of religion is merely a tool of the state to be used by the state to achieve its own ends.