School of the Bible Old Testament: Introduction (OTI) October 3-7, 2011 Independent Study Schedule M o n d a y T u e s d a y
W e d.
T h u rs d a y
Read: Old Testament Historical Reflection on the Kingdom of God by Larry Allen, inspired by Kingdom of God, by John Bright While you are reading you will want to be searching for and listing key principle regarding the Kingdom of God.
Read: New Testament Historical Reflection on the Kingdom of God by Larry Allen, inspired by Kingdom of God, by John Bright While you are reading you will want to be searching for and listing key principle regarding the Kingdom of God. Working from your Old and New Testament lists fill in the Kingdom of God outline sheet. By Saturday noon or before, Read: Note pack: by Sat noon or before read NotePack pp 77- 86. Complete your reading of the entire book of Genesis Write down questions you have. What does God want you to apply? One sentence of two or more words for each chapter to summarize each chapter. To be handed in by Saturday noon. Completion of the IS Assignment is your final exam. -