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Course Syllabus Old Testament Studies Course Description The Old Testament Studies course is designed to familiarize the student with the Old Testament. He will see the principles of the kingdom of God in the context of the way in which God is working in Old Testament history. The student will become acquainted with the chronology of Old Testament history, and with the way in which all Old Testament books fit into that chronology. He will become conversant with basic introductory material (author, date and place of origin, occasion, and purpose) for each book. The course is designed so that the student will learn the content of important sections of the Old Testament, which contain principles for application to life and ministry. He will also be given an overview of the creation-evolution controversy, and of the documentary hypothesis (a humanist theory of the origin of the Pentateuch, as contrasted to Mosaic authorship).

Course Objectives Affective (attitudes): The students should experience: 1. A heightened appreciation for the unity of God's revelation. 2. A marked improvement in his appreciation of the Old Testament. 3. Increased appreciation for the consistency of God's ways in dealing with mankind, both as individuals and as groups. 4. An increased desire to rightly divide God's Word through proper attention to introductory and contextual matters, using the Grammatical, Historical approach of interpretation. 5. An increased desire to teach others, not only Bible content, principles and application, but also the methodology for personal study and investigation to discover and verify the truths revealed by God through the Bible. 6. A greater desire to participate in God's plan of redemption for the world. Cognitive (Knowledge): The student will: 1. Identify the Biblical revelation of the definition and principles and characteristics of the Kingdom of God. 2. Articulate the presuppositional basis and nature of the creation-evolution conflict. 3. Examine the Biblical and scientific evidence supporting creationism. 4. Reproduce the chronological story of the creation of man, the nation of Israel, and the preparation for the establishment of the church. 5. Fit the non-chronological sections of the Old Testament into their chronological context. 6. Identify the contents of each book and know how each fits into the overall historical picture. 7. Consider the evidence for the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch and the literal account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. 8. Learn the presuppositions, history, and purpose of the Documentary Hypothesis and the conflict it poses to a true Biblical faith. 9. Recognize the ways in which the Old Testament lays the foundation for understanding the New Testament.



Course Syllabus Conative (Skills): The student will know how to: 1. Make use of study reference materials. 2. Defend the Biblical account of creation. 3. Study and preach from the Old Testament consistently with its historical, chronological, grammatical, and presuppositional context. 4. Accurately interpret the Word of God through daily practice in properly applying principles of interpretation according to the scriptures in their historical, grammatical, and presuppositional context. 5. Search for the meaning, significance, and practical application of a scriptural passage.

Course Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4.

Read and interact with all texts and assigned readings. Complete all daily or weekly assignments. Keep a notebook for all lectures and handouts. Make a notebook for Old Testament Introduction including these 5 divisions for each book: (1) Author-Who was the human author? (2) Date-When was the book written? (3) Place-Where was the book written? (4) Occasion-What was the situation in which the book was written? (5) Purpose-Why was the book written? 5. Complete the inductive study as outlined for the book of Proverbs. 6. Complete all tests/quiz/exams.

Course Evaluation As Defined week by week


Course Bibliography Archer, G., A Survey of O.T. Introduction, Moody Press, 1974. Beitzel, B.J., The Moody Atlas of Bible Lands, Moody Press, 1985. Bergman, Jerry, Mankind-The Pinnacle of God's Creation, No. 133, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Bliss, R.B., Origins, Two Models, Creation Life Pub., San Diego, CA, 1982. Bohlin, Ray, Creation Seminar (6 videotapes), Probe Ministries, Dallas, TX 1. Basis of Belief in Creation 2. Origin of the Universe, Origin of Life 3. Origin of Diversity 4. Evolution of Man 5. Canopy Theory (with accompanying handout) 6. Noah's Ark Bullock, C.H., An Introduction to the O.T. Poetic Books, Moody Press, 1979. Chapman, Lonnie Urness, Archaeology and the Biblical Record, Unpublished research paper presented to Twin Oaks SOTB, 1986. Chittick, D.E., The Controversy, Roots of the Creation- Evolution Conflict, Multnomah Press, Portland, OR, 1984. Coleman, W.L., Today's Handout of Bible Times and Customs, Bethany, 1984. Cummings, V., Has Anybody Really Seen Noah's Ark?, Creation-Life Publishers, 1982. Custance, Arthur C., The Doorway Papers, Zondervan, 1975. Dillow, J.C., The Waters Above, Moody Press, 1981. Free, Joseph P., Archaeology and Bible History, Scripture Press, 1950. Freeman, H., An Introduction to the O.T. Prophets, Moody Press, 1971. Gaebelein, Frank E., (General Editor), Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 1-7, Zondervan, 1986. Geisler and Nix, A General Introduction to the Bible, Moody, 1986. Gish, D., Evolution, The Fossils Say No. Creation Life Pub.,San Diego, CA, 1984. Gish, D., and Bliss, Richard, Summary of Scientific Evidence for Creation, No. 95, Impact Articles, Inst.of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Goodrich, Edward, Do it Yourself Hebrew and Greek, Multnomah Press, Portland, OR 97266, 1976. Harrison, R.K., Introduction to the O.T., Eerdmans, 1973. Harrison, R.K., O.T. Times, Eerdmans, 1982. Horton, S.M., A Defense on Historical Grounds of the Isaianic Authorship of the Passages in Isaiah Referring to Babylon, Unpublished Dissertation Presented to the Central Baptist Theological Seminary, 1959. Impact Articles, Institute For Creation Research, P. O. Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021 Impact Articles (Numbers 48, 49, 81, 94, 95, 99, 103, 107, 111, 128 Videotape Series, Institute for Creation Research, P. O. Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021 1. Gish-Doolittle Debate 2. Gish-Aubrey Debate 3. Origins-2 Models 4. What is True Science? 5. Genesis Record Jauncey, J.H., Science Returns to God, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1971. Kaiser, W., Towards an Exegetical Theology, Baker, 1981. Kaiser, W., The Use of the O.T. in the N.T., Baker, 1982. Keil and Delitzsch, Old Testament Commentaries, Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI 49506. McDonald, M.W., O.T. Chronology, SOTB, 1985.

4 McDowell, Josh, More Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Here's Life Publishers, 1975 Morris, H.M., Scientific Creationism, Creation Life Publishers, 1974. Morris, H.M., The Genesis Record, Creation Life Publishers 1976. Morris, H.M., Scientific Creationism, Creation Life Pub., San Diego, CA, 1981. Morris, H.M., History of Modern Creationism, Master Books, San Diego, CA,1984. Morris, H.M., Circular Reasoning In Evolutionary Geology, No. 48, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Morris, H.M., An Answer for Asimov, No. 99, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Morris, H.M., Bible Believing Scientists of the Past, No. 103, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Morris, H.M., Evolution is Religion, Not Science, No. 107, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, SanDiego, CA. Morris, H.M., The Splendid Faith of the Evolutionist, No. 111, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Morris, H.M., The Paluxy River Mystery, No. 151, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Morris, H.M., and Parker, G., What is Creation Science? Creation Life Pub., San Diego, CA, 1982. Niessen, Richard, Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory, No. 81, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Olson, Gordon C., The Truth Shall Make You Free, Bible Research Fellowship, Inc., 1980. Packer, Tenney, White, The World of the Old Testament, Nelson, 1982. Paluxy River, VHS Videotape, Creation Evidences Museum Parker, Gary, From Evolution to Creation, A Personal Testimony, No. 49, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Pfeiffer, C.F., Vos, H.F., Rea, J., The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 1-2, Moody Press, 1975. Ridenour, F., Who Says God Created..., Regal, Glendale, CA. 1967. Soltan, Henry W., The Tabernacle, Kregel, 1972. Thiele, Edwin R., The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, Zondervan, 1983. Vardiman, Larry, The Sky Has Fallen, No. 128, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Verbrugge, Magnus, Materialism, Animism, and Evolutionism, No. 94, Impact Series, Inst. of Creation Research, San Diego, CA. Virkler, H., Hermeneutics, Principles and Practices of Biblical Interpretation, Baker, 1982. Vos, H., Archaeology in Bible Lands, Moody Press, 1977. Whitcomb, J.C. and Morris, H., The Genesis Flood, Baker,Grand Rapids, MI, 1974. Whitcomb, J.C., The Early Earth, Baker, Grand Rapids, MI,1972. Wilder, Smith, A.E., He Who Thinks Has to Believe, Bethany House, Minn., MN, 1981. Wysong, R.L.,The Creation-Evolution Controversy, Inquiry Press, Midland, MI, 1972

Basic Old Testament Chronology

Israel 2000 1450 1050 1010 970 930 Divided 930 874 870 — 800 841 835 792 780 751 750 742 740 — 680

Abraham Moses leads out of Egypt Saul David Solomon Israel- Northern Jeroboam Ahab & Jezebel


Two Kingdoms

Judah- Southern Rehoboam

Elijah & Elisha Jehu

Athaliah Joash Uzziah

Joel ??

Jonah Jotham Amos Ahaz Isaiah


Basic Old Testament Chronology

728 725 722 722 B.C. 697 650 640 -609 632 626 — 585 609 608 605 597 597 587-Captivity 538 526 520 516 478 457 450 446 440 about 430

Hezekiah Micah Israel is no more

Hosea Destroyed by

Assyria Manasseh Nahum Josiah Zephaniah Jeremiah Jehoahaz (3 mo.) Jehoiakim Jehoiachin (3 mo.)

Habbakuk Daniel to Babylon Ezekiel toBabylon

Zedekiah Nebuchadnezzar

from Babylon Cyrus’ decree Zerrubbabel Haggai Zachariah Dedication

of New Temple Esther Ezra

1&2Chronicles Nehemiah Ezrah writes Ezra & Nehemiah


Overview of the Prophet’s Time Line














! 760


870---Elijah-----848 !860---------------Elisha-------------------------------- 800 !874 Ahab&Jez 853 !853-852 Ahaziah !852-----841 Jehoram !841------Jehu---------814 !814 Jehoahaz 798 !855 Obadiah !790s Jonah Judah !830 Joel !835---------------Joash-----------------796 !798-Jehoash-782 !793------Jeroboam II--------753 BC













Israel 760--Amos--746 ! 750------Hosea---------720 -------Jeroboam II (793-753) !753 Zechariah !753 Shallum !752-742 Menahem !742-740 Pekahiah !752-732 Pekah !732-722 Hoshea Judah ! 740-----------------Isaiah-----------------------------680 ! 739----------------M icah------------------690 792---Uzziah---739 !751 Jotham 736 !742 Ahab 726 !728---Hezekiah------------697 !697------------------Manasseh----------------------642 BC









!630 Zephaniah !626----------Jeremiah------------585 !608 Hab 597 !640---Josiah--- 609 609 Johoahaz !608-----597 Jehoiakim !597 Jehoiachin !597----587 Zedekiah Babylon !597-----Ezekiel---------570 !602----------------------Daniel------------------------------------532 !587-Nebuchadnezzar-561 !550------539 Belshazzar !539 Darius BC !510 !500 !490 !480 !470 !460 !520 Haggai !520 Zechariah 475 ! 478 Esther becomes Queen of Persia ! 1 & 2 Chron. written !457 Ezra 430 !446 Nehemiah 430 !435 M alachi





! 640

Old Testament Time Line GENESIS: BEGINNINGS Reference Origin of: Gen. 1:1-25 The earth 1:11 Organic life 1:14,15 The solar system 1:20-25 Animal life 1:26-2:25 The human race 3:3-7 Sin in the world 3:8-24 The promise of redemption 4:1-15 Family life 4:2 Animal husbandry 4:3 The sacrificial system 4:16 Music 4:22 Metallurgy 9:6 Civil government 10 & 11 The different nations 11 The different languages 12 The Hebrew race ---------------------------------------------------------------OLD TESTAM ENT CHRONOLOGY FROM THE TIM E OF ABRAHAM

DATE 2200 2166-1991 2091 2080 2067 2066-1886 2029 2026 2006-1850 1915-1805 1876-1446 1792 1730 1559 1539 1514 1527-1406 1501 1486 1447 1446(Apr) 1406-1385 1400-1385 c.1375 1382-1374 1374-1334 1334-1316 1316-1235 1235-1216 1216 1216-1176 1176-1169 1169-1129 1129-1126

PERSON/EVENT SCRIPTURE Mesopotamia ABRAHAM Ge.21:5; 25:7 goes to Canaan Ge.12:4 Birth of Ishmael Ge.16:16 Sodom Destroyed Ge.18:16+ ISAAC Ge.21:5; 35:28 SARAH DIES Ge.23:1; 17:17 Isaac marries Rebekak Ge.25:20 JACOB Ge.47:9; 47:28 JOSEPH Ge.30:22;50:26 ISRAELITES live in Egypt Ex.12:40; 1Ki.6:1 Hammurabi (ruler of ; Hammurabi's codes) Hyksos dynasty in Egypt enslaves Israel Amenhotep I (Pharaoh) Thutmose I (Pharaoh) Thutmose II (Pharaoh) MOSES Ex.2:2; Dt.34:7 Thutmose III, Queen Hatsheput (Pharaoh) Moses flees to Midian Ac.7:23 Amenhotep II (Pharaoh) Israelites cross the Red Sea 1Ki.6:1 Conquest of Canaan Canaan divided among the tribes Jos.14:7-10 Death of Joshua Jos.24:29 Mesopotamian oppression Jd.3:8 Othiel's term of service Jd.3:11 Moabite oppression Jd.3:14 Ehud's career/ and period of rest Jd.3:30 Oppression by Jabin and Sisera Jd.4:3 Barak and Deborah experience victory Jd.4:23-24 Period of rest Jd.5:31 Midianite oppression Jd.6:1 Gideon's victory and career Jd.8:28 Tyranny of Abimelech Jd.9:22


Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

1120 x...



Tola & Jair




1100 1090 1080 1070 1060 1050 1045 x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x....... x... 1097 1103 1st Philistine Oppression 1063 1103 Ammonites 1085 1085 Jephthah ? 1080 1080, Battle of Shiloh (Ebenezer), 1Sa.4:1 1095 Samson 1075 1??? when Samuel is born 1063 Samuel


THE KINGS OF ISRAEL 1050 1040 c.1024 1010 1010-1003 1003 1002 1001 c.979 970 970-930 966-959 930

Saul becomes king (40 years) David's birth David anointed Battle of Mt.Gilboa (death of Saul) David is King of Judah in Hebron (40 yrs.) David becomes king of Israel Jerusalem captured, made capital Covenant w/ David Absalom rebels David dies Solomon is king (40 yrs.) Temple is built Israel divided into two kingdoms JUDAH ISRAEL 9 3 0 930-913 Rehoboam reigns for 930-910 Jeroboam reigns for 20 929 17 years in Jerusalem years 1Ki.14:6-16/15:29 928 927 926 925 924 923 922 921 920 919 918 917 916 915 914 913 913-910 Abijam, 3 years 912 1Ki.15, 2Chr.13 911 910 910-869 Asa, 41 yrs. 910-909 Nadab, 2 yrs. 909 1Ki.15, 2Chr.14 909-886 Baasha, 24 yrs. 909 1Ki.15,16 907 906 905 904 903 902 901 900 899 898 897

Ac.13:21, 1Ki.7:15+ 2Sa.5:4; 2Sa.5:3 Ac.13:21 2Sa.5:5


1Ki.11:42 (2Sa.7:13/1Ki.8 20) 2Chr.3:2, 5:3 1Ki.9+ (1Ki.11 29/12 15) OTHER EVENTS Shishak is pharaoh of Egypt

Zerah, the Ethiopian 1Ki.15 - 16:12


896 895 894 893 892 891 890 889 888 887 886 885 884 883 882 881 880 879 878 877 876 875 874 873 872 871 870 869 868 867 866 865 864 863 862 861 860 859 858 857 856 855 854 853 852 851 850 849 848 847 846 845 844 843 842 841 840 839 838 837 836 835

Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

886-885 Elah, 2 yrs. Zimri, assassinated after 7 days 885-882 Omri & Tibni, 4 yrs.

Ethbaal is king of Tyre/Sidon

881-874 Omri by himself. He built Samaria.

874-853 Ahab & Jezebel

ELIJAH, Northern kingdom Ben-Hadad II, Syria

872-848 Jehosaphat, 25 yrs. 1Ki.22, 2Chr.17 Battle of Ramoth-gilead 1Ki.22

ELISHA, Northern kingdom 860-800 858-824 Shalmaneser III, Assyria

853-852 Ahaziah, 2 yrs. 852-841 Jehoram, 12 yrs.

Israel & Judah vs Moab 2Ki.3

Hazael, Syria 848-841 Jehoram, co-regent for 2 yrs., sole ruler for six yrs. 2Ki.1,2Chr.21

841-814 Jehu, 28 yrs. 2Ki.9

OBADIAH, Northern kingdom prophesied against Edom "day of the Lord", "remnant" 1Ki.18:16 Battle of Ramoth-gilead, where Ahaziah & Jehoram are killed Athaliah slain in the temple Pygmalion, king of Tyre

Ahaziah, 1 yr. 2Ki.8,2Chr.22 841-835 Athaliah, 6 yrs. JOEL, Southern kingdom 840-830, "day of the Lord" is "exceedingly terrible" but deliverance for all who call

Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

834 835-796 Joash, 40 yrs. 833 832 831 830 829 828 827 826 825 824 823 822 821 820 819 818 817 816 815 814 813 812 811 810 809 808 807 806 805 804 803 802 801 800 799 798 797 796 796-767 Amaziah, 29 yrs., 795 then murdered 2Ki.14, 794 2Chr.25 793 792 791 792-739 Uzziah, 52 yrs. 790 Uzziah ruled along with 789 his father for about 23 788 years, and then at the end 787 of his life, with his son 11 786 yrs. A very good king. 785 784 783 782 781 780 779 778 777 776 775 774 773


upon "the name of the Lord" God will "pour out Spirit on all flesh"

814-798 Jehoahaz, 17 yrs. 2Ki.13 Adad-Narari III, Assyria, 810-783, forced Israel to pay tribute.

798-782, Jehoash, 16 yrs. 2Ki.13

793-753 Jeroboam II, 41 yrs. A reign of great material prosperity.

Judah invaded: Jerusalem threatened by the Syrian King Ben-Hadad III. Amaziah fights Edom Moab attacks Israel W ar between Judah & Israel Israel occupies Jerusalem In 791, Amaziah enters the temple in place of the high priest and is stricken with leprosy, banned from Jerusalem, dies in 790. In the 790s, Israel defeats Syria. JONAH, Northern kingdom & in Nineveh. Emphasizes missions, God's grace to Gentiles.


Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

772 771 770 769 768 767 AM OS, Northern kingdom 766 760-746 prophecies against Israel, says 765 seek God or else, declares God is 764 Supreme Ruler, "you only have I known 763 of all the families of the earth." 762 Prophesied the fall of Israel. 761 760 759 758 757 753 753-752 Zechariah, 6 mo. 2Ki.15 HOSEA, Israel, 746-722 752 752 Shallum, 1 mo. 2Ki.15 to both Judah & Israel. Showed God's 751 751-736 Jotham, 16 yrs. A 752-742 M enahem,10 yrs. 2Ki.15 love, tenderness, and intense grief; 750 good king. Uzziah turned Menahem killed Shallum, who God's righteousness that directed His 749 government to him but killed Zechariah. Menahem compassion and mercy in wisdom: "Oh 748 Uzziah didn't die till 740. was unspeakably cruel and a Ephraim, how can I give you up? ... My 747 Jotham ruled with Ahaz puppet king of Assyria. heart is turned over within me; my 746 from 742 till 736. compassions kindled" 745 744 ISAIAH, Judah, 740-680 743 Prophet to Uzziah, Jotham, Ahab, 742 742-726 Ahaz, 16 yrs. Very 742-740 Pekahiah, 2 yrs. Killed by Hezekiah. Declares judgment, comfort, 741 wicked . R uled with Pekah. "the Holy One of Israel" "the Branch of 740 Jotham for 2 yrs. Ruled 740-732, Pekah, Killed by Hoshea Yahweh" "Immanuel" 739 with Hezekiah 6 yrs. 738 M ICAH, Judah, 739-690 737 to Jotham, Ahaz, & Hezekiah in Judah. 736 Pronounced God's judgment on idolatry, 735 harlotry, greed, perverting truth, false 734 prophets, occult. God will destroy Israel 733 and work his anger on all "nations that 732 732-722 Hoshea, 9 yrs. did not obey." Jerusalem also would lay 731 after he murdered Pekah in heaps. But God will regather "in the 730 2Ki.17. In 727 the Assyrian latter days." The Messiah will come 729 king, T iglath-pileser dies. from Bethelem. Mic.6:8 728 728-725-697 Hezekiah, A Hoshea is intensely patriotic & 727 very good king. decides to quit paying tribute 726 727-722 Shalmaneser IV, of Assyria to Assyria. King Shalmaneser 725 besieges Samaria then puts Hoshea in prison and 724 lays siege on Samaria for 3 723 yrs. 722 Sargon II, king after Shalmaneser, finishes the siege and overthrows Samaria. THIS IS THE END OF ISRAEL. The ten tribes are carried away "because they did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed His covenant." 2Ki.18:11 **************************************************************************************** 721 JUDAH Contemporary Events Fearing Assyria, Hezekiah forms a defense alliance with Egypt. 720 721-710 Marodach-baladan, king of Babylon. 719 718 717 716 715 Sargon III of Assyria conquers Marodach-baladan of Babylon 714 713 712 711

Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

710 709 708 707 706 705 704 703 702 In 701 Hezekiah gravely 701 ill; He prays, God 700 gives him 15 yrs. 697 more. H is son, 696 Manasseh, then 12 695 yrs. old, begins to 694 rule with his father. 693 697-642 M anasseh, 55 692 yrs. 691 2Ki.21, 2Chr.33 690 689 688 687 686 685 684 683 682 681 680 679 678 677 676 675 674 673 672 671 670 669 668 667 666 665 664 663 662 661 660 659 658 657 656 655 654 653 652 651 650 649 648 647


Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Marduk-zakir-shumu becomes king of Babylon for 1 mo., then Merodach (an Elamite) becomes king for 6 mo. In 702 Sennacherib defeats Merodach; Merodach runs for his life. Assyria sets up Bel-ibni as puppet king over Babylon. Sennacherib carries 208,000 off captive. In 701, Sennacherib comes up against all 46 walled cities of Judah (the 14th year of Hezekiah's reign) and carries away 200,150 captives from Judah, but Hezekiah pays tribute to Sennacherib (2Ki.18), and he by-passes Jerusalem. W hile at Lachish in southern Judah, he regrets leaving Jerusalem, and sends the rabshakeh (general) back. In the meantime, Hezekiah has been healed, and Isaiah prophecies: "I will deliver you and this city from the hand of Assyria." 2Ki.20. So Hezekiah won't surrender. Isaiah prophecies that Assyria will hear a rumor and depary. Sennacherib hears that Merodach-baladan and Shuzubu have tirred up a Babylonian revolt. Sennacherib leaves suddenly for Babylon. Impressed, other nations surrounding Judah send presents to Hezekiah because he stood up against Assyria & also had experienced miraculous healing. In 700 Shuzubu defeated and Sennacherib makes his oldest son, Assur-nadin-shum, king of Babylon. Merodach-baladan is stirring up trouble, so in 694, Sennacherib hires the Phoenicians to chase Merodach. In the meantime, the Babylonians and Elamites place Shuzubu on Babylon's throne again and carry Assur-nadin-shum off to Elam. 691 Battle of K halule:: Here the Babylonians, Elamites, & Medes defeat Sennacherib, and Marodach-baladan once again becomes king of Babylon. 689 Sennacherib completely destroys Babylon. Sennacherib then moves against Egypt. First he conquers Arabia. Then starts toward Judah, but hears of Tirhakah's advance (2Ki.19) so sends threatening letter to Hezekiah. Hezekiah prays. Isaiah prophesies. That night the death angel moves through his camp and 185,000 of his arm die. 680 Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, sends fresh colonists to Samaria.

NAHUM (650) prophecies to Manasseh in Judah, pronounced God's certain judgment on all sinners world-wide. Nineveh will fall. Yet God is "slow to anger," "good," "a stronghold in the day of trouble," "God knows those who take refuge in Him," but "a jealous God."


646 645 644 643 642 641 640 639 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 631 630 629 628 627 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618 617 616 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607

606 605

602 601 600 599 598 597 596 595 594 593 592 589 588

Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

642-640 Amon, 2 yrs. 2Ki.21, 2Chr.33 640-609 Josiah, 31 yrs. 2Ki.22, 2Chr.34

ZEPHANIAH (630) to Josiah in Judah. Certain word of coming judgment. Emphasized universality of judgment. Humility and poverty of spirit is essential. God's emotions: Zeph.3:17. Josiah began his reforms

Book of the law found in the tem ple wall, begins Josiah's Great Reformation 2Ki.22

609 Jehoahaz, 3 mo. 608-597 Jehoiakim, 11 yrs. A very wicked king. Destroyed the scroll that Jeremiah gave him. 2Ki.23 606 Judah is subdued by Babylon. Daniel & others taken to Babylon

597 Jehoiachin, 3 mo. later, Ezekiel & others taken to Babylon 597-587 Zedekiah, 11 yrs. Zedekiah visits Babylon. Zedekiah rebels against Babylon

JEREM IAH (626-585) to Judah. "The word of the Lord," "Thus says the Lord," and similar phrases occur 157 times in Jeremiah out of their 249 times in the Bible. "Yahweh, our Righteousness" will bring "the new covenant." 626 Scythian Invasion, huge swarms of barbarians from the north struck terror , dealt a terrific blow to the tottering Assyrian power, people massacred or enslaved, crops and cattle destroyed, villages burned. Assyria is greatly weakened by the invasion, and in 625, Babylonia declares its independence.

609 Josiah killed at Battle of Megiddo. Egypt invades Assyria, but Judah & Assyria had an alliance. Egypt wins the Battle at Megiddo where King Josiah is killed in battle. 607 Babylonia completely destroys Nineveh and the Assyrian empire is no more. HABAKKUK (608-597) rebuked Judah's sin and pronounced judgment on Babylonia for her haughty & excessive abuse on Judah. Demanded faith = unwavering commitment to God's word. 605 Battle of Carchemish Egypt is defeated by Babylon and Jerusalem is captured by Nebuchadnezzar.

597 Second conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. The temple plundered. EZEKIEL (592-570) prophecies 1st in Judah, then Babylon Ezk.16:60; 1:4-28; 8:2-4; 11:16-20 declares there must be a complete change of the inner man: "new spirit" "one heart" "heart of flesh" Ezk.18:1-4,31-32; 34:23-24; "for the sake of His Holy Name"

Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline


587 Nebuchadnezzar invades Jerusalem. JERUSALEM burned to the ground. King Zedekiah's sons killed in front of him, then his eyes gouged out, and led away in chains to Babylon. Most of the Jews are carried away to Babylon. Jr.25:8-11; 2Chr.36:12; 25:8 585 585-573, Nebuchadnezzar's 13 yr. siege of Tyre (Ezk.26) 584 DANIEL (602-532) in Babylon. The 'stone' will deal with all the kingdoms of the earth, including Babylonia, Media & Persia, Alexander the Great, Rome. The human mediator comes from the Most High. 583 582 Nebuchadnezzar plunders Moab, Ammon, Edom, & Lebanon. 581 581-575 God deals with Nebuchadnezzar's pride by giving him insanity. 567 Nebuchadnezzar invades and plunders Egypt. 561 Nebuchadnezzar dies. 558 558-529 Cyrus, the Great begins his rule in Persia. 555 555-539 Nabonidus rules over Babylonia. 550 550-539 Belshazzar is viceroy. 550 Cyrus conquers the Medes. 547 Cyrus conquers the Lydian Empire. 539 Darius the Mede becomes a viceroy in Babylonia Cyrus conquers Babylon. 538 Cyrus assumes the crown of Babylon 2Chr.36, made Persia a world empire, issued a decree to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy (Is.45,46) 537 Foundations of temple laid in Jerusalem Ezra 1 536 536 Zerrubbabel goes to Jerusalem with 42,360 Jews, 7,337 servants, 200 singers, 736 horses, 245 mules, 435 camels, 6,720 donkies, and 5,400 gold & silver vessels. In 535 they began to rebuild the temple and then stopped. 530 Daniel dies 529 529-523 Reign of Cambyses. He is thought to bave been Artaxerxes mentioned in Ezra 4:7,11,23 522 522-485 Reign of Darius the Great (Darius I), authorized the completion of the temple. 521 520 HAGGAI Ezra 5:1. W ork on the temple begins again after Haggai challenged the Jews to obey God and go to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. "I will shake all nations so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor..." ZECHARIAH (520-475) Jerusalem is to experience rebuilding, enlargement, exaltation. The "Servant-Branch," the "Stone" himself will come, the K ing of Humility and Righteousness, the Smitten Shepherd, bringing a final day of Victory 516 Jerusalem's new temple is dedicated. (Ezra 6:14; Jr.29:10) 500 500-493 The Ionian Revolt 490 The Battle of Marathon 485 485-464 The reign of Xerxes (Ahashuerus), married Esther, Mordecai became his prime minister. Xerxes is famous because of his wars with Greece. 478 Esther becomes Queen of Persia. 474 The book of Esther 464 464-424 Reign of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus), Granted permission to Nehemiah, his cup-bearer to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls. 457 Ezra goes to Jerusalem (Ezra 7:8) with 1754 males, 100 talents of gold, 750 talents of siver. The journey took 4 mo.


Expanded Details of the Prophets & Kings Timeline

450 The books of 1 & 2 CHRONICLES written to the Jews as the people of promise, to give the vision of a reunited Israel. Uses the phrase,"All Israel" 41 times, and "all the house of Israel." "all the tribes of Israel." The books emphasize life in the promise and the kingdom of the promise. "All Israel" were urged to walk with their "whole heart" according to all that God had commanded in the law of Moses. 446 Nehemiah serves his 1st term as governor Neh.2:11. He went to Jerusalem with an army escort to rebuild and fortify Jerusalem, at government expense. He rebuilds the walls. 445 The final restoration of Jerusalem begins Neh.2:12 444 443 442 441 440 Ezra writes Ezra & Nehemiah 439 Between 450 and 400 the book of Esther is written. It emphasizes G od's providential care of Israel and his superintendence of history. 437 436 435 M ALACHI answers the accusation: "W here is the God of justice?" Prophesied the coming of John the Baptist. God would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and children to their fathers. Prophesies against the sickly animal sacrifices, intermarrying with heathen neighbors, against robbing God by not tithing. 434 433 433-430 Nehemiah's 2nd term as governor Neh.13:6 432 431 430

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