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Monday, Nov 5th 2012

Read Deuteronomy Chapter 1 - 17 Open the document ,Hebrew_WordsĘť and from each category read three verses. Questions: 1. Did you read chapter 1 - 17 in the book of Deuteronomy and the assigned verses? 2. Did the people think they were able to obey God? 3. Did Moses think the people were able to obey God? 4. Did God think the people were able to obey Him? 5. Did God hold the people accountable to obey Him?

Tuesday, Nov 6th 2012

Read Deuteronomy Chapter 18 - 34 Open the document ,Hebrew_Wordsʻ and from each category read three more verses. Questions: 1. Did you read chapter 18 - 34 in the book of Deuteronomy and the assigned verses? 2. What was God’s evaluation of His law? 3. What was Moses’ evaluation of God‘s law? 4.What would be the consequences if people obeyed God’s law? 5.List all the reasons why God wants the Israelites to keep His commandments, statutes, laws . . . 6.Does this book present temptations to be a causation which causes us to sin, or an influence that appeals to us to choose to disobey God? 7.Comment on the progressive pattern of the words fear, walk, love, serve, and keep in Dt. 10:12-13.

Wednesday, Nov 7th 2012 Read the document ,Verses_in_Orderʻ Questions:

Thursday, Nov 8th 2012

Read Joshua Chapter 1 - 24 Questions: 1.Write down references of those verses that you want to remember most out of the book of Joshua. 2.What did you learn from the book of Joshua? How can you apply this to your life and ministry? Explain.

Friday, Nov 9th 2012

Read Judges Chapter 1 - 21 Questions: 1.What is your general impression and feeling that you were left with from reading the Book of Judges? Explain. 2. Which form of civil government did Israel have at the time of the judges, when it says in chapter 17:6 ,In those days there was no king in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.ʻ? 3. Which of Godʻs character attributes do you see displayed in the book of judges? Explain. 4. Reading Judges 2:10-13 in light of Deut 4:9,10, do you think Israel fulfilled Godʻs command and what do you learn about the importance of teaching the next generation?

Final, Nov 9th/10th 2012

Read Ruth Chapter 1 - 4 Questions: 1.What do you learn about loyalty, commitment and love in the life of Ruth? 2. Looking back on what you heard and read this week, do you think Israel had a choice in obeying and disobeying the law? Explain your reasoning. 3. Do you think the law that God gave is good? Explain your reasoning.

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