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The Education System in Lithuania

Lithuania has a binary system of higher education with




institutions auksojoji




professionally oriented institutions (colleges). University




academic education, while the colleges focus on non-academic education. There are both state institutions and private institutions. Private institutions must have a governmen t permit to operate. The programes offered by all institutions are listed in the register of the Ministry of Education and Science. The language of instruction is primarily Lithuanian, but in some cases education is also provided in Russian and Polish. Education is compulsory for children between 7 and 17 years of age. The academic year starts on 1 September and consists of 2 semesters (autumn and spring), each lasting 16 weeks. Primary and secondary education Pre-school education. Pre-school education is offered by day-care centers, kindergartens, etc. It is designed to prepare children for school and to bring all pre-school pupils up to the same level of knowledge. Basic and general secondary education Primary education lasts for 4 years and is intended for pupils 7 to 11 years of age. This type of education is provided at a Pradine Mokykla (Primary School). Pupils who successfully complete the fourth year will continue in lower secondary education. At the end of the fourth year pupils receive a Pradinio IĹĄsilavinivo PaĹžymejimas (Certificate of Primary Education).


Lower general secondary schools last 6 years and pupils are usually between 10/11 and 16 years of age. Schools providing this type of education are called Vidurine Mokykla (School for Secondary Education) or Jaunimo Mokykla (Youth School). Upon completion of the programmers, pupils are awarded the Pagrindinio Išsilavinimo Pažymejimas (Certificate Basic Education). Upper general secondary- education is for pupils from 16/17 to 18/19 years of age and lasts 2 years. The programme is completed with the final Matura examination (Maturity examination). This type of education is provided at a Vidurine Mokykla (School for Secondary Education), Gimnazija (Gymnasium), Licejus (Lyceum) or Tarptautinio Bakalaureato Mokykla (International Baccalaureate School). The diploma awarded upon completion is called Brandos Atestatas or Maturity Certificate. The Maturity Certificate grants access to higher education. Secondary vocational education. Pupils that at the age of 14 did not succeed in the final tests of basic education, continue in vocational a programme that lasts for 3 years. The programme offers both vocational and general subjects. Pupils that did succeed in these final tests can continue in a vocational programme of 2 years. Vocational education is provided by profesinė mokykla (vocational schools), profesinio mokymo centras (vocational education centers), darbo rinkos mokymo centrals (labour market training centers), agricultural schools (žemės ü mokykla), and prekybos mokykla (trade schools). There are also secondary vocational education programmes for pupils from 14 to 20 years of age. This type of education is provided at a Profesine Mokykla (Vocational School), Technologiju Gimnazija (Technology Gymnasium) or Jaunimo Mokykla (Youth School). Pupils who subsequently pass the Maturity examination and obtain the Brandos Atestatas have access to higher education. Admission to higher education To be eligible for admission, students are required to have a secondary education diploma, the Brandos Atestatas, or an equivalent diploma. Admission is based on a comparative study subject to the regulations of the higher education institution where the student is applying Higher education After the Sovjet years, a binary system of higher education was introduced: traditional research universities on the one hand, the universities, and more professionally oriented colleges, the kolegios. University Education- A 3-tier system of education has evolved: • A first cycle leads to a bakalauras degree, possibly in combination with a professional qualification. A study load of 140 to 180 national credits is required. With the awarded degree, students have access to the second cycle of higher education • A second cycle leads to the Magistras degree, possibly in combination with a professional qualification. A study load of 40 to 80 national credits is required. Integrated studies combine the first and second cycle and lead to Magistras degrees in medicine, engineering, law and theology. The study



load may differ but a minimum of 180 credits is required for a professional qualification, and 200 to 240 for a master degree in combination with a professional degree. More credits may be required in medicine, veterinary science and dentistry, but the maximum load is not to exceed 280 credits. • The third cycle distinguishes between 3 forms of postgraduate education: i.

doktorantura, study leading to a doctorate, a research degree with a maximum duration of 4

years; ii.

rezidentura, for professional programmes in the fields of medicine, dentistry and veterinary

science, lasting 3 to 6 years; iii.

meno aspirantura, programmes in the fine arts, at the end of which the meno licentiatas

degree is awarded, after a maximum of 80 credits.



The Education System in Sweden Pre-higher education: Duration of compulsory education: Age of entry: 7 Age of exit: 16 Structure of school system: Basic Type of school providing this education: Grundskola Length of program in years: 9 Age level from: 7 to: 16 Certificate/diploma awarded: Slutbetyg Från Grundskola Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Gymnasium Length of program in years: 3 Age level from: 16 to: 19 Certificate/diploma awarded: Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Folkhögskola (Folk high school) Certificate/diploma awarded: Intyg om allmän behörighet (certificate concerning general eligibility for higher education) or "Intyg om särskild behörighet" (certificate concerning specific eligibility) Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Municipal adult school (Komvux) Certificate/diploma awarded: Slutbetyg Från Komvux School education: The Swedish state school system comprises compulsory school and various types of voluntary schooling. Compulsory school includes nine years of compulsory basic school, school for the Saami people of Northern Sweden, special school and compulsory school for the mentally handicapped. Postcompulsory education is offered through 17 National Programmes providing qualifications that allow students to go on to higher education. Some of these programmes also include industrial work placements. The National Programmes of upper secondary education are offered at Gymnasia and lead to the award of the Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola.Tuition is free.Outside the upper secondary school

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system there are folk high schools (Folkhögskolan) which provide state-supported adult education lasting between one and three years of studies. There are no formal examinations. Post -secondary studies include advanced vocational training (Kvalificerad yrkesutbilding) which is intended to meet the labour market's needs for the skills required for modern production of goods and services. About one-third of the course period takes place at the workplace. As from January 2002, this form of training is a permanent part of the Swedish educational system but does not belong to the higher education sector. Admission is based on three-year upper secondary education or corresponding proficiency. The training is normally intended to correspond to two years of study and leads to a Certificate of Advanced Vocational Training (Kvalificerad yrkesexamen). Higher education: The Swedish system includes not only traditional university studies, but also Teacher Training, Health Care Training, Technical Training, etc. It is the responsibility of: the central government, regional authorities and private interests. All higher education institutions fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education except for the University of Agricultural Sciences (Ministry of Agriculture). Higher education is divided into undergraduate studies (courses combined towards a first degree) and postgraduate studies and research. Academic year: Classes from: Aug to: Jun Long vacation from: 15 Jun to: 15 Aug Languages of instruction: Swedish, English Stages of studies: University level studies: University level first stage: Undergraduate studies: All basic higher education is offered in the form of courses. There is scope for individual choice but students may combine different courses into a degree programme. Study programmes are divided into credits. One credit corresponds to one week of full-time study. One year usually represents 40 credits. The Diploma (Högskoleexamen) is awarded after the completion of at least 80 credits (two years' full-time study). It is awarded by all universities and higher education institutions. The Bachelor's Degree (Kandidatexamen) is conferred after the completion of at least 120 credits (three years' full-time study). In the major subject, in-depth studies of at least 60 credits (three terms) are required, including an independent special project of at least 10 credits. Since 1 November 2001 there are two types of Magistersexamen (Master of): 1)The Magisterexamen med ämnesdjup is awarded after the completion of at least 160 credits (four years' full-time study). In the major subject, in-depth studies of at least 80 credits (four terms) are

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required, including an independent special project of at least 20 credits or two projects of at least 10 credits each. 2) The Magisterexamen med ämnesbredd requires at least 40 credits including an independent special project of at least 10 credits. The Magisterexamen med ämnesbredd is awarded in addition to a degree of at least 120 points. Apart from the general academic degrees, there are some 60 professional degrees (Yrkesexamen) which vary in length between 40 and 220 points, depending on their character and field of study. They include the degrees of Doctor of Medicine, Master of Science in Engineering or in Agriculture, as well as the Bachelor of Education for the Compulsory School. University level second stage: Postgraduate studies: The Licentiatexamen (Licenciate degree) requires 80 points (two years of study and research) including a larger thesis, after completion of at least 120 points at undergraduate level. This degree can also be awarded as an intermediate degree towards the Doktorsexamen. which requires a minimum of four years' full-time study beyond completion of at least 120 points at the undergraduate level. Doctoral studies consist of seminars, reading and methodology courses, individual literature surveys and independent research. The thesis must describe and



organization and results of research, be published and be publicly defended.

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Education system in Romania Education

in Romania is





egalitarian system. Access to free education is guaranteed by Article 32 in the Constitution of Romania . Education is regulated and enforced by the Ministry of National Education. Each step has its own form of organization and is subject to different laws and directives. Since the downfall of the communist regime , the Romanian educational system has been through several reforms. Kindergarten is optional under the age of six. Compulsory schooling usually starts at age 6, with the "preparatory school year" (clasa pregătitoare), which is mandatory in order to enter the first grade. Schooling is compulsory until t he tenth grade (which corresponds with the age of sixteen or seventeen). The school educational cycle ends in the twelfth grade, when students graduate the baccalaureate. Higher education is aligned onto the European Higher Education Area. In addition to the formal system of education, to which was recently added the equivalent private system, there is also a system of tutoring, semi-legal and informal. Education in Romania is compulsory for 11 years (from the preparatory school year to the tenth grade). With the exception of kindergarten (preschool) and tertiary education (university) the private sector has a very low presence in the Romanian education system Kindergartens offer preschool education for children (usually between ages 3-6) and are optional. Kindergarten typically lasts for 3 forms – "small group" (grupa mică) for children aged 3–4, "middle group" (grupa mijlocie), for children aged 4–5, and "big group" (grupa mare) for children aged 5–6. The "preparatory school year" (clasa pregătitoare) is for children aged 6-7, and since it became compulsory in 2012, it usually takes place at school. Elementary school includes primary school (the preparatory school year and the next 4 grades of primary school) and then four more grades (grades 5-8 of gymnasium). Education is free in public schools (including some books and auxiliary materials), but not entirely (some textbooks, notebooks, pencils and uniforms might be required to be purchased). A class (clasă) can have up to 30 students (25 is considered optimum), and there can be as few as one class per grade or as many as twenty classes per grade. Usually each group has its own classroom.

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Primary school The "preparatory school year" became compulsory in 2012, and is a requirement in order to enter the first grade. According to Article 23 of the Education law no 1/2011 (Legea Educației Naționale nr.1/2011) the preparatory class is part of the primary school and is compulsory. Primary school classes are taught by a single teacher (învățător) for the most subjects. Additional teachers are assigned only for a few specialized subjects (Foreign Languages, Introduction to Computers, etc.). Gymnasium Classes are reshaped at the end of the 4th grade, often based on academic performances. Ma ny schools have special classes (such as intensive English classes or Informatics classes, providing one or two more courses in these subjects). Selection for such classes is done based on local tests. Assessing the students' performance is also different between primary and gymnasium cycles. Starting with the 5th grade, students have a different teacher (profesor) for each subject. Furthermore, each class has a teacher designated to be class principal (diriginte), besides teaching his or hers usual subject.. Admission to high school At the end of the 8th grade (at age 14 or 15) a nationwide test is taken by all students called Evaluarea Națională (The National Test) and can be taken only once, in June. The subjects are Romanian Language and Literature and Mathematics(and additionally the language of the school for ethnic minority schools or classes and for bi-lingual schools). The finishing grade (also known as the admission grade) is computed, taking into account for 20% an average of all the Yearly General High school studies are four years in length, two compulsory (9th and 10th year), two noncompulsory (11th and 12th year). There are no exams between the 10th and the 11 years. There is also a lower frequency program taking 5 years for those wishing to attend high school after abandoning at an earlier age. 

National College (Colegiu Naţional) — the most prestigious high schools in Romania. All are "theoretical" (see below).

Military College (Colegiu Militar) — there are 3 high schools administered by the Ministry of National Defense.

Liceu (Standard High school) — An average high school, providing one of the available academic programs.

Technological High school: 

Technical Secondary School (Liceu de Specialitate) - students follow a 4-year course resulting in the Baccalaureate diploma plus a Vocational Certificate.

Vocational Secondary School (Şcoala Profesională) - students follow a 2 or 3 -year course (1518) resulting in the diploma of completion of a vocational school.

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Types of Higher Education Institutions Since 2005, the higher education system in Romania has been organised in three cycles: Bachelor the first degree programmes, master programmes and doctorate programmes compatible with the European qualification framework and laid out in Law 288 of 2004. Admission generally depends on student performance at the national examination at the end of upper secondary education (called Bacalaureat), performance in upper secondary school and performance at the university entrance examination. Bachelor The Bachelor studies (Undergraduate studies), with a length that varies according to the field: -

6 semesters (3 years) for sciences, humanities, economic and social sciences, political sciences, etc.;


8 semesters (4 years) for engineering, technique;


12 semesters (6 years) for general medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine and architecture.

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The Education Turkisk System

Turkish education system is under the supervision and control of the state, namely the Ministry of National Education. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, everyone has the right to receive education. Education is compulsory from ages 6 to 14 and free in state schools. The country's primary schools currently have a 98 percent participation rate. The academic year in Turkish education institutions generally begins in the mid-September or early October and continues to May or early June. There is also a two-week winter break in February. Stages of the Education System Pre-School Education: Optional kindergarten education, up to 6 years of age. Primary Education: Compulsory and free basic education for eight years (5 years elementary + 3 years secondary), 6-14 years of age. Secondary Education: 4 years of High School (Lise), or Vocational High School education, 1517/18 years of age. Some schools might have an additional year of language study. High schools are mostly owned by the government and provide free education. Higher Education: 4 years of University, or 2 years at Higher Vocational Schools. Some schools have an additional year of language study. Under normal circumstances, Master's study lasts 2 years; PhD 3 5 years. This category includes all educational institutions which will provide post -secondary education. They are under the supervision of Higher Educational Council (YOK). Types of High Schools Public High Schools (“Normal Liseler” or ―Duz Liseler”): Any student who successfully completes 8 years of basic education can go onto these schools. Graduates of public high schools, if successful in the nationwide University Entrance Examination (ÖSS), can go onto higher education institutions. Graduates are awarded with the Lise Diploması. Vocational High Schools (Meslek Liseleri): Some of these schools may take an additional year to complete. Graduates can automatically go on to higher vocational schools (Meslek Yüksek Okulları - 2

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Year Vocational Colleges) in their respective fields of study if they wish. Alternatively, if successful in the university entrance examination, they can go onto 4-year schools in their respective fields. Anatolian High Schools (Anadolu Liseleri): One year of English study followed by 3 years of regular high school education, additional hours for English. Math and Science lessons at these schools are sometimes taught in English. Lessons at some Anatolian high schools are taught in either German or French. Super High Schools (Super Liseler): The difference between these and normal high schools is one extra year of English study. They differ from Anatolian high schools in that the language of instruction for math and science courses is always Turkish and less hours are given to English lessons. Science High Schools (Fen Liseleri): These are special public schools for students who have exceptional aptitude in the sciences. These very competitive high schools train students specifically for higher education in the sciences, technical and medical fields. There is also Anatolian Science High Schools (Anadolu Fen Liseleri), where the medium of instruction for math and sciences is sometimes in English.

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