Melanoma Health Project

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MELANOMA November 24th 2009


Volume 1, Issue 1


Anna Groman died at age 50 from melanoma. Anna had known she had a family history of Melanoma, and she knew about the five steps she could go through to check if a "mole" that she discovered she had was Melanoma or not. Some things that can be done to be sure if a mole is melanoma or not: these steps are called "ABCDE" Asymmetrical skin lesion. Border of the lesion is irregular. Color: melanomas usually have multiple colors. Diameter: moles greater than 6 mm are more likely to be melanomas than smaller moles. Enlarging: Enlarging or evolving. So in June of 1985 Anna checked a new mole that appeared on her arm, and discovered that it was strangely shaped, so she called her doctor and got an appointment so that she could have her mole examined. The doctor said that this mole was actually stage 2 melanoma, but that it could be surgically removed. This small area of Melanoma wasn't regarded as anything that dangerous, because the small ulcer could be taken out easily with a local incision. The Local incision was a method of removing the cancerous ulcer, and some of the tissue surrounding it by making a small cut in the epidermis "the upper layer of skin" and removing the ulcer and some surrounding tissue. A year later Anna was doing perfectly fine as if she had never had the Melanoma, but one day in October of 1986 Anna noticed that there were three bumps similar to the one mole that she had one year ago, and they were very close to the spot on the arm where she had the previous melanoma. She went to the hospital immediately to find out that this case of Melanoma was very similar to the previous one, but it had spread to one of her lymph notes located in her arm. The doctor found this out by performing a procedure called lymph note mapping. Lymph note mapping is a procedure in which a doctor injects a blue dye into the area arm near the supposedly cancerous lymph notes. This blue dye then flows through the lymph notes not harming Anna until it passes through them, or stops flowing through them in the middle of one of the lymph notes where some cancerous cells could have been. Unfortunately one of Anna's lymph notes showed signs of cancerous cells, so the lymph note was removed and inspected by Anna's doctor. Anna's doctor found that these cancerous cells were found in the Lymph note, so he took out the other two lymph notes in her arm to make sure that this area was completely ridden of the cancerous cells. Three years later after the removal of the Lymph notes Anna was rushed to the EmerThe Column on the left is gency Room, because her husband had claimed that she fainted while she was cooking food. the Melanoma, and the When Anna woke up she claimed she had gotten very dizzy and she had lost conciseness, so the skin bumps on the Right are healthy doctors believed that it was a stroke, but when Anna mentioned she had had multiple episodes of Melanoma the doctors expected something different and much worse. Anna then went to her doctor that had treated the multiple episodes of melanoma in the past, and he had noticed that there were the same disfigured lumps on her opposite arm. The doctor performed yet another Lymph note map and found that the cancer had spread to all three of the lymph notes in her right arm, and that the cancerous cells had been flowing through her brain which caused her to faint. At this time in 1989 Anna was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma, and was told that she had a small time to live. From October of 1989 to January of 1990 Anna was put through almost 4 months of radiation therapy to ease the pain of the cancer that she had. Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy radiation from x-rays that are used to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

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Clinical trials Could help Discover a cure for Melanoma, and could have helped Save Anna.

Anna Groman had multiple ways to be able to make the most out of the limited time that she had before she died from stage 4 melanoma. The only thing that anna groan would have been able to do that late in the disease would be being able to take part in a clinical trial. A Clinical trial is a type


A vaccine for melanoma is still in Phase 2 of Research, but when it is passed it will be a possible cure for melanoma

of Research study that tests how well a new medicine works in new people. The purpose of Clinical trials is so that people in the future will be able to handle the medicine more effectively.


Another way that the melanoma could have been prevented would be through this new vaccine that is still under development. This Vaccine claims that when approved, will be able to prevent and cure Melanoma. This vaccine consists of SHORT

Radiation therapy is a way of easing the pain that melanoma brings to a patient when it is already too late for the patient.



multiple different things that have proven to have huge affects on the people that take them.


While in Stage 4 of Melanoma, the disease had spread too far and Anna had been told that it was too late for here, and her time was limited. This limited amount of time was something

that Anna tried to use to the fullest of her potential, but between the time that Radiation Therapy took out of Anna's Scheduele, and trying to spend as much time as possible with her

family. When someone is faced against stage 4 melanoma it can be very sad because onle 5-8% of people that go through Stage 4 Melanoma do not survive.

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Even though Melanoma only counts for about 9% of the skin cancer out there it is very deadly. Anna was one of the 8% of the population that get this skin cancer, but unfortunately this skin cancer is the most deadly of all of the skin cancers. If this skin cancer is discovered on someone when it is at stage 3, than there is

an 80% chance that this cancer will kill the patient with it. This Cancer is also very dangerous because there is no cure for it right now, and it commonly returns years after the first discovery of it.

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"Treatment Options By stage." National Cancer Institute. November 19 2009. < Patient/page5#Section_180>.

"Melanoma." Biovex. November 20th 2009. < oncovex.html>.

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Updated Results of a Phase II Clinical Trial with a Second Generation, Enhanced Potency, Immune-enhanced, Oncolytic Herpesvirus in Unresectable Metastatic Melanoma Biovex Ltd. November 20th 2009 "Control of Cell Cycle." Cell Cycle Game. November 6 2008. November 20th 2009. < cellcycle.html>. This is a game I found that helps understand how cancer works.

"Amanda's journey." Melanoma Awareness Foundation. November 20th 2009. <>.

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"What is Melanoma?." November 20th 2009. <http://>.

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Biovex is an organization that specializes on the production of new medicine and vaccines. Biovex is a national orginazation that is currently on Phase 3 of their Melanoma vaccine which they have been working on for years. Biovex is also currently working on Breast cancer medicine along with the Melanoma cure.

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