Michael.M.Louw portfolio

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HomeDeco_I nf i l lSt ruct ure T heConceptai medt ol ookt owar dst hes i t ef ori nf or mant s onwhatconceptandpr ogr am t hedes i gns houl ds t r i v et o achi ev eont hes i t e. Looki ngatt hel ar gephot ot akenons i t et hemos t i mpor t anti s s uest hatcanbedet er mi nedar eabl ut i ons , s hel t er ,heal t hcl i ni c,r ecy cl i ngands or t i ngs pace. T hebui l di ngat t empt st or econs i l et hewr ongdoi ngsoft he pas ti nMar abas t adandt hecount r yasawhol e.T hi si s donebyr et ur ni ngt her i chcul t ur eofMar abas t adt hr ough owner s hi pandmaki ngi tr es i dent i alonceagai n.

BanksySt udi oLof tHi deaway T hi spr oj ectwasmeantf ort hegr af f i t iar t i s tBanks yt obeabl et o hi dei nandus eashi sbas eofoper at i onswhi l ei nPr et or i a. Duet ohi si dent i t ybei ngunknownal otofcar ehadt ogoi nt obei ng abl et oacces st hebui l di ngf r om s ecer tent r ancesandal s ohi di nghi s hous ei npl ai ns i ghtast hel ocat i onoft hes i t ewasont opof Br ookl y nnmal l . T hes paceal s oact sasapl acewher eheandot hers t r eetar t i s t scan col l abor at eandpl ant hei rnex tgr eatpi ece.

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