Be Careful With Internet Marketing Seminars Being a full time surgeon doesn't make me immune to internet marketing scams. I do own a couple of websites and am interested in learning. After receiving email alerts of a "Global Internet Seminar in Hong Kong" listing Ewen Chia, Adam Ginsberg, Tom Hua and others as speakers, I paid HK$500 to sign my wife and myself up for the three day seminar. Just one day before the seminar, they sent me an email saying that I could bring a friend for free eventhough ticket-sales are closed. The first night of the seminar fell on 27 Nov 2009, my nephew's wedding. We unwillingly gave it a miss, but it was actually a blessing in disguise (I'll tell you why). The second day of the seminar was on a Saturday and I could only turn up at 3:30pm after finishing my work. When I turned up at the registration desk and asked about the promised learning material, I was told that it would be on the seat. A yellow wrist band was put on me and I was admitted. I showed my wrist band and was guided to the VIP section of the hall in the front, probably occupying 20% of the seating. I presumed that the non-VIP area seaters were free admissions. When I entered the meeting hall, Ewen Chia was finishing his presentation and making incredible offers to his audience, selling instant internet business programs and lifetime support, in the form of 24 hour skype success etc, valued at US$25,000 but selling for HK$25,000 to the first 50 sign-ups. There was a 8 page booklet on the seat, with 4 lined pages for jotting notes, and no sign of the promised learning material. "Oh, no" was what I told myself. This seminar had appeared dishonest to me so far, why should it evolve into anything different from then on. The next speaker was Adam Ginsberg, au author and speaker on eBay selling. I had previously searched about him on the internet and the accounts were a little mixture of "all-thumbs-up" and scams. Ginsberg gave a very energized, feel-good and well-orchestrated talk on his success on ebay. The presentation included his own experience of making huge sales on ebay, writing a book about it and touring the world teaching people how to do it with money-back guaranteered. Unfortunately, the presentation then started to turn seriously wrong into a sales presentation about his turn-key ebay business package. There was a serious slip in reasoning: his initial success with eBay had nothing to do with his software and business package which wasn't around at the time. Again he was selling it at 90% off the would-be price and giving away a one day seminar in Hong Kong in 2010, without a date fixed. The too-good-to-be-true price at HK$24988 of course would be limited to the first 25 sgin-ups only. I could see nothing but disaster coming and felt lucky that my wife was not attending this alone. She naturally loves bargains. The third speaker was Alok Jain, a so called "Fast Cash Guy" in viral email marketing. He painstaking explained how he was so poor that he had to turn to the internet to supplement his wages. Another success story followed when he managed the build up a huge emailing list of over 100,000 in record breaking time. (I don't think there are official records in things like these). He went to preach how easy it was to make over HK$22,000 monthly repeatedly from a three-liner email which he wrote on his mobile and sent on GPRS, when he was having a vacation in rural India, being away from lap-tops and internet connection. He explained that it was all possible because his list building method is different from the traditional method by being a viral marketing method with a Vx factor (viral growth factor) of 1.05. Any growth of 1.05 means that the list will keep
on growing forever. He and his team of software engineer had already perfected the program and this would now do it automatically after the sign-up had grown his initial list to a size of 400. This program comes with a lot of free stuff including all the private label right products with reselling rights that Jain owns. It would be selling for a ridiculous price to the people who ask, for 90 seconds only. At that moment, I quickly got on my feet... And left. This morning I searched the internet for Ewen Chia, Adam Ginsberg and Alok Jain on one of my favorite websites called The search for Jain yielded no results. The search for Ewen Chia yielded five reports here: The search for Adam Ginsberg yielded seven reports here: Check out the reports for yourself and don't ever forget the golden rule on the internet: if it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is a scam. sites for sale