Is Alcohol Destroying Your Own Happiness, Health, Relationships…or Even Your Career?” “The Real Secret To Finally Winning The Endless Battle With Alcohol Is… STOPPING Your Cravings For It!” “Here’s How I Personally Won The Battle…And You Can Too!
And the great news is, you’ll be able to cut your cravings WITHOUT spending a fortune on typical expensive therapies or participating in embarrassing group meetings!
‘Excellent book. Highly recommended!’ Alan Gettis, Phd, Clinical Psychologist, author of The Happiness Solution’
“FACT: You can enjoy moderate amounts of alcohol without harming yourself…When you take precautions!”
Researchers Herbert Sprince, Clarence M. Parker, George G. Smith and Leon J. Gonzales (Affiliated withThe Departments of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Pharmacology, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson UniversityU.S. Veterans Administration Hospital) tested the protective action of nutrients against alcohol poisoning. Laboratory rats were given different formulae 30-45 minutes prior to ingesting lethal dosages of acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is the toxic substance common to heavy drinking and heavy smoking of cigarettes. It has involved in diseases of the central nervous system. The combination of L-ascorbic acid and sulfur compounds gave almost complete protection against acetaldehyde poisoning.(Models in Toxicology Review Agents and Actions May 1975, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 164-173 Protective action of ascorbic acid and sulfur compounds against acetaldehyde.) I want to show you how to use simple, safe nutrients to both protect you from alcohol damage, without making big lifestyle changes. The key is Biochemical Balance and Behavior.
“You see, drinking alcohol is not the issue. The issue has to do with your control over it, and that starts with the internal cravings of needing it.”
Let’s be brutally honest, you probably feel that your alcohol consumption has a strong grip on you and you dream of simply being able to have just a few drinks with friends or family, and not let it turn into an all out binge or craving where you feel the NEED to drink more and more. It’s the same with many obese people in this world. It’s not an issue that they eat, the issue lies with what they eat. It’s that internal
biochemical craving and brain mechanism that doesn’t know how to shut off. Have you ever noticed when a friend or another person goes on a drinking binge, that everything else in their world (hygiene, eating, exercise, even personality) all disappears into the background…while the drinking takes center stage? Isn’t this a drug induced mental problem? And when you think about it, when this type of drinking binge occurs, which came first…the lack of hygiene, the lazy lifestyle, the “I really don’t care” attitude…or was it the capacity to drink? Maybe you can personally relate to all or some of these issues when you get stuck in a cycle of drinking. Maybe it hits a little to close to home for you. If it does, then I have GREAT NEWS for you so please read further… But first, let me ask you this… What if I told you that your own environment, genetics, type of work, or even lifestyle could have a HUGE increase in your own physical “need” or craving for alcohol? True enough, trauma can also increase the need for relief through alcohol (and drug) use. This is why it is so important to rebuild the body’s nervous system aside from group or cognitive types of therapy. Even the social drinker needs to protect themselves against the biochemical damages from over-consuming alcohol. What if this physcial protection can, in turn help calm inner hurt, depression and anxiety? It’d feel pretty good wouldn’t it? Just image that feeling for a minute. With the proven research of nutritional scientists Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, combined with the alcohol rehabilitative methods of Dr.
Joan Mathew-Larson…I’ve developed a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE system that reduces your need to get drunk. Durk Pearson is a scientist who graduated from MIT, assisted with the design of NASA’s Space Shuttle and co-authored the book, Life Extension. He has written several articles on anti-ageing, weight-loss and brain enhancement. Sandy Shaw is a UCLA graduate, majoring in chemistry and zoology. She has technically advised Disney productions, starred in several documentaries about ageing and co-authored Life Extension. Dr. Joan Mathew-Larson lost her son to alcoholism after traditional methods failed. She researched and designed an effective alcohol rehabilitation program with 300% greater success rate than group therapy. Dr. Larson is the director of the Health Recovery Center and author of Seven Weeks to Sobriety. The system that I have drawn from these experts enables both social and heavy drinkers from destroying their health. “It means being able to enjoy a few drinks here and there, but not losing control or being a victim to further binges.”
When many people think of alcoholics, they think of some wino in the street. Poor. Homeless. Horrible hygiene and no life. But in the majority of cases, most heavy drinkers are actually high-functional people living and working people in today’s society. They could be the local barber, judge, or even a physician or dentist. No matter their status in life, the one thing that is common is their MENTAL and PHYSICAL craving for alcohol. This is universal. So how do I know what it REALLY feels to crave alcohol?
Because I’ve lived and breathed it. I’ve been stuck in the craving cycle, and I paid the price for it. The funny thing is, I actually grew up among a group of alcoholics, and I remember telling myself many times that I’d “never touch that stuff” after seeing its effects on them. But guess what? As soon as I hit adulthood, BAM! I fell into the very cycle that I had witnessed and despised when I was younger. The drunken binges. The horrible hangovers. The crazy mood swings.
“Drinking was my way of ‘numbing’ myself to make the world easier to handle, or to create a bit of an escape from it. (Like finishing grade 12) Or so I thought…”
Further down the road in life, I eventually joined the Army, and was posted on the Queen Charlotte Islands near Alaska. The weather was dismal, and there was nothing much to do except exercise, read, play cards…and you guessed it…drink alcohol. But I remember one day, on a whim, I bought a copy of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, and noticed an ad for some high potency vitamins that were suppose to enhance my running and training abilities. After a few weeks on these vitamins, my running and training didn’t really improve but I DID notice…
And the thing that was amazing about these changes was that… I didn’t attend any type of AA meetings or therapy… I didn’t develop an iron will out of the blue to curb my cravings…
I didn’t have some “life changing” experience that transformed my life… I went from being stupidly drunk 2-3 times PER week, to just a few drinks per MONTH. And sometimes, I wouldn’t even have a drop of alcohol all month long. I felt as though I was coming into my real self, and out of a trance. I realized what I DIDN’T want in my situation, and despite all the resistance from people around me, I focused more on what I DID want. I felt empowered. I felt in charge. And within 6 months, I left the isolation of the Queen Charlotte Islands and moved to a base in Kingston, Ontario. “I only continued to gain strength, mental clarity, and the more I relaxed…the MORE I put on muscle. Instead of forcing to put on healthy weight, it started to come naturally.”
By the time I hit age 39, I went to the University of Manitoba to earn my Bachelor of Human Ecology, and even studied the research of AA founder, William Griffith Wilson, who wrote an entire paper on the benefits of Vitamin B3. .
Through all my research and in-depth study…
But despite everything I learned, society and those around me didn’t take me serious. The “mainstream” solution of joining groups like AA or ACOA was still firm in its foundation, and it still remained the “go to” avenue for those with alcohol issues. “No one would listen to my idea of implementing a mega vitamin solution. My ideas got shot down time and time again…”
But I still pushed forward with my research on nutrient based cravings that included alcohol. I eventually got my degree and continued to do even more research. What I found was that research pioneers like Durk Pearson andSandy Shaw were already recommending similar formulas since the 1970’s to help slow the effects of aging, stress, injuries…and cravings for tobacco and alcohol.
“Alcohol addiction is not due to weak will or moral depravity; it is a genetic metabolic defect,..(like gout)” Pearson and Shaw (1982) LIFE EXTENSION: A Practical Scientific Approach. Published by Warner Brothers. P. 271 I knew that their research worked amazingly well for me…I knew that it could help others who might be struggling with alcohol as well.
After even more research, including unique ways to modify behavior, and positive support and feedback from my friends…I finally created the Reduce Your Alcohol Craving manual with all the information I had learned. And now you have the opportunity to finally use thesePROVEN tips, tricks and techniques to finally get your life back in control from alcohol abuse. Inside this breakthrough manual, you’ll discover… How certain wheat allergies and sugar can greatly effect your own reaction to alcoholWhich specific medical conditions can INCREASE your desire to drink more alcohol
If you want to STOP staying stuck in the endless battle of alcohol cravings, and want to reduce your cravings naturally in as little as 10 Days, then Reduce Your Alcohol Craving is a must read for you! “And the good news, you can have access to all this information for the cost of a few cups of premium coffee only, and not the THOUSANDS you could spend going into a treatment program.”
The choice is now up to you… Continue to suffer, or get on the road to real freedom!
Buy Now
“Yes Doug! I’m ready to invest in my own copy of Reduce Your Alcohol Craving right now for ONLY $22!” ‘It’s hard to see how anyone reading this book could not learn a clearer pathway to a more normal life. It’s your life to live well, and he tells you how from the “been there” perspective.’
Carroll Wolverton, author of Method Weight Management: A Common Sense Approach to Weight Loss “I knew of course that I was drinking because of my upbringing, bad luck and anger issues. However, NOTHING has worked as well as Doug’s methods! It has helped me and I sincerely hope that you will give it a try to reduce your Alcohol Craving problems.” Anton Leontowicz, Mexico ‘Throughout my career, have seen plenty of misery and broken lives from addictions. Doug’s approach to alcohol addiction is amazingly simple.’ William Bell, former Vice Squad, Winnipeg Police Dept.
From biochemistry, to psychology, sleep and eating disorders – a tremendous amount of material is dealt with in a very straightforward and helpful way. It’s filled with useful strategies such as the “5 minute rule” which I plan to implement in my own psychotherapy practice. Alan Gettis, Phd. Clinical Psychologist, author of The Happiness Solution .
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