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南腔北调· LifeStyle

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


2013 年二月号 总第 326 期

张含韵 羽化成蝶 Zhang Hanyun:

A New Metamorphosis A Pocket of Time l Horological Homage l Teutonic Tectonics l To The Villa Born l England’s Hidden Treasures l Vino Voyage

England’s Hidden Treasures

意大利 最好的别墅酒店

Get Villa-fied in Italy


不只是配饰 A Pocket of Time

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



Wisdom Wins the World 智 行天 下 2



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Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The February cover is a shot of actress Zhang Hanyun, by Greg Mei Dresses: Romeo Gigli for Joyce, Gianni Versace Couture

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

品质与品位 阳光下,悬挂在栏杆上的领带在风中摇摆,尽情展示着自己。 我不禁伸出手摸了摸,虽然称不上最好,但这条千鸟格领带精良 的做工以及对细节的专注依然超过了很多同类知名品牌。背面接 缝处的格纹均匀平整,甚至连领结处的图案也都整整齐齐。丝质 面料手感饱满柔软,颇具质感,既不刺眼也不过分光滑。 这条英国 H&K 领带虽不繁复华丽,但其经典设计与顶尖品 质无可挑剔,戴上它去参加婚礼再合适不过了。它的售价大约是 100 美元,相比之下,范思哲、古驰、菲拉格慕和爱马仕的衬衫 不仅价格更加昂贵,图案设计也给人傲慢的感觉,就像它们的名 声那样,而且质量也逊色多了。 仿品的价格便宜,但那只是廉价的合成纤维,设计也没那么 精美,不过很多人可能压根不会注意到这些。话虽如此,有品味 的人却能将廉价服饰穿出高雅气质,而有些人即使全身上下裹满 名牌也还是像地摊货。在许多人眼里,有时候奢侈品的设计并不 美观,但仿品永远是仿品,经不起仔细推敲。在我看来,所有的 产品和服务都是一样的道理。 曾有朋友突发奇想,在我房间的阳台上挂满我所有的领带, 以供大家观赏。这番情景引发了我一连串颇感沮丧的思考。我的 领带中漂亮廉价的占了大多数,其余的虽然品质不错,但并不好看。 因为每次看到喜欢又便宜的,总忍不住买上一条。长时间的“猎艳” 之后,我终于下决心今后只买外观品质皆属上乘的领带,即便仍 免不了被外观平平却具有内涵的好东西吸引过去。这让我怎么再 相信自己的品味?由此说来,娶一位有品味的太太才是要紧事, 哪怕她并不美丽。

Hanging from the railing, swaying in the wind with the sun beating down, its pluses and minuses are all on display. After reaching out and having a feel, I can tell it is not the absolute best money can buy. Still, its level of quality and the attention to detail exceed much of the competition. The plaids along the seam on back match perfectly. Even the big and little houndstooth patterns on the slip loop line up perfectly. The silk material has a heavy hand without slipperiness or excessively shiny finish. Though it’s not a seven-fold, with all the excessive fabric use that entails, this Hilditch and Key, made in the UK, would be perfect for a wedding. It is a good product that costs around 100 dollars. Even more expensive, but often of inferior quality, are versions from Versace, Gucci, Ferragamo, and Hermes with patterns that tend to leave no doubt about their lofty brands. For one dollar, something can be had that looks nearly the same from a distance but is made of polyester and lacks the pattern matching. But most people would probably never notice the difference. A man with the right taste might spend one dollar and look stylish, while another buys a good product but still looks ugly. Luxury goods might have designs that most people deem unattractive. And yet the polyester version always announces itself as a bad product upon close examination. And so it is with most products and services. Someone had the odd idea to hang out all my ties for all to see on the railing of the balcony in our room. This prompted my somewhat melancholic series of reflections. A few of my ties were good products that looked ugly, while many were bad products that looked nice. There was always that temptation to buy an attractive, good-looking tie at a low price. The only real conclusion I came to after all that tie-gazing was that in the future I would have to only buy good ties that looked beautiful too. But there is always the risk of paying a lot for an unattractive tie. How could I trust my own taste? Finding a wife with good taste is critical – even if she is ugly.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief



LifeStyle 7

FebrUARY 110

速递 016 蛇纹印花丝巾


2013 年是农历蛇年,应景的蛇元素配 饰自然是最好的气场强化剂

074 用潮物创造幸福

026 阿尔卑斯山麓的音乐厅

家居细节会把一个成功男人的品味展现 得淋漓尽致。看盛大文学 CEO 侯小强如 何打造幸福时光每一天

奥地利蒂罗尔州厄尔镇新建的音乐厅如 横空出世,呈现出凌厉优雅的线条美

040 怀表:不只是配饰 从精致华丽的珐琅彩绘到复杂巧妙的 机芯装置,10 款怀中尤物尽显品位

052 不可不知的怀表常识

7 个怀表常识,看完包你不再是怀表门 外汉

060 制表大师 乔治·丹尼尔斯毕生的心愿就是让英国钟 表再度成为世界一流,他认为自己在曼 岛的小作坊里实现了这个夙愿



068 张含韵:羽化成蝶 经历了人生的起起伏伏,曾经“酸酸甜 甜就是我”的可爱女生张含韵如何重拾 勇气翻到崭新的一面?





享乐 088 别墅酒店,生而不凡! 还有谁能比意大利国王或红衣主教对 住更讲究呢?快来试试这些昔日荣耀 加身的王府官邸吧!

102 英格兰最后的秘境 从科茨沃尔德“浪漫之路”到“英格 兰花园”肯特郡,我们带你来一趟真 正的发现之旅

110 智利葡萄酒庄园探胜

LifeStyle 编辑探访智利多家著名葡萄 酒庄园

LifeStyle 9

FebrUARY 102



016 Silken Scales

Wisest and most materialistic of the Chinese zodiac, snakes are swift and intelligent. Our accessory of choice for the year of the snake.

074 Everything’s in the Details

026 Teutonic Tectonics

We take a look at how Hou Xiaoqiang creates the perfect home environment to complement his successful life as CEO of Cloudary.

A shapely new Festival Hall in Erl, Austria



040 Prime Pocketwatches

088 The Villas of Italy

Ten selections of the cream of the crop of pocketwatches – including intricate artistry and complicated movements, these pocketwatches represent the ultimate showcase of the watchmakers craft.

The charm of these luxurious villa hotels, formerly homes of royalty, will seduce you away from chain hotels forever.

052 A Pocket Watch Guide 060 Father Time

George Daniels dedicated himself and his workshop at Isle of Man to his dream of bringing English watches back to their place as the world’s finest.

Columns 098 WineClub 116 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

10 LifeStyle

068 Zhang Hanyun – Her Transformation

A teenage sweetheart when she debuted, Zhang Hanyun gains beauty and wisdom as she finds her way through the journey of growing up.


Seven tips every pocket watch lover must know.


102 The Beauty of Britain

From romantic roadsides to haunted castles, homegrown foods to princely charities; we take you on an inclusive trip through the gorgeous countryside of England.

110 Chilean Wines

A look into Chile’s best wineries including wonderful architecture, wine pairing expertise, legends surrounding the wineries and possible wedding venues…

LifeStyle 11


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

刊头题字:涂向东 国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li

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JACK WU 高尔夫推广学院 新浪博客

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12 LifeStyle

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14 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.16


Destinations / P.20 品味之约

Luminaries / P.22

阿姆斯特丹安达仕酒店 The new Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht hotel

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Scales of Silk 蛇是十二生肖中最有智慧的属相,属 蛇的人具有神秘感,总会出其不意地带给我 们惊喜。2013 年是农历蛇年,应景的蛇元 素配饰自然是最好的气场强化剂。英国高端 配饰品牌瓦希莉莎推出的限量版蛇纹印花 丝巾恰到好处地表现了属蛇人的优雅气质 与掌控全局的能力。瓦希莉莎本是俄罗斯童 话故事里一位少女的名字,她擅长纺织,凭 着自己的美貌与智慧最终打动了王子的心。 The wisest of the creatures in the Chinese zodiac, snakes strike quickly and accurately, invariably taking all by surprise. As we enter their year, those born under this sign will need an accessory representative of their refinement and mastery of complexity. These limited edition print scarves in delicate silk are from British label Vassilisa, which takes its name from a fairytale Russian maiden whose beauty and skills at weaving fabric captured the heart of a prince.

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Stripe up Your New 5 一看到彩色条纹,我们便会想到保罗 ·史密斯流畅潇洒的签名,七彩条纹早成为 了保罗的标志。这款为苹果 iPhone 5 量体 裁衣的彩色木纹皮革保护壳同样是好例子, 造型奇特、玩味十足并兼具功能性,与功 能强大的 iPhone 5 相得益彰,隐隐透露出 设计师和用户所共有的特质。情人节在即, 保罗·史密斯给了那些童心未泯的大男孩一 个不错的礼物选择。 Release your inner rainbow with this Paul Smith swirl molded case made just for the brand new iPhone 5. The grained leather coating with the designer’s iconic stripes will show the owner to be as playful and quirky as his phone is functional. This is the perfect Valentine’s Day Gift for the man who has everything including a naughty little child trapped inside of him.

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Trompe L’Oeil 以超现实和异想天开的设计著称的意 大利著名家居品牌佛纳塞迪联手英国皇室 御用品牌科恩森,打造出新奇的视错觉墙 纸,其中的椅子图案来源于殿堂级艺术大师 比埃罗·佛纳塞迪创建的图片库。2013 年正 好是这位品牌创始人的百岁诞辰,其设计 理念源于“先选基本图案,然后混和起来, 再给图案变换颜色,改变其维度”。

18 LifeStyle

Fornasetti, the design label best-known for its surreal but whimsical graphic designs, has collaborated with Cole & Son, the British maker of hand-made wallpapers. Fornasetti was founded by Piero Fornasetti, and 2013 is the 100th anniversary of his birth. The motifs are taken from the Fornasetti archive of drawings created by Barnaba’s father, Piero Fornasetti: “I chose things and I mixed them together, and I changed the colour, and changed the dimensions.”


No Noise 有时候包装表明一切!伦敦塞尔福里 奇百货公司联合亨氏和马麦酱等各大知名 品牌,对现有产品进行“去品牌化”设计。 这些连名字都没有的限量专供产品“干净而 纯粹,远离市场竞争的喧嚣,给人宁静的享 受”,却并不防碍眼尖的顾客立刻出手哄抢。 你可以想象安迪·沃霍尔那副心满意足的样 子。 Sometimes the packaging says it all. Famous brands including Heinz and Marmite have produced limited editions of their products with no brand names on the packaging for London department store Selfridges. Although these pared down products have no text indicating the logo, the products are instantly recognizable. One can imagine Andy Warhol having a field day with this.

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Indulge in Inspiration 阿姆斯特丹,这座历史悠久、丰富多 彩的魅力之都,总是那么让人着迷。全新 的阿姆斯特丹安达仕酒店建在原王子运河 大街的公共图书馆旧址上,其所在的约旦区 极具文化特色,聚集着阿姆斯特丹主要的现 代艺术画廊和时尚店铺。这家拥有 122 间 客房的高档精品酒店整体上很有荷兰风格, 又不乏异国情调。本土设计师马塞尔·万德 斯堪称国际一流品质的代名词,其天马行空 的想象力成就了又一经典力作。酒店室内设 计打破常规,走的是搞怪艺术路线,摩登且 创意十足,尤其是精美的艺术墙和令人惊艳 的以旅行为主题的“天文台”,绝对会让你 对设计者的想象力叹为观止。在这里体验荷 兰文化只怕眼睛、耳朵和舌头不够用了! Amsterdam is a melting pot of culture, commerce, and style; from its lovely canal houses to cutting-edge modern design, it has a little of everything. The new Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht hotel, situated behind the façade of what was once the Public Library on the Prinsengracht (Prince’s Canal), is the perfect reflection of this. The 122-room hotel was the vision of local architect and designer Marcel Wanders, and features eccentric yet traditionally Dutch decor inspired by local themes. The hotel features modern and creative design including beautifully detailed wall art, and a stunning travel-themed interior space in the lounge called The Observatory. Explore the many sights, sounds and tastes of Dutch culture through the adventurous design of the Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht, a place certain to fill you with inspiration.

20 LifeStyle


Luxury Department Boutique ATTOS 第二家爱徒奢华之家选址上海外滩六号开设旗舰店。 该建筑建于 1897 年,大楼外观是英国哥德式风格,斜坡 式屋顶上有古典十字架装饰,与爱徒奢华之家内敛又不 失高贵的气质不谋而合。新馆以文艺复兴为主题,以“爱 永恒美丽”诠释奢华本质,将艺术带入生活之中,让美学 成为一种优雅的生活态度。 爱徒每个皮件均采用真皮制作, 最新推出的十字架造型的 Angel 系列彩虹包更堪称殿堂 级经典之作。 Luxury department botique ATTOS recently launched its second store on the Bund in Shanghai. The Gothic-style building, constructed in 1897, features a sloping roof with a subtle cross design in the elegant style typical of ATTOS. Taking “renaissance” as its theme, the new flagship offers its own interpretation of the true character of luxury; fusing life with art and making for an elegant aesthetic. And judging by the quality of their latest masterpiece, a series of cross-shaped Rainbow Bags, ATTOS certainly take their leather products seriously.

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中国客户定制一件克莱利亚尼需要多久? 量身定制流程中最难的环节是什么? 通常 4 周左右,1 次量身便能完工。我 会根据不同客人的形体并结合客人的需求, 协助客人挑选面料和适合个人体型及品味 的西服版型,并将客人的第一手量体资料发 回意大利,在意大利制作。量身定制服装就 如同男人的第二层肌肤,流程中的每一个 环节都是非常重要,都要提供最好的服务。 我从 14 岁就开始接触量身定制,对我来说 没有困难的环节。 消费者如何识别好的手工西装? 从细节处分辨,比如从针眼和纽扣可 以看出工艺来,好西装有特殊款纽扣,工 人打一个扣眼需要 20 分钟。西装内衬也非 常重要,粘合衬是用胶粘制而成,吸汗后 容易起泡,手工衬是手工制作,相对比较 考究和费工夫;好西装所有夹层均为手工 缝制。如今新技术不断涌现,例如克莱利 亚尼在西装内袋中加入二维码,消费者可 以通过扫描二维码来了 解品牌的历史及最 新动态。 克莱利亚尼作为高级定制品牌,在面料方面 最突出的特点是什么? 我们拥有 150 多种不同风格、250 多 种独有面料。最值得一提的是 210’S 支纱 的超级特性面料。这种面料采用产自秘鲁海 拔 2000 米以上产量非常稀少的小驼羊毛, 以前是供给秘鲁的一些皇室家族使用,所以 价格也非常昂贵。我们主要采用小驼羊颈部 的羊毛来制作面料,它比普通羊毛羊绒的 保暖性强,纤维更纤细,打理起来也容易。 用这种面料做一件大衣,大概要 60 头小驼 羊毛,需要两年的时间。价位是根据产量大 小而定的,每件约合人民币 30 万。目前店 里成衣有很多选择 150’S 支纱制作,手感 也非常柔软。 听说你经常穿梭于各个国家和城市的克莱 利亚尼品牌店,你是如何看待中国市场的? 在我看来,中国市场是所有意大利品 牌的未来。截止 2012 年底,克莱利亚尼在 中国开了四十多家店,从这一点足以证明我 们对中国市场的信心。我们相信“意大利制 造”的品质能够以一种超越时间和短期时尚 的风格获得中国消费者的青睐。 How long does it take for Chinese customers to have their suits made at Corneliani? What’s the most difficult thing in this process? Usually it takes four weeks. One measurement will do for tailoring. I will assist

22 LifeStyle

每年克莱利亚尼都会派出金牌裁缝进行为期一年的全球高级量体 定制服务。来自意大利的金牌裁缝诺拉斯科·阿西奥莱在克莱利亚尼 金宝汇旗舰店与我们分享了他对高级定制的真知灼见。 Renowned Italian tailor Nolasco Alessio shares with us his insights into high end bespoke suits at Corneliani’s flagstore at the Jinbao Place Shopping Center, Beijing. Text: Eva Liu Photo: Corneliani (Jinbao Place)

my customers in selecting fabrics and suit style suitable for their body shapes and tastes, according to their demands of course. Then I will send the first-hand measurements back to Italy where suits will be made. Customised suits are men’s second skin, so each step during the process is very important and the best services are required. I came into contact with the industry when I was 14 years old, so its inner workings are familiar to me. How do consumers recognize fine handmade suits? Look at the details like needle eyes and buttons. A fine suit always includes special buttons. It takes a worker about 20 minutes to make a buttonhole. Interfacing is important too. There are two types of interfacings. One is called fusible interfacing which has heatactivated adhesive on one side and tends to bubble after absorbing sweat. Another is non-fusible interfacing. Interfacings of fine suits are handmade which are more delicate and time-consuming. Keeping up with new technology, Corneliani puts a two-dimensional code into the suit’s inner pocket. By scanning the code, consumers can learn of the brand’s history and latest trends.

As a high end bespoke brand, what’s the most prominent feature of Corneliani’s fabrics? Corneliani’s unique fabrics have 250 types and 150 styles. One worthy of mention is the 210-count yarn fabric. This high thread count cloth is made from fleece of rare alpacas kept at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level in Peru; quite expensive since the fleece used to be the tribute to Peru’s royal families. Generally, we use neck fiber to make fabrics because it is finer, easier to take care of and keeps warm better than common wool and cashmere. To make one overcoat, fleeces of about 60 alpacas will be used, and it will take two years to finish. The price is fixed according to the output with 300,000 RMB per article. Now Corneliani has lots of readyto-wear suits made of 150-count yarn fabric. They feel quite soft too. You often shuttle between different countries and cities. How do you regard the Chinese market? In my opinion, the Chinese market is the hope of all Italian brands. In the end of 2012, we have over 40 Corneliani stores in China, which is clear proof of our confidence in China. We believe the quality of goods made in Italy can win the hearts of Chinese consumers with its timeless charm.

La Perla 全球设计总监乔梵尼·比恩齐 先生为众多国际明星设计过内衣,他为 麦当娜打造的那款锥形胸衣更是震惊 全世界。现在他掌管着 La Perla 的 整体创意流程。 La Perla Style Director Giovanni Bianchi, designer of Madonna’s infamous cone bra, is a true trendsetter in “interior” design. Text: Eva Liu

2013 年 La Perla 有什么新动向?新品设计灵感来自哪 里? La Perla 北京侨福芳草地旗舰店刚刚揭幕,这是我 们在北京的第四家店铺。2013 年春夏新品设计灵感来 源于 1960 年的一部叫《豹》的电影,讲述了 19 世纪的 西西里岛贵族生活,并重新赋予了现代的感性,使复古 风变幻出永恒的典雅。电影里很多礼服上的刺绣、蕾丝、 蝴蝶结与巴洛克建筑中色彩丰富的瓷砖和挂毯样式,这 些元素都会在 La Perla 这一季新品中呈现。颜色方面多 采用比较接近西西里岛特点的柠檬黄、粉绿色、灰绿、 赤陶,材质则以轻盈的丝绸、雪纺、纱为主。 How did you become Style Director of La Perla? Although I am a law major, I am obsessed with fashion, art and design. At a time when the “Lingerie Look” was getting more and more fashionable, so was underwear. When I joined La Perla I had just graduated and it was not that popular yet. At the beginning, I was with the sales department and I did a lot of market research in different areas of Italy and made some reports showing my boss that people from different places were fond of different styles, and how La Perla was heading toward a new market. Afterward I was absorbed into the design department. It took a lot to gain reorganization from the boss and colleagues, but it’s really worth it.


La Perla: Seductive Luxury 你是如何做到 La Perla 全球设计总监的? 虽然我学的是法律,但是这丝毫没有影响到我对时尚、艺术、设计的 热情。刚好那个年代内衣外穿慢慢流行起来,内衣时尚化趋势越来越明显, 毕业后我便加入了当时还不算时尚品牌的 La Perla 公司。起初我在销售部 工作,每个礼拜都会去意大利不同地区做市场调查,带回来的分析报告都 不是关于销售方面的,而是告诉我的老板某个地区的人喜欢穿什么样的衣 服、喜欢什么样的设计风格,但是我们还没能提供。后来转入设计部,我 花费了很长时间才得到老板和同事的认可,很困难,但是值得。 据说麦当娜也是 La Perla 的忠粉,一些国际大牌明星为什么青睐 La Perla 内衣? 很多大牌明星喜欢 La Perla 内衣是看中它的设计、工艺和品质,比如 La Perla 所有内衣的刺绣和蕾丝都是手工做的,另外 La Perla 是内衣品牌 中唯一的高级定制品牌。麦当娜经常派她的造型师到 La Perla 巴黎专卖店 选购产品。她在 1990 年巡演时穿的锥形胸衣是我与让·保罗·高缇耶一起合 作完成的。两年前我们再次合作了一款新型锥形胸衣和一些皮质面料与蕾 丝结合的内衣,麦当娜在去年夏天巡演时也一直穿着它们。中国也有很多 明星喜欢 La Perla 品牌,例如章子怡和范冰冰。

It’s said that many superstars are faithful fans of La Perla; why is that? I think it’s the design, craftsmanship and quality that impresses them. For example, all the embroidery and lace from La Perla are done by hand, and La Perla is the only high end underwear brand who offers customized products. Madonna often sends her stylist to our exclusive shops in Paris for shopping. The cone bra she wore in Blond Ambition Tour in 1990 was done by Jean Paul Gaultier and me. Two years ago, we collaborated again on a new kind of cone bra and some other underwear made of leather and lace, which were worn by Madonna during her tour last year. We also have many celebrity clients in China, such as Zhang Ziyi, Fan Bingbing and so on. What is La Perla going to do in 2013 and where does your inspiration come from? Our flagship store in Parkview Green was just launched and it’s the fourth one in Beijing. The S/S Collection was inspired by a movie called The Leopard (Gattopardo) (1960), which is about the life of the nobility in Sicily in the 19th century. The new collection delivers modern and fashion elements in a retro but elegant way and features embroidery, lace, bows and something of a baroque style as seen in the movie. As for colors, lemon yellow, pink & green, grey & green and terracotta are used since they are very Sicilian and the main materials are silk, chiffon and yarn.

LifeStyle 23


Scoop 雅诗阁:深耕广州再增两新项目

Big Move for Ascott

凯德集团旗下全球最大服务公寓业主及运营商——雅诗阁有限公司与广州越秀集团控股的越秀地 产股份有限公司近期签署战略合作协议,以加速在中国扩张步伐。此外,雅诗阁也在广州签署了另外 两个管理合同,分别是广州馨乐庭荔枝湾服务公寓和广州盛捷滨江东服务公寓,两个新项目均计划于 2013 年下半年开业。目前,雅诗阁在中国 17 座城市经营管理着 46 家服务公寓,共计逾 8000 套服务 公寓单位。 CapitaLand’s wholly-owned serviced residence business unit, The Ascott Limited (Ascott), has entered into a strategic alliance with Yuexiu Property Company Limited (Yuexiu Property), one of the largest property developers in Guangzhou, to drive its expansion plans in China. Moreover, Ascott has separately secured contracts in Guangzhou to manage two more serviced residences named Citadines LiZhiWan Guangzhou and Somerset Riviera Guangzhou. Slated to open in the second half of 2013, the two properties will strengthen Ascott’s leadership position as the largest international serviced residence owner-operator in China, with over 8,000 apartment units in 46 properties across 17 cities.


A Michelin Starred Menu

K.O. Dining Group 旗下的香港玉蕾餐厅为庆祝被《2013 香港澳门米其林指南》评为一星级餐厅,特 别推出米其林菜单,大秀行政总厨今川幹也的高超厨艺。今川师傅以烹制正宗的传统上海菜而闻名,独有 的烹饪风格令每道菜式都堪称艺术品。这份菜单共有 8 道菜,包括了今川师傅大部分拿手菜。如果愿意额 外花钱,宾客还可品尝到由专业侍酒师推荐的上好葡萄酒。 To celebrate receiving Michelin’s One-Star award in the Michelin Guide Hong Kong/Macau 2013, Yu Lei of K.O. Dining Group has launched a specially designed Michelin set menu to showcase the culinary talent of executive chef Miki Imagawa. The fantastic 8-course menu includes many of his signature dishes, and for an additional fee guests can also sample the various types of wine selected by the group sommelier. Chef Imagawa is known for preparing authentic traditional Shanghainese dishes and presenting them as works of art.

24 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.26 室内设计

Interior / P.34

日本建筑师 Suga Atelier 设计的 S 之家 The House S, by Japan’s Suga Atelier

LifeStyle 25



阿尔卑斯山麓的音乐厅 26 LifeStyle

eutonic ectonics

奥地利蒂罗尔州厄尔镇新建的 音乐厅如横空出世,呈现出凌厉优雅的线条美。 A shapely new Festival Hall in Erl, Austria Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Brigida Gonzalez

奥地利西部蒂罗尔州厄尔镇位于阿尔 卑斯山的腹地,专门用于冬季音乐表演的蒂 罗尔州音乐节音乐厅就坐落在一片起伏的 苍翠山坡上。这栋带有尖角的音乐厅如横空 出世,看似与周围的环境格格不入,却在线 条分明的外表下隐藏着无尽的优雅。 音乐厅由奥地利知名的德迈建筑师事 务所设计建造,其代表作品包括 2008 年建 成的德国斯图加特新保时捷博物馆以及位 于安曼的达拉特国王阿卜杜拉二世艺术中 心。当地由冰川作用形成的沉积岩地貌和 多姿多彩的岩石构造成为设计灵感的源泉。 音乐厅黑色块状外立面巨大而尖利,令人生 畏,好似来自外太空的异形飞船坠落人间。 其刻意而为的裂缝与褶皱一样的建筑形式 与其所处的景观背景相关联,就像堆积层叠 在一起的岩石。旁边是建于上世纪 50 年代 的白色圆形“热情剧场”,如今是举办夏季 歌剧会和交响音乐会的场所。两栋建筑比邻 而居,形成了鲜明对照。 每当夜幕降临,音乐厅裂缝与褶皱造 型的黑色外观与周围的夜色融为一体。通过 形似天然裂缝的入口,顺着修建在山坡之中 的下沉楼梯就来到一个亮丽的白色大厅。大 厅呈不对称形状,视野开阔,四周美景尽收 眼底。穿过这里就进入到交响乐演奏大厅。 木质墙壁和天花板呈奇特的锯齿状拼叠在 一起,阳光透过顶上的缝隙洒进来,把里面 照得亮堂堂一片。

LifeStyle 27




ike a shard of glass emerging from the rolling green hills, the Festival Hall of the Tiroler Festival - known in English as the Tyrolean Festival, a niche music festival in Erl, Austria--is a jarring but elegant presence. According to the architects, Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, the venue’s shape is derived from the topographical geometry of the area. The building’s form and position both relate to the impressive landscape defined by rock formations and a historical structure, the Passionsspielhaus. Indeed, the Festival Hall and the older structure are both oriented towards each other, and thus complement one another. Whereas the older structure is a rounded white edifice, the new hall is a dark angular, slightly sinister looking building, resembling perhaps an alien dropped onto the ground. Or in the words of the architects, “a tectonic stratification”. Its crevices and folds blend into the evening which puts its focus onto the radiant lobby. The interior is awash in natural light and the symphony hall is a beautiful space of jagged wooden surfaces, fitting together like a jigsaw puzzle. The lobby is an asymmetric construction that allows multi-dimensional views of the surrounding landscape as well as the neighboring Passionsspielhaus. Dlugan Messl Associated Architects are one of the leading Austrian firms and their past projects have included the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart in 2008 and the Darat King Abdullah II Performing Arts Center in Amman Jordan, also completed in 2008.

28 LifeStyle

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30 LifeStyle


Rocky Road

日本建筑师 Suga Atelier 设计的 S 之家质朴如岩石, 却传递出大和民族所崇尚的禅寂之美。 A contemplative concrete house in Osaka, Japan Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Suga Atelier

在大阪一个逼仄的三叉路口,日本建筑师 Suga Atelier 设 计的 S 之家在周边普通住宅的陪衬下显得尤为扎眼。整栋多 面体私宅看上去就像形状不规则的岩石,房子连一扇窗户都没 有,而是在凹进去的一角修建了一堵狭窄的玻璃墙。屋顶有一 个九边形的开口,玻璃中庭贯穿三层楼,在每一层的中央形成 一个明亮的天井。天井开口的下方设计了一圈环形长凳,下雨 的时候,雨水穿过凳面中间的圆洞注入底层的池中,除了站在 屋顶上,从外面根本看不到里面是什么结构,奇思妙想令人称 奇。 这栋由混凝土浇筑而成的房屋保留了天然岩石一样的质 朴外形,让人不禁想象若是日子久了,墙壁变得愈加斑驳古旧, 那可真的成了一座石屋。也许这恰恰体现了日本民族的审美观, 即所谓的“禅寂”。房屋传递出了这一只可意会不可言传的审 美概念所描述的非常规之美、自然之美和质朴之美。 S 之家的内部装修采用可回收的瓶子制成的白色塑料板作 为墙衬,外面覆盖着胶合板,专门设计的家具也与房屋简洁干 净的气质相得益彰。而就在浴室旁竟然有一方小小的院落,把 自然带进屋内。阳光透过宽敞的天井洒进来,房子里充满了悠 悠禅意。虽毗邻闹市,这里却如同远古的洞穴,寂静而朴素, 不枉设计者一番良苦用心。

LifeStyle 31




n an Osakan street of bland, onedimensional facades, the House S by Japan’s Suga Atelier is a multifaceted private house. Resembling a rock formation, the House S is located on an awkward triangular site that is surrounded by roads. Indeed, the house eschews any conventional windows and instead features a narrow glass wall recessed into one corner and a glazed atrium that extends down through the center of all three floors. This void is undetectable from the outside and only from the roof can it be seen, a surprisingly elegant solution for all concerned. Rain falling through this ninesided opening passes two donut-shaped benches and drains into a basin on the lowest level.

32 LifeStyle

The house is poured out of concrete and thus retains the naturalism of a rock formation; one also expects it to develop an interesting patina after a few years, further lending it an organic look. This is perhaps a reflection of the Japanese aesthetic of wabisabi, a metaphysical view centered on the transience and imperfection of things. Wabisabi is often characterized by asymmetry, irregularity and austerity, all of which this building possesses. The interior is molded out of plywood and then lined with white plastic panels made from recycled bottles. Natural light filters through the spacious atrium and overall creates a contemplative environment. There are pockets of nature such as a small courtyard beside the bathroom. Despite the proximity of traffic, the interior is a quiet place. According to the architects, the intended effect was to insulate the audience like a deep cave would. The architects also designed the furniture in relationship to the house.

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34 LifeStyle


Disco Fever

圣保罗 Clube 迪斯科俱乐部大翻新, 改变的是行头,永恒的是夜生活。 A makeover for a Brazilian nightlife stalwart Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Guto Requena

都说人靠衣装,就连自由热情的巴西人也 不例外。圣保罗 Clube 迪斯科俱乐部历经 12 年风雨洗礼,于去年秋季重装开幕。整个设计 走的是复古路线,绝对吸引眼球,这要归功于 建筑师古托·雷格纳和墨里西欧·阿鲁达。 为了突出 DJ 的特殊“位置”,设计师调 整了舞池的大小,着重于循环流动的效果,在 焕然一新的酒吧和贵宾区域营造出各种氛围。 三大专属空间可以变身为一个表演舞台,同时 活动天花板可以拉下来,以营造亲密气氛。 250 米长的 LED 灯带由 Madrix 软件控制,铺 满整个俱乐部。这种舞台设备能营造出梦幻般 的灯光效果,与音乐默契配合,相得益彰。 这家俱乐部大翻新的灵感来源于上世纪 70 年代的巴西风。老式的黑色皮革家具、全 新的亚克力装置和音响系统相互配合,打造出 一个完美的消遣场所。 为了彰显俱乐部独特的历史质感,设计师 特意将老管道裸露在外,勾起了俱乐部忠粉们 的集体回忆。不同质地、新旧材料的对比形成 了独特的建筑风格。舞池四边、天花板以及墙 体下半部分都以宽度不一的乌木板覆盖,这些 细板条还覆盖了一种特殊的布料,以确保室内 原声视听的完美。墙体上半部分被水泥纤维板 覆盖,跟下面细板条的设计初衷一样,都是为 了跟灯光效果配合,给人以视觉上的冲击。

LifeStyle 35




ven Brazilians need a facelift every now and then. After 12 years, Clube Disco in Sao Paulo, Brazil just got a major facelift. The night club reemerged this past fall looking flashy and retro thanks to architects Guto Requena and Mauricio Arruda. The designers developed the layout of Clube Disco by rotating the space in order to privilege the position of the DJ, thus resizing the dance floor, emphasizing circulation and creating varied atmospheres in the fullyrenovated bars and VIP areas. The largest of the three exclusive spaces are equipped to be converted into a stage for shows, where the ceiling can be lowered to provide a more intimate mood. The dance floor now features a computer program called Madrix that controls 250 linear meters of LED tape on metallic rails throughout the club. The facility is able to create fantastic light shows that highlight parts of the music. The club drew inspiration for its redesign from 1970s Brazilian style. The space contains vintage black leather furniture, brand new acrylic fixtures, and a new sound system, which combine to create the perfect space to entertain and be entertained.

36 LifeStyle

In order to reveal the club’s history and textures the old tunnel was ripped out, disclosing recollections of the club’s faithful habitués. Different textures and superpositions of new and old materials give a unique architectural identity to the space. The four sides of the dance floor, ceiling and halfway up the walls are covered with vertical ebonized wood boards in various widths. These slats cover a special cloth which ensures perfect acoustic comfort to the club. The upper half of the wall is covered in cement fiberboard designed in the same manner as the wooden panels, thus creating an optical graphic effect once combined with the lighting effect.

LifeStyle 37


Structure News 曼海姆美术馆新馆设计方案中标揭晓

GMP Wins Extension to German Gallery

德国曼海姆美术馆竞赛评委会近期宣 布由冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所 (gmp)承担曼海姆美术馆新馆的设计任 务。gmp 的建筑师将呈献一个高度功能化、 具有理想都市空间品质且独具一格的场所, 从外观到内部空间均颇具象征意义。其设 计从曼海姆棋盘状的城市布局中得到启发, 一系列立方体结构交互错落,不同的高度、 宽度以及穿插其间的扩展空间打破了建筑 形体的单一感。尺度各异的挑空空间为来访 者带来充满张力的空间体验,同时为参观流 线增添了丰富多变的视角。


A New Cultural Center for Chengdu

在近期结束的成都天府文化表演中心 建筑设计方案国际竞标中,意大利建筑事务 所 Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas 的方 案最终胜出。按照中标方案,这个堪称艺术 之家的新项目由四座椭圆形大厦和一个螺 旋形建筑构成,昭示着永恒的活力。整座综 合体包括表演艺术中心、文化中心、艺术家 公寓以及作家和文学协会的办公楼,设计灵 感源自 2008 年大地震中被摧毁的一个古老 的城市标志,展示了当地人民面向未来的豪 情,预计于今年上半年动工修建。

38 LifeStyle

International architects Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas have been announced as the winners of an international competition to design and construct the first cultural center in Chengdu, China. In their winning proposal, Fuksas combined four elliptical buildings with a spiral structure to create a complex that functions as a center for the performing arts, a cultural center, offices for the Writers and Literary Association, and an apartment building for artists. The design was inspired by an ancient symbol of the city of Chengdu.

The architectural firm von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (GMP) won the contract to design the new Kunsthalle Mannheim, as decided by Kunsthalle’s jury in Mannheim on December 3rd, 2012. The design portrays symbolic identity, both on the outside and on the inside: the idea is to create a place that is memorable and appeals with its functionality and urban qualities. Analogous to the chess board layout of Mannheim’s inner city, the design is a composition of several cubes of various heights and widths, arranged in an imperfect manner around the development. Visitors can experience rooms of different shapes and sizes, with a range of different air spaces, creating a range of vistas inside and out.

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Out of Pocket / P.42 不可不知的怀表常识

A Guide to Pocket Watches / P.52 光阴易老,怀表不老

Horological Homage / P.56 制表大师

Father Time / P.60

百达翡丽约翰 M. 莫尔黑德怀表 The John M. Morehead by Patek Philippe

LifeStyle 39


怀表作为品位生活的至臻象征,成为 本期当仁不让的主角。 这说明我们在引领品位生活的道路上 又向前迈进了一步,因为《品味生活》杂志 所倡导的并非是上流社会或富人阶层的奢 侈挥霍。“炫富”的观念和生活方式早已过 时,如今人们青睐拥有真正价值的东西、独 具趣味的创意、时尚大胆的装扮、特立独行 的见解以及乐观幽默的生活态度。怀表正是 集以上所有品质于一身。而拥有这样一块怀 表的人,才可称为真正的品位达人。在出席 派对时身佩怀表,证明了一个人对自我风格 的坚持。他张扬自信,不希望被人看成只会 工作不懂生活的上班族,也不怕被贴上“装 腔作势”的标签,反而担心不够炫。

40 LifeStyle

This accessory is the culmination of all we celebrate. The ultimate LifeStyle man owns one. LifeStyle is not about the high life or luxury; this is next level. The world moved beyond simply being rich and showing it through consumption quite a long time back. We now celebrate authenticity, quirkiness, dandification, humor, and eccentricity. In the world of these values, using a pocket watch shows one has arrived. Whipping one out at a party announces that a man values his own way of doing things most. This guy fears not being called “pretentious” or a “poseur”. He leaves those and all popular labels to the desk jockeys, weekend warriors and that whole horde of commuting badgers. This is the man with confidence in his own individuality.



百达翡丽 Star Caliber2000 怀表 Patek Philippe Star Calibre 2000


Out of Pocket

与实用腕表相比,怀表更能展现 钟表匠非凡卓绝的制作工艺。 从精致华丽的珐琅彩绘到复杂巧妙 的机芯装置,这里精选的 10 款怀表 真可称得上怀中尤物了。 While wristwatches are for the practical, pocketwatches showcase the best of the watchmaker’s art. These ten selections feature the best of the best, from elaborate enameling to ultra-complicated movements. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Antiquorum, Christie’s

千禧年之际,百达翡丽诚献此款 18K 金三问怀表,成 为历史上同类钟表中最壮观珍贵之奇珍,并且是首枚选用 选用威斯敏斯特宫报时钟响声的怀表。它灵巧汇集 21 项复 杂功能,包括动力储存显示器以及万年历、闰年周期、日 出和日落时间等天文显示功能。

42 LifeStyle

A unique 18k gold pocketwatch by Patek Philippe made to commenmorate the Millenium, the “Star Calibre 2000” has 21 complications including Westminster chimes, minute repeater, power reserve indicator for movement and chime, perpetual calendar, leap year cycle, sunrise and sunset, and various other astronomic functions.

宝玑 Perpétuelle à Répétition, Echappement Libre 怀表 Breguet Perpetuelle a Repetition

此款 18K 金自动上链恒星时计二问怀表是宝玑杰出制 表工艺的代表之一,编号 15,于 1793 年售出,配备双发条盒、 锚式擒纵器以及 60 小时动力储存显示器。一位名为塞西尔 ·克拉顿的先生曾是这款怀表的主人。

“Perpétuelle à Répétition, Echappement Libre” Breguet, No. 15, sold in 1793 is an example of the very best Breguet’s workshop has produced. This 18K gold “perpétuelle” selfwinding garde-temps pocket watch has double barrels, lever escapement, quarter repeating à toc and 60-hour power reserve indication. It was formerly owned by watch collector Cecil (Sam) Clutton.



雅克德罗中国牡丹怀表 Chinese Peony by Jaquet Droz

此款编号 5I 的“中国牡丹”是 1780 年前后由雅克德 罗专门为当时的清朝皇室制造。这款华美至极的怀表由黄 金制成,饰有栩栩如生、呼之欲出的珐琅彩绘牡丹以及名 贵的珍珠,并拥有报刻功能和中置秒针。

44 LifeStyle

“Chinese Peony”, attributed to Jaquet Droz, Geneve, No. 5I, was made for the Chinese Imperial court, circa 1780. Of magnificent gold, it featured paint on enamel and a pearl set pocket watch with quarter repeating and centre seconds.

百达翡丽约翰 M. 莫尔黑德怀表 The John M.Morehead by Patek Philippe

此款怀表是 1924 年约翰 M. 莫尔黑德先生专门向百 达 翡 丽 定 制 的 一 块 超 薄 怀 表, 编 号 198434, 表 壳 编 号 416886。该表款独树一帜,设计极为精巧繁复,为 18K 金 三锤钟乐报时表,同时还是双秒针计时码表,并拥有独立 秒针、30 分钟寄存器以及 6 点钟方向美国万年历。

The “John M. Morehead” Patek Philippe & Co., Geneva, No. 198434, case No. 416886 was especially made for John M. Morehead III in 1924. This is a unique, ultra complicated, thin, carrillon minute repeating on three hammers 18K gold pocket watch with double chronograph, independent split-second function, 30-minute register and with American perpetual calendar at 6 o’clock.



苏珊娜·罗尔女士百达翡丽怀表 Patek Philippe by Suzanne Rohr

此款精细独特的 18K 金自动上链猎壳怀表配有袖珍珐 琅肖像画家苏珊娜·罗尔女士临摹的 18 世纪法国洛可可艺术 代表画家弗朗索瓦·布歇的油画作品珐琅彩绘,于 1992 年 制造完成。罗尔女士被认为是全世界最优秀的珐琅微绘画 家,从 1967 年开始为百达翡丽怀表进行创作。

46 LifeStyle

This Patek Philippe is a 18k gold hunter case keyless pocket watch with an enamel miniature by Suzanne Rohr. Suzanne Rohr has collaborated with Patek Philippe since 1967 and is regarded as the world’s finest enamel miniaturist.

威廉·依伯利 Pair of Flower Baskets 怀表 Pair of Flower Baskets by Ilbery

1820 年,英国钟表匠威廉·依伯利专为中国市场制造了 这款镶有珍珠的镜像对称双怀表,编号 6647 和 6662。该 表款由珍贵的 18K 金打造,饰以别具一格的珐琅彩绘,并 拥有中置秒针和双擒纵器。

The “Pair of Flower Baskets” by Ilbery, London, No. 6647 & No. 6662 was made for the Chinese market, circa 1820. This pair of watches are a very rare mirror-image in 18K gold, painted on enamel and pearl-set with center seconds and elaborately engraved duplex escapements.



百达翡丽 The Spirit of Fire 怀表 The Spirit of Fire by Patek Philippe

此款型号 979/1 的怀表由百达翡丽在 1994 年设计制作 完成,编号 866527,表壳编号 2948863,于当年 7 月 25 日售出。该款万年历三问怀表由 18K 金制成,手动上链, 镶有 735 颗 13,30ct. 钻石和 112 颗 7,28ct. 红宝石,并拥 有 24 小时表盘和月相显示,其工艺之精巧可谓举世罕见。

48 LifeStyle

“The Spirit of Fire” Patek Philippe was made in 1994. An exceptional, minute-repeating, 18K yellow gold, keyless pocket watch set with 735 diamonds (13,30 ct.) and 112 rubies (7,28 ct.), it also features a perpetual calendar, 24-hour indication and moon phases.

爱彼 Watch with 9 Complications 怀表 Audemars Piguet “Watch with 9 Complications”

爱彼 1972 年制造的一款超薄怀表,编号 120878,表 壳编号 58786。此款天文钟万年历三问怀表采用 18K 金和 双秒针设计,精美大气,手工上链,并拥有月相显示和 30 分钟寄存器功能。各种复杂的细节设计使得该款怀表成为 非常适宜搭配服装的时装表。

This extra-thin “Watch with 9 Complications” Audemars Piguet was made in 1972. It is an important example of Audemars Piguet’s prowess: an 18K yellow gold, astronomical, keyless, slim, minute-repeating dress watch with perpetual calendar, phases and age of the moon, split-seconds chronograph and progressive 30-minute register.



S.Smith & Sons 超级复杂怀表 Ultra-complicated pocketwatch by S. Smith & Sons

成立于 19 世纪中期的家族制表企业 S.Smith & Sons 是英国海军和印度政府的定制商,并在伦敦特拉法加广场 拥有专卖店。S.Smith & Sons 超级复杂 18K 金三问怀表拥 有巨大厚重的外观,标记有 1882-83 的字样,编号 3041,有大小自鸣钟两种规格,三重盘绕摆轮游丝,并结合了 逆行万年历、月相显示等天文显示以及飞返功能。

50 LifeStyle

From 1882-83, this oversized, astronomical, minuterepeating, 18K gold Grande et Petite Sonnerie pocketwatch from S. Smith & Son, Makers to the Admiralty and the Indian Government, Trafalgar Square, London, features a retrograde perpetual calendar, fly-back date hand, moon phases and triple-overcoiled balance spring.

皮盖·梅朗夏之寓言怀表 Allegory of Summer by Piguet & Meylan

此款怀表于 1820 年专为中国市场制造,编号 6017。 该款精美的 18K 金珐琅珍珠怀表拥有报刻功能和中置秒针, 表壳由 Frères Oltramare 设计,珐琅装饰由 J-A Lissignol 绘制。

The “Allegory of Summer” Piguet & Meylan has a case by Frères Oltramare, with an enamel scene attributable to J-A Lissignol. Made for the Chinese market, circa 1820, this quarterrepeating, center seconds, 18K gold, painted on enamel and pearl-set pocket watch, with enamel by Jean Abraham Lissignol.






A Guide to Pocket Watches

7 个怀表常识,看完包你不再是怀表门外汉。 Seven tips every pocket watch lover must know. Editor: Eva Liu Photos: Antiquarium


What are Antique Chinese Calibre Pocket Watches? 16 世纪由钟表匠彼得·亨莱因制作的全世界第一 只怀表在德国纽伦堡诞生。怀表的发明预示钟 表全新纪元的来临,阅读时间变得随手可及。 “大 八件”怀表是指从 18 世纪晚期开始,西方钟表 厂商专门向中国销售的一种中国市场表,其特 征为机芯均雕刻有各种花纹,上下夹板多镏金, 机械部分一览无遗,欣赏价值极高。 Peter Henlein, a master locksmith and clockmaker in 16th century Germany, is often considered the inventor of the watch, or pocket watch, for the first wristwatch was made over 300 years later in 1868. The coming of the pocket watch marked the beginning of a new era. For the first time in human history, time became controllable. From the end of 18th century, western watch manufacturers began to make pocket watches specially designed for their Chinese custormers. The biggest feature of these pocket watches was the 8-parts movement decorated with oriental flavor. Other features include gilded bridges and visible mechanisms. Each one in itself is a fantastic work of art.

52 LifeStyle


Types of Pocket Watches 现今流行的怀表可分为三种:猎用式,表面 有完整的透明或不透明的壳罩;敞开式,不 加壳罩,指针全裸,特别适合打高尔夫球时 使用;半猎用式,壳罩中央缺省一块,露出 部分指针,更有一种原始的味道。 There are three popular styles of pocket watch, the hunter pocket watches with a circular transparent or opaque case to protect the face; the open-face pocket watches without a case and are convenient to use when playing golf; and the more archaic half hunter pocket watches of which the outer lid has a glass panel in the center giving a view of the hands.


Adjusting the Time 钥匙式调时:采用钥匙插入表面或表背上的 齿轴进行调时,基本用于芝麻链怀表。 拉表冠调时:先拉拨表冠,再旋转表冠调时, 这种调时最接近腕表调时。 边拉杆调时:打开玻璃的表面罩,在表面的 右上角有一个突出的拉杆头,拉出拉杆,再 旋转表冠调时,完成动作后仍推回拉杆。 边顶针调时:表壳边圈近表冠处有一针状突 出物,按下去后即可旋转表冠调时。 Key Set: Winding the watch and setting the time by opening the crystal or caseback and putting the key over the winding-arbor or onto the setting-arbor. Basically, a sesame chain pocket watch needs a key. Crown Winding: Pulling out and revolving the crown to set the time, which is similar to adjusting a wristwatch. Lever Set: Opening the crystal and bezel and pulling out the setting-lever, which was found at either the 10 or 2 o’clock positions on open-faced watches. Once the lever is pulled out, the crown can be turned to set the time. The lever is then pushed back in and the crystal and bezel are closed over the dial again. Pin Set: There is a small pin or knob next to the watch-stem that had to be depressed before turning the crown to set the time and releasing the pin when the correct time had been set.






Chain Styles

T 型表链:将 T 型金属棍垂直放入马甲和衬 衫的一个扣眼中,表链从扣眼垂下,相连的 怀表的另一端放入旁边的口袋。 双头阿尔伯特表链:带有小 T 型头,佩带 方法和 T 型链相同,只是多了一条可以挂 其他东西的链子。多挂切雪茄的工具、小刀、 火柴盒等,塞到马夹或外套上与怀表对称的 兜里。 戴夹子表链:直接扣在马夹或是裤子兜沿。 滑动项链款式表链:一条中间带有滑片、一 端带有挂表的扣环的长链子。上下滑动滑片 用来调整链子的长度以及佩戴效果,戴于颈 上,无需放入口袋。 大环表链和小环表链:长表链的一头扣在皮 带或裤圈上,怀表塞入裤子前面的口袋中, 可与牛仔裤、正装裤搭配。 T-bar Chains: The T-bar fits through a button-hole on the back side of the hole, inside the garment with the bar in a vertical position against the hole on a vest, shirt or blouse. The chain then loops out of the button-hole on the outside of the garment and is attached at the opposite end to the watch which is then kept in the vest pocket or blouse or shirt pocket.

Double Albert Chains: The chain consists of a T-bar, usually a fob drop and two complete chains with watch swivels. It is worn the same as the T-Bar chain with the exception that you have an extra chain to add another fob or attachment for wearing. One chain hooks onto your watch and the other can hold such things as a cigar cutter, knife, match case, etc and can be put in the opposite pocket of a vest or jacket. Garment Clip Chains: Worn by clipping directly on the trouser pocket or vest pocket. Ladies’ Slide or Long Chain: There is a slide in the middle and a watch swivel on one end to hook into the bow of the watch. The slide can move up or down the chain to adjust the look and fit of a chain. Slide chains can be used with any type of blouse and do not require a pocket to hold the watch. Large/Small Spring Ring Chains: One is known by its large spring ring connectors that open to clip onto a belt loop on the trousers, whereby the watch is then placed in the pants pocket. The other is threaded through the belt loop with the chain itself and the smaller spring ring is clipped to the chain, thus securing the watch which can then be put into the pocket. These chains can be used with jeans or suit pants.

54 LifeStyle


Types of Watch Cases 比较常见的有贵金属材质表壳、螺纹结构表 壳、嵌彩金表壳、压花 K 金表壳、银嵌金 雕花表壳、普通包金表壳、白铜表壳、镀铬 表壳、浮雕表壳、珍珠表壳等。 The usual styles include precious metal material cases, cases made of striking gold displaying multiple colours, K-gold cases with embossing, gold inlayed silver cases with carving patterns, rolled gold plate cases, cupronickel cases, chromeplate cases, peal cases, embossment cases, and cases engraved with threads.


Types of Watch Dials 比较常见的有白瓷表盘、油漆面表盘、 压花纹装饰表盘、彩瓷表盘、彩色釉料 表盘、彩绘珐琅表盘、烧青面表盘、印 刷表盘、微雕画表盘、钻石表盘等。 The usual types are as follows: white ceramic dial, faience dial, paint finish dial, colored glaze dial, colored enamel dial, burnt green dial, knurling dial, miniature painting dial, diamond dial and printing dial.


How to Wear A Women’s Pocket Watch 吊坠式:把怀表作为“项链”戴于颈上,盛行于 19 世纪中期, 也就是著名的维多利亚时代。 玉佩式:一种是把怀表在裙子腰带上缠着,一种是把怀表从 腰际垂下。英国摄政时期流行短打扮,所以腰间一怀表成为 女性时尚潮流。 口袋式:配有小 T 型头,女士将这种表链戴在衬衫的兜沿。 胸针式:胸针的背面有一个挂怀表的小扣环,可以戴在衬衫、 裙子和外套上。这种设计已经有数百年历史,针材质多样, 雕花或是镶嵌宝石皆宜。 With a long slide chain: It was 19th century or Victorian fashion to make a necklace with a pendant watch and a long chain.

On a chatelaine: A chatelaine is group of chains with a clasp at each end for holding pocket watch. Chatelaines are worn at the lady’s waist and ladies of early 19th century clipped them to their jackets. In a pocket: With a T-bar chain, watches can be put into a shirt’s pocket with part of the chain showing outside of it. On a pin: Women’s pocket watches can also be fastened onto small decorative pins. These are brooches with a snap loop onto which a watch can be suspended. Styles of the brooches vary from carved patterns to ones with precious stones inlaid. They can be used with shirts, dresses and coats. Ladies began to wear these styles hundreds of years ago.






Horological Homage 寸金难买寸光阴, 有意思的是, 大量光阴和金钱的投入 只为打磨一件提醒光阴易逝的物什——怀表,其中有些还皇权名望加身。 Adorned by the splendor of great power and prestige, these four watches were once owned by the likes of Marie Antoinette and the Nizam of Hyderabad. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Antiquorum, Breguet


A French Treat

夏尔·莫里斯·德塔列朗 - 佩里戈尔,也 就是鼎鼎大名的塔列朗亲王,他曾是法国外 交官,一度获总理大臣权杖。这位六朝重 臣历经了路易十六、法国大革命、拿破仑、 路易十八、查理十世和路易·菲力浦时代。 索马里瓦先生于 1802 年用 2000 法郎购得 此款 18K 金三问宝玑怀表,并赠送给了塔 列朗亲王,以表心意。 Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838), known as Prince de Talleyrand was a French diplomat and Prime Minister of France. He worked through the reign of Louis XVI, the French Revolution, and then the reigns of Napoleon I, Louis XVIII, Charles X and Louis-Philippe. This 18k gold minute repeating Breguet pocket watch was bought by a Monsieur Sommariva in 1802 for 2000 francs, and presented to Prince de Talleyrand.

56 LifeStyle


Bravest of the Brave

埃尔欣根公爵、莫斯科亲王米歇尔·内伊是法 国大革命和拿破仑战争期间受人敬仰的军事指挥 官,拿破仑一世手下 18 名法国元帅之一,素有“勇 士中的勇士”的昵称。据说在拿破仑对俄罗斯的 入侵战役中,内伊是最后一个离开俄罗斯领土的 法国人。1813 年 2 月 10 日,内伊元帅以 3000 法郎购得一款宝玑半刻报时怀表(以七分钟作为 一单位的鸣报表),怀表配备双链黄金短链和刻 有内伊盾徽的旋转式图章。 Michel Ney, 1st Duc d’Elchingen and the 1st Prince d la Moskowa (1769-1815) was an esteemed French Marshal during the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. He was one of the original 18 Marshals of France created by Napoleon Bonaparte. His nickname was “The Bravest of the Brave,” as he was reputed to be the last Frenchman to leave Russian soil during Napoleon’s ill-fated Russian campaign. This Breguet half quarterrepeating pocket watch was sold to Marshal Ney on February 10, 1813 for 3000 Francs. It is accompanied by a short double-link gold chain and swivel seal engraved with the Ney coat of arms.






The Queen of Watches 法国国王路易十六的妻子玛丽·安托瓦 内特王后,美貌时髦之外,也背负着挥霍 奢靡的恶名,在世界历史上都是最具传奇 色彩的皇室成员之一。王后的盛名之下, “玛丽·安托瓦内特”怀表就没那么为人所 知了。这款怀表由制表大师亚伯拉罕 - 路易 斯·宝玑打造。相传王后的一名神秘爱慕者 向宝玑提交了订单,要求在不计成本和时间 的情况下,制作一个极尽奢华、荟萃钟表科 学精华的时计作为礼物赠予王后,此表须融 合当时最复杂的工艺、具备最复杂的功能。 有了时间和金钱的双重保障,这款怀表自 1782 年开工,直到 1827 年才最终完成, 宝玑的制表技艺也诠释得淋漓尽致,然而玛 丽王后最终没能等到这款怀表,伊人因法 国大革命早已香消玉殒,亚伯拉罕 - 路易斯 ·宝玑也已离世。命名为玛丽·安托瓦内特的 宝玑 NO.160 怀表挑战了当时钟表复杂技术 之最,被誉为宝玑工作室的神话杰作之一, 具备万年历、天文时差、三问报时等诸多功 能,还安装了体温计、能量储存指示器和计 时器。

58 LifeStyle

Marie Antoinette, the wife of France’s Louis XVI, is perhaps one of the most legendary monarchs in history. Lesser known is her watch. Fabricated by the esteemed watchmaker Abraham-Louis Breguet, the “Marie Antoinette” was one of the most complicated horological creations ever made. It was commissioned by an admirer of the French Queen, and it was to have incorporated every single watch function known at that time. Work on this watch started in 1782 and was completed in 1827, several years after both Marie Antoinette and Breguet had both died. Named the Breguet No.160 Grand Complication, this pocket watch was considered one of the masterpieces of Breguet’s workshop. It incorporated these functions: Clock, Perpetual Calendar, Minute Repeater, Thermometer, Chronograph, Power Reserve. It was kept in the L.A.Mayer Institute for Islamic Art in Jerusalem until it was stolen in 1983 although it was recovered in 2007.


India’s Splendor

印度海得拉巴(面积一度比英格兰和苏格兰加 在一起还广,印度独立后不久加入印度联邦)的尼 扎姆君主马胡布·阿里·甘·阿沙夫·贾六世算得上穷奢 极欲了,他委托当时顶尖的制表大师制作了若干块 表。“海得拉巴尼扎姆”怀表约 1900 年制作,具有 7 项复杂功能,机芯由 Henri Grandjean & Cie 制造, 本是为珠宝商 Marcks & Co. Ltd, Bombay & Poona 而造,后被尼扎姆君主购得。此款由钻石镶嵌(约 75 克拉)的 18K 黄金猎表,具备三问、万年历和计 时功能,带月相显示,给珠宝商原配的 20K 黄金表 链镶嵌了 79 颗钻石,均采用老欧式和老矿式工艺切 磨,总重量约 80 克拉,其中最大的一颗约 14.5 克拉。 表壳和表链共用 1269 颗圆钻,总重约 155 克拉。 A lover of extravagance, the 6th Nizam of Hyderabad (a princely state in India the size of England and Scotland combined,) Mahub Ali Kahn, commissioned several watches from the leading makers of the time. The “Nizam of Hyderabad” watch with 7 Complications, is attributed to Henri Grandjean & Cie. It was made for jewelers Marcks & Co. Ltd, Bombay & Poona, circa 1900 and sold to the Nizam of Hyderabad, who reigned from 1869 –1911. An astronomic minuterepeating heavy 18K yellow gold and pavé diamondset (approx 75 cts) hunting-cased pocket watch with perpetual calendar, chronograph and moon phases. Accompanied by the original Marcks & Co. Ltd. 20K yellow gold chain set, with seventy-nine old European and old mine-cut diamonds, the largest weighing approx. 14.50 ct., total weight approx. 80 ct. The watch case and chain have a total of 1269 round diamonds, having a total weight of approx 155 ct.






Father Time

乔治·丹尼尔斯毕生的心愿就是让英国钟表再度成为世界一流, 他认为自己在曼岛的小作坊里实现了这个夙愿。 George Daniels dedicated himself and his workshop on the Isle of Man to his dream of bringing English watches back to their place as the world’s finest. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Sotheby’s

60 LifeStyle

丹尼尔斯的第一块怀表于 1969 年以 1200 英镑的价格卖给了一位名叫山姆·克鲁 顿的收藏家朋友,而这块表在 2002 年卖了 二十多万英镑。与克鲁顿的交情让丹尼尔斯 进入了古董钟表收藏的小众圈子,由此成就 他的“钱途”。1982 年的“宇宙旅行者之表” 也许算得上是丹尼尔斯最杰出的作品之一。 这款机械怀表搭载了丹尼尔斯的独立运行 双轮擒纵系统,能显示平太阳时、平恒星时 和时差以及记录月相和月龄。丹尼尔斯说, 去火星旅行这款表能大显身手。这件丹尼尔 斯的私人藏品最近以 130 万英镑的高价成 交。至此,传奇得其所。

在钟表业黑暗的石英革命时期,英国 独立制表人乔治·丹尼尔斯对高级手工制表 的复兴可谓功不可没。这位被业界誉为继亚 伯拉罕 - 路易斯·宝玑之后最伟大的制表大 师于 2011 年 10 月 21 日离世,享年 85 岁, 其 42 年制表生涯中共手工打造出 37 件独 一无二的作品,每一件作品从开工到完成需 费时 2500 个小时。他的作坊就在曼岛他的 家里。从 1988 年开始上岛跟丹尼尔斯搭档 的钟表匠罗杰·史密斯这么形容:“那就好 比一个人单枪匹马造出世界上最牛的轿车, 从设计到制造零部件,一直到最后给车座钉 上皮座套。”丹尼尔斯是极少数能独立完成 每项制表工艺的大师,而他精湛高超的技艺 源于对超越偶像——现代制表之父亚伯拉罕 - 路易斯·宝玑的渴望。 同轴擒纵系统和独立运行的双轮擒纵 系统是丹尼尔斯最成功的两项革命性发明, 是自 1754 年托马斯·密捷斯发明叉瓦式擒纵 系统后第一项具备实用性的新型擒纵系统 发明,并最终在以保守和封闭著称的钟表业 界得到国际支持。如今,欧米茄已经采用了 这项革命性技术。 丹尼尔斯 1926 年出生在北伦敦,他对 机械装置的浓厚兴趣源于五六岁时在家里 发现的一块旧怀表。他用钝了的面包刀剖开 这块怀表,看见了“宇宙的核心”。在结束 短暂的军旅生涯后,丹尼尔斯就学于北安普 顿学院(伦敦城市大学的前身),接着他开 始自学制表技艺。“我从来没有真正弄明白 从事这一行所面对的困难和艰辛,”丹尼尔 斯曾说,“现在看来,不了解状况同样也是 最好的天赋之一,它让我勇敢无畏地面对一 切艰难困苦,从未被打倒过。”



Considered by many to be the greatest watchmaker since Abraham-Louis Breguet, George Daniels was also responsible for the renaissance of the mechanical watch in the dark period of the quartz “revolution”. During his career, George Daniels has completed 37 watches, of which all 37 were made by his hand in his workshop. Indeed, before his passing on October 21st, 2011, he was one of the few to master all aspects of watchmaking, from the case to the dial to the various components within. His dedication stemmed from the fact that he wished to “outdo” his idol, the illustrious Abraham-Louis Breguet, widely considered the father of horology. The two most successful of Daniels’s revolutionary escapements are the co-axial and the independent double-wheel, both of which have found international support in the notoriously conservative watch industry. These escapements represent the first advance in the practical design since the invention of the lever escapement by Thomas Mudge in 1754. Today, the Co-Axial is developed by Omega. Growing up in a family described as violent, neglectful and poor, George Daniels credits his interest in mechanical things to an old pocketwatch he found lying around the house. He took it apart and in it he says he “saw the center of the universe”. After a stint in the military, he began n taking classes at Northampton Polytechnic, now City University London, and gradually he started teaching himself all the skills and arts of the watchmaker. He has noted: “It helped in my case that I didn’t fully understand my circumstances, the difficulty of what I was trying to do. I think now that was my greatest talent. All my life I have never really fully comprehended my circumstances. Therefore I have never been beaten by the circumstances.” One of his first clients was a connoisseur named Cecil ‘Sam’ Clutton who bought the first pocketwatch Daniels ever made for 1200 GBP in 1969. His friendship with Clutton led him to expand his business as Clutton possessed connections in the rarefied world of antique watch collectors. Perhaps one of his most notable self-creations is the “Space Traveller’s Watch”, made in 1982. This mechanical marvel is a pocketwatch containing a chronograph with Daniels independent double-wheel escapement, mean-solar and sidereal time, age & phase of the moon as well as equation of time. This watch was recently sold at the Daniels Collection sale at Sotheby’s for 1,329,250 GBP. A fitting legacy.

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Nature’s Gifts

古人云:上品饮茶,极品饮花。花草 茶虽带个“茶”字,其实并不含传统茶叶 的提神成分,它是一种将植物的根、茎、叶、 花或皮等部分加以煎煮或冲泡,而产生芳 香味道的纯天然草本饮料。花草集天地之 精华和灵气,集自然之朝露和精神,你可 以不沾美酒佳酿,但千万别错过这大自然 的恩赐!在崇尚绿色的今天,花草茶不仅 有益身心健康,更是一种追求纯净,与自 然沟通的方式。 中国最古老的花草药学著作《神农本 草经》中列出了数百种药用植物分类,现 代科学家也在持续研究自然花草的保健作 用。由于不同的花草有着不同的特性和药 性,所以如何搭配使之有益于身体健康非 常重要。合理饮用花草茶,可以美容护肤, 延缓衰老,更能缓解焦躁和压力,净化“内” 环境。 诞生于中国的“茗颂”将给你带来每 一天的快乐体验。无论是开启一整天的健 康活力,还是恬静的冥思之刻,抑或是朋 友间的喧闹时刻,用古老的工艺所萃取的 珍稀茶饮元素制成的“茗颂”时尚饮品都 不失为理想之选。为了让广大茶友能享用 最完美的花草茶,“茗颂”的药草大师精

心配制了适合不同心境状态的花草茶。每 一种花草茶都采用纯天然加工技术配制而 成,保持花草原有的生物活性,不含提神 成分和添加剂,具有原生态品质。 喝多了毁誉参半的咖啡和满是添加剂 的甜腻汽水,何不来点简单质朴的花草茶? 当花瓣被置于透明杯中并注入沸水时,花 瓣便随着沸水的漩涡由急速打旋变成婀娜 摇曳,同时茶水渐渐染上缤纷的色彩,真 可谓是色香味俱全啊! It was once said that, “men with taste drink tea; tastemakers drink flower tea.” “Flower tea” is a type of herbal tea, but the term is something of a misnomer because it actually contains no tea or caffeinated elements at all. It’s a completely natural drink made of flower petals, stems, and leaves, which are put through a drying process. Herbs and plants carry natural elemental benefits of the earth – abstain from alcohol if you must, but no one should miss out on imbibing these herbal specialties. Nowadays everyone is in pursuit of a ‘green’ lifestyle, and herbal teas are one of the best ways to be physically and mentally healthy and better connected with nature. Chinese herbal medicine guide ShenNong’s Herbal, written more than 2,000

years ago, is the oldest discovered book of its kind, and contains the records of over 300 kinds of animals, plants and minerals used for medical purposes. It is still considered a guideline for Chinese herbal medicine today as scientists continually research herbal remedies. Different herbs have their unique origins and elements, and serve different purposes; paired in certain ways, they can be used to improve the body’s health in many ways. Drinking herbal teas can help improve your skin, defer signs of aging, ease nerves and pressure and purify the body. Mingsong, a Chinese herbal tea brand, invites you to enjoy the finest possible tea experience with different herbal blends for every occasion and mood. Herbalists from Mingsong use ancient knowledge and modern technologies with all-natural processes, combining natural elements to create the best tea product possible with no additives. Whether refreshing you in the morning, relaxing for meditation or a happy gathering with friends, you can find the perfect herbal tea from Mingsong to complement. So why not put your coffee and soda – full of unnatural additives – aside and give the purity and simplicity of herbal tea a try? Watch the colorful petals dance and swirl in the teapot as the water darkens and absorbs the natural elements and colors of nature – not only a nourishing drink but truly a feast for the senses! Find us on our website




慈铭·奥亚 健康长寿不是梦 什么是深度体检?





而是“检 + 养”的服务工程。前者是发现疾患,后者是对发现的



果,及时定制“预防 + 诊疗 + 养护”为一体的个性化、专业完善、



济水平和社会环境对人的影响做出综合判定,由专业的私人医生 团队进行定期的健康跟踪,并根据不同阶段的身体状况进行有针

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每年呈上升趋势,像肺癌、肝癌早期没有明显症状,普通体检很难 发现。等发现身体有毛病、不舒服再去检查,通常病情已比较严重,




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价值,但是有数据显示,仍然还有约 80-90% 的早期疾病变化查不





拥有慈铭 · 奥亚私人医生 360 度健康呵护,就等于有了贴心的医


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深度体检的优势 相较于普通体检,深度体检具有“目标准确、技术先进、结果 精确、全面系统”四大优势和特点。 以“成就人类长寿梦想”为己任的奥亚国际医疗会所,与德国、 日本、韩国、台湾等世界知名医疗设备公司达成紧密的战略合作, 引进国际医疗体系中最完善的体检运作流程和最先进的高尖端医疗 设备,大大提高了检查结果的精确性。如血管检查及介入治疗系统, 拥有全新概念的脉冲透视功能,能精细地对四肢周边血管检查和介 入性治疗,是当前国际医学界公认的治疗血管疾病与早期肿瘤的最 佳设备。飞利浦纳米 64 排 CT 和西门子实验室自动化生化 - 免疫 分析系统均是国际尖端设备,能协助私人医生及时准确地将疾病信 号和危险因素等扼杀在萌芽之中。 由于设备问题,在普通体检中漏诊和误诊率较高,比如肺癌只 有 CT 才能看得清楚。慈铭体检从胸透走向 CR,从 CR 走向 DR, 到目前的肺 CT,肺癌筛查在奥亚可以一目了然。的确,深度体检 可有效降低漏诊和误诊率。 很多高发疾病的早期测查项目,如早期肺癌的 CT 筛查、女性 乳腺癌的乳腺钼靶检查、早期胃肠道肿瘤适用的无痛胃肠镜、预防 脑血管意外的头颅核磁以及预防心脏性猝死的冠状动脉造影 CT 等, 在深度体检中都是可选择项目。

64 LifeStyle




为了节省时间,最近我将自己的健身计 划做了些许改动。我经常听到维衡生的顾客 抱怨说他们也想吃得好、多运动,保持健康, 但就是没有时间。然而时间的多与少是相对 的,比如有些成功人士能够一天工作 18 个 小时。声称自己没有时间其实只是懒惰的借 口,善于利用时间的人永远找得到时间做重 要的事情,不管这些时间是通过晚睡早起还 是少看电视得来,总之,放弃不必要的事务 一定会为那些更重要的事情赢得时间。 为了做一个更优秀的老板,把更多精 力投入到事业当中,我决心在新的一年里减 少去健身房的时间,但依然保持每周运动 5 天。我还决定将每天的两小时锻炼时间缩 短到一小时。为此我购置了家庭运动器械, 这样不仅可以足不出户就完成每日的大部 分锻炼计划,还能节省出行的时间。对于难 以坚持定期运动的朋友来说,在家锻炼是个 好办法。经常出差的朋友也可以制定一项无 需或极少使用器材的健身方案,这样就能够 不间断地进行运动了。当然了,还要准备一 双质量过硬的运动鞋,保证能够随时随地锻 炼。 为了进一步节省时间但又能够练得过 瘾,我最近开始尝试循环训练法。这种健身 方式正迅速在健身房爱好者和私人健身教 练中走红。此外,交叉训练是一种新型的锻 炼方式,它在固定的锻炼周期之间加入了一 种以上不同类型的运动方式。而将以上两种 方式结合起来进行训练,则既能加强心血管 功能又能够锻炼肌肉。据称这样高强度的锻 炼可以在最短的时间内减去最多的脂肪。如 果你有智能手机,可以在网上应用商店下载 一个名为“健身计时器”的软件。有了它整 个锻炼程序变得一目了然,如今它可是我的 好帮手。 我的一位健身指导曾这样说道:如果 你想又快又及时地完成一件事,那就把它交 给一位事务繁忙的人,因为太悠闲的人根本 不会考虑怎样分配利用每天的时间。因此看 上去忙碌的人总能找到时间去锻炼,借口永 远是借口,学会驾驭时间才是关键! I recently made some changes to my personal fitness schedule that are all about saving time. A very common question I receive from our World Health Store customers is - I want to be healthy, eat well and exercise but I simply don’t have the time. Time is relative - there is 24 hours in a day and some of the most successful people in the world use often 18 hours of these to build their desired success. Saying “I have no time” is simply an excuse for lazy people. A busy person will always find time to do something important - whether it is having a little less sleep or watching a little less TV giving up something else not as essential will always provide more free time for something that is more important.

永远找得到时间健身 !

Perfect Fitness Timing Text: Drew Campbell

To try and become a better CEO for my own company WHS, my new year’s resolution was to spend a little less time in the gym but still exercise 5 days a week. I need a little more time for other areas so I have decided to try and keep my workouts at around 1 hour each time as opposed to 2 hours or more each day. To do this more effectively I am purchasing some home exercise equipment so I can do many of my daily workouts at home in the living room - this way I save a lot of time walking to the gym and walking home! For those that are finding it hard to commit to regular exercise, working out at home can be a great solution. In addition, for those whose work calls for frequent business trips, developing an exercise program that can be done with little or no equipment allows for your health exercise schedule to be uninterrupted…as long as you have good workout shoes in your bag you can exercise practically anywhere at any time! In addition, to save more time and still get a great workout daily I have recently been doing circuit training. Circuit training

type exercise is fast becoming very popular amongst gyms and personal trainers. CrossFit, as seen in this photo, is a new system incorporating a series of exercises done together. A circuit/cross fit type training incorporates cardiovascular and weight lifting at the same time. This type of workout is said to allow maximum fat loss in a minimum amount of time due to its intense nature. For those with an iPhone or other smart phone, you can also download a great app that I use daily for exercise called Circuit Timer. Simply search and download at the app store - this counts you in for each change on your circuit so you know exactly when and what you are doing next. As a mentor of mine once said to me: if you want to get something done quickly and on time - give it to a busy person! A person that has lots of free time often simply doesn’t organize their time during each day. For busy people there is always time to exercise there are no excuses - simply MAKE the time work for you!

德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/wellness/fitness industry. For further information, follow WHS through Weibo @ 维衡生 WHS and on Facebook worldhealthstore

66 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.68 潮物

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艺人张含韵 Actress Zhang Hanyun



张含韵 经历了人生的起起伏伏,曾经“酸酸甜甜就是我” 的可爱女生张含韵如何重拾勇气翻到崭新的一面? Zhang Hanyun, a teenage sweetheart when she debuted, gains beauty and wisdom as she finds her way through the ups and downs of growing up. Text: Eva Liu Photography: Greg Mei (G2 Studio) Make-up and hair: Lina Dresses: Romeo Gigli for Joyce, Gianni Versace Couture Venue: Face Beijing

张含韵,秋水堂旗下艺人,做过多家 企业形象代言,代表作品:《Baby Zhang》、《青春无敌》、《一人一梦》、 《酸酸甜甜就是我》。凭借其亮丽的 外表和丰富的演艺经验出演过多部电 视剧,在即将上映的电影《我们的歌》 中首次担任女主角,演技大有突破。 Zhang Hanyun, a past spokesperson for many companies, is now an entertainer at Dongyang Qiushuitang Film Co. Ltd. Her hit songs include Baby Zhang, Forever Youth, One Person One Dream and Sour and Sweet Is What I Am. Her beauty and entertainment experience make her a hot commodity for roles in many TV shows. In an upcoming film Our Song, she shows off her more mature acting skills.

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尽管经历过低迷期,你给人的感觉依然很快乐很积极,出 道以来最大的感触是什么? 其实我是幸运的!从来没有想到因为参加一个比赛就 实现了那个最初的梦想。之后的这些年有快乐也有艰辛, 也曾质疑自己的能力,还好这一路走来都有经纪人和经纪 公司鼓励我,保护着我。十几岁的时候总觉得世界很美好, 等真正了解后就会觉得不一样了,那时就是该长大的时候 了。每个人都会有一段低迷期,走出事业的低谷是人生很 重要的一步,而重新振作起来需要很大的勇气。感谢那些 支持我、帮助我的人,尤其是带我出道的大老板,如今我 能翻到崭新的一面也多亏有他,所以感恩那些一直对我不 离不弃的人,还有生活依然给予我的积极的心态。 哪个歌手对你影响最深? 喜欢的歌手有很多,但对我影响最深的应该是美国流 行歌坛超级巨星玛丽亚·凯莉。她 5 个八度的高亢音域和 洛可可式的演唱技巧深深地吸引我,她的 灵魂音乐真的给了我很大的鼓舞,带给我 无穷的正能量,特别是那首《穿越风雨》。 让你彻底折服? 是的,也可以这么说。我很羡慕那种 音乐氛围,歌手可以完整展现其个性的一 面,特别帅气叛逆过瘾!而中国传统文化 讲究含蓄之美,不过近些年也不乏有个性 有实力的歌手,这是一个好现象。 只爱听某一种类型的音乐? 我会根据当时的心情和所处的环境而 定,比如在家就喜欢听轻快的法国香颂, 旅途中喜欢听小有节奏的英式摇滚,去酒 吧或者派对喜欢来点小爵士,运动时就得 来劲爆的摇滚乐。 出演《我们的歌》是你第一次触电,一定 很难忘吧。 是的。这部电影是以 1997 年香港回 归为背景,恰巧讲述的是那个时代典型的 中国式高中生生活,在剧中我跟同龄演员 一起上学、下学、吃饭,体验丰富的课余 生活。这些都是令我难忘的高中生活。这 部电影弥补了我很多遗憾,填补了花季的 空白。 平常除了拍戏和唱歌外,还有什么爱好? 喜欢研究星座,那些星座物语和性格分析在我慢慢研 究的过程中,时常在自己和周围朋友身上得到印证。不能 说完全不信也不能说完全信,只是觉得星座非常奇妙。我 还爱旅游,爱探险,从小的梦想就是周游世界。我期待去 法国南部来一次薰衣草之旅,把自己扔进梦幻般的薰衣草 花田。对了,最近我又爱上了骑马和马术,刚学不精! 经常穿梭在各个国家和城市,入住酒店有什么要求? 经常去不同国家和城市出席各种活动,但大多来去匆 匆,甚至在一个城市的某个酒店住过很多次却叫不全酒店 的名字。其实我对入住的酒店没有太多要求,如果当晚在 酒店睡得很香很舒服,我可能会在这家酒店买上一套相同 的床上用品。所以,一定要说有什么条件的话,那就是入 住的酒店要有高品质住宿环境和睡眠氛围以及一套质量上 好的床上用品。

Through your ups and downs, you always seem happy and positive. What has been your overall feeling since you entered the entertainment industry? In fact I’m really lucky. I never thought that my dream could come true by taking part in a talent show. Though happiness is accompanied by difficulties, and I doubt myself sometimes, my agent and company have encouraged and protected me all along. I thought the world was perfect when I was a teenage girl, but actually it becomes different when you know it better; then you begin to grow up. Everyone will eventually go through a time of depression – it’s an important life lesson. Of course, pulling yourself together requires more courage. I want to give thanks to those who supported and helped me, especially my boss. He helped me enter the entertainment circle, get through difficulties and create a new image for me. I am always grateful to those who have never given up on me, and my optimistic attitude has remained unswayed. Which singer has had the biggest influence on you? I like many singers, but American superstar Mariah Carey affects me most. I’m fascinated by her 5 octave range and rococo style singing technique, and greatly invigorated by her soul music. I love her “Through the Rain” particularly. You just fell for it? Yes, you could say that. I really like music scenes in which singers can freely express their individuality. That would be cool and amazing. Traditional Chinese culture stresses the beauty of conformity, but a lot of singers who really stand out have emerged in the last few years, which I think is good. Do you only love a certain type of music? No. I choose my music according to different occasions and moods. French chansons at home, British rock ‘n’ roll on the road, Jazz at the bar or party, and something with a good beat while exercising. “Our Song” is your first film, so it must have been an unforgettable experience for you. Yes.The film tells about the life of a typical Chinese high school student with the background of the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997. In the film, I lead the life of a high school student. It was my unforgettable high school experience, a sort of compensation for my regret. It also fills in a blank in my teenage life. Besides performance and singing, do you have any other hobbies? I’m fond of studying the zodiac. My friends and I often think we really prove that the zodiac character analyses are true! They make sense sometimes but you simply can’t believe them all, can you? Anyway they are marvelously fun. I also love traveling and going on adventures. My childhood dream is to journey round the world. I always expect to make a trip to southern France where I’ll throw myself in a sea of lavender. Recently, I’ve also fallen in love with horse-riding and equestrianism. I’m still practising my skills. As a jet-setter, what are your expectations for hotels? I often go to different countries and cities to take part in activities, hurrying back and forth. I can’t even remember the names of all the hotels even if I stay in them many times. In fact I don’t have too many expectations for a hotel. I will probably buy the same set of bedding if I sleep well that night. So, if there is any requirement, it is quality accommodations and sleeping environment, as well as superior bedding.






From Military to Moutai

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军人出身的国酒茅台北京经销商联谊会会长、 北京德华永胜商贸有限公司董事长李迪平, 在为商之道上既有军人的雷厉风行, 又不乏湘商的睿智实在。 Li Diping, the President of Moutai Beijing Dealers Association and CEO of Beijing Dehua Yongsheng Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. brings his philosophies from military to business. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Chen Li

多年军旅生涯留给你最深的感触是什么?经过从军人到商人的历练, 一定感触颇多。 最深的感触就是:做事之前先做人,诚信第一。多年的军旅生涯 让我得到磨练,培养了果断和永不服输的意志品质,我把这些品质带 到商场上,取得了还算不错的成就。在商海拼搏的日子里,我深深体 会到了积累知识的重要性,开始不断学习,六年前很幸运地取得武汉 大学硕士学位。经过十多年的积累,也沉淀出自己独特的营销理念, “做 人是做事的基础,诚信是经营的生命线,团结是发展的动力”。 你会把军事化管理“嫁接”到公司管理上吗? 作为一个团队,凝聚力与执行力是最重要的。公司平时除了开展 业务培训,还会组织一些军事拓展训练,如站姿、坐姿、走姿、口号, 也包括军师游戏、打 CS 等。公司里的大多数员工都没有过军旅生涯, 大家觉得这些训练很新鲜,也很喜欢,既愉悦了身心,同时也增进了 团队成员之间的有效沟通与相互协作,提升了团队的凝聚力与执行力。 你曾说过“智者乐水,境界非凡”,你是如何理解这几个字的? “水,至柔却至强,不争却胜万物,无形却是前行动力。”在我 眼里,国酒茅台是水在白酒形态上的至高境界,承袭了国酒的精髓, 充分展现了茅台集团在传统白酒品牌发展上的高远境界。从另一方面 来说,我从小在洞庭湖边长大,喜欢玩水,喜欢有水的地方,就连我 办公室的挂画都是清澈的湖泊。不管是旅行住宿还是吃饭喝茶谈生意, 我都愿意去有水的地方,那些地方会让我感到精神抖擞,心旷神怡。 在你心中谁可以称得上是白酒文化的代表人物? 茅台名誉董事长季克良先生,他堪称中国白酒代言人。跟他喝过 酒的人都知道他的喝酒风格,端起酒杯脖子一昂酒就下去了,这是他 多年来培养出来的大将风格。满头银发的他在各类媒体亮相,一眼便 能被人认出,他的每根白发都是中国白酒发展的见证。可以毫不夸张 地说,他把世界上最好的蒸馏酒之一——茅台酒的每一个传统工艺细 节都融入到自己的神经末梢中了。 听说你喜欢做菜,最拿手的是什么啊?茅台酒与哪些菜系搭配比较 好? 平常喜欢在家做菜,最拿手的是凉拌鱼腥草。以前比较喜欢家乡 菜湘菜,不过近些年因为从事与茅台酒有关的工作,往贵州跑得多了, 现在更喜欢贵州菜。茅台酒可以搭配任何菜系,即使不搭配菜品,适 量饮用茅台酒也有益于健康。我现在把少量饮酒视作一种重要的养生 方式。 闲暇时间还喜欢做什么? 我有一个汽车俱乐部,叫爱车阳光商务俱乐部,在茅台圈内比较火。 闲暇时我会组织俱乐部的会员一起自驾游。我们去过不少地方,像美 国、斯里兰卡、柬埔寨、日本、德国、瑞士、新疆,今年准备去西藏。 每次出行,我的车在前面探路,并控制好车速。每辆车上都配备无线 电台,车队成员在保证安全行车的前提下可以通过电波聊天、做游戏, 甚至可以通过电台做做自己经营项目的小广告,顺便做点生意。 喜欢自驾游的人一定很喜欢车,跟我们分享下你和爱车的故事吧。 十年前喜欢玩车,喜欢改装,也喜欢开快车。现在年龄大了,对 车的要求是安全第一,其次是舒适度和便捷性,不过偶尔也会开着改 装过的奔驰吉普车出去兜兜风。

In your many years of serving in the army, what made the deepest impression on you? That would be learning how to conduct oneself before anything, and that trust comes foremost. My experience in the service cultivates many qualities including determination and perseverance, which I brought to my business and benefit me a lot. When it comes to business, it made me realize how important knowledge is, so I have to keep soaking up information – six years ago I received my master degree from Wuhan University. After over 10 years as a businessman, I made my own business philosophy: learn how to conduct one’s self before any business, trust takes the top priority and team spirit is one of the most important impetuses for great growth. How does the military service experience influence your business philosophy? For a team, implementation and cohesion is prior to all other things, so in addition to vocational training, we also organize some kinds of military trainings including Counter-Strike, which effectively enhance tacit communication and common targets among employees and most of them find it very interesting and exciting since they’ve never tried something like that before. You said “A man of wisdom always admires water for it is all-embracing.” Could you explain this a little bit? Water, the hardest and softest thing on earth, struggles for nothing but wins all; it can be any shape but keeps moving. In my opinion, Moutai is the best. Also, I grew up near the Dongting Lake and I like water a lot, which is so refreshing and encouraging. No matter it is for business or pleasure, where there is water is always my preference. I also have a lake-themed paint hanging in my office. If Chinese spirits should have a spokesman, who would you choose? I would choose the honorary board chairman of brand Moutai, Ji Keliang who could be instantly recognized by his grey head. I can say without exaggeration that he is one of the few ones to master all processes and traditional craftsmanship of Moutai, one of the best distilled liquors in the world. I’ve heard that you enjoy cooking, so what’s your specialty and what cuisine goes perfectly with Moutai? I’m pretty good at “Cold Houttuynia cordata with Dressing”. I used to like home cooking- Hunan Cuisine but now I like Guizhou Cuisine more since I have been to Guizhou so many times (where Moutai is based) for Moutai. Moutai is perfect for pairing with any cuisine, and even very suitable without cuisine. Actually reasonable drinking can be good for your health and I make it a habit to drink sensibly every day. What else do you like to do during your spare time? I own a car club and it’s popular in the Moutai circle. When they have free time, members will take road trips or go on driving trips together. Actually, we have been to the USA, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Xinjiang province. This year, we are going to Tibet. Usually, I drive ahead and adjust the speed and every car is connected through wireless radio. You must be a big car fan, can you tell us a little about that? I fell in love with automobiles 10 years ago, as well as fast driving and car remodeling, but what’s changed is that I put safety first now, then comes comfort and convenience. Nowadays I’ll occasionally go for a drive with my remodeled jeep.




Material Culture


Collection For A Day 家居细节会把一个成功男人的品味展现得淋漓尽致。 看盛大文学 CEO 侯小强如何打造幸福时光每一天。 A man’s taste is clearly reflected in the details of his home and office; we take a look at the designer artifacts that help CEO Hou Xiaoqiang create the perfect day. Editor: Eva Liu Photos: Interior Lifestyle CHINA

侯小强: 现任盛大文学首席执行官, 对生活的许多细节有着自己 独特的见解和品味。 Hou Xiaoqiang is the CEO of Cloudary, a company which allows customers to access stores of literature and reading materials online.

早餐时间 Breakfast

8:00 朱炳仁·铜居室摆饰

Zhu Binren·Brass Ornament 轻盈的文竹之下,原来是厚重的根基。图案 具有中国古典山水情怀,造型简洁又极富现 代气息,清新的一天从这一抹绿开始,带给 我无限的轻松惬意。 An elegant and ethereal asparagus fern is potted in this sturdy case engraved with traditional Chinese lucky cloud designs, which makes every day refreshing and delightful for me!

VIVO 盛放盘

VIVO Eternity Bowl 与家人共进一顿营养均衡的早餐是非常必 要的!这款盛放盘,坚硬的钢铁与柔软的曲 线完美融合一体,造型灵动别致,让我情不 自禁想伸手多拿一块。 Getting things started with a well-balanced breakfast with family is absolutely necessary. Check out this VIVO Eternity Bowl. This exquisitely designed container is made of hard steel but has a soft profile, which can easily tempt me into grabbing more treats from inside.

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Yanng 书架

Yanng Bookcase 很有创意的小书架,图案给人以流云曲觞之 感。这么漂亮的东西,其欣赏价值更甚于实 用价值,与置于其中的艺术类书籍相得益 彰。 This creative handy bookcase with flowing patterns is so beautiful that you can easily overlook its utilitarian value. It’s perfect for displaying art books.

办公时间 Working hours


biOrb 生态鱼缸

biOrb Fish Tank 办公室一角放上这款生态鱼缸,室内也跟 着生动起来,缓解了办公室紧张的气氛。 biOrb 生态鱼缸的过滤系统和照明系统能够 保障鱼儿健康成长。 Watching the fish swim around in such a lovely tank is great for relaxing after a long day at work. And thanks to biOrb’s excellent filtration and lighting system, the fish live a happy and healthy life.




Material Culture

午餐时间 Lunch

13:00 Finding Cheska 瓷器咖啡盘

Finding Cheska Ceramic Coffee Set

这套咖啡杯具可以自由组合,不同的组合就 像诉说着不同的故事。每次邀请朋友到家里 做客,他们都很喜欢这套杯具的创意。 This ceramic coffee set can be put together according to your fancy, and everyone will fall in love with its whimsy whenever they may drop by.


Li Kuai Tableware 期待已久的午餐为我下午的工作带来必要 的能量。内外对比鲜明的餐具设计充满跳跃 感,鲜亮的色彩有助于增进食欲,这是一个 传统与时尚设计兼顾的餐具品牌。 Eating a long-awaited lunch does wonders to ensure an energetic afternoon, and the bright colors of this tableware will increase appetites even more. Li Kuai does a great job of blending tableware design with traditional and fashion elements.

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下午茶时间 Tea Break

16:00 goodgoods 水果盘

goodgoods Fruit Bowl Okoshi Katagami ect. 仿古书盒

Okoshi Katagami ect. Old-Fashioned Book Box 送朋友一套自己公司出版的图书,她拿出一 个精致的仿古书盒,放进去刚好合适。仿古 书盒可以给自己喜欢的图书另外一个珍藏 空间。

下午茶是我所鼓励的劳逸结合方式,品茗之 余可以静静思考或头脑风暴,再配以点心水 果,岂不是更完美? It’s important to alternate work with rest and a tea break is one of my favorites. Try to snatch a little leisure and enjoy some fresh fruits or pastries, which make everything just about perfect.

When I presented a series of books to one of my friends, she took out this aged book box, into which it perfectly fitted. A nice “home” for your precious books.

访友时间 Visiting Time

19:00 Zuny 动物书挡

Zuny Pet Bookends 朋友书架上的小动物玩具,本来以为就是普 通的玩具,没想到是 Zuny 书挡。它采用可 降解环保材料制作,内部填充铁砂,可以回 收再利用,有趣又环保。 I found this adorable pet “toy” on the bookshelf at a friend’s home, which surprisingly turned out to be a bookend! Made from biodegradable material and filled with iron sand, it’s very cute and environmentally friendly!





意存笔先,书尽意在 涂向东及其书法艺术

Tu Xiangdong: Scripted Serenity Text: Liu Yi Photos: Tu Xiangdong

涂向东先生自幼酷爱书法,坚实的楷书功底,奠定 了他端庄硬朗的书风。他的行草动中有静,静中有动,虚 实变幻,明快隽秀,神韵独具,充满生机与活力,给人以 清新典雅之美感。 中国的书法在享誉世界的国粹里独领风骚,较之于 中国武术、中国医学,中国书法更能代表中国文化的内涵。 纵观书法书体之变,由篆而隶,由隶而楷,由楷而行、而 草,毋庸置疑地诠释了从汉字的线条、结体之美到汉字书 法的气势以及谋篇布局之美。 涂向东的书法正是溯源而来, 故能立身潮流,自成面目,卓然一家。 他除了练习书法,还热衷于对诗歌词赋、旅游摄影 的研究,诸多古今文化的滋养以及他本人的道德修养和人 生的历练铸就了他快乐而不平凡的书法人生。 常言说文如其人,字如其人。涂向东的书作一如他 本人的端庄儒雅,其章法更是他娴熟技法的精妙体现。身 为人民艺术网顾问、艺术家协会副会长、山西企业摄影家 协会副主席的他不断总结经验,并以前代大师的杰作为路 标,勇猛精进,一步步向中国书法的纵深境地迈进。

( 作者系中国书法家协会顾问、原中国书法家协会副主席 刘艺 )

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Art 人物介绍 Profile 涂向东,1963 年生于太原,祖籍四川。现为中国摄影家协会会员、人民艺术网顾问、 人民艺术家协会副会长。其书法、摄影作品被人民日报、人民日报海外版、人民政协报、 中国日报、中国文化报、人民艺术报、中国国门时报、中国书画报、香港商报、旅游商报、 红旗文稿、当代水墨、中国改革报、中国经济导报、今日航空、品味生活等媒体多次报道。 Tu Xiangdong, whose ancestral home is Sichuan, was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in 1963. He is now Vice President of People’s Artists Association, Consultant of The People Artists Net and a member of China Photographers Association. His calligraphy and photography works appeared in many media reports, such as People’s Daily, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, China Daily, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, China Economic Herald and LifeStyle.

劲翅起舞排云霄 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )

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霞光暮影弄碧波 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )

Even at an early age, Tu Xiangdong showed great passion for calligraphy. His expertise in kaishu (standard script) laid a solid foundation for an elegant yet powerful calligraphic style. His running-cursive script captures balance and harmony between movement and stillness, bringing a sense of freshness, vibrancy, elegance and romantic charm to his works. Among many quintessential Chinese cultures like Kungfu and Chinese medicine, I think Chinese calligraphy takes the lead. From zhuanshu (seal script), lishu (clerical script), kaishu (standard script) to xingshu (running script) and caoshu (cursive script), the art displays the beauty of the pictographic Chinese characters, as well as the interplay of the calligraphy’s impressive power and delicate arrangement. Tu Xiangdong expresses these well, which is the reason for his success. Besides calligraphy, he is also interested in poetry, traveling and photography. Rich life experiences, and cultural and moral cultivation give him a happy life in calligraphy. As the saying goes, style is the index of a man. Tu Xiangdong’s calligraphy is as elegant and refined as he himself is; its unusual composition embodying his wonderful calligraphic skills. Though he has achieved so much, he continues to temper himelf through practice.

胡杨迎瑞 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )





黄扉 北京商报《中国当代艺术周刊》主编、北京 798 艺术区盛世天空美术馆馆长、艺术策展人。

Huang Fei is the Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Business Today’s China Art Weekly and Curator of Saatchi Sky Art Gallery at Beijing's 798 Art District.


The Buddha Within

你看天,有风,有云,有日光 你看地,有树,有花,有生命 你看你,有心,有魂,有鲜血 你看我,无爱,无恨,无悲悯 勘破,放下,自在,是人生悟道的三个阶段, 很多人穷尽一生也难以参透。其实多少年的轮回, 也只是一个人的折腾而已。踏浪而来,乘风而去, 够不着天空,就足踏莲花,从来处来到去处去。我 个人认为世间的艺术大多是在表现人们的这个悟道 过程,绘制唐卡也不例外,甚至它在悟道的过程中 还加入了修心的环节。 一幅唐卡的制作需要用特殊的材料,精工细磨, 几个月或数年时间才能完成一幅。在当今这个浮躁 的社会,一个画师能静下心来潜心绘制,往往不但 需要较高的绘画技术,还需要一定的修为和悟性。 唐卡最大的魅力在于它的制作过程,冷静中孕育着 炽热,在程式化、规则化的创作中彰显画师的个人 道行。画师悟了,这画便活了;画师迷了,这画便 僵了。我喜欢闪烁着智慧光芒和充满生命力的作品。 才让祖上四代均为寺院画师,他 7 岁开始习画 唐卡,至今已有三十多年,而多年的静修和冥思使 得他的作品里有一种美好和超脱。他画的佛咋一看 好像有些面熟,很随性,细细观来又有一种风流自在, 艳丽而不失华贵,精致而不失大气,端庄细腻,能 让人感觉到一种静思的力量和悲天悯人的情怀。对 佛祖的敬畏,对生道轮回的感悟,是每个唐卡画师 都要触及的,而才让的感悟很独特,不拘泥,不循旧, 他的佛离我们很近。 据说有三件让人幸福的事情:有人爱、有事做、 有所信仰。有人爱,不仅仅是被人爱,而且有主动 爱别人爱世界的能力;有事做,让每一天充实,事 情没有大小,只有你爱不爱做;有所信仰,生活就



有希望,就有乐趣。信仰这东西给人最大的乐趣 恰恰就是有期待,期待轮回中美好的存在,期待 无聊岁月里希望的陪伴。沉闷的时候信仰让期待 变得鲜活,鼎盛的时候信仰让期待变得踏实。艺 术是信仰的一个载体,让信仰变得触手可及,就 像这满墙的唐卡,好像告诉你:你看佛,佛就在 你心里呢。



Cangyang Gyaco, the sixth Dalai Lama and famous Tibetan poet wrote this piece of poetry more than 300 years ago: Look at the sky, there is wind, cloud and sun Look at the earth, there are trees, flowers and life And you, you have heart, soul and blood But I; neither love, hate nor pity burden me. According to Buddhism, one must experience three steps to attain enlightenment: see through the vanity of life, free oneself of mental burden, and at last, the soul will free itself. Yet most mortal souls fail to understand this arcane truth, and are instead tomented with their worldly struggle all their life. They are born to this mortal world of pain, and eventually return to the dust, unable to ascend to immortality; therefore, they can only rely on the stepping-stone of Buddha’s lotus flower. They cannot understand that life is not just a one-act show, and all have to return to where they have come from when reaching their finality. But no matter what mysteries life holds in store, it is our beliefs which bring us through. I believe that art in this world for the most part is a media to reflect this process of attaining enlightenment. Making Thangga, a unique style of scroll painting in Tibet, is no exception, and even requires additional cultivation of the mind. Special material and exquisite craftsmanship are required to make a Thang-ga painting, and it usually takes several months or years to complete one. In this fickle world, a painter needs to focus mentally with great concentration to produce this type of art; he is required to have not only excellent painting skill but also self-cultivation and savvy. The charm of the art comes from its creative process, where passion is born slowly out of a calm mind, and painters must demonstrate their abilities through conventionized methods. So, whether a painting is living or dead really depends on the character of the painter. Born into a family of four generations of temple painters, Cairang, a Thang-ga artist, has been studying the art for over 30 years since he was only 7 years old. Thanks to many years’ cultivation and meditation, his Thang-ga paintings exude a unique beauty and an unconventional grace. At first glance, his paintings may look familiar, but with a second look, one will find they possess outstanding and unrestrained features and style. In addition to gorgeous color and delicate craft, the works also have a noble style, resounding with the power of meditation and compassion. Though every Thang-ga painter expresses his own reverence to Buddha and sentiments of life through the art, Cairang paints in a different way. His Buddhas are approachable. It is said that happiness lies in three elements: love, career and belief. For love, it refers to not only the ability to receive love, but the ability to love others and the world; a career means doing what you love no matter great or small, so long as it makes you live fully; and belief gives you hope and pleasure. The most delightful thing belief can give us is expectation, expecting to emerge eventually from one’s life cycle on earth, adding hope in this sometimes weary life. It is belief that can make us lively in dull moments, and also belief which causes one to settle down. Through art like Thang-ga, belief becomes tangible. Listen, and the Thang-ga paintings seem to whisper; Buddha is right within your heart.



天然舞者: 2012 宝马 敞篷跑车

Dancer of the Road

你可千万别以为这是一款花花公子的专属车型。2012 款 M6 敞篷跑车采用 2+2 的车身设计,4.4 升双涡轮增压 V8 发动机(最大功率 560 马力),极限扭矩 678N.m,百公里加速仅为 4.2 秒。宝马全新 7 速双离合变速箱与新发动机匹配相 得益彰。在手动模式下,升挡和降挡快得超乎想象,在低速行驶时挡位没有明显 的模糊不清,在复杂路况车速变动较大时都能轻松应付。相比起宝马新款 M5 的格 特拉克变速箱,M6 敞篷跑车更受车迷宠爱。M6 弯道表现极为出色,能令人感受 到舞蹈之美,刹车时的声音和稳定的动态彰显了“天然舞者”的收放有度。 You’ll be terribly mistaken if you think the 2012 BMW M6 Convertible is just for flash. The figures explain it all: this four-seater is powered by a 4.4-liter eight-cylinder turbocharged engine with torque of up to 678Nm and output of 560 horsepower. This peak performance accelerates the BMW M6 Convertible from 0 to 100km/h in just 4.2 seconds. The brand new BMW seven-speed M Double Clutch Transmission with Drivelogic works together with the new high-revving V8 engine perfectly in this model to transform rich driving force into pure driving pleasure without any interruption in traction; moreover, the gearshift can be completed in a fraction of a second when in manual mode and the speed is beyond your imagination. Whether in the toughest conditions or a low-speed drive, the M6 Convertible can handle both with ease and elegance. Compared with BMW M5 adopting Transmission Getrag, 2012 BMW M6 Convertible has a more perfect performance when dealing with the fastest bends, just like an elegant dancer on the road. The sound and precision of braking are also bound to make a lasting impression.

84 LifeStyle

克莱斯勒 300 新推 Motown 特别版

New Chrysler 300 Motown Edition Unveiled

克莱斯勒公司继续“底特律印象”宣传主线,近期推出了克莱斯 勒 300 Motown 特别版(Motown 是位于美国底特律的一家知名 唱片公司)。特别版车型提供明亮白、高光黑、樱桃红、爵士蓝 四种特别颜色,同时还配有镀铬饰板、特别徽章以及 20 英寸抛 光轮圈等。这款新车将于今年春季上市,售价 32995 美元起。 It seems brand synergy may have reached its peak in the form of the Chrysler 300 Motown. According to Chrysler, this special edition sedan “pays tribute to the Motor City’s resurgence and determination through Detroit-born style and world class ingenuity.” It is no random celebration of Detroit’s music, as “Motown: The Musical” arrived to the Lunt Fontanne Theater in New York City on December 21st. The 300 Motown Edition can be had in four colors – Bright White, Gloss Black, Deep Cherry Red and new Jazz Blue. It includes a chrome grill, black Chrysler and “Motown” badges and 20-inch polished “heritage” design aluminum wheels. The 2013 Chrysler 300 Motown is set to arrive this spring with a price of $32,995.

DPR 龙途拉力 2012 完美收官

Chinese Supercar Owners Complete Dragon Path Rally 2012 2012 年 12 月 28 日,由 HAC 顶级跑车俱乐部主办的“DPR 龙途拉力 2012 收官盛 典”在北京盘古七星酒店莲花厅隆重举行。HAC 顶级跑车俱乐部同与会嘉宾一起回 顾“DPR 龙途拉力 2012”美国之行的精彩行程,分享了其对新跑车生活方式的理解, 同时揭幕 2013 年活动的主打车型,并公布了 2013 年全新活动计划。 On December 28th, 2012, the Chinese Hyper Auto Club held a ceremony at Beijing Pangu 7 Star Hotel’s Lotus Hall to celebrate the perfect completion of Dragon Path Rally (DPR) 2012. At the event, the club of Chinese supercar owners reviewed their wonderful memories on the DPR 2012 USA tour last October, shared understanding about supercar lifestyle and released mainstream vehicles and activity planning for DPR 2013.

大众 2013 款 Ayoreo 概念车亮相

2013 Volkswagen Ayoreo Concept Released 大众五座 Coupe 版车型采用独有的设计语言,简洁的车身加入了复古的金属及工 业元素,车灯及前唇带来一种数字化的未来感,宽体搭配肌肉感线条,看上去非常 霸气。大众设计 Ayoreo 的主要目的是打入 2013 年纯电动汽车市场,这款新车打出 独有的舒适牌,相信未来会有不错的市场表现。 With a unique design language, this 5-seater coupe has a concise body joined by retro metal and industrial elements, the headlights and fender, wide-set frames with powerful lines, bring a futuristic yet commanding sense of style to the car. The main purpose of the Ayoreo is to get into pure electric vehicle market in 2013. Coupled with its unique comfort brand, it is believed that there will be a good market performance.


Volkswagen Sweden Touareg Tank to Tackle Winter 瑞典大众特别打造的这款雪地途锐,以 V8 TDI 途锐为原型,最大功率为 340 马力, 极限扭矩为拥有坦克的履带,采用四轮驱动系统,非常适合在北欧的雪地上纵横驰 骋。除了雪地越野能力,它还非常时尚有型。据称它拥有大众最新的超酷选配,包 括动态音响系统、全景月光顶棚、分区空调控制系统以及座椅加热功能。 Dubbed the “Snowareg”, it is a creation by Volkswagen of Sweden, and is perfectly suited for harsh Swedish winters. Based on a Touareg V8 TDI, the Snowareg sends 340 horsepower and 590 pound-feet of torque to a modified set of treads at each wheel. It appears to come with the full bevy of VW options, including Dynaudio stereo, panoramic moonroof, dual-zone climate control and heated seats.



86 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.88 飨宴

Dining / P.96 美酒

Wine / P.98


Profile / P.100


Travel / P.102

英国下斯洛特庄园酒店 Lower Slaughter Manor, England




To The Villa Born

还有谁能比意大利国王或红衣主教对住更讲究呢? 快来试试这些昔日荣耀加身的王府官邸吧! Why stay in a skyscraper? Indulge yourself in one of these Italian villa hotels, formerly the homes of kings and cardinals. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels

88 LifeStyle

Villa d’Este, Lake Como




Villa d’Este, Lake Como 位于蒂沃利的这两幢历史性建筑物可 追溯到 16 世纪的红衣主教托罗美奥·加利 奥,彼时蒂沃利是罗马贵族和皇室建造别 墅林园避暑的首选地。埃斯特别墅就是红 衣主教托罗美奥·加利奥的夏宫。1873 年别 墅被改造成豪华酒店,客人可享受其世界 闻名的服务,包括一流的客房、各种便利 设施和美食。依傍着风景宜人的公园,埃 斯特别墅酒店还可一览科摩湖的秀丽景致, 是游客们的心头好!另外值得一提的是, 欧洲地区最富盛名的古董车盛会 Concorso d’Eleganza 便是在该酒店的空地上举行。 参考房价:600 美元起

90 LifeStyle

These two historical buildings date back to the villa’s days as the summer home of a 16th century Cardinal, Cardinal Tolomeo Gallio. Villa d’Este has welcomed guests with its gracious hospitality since 1873. Visitors are treated to a celebrated standard of service, including top-rated rooms, amenities and cuisine. This elegant villa overlooks the glorious Lake Como and is set in a picturesque park, a place that has won the hearts of travelers for generations. In addition, the Concorso d’Eleganza, one of the world’s leading car shows, is held on the grounds of the hotel. Prices from $600


Grand Hotel Villa Cora, Florence 在佛罗伦萨摇身为意大利首都的短暂岁 月中,奥本海姆男爵于 1868 年为妻子建造 了这座折中主义风格的私宅,然而自 20 世纪 60 年代开始,这一居所就一直作为酒店在运 营。近来经过一次大范围的翻修后,酒店以 全新的、时尚的面貌示人。奢华而脱俗的室 内装潢依然能嗅出昔日这位贵族对折中主义 的热忱:玫瑰、华丽的木地板、自东方舶来 的藏品、壮观的壁画以及雕塑。此外,为提 供无可挑剔的服务,翻修后的酒店新增了佛 罗伦萨唯一的露天温水泳池。 参考房价:300 美元起 Built in 1868 by Baron Oppenheim for his wife during the city’s short-lived glory days as capital of Italy, it has been a hotel since the 1960s, but has recently reopened with a fresh, hip edge after a thorough renovation. Opulent but by no means tacky, the interiors reflect the eclectic passions of the aristocrat and his belle – namely roses, the Orient, ornate parquet, and spectacular frescoes and statuary. The massive heated outdoor pool – the only one in Florence – comes courtesy of the 21st-century renovation, as does the flawless service. Prices from $300






Villa Las Tronas, Sardinia 作为昔日意大利皇家的度假居所,特罗纳斯 别墅酒店坐落在一个私人半岛上,岛的周围被蔚 蓝的海水和天然礁石所环绕。如今华丽转身的奢 华五星级度假酒店依然能听到那个逝去的贵族时 代遥远的声音。特罗纳斯别墅酒店与撒丁岛古城 阿尔盖罗相邻,该古城历史上曾被西班牙统治过, 今天在当地的文化、传统以及语言上还能找到阿 拉贡和加泰罗尼亚的影子。此外,该酒店还有一 个豪华 spa 疗养中心。 参考房价:200 美元起 The former holiday residence of Italian royalty, Villa Las Tronas is situated on a private peninsula surrounded by blue waters and natural reefs. Villa Las Tronas is an ancient residence turned luxury five-star resort that harkens back to an age of romanticism and nobility. Villa Las Tronas is located just a short distance from the ancient town of Alghero, formerly under the Spanish Crown and where vestiges of Aragonese and Catalan influence remain ever present in the local culture, traditions and language. The hotel also boasts a deluxe spa. Prices start from $200


Four Seasons Florence 根据佛罗伦萨相关部门的历史记录,位于 Borgo Pinti 街的佛罗伦萨四季酒店的前身——格 拉黛斯卡宫可追溯至 1473 年,当时来自埃尔萨 谷口村的磨房主之子巴托罗美奥·斯卡拉买下了其 中心部分,后来逐渐扩展。1465 年,托罗美奥· 斯卡拉开始其佛罗伦萨共和国总理的生涯,直至 1497 年逝世,这其间,他得以与罗兰索一起精雕 细琢该建筑杰作。如今,格拉黛斯卡宫被改建为 佛罗伦萨四季酒店。在这里,你能饱览、呼吸和 触摸到自文艺复兴至今的历史,达 5 个世纪之久。 参考房价:500 美元起 The Palazzo della Gheradesca can be traced back in time through the records of the Florence Registry office to 1473, when Bartolomeo Scala bought the heart of what was to become his extensive estate on the Borgo Pinti. Born on 17 May 1430, this miller’s son from Colle Val d’Elsa rose to become Chancellor of the Republic in 1465, a position he retained until his death in 1497, enabling him to work alongside Lorenzo the Magnificent. Today, the estate is the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, a unique environment where you can see, breathe and touch a history spanning five centuries, from the Renaissance to the twenty-first century. Prices from $500

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Byblos Art Hotel Villa Amista, Verona 位于意大利著名的瓦尔波利塞拉葡萄酒产区中心,阿 米斯他比布鲁斯艺术别墅酒店距浪漫之都维罗纳仅 15 分 钟车程。 这幢 15 世纪经典的威尼斯风格别墅是传统和现 代、精致和前卫相结合的完美范例, 担纲酒店设计的亚历 山德罗·门迪尼显然功不可没。酒店更像个博物馆,艺术则 是这家酒店的主角,其珍藏不乏著名艺术家辛迪·舍曼、达 米恩·赫斯特、阿尼什·卡普尔和村上隆等人的作品。 参考房价:400 美元起 Opened by Italian fashion house Byblos, this special artfilled hotel is housed in a classical Venetian style villa. The 15th century building was designed by Alessandro Menidini. Located in the heart of Valpolicella, 15 minutes drive from the romantic town of Verona, Byblos Art Hotel Villa Amista is the perfect marriage between the past and the present, between refinement and avant-garde. The hotel is filled with impressive examples of contemporary art by the likes of Cindy Sherman, Damien Hirst, Anish Kapoor and Takashi Murakami. Prices start from $400



Promotion tropical boutique resort is accessible only by private speedboat, making it a uniquely intimate retreat. Its 67 magnificent villas, most with spectacular views over Phang Nga Bay and Phuket, are furnished in refined Thai décor, reflecting the island’s natural beauty. There are 4 exclusive styles of guestroom: the Tropical Villa, the Seaview Pool Villa, the Beachfront Pool Villa and the Royal Horizon Pool Villa. Enchanting in every detail, the guestrooms promise an indelible stay with spacious indoor and outdoor areas, natural wood furniture, a private pool, state-of-theart technologies and captivating views of this tropical paradise. Imagine a day where you are awakened to breathtaking vistas of the island’s majestic scenery, relax with a book and refreshments from the mini bar, sit quietly mere steps from the island’s ivory beaches and sparkling sea or enjoy the sunset with a cocktail from the refreshment center. In


Escape the Everyday

泰国普吉岛纳卡岛度假酒店位于泰国 纳卡岛南端,这里有白色的沙滩、成荫的 椰林和宁静秀丽的海岸风光。附近的攀牙 湾山峰耸峙,海景如画。酒店距普吉国际 机场仅 25 分钟行程,其中包括一段海上快 艇之旅。独特的地理位置使其成为一处幽 静完美的避世天堂。 酒店拥有 67 栋豪华别墅,优雅的泰式 风格与当地的海岛风情融为一体。宾客在 其中可尽享或青翠迷人或壮丽雄浑的自然 风光。四种不同规格的客房分别是热带别 墅、海景泳池别墅、海滨别墅和皇家海景 泳池别墅。宽敞的内外空间、天然的木质 家具、舒适的私人泳池、高端的现代科技, 还有醉人的热带景色,令人流连难忘。想 象一下吧:当清晨醒来,看到窗外瑰丽无 比的风光,你会是怎样的心潮澎湃;然后, 手捧清凉的果饮,倚在吧台边阅读心仪的 文字,又是怎样的惬意。或者就静静地坐着, 面前是温润的白色沙滩和闪着耀眼银光的 大海;再或者,夕阳西下时,调一杯鸡尾酒, 看海上的落日。如此情境,你难道不会怦 然心动?所有这一切都得益于酒店无可挑 剔的细节设计以及处处可寻的惊喜。 你还可以体验众多特色水上活动,浮 潜、帆船、帆板冲浪、海上皮划艇等休闲运 动任你挑选。要么就去骑山地自行车或远 足,跋涉于丛林中或小径上;还可以去学学 泰式烹饪,品味当地的饮食文化。最重要的 是,酒店设有 24 小时候命的豪华精选礼宾 团队,随时准备为客人提供全方位的帮助。

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酒 店 设 有 两 家 餐 厅 与 一 家 酒 吧, 均 位于海滩之上,方便客人观赏壮美海景。 Tonsai 餐厅供应自助早餐及美味无比的零 点午餐与晚餐,随时满足你对美食的需求。 浪漫的 My Grill 餐厅以泰国南部美食为灵 感源泉,烹制出各色创意烧烤菜肴。位于 酒店另一侧的 Z 酒吧则为你带来各色健康 小吃。 在这里,每一寸时光都有无以言说的 美妙,仅仅是在诱人的沙滩上消磨的时间 就足够你咀嚼回味了。 Set on Naka Yai Island in the southernmost province of Thailand, The Naka Island, Phuket is nestled among stunning beaches and lush coconut groves, with never-ending views of the emerald green Phang Nga Bay and idyllic landscapes of the Phuket coastline. Only 25 minutes from Phuket International Airport, the

summary, guests’ expectations are exceeded at every turn. Situated near the serene waters of Phang Nga Bay, the resort offers a myriad of watersports, including snorkeling, windsurfing, sailing, and kayaking. Alternatively, explore the island’s majestic landscapes with a cycling or hiking adventure. Thai cooking classes offer immersion into Phuket’s enchanting culture. All the while, the 24-hour Luxury Collection Concierge is on call to arrange activities and exceed all needs and desires. Offering unforgettable dining experiences, the resort’s two restaurants and bar are situated beachside with fascinating ocean views. Any time of day, Tonsai serves a buffet breakfast as well as an exceptional á la carte lunch and dinner. Meanwhile, the romantic My Grill enchants guests with its creative dinner menu of grilled options with a Southern Thai influence. For a healthy refreshment, Z Bar is located on the opposite side of the resort. At The Naka Island, Phuket, every moment will be unforgettable; even simply lazing on the inviting beaches will make a memorable experience. Tel: +66 76 371 400


Phuket’s Garden of Eden

亭阁酒店坐落在热带天堂普吉岛最高 的一座山丘之上,在葱郁的热带树林和橡 胶种植园的掩映下,幽静而美丽。从这里 不仅可以俯瞰著名的拉扬海滩,距离普吉 国际机场、热闹非凡的芭东海滩和普吉镇 也仅有 20 分钟车程。 作为全亚洲最浪漫私密的成人度假酒 店,亭阁 49 栋宽大敞亮的泳池别墅散发着 奢华的性感魅力。从引人入胜的蔚蓝色海 景别墅到激情四溢的池畔别墅,不仅景色 醉人,更配有双人水疗房和蒸汽浴室。在 高墙深院和苍翠繁茂的植物的荫护下,这 里称得上是一个完美的幽居之处。不管是 眺望海景、观赏日出日落,还是躺在沙滩 上享受日光浴,你都不必担心任何烦扰。 当夜幕降临,大厅的丝质幕帘在海风吹拂 下飘扬起来,堂外早已摆好满桌的佳肴, 一顿浪漫的烛光晚餐正等待着你。旁边的 泳池波纹荡漾,闪着微光,好似无声地招 呼你赶快跳下去尽情欢畅。酒店还提供无 比舒适的脚部按摩、各式泰国和国际风味 的美食、免费无线上网以及高科技室内娱 乐系统。 “热情之旅”是酒店最新推出的创意 项目,包括巧克力制作、烹饪、美食品鉴、 音乐、舞蹈、按摩、冥思等等,宾客可以 在此尽情展示自己的兴趣爱好。日落吧是 酒店的至高点,闲坐此处,观日落,品美酒, 四周美景尽收眼底。在绿植俱乐部,不仅 能够品尝到地道的泰式美馔,还能体验世 界各地的风味美食。Eastlands 园区提供别 致的户外就餐环境,有机植物农场、荡漾 的湖水、小型健身游泳池和绿意盎然的树 林为你带来不一样的热带风情。

在这个远离凡尘的人间伊甸园,你能 找回那个纯朴本真的自己,还能创造一个 新的自我。说到底,这才是普吉岛亭阁酒 店令人着迷之处。 Perfectly located in Phuket with the airport, Patong and Phuket Town all within a 20 minute drive away, The Pavilions is one of the highest points on the tropical island paradise, overlooking Layan Beach, yet hidden away in lush seclusion. The privacy of its site, screened by verdant forest and rubber plantations, creates a perfect hideaway. The Pavilions is Asia’s most romantic and intimate adults-only resort. Each of its 49 pool villas is utterly private, very sensual, lavishly decadent and staggeringly spacious. Choose from the spellbinding azure vistas in the Ocean View Pavilions or the passionate playgrounds that are the Spa & Pool Pavilions, with attached couple’s spa treatment rooms and steam room. High

walls and screens of lush foliage create complete privacy. And whether you are in glimpses of the sea, watching the sun rise or sun set or sunbathing in the nude, no prying eyes will intrude. When evening comes, gentle breezes billow the silk draped from your private sala, a table is set for an al fresco candlelit dinner and the shimmering private plunge pool invites some sybaritic skinny dipping. You can also revel in a foot massage, fall in love at first bite with the gourmet cuisine offering international selections and tastes of Thailand, free wifi, and cutting-edge in-room entertainment systems. The Pavilions’ undoubted highlight is the innovative Passions Program, allowing guests to indulge their passion for chocolate, cooking, eating, music, dance, massage, perfume, meditation and more. Our peak highlight is 360 Sunset Bar, a lofty perch offering exotic cocktails and in-the-round views. The Plantation Club is also not to be missed, for Thai flavours and International fare. Eastlands is our must-see, with al fresco dining, a lake, lap pool, organic farm and a lush forest setting. The real highlights of a stay at The Pavilions, of course, are the ones you create yourself. Some things are meant to remain private. Tel: +66 76 317 651





Tribute, 献给极致的人

Frank Fare

Text: Jia Wenting Photos: F by Tribute

Unit 5, 6, Sanlitun South Road, Beijing Tel: 010 6501 7501

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F by Tribute,献给那些对美食有极致追 求的生活热爱者和为了美食竭尽所能探究世 界的奉献者。即使在意大利,也难以寻得这 样的 Pasta,可能只取用蛋黄来揉面,也不 知道要揉多久才能有如此的劲道和令人回味 无穷的底蕴,选配的龙虾,只用前爪肉,同 样韧性十足。黑鳕鱼和三文鱼是通过特殊渠 道进口的,独一无二,熟悉又遥远。熟悉的 是西餐桌上的各种食材佳品,遥远的是挑剔 的舌尖才能分辨的苛刻选材和细致烹饪。 在旧金山、香港和京城久誉盛名的台湾 人 Frank 回来了,“Pasta,没有可能不自 己手工做,”他说。海鲜要特殊定,食材每 天亲自选,墙上投影的意大利黑白老电影, 每一个定格都像一幅摄影作品。同时身为建 筑师的他,连室内设计也是精雕细琢自己绘 图出品。在这里,每一个画面都可以定格, 因为已经到了极致。当你真正拥有一个地 方,你可以叫它任何名字,F by Tribute, 献给极致的人。 F by Tribute is dedicated to those food elitists who spare no effort to search for the perfect gourmet cuisine. Even in Italy it is hard to find pasta made only with egg yolk, kneaded with care to create the perfect flavor and al dente texture – handmade tagliatelle paired with lobster makes for a delicious bolognese. Imported black cod and salmon dishes impress with unique flavors, and with each meal you’ll be welcomed by a beautifully arranged table and flavors carefully selected by discerning tongues. Having establishments in San Francisco, Hong Kong and Beijing in the past, Taiwanese restauranteur Frank Sun returns to Beijing and delves into the details. He personally makes selections for the menu, ordering fresh seafood each day. “Pasta,” he says, “absolutely must be handmade.” Being an architect, even the fine details of the interior are of his design, including black and white photographs on the wall; each like a still from an old Italian movie. Here, everything is done to the utmost. When you own a place, you can choose whatever name you like, and F by Tribute is a tribute to the very best.


Face the Music Text: Eva Liu Photos: Music Restaurant

阳光、绿竹、小桥、流水,远离喧嚣 且富有浓厚艺术气息,这样一幅就餐画卷 你完全可以在泓泰阳云南菜餐厅找到。主 餐 厅 是 个 四 百 余 平 米、 层 高 5 米 的 无 柱 大 厅, 可 容 纳 160 余 位 客 人; 三 个 温 馨 私密的特色包房的名字取自于云南侨乡名 镇——和顺、喜洲、鹤庆;宽敞的下午茶 区域阳光充沛,幽雅舒适。整体环境设计 融入了西南少数民族地区的原生态元素并 结合现代的设计理念,简约而不失时尚, 大气却满含温馨。 泓泰阳坐落于国家音乐产业基地内, 民族原生态音乐与环境、美食相契合,形 成独特的音乐主题餐厅。餐厅主打云南少 数民族原生态菜式,以民族烧烤为亮点, 精 选 天 然 绿 色 食 材, 例 如 野 生 菌 及 高 原 地区特产食材。野生菌生长在海拔 15003000 米,除了能带来独特的口感享受,还 有十分珍贵的药理保健功效,其富含的无 机盐和氨基酸等是人体必需的微量元素, 具有健脑、提高免疫力、抗辐射等诸多功效。 餐厅还收集菜品民俗文化,寻找相对应的 音乐配搭,部份菜品附带现场展现,引领 健康餐饮生态养生新趋势。 餐厅总经理卓仕新相信一个理念,“好 吃不如爱吃,爱吃不如顺口”,他一直要 求自己和餐厅服务员向客人推荐最好吃的, 而不是最贵的。北京今年冬天特别冷,他 特别推荐了温胃暖心的招牌菜:酸酸甜甜 的雕梅酸汤鲈鱼、做法独特的石烹鸡枞土 鸡蛋以及香酥可口的云南破酥肉丁大包。


way from the city noise, Music Restaurant, which features Yunnan cuisine, is an elegant dining space with an artistic atmosphere. Simple yet stylish, the interior design mixes modern style and original cultural elements of the ethnic minorities in Southwest China. There is bamboo, plenty of sunshine, and a small bridge over flowing water. The 5-meter high

columnless dining hall has an area of over 400 square meters and can seat more than 160 people. Three comfortable private rooms are named after Heshun, Xizhou and Heqing - famous hometowns of many overseas Chinese in Yunnan. The afternoon tea area is spacious, bright, tasteful and quiet. Conveniently situated in the China Music Industry Park in Beijing, the restaurant also features original background music which compliments the surroundings and the original Yunnanese dishes. Original barbecue prepared with natural organic ingredients, such as wild mushrooms and other specialties of the plateau area, is a selling point. The wild mushrooms grow at an altitude of 1,500-3,000 meters above sea level, have unique tastes and boast of wonderful health benefits. They are rich in trace elements like mineral salts and amino acids, etc., and are believed to help boost brain power, enhance the immune system and resist radiation. The folk culture, music, and freshly-made dishes make this restaurant avant-garde in the new trend of eating healthy and green. General Manager Mr. Zhuo Shixin has always required that he and his team recommend the most tasty and appropriate dishes rather than the most expensive ones. As this winter in Beijing has been unusually cold, he particularly recommended Weever in Sour Soup with Carved Pickled Plums, which has a sweet and sour flavor, Termitomyces Albuminosus and Free-range Eggs Cooked with Hot Stones, and the fragrant and crispy Pork and Mushroom filled Buns.

No.4 Sanjianfang Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6571 5556




WineClub 田博华,享誉全球的葡萄酒专家、作家,如今常驻曼谷、纽约。 他为亚太地区众多连锁酒店及餐厅担当顾问。他致力于慈善事业,并为餐饮类学校提供奖学金。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. is a global wine consultant and writer based at Bangkok, Thailand with offices at Phnom Penh and New York. He operates a global social entrepreneurship for the benefit of those less fortunate, assisting some of the top hotel and restaurant chains in the U.S. and across Asia Pacific, developing their wine & spirits programmes. He also hosts hospitality industry dinners to recognize excellence, provide scholarships at hospitality and culinary schools and to make charitable donations to the UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity International and other worthy charities.


The Time is Always Right For Premium Red Wines & Romance 在一天当中,早餐享用葡萄酒也 许稍早了些,但追求浪漫的心情无时 无刻不在影响我们的生活。葡萄酒从 一开始就与浪漫形影相随,在调酒的 美妙时光里,若再有浪漫爱情相伴左 右,那将何其圆满。葡萄酒是在大自 然温柔慈爱的呵护下,在无所不能的 酿酒师魔法般的双手间流淌出的琼浆 玉液,而这一切都是上天的馈赠,是 相亲相爱的人们表达爱意的礼物。若 无葡萄酒助兴,则难表深情厚意。 就我个人而言,只要适宜于佐餐, 葡萄酒肯定是午餐桌上一道必不可少 的佐餐佳酿。如果哪天我的餐桌上碰 巧有黑线鳕、大比目鱼或者鳕鱼,佐 餐酒当然非白诗南、白苏维浓或灰皮 诺莫属。我除了感激大自然的慷慨, 还会欣然接受它们搭配出的营养美味。

98 LifeStyle

通常我会先选一款心仪的美酒,再考虑相应 的饮食搭配,只要条件允许,我手边总有和 菜品登对的佳酿。葡萄酒实在是魅力无穷, 无论何时我都难以割舍。不过即便如此,如 果我去做客,发现菜肴并不适合搭配红酒, 仍会随遇而安地享受宴席。 人人都可以找到自己喜欢的葡萄酒并 开怀畅饮,但迄今为止公认的最好的葡萄酒 大多是红酒,这一点毫无疑问。此外一个人 的口味偏好在一天之中会不断变化,早晚各 不相同,因此没有一款红酒可以称得上是永 远合适的。这也意味着感受美酒味道的不仅 仅是嘴巴和喉咙(它们关系到你能否品尝到 芬芳余韵),还包括不同时刻的不同心情和 精神状态,甚至潜意识。所有这些因素叠加 在一起就促成了我们对滑过唇齿之间的佳 酿的品鉴,哪怕只是些微的改变都会影响 到我们的判断。毕竟我们只是痴迷于美酒, 对它们的鉴定既非通过缜密的科学推断,也 非精密计算。我们就像夜莺一样,只知日夜 对着美酒歌唱,而每一次啜饮也是美酒为我 们奏响的美妙的小夜曲。 不过话说回来,想要真正读懂美酒的 浪漫魅力,我们必须学会洞悉自然的能量, 感受天地间爱的力量,对周围的一切进行深 入的思索。这样,美酒才会变得生动起来, 散发出醉人的气韵,在杯中舞出流光溢彩。 这晶莹剔透的液体仿佛可以变幻出一面魔 镜,照耀着我们内心深处的美好情愫。我衷 心希望美酒与浪漫同在,直到永远。


t may be that breakfast is a tad early in the day to enjoy your favorite red wine, but romance is a timeless way of life that knows no bounds. And so, when you combine elegant red wines whose time has come with the art of romance, there is little left to complete the perfect moment than the dance of love. For red wines of authentic heritage, the result of Nature’s Tender Loving Care and the knowing, magical touch of caring winemakers are truly the gifts of the gods and the communion that celebrates the Song of our Soul. But as far as I am concerned, once lunch time has arrived, premium red wine is absolutely my beverage of choice, so long as the meal calls out for it; and if by chance I am served a delicious helping of haddock, halibut or cod that will only be happy with a Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc or perhaps Pinot Grigio, I gratefully concede that Mother Nature has spoken and joyfully accept the nourishment, thanks to the happy couple. But since I always first select my premium wines and then the foods I will have with them for any wine and food occasion whenever possible, I rarely find it necessary to stray from my favorite beverage, that being premium red wines of distinction. But if I am a guest and the host is serving fare that is simply not compatible with red wine, I resolve that I will simply enjoy what is offered in the spirit of universal brother and sisterhood and appreciate it every bit the same. And while our favorite wines are for us to decide and enjoy to our heart’s content, some of the greatest wines the world has ever known are most definitely red, make no mistake. As our palate is decidedly different from the time we arise in the morning to the time we take to sleep, no one red wine is right for every moment. So, what this says is that our palate encompasses not only our mouth and throat (as in “after taste” or lack thereof), but as well our conscious and even our unconscious awareness; and that it is therefore each of our unique combination’s of all these components that comprise our judgment of each glass of wine that enchants our olfactory’s and crosses our lips: For most of us are neither scientists nor taste machines, but simply wine lovers who have learned to sing to our wine, just as it so beautifully serenades us with every glorious sip. But to know the romance of your wine, you must allow your connection with The Energy of the Universe, with all that is Love, to reflect on everything you have sensed. And if you do this, your red wine will come alive and dance before you with wild abandon and as if a magical mirror, show you the beauty of your heart of hearts. Here’s to red wine and romance, may they be lovers until eternity, and a day. I am Red Owl, Ever Vigilant, Over & Out.






Challenge Means Opportunity 法国雅高酒店集团大中华区首席运营官李哲森 对中国市场前景持乐观态度,其麾下专为中国 客人打造的美爵品牌充分迎合了中国市场的需求。 Paul Richardson, Chief Operating Officer for Accor Greater China, embraces a more competitive hospitality industry in China. Text: Audrey Hammonds

雅高酒店集团去年在大中华区的表现如何? 受主要城市强劲的市场需求推动,2012 年全年大 中华区酒店行业的发展可谓是蒸蒸日上。雅高去年新 开了 15 家酒店,并正在以创纪录的步伐积极地拓展酒 店网络。为吸引和留住更多人才,我们还推出了一个 综合人力资源管理项目,其中包括人才培养与发展以 及对杰出表现的奖励。 在竞争日益激烈的酒店业,你们集团打算推出哪些独 树一帜的举措? 去年年初我们推出的高端品牌“美爵”就是顺应 市场发展趋势,专为中国客人量身打造的。未来美爵 品牌将不断发展,重点将分布于中国的二三线城市。 同时,为满足商务休闲旅游人士以及奖励旅游市场的 需求,高端品牌铂尔曼酒店在大中华区已增至 15 家。 中国客人有什么特别之处吗? 雅高于 1985 年进入了中国市场。中国的客人已经 越来越成熟,要求更专业的服务和产品,比如历史文 化遗迹、寓教于乐的主题公园、软探险、奢华假期和 运动旅游。 如何看待中国酒店市场渐趋饱和的问题? 就目前来说,虽然中国一线城市酒店数量庞大, 但二三线城市甚至四线城市未来十年蕴藏不少机遇, 其经济增长率有望赶超北京和上海,对国际品牌酒店 的需求也相应增加。 How did Accor Greater China perform in 2012? The hotel industry in Greater China continued to perform well through 2012 driven by strong performance in key cities. Accor opened 15 hotels in China in 2012 and is developing at a record pace. To attract and retain talented individuals and our employees at Accor, we have developed a comprehensive Human Resources program including talent development, excellence award and trainings by Accor Académie. What makes Chinese consumers distinctive? Accor entered the Chinese market in 1985. There is now a larger demand for more specialized products such as heritage and culture, ‘edutainment’ theme parks, soft adventure, luxury holidays and sports tourism. What is Accor Greater China going to be doing differently in the future? In line with the trend we launched Grand Mecure, an upscale brand tailor-made for Chinese customers in early 2012. In the future, the brand will continue to boost in China, especially in Tier II & Tier III cities. Meanwhile, we have witnessed strong expansion of the Pullman brand network with 15 Pullman hotels operating in Greater China to cater to the needs of business & leisure travellers and MICE business. When do you think China will reach the limitations of hospitality? While we face a large number of hotel openings in China’s largest and most developed metropolitan areas, there are many opportunities in Tier II & Tier III and even Tier IV cities over the coming decade. Considering their economic growth rates often exceed those of far more developed regions of Shanghai and Beijing, the demand for international hotels is still very strong.

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作为上海裕景大饭店新任总经理,你接下来 的目标是什么? 今年上海裕景大饭店将迎来开业七周 年,我的责任是带领团队积极进取,阔步向 前。顾客的喜好、要求和期望都在不断变化, 想要满足甚至超越顾客的期望,我们必须先 行一步。拟定新目标、制定新的发展方向、 增加必要的投资以满足顾客需求是未来发展 的基础。培植忠诚客户群以及紧跟世界酒店 业的发展趋势将为我们酒店的长期发展搭建 良好平台。 你在烹饪领域具有多年丰富经验,这样的经 历对你产生了哪些影响? 学无止境,不管是正规学校教育还是通 过其它途径,教育总是获取知识、开拓视野 的重要渠道。我的厨师经历教会我如何进行 客户关系管理、提升领导力,与团队合作、 战胜压力、应对最后期限、树立成本意识, 并时刻铭记质量第一和客户至上。尽管我离 开厨师岗位已经 15 年之久,但这些观念早 已深入我心。如今作为一名管理者,它们依 旧对我有着深刻的影响。 与其他地区相比,亚洲或者说中国的酒店业 有何独特之处? 我想我可以援引我们大部分海外游客的 意见反馈,那就是亚洲酒店热情的待客之道、 体贴的服务以及豪华的装潢设计给他们留下 了深刻的印象。在他们看来,亚洲酒店人用 发自内心的真诚和热情服务客户,而不仅仅 是职业的要求。 作为全球酒店集团豪华系列成员,裕景大饭 店怎样突出自身特色,从众多豪华酒店中脱 颖而出呢? 不同于严格遵循全球或地区统一标准的 大酒店,裕景大饭店作为全球酒店集团豪华 系列的独立成员,可以更加灵活有效的方式 来满足客人的要求。我们可以根据情况调整 决策程序,让客人得到最大的实惠,此外由 于不存在三方关系,酒店管理层与业主之间 的关系比较直接,不必经过各种各样的繁文 缛节以及一道道审批程序,可以更有效地决 策和执行。 与之前的工作地,比如苏州相比,在繁华的 大上海你如何享受生活? 2004 年我第一次到上海,在之后的两 年中,我爱上了这座城市。我出生在布鲁塞 尔,后来在约翰内斯堡生活,是个天生的城 市人。我很乐意去世界各大都市工作。苏州 的青山绿水、名胜古迹令我心醉,但上海律 动的节奏、宏伟的城市轮廓以及丰富多彩的 娱乐、文化、美食和涌动的人潮更让人心潮 澎湃。这座带有些许疯狂的城市的确令我着 迷。生活在这里,我感到心满意足。 As General Manager of the The Eton Hotel Shanghai, what are your goals? The Eton hotel will enter its 7th year of operation this year, and as GM it will be my focus to steer the team towards the future. Guest habits and demands are always evolving, so in order to meet and exceed expectations we need to be a step ahead. Setting new goals, directions, investing in


A Step Ahead of Expectations 作为酒店业的资深人士,上海裕景大饭店新任总经理陆博伦 如何带领团队努力超越顾客期望? With an extensive career in numerous hotels worldwide, Luc JJ Bollen has deep knowledge of the hospitality industry, and has been appointed GM of the Eton Hotel in Shanghai Pudong. Text: Audrey Hammonds

continued development to meet our guests priorities are the corner-stones of our future strategies. Guest feedback and worldwide industry trends create a platform for us to build for the future. You have many years experience as a chef – how do you feel that has influenced your perspective on hospitality? Education is a never ending experience, and whether formally or informally one learns and broadens their horizon constantly. My experience as a chef has enriched me on levels of guest engagement, leadership, teamwork, meeting deadlines, and having quality on my mind. Although I left the culinary arena more than 15 years ago, these deeply entrenched values still help me today to be a leader. What would you say are some characteristics of Asian hospitality that are different from other places, such as Africa or Europe? Rather than my opinion I would like to mention most of our overseas travelers’ feedback: they are wowed by the warmth of hospitality, the sense of service, the natural urge to please and the opulence and luxury of the hotels. Hospitality in Asia is still from the heart, not just a functional service delivery experience.

How do you at the Eton Hotel, and as a member of Worldhotels, stand out from other luxury hotels? Being an independent member of World Hotels allows us more flexibility towards our guest demands. Not having a tripartite business relationship as most hotels do means there is a direct and simple line of communication between management and owners, allowing us to efficiently form and execute strategies, without red tape and constraints of corporate structures. How do you enjoy living in bustling Shanghai, (for instance as compared to Suzhou where you previously worked)? I came first to Shanghai in 2004 for a couple of years, and without doubt fell in love with the city. I’m by nature a city boy, born in Brussels, lived in Johannesburg and always enjoy any posting in capital cities around the world. Whilst I did enjoy the greenery, historical beauty and canals & lakes in Suzhou, the pulse and excitement of the city, the grandness of its skyline, the level of entertainment, culture, gastronomy, activity and buzz, and dare I say a bit of the city’s madness makes Shanghai a fantastic experience, definitely making this city boy a happy camper…

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Text: Evan Peng Photos: VisitBritain

England’s Hidden Treasures 从科茨沃尔德“浪漫之路”到“英格兰花园”肯特郡, 我们带你来一趟真正的发现之旅。 From romantic roadsides in the Cotswolds to the “Garden of England,” we take you on a inclusive trip through the gorgeous countryside of England.


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海韦尔城堡 Hever Castle

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Romantic Manor

问问英格兰人,“浪漫之路”上最引人入胜的风景在哪儿?十 有八九会告诉你,当然是下斯洛特。下斯洛特庄园不愧是“隐秘宝 藏”,这座 17 世纪乡村庄园创造性地将现代别致的设计融入古老 考究的庄园细节,铮亮的古董家具、精美的油画、厚重的地毯、壁 炉里噼啪的火焰、修剪整齐的草坪,一切都那么诱人。19 间奢华 客房都以领主家族中的人名来命名,设计风格各不同,间间美轮美 奂。最亮眼的当属无敌花园套房,凭窗而立,精致典雅的英式花园 尽收眼底。不说恐怕你也猜到了,如此美丽的乡村度假酒店正适合 举办浪漫私密的小型婚礼派对,难怪总有名流明星在此出没。顺便 说一句,紧邻伦敦西部的科茨沃尔德是英格兰的富庶地区之一,很 多富人和明星在此置业居住,执导《007:大破天幕杀机》的殿堂 级导演萨姆·门德斯的私家庄园就在下斯洛特庄园附近。

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Ask an English person where the most romantic scenery in the country is, and they are almost certain to mention Lower Slaughter. Nestled among the green pastures of this region, Lower Slaughter Manor is the embodiment of country house charm, where contemporary interiors flawlessly compliment the background of a 17th Century Manor house to create this quintessentially British treasure. With efficient service and antique furnishings, you will feel the warmth radiate from this unique gem of a hotel. Interiors are opulent and gently lit, with thick carpeting, oil paintings and tapestries that will take you back to another time. The hotel features 19 luxurious rooms and suites, each with its own name and unique design; we particularly recommend the beautiful Garden Suites with a panoramic view of the grounds. Relax in your room or go for a bike ride in one of the least populated parts of the beautiful English countryside, whose picturesque scenery has attracted celebrities and tourists alike. Whether you are looking for a romantic spot for your wedding, or just a restful break, this hotel will not disappoint.


English Enchantment 旅行指南上用“超凡脱俗”来形容下斯洛特的精致之美,也许说得有点 玄乎,但我敢打包票,从见到这个小镇的第一眼,你会不可救药地爱上它, 跟着急不可待地拿出相机,在移步换景中体验视觉上的冲击和心灵上的震撼。 安安静静的村落,三三两两的游人,俘虏你的不光是散发着独特暖意的蜂蜜 石,就连家家户户经过特殊修剪的茅草屋顶、院落里的花花草草、窗台上的 小摆饰都那么顺眼。林语堂曾说,世界大同的理想生活,就是住在英国的乡 村。他心目中最向往的居住地会不会就是美得让人无可挑剔的下斯洛特? 感受水上伯顿镇的最好方式,是漫无目的地闲逛,看看河景,晒晒太阳, 发发呆。温德拉什河环绕小镇静静流淌,如同世外桃源般的画面令人沉醉 不已:鱼儿在清澈的水中嬉戏,古老的石桥横搭两岸,一幢幢精致的小屋 掩映在葱绿的树木中……如果有时间,一定要去微缩村庄,在那里呈献的 是用科茨沃尔德石,以 1:9 的比例手工制作的水上伯顿镇全貌。若想顺便 淘点货,不妨挑一两间小古董店转转。店主不会上赶着给你推荐,但是只 要你对某件古董感兴趣,慈颜善目的老夫妻会将古董背后的故事娓娓道来。 在切尔滕纳姆、泰特伯里等镇上也有淘古董的好地方。“凯瑟琳·亨特 东方古董”也算小有名气了。教师出身的凯瑟琳是科茨沃尔德古董商协会 会员,出于个人兴趣而转行做中国瓷器生意。在她看来,淘古董不仅需要 眼力,还要讲运气和缘分的,“一个好古董商对收藏的古董总是充满激情, 不仅会自己滔滔不绝,还会对真心感兴趣的人耐心解释”。 If you thought the guidebooks were exaggerating when they called Lower Slaughter “outstandingly beautiful,” you’ll change your mind as soon as you set foot there. This perfectly picturesque sleepy English village is a quiet town with lovely stone houses, a few small restaurants and shops and of course the Manor, with its Victorian corn mill with working water wheel. It’s easy to fall in love with its beautiful green surroundings and quaint warm colored stone architecture, with thatched roofs and small courtyards of flowers. Nearby you will find tourist haven Bourton on the Water. Not as quiet as nearby Lower Slaughter, this town is beautiful and bustling, with the ideal setting for photographs. The River Windrush winds through town, crossed over with six arched bridges and wide grassy banks. Traditional Cotswold architecture includes stone tiled roofs and a generous helping of gables. The Model Village, whose small stone houses are constructed at one-ninth scale to the actual architecture of the town, is a must see for tourists; and it’s also worth your time to stroll into the little antique shops, whose friendly owners are more than happy to share the stories of their wares with you. For those interested in antiqueing, Chetlenham and Tetbury are excellent options. We are impressed with Catherine Hunt Oriental Antiques, a local celebrity in the antique world. A member of the Cotswold Art & Antique Dealers’ Association, Catherine cultivated her interest in Oriental ceramics and textiles from years of work at Christie’s and Sotheby’s, and says finding a good piece is a mixture of a skilled eye and a little luck. She says: “A good dealer is passionate about what he sells and will always talk endlessly about his pieces and will explain anything to genuine people with interest.”

下斯洛特庄园套房 Lower Slaughter Manor

切尔滕纳姆古董商凯瑟琳·亨特 Catherine Hunt Oriental Antiques

下斯洛特镇散发着独特暖意的蜂蜜石房子 Lower Slaughter Cotswolds stone houses

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A Taste of the Cotswolds 费尔福德 Allium 餐厅没有唬人的噱头,看不到超夸张的装修设计,却 多次获得《科茨沃尔德生活》年度餐饮大奖,绝非浪得虚名。老板兼主厨 詹姆斯·格雷厄姆对钻研当地美食有着无限的激情,甚至会跑到食材专供农 场教人养猪喂牛,为的就是绿色无污染和地道口感。招牌菜秘制格洛斯特 老斑点猪肉肥而不腻,香味醇厚,极好地诠释了当地优质食材的经典原味。 老板娘埃里卡很热情,也很健谈,提起光顾她家餐厅的明星,她如数家珍。 想知道英国著名摇滚乐队 Blur 的贝斯手亚历克斯·詹姆斯最爱 Allium 哪款 自制火腿、住在附近的前“邦女郎”费欧娜·弗勒顿到底好哪一口,边品伦 敦难觅的传统英式美馔边跟老板娘聊聊小天吧。 Fairford’s Allium restaurant, with its understated design and subtle elegance, has won several dining awards from the Cotswolds Life Magazine, and its reputation is by no means unearned. Owner and Chef James Graham has delved into the local cuisine with unlimited passion, even using pork and beef grown on local farms, which are organic and pollution-free. Their signature dish is made from Gloucestershire Old Spot pork, whose meat is fatty but not overly greasy, flavor is mellow, and is overall a very good interpretation of classic British flavors. James’ wife Erica is warm and talkative, speaking of past guests who have included celebrities such as UK band Blur’s bassist Alex James, whose favorite dish was the homemade ham, and former Bond Girl Fione Fullerton. Overall Allium is the perfect pitstop to try traditional English fare and have a chat.

海格洛夫:皇室 + 绿色

Royal Standards: Highgrove Shop 门窗被刷成可爱的靛蓝色,橱窗陈列也很可爱,查尔斯亲王创立的 海格洛夫商店是不是泰特伯里名气最大的店铺不重要,重要的是这里所有 东西都是绿色环保产品,且大多产自当地,许多英国人也都是慕名而来。 1984 年查尔斯在海格洛夫开始其有机农业的实验,如今海格洛夫已成为 有机农业的圣地。海格洛夫商店所有收益都会捐给慈善机构,这里不仅仅 有可爱的文具、家居园艺用品,我们特别推荐的反而是产自查尔斯海格洛 夫私人农场的有机燕麦饼干、有机香肠和有机茶。 Founded by Prince Charles, the Highgrove Shop, while not Tetbury’s largest shop, is certainly one of the most beautiful. Highgrove’s agricultural project of growing all organic products began in 1984, and has evolved into one of Britain’s greatest all-organic efforts. All proceeds go to The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation, and everything there is handmade or organic, from cute stationery, to home gardening supplies, to organic foods – we especially recommend the handmade Jumbo Oats & Sultana Biscuits, organic sausages and organic teas. 海格洛夫商店 Highgrove Shop

Allium 餐厅老板兼主厨詹姆斯·格雷厄姆 Allium Owner and chef James Graham

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Deeson’s 餐厅特色美食 Deeson’s Restaurant


Flavor Without Additives 看到漂亮的蝴蝶图案壁纸和诙谐幽默的挂画,找到了回家的感 觉?是的,Deeson’s 餐厅有着舒适雅致的用餐环境,并且将重点 放在肯特郡闻名遐迩的无添加食材上,从肯特郡放养鸡到罗姆尼羊、 本地香肠,应有尽有。最招牌的当属惠特斯特布尔的生蚝,据说对 吃一向讲究的法国人时常为它横渡海峡,德国人则以冰桶送至汉堡 和柏林的餐桌上。这家人气旺到爆的风味餐厅坐落在坎特伯雷市中 心,是参观完坎特伯雷大教堂后享用当地特色美食的好去处(坎特 伯雷大教堂是世界上十大最令人向往的教堂之一,被誉为“天堂之 门”,朝拜仪式已经延续一千四百多年,与圣奥古斯丁修道院和圣 马丁教堂一起被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产)。

Deeson’s restaurant is both comfortable and elegant, situated in the heart of the historic city Canterbury. (Also known as “Heaven’s Gate,” Canterbury Cathedral is one of the world’s top ten church sites to visit. Its history dates back over 1400 years, and along with St. Martin and St. Augustine monastery church St. Martin’s Church it has been listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO.) Deeson’s is focused on using the best produce that Kent has to offer, without additives. From British Whitstable Oysters and Kentish free range chicken to Romney Marsh lamb and locally produced sausage, everything is locally grown and organic.Tourists visiting Canterbury Cathedral will certainly enjoy stopping off at this quaint restaurant for a taste of traditional English fare. With beautiful wallpaper and witty paintings on the walls, it is both beautiful and cosy, providing a great dining experience with a relaxed and family friendly atmosphere.

坎特伯雷大教堂 Canterbury Cathedral

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England’s Haunted Castle 不管是情感型的背包客还是思考型的 人文爱好者,都会对这座建于 13 世纪末的 有故事的古堡刮目相看。光是英王亨利八世 和六任妻子的婚姻生活就足够吸引眼球了, 这一独家卖点也被开发成旅游纪念品—— 亨利八世及其妻子的头像被印在海韦尔城 堡巧克力的包装上,每块正面为其中一个人 的头像,背面则为其生平简介。城堡侧翼区 现有 21 间豪华客房,室内陈设和装饰风格 各不相同,刻有房间名字的铜质长柄钥匙也 是独一无二的。如果胆子够大,一定要住一 晚,看看这里到底闹不闹鬼。侧翼区又被称 作“阿斯特翼”,名字正是来源于华尔道夫 酒店创始人威廉姆·华尔道夫·阿斯特。原来 在亨利八世第二任妻子安妮·博林被斩首后, 城堡几经易手,后被移居英格兰的阿斯特买 下。这位酒店大亨找来建筑师 J.L. 皮尔森, 将年久失修的城堡打造成一个都铎式休闲 别墅庄园,原有林地也变成都铎式花园。这 片花园至今保持着原貌,并且位列肯特郡十 大花园,尤以其迷宫而闻名。

海韦尔城堡豪华客房 Hever Castle

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Whether a backpacker admiring the scenery or a scholar searching for history, Hever castle, built in the 13th century, has something for everyone. The story of Henry VIII and his wives is reason enough to attract tourists – you can even find chocolates whose wrappers feature their portraits on the front and biographies on the back in the souvenir shop. If you are brave enough, spend the night in one of the 21 luxurious guest rooms in the hotel’s Astor wing, each with its unique décor, and see whether or not this castle is truly haunted. The wing’s name comes from the founder of Waldorf Hotel, William Waldorf Astor, who bought the castle after it had changed hands several times following the beheading of Henry VIII’s second wife Anne Boleyn. Astor found architect J.L. Pearson, who then transformed the dilapidated castle into a comfortable Tudor-style manor. The woodlands and gardens have been maintained in their original state and are ranked among the top ten gardens in Kent, popular especially for the mazes.


The Loveliest Castle in the World 世界上最可爱的城堡!利兹城堡凭何揽此殊荣?听听利兹城堡在 说什么:我并不在约克郡利兹市,而位于素有“英格兰花园”之称的 肯特郡;当你身处其中时,感觉并不像防御性城堡,而像英国乡村豪宅; 城堡已有近 900 年的历史,六位中世纪英格兰女王曾在此居住,气场 温雅高贵;英国大大小小的城堡多了去了,像我这样的水中城堡才叫 稀缺,少了阴森之气,多了一份灵秀;城堡中优雅踱步的黑天鹅和绿 孔雀,可爱不是一点点;不光是好看,还好用着呢,比如说都铎样式 的大宴会厅装饰华丽,亨利八世时期的皇家气派至今犹存,特别适合 在此举办 100-200 人的婚宴,而且城堡交通便利,距离伦敦仅一小时 车程。 Located not in Leeds, but rather in “England’s Garden,” Kent County, Leeds castle at first glance does not strike one as a defensive structure, but rather a royal luxury, and certainly lives up to its name, the Loveliest Castle in the World. The castle has nearly 900 years of history, and having housed six medieval Queens in its day, it gives off a sense of royal grandeur. Standing out among England’s many small castles, this one is truly remarkable with its gorgeous scenery, graceful black swans and majestic peacocks circling the property. And as you walk into the castle itself, you enter the picturesque atmosphere of an English country house. With its ornate Tudor-style ballrooms preserved in the style of Henry VIII’s time, this location is particularly suited to weddings of 100200 people. Beautiful and historic, England’s Loveliest Castle is only a one-hour drive from London.

海韦尔城堡 Hever Castle

海韦尔城堡都铎式花园 Hever Castle Gardens

利兹城堡 Leeds Castle

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Vino Voyage

LifeStyle 编辑探访智利多家著名葡萄酒庄园, 它们由国际著名建筑师或庄主所设计,与各自的葡萄园林相匹配, 或现代,或古典,或传奇,或被选为结婚圣地…… Delve deep into Chile’s best wineries to check out some of their fantastic architecture, wine pairing expertise, surrounding legends and possible wedding venues… Text and Photos: Eva Liu

110 LifeStyle

拉博丝特酒庄 + 鸟巢灵感

Best “Bird’s Nest” - La Casa Lapostolle Winery & Residence 拉博丝特酒庄位于智利科尔察瓜山区南部 著名的拉埔山谷,圣地亚哥以南 200 公里处, 栖息在泛美山脉和太平洋之间,是一个三面环 山的优美地方。在这里,酿造美酒和酒庄建筑 的灵感都是葡萄园内鸟类所赋予的。一次偶然 的机会,酒庄的主人在阿帕尔塔葡萄园山坡上 的一株野生灌木中发现了一个鸟巢,于是在这 片土地上建造了外形犹若鸟巢的阿帕尔塔酒庄, 并邀请世界著名的建筑师罗伯特设计完成。最 新推出的阿帕尔塔康藤红葡萄酒的创作灵感也 来源于葡萄园和酒庄中富有活力,生生不息的 鸟类。此款葡萄酒充分展现了该年份所选四种 葡萄(佳美娜、美乐、赤霞珠和西拉)间的绝 妙组合,为品酒者呈现出仿佛经由拉博丝特庄 园内的鸟类共同演绎后生成的天籁之音,和谐 美妙,经久不衰。此款葡萄酒近期已进入中国 市场。 Lapostolle Winery is located in Chile’s famous Po Valley, 200 km south of San Diego, perched between the Pan American mountain range and the Pacific, surrounded on three sides by mountains. Here, brewing wine and the building of the winery itself was inspired by birds in the vineyard. Wandering the valley one day, the owner of the winery discovered a small bird’s nest in a wild shrub, and was inspired to construct the Winery in the same visage. He invited renowned Chilean architect Roberto Benavente Riquelme to complete the design. The inspiration for the latest selection of Canto de Apalta wines also lies in the vinyard, with its hundreds of vibrant birds. This year’s vintage has been selected from four kinds of grapes – 36% Carmenère; 31% Merlot; 18% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Syrah – and has a juicy and round palate, with a velvety texture, red fruit and spicy aftertaste. This wine will enter the Chinese market in the near future.

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美娜酒庄 + 废品利用

Best Use of Recycled Products - Viu Manent Winery 美娜酒庄位于智利空加瓜谷,成立于 1935 年,是智利历史最悠久,也是空加瓜 谷品质最完美的葡萄酒庄之一。酒庄由家族 三代联盟经营,这里不仅有酒窖,还有餐厅、 咖啡厅、旅馆、商店、画廊和马术俱乐部。 每年慕名而来的观光品酒客络绎不绝。酒 庄的设计非常有趣,从室内的顶灯、台灯、 地灯、壁炉、衣厨、烟缸到室外的耕犁、铁 桶、木桌椅,处处流露着庄主非凡的创意。 这些看似简单却非常有趣的艺术品都是拿 回收的葡萄酒酒瓶、报废的大酒桶和其他与 葡萄酒制作有关的东西制作而成。墙上还有 很多艺术家设计的图案,这些图案都被用在 葡萄酒的酒标上面,各种有趣图案的酒标 代表着不同故事。美娜品牌是限量销售的, 由庄园中平均储存 80 年的马尔白克酿制而 成。酿造完成后要经过 4 个星期的沉淀, 在橡木桶中储藏 22 个月后方才装瓶。此系 列目前在中国市场已开始售卖。 This elegant winery in Hacienda San Carlos de Cunaco in Colchagua, Chile, was founded in 1935, and is one of Chile’s oldest and best in the valley. Run by the Viu family for three generations, it includes not only a wine cellar, but restaurants, cafés, hotels, shops, galleries, and an Equestrian Club. Wine tasting tours bring an endless stream of tourists each year. The winery’s design is quite interesting; the interior ceiling lamps, table and floor lamps, fireplace, kitchen design, drums, wooden tables and chairs, and so on are truly works of art revealing the extraordinary creativity of the designers. They are quite simple in design, and are made of recycled wine barrels and wine bottles, scrap and other wine production-related items. Designs on the wall are also in patterns used in the wine labels, representing different stories. Their Viu 1 label limits its sales each year, and is sourced from Malbec block with an average age of 60 to 80 years. This series is currently on the Chinese market.

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维克酒庄 + 创意巧思

Most Creative Winery and Hotel - Viña Vik Winery 维克葡萄酒庄位于圣地亚哥南部的 Millahue 山谷。这里拥有温暖明媚的阳光和 凉爽宜人的气候, 被称为智利的 “黄金之地” 。 酒庄的主人亚历山大·维克是来自挪威的富 商,2006 年在渺无人烟的 Millahue 山谷购 入 4325 公顷土地,7 年来只开垦 303 公顷 的葡萄园,分为 12 个小山谷,其中还包括 一个精品小酒店,酒庄还在继续开发建设。 这家精品小酒店位于葡萄园的半山腰,360 度依山伴水,被称为智利葡萄酒庄园中最具 创意的小酒店。酒店拥有 4 个房间、两个宽 敞阳台、一个大自然下的餐厅、一个舒适的 客厅和一个设备齐全的厨房。整体建筑以木 材搭建而成,落地玻璃窗外是四野的湖水和 山峦景致,室内设计由对设计颇有研究的庄 园女主人担纲。入住客人一般是酒庄的朋友、 商务伙伴和慕名而来的游客。客人需要由庄 园负责人从山脚下开车送上山,约 15 分钟 后到达。目前,维克葡萄酒在中国也有售卖。

by mountains and lakes. The hotel has 4 rooms, two spacious terraces, a large restaurant in a natural setting, a comfortable living space and a fully equipped kitchen. The interiors use a holistic approach; designed by using wood for the entire structure, with floor to ceiling windows all around for a beautiful lake and mountain view. Guests here are generally friends, business partners and a few dedicated tourists. VIK brand currently sells wine in China.

Viña Vik Winery is located in southern Santiago. With the bright, warm sunshine and cool climate, this area is known as Chile’s “fields of gold.” Winery owner Alexander M. Vik is a Norwegian businessmen whose dream was to own a winery. Construction began in 2006 in Millahue of the Cachapoal Valley, with 4,325 hectares of land and has taken 7 years to open up, and so far includes not only 303 hectares of vineyards, divided into 12 small valleys, but also a boutique hotel, and the winery is still continuing to develop. The innovative boutique hotel is located on the vineyard’s hillside, surrounded

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甘露酒厂 + 神秘传说

Best Legend: Concha y Toro Winery 甘露酒厂位于智利中央山谷,由董·慕 查于 1883 年建立,被誉为智利最受欢迎的 葡萄酒旅游地。这里不仅有大面积的葡萄 酒庄园,还有酒窖、餐厅、博物馆、商店、 咖啡厅和庄主近百年历史的私人城堡。据说 当时董·慕查存放了一批好酒,后来发现有 人偷酒,他灵机一动,散布出酒窖中有魔鬼 的谣言,从此再也没人敢来偷酒了。众所周 知的红魔鬼品牌因此而诞生。甘露酒厂在 地下酒窖还专门为游客和红酒爱好者设计 了夜幕电影。参观完酒窖的最后一个环节, 便能听到两声类似警鸣的声音,随之清澈 的流水声传来,酒窖所有的灯光缓慢熄灭, 每行酒窖两端的墙上随之映出了绘声绘色 的红魔鬼卡通传奇电影,带给参观者阵阵惊 喜。想必慕名而来的游客正是因神秘传说和 酒窖下的传奇电影而来此一探究竟。目前, 红魔鬼系列葡萄酒在中国很畅销。 Concha y Toro Winery in Chile Central Valley, established in 1883 by Don Melchor, is known as Chile’s most popular wine tourism destination. The estate comprises large wine estates and wine cellars, restaurants, museums, shops, cafes and a private castle with nearly a century of history. It is said that in the 19th century founder Don Melchor kept a number of wines on the property, and one day when he found that someone had been stealing it he was inspired to spread rumors of a devil living in the cellar. No one ever dared to steal wine afterward. So, the popular Red Devil (Casillere del Diablo) label was born. Today, visitors to the wine cellar will sometimes hear two police alarms sound, then the clear sound of running water, and wonder as all light slowly fades out of the wine cellar, and on the walls appear a vivid Red Devil image. Tourists and wine lovers alike will certainly be attracted to a legend so mysterious, and a winery with such a long history. The Red Devil label is currently sold in China.

桑达瑞塔酒庄 + 幸福婚礼

Best Wedding Venue Santa Rita 著名的政治家兼企业家多明戈·费尔南 德斯·康查先生于 1880 年创建了桑塔丽塔酒 庄。酒庄坐落于迈波山谷,拥有 1616 公顷 的葡萄园,是智利出口高品质葡萄酒最大的 酒庄。酒庄由一片葡萄园、一个酿酒作坊、 一座城堡酒店、一个曾经救护过 120 个救 国义士的餐馆、一座陈列瑞卡度·卡罗私人 收藏艺术品的博物馆、一个漂亮的哥特式教 堂以及一个无边无际的百年纪念花园组成。 花园、教堂、葡萄酒、酒店,很难不让人联 想到幸福的婚礼场面。桑塔丽塔是一个非常 适合举办婚礼的葡萄酒庄园。自从德国建筑 师特奥多罗·伯查德重新设计整修了哥特式 教堂后,很多对新人在这个特别的地方举办 了甜蜜的婚礼。酒庄在百年纪念花园中为新 郎和新娘准备好马车接送,城堡酒店安排浪 漫新房,再开启一瓶为爱而酿的桑塔丽塔, 完美至极! Santa Rita winery was founded 130 years ago by the famous politician and entrepreneur, Don Domingo Fernandez. Located in Maipo Valley, with nearly 1616 hectares of vineyards, it is one of Chile’s most exported high quality wines. On the property is a vineyard, a wine shop, the Casa Real hotel, restaurants, art museums, a beautiful gothic church, and a beautiful Centennial garden. With gardens, churches, wine and a hotels, one can easily imagine this being the perfect wedding scene. Since German architect Teodoro Burchard redesigned and refurbished the neo-gothic church, it has attracted many guests who are looking for a wedding venue. A ceremony in the gardens, a stay in the romantic Casa Real Hotel, and a bottle of wine from Santa Rita Winery – What more do you need?

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阿玛纳庄园 + 蓝色幻想

Best “Fantasy” - Amayna 阿玛纳庄园隶属于加斯塞瓦家族,1997 年建庄,起初只是个 种植园,2002 年正式建立庄园,被称为“蓝色幻想”葡萄酒庄园。 庄园位于智利寒冷的酿酒区雷达峡山谷,是雷达峡山谷独有的高 档精品庄园,距离太平洋只有 14 公里。独特的海洋风土,独创的 酿酒技术,使这家庄园更加富有神秘感和吸引力。酒庄深入山中, 外形神似不远处起伏的波涛。围绕酒庄的景致犹如世外桃源。阳 光明媚、江山如画、湖光山色、蓓蕾初开、蜂蝶共舞, 漫山遍野的葡萄藤,美得是如此不真实。闭上双眼, 伸开双臂,便能深深感受到卡萨布兰卡的鸟语花香。 在这样的环境下生长的葡萄酿成的葡萄酒带着新鲜 的花香,例如阿玛纳蓝色幻想系列在中国市场很是 畅销。 Amayna Manor, established in 1997, started as a plantation farm and now belongs to the Garcés Silva family. In 2002 the estate was formally established, and is now known as “The Blue Fantasy” winery. The manor is located in a valley that lies between the Coastal Mountain Range and the Pacific Ocean and runs parallel to Chile’s Central Valley. Its gentle coastal hills are characterized by poor soils and very dry climate. The winery’s architecture is inspired by its environment, the gently rolling hills surrounding it. The area also determines the different levels within the winery, which allow for a gentle handling of the grapes and musts. The unique customs of the sea give the manor an air of mystery and attraction. Amayna’s Blue Fantasy series is very popular in the Chinese market.

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CCD: 2012 感恩尊享晚宴盛大落幕

Encounter the Orient; Ignite the World 1 月 14 日,深圳瑞吉酒店迎来众多全 球顶级酒店、设计界的精英,艺术家和鉴赏 家,到场贵宾一同分享亚洲地区最为成功 的、专注于国际品牌酒店室内设计的 CCD 在 2012 年全球酒店设计业百大排名中位列 第四的喜悦。香港郑中设计事务所(CCD) 在此举办“聚绘东意 耀赏西境”——只因 有“您”感恩尊享晚宴,CCD 首席执行官 兼设计总监郑忠先生率领他的主力团队同 贵宾们一一分享了获奖作品的设计巧思, 其中最令人叹为观止的是摘得有“室内设 计界奥斯卡”之称的金钥匙大奖的项目—— 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店。CCD 迄今已为十余 家国际著名酒店管理集团的一百多家豪华 酒店提供室内设计及顾问服务。 On January 14, 2013, Cheng Chung Designs (CCD) held the event “Encounter the Orient; Ignite the World - Tribute Banquet in Your Honor” at the beautiful St. Regis Shenzhen. Important figures in international hospitality, design elites, artists and connoisseurs were invited to share in the celebration for CCD which was recently ranked fourth among 100 Hospitality Design Giants in 2012, as decided by renowned American publication Interior Design. In addition, CCD also took home the award for best suite (Lijiang Pullman Resort & Spa) in the annual hospitality competition the Gold Key Awards, known as Oscars of the interior design world. CCD offers professional, highend interior design services, consultation and solutions to more than 100 hotels of over 10 global hospitality groups, such as Starwood, Marriott, IHG, Raffles, Hilton, Accor, ShangriLa etc.

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Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East Opens 1 月 10 日, 万 豪 国 际 集 团 旗 下 拥 有 323 间客房的上海金桥红枫万豪酒店开业迎 宾,成为该品牌在中国的第 62 家、在上海 的第 20 家酒店。上海金桥红枫万豪酒店位 于浦东核心区域,毗邻两大主要工业园区, 多家世界五百强企业在华总部均坐落于此。 酒店距上海新国际博览中心仅五分钟车程, 从上海虹桥国际机场和上海浦东国际机场前 往该酒店也十分便利。从开业之日起至 8 月 31 日,酒店推出多项优惠活动:所有万豪 礼赏会员可获得额外积分奖励;连续入住酒 店 2 晚或以上的宾客均可尊享每晚 1480 元 起的客房优惠价格,且包含免费自助早餐; 开业会议套餐优惠价格每日每位 488 元起。 On January 10, 2013, Marriott International announced the opening of the 323-room Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. The hotel is the brand’s 62nd hotel in China and the 20th in Shanghai alone. Located in the heart of Pudong, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East is close to two major industrial parks which are home to the China headquarters of many Fortune 500

companies, and is just a five-minute drive from the Shanghai New International Expo Center, a popular venue for high-profile regional and domestic trade shows and exhibitions in eastern China. The hotel is easily accessible from both Pudong and Hongqiao international airports. To mark its grand opening, Shanghai Marriott Hotel


1 月 15 日,2013 春季北京耀莱奢华品 牌文化巅峰论坛暨尊享展于北京三里屯耀莱 新天地举行启动仪式。2013 耀莱巅峰论坛 组委会与此次论坛的招展商务合作伙伴北京 波之鸿国际文化传媒有限公司及媒体合作伙 伴代表《优品》杂志进行了战略合作签约仪 式。2013 春季耀莱巅峰论坛将于 5 月 17 日 至 18 日在北京国际饭店会议中心举行。该 论坛是中国首次奢华品牌专属巅峰对话,期 间将云集奢侈品行业高端商务观众,借力产 经类和高端生活方式类媒体的传播,为中国 奢侈品行业打造立体、精准、高效的商务交 流平台。

China Luxury Forum

1 1. 耀莱巅峰论坛发布会现场郑浩江先 生、郭颖女士、石磊先生、潘雪小姐、 欧阳超松先生一同举预祝巅峰论坛圆 满成功 2. 耀莱巅峰论坛发布会现场郭颖女士 与潘雪小姐进行商务合作伙伴战略合 作签约



Pudong East is launching a series of special offers that are valid until August 31, 2013. These include bonus points for Marriott Rewards members; guests are entitled to free buffet breakfast for a minimum consecutive stay at two nights from CNY1,480; plus an opening meetings package from CNY488 per person per day for a stylish meeting room.

3. 耀莱巅峰论坛发布会现场郑浩江先 生、郭颖女士、石磊先生、徐晖先生、 马克先生、潘雪小姐、欧阳超松先生 一同启动巅峰论坛

On January 15th, the Beijing Sparkle Roll Luxury Brands Culture Pinnacle Forum 2013 Spring and Noble Exhibition Launching Ceremony was held at Sparkle Roll Plaza in Sanlitun Village, Beijing. At the event, the Forum’s organizing committee signed contracts of cooperation with Bosstrong, a cultural media company, and Trading UP, a high-end luxury lifestyle magazine. Beijing Sparkle Roll Luxury Brands Culture Pinnacle Forum 2013 Spring will be held from May 17th -18th at the Beijing International Hotel’s Conference Hall. The Forum will be China’s first luxury industry gathering, where elites of the industry will appear and discuss the trends and developments. The Forum will commit itself to create an accurate, effective and multichannel platform for business communication.

LifeStyle 117


ENZO 新年贺“彩” ENZO Celebrates the New Year 色彩炫目的彩色宝石产品是以彩宝见长的 ENZO 新年季盛礼回馈的主角。无论是购买钻 石还是彩宝,ENZO 都会奉上丰厚的彩宝赠礼。 一直以来,ENZO 力求将色彩之美发挥到淋漓 尽致,红之热情,蓝之纯净,粉之浪漫,紫之 神秘,绿之安详……ENZO 以时尚精巧的设计 和最上乘的品质来装点新年,彰显出女性的个 性魅力与高贵优雅

Party Queen 系列:雅天妮的派对主张 Artini Party Queen Series 在派对季节,霓虹摇曳的假日灯饰、闪烁夺目的首饰、 闪耀着欢愉与梦想光芒的饰物让城中女性为之倾倒与期 待,这也是国际时尚配饰与精品先驱品牌雅天妮“Party Queen”系列的设计灵感来源,让每一个佩戴雅天妮饰 品的女性在各种假日聚会上都能焕发出光彩照人的魅力。

欧米茄 Aqua Swing 华贵珠宝倾情上市 Omega Unveils Aqua Swing Collection of Fine Jewelry

欧米茄 Aqua Swing 系列华贵珠宝近期倾情上市。新系 列华贵珠宝以 18k 黄金、18k 红金或 18k 白金打造而成, 表面经抛光打磨或镶嵌有璀璨美钻,此外还有两种引人 瞩目的全新材质可选:白色或黑色陶瓷。Aqua Swing 系 列不可思议的多样变化源于丰富的叠戴创意:将不同宽 度、不同材质,镶钻或无钻的款式天衣无缝地组合在一起, 形成完美配搭

戴比尔斯钻石珠宝情人节爱之献礼 De Beers Jewelry Presents Wondrous Valentine Gifts 在情人节这个意义非凡的珍爱时刻,戴比尔斯钻石珠宝 以钻石的璀璨光芒颂赞爱情的真挚与永恒。简洁优雅的 A DIAMOND IS FOREVER 玫瑰金戒环刻有戴比尔斯的 经典名言“A Diamond is Forever”(钻石恒久远,一颗 永留传),带给亲密爱侣至真至美的璀璨光芒,彰显触 动心底的浓浓爱意。


Vertu 推出全新 Signature Zirconium 系列 Vertu Releases New Signature Zirconium Series

高端手机领军品牌 Vertu 推出 全新 Signature Zirconium 系列。 新款手机专为追求完美的睿智 人士设计,全部在英国手工制 造。Signature Zirconium 不遗 余力地关注细节,由此造就的 顶级手机数量必然非常有限, 使得这款手机成为稀有珍品。 中国市场零售价为 147000 元

富士将推 X20 和 X100s 两款机型 Fujifilm Will Launch the X20 and X100s Digital Cameras

今年富士公司将会推出 X20 和 X100s 两款机型。这次 固件升级最大改进之处在于传感器和取景器:X20 采用 全新的 X-Trans 传感器,而 X100s 将配备 240 万像素 OLED 取景器,使画质更加清晰锐利,并增加了数字图 像分割功能,有利于对焦功能的提升。X20 和 X100s 最 早会在 CES 2013 会展前亮相。

宾得 Q10 中国全面上市 Pentax Q10 Debuts in China

宾得 Q10 这款人气爆棚的可换镜头数码相机终于登陆中 国。此次上市的宾得 Q10 机身共有两款颜色:红色与银 色。在机身设计上,Q10 沿袭了宾得 Q 家族小巧复古的 经典造型,并增加了手柄设计,让使用者握持感更佳。 Q10 机身配 02 号变焦镜头套机价格为 4330 元。同期上 市的 06 号高性能长焦变焦镜头的官方价格则为 1980 元。

诺基亚 2050 在中国正式上市 Nokia 2050 Officially Hits the Chinese Market

诺基亚新趣系列新产品诺基亚 2050 近期在中国正式上 市。作为诺基亚目前唯一一款配备专用 QQ 功能键及邮 件功能键的产品,诺基亚 2050 采用全键盘设计,支持 双 SIM 卡,并首次融入诺基亚独有的快速蓝牙分享功能, 具备超高性价比,为消费者提供更加高效、便捷的社交 体验。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 英国航空让儿童旅行充满乐趣 British Airways Makes Flying Fun for Kids

英国航空公司宣布在 2013 年将投资新产 品及服务,提升儿童旅客机场及空中娱 乐体验。在伦敦希思罗机场 5 号航站楼, 儿童旅客即将看到装饰一新的儿童区。 英国航空还和微软合作,为儿童旅客提 供 最 新 技 术 的 游 戏, 同 时 数 以 千 计 的 Skyflyer 儿童礼品包里还提供了故事书、 装有蜡笔或笔的抽绳文具袋。

北京国锦轩: 粤膳美馔演绎经典食潮 Cuisine Cuisine: New Interpretations of Classic Cantonese 香港美丽华集团旗下顶级粤菜食府国锦 轩坐拥京城 CBD 商业核心之地,新春佳 节之际国锦轩携多款精致粤港菜式,再 次为京城食客呈现融合传统与创新的正 宗星级粤港精膳。国锦轩秉承品牌优良 传承,在菜式出品上注重融入养生理念, 精心甄选食配以秘方调制的配料,确保 每一道菜式的完美呈现,足以有资格和 信心引领京城新一股粤膳风潮。

北京金宝汇购物中心: 非定制不专属 Beijing Jinbao Place’s Exclusive Deals 北京金宝汇购物中心着力打造独具特色 的高端定制品牌购物环境和定制体系服 务。来自意大利的顶尖男士定制品牌奇 顿、克莱利亚尼、亚捷奥尼、圣东尼和 来自英国的传统手制皮鞋巴克尔等都是 金宝汇引进的世界级名品,为那些追求 卓越品质及渴望体现个性的顾客提供了 更多更好的选择,也让每一位顾客见证 和享受到欧洲沿袭了数百年的精致服务。

罗贝拉侨福芳草地旗舰店荣耀开幕 La Perla Parkview Green Flagship Store Opening 罗贝拉旗舰店近期在北京侨福芳草地盛 大开幕。旗舰店的设计概念来自米兰名 设计师 Buratti & Battiston,完美体现了 女性的柔美、优雅和灵动。其独特且空 前的设计理念与店铺橱窗内展示的意大 利著名画家米罗·曼纳拉之名画不谋而合, 此画作风格性感且前卫,结合店内柔和 的灯光、蕾丝镶嵌的玻璃和丝质地毯, 为顾客营造出浪漫且具亲密感的购物体 验。

依玛传递意式温暖, 引领冬季供暖新风尚 Immergas: Italian Heating Systems Warm up Winter

意大利高级定制游艇 桑罗兰佐进驻中国市场 Sanlorenzo Custom Yachts to Enter Chinese Market

意大利的品位和设计无处不在地展示着 意大利人对美好生活的追求。意大利依 玛壁挂炉独具领先的数字电路控制技术 不仅可满足多居室的高效采暖需求,还 可根据需求实现单个房间单独供暖,更 加节能,为用户带来更加舒适的体验。 家用壁挂炉的燃气热水的热能传递模式 比价电能更加节省,热能转化率高,比 电暖和空调要节能 20%,采暖成本更低。

意大利顶级游艇桑罗兰佐近期正式进驻 中国市场并在北京成立代表处,委任杨 栩女士为中国区代表。桑罗兰佐一直秉 承品质重于数量的理念,根据每个客户 的不同要求为其量身打造独一无二的高 品质游艇,目前拥有艾美利亚和维亚雷 吉奥两个建造基地。桑罗兰佐中国也将 在三亚设立代表处。

利快 homestore 春季新品萌色当道 Likuai Homestore Pastel Colors for Spring

百味来助力意大利代表队亮相 第 18 届哈尔滨国际雪雕比赛 Barilla Sponsors Italian Team at 18th Harbin Ice Festival

利快 2013 年新品全面亮相。五颜六色的 糖果色、透明且有质感和圆润饱满的造 型是今年春季新品的主要特色。以萌色 为信号,利快的春季新品彰显出令人愉 悦的颜色和造型。从本季开始,色彩绚 丽的垃圾桶、地垫、推车等更具软装功 能的大个头产品也成为春季家装的新面 孔。

全球最大的意大利面制造商百味来集团 于元旦期间积极赞助意大利代表队参加 第 18 届哈尔滨国际雪雕比赛。荣获纪念 奖的雪雕作品“意大利面”以百味来五 种不同形状的通心粉为灵感(包括蝴蝶 型、贝壳型、螺旋形、尖直花形以及烟 斗型通心粉),完美演绎了意面雪雕的 灵性和神韵,为中外游客奉上了一场别 样的视觉盛宴。

卡慕爵士乐与干邑的化妆晚会 完美举办 Camus Jazz &Cognac Masquerade

皇家雪兰莪牵手著名设计师杨明洁 推出茶具系列 Royal Selangor Launches Tea Set Series

卡慕爵士乐与干邑的化妆晚会近期在卡 慕酒廊完美举办。精心装扮的卡慕会员 们在法国 Bianca 五人爵士乐队悠扬的音 乐中品醇酒享佳肴。幸运抽奖把整个活 动推向了高潮,22 个奖品带给贵宾朋友 们无数惊喜。专为贵宾朋友们开启的一 款陈酿 35 年的卡慕干邑原浆,其迷人的 香气征服了在场的所有贵宾。

全球首屈一指的锡鑞名家皇家雪兰莪与 中国知名设计师杨明洁先生将携手打造 一套名为“知竹常乐”的茶具精品系列。 该系列包括茶壶、茶杯、茶叶罐、茶筅、 茶盘和茶食小碟,设计巧妙融入竹子的 造型、纹理和质感,既体现锡鑞柔韧的 特性,也充分利用了竹片隔热和防撞特 质,因此无论是外观设计还是功能上, 均让锡鑞和竹子这对创意组合呈现全新 面貌。


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海新桥绿地逸东「华」酒店: 除夕团圆宴 Eaton Luxe, Xinqiao, Shanghai: Reunion Dinner

During the Spring Festival, family members get together and have a reunion dinner to celebrate. Two festive set dinner menus are exclusively designed for you. Delightfully presented dishes include mushroom soup with matsutake, braised calf rib in black pepper sauce, steamed pearl grouper and more, expressing good wishes to you! Tel: +86 21 2309 8888 ext 2316 / 2304

重庆凯宾斯基酒店 : 新酒店,新餐厅 Kempinski Hotel Chongqing: New Restaurants

The new Kempinski Hotel in Chongqing has recently opened and offers six fabulous innovative restaurants and bars of different styles, including an artistic buffet with modern design elements, a Hong Kong style Chinese restaurant, as well as the city’s first in Bavarian style beer house, Thai restaurant, and the elegant Kempinski lobby Dining Lounge. Tel: +86 23 8688 8888 ext 6813

深圳福朋喜来登酒店:爱的故事 Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen: A Love Story

Bring your loved one to China Spice Restaurant to enjoy a 6-course set menu specially presented for Valentine’s Day. The romantic modern Chinese cuisine will take you back to a sweet memory, and the unique lake view from the suite will inspire romance in anyone. Tel: +86 755 8359 9999

上海扬子江万丽大酒店 : 年夜饭小资讯 Celebrate Chinese New Year at Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze Hotel

To c e l e b r a t e C h i n e s e N e w Ye a r with your family and loved ones, our executive chef will prepare local set menus for guests. We provide you with wide selections of New Year Courses from RMB 4288 net per table. Tel: +86 21 6275 0000 ext 2282

上海国丰酒店银锄轩 : 中式尾牙宴 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Annual Dinner Set Menus

From Jan 1 – 31, 2013, for an occasion where nothing less will do, our annual dinner set menus are the perfect choice whether for company annual dinner or family reunion dinner. All menus are set for a 10-person table and include 2 bottles of imported wine. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 7086

上海大宁福朋喜来登酒店 : BBQ 烧烤自助,特色国际美食盛宴 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Daning: BBQ Feast & International Dinner Buffet

Savor a delicious BBQ buffet feast ever y weekend with live cooking stations featuring lamb chop, kebabs etc. Or try the international dinner buffet with seafood featuring Asian, Western, hot, cold and a chef’s station ready to prepare delicacies fresh for you. Both come with the special treat of four complimentary grilled oysters. Enjoy with friends or family in the comfortable surroundings of the café. Tel: +86 21 2602 2222 ext 6748

银川凯宾斯基酒店:年夜饭 Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan: Spring Festival Menu

Mr. Ka Kui Wang, the Chinese Master Chef, has designed a Spring Festival menu reflecting his vision of creating healthy but exciting and tasteful delicacies without neglecting the roots of the Chinese cuisine and with great attention to the presentation and the quality of its ingredients. Tel: +86 951 516 5888

上海龙之梦大酒店 : 全日餐厅冬季火锅 The Longemont Shanghai: Hot Pot Special at O2on2

The Longemont Shanghai’s O2on2 All Day Dining restaurant is now serving a delicious mini hot pot set to enjoy individually, allowing you to pick your favorite soup ingredients and condiments from our superb menu of imported sliced meats, the freshest seasonal vegetables, home-made noodles, mushrooms and a variety of sauces. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220

民族饭店:豆蔻花开春味浓 Minzu Hotel Welcomes Valentine’s Day and Food Festival In February, though the weather is still cold, spring flowers have already bloomed at Minzu Hotel, where exquisite cuisine awaits you on Valentine’s Day. With the background piano crooning and trilling from time to time, you can simply savor the moment. Also at Yin Pin Restaurant, celebrate the early beginning of spring with the Green Health Food Festival. Showcasing the Chinese delicacy sea cucumber, Yi Pin Restaurant hopes to cater to your tastes and energize your body with the essence of sea cucumber this spring. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店 : 美洲主题自助餐 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao, L’Atrium Restaurant: American Themed Buffet

昆山瑞士酒店瑞士咖啡厅: 情人节浪漫晚餐 Swissotel Kunshan, Café Swiss: Romantic Dinner on Valentine’s Day

上海宏泉丽笙酒店 : 浪漫情人节 Shanghai Hong Quan Radisson Hotel: A Romantic Valentines Day

上海花园饭店 : 欧陆法式餐厅 Shanghai Okura Garden Hotel: Continental Room

Aiming to take our guests and their taste buds on a trip around the culinary world. Every Friday evening between January and March, an American themed buffet will be served at L’ Atrium restaurant. Immersed in authentic cooking styles from across the ocean, with many all time American favors on offer, including imported beef and Mexican style cuisine. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300 ext 3711

On February 14, 2013, the Radisson’s Terrace Café cordially invites you and your spouse to enjoy a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner buffet for two, live bands, European-style dinner, champagne, roses, and several special desserts for a wonderfully romantic Valentine’s Day experience. Tel: +86 21 5355 9999 ext 3777

上海新世界丽笙大酒店旋景餐厅 : 旋景璀璨情人节之夜 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World, Epicure on 45: Valentine’s Day Dinner

Planning a perfect Valentine’s Day evening with your beloved one? Then the ideal place to be is Epicure on 45! This revolving restaurant on the 45th floor of the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World offers lovers a sweet Valentine’s memory with its romantic setting for this special day. Epicure on 45 features a 5 course couples menu, including two cocktails, either before or after the dinner. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4007

Celebrate the most romantic occasion, Valentine’s Day, with your love at Café Swiss. The mood is per fect with candlelight, sweet chocolates, beautiful roses, sparkling wine, plus an extravagant buffet dinner. Live entertainment will add a touch of romance. All couples will receive a small gift with good wishes. Tel: +86 512 5788 5998

This restaurant, uniquely designed in French style, mixes simplicity and modernity. The black chessboard-like marble floor with walls decorated in leather squares provide a stylish and luxurious environment for our guests. French delicacies can be enjoyed while overlooking the bustling metropolis and flourishing garden by day, or the city’s glittering lights by night. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5111

杭州凯悦酒店:金蛇献瑞舞盛世 凯悦佳肴迎新禧 Hyatt Regency Hangzhou: Celebrate The Year Of The Snake

Celebrate Chinese New Year at Hyatt Regency Hangzhou and enjoy a gourmet range of Executive Chef John Zhou’s new specialities and menus, created to signify wealth, health and prosperity, including a ‘Pot of Treasure’ Set with various seafoods. This selection of auspicious Chinese delicacies is available from 7 to 16 February, for diners to usher in the Chinese New Year. Tel: +86 571 8779 1234

上海锦沧文华大酒店 : 融汇中西经典 舞动舌尖愉悦 Shanghai JC Mandarin: East Meets West Fusion Menu

上海红塔豪华精选酒店:浪漫之夜 情迷 Danieli’s 意大利餐厅 Hongta Hotel, Shanghai: Cupid Strikes at Danieli’s

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 FOODS 餐厅: 新春自助餐 Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, FOODS Brasserie: Chinese New Year Special

世博洲际酒店巴赛丽餐厅 : 爱情蜜炼术 InterContinental Expo, Shanghai, Basilico: Heart Melter

Tr y the tantalizing Fusion Menus created by Western Executive Chef Michael Rauter and Chinese Executive Chef Chan Po Sang from Hong Kong. Immerse yourself in different recipes to experience the diversity of taste. Book two persons or above, get a complimentary bottle of house wine! Monday to Saturday 5:30pm-10:00pm. Tel: +86 21 6279 1888 ext 5306/5307

Enjoy FOODS’ adventurous collection of international favorites, highlighted with a selection of Cantonese specialties in celebration of the Chinese New Year… and while adults eat, drink and make merry, kids are invited to a special activity corner for an evening of creativity and delight. FOODS offers the best of Asian and Western tradition in an urban, rustic setting. Tel: +86 20 3813 6888


Surprise your special someone with a five-course Valentine’s Day dinner served in candle-lit splendour at Danieli’s on the 39th floor, from 5:30 pm to 10 pm on February 14, 2013. It includes one glass of Champagne each upon arrival. Ladies will be pleased with a rose on arrival and men will be offered a complementary gift of the hotel’s handmade chocolates. Tel: +86 21 5050 4567 ext 6370

Treat the one you love to a seductive four course Valentine’s dinner while soaking in the stunning views of Huangpu River. Savor individually matched wines with each course and move over to Liquor Factory for a free Love cocktail! Couples: Win a chance to celebrate your wedding ceremony at InterContinental Expo with an exciting price RMB 5888 net per table! Tel: +86 21 3858 1228

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Serena Café at the lobby floor of the Hotel Nikko Shanghai presents Valentine’s Day four-course menu on 14 February 2013. In addition to the specially themed menu, each couple will receive a box of homemade chocolates. Or enjoy the setpackage: Valentine’s Day four-course set dinner at Serena Café and one night stay in a Deluxe Room or in an Executive Suite. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999

上海裕景大饭店: 荣获“绿色旅游饭店”金叶级殊荣 The Eton Hotel Shanghai Wins “Green Hotel” Award at Gold Level

The Eton Hotel Shanghai has been awarded the Green Hotel Award at Gold level by the China Tourist Hotel StarRating Committee. The award recognizes all effort to make The Eton Hotel Shanghai a leader in caring about the environment and preserving our natural resources. Tel: +86 21 3878 9888

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店邱吉尔吧 : 荣获《美食与美酒》“2012 BEST50 中国最佳 Club & Bar”大奖 The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou’s Churchill Bar Among Food & Wine’s Best 50 Clubs & Bars

The Churchill Bar at Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou Hotel was awarded the”2012 BEST 50 best Clubs & Bars in China” award by Food & Wine magazine. As China’s most authoritative restaurant ratings awards event, the 2012 BEST 50 held a gorgeous ceremony in Shanghai. Possessing the largest number of single malt whiskies and cigars in the city, the Churchill Bar was confirmed as one of the best spots in town. Tel: +86 20 3813 6827

上海世博洲际酒店 : 荣膺绿色旅游饭店“金叶级”殊荣 InterContinental Shanghai Expo Awarded “China Green Hotel”

InterContinental Shanghai Expo is awarded the “China Green Hotel” certificate as recognized by the China Tourist Hotel Star Rating Committee, presented here (from left to right) by deputy general manager Irene Wang, director of engineering Tommy Yuan, general manager James Koratzopoulos and hotel manager Larry Lv. Tel: +86 21 6838 9498

王宝和大酒店 : 喜获“国际饭店业优秀品牌奖 ” Central Hotel Shanghai Awarded “Excellent Brand of International Hotel Industry”

Central Hotel Shanghai recently won the “Excellent Brand of International Hotel Industry” award, issued by International Hotel & Restaurant Association and China Hotel Industry Association at the “China Hotel Industry Golden Awards” which were held at the China Hotel Industry Culture Festival, by virtue of its excellent brand image, unique cuisine and personalized service concepts. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 80841

北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店 : 冬日温暖特惠 Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town: Winter Promotion

Winter promotion package from 1st Jan, 2013 to 28 Feb, 2013: Guests who book a Club Room and above room categories will enjoy a 60-minute SPA Massage, including Chinese Body Massage; Chinese Foot Massage; Aromatherapy Massage and Asian Blend, as well as Executive Floor benefits. Advance reservation is requested. Tel: +86 10 5909 6688

济南贵和皇冠假日酒店:晚宴派对 Crowne Plaza Jinan City Centre: Black Tie VIP Party

The luxurious, seductive and exclusive Black Tie VIP Party was held at Crowne Plaza Jinan City Centre last month. Including a red carpet, cocktail reception with buffet settings, and Monte Carlo Casino Games such as Poker, Black Jack and Roulette. An international DJ and laser shows also entertained. Tel: +86 531 8602 9999

无锡灵山元一温泉 : 洗尽铅华 返璞归真 Wuxi Lingshan YuanYi Hot Springs

Wuxi Lingshan YuanYi Hotspring is just 2 minutes away from the Doubletree Resort by Hilton Wuxi-lingshan. Located in the west of Lingshan Scenic Area and nestled amongst charming natural scenery, it is a perfect remedy to soothe your mind and relax your body. The hotspring covers 66,700 square meters and is divided into 7 characteristic areas to meet guests’ different health needs. Tel: +86 510 8535 6666

深圳君悦酒店:完美浪漫情人节 Grand Hyatt Shenzhen: Happy Valentine’s Day

A magical Valentine’s Day awaits you at Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, where guests can choose from a range of enchanting dinner settings, including among others The Show Kitchen, with a buffet of exquisite cuisines, and a Red Valentine Party at The Penthouse with special Champagne offer and a selection of Valentine’s day themed cocktails. Tel: +86 755 8266 1234

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 : 中餐厅李伟杰师傅现身电视节目 《洋厨房》 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: Chinese Executive Chef Lee Weijie Made a Show at ICS’ “You Are The Chef”

Recently, Chef Lee took part in ICS’ famous TV show “You Are The Chef” and introduced his five courses of Guangdong cuisine to the audience. Chef Lee started his career in Hong Kong in the 1980s, and chooses only the best and freshest ingredients to make food. Now, his authentic cuisines are available at the China Court Chinese Restaurant at Sheraton Pudong which also provides traditional Guangdong dim sum and Shanghai style cuisine. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2830


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店 : 新春奢华礼遇 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: Chinese New Year Luxury Package

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店 : 消防演习 防患未然 Pullman Shanghai Skyway Conducts Fire and Evacuation Drill

What are your plans for Chinese New Year? Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental o ff e r s a l u x u r y C h i n e s e N e w Ye a r Package for those who are seeking a unique and memorable Spring Festival experience. Including one night stay at the Luxury Room with a sumptuous buffet breakfast. To sweeten your stay, we threw in a RMB 500 voucher which you may use in any of our restaurants. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1628

To maintain its high safety standard levels for all guests and employees, Pullman Shanghai Skyway conducted a routine fire and evacuation drill on the end day of 2012. Once the alarm sounded, hotel on-duty staff from each department evacuated the building in order through the designated exit passageways and gathered in the hotel’s assembly areas. The drill served as a reminder of the importance of the hotel’s emergency procedures. Tel: +86 21 3318 9988

广州天河新天希尔顿酒店: 尊享美食 Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe: Grateful Appreciation

上海金茂君悦大酒店 : 金蛇迎春,悦赏佳节 Grand Hyatt Hotel Shanghai: Golden Snake Spring Festival

周末新蓝图套餐 : 玩乐香港,休憩深圳喜来登 Design Your Weekend - Shopping at Hongkong, relaxing at Sheraton Shenzhen

三亚海棠湾喜来登度假酒店 : 缤纷浪漫平安夜,乐享节日盛宴 Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: Christmas Eve-Happiness

Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe launches several guest appreciation packages including: On Sundays, @ 2 Café will be offering a set-package lunch and dinner including delicious foods and free flowing drinks; tempting and nourishing hotpot specials; and several Spring Festival packages for families on Chinese New Years Eve. Tel: +86 20 6683 9999

Staying connected while traveling is easier than ever! Design your own weekend trip - shopping and fashion in Hongkong, and relaxing at the Sheraton Shenzhen including breakfast, afternoon tea, and evening cocktails. You can also indulge with our fitness center and garden view outdoor swimming pool. What could be more convenient for you? Tel: +86 755 8383 8888

港中旅维景携手中国银联掀开“梦 幻酒店季” Metropark partners with China UnionPay: “Dream Hotel”

From December 20, 2012 - March 31, 2013, Metropark Hotel will have benefits and send a special gift to cardholders for staying a continuous 3 nights in Metropark Hotels in Hong Kong, Macao and Sanya, or a mainland hotel for 2 nights. And, every Monday two or more selected guests will receive meal vouchers in the hotel’s restaurants. Participants must have a UnionPay card, including debit card, credit card or a Platinum and above. Tel: +86 400 669 0000

泉州万达文华酒店: 荣获酒店行业双殊荣 Wanda Vista Quanzhou Wins Two Awards in 2012

As Wanda Hotels & Resorts’ first luxury hotel in the Haixi district of Fujian, the Wanda Vista Quanzhou has caught everyone’s attention. Awarded “Best New Business Hotel” at the 2012 Sino-Foreign Hotel Awards and “Best New Hotel” at Travel&Leisure Magazine’s 2012 Travel Awards, it has certainly received the industry’s recognition! Tel: +86 595 6829 8888

The Shanghai Grand Hyatt Hotel brings you a taste of vitality and good luck for the Year of the Snake. The hotel’s three restaurants have prepared a variety of holiday dinners, international buffets, Cantonese cuisine and Shanghai food, so that no one will be disappointed. Special entertainment will be sure to leave you and your friends with warm memories, as we start this new chapter of our lives. Tel: +86 21 5047 1234 ext 8676

The low temperature in Sanya did not affect people’s passion for celebrating Christmas! On 24th Dec, 2012, Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort offerd a grand Christmas Eve Buffet Dinner. Chef How presented traditional Christmas Cuisines and Eggnog for guests. The party also included Santa Claus, a fun Matchmaking Show, lovely choir performance and exciting lucky draw. All guests enjoyed a memorable Christmas Eve. Tel: +86 898 3888 3850

台湾知名艺人林宥嘉 下榻福州中庚喜来登酒店 Taiwanese Artist Stays at Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel

Fuzhou, Fujian, China, January 2013 Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel EAM Mr. Bart van den Brink warmly welcomes Mr. Yoga Lin Youjia, the famous Taiwanese artist, during his stay at the hotel for his Fugue Concert Tour in Fuzhou. Tel: +86 591 8855 6666

三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店: 时尚缤纷婚礼周,浪漫相约凯宾斯基 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya: International Wedding Week

With blue skies and warm sea water providing the background in the paradise of Sanya, Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya hosted the Sanya International Wedding Week from 12 to 16 December. More than a hundred wedding professionals came from top wedding planning companies to learn about trends and the latest designs from event and wedding designer Mr. Preston Bailey. Tel: +86 898 8865 5555


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Duck and Cover 荷兰鬼才艺术家弗洛仁特珍·霍夫曼的 巨型橡皮鸭不分国界,不歧视任何人,也没 有政治立场。这只亮黄色橡皮鸭可爱又友 善,还有治愈作用,能缓解全世界的紧张气 氛。别看它胖胖笨笨的,身躯有 5 层楼那 么高,但是已漂游大阪、奥克兰和圣保罗等 十几个城市。每当它游进港口,都会一路微 微颔首,向到场的每一位示意。最近大黄 鸭又奔赴悉尼情人港,亮相 2013 悉尼艺术 节的开幕庆典。以大黄兔等巨型公共艺术作 品而著称的霍夫曼说,他要的就是“一鸣惊 人”。

128 LifeStyle

Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman’s The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn’t discriminate against people and doesn’t have a political connotation. The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relieve mondial tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages! And it is now coming to Sydney for the Sydney Festival 2013. This charming giant duck is five stories wide and has been floating around in cities as diverse as Osaka, Auckland and Sao Paulo. When it approaches the harbor, it will slowly nod its way to acknowledge everyone present. According to the artist, “its purpose is to do no more than amaze.” Florentijjn Hofman is well-known for his outsize installations of slightly surreal objects such as a big yellow rabbit and a fat rabbit.

Wisdom Wins the World 智 行天 下


南腔北调· LifeStyle

Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


2012 年九月号 总第 316 期



Xu Jinglei Happy Wherever

China’s Dining Cities l Shanghai Swank l Watches that Go Deep l Moonage Cakedream l On the Hunt in South Africa

王继良 继古开今 独标一路

Wang Jiliang An Innovator of Chinese Ink Wash Painting



Dining Cities 顶级酒店美味中秋 Moonage Cakedream

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元




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