南腔北调· LifeStyle
2013 年一月号 总第 324 期
何洁 人生有时很简单 J. He: The Life Unadorned
The Prophets of 2013 l Greek Treat l Smooth Sailing l Poly-Rhythmic Designer l Keep it Basic l Asia’s St. Moritz
家稀奇古怪酒店 各有各的怪诞
Quirky Quarters
酒店 餐饮 健康 游艇 腕表 时尚
预测 The Prophets of 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
Wisdom Wins the World 智 行天 下
www.markbose.com.cn 2
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
Editor’s Note
请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活
The January cover is a shot of Singer J. He, by Matjaž Tančič Dresses: Blue Erdos Scarf: ILARIA (Jinbao Place)
Improve Yourself
让生活更美好 在过去的一年里,我们的世界面临了诸多挑战。对于一本时 尚杂志来说,我们既不能解决全球变暖问题,也无力把欧洲从债 务的泥潭中拉出来,甚至对北京的城市建设也没有任何影响力, 我们只期望通过不懈努力来提升读者的生活品味。以下便是我们 在 2013 年对读者朋友的期待。 诚然,我们希望每一个人都有漂亮的房子住,有漂亮时髦的 衣服穿,能够吃得健康,还能做到绿色出行,此外有足够的闲暇 时间去欣赏戏剧演出、参观博物馆,每年至少有三次旅行,但现 实却是很多人为了更加成功,几乎把所有的时间都用来工作。然 而他们并未意识到只需简单的改变就能让这个世界更加美好,下 面就为大家介绍几个可以让生活变得更美好的小妙招。 首先,打造悦人外表。既然你有能力买得起豪车,那么改变 行头自然也不费力。停下追逐街头时尚的脚步,选择经典简约搭 配风格,高品质的衣料以及灰色、白色和海军蓝这些能衬托人气 质的颜色。那些经典服装和配饰会令你永远时髦动人。我相信每 个人都能找到剪裁完美的海军夹克和西服套装、有型的衬衣、帅 气的卡其裤以及靓丽的拷花皮鞋。 其次,打造清新口气。别忘了随身带几颗薄荷糖,也许你受 不了那味道,但它会让跟你在一起的人感觉更好。 再其次,讲究饮食。少饮烈性酒,适当饮用优质葡萄酒。为 防止喝过量,每次只准备一口量。没人愿意醉酒,更不想忍受宿 醉的痛苦。选择有益健康的食物,摒弃垃圾食品,此外体育锻炼 是十分必要的。尽量多走楼梯,少乘电梯;在距离家或办公室还 有一段距离时下车步行。
Countless challenges face the world this year. But at our magazine, we are not going to get too far in solving Global Warming, making Europe solvent, or improving the urban plan of Beijing. We do hope that we can move toward rectifying our reader’s lifestyles. So what do we hope that you can change about your life in 2013? Sure, we wish everyone would live in a historic residence, ride a bicycle, dress in a tweed suit, eat organically, have enough spare time for operas and the museum, and travel for leisure at least three times a year. But we realize you spend almost all of your time working, always trying to become even more successful. There are some very easy things you can do to make the world a better place for yourself and those who you meet. First of all, start looking good. It is as easy as it was to go buy that expensive car. Dress in a more basic, classic style. Reject fashion trends with all purchases. Wear more navy, gray, and white and choose high quality fabrics. Buy clothing and accessories that will never go out of style and will last a lifetime. Every man can get buy with just a perfectly cut navy blazer, two pairs of khakis, perfect brogues, a few solids shirts, and a well-cut suit. Second, smell good. Always have strong breath freshening mints on hand. You might not like that flavor, but people will definitely find it easier to be near you. Third, taste only the best. Drink less hard liquor and more fine wine. Ask for tasting size servings though. Everyone knows there is no point in getting drunk or having a hangover. Eat only high quality things. There is no point in wasting your daily caloric count on junk food. Walk up the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Let your driver drop you off when there is still a block left to the office and walk it. You need the exercise. Forth, improve your environment. It’s easy. Just get rid of that awful white hospital lighting. Switch to yellow lights. Things just got a lot better. These are just some of the many easy steps you can take to make your life better.
最后,试着参与改变我们的环境。其实这并不难,只要我们 平时避免使用光线太强或太白的灯,黄色柔和光能够大大改善我 们的生活环境。 Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
速递 014 瑞吉限量版旅行袋
中国酒店业的大腕齐聚头,各话产业新 动向以及新年大动作
设计灵感源于当今新贵族旅行文化的 The Grand Tourista 限量版旅行袋
064 人生有时很简单
026 海浪餐厅 雅典比雷埃夫斯·卡赖斯卡基斯体育场 V’Ammos 餐厅复制了海浪运动形态, 你可以边享受美味边看足球比赛!
034 艺术也玩恶作剧 与一些倾向于实用性的设计风格不同, 伦敦概念派艺术家兼设计师罗尔夫·萨克 斯的作品模糊了艺术与设计的界限
040 约翰尼斯·托普: 跨界设计鬼才 人们总是称呼我疯狂的精神分裂者,早 上设计家具,下午设计网站,晚上没准 沉迷于包装设计
特辑 044 预测 2013 让我们带着美好的憧憬, 聆听来自餐饮、 美容、保健及其它行业的专家对中国市 场 2013 年发展趋势的预测及展望吧
054 2013 大腕预言新趋势: 上扬锐不可当
对情歌手何洁来说,音乐舞台只是生活 舞台的一部分,她相信做简单的人,就 会拥有简单快乐的人生
068 原生态的幸福
5 位极具代表性的年轻设计师将传统手 工艺与原生态元素作为设计突破点,为 我们呈现一种原生态的幸福感
享乐 080 各有各的怪诞! 从混凝土污水管道到拜占庭时期的洞穴、 英格兰乡间的云中屋,这些稀奇古怪的旅 馆定会给你带来终身难忘的入住体验
102 周末度假有新宠, 长白雪乡暖融融 万达长白山国际度假区秉承人与自然 和谐共处的理念,打造世界顶级度假 体验地
LifeStyle 7
014 Travel with Jason Wu
Singer J.He
068 Simple Pleasures
Traditional Chinese handicrafts
St. Regis partners with Jason Wu
026 Spartan Space
080 Strange Bedfellows
034 Arty Artifice
102 Ski in China
Distinctively eccentric hotels
Dine in action
A fantastic weekend getaway at Changbaishan
Interview with Rolf Sachs.
040 Dashing Dane
A profile of Johannes Torpe
044 2013: Predictions
Trends from our society experts
054 Hospitality Trends 2013
Top hoteliers predict
064 The Simple Life
096 WineClub 110 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu
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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li
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10 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14
Destinations / P.18 品味之约
Luminaries / P.22
英国雕塑家尼克·菲迪恩 - 格瑞恩的 标志性巨型马头雕塑 Nic Fiddian-Green’s sculpture in England
LifeStyle 13
The Grand Tourista Bag 瑞吉酒店及度假村携手著名华裔设计师 吴季刚推出 The Grand Tourista 限量版旅行 袋,设计灵感源于当今“新贵族旅行文化”。 这款售价为 1995 美元(约合人民币 12430 元)的肩背袋,以黑白千鸟格图纹帆布配搭 黑色牛皮饰边,内有两个人造丝/真丝夹层, 适合装平板电脑、电子书及护照。里层皮革 饰边印有瑞吉标志压纹。吴季刚是继阿根廷 马球明星纳乔·菲格拉斯之后的第二位瑞吉鉴 赏家,这是他首次以旅行为主题专门为瑞吉 酒店及度假村设计时装配件。世界各地的宾 客可通过“瑞吉狂热迷”活动购买高贵典雅 的限量版旅行袋。 Jason Wu recently revealed his new Grand Tourista Bag, designed exclusively for St. Regis Hotels & Resorts with a fresh generation of luxury travelers in mind. This marks Wu’s first product created expressly for travel, and is also the first accessory designed specifically for the St. Regis brand. Jason Wu said of the collaboration, “I see St. Regis as both a classic and a modern name, which I feel is an apt description of my brand,” and also added that St. Regis stands for “impeccable style that can stand the test of time.” The bag itself is a sleek shoulder tote crafted in refined black and white houndstooth on canvas with black leather trim, giving off a timelessly elegant feel, and retails at $1,995. www.stregis.com/boutique
14 LifeStyle
Time Machine
澳大利亚弗林德斯大学的心理学家花费 25 年时间研制出有望 用于防止时差反应的眼镜。这种高科技眼镜通过模拟自然光线对 人体生物钟的调节来改变佩戴者的睡眠类型,以减轻或避免时差 综合症带来的各种不适。这对于经常在世界各地飞来飞去的“空 中飞人”来说绝对是个好消息。此款眼镜不仅使用起来简单方便, 白色简约的外观设计也颇有未来感,目前售价为 259 美元。 Looking like a futuristic pair of glasses, the Re-Timer claims to readjust your internal body clock, thus preventing jet-lag. This would seem to be a boon for those international jet-setters who are flitting between trans-continental parties, possibly with a hangover. The Re-Timer was developed by Australia’s Flinders University after 25 years of research and is available for $259. www.re-timer.com
LifeStyle 15
Safe Travels 拥有近百年历史的德国顶级奢华保险 箱品牌 Döttling 又推出守护者系列,这款专 为热爱旅行的人士打造的保险箱可以收纳 随身携带的价值连城的手表、珠宝和重要文 件。保险箱由用于防爆设备的顶级高科技材 料制成,其坚硬程度仅次于钻石,堪称绝对 安全。外形尺寸仅为 35x13.5 厘米,重量 仅有 4 公斤,可轻松装入旅行箱。 How can you ensure security while traveling? Buy the Guardian from luxury safe maker Döttling. This is a travel safe intended for people who like to travel with valuable watches, jewelry or documents. The safe is constructed out of high-tech materials that are also used for anti-riot equipment, ensuring that it cannot be destroyed even by the largest sledgehammers. Due to its compact design of just 35cm x 13.5cm, and weight of only 4 kg, the safe can be placed within a suitcase for more discretion. www.doettling.com
16 LifeStyle
Ring My Bell
一枚让钟表收藏家们趋之若鹜的百达翡丽珍品前不久现身安帝 古伦名家收藏之现代及古董时计纽约拍卖会。作为传奇式手工精制 钟表制造商推出的最复杂款式之一,这枚百达翡丽天文历三问铂金 腕表(编号 5016)制于 1999 年,配备一分钟陀飞轮调节器、逆跳 万年历及月相功能。这枚极精致、独特的红黑双色表盘腕表估价在 50 至 70 万美元之间。 One of the most desirable wristwatches for collectors was recently auctioned off at Antiquorum. The iconic Patek Philippe reference 5016 was introduced in 1999 and is one of the most complex wristwatches made by this legendary company. A thick platinum case contains an astronomic, minute-repeating tourbillon movement that also incorporates a retrograde perpetual calendar, and moon phase. Not only that, but the dial is a highly rare black and red. Estimate is ranging from $500,000-700,000. www.antiquorum.com
LifeStyle 17
Dining Express “旅客”主题餐吧位于西班牙首都马 德里以时尚前卫著称的马拉萨尼亚一带, 白天它是咖啡厅,晚上变身为摇滚酒吧,其 空间设计是著名拉美裔设计师帕洛里奥及 其团队的最新力作。设计师充分利用餐厅狭 长的空间,打造了一列上世纪 30 年代老式 火车车厢。餐吧最大的亮点在于窗外变幻的 景色,几个大“窗户”其实是平板显示器, 变幻的景色则是不断播放的流动画面,营造 出乘坐火车旅行的感觉。坐享流动时光是西 班牙影像艺术家弗兰格尔别具一格的创意, 你可以在这里边品尝美味鸡尾酒边与朋友 聊天。 Resembling a 1930s luxury train, The Passenger is the latest addition to a global network of retro-inspied cocktail bar/restaurants. Designed by Parolio, the inspiration came from the narrow but wellappointed spaces of vintage trains. Located in the trendy Malasana neighborhood of Madrid Spain, the clubby interior is a fun and cozy place to imbibe cocktails. The real fun however, are the video screens which mimic the movement of a train: these videos are programmed to have a constant synchronized stream of video playing creating a feeling of looking out the window of a moving train. This video art was created by Spanish video artist Franger especially for the restaurant. www.parolio.com
18 LifeStyle
Drink to Zen 发源于巴黎香榭丽舍大街的佛陀酒吧 是一家餐饮与夜店文化相结合的名店,标榜 高级质感与绝佳弛放氛围并充满东方神秘 色彩,如今把分店开到了充满贵族情调的伦 敦西区骑士桥区域。酒吧最大的亮点就是一 尊体形巨大的佛像,伴以弛放心灵、充满东 方韵味的情境音乐。绚烂的红色与金色大气 结合、高棉雕像、中国与日本的艺术品、装 饰精美的木质护墙板、华丽的纺织品以及葡 萄牙马赛克,更为酒吧增添了奢华与典雅。 Famous for their lounge music mixes, Buddha Bar has reopened in the exclusive Knightsbridge area of London. One can expect a restaurant and bar experience with Chinese and Japanese art objects, Khmer statues, decorated wood panels, lush reds and golds, luxurious fabrics and Portuguese mosaics all adding to the opulent surroundings. DJs will also provide the night’s soundtrack with their famous compilations. www.buddhabarlondon.com
LifeStyle 19
The Brightest Brogues
浅蓝绿色和黄褐色拷花皮鞋并非男人鞋柜的必 备单品,不过搭配得当的话,绝对会为你的整体装扮 加足分。O’Quirey 中国首家旗舰店不久前在北京新 时尚地标侨福芳草地购物中心盛大开幕,这个知名男 装配饰品牌专为追求品质生活的时尚男士推出了舒适 帅气的乐福鞋、优雅有型的孟克鞋以及其它或经典百 搭或潇洒不羁的鞋款。淡淡的彩色鞋子有极高的辨识 度,再加上尖头的鞋型设计,时尚惹眼却又毫不夸张。 每一双 O’Quirey 鞋子都采用欧洲优质牛皮,沿用 欧洲传统工艺在葡萄牙手工制造完成,甚至与英国国 宝级鞋履品牌 Church’s 出自同一家工厂,价位也 可以接受。 Brogues in light teal and mustard yellow are not wardrobe essentials, but they do add a quirky dose of energy and joy to an outfit. For those less determined to release their inner rainbow, O’Quirey, which just opened its first China outlet in the basement of Beijing’s Parkview Green shopping mall, offers a full range of captious, loafers, monk stapes, and other classic and more adventurous styles, all in slightly, but not overly, pointy lasts and using the traditional goodyear-welted, very hand-made, construction methods. Don’t be fooled by the unfamiliar brand name, O’Quirey is made in the exact same factory in Portugal, and with many of the same leathers, as famous British shoe maker Church’s. The price of these, however, will not brogue the bank. www.oquirey.com
20 LifeStyle
My Big Pony 作为雕塑家,尼克·菲迪恩 - 格瑞恩最出名的是他的 标志性巨型马头雕塑。这位英国艺术家 30 年来一直痴 迷于一个公元前 5 世纪的马头雕刻,创造出众多造型生 动的雕塑作品。这些令人赞叹的艺术品被安放在安东尼 奥·博尔扎伯爵的私人花园和伦敦市中心大理石拱门, 还被《哈利·波特》的作者 J.K. 罗琳、前披头士乐队鼓 手林戈·斯塔尔以及好莱坞著名影星汤姆·克鲁斯所收藏。 Obsessed for three decades with a fifth-century B.C. carving of a horse head, Nic Fiddian-Green has created numerous versions of this expression of equine power. Fiddian-Green’s sculptures may be found in as diverse locations as the private garden of Count Antonio Bolza, The Marble Arch in London and the private collections of J.K. Rowling, Ringo Starr and Tom Cruise.
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Luminaries 法国蒂姿香槟总裁法布赖斯·罗塞 特在北京布鲁宫法餐厅与我们 分享了他对于中国香槟市场的 看法。罗塞特先生是世界知名的 香槟专家,曾任职于路易王妃 等顶级品牌。 We had the opportunity to chat with Fabrice Rosset, Chairman and CEO of Champagne Deutz, over a dinner organized by China Wines & Spirits at Maison Boulud. Mr. Rosset is a true luminary of the worlds of wine and champagne, having served as Vice President at Louis Roederer and headed other leading brands. Text: Nels Frye
Sleeping Beauty Bubbles Forth 蒂姿香槟在香槟业的地位如何? 套用评论家的话,我们不是这个行业 里资格最老或规模最大的,但也许是品质最 好的。蒂姿是始创于 1838 年的家族酒庄, 品质是我们一直坚守的生命线,我们的葡萄 种植农户对这个理念也深深认同,毕竟香槟 的艺术是调配的艺术。 你们的香槟特别之处在哪里? 我希望我们的香槟酒,而不是我本人 或者我的言论成为关注点,而且酒类专家和 相关媒体都比我口才好很多,所以我不会用 每家酒庄都用的“最好”、“最棒”之类的 词语。我们的香槟香气馥郁、口感醇厚且品 质如一,多达十种不同的类型,口味独特, 层次多变。美食要有美酒配,我们的酒绝对 是美食的最佳拍档,相信它跟中国美食更是 绝配。 路易王妃水晶香槟跻身全球顶级香槟之列 有你的一份功劳,蒂姿的情况与水晶香槟的 情况有什么不同呢? 蒂姿曾一度是个“睡美人”,但现在 我们做了很多市场及品牌推广工作。我以前 的目标就是品质,但其实价格与品质相匹配 也很重要。我相信好酒配好价,贵总有贵的 理由,差酒再便宜也不值得去买。香槟的价
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格由市场来决定,路易王妃水晶香槟也是这 样。 你如何看待中国市场? 中国香槟市场尚处在发展初期,但香 槟是庆典活动不可或缺的主角。中国消费者 还只对主流、大众化香槟品牌比较熟悉,但 我相信蒂姿这种针对特定客户群的品牌会 成为市场的新宠。 What is the place of Deutz in the champagne market? We are not the oldest or the biggest of the houses, but perhaps one of the best, according to critics. We have been a family business since 1838 and quality has always been the obsession – one we transfer to our grape growers. After all, the art of champagne is the art of blending. What makes your champagnes special? Well, I would prefer to have my wines in the spotlight rather than me or my statements about them. Also, the words of wine experts and journalists are better than mine and I prefer not to rely on the usual set of superlatives employed by champagne companies. I think we stand for harmony of flavor, consistency of product. We also have
a great range of product, with 10 different champagnes, ranging from the creamy and approachable to the much more complex. We are also a favorite for pairing with food and thus adored by culinary types. I believe that it is also quite a good match with Chinese food. You previously helped make Louis Roederer “Cristal” into the most premium champagne on the market. How does that compare to your experience at Deutz? Deutz was a sleeping beauty and we have built it up quite bit. Like before, my goal is quality, but now I pay attention to value for money as well. I believe that a good wine is never too expensive while a bad one always is – and the market is what sets the price of Cristal. What do you think about the Chinese market? Well, it is still a very young one, but champagne is undisputedly the best drink for celebrations. People are still mostly familiar with the usual mainstream labels, but I believe there is a growing interest in niche brands like Deutz.
The Crossover Artist 在你的艺术生涯中,对你影响最深的人是谁? 7 岁师从当代著名书画家范婴子登先生,这让我的艺术生涯受益 匪浅。范婴子登先生是中国当代 50 位顶尖艺术大师之一,在他的启 蒙下,我从小就领悟了画从心生、相由心生的道理。他教我先学做人, 再学画画。说实话,他教给我怎么做人要比教我怎么画画更多。 你跟很多国际品牌有过合作,如何看待自己与众不同的跨界艺术?设 计灵感来源是什么? 设计就是要跨界,我已经跨了很多年了,每一项创作都是我玩的 心理和玩的方式在跨界。这也是我跟别人不一样的地方。近年来大家 都在寻找新的创意来跨界,我其实比较在乎原创性。无论跟什么品牌 合作,我都会非常细心地理解品牌的文化,深挖品牌最深层的东西, 然后找出品牌与中国文化对冲擦出的火花,玩出精彩,玩出与众不同 的原创味道。说白了,我会坚持自己原创的设计想法,不会被品牌所 左右。我的大部分灵感都源于对中华民族那种“情”和生活中的细枝 末节的那种纯粹,例如去年做的“龙·马·情”艺术展及跟法拉利合作的 法拉利“龙马”主题跑车中很多元素都突显了“情”。平常我也非常 热爱音乐,有自己的乐队。音乐对于我来说也是玩,但是音乐可以激 发我的艺术灵感。 你是如何理解“原创”这个概念的?中国设计何时真正进入原创时代 ? 我觉得“创意”就是“原创”。虽然中国的艺术正影响着世界的艺术, 但是真正进入原创时代仍需要一段很长的时间。中国的产品要真正走 向世界,不能永远停留在中国制造的阶段,而是要达到中国品牌或中 国创造的层面。任何一个设计师都有责任通过自己的原创作品将中国 传统文化及其当代价值推向世界。原创才是设计师的核心价值所在。 Who has had the deepest impact on your artistic career? I started to take painting lessons at the age of 7, under the guidance of Master Fan Tzu Teng, one of the top 50 art maestros in China, who laid a solid foundation in my pursuit of art. He taught me that it is even more important to learn how to conduct one’s self than to learn art, as well as the theory of physiognomy. Honestly, he taught me more life principles than painting techniques. We know that you’ve cooperated with many international brands, how would you describe your distinctive cross-boundary art? Where do the inspirations come from? Crossover is necessary for innovation. I have been engaging in it for many years. With a light heart and an attiude for fun, my style is different from others. I know in recent years many artists have been searching for new ideas to get crossed, but what I really care about is originality. Each time I cooperate with a brand, I try to understand its culture thoroughly, find connections between the spirit of the brand and Chinese culture, and create something different and exciting. During the process, I always stick to my original ideas and won’t be controlled by the brand. My love of Chinese culture and the delicate details of everyday life are the source of my inspiration for artistic creation. For example, last year’s Dragon·Horse·Love world tour exhibition and “Dragon·Horse” themed sports car designed in cooperation with Ferrari all highlighted the “love” element. In my free time, I love listening to music and also have my own band. I am inspired by the music. What’s your understanding of originality? When do you think will China enter the age of creativity? I believe strongly that creation is originality. Chinese art is influencing the world, but there is still a long way to go before entering the age of creativity, or originality. We should try to move from “Made in China” to “Created in China” or “Chinese Brand” concepts. Originality is the core value of a designer’s life and every designer has the responsibility to try to promote Chinese culture and value through his or her works.
跨界艺术家马兴文与兰博基尼、保时捷、 法拉利、杜卡迪、芝华士等国际知名品牌 合作,打造中国特色限量版,将中国传统 文化及其当代价值推向世界。 Crossover artist Simon Ma cooperates with various major international brands, like Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Ducati, Chivas, etc., creating limited edition art and design to promote China’s culture and value. Text: Eva Liu
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Scoop 路易威登推出中国风味葡萄酒
Louis Vuitton Family Launches Wine for Chinese Market 为满足中国消费者的味蕾,法国路易威登家族第五代传人沙华·路易威登先生特别创 立 XLV 系列葡萄酒,并于近期在香港推出了该独创品牌。XLV 旨在酿造一款水果风味、柔 滑单宁的葡萄酒以吸引中国消费者。尽管 XLV 团队强调该项目与 LVMH 集团旗下的路易 威登品牌没有任何关系,但这家奢侈品集团在中国的知名度势必会为 XLV 在中国市场建立 一定的客户源。该系列葡萄酒目前通过香港网络零售商 yeswine.com 进行销售。 A fifth-generation son of the Louis Vuitton empire has launched wine label XLV in Hong Kong developed specifically to cater to the Chinese market. This private label was developed with the Asian palate in mind, for drinkers who favor fruit-driven notes and softer tannins in red wines. Although XLV has no association with LVMH, the name recognition will be sure to make this a popular brand. The brand is available through Hong Kong-based online retailer yeswine.com.
Derek Lam’s Shanghai Launch 2012 年 11 月,在位于上海外滩的 Unico 餐厅,活跃于纽约时尚圈的著名华裔设计师德里 克·林为其副线品牌 10 Crosby 推出 2013 早春度假系列,成为首位在中国进行新品时装全球发 布的时装设计师。为迎合时下年轻人的网购潮流,10 Crosby 新品均实行网上销售。活动秀不 仅吸引了众多颇具影响力的媒体的关注,在微博上也引起极大轰动。 Last November, China’s luxury market got a modern overhaul as contemporary designer Derek Lam debuted the Resort Collection for his new line, 10 Crosby, becoming one of the first designers to choose China as a new collection’s global launching point. Lam unveilied the line at a party at Unico restaurant on the Bund. In another nod to Chinese consumer habits, the collection was made available exclusively online. The event brought plenty of leading local media figures and bloggers in, and attracted ample attention on Sina Weibo, implying a promising run for the collection in China.
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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
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Interior / P.30 设计师
Designer / P.34 跨界设计鬼才约翰尼斯·托普的灯光设计作品 Johannes Torpe’s NASA Club
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Greek Treat
雅典比雷埃夫斯·卡赖斯卡基斯体育场 V’Ammos 餐厅复制了 海浪运动形态,你可以边享受美味边看足球比赛! Located inside a stadium, V’Ammos restaurant is no sports bar. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: LMarchitects
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V’Ammos 餐厅位于希腊雅典的比雷 埃夫斯·卡赖斯卡基斯体育场内,设计师根 据海边体育场的位置特点,复制了海浪运动 形态。餐厅室内设计由希腊设计工作室 LM 担纲,试图营造轻快动感的用餐氛围,让客 人一尝居高临下的滋味。餐厅的天花板用波 浪九宫格呈现,日光透过格子折射出光影斑 驳的效果。 主用餐区面向赛场的墙面由景观玻璃 替代,以便客人将整个体育场的壮观景象尽 收眼底,而薄帘的配置则出于用餐私密性的 考虑。餐厅的木质柜台下方叠放了 300 个 金属蒸煮罐,在彰显个性的同时,不忘营造 极强的视觉冲击力。连洗手间也采用了相同 的金属蒸煮罐作为盥洗台,真是创意十足。
ocated inside the Piraeus Karaiskaki stadium in Athens Greece, V’Ammos Restaurant is shaped like a giant wave in reference to the undulating shape of the stadium itself. Designed by Greek firm LMarchitects the V’Ammos Restaurant’s dining atmosphere is light and has commanding views of the inside of the stadium. The parametrically designed structure is a waffle grid which creates a wave-like surface; natural daylight filters through some of the compartments, creating a dappled illumination. The main dining area’s layout allows for individual rooms which may be given additional privacy by drawing sheer curtains. A long glass wall along the entire one side of the restaurant overlooks the inside of the stadium. The bar is formed with an installation of 300 stacked cooking pots; the repetition of the design brings identity to the object itself while also forming a distinctive visual element. This motif is continued into the bathrooms where pots are used as water basins.
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Smooth Sailing
CRN 推出 60 米超级游艇 Darlings Danama, 全新的海上生活方式低调奢华,最重要的是安静舒适,不受噪音困扰。 A grand new yacht is long, luxuriant but most of all quiet. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: CRN
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全球最大的豪华游艇制造商法拉帝集 团旗下的 CRN 船厂建造的 60 米超级游艇 Darlings Danama,最近荣获著名游艇杂志 《Yacht & Sail》以及意大利国际工业设计 协会颁发的“2012 年船舶设计大奖”(动 力游艇组别)。船舶设计大奖会颁给当年最 具创新设计及最受欢迎的产品,其强大的评 委阵容备受关注,不但有游艇业专家,还有 国际知名的设计大师及各界名流,如意大利 顶级设计师乔治·阿玛尼、意大利针织品牌 米索尼掌门人维托里奥·米索尼以及威尼斯 市长乔治·奥尔索尼等。 受一位欧洲船主委托、用钢铝材料制 作的 Darlings Danama 是位于安科纳的 CRN 船厂 2005 年至今出产的第 6 艘 60 米 长的游艇。这艘超级游艇在 10.20 米长的船 舶平台上建造,这座平台曾经诞生过 CRN 126“蓝眼睛”和 CRN 128“Mimtee”等 豪华游艇。 Darlings Danama 拥有 5 间客舱和 1 个主卧套间,可以容纳 12 位宾主,外加 14 名船员。游艇配备了两台卡特彼勒 3512 发 动机(1455 千瓦及 1835 转速 / 分),最高 可达 15 节和 14 节巡航速度。游艇体积庞大, 船首呈现很漂亮的流线型,坐拥远眺视野。 Zuccon 国际项目工作室专业船舶设计师和 法拉帝通力合作,将优雅、性能和创新设计 和谐并存于一艇。 当然,低调奢华的感觉也来自于对游 艇空间细节设计的专注。在室内设计二人 组克里斯蒂娜和亚历山大·内格洛斯库以及 CRN 设计中心的共同打造下,圆形线条以 及别致的奶油色带来不一样的优雅感,流 畅的空间仿佛无限扩大并延伸至所有区域。 极简主义与装饰艺术理念优雅融合,呈现出 摩登现代的设计风格。 主人套房的独特之处在于其拥有消除 床边噪音的新设施。由 CRN 船厂与 Videoworks 以及马尔凯理工大学联合设计的新 系统能记录环境背景噪音并产生与之相反 的频率以消除声波,所有从床榻区域传来的 噪音都将通过一套麦克风系统被彻底消除。
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ecently awarded the prestigious Nautical Design Award organized by “Yacht & Sail and the Industrial Design Association, the Darlings Danama won in the coveted category of “Interior design-Motor Yachts”. The judging committee consisted of Giorgio Armani, Vittorio Missoni and the mayor of Venice, Giorgio Orsoni among others. The Darlings Danama was commissioned to CRN by a European client and is only the sixth 60 metre ship built from 2005 till today. It was built on a 10.20 metres naval platform, the same one used for other important 60m mega yachts manufactured by the shipyard of Ancona, such as the CRN 126 “Blue Eyes” 60 m and CRN 128 “Mimtee” 60m.
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This luxurious mega yacht can comfortably host 12 people, in 5 guest cabins and the master suite, plus 14 crew members. The boat is equipped with two Caterpillar 3512 B-Chp 1’455 kW@1835 rpm engines, which allow it to navigate at a maximum speed of 15 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. The slim and sleek bow and the imposing volumes, with wide spaces overlooking the sea, characterize this cream mega yacht. Its sleek lines bear the mark of Studio Zuccon International Project who worked with the manufacturer to design the ship. Indeed, this mega yacht was designed with particular attention on space and details, making it discreet but luxurious. Designed by interior design duo Cristina and Alexandre Negoescu who worked together with the CRN Centro Stile there is a dominance of circular lines and cream color schemes which accentuate the fluidity of the spaces. Taking inspiration from the Art Deco era, the interior manages to blend contemporary style with the grand sophistication of the past. In the Owner’s apartment, it is worth noting the new exclusive system that was especially designed by CRN in collaboration with Videoworks and the Polytechnic University of the Marche, to remove all sounds in the bed area. This system makes it possible to cancel “active noise”. Sound is totally annulled through a series of microphones that register environmental background noise and generate noise with opposing frequency to kill the sound waves.
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The Mischief of an Artistic Mind
与一些倾向于实用性的设计风格不同, 伦敦概念派艺术家兼设计师罗尔夫·萨克斯的 作品模糊了艺术与设计的界限。 Interview with Multi-disciplinary Designer Rolf Sachs. Text: Stella Fu Photos: Luchford APM
无论是作为国际知名投资商、艺术院校理 事还是德国某家族企业继承人,罗尔夫·萨克斯 总能光芒四射。不过,萨克斯当年下决心全力 追逐其艺术理想时,没人知道这光芒能否聚焦 在这个初出茅庐的小设计师身上。时隔 20 年后, 谜团已经解开,多才多艺的萨克斯已成为一位 颇具造诣的概念派艺术家兼设计师。 上世纪 90 年代中期,萨克斯在伦敦建立了 自己的工作室 fun c’tion,从此这里成为活力 迸发的创意中心,各种有关家具、灯光、装置 等天马行空的点子变成了实物。正如工作室名 称所寓意的那样,设计作品与观众建立起情感 的联系才是关键。用萨克斯自己的话说,他喜 欢通过重新定位和解读赋予一个标准物体新的 功能并创建新通道,观众和作品得以藉此建立 情感互动。
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萨克斯的作品总透着微妙的幽默和恋 旧的趣味,这也并不奇怪,当他创作时, 在他的眼睛里总能捕捉到恶作剧般的狡黠, 并带着孩童般的好奇与兴奋。举个例子说, 萨克斯的青年时期是在瑞士恩加丁度过的, 而他对当地文化显然有自己独特的见解,这 可从他名为 “射击心脏”的展览项目中窥 得一斑。射击心脏系列椅子的设计灵感来自 于阿尔卑斯椅,传统的阿尔卑斯椅靠背上总 有一颗“心”,萨克斯让当地的射击员射出 一个“心”的形状,巧妙地展现了瑞士古老 的射击技艺。 艺术一直以来都是萨克斯的主要灵感 来源,尤其是现代和概念艺术。受家庭收藏 古典艺术的影响,萨克斯的创意经历了从装 饰性较多到简约,再到概念化的转变。他认 为艺术和设计都是时代精神的反映,而概念 化是他找到最适合表达某些精神或情感的 语言,能超越物体本身与观众“对话”。 与一些倾向于实用性的设计风格不同, 萨克斯的作品模糊了艺术与设计的界限,由 此也引发了一个新问题:这种作品的市场化 接受程度如何?不过萨克斯认为,好的设计 对于他的工作室来说是摆在第一位的。只要 是好设计,就会得到市场的接纳,而且这也 被萨克斯与诸多知名企业携手合作所证实, 比如他用自己在 2011 米兰设计周的展览 “脉 冲”的概念为戴比尔斯钻石珠宝打造 2012 圣诞主题橱窗“光之气息”,营造出一系列 光影效果,将节日的气氛渲染得朦胧动人。 作为一名艺术爱好者,萨克斯在上世 纪 80 年代收藏了他第一批中国艺术品。随 后几次对中国的造访,让他对中国当代艺术 运动更为熟悉。中国艺术家们在国际艺术舞 台上日渐活跃的身影也给萨克斯留下了深 刻的印象,当然他很期待中国艺术家在设计 界也有所表现。萨克斯非常喜爱中国传统工 艺,在设计中热衷使用漆器。“中国技艺的 传统远胜过西方,认真做好保护和传承工作 至关重要。”萨克斯说。显然,只有细致入 微地观察事物,才会发出这样诚挚的感慨。
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n established international investor, trustee of worldrenowned art institutes and heir of a German industrialist family, Rolf Sachs has always been a man in the spotlight. However, when he decided to fully explore his long-standing passion for artistic pursuits, it was a mystery whether his aureole would continue to shine as he immersed himself in a new profession as a designer. Some twenty years later, the mystery is solved as this man of many talents stands as an accomplished multi-disciplinary designer. Sachs set up his studio, fun c’tion, in London in the midNineties. Ever since then, his studio has become a vibrant creative hub, where vivid ideas about furniture, lighting, installations and the like come to life. As reflected in the name of the studio, creating emotional connections between design and the audience lies at the heart of his work. In Sachs’ own words, he likes to take a standard object, give it new functions through reinterpretation and repositioning, and create a channel through which the audience can interact with the object on an emotional level. Indeed, Sachs’ work is never short of subtle humour and nostalgic playfulness. This does not come as a surprise if one has caught the mischievous gleam in his eyes, twinkling with almost childlike curiosity and excitement when on the subject of design. One of the many quirky examples would be his take on the culture of the Engadine region where he spent his youth, in his recent exhibition “Herzschuss” (“Shot to the Heart”). Lending their name to the exhibition as a whole, are the herzschuss series of chairs. Sachs drew on Switzerland’s long history of marksmanship, by wittily using local marksmen to shoot the heart-shaped detail out of the back rests of the seats. Art has been the main source of inspiration for Sachs since an early age, in particular modern and conceptual art. His creative direction underwent a transition from a more decorative approach, influenced by his family’s collection of classical art, to minimalism and eventually arrived at conceptualism. Sachs sees art and design as the reflection of zeitgeist. He finds conceptualism the most ideal language for him to express a certain spirit or sentiment, transcending the physical form of an object to speak to his audience. Unlike some designers whose balance tilts towards practical functionality, in Sachs’ work one observes a very blurred boundary between art and design. This brings the question of the extent to which his design can be commercialised for the market. To Sachs, he believes that making good designs is the top priority of his studio – once good designs are created, money will follow. This seems to be proven, given his collaborations with a number of wellknown companies, including his recent work for Linley and De Beers. In particular, his design for the diamond jeweller’s 2012 Christmas window display, “Breathing Light”, drew on the concept of the studio’s “In-pulse!” exhibition at the Milan Design Week 2011, where installations themed around breathing were presented. As an art lover, Sachs collected his first few pieces of Chinese art in the 1980s. He became more acquainted with the Chinese contemporary art movement following his subsequent visits to China. The rapidly growing presence of Chinese artists in the international art scene has left strong impressions on Sachs, which he has yet to see, but looks forward to, in the design world. A keen user of Chinese lacquer in his designs, Sachs has a great fondness for the craftsmanship in China. “China’s has a tradition of craftsmanship that is far superior to the West. It is crucial that this tradition is well preserved and continued by generations to come.” A closing remark Sachs made not without a certain heartfelt weightiness.
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约翰尼斯·托普 跨界设计鬼才
Poly-Rhythmic Designer “人们总是称呼我疯狂的精神分裂者,早上设计家具, 下午设计网站,晚上没准沉迷于包装设计。” Johannes Torpe is a polymath of design and is the new Creative Director for Bang & Olufsen. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Wang Torpe Design Studio
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全世界卖得最火的唱片之一。同时托普也是 一位高端音响发烧友,这点与其在 B&O 的 任职可算是个有趣的契合。 继丹麦和意大利之后,约翰尼斯·托普 工作室在中国也设立了办公室,作为其在 亚洲地区的总部,提供概念设计、室内设 计及品牌认证、品牌专卖店系统解决方案。 托普的职业生涯多姿多彩,他还爱为时尚界 服务,汤姆·福特、杜嘉班纳、塞安斯和罗 伯特·卡沃利都是他的客户。 托普最重要的 灵感来源于孟斐斯 设计运动,这个颇 具趣味性的设计流 派的代表人物是索 特萨斯和迈克尔·格 雷夫斯。尽管托普 给 B&O 做 的 设 计 并不像他的灵感那 样绚烂夺目,但仍 透着一丝玩味儿。
与诸多科班出身的设计师不同,约翰尼斯·托普并没有接受过严 格的训练,少了很多条条框框,他的创新立意愈加天马行空,特立 独行。 半丹麦半爱尔兰血统的托普进入灯光设计领域是源于自己对照 明设计的浓厚兴趣。他敏锐地发现绝大多数的室内空间都被不讨人 喜欢的日光灯充斥着。2012 年,托普被任命为丹麦奢华视听品牌 B&O 的全球创意总监。这位跨界设计鬼才的作品极为丰富,从建筑、 家具、灯光、室内到时尚、平面及工业设计都有涉足,更重要的是 还拿奖拿到手软。“人们总是称呼我疯狂的精神分裂者,早上设计 家具,下午设计网站,晚上没准沉迷于包装设计。”托普就是这样, 不走寻常路。 音乐是他最重要的爱好之一,这也成就了他的音乐人经历。为 夜店做设计是托普设计生涯的开始,哥本哈根闹市区最红火的夜店 “NASA”的室内设计就是出自其手,这个以性感为主打元素的 90 年代复古迪斯科天堂为后来托普“横跨”各大洲奠定了坚实的品质 基础和业界口碑。托普与其同父异母的 DJ 兄弟鲁尼·雷利·考尔兹也 合作过不少作品,并且获得过 16 项丹麦 DJ 大奖、2 项 BMI 音乐奖 以及让人梦寐以求的丹麦格莱美大奖,《ENUR Calabria》是他们在
Unlike the majority of designers, Johannes Torpe has not had formal training. That is to say, he is a creative maverick in a field of creative mavericks. Half-Danish, half-Irish, he got his start by being interested in lighting design which he feels is the bane of most interiors--most places, he notes, are full of unflattering fluorescent lights. As of 2012 Johannes Torpe has been appointed as Creative Director of Bang & Olufsen. A multi-disciplinarian designing everything from architecture, furniture, lighting and interiors to fashion, graphic and industrial design he has garnered awards for many of his projects. One of his primary interests is music, namely dance music intended for the dark interiors of nightclubs and appropriately enough his inventive interior design for the Copenhagen nightclub NASA was the launch pad for a career that has taken him across continents. Indeed, he also cooperates with his half-brother, DJ Rune Reilly Kolsch on many projects; together they’ve won 16 Danish DJ awards, 2 BMI awards and the coveted Danish Grammy. One of their worldwide number one hits was “ENUR Calabria”. Indeed, he is also a recovering audiophile which makes his appointment at B&O particularly interesting. With offices in Denmark and Italy and now China, where he established his Asian headquarters for Johannes Torpe Studios, he is now delivering thought-provoking solutions in concept design, interior design, brand identities and branded spaces. Although his works span many disciplines, Johannes Torpe has also designed for the fashion world including designers such as Tom Ford, Dolce & Gabbana, Costume National, and Roberto Cavalli. Chief among his inspirations is the Memphis Group, the playful Post-Modernist school of design exemplified by icons such as Ettore Sottsass and Michael Graves. Although his own work for B&O is not as colorful as his inspiration, the designs still evoke a sense of whimsy.
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Structure News 成都:至柔兰溪庭
Nature by Design: Lanxi Curtilage
In Progress: The Blue Planet
在丹麦首都哥本哈根卡斯楚普码头区 域,一座名为蓝色星球的海洋馆正在兴建 之中。其外观设计模仿急流的水纹,如同一 个巨大的海上漩涡,墙壁屋顶均呈连续的弧 形。海洋馆的创意来自丹麦著名的 3XN 建 筑师事务所,设计师希望为人们带来一个 充满魔幻梦境的未知世界。项目预计将于 2013 年完工。 Denmark’s new aquarium, The Blue Planet, is shaped as a giant whirlpool. The walls and roof form a single, continuous flow. Designed by 3XN, the aquarium is located in Kastrup, Denmark. The Blue Planet is expected to be completed in 2013.
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由创盟国际担纲设计的兰溪庭位于成 都国际非物质文化遗产博览园,这座建筑将 中国传统南方庭院进行了全新演绎,分为餐 厅、内部庭院和私人俱乐部三个部分。高低 错落的坡屋顶是连绵起伏的山水的隐喻,波 纹状墙体是对水的概念化呈现,代表自然中 至柔的概念。设计师用实体材料模拟水的形 态,形成一种颇具文学意味的建筑语言。 Located at the International Intangible Cultural Heritage Park in Chengdu, Sichuan province, and designed by Archi Union Architects Inc., the Lanxi Curtilage is composed of three parts: a restaurant, an inner courtyard and a private club. Its layout represents a new interpretation of a traditional South China garden. The silhouettes of the building’s roof embody rolling mountains and rivers, and also function as metaphor of traditional Chinese sloping roof culture. The design of the ripple wall is derived from the interpretation of water, a flexible yet natural conception. The wall mimics the transient behavior of water, which allows a literal architectural expression of the nature.
别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
预测 2013
2013: Predictions / P.44 2013 中国酒店业新趋势
Growth Unabated: Hospitality Trends 2013 / P.54
太原万达文华酒店 Wanda Vista Taiyuan
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2013 Predictions 2013 已经向我们走来。 让我们带着美好的憧憬, 聆听来自餐饮、美容美发、 保健及其它行业的专家 对中国市场新的一年发展趋势 的预测及展望吧。 Friends of LifeStyle give us their forecast for China in the year 2013 – trends for dining, drinking, beauty, leisure and life from our designers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and a fengshui master.
The Aquariva by Gucci and Riva, designed by Mauro Micheli, to celebrate the fashion brands 90th Anniversary in 2010
马诺·米歇里 和塞尔吉奥·贝瑞塔
Mauro Micheli and Sergio Beretta
世界著名游艇设计师,30 年来一直是 Riva 豪华游艇设计团队的核心人物。他与商业伙 伴塞尔吉奥·贝瑞塔一起创建了意大利设计 室,两人不久前到访过三亚,并希望以中国 市场为目标打造新一代 Riva。
One of the most distinguished yacht designers in the world, Mauro Micheli has led the design team of Riva yachts for decades. Together with business partner Sergio Beretta, he runs Officina Italiana Design. Mauro and Sergio recently visited Sanya and are prioritizing the China market as they conceptualize the next generation of Rivas.
“在世界经济不景气的大背景下,中 国奢侈品市场却逆势上扬,其原因在于购买 奢侈品是一种投资方式。但欧洲游艇业举步 维艰,市场重心正在转向巴西和美国。我们 期待明年意大利游艇在中国的销量继续保 持增长势头。 中国是游艇产业的新兴市场,虽然短 期内销量不会增长太快,但会一直保持稳定 增长势头。值得一提的是有两家大型中国造 船厂寻求与我们合作,这是一个非常重要的 信号,有望打破长期以来人们认为中国抄袭 意大利游艇设计的观念。心态和思维方式的 改变意味着市场在很短的时间内就会异常 活跃起来。 难就难在要让中国人明白拥有豪华游艇 不仅是一个人成功的标志,也是豪华生活方 式的组成部分。另外,中国人不像欧洲人那 样喜欢把自己晒成古铜色,而且很多人不擅 长游泳。当然,对于已经拥有游艇的人来说, 他们得学会接受与之相匹配的生活方式,并 懂得船艇的维护保养。单是为了炫富而去购 买一艘游艇是绝对不行的。” “Luxury products have not suffered from the recession as much as the overall market; a luxury item is more like an investment. Still, the yachting industry is experiences some difficulties in Europe, which just means the focus of the nautical market is moving to other places like Brazil and America. We expect China to be strong for Italian design as well. A very young market for yachts, China is changing fast. There will not be huge sale increases in the short term but growth is steady. Interestingly, two major Chinese shipyards recently requested our design services, which we found to be an important sign, given that everybody usually thinks China just copies Italian brands. It’s a big change in mentality that reveals how much energy has been created over a little time. The challenge is to let Chinese people understand that the boat is both a tangible symbol of personal success and part of the “lifestyle”. Of course there are some deep challenges like the fear of being out in the sun – Chinese don’t love tanning like Europeans do - and the fact that many people don’t know hot to swim. They have to learn how to take care of the boat, and live a similar lifestyle-not just buy one because they can”
Du Shunjie 国学易数生活应用家,土生土长的台湾人, 在北京已经生活了 3 年。他精通中国传统 哲学思想,尤其擅长将《易经》应用于生 活,为多家集团、建筑设计公司担任谋略、 策划顾问及风水顾问。 Raised, educated in Taiwan, Feng Shui master Du Shunjie and has lived in Beijing for three years. His passion is for applying traditional Chinese philosophy, particularly from the Book of Changes, to modern life in a scientific way. He works with numerous Chinese corporations as well as architecture and design companies as a strategist and consultant, helping clients maximize their potential, while understanding hidden subtleties.
“就家庭生活来说,人们更加注重健 康和养生。如今社会发展迈入了一个新的阶 段,不断追求更高质量的生活成为这一时期 的特点,其中尤其注重家居陈设的外观与内 在品质。金玉其外败絮其中的劣质品已被人 们抛弃。奢侈消费时代翻开了新篇章,越 来越多的消费者喜欢标新立异,与众不同, 但珠宝和线香这类具有历史感和自然气息 的产品将会更受欢迎。 人们愈加追求内心的平和安宁,不再 仅仅满足于朝九晚五的生活。从文化意义上 讲,人们渴望一种全新的生活方式,例如台 湾诚品书店在杭州开设了分店,书店 24 小 时营业,随时为热爱知识的人们提供一方天 地。许多台湾偶像剧曾在此取景拍摄,在这 里知识与浪漫邂逅,描绘出不一样的人生风 景! 女性地位的进一步提高也是一大特点, 会有越来越多的女性活跃在商业、政治等各 个领域。唯一的不和谐音符就是令世人震惊 的丑闻和谣言将会更多。”
北京赛瑞迪普空间设计有限公司 的家住代表杜顺杰老师所追求的质感
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“In home life, we will be emphasizing healthy living. We are at a point at which people pursue real quality. Especially with furniture, the feel will be more important. Things that look beautiful but are made of poor materials will not longer be favored. This is a new chapter in our current age of luxury – most consumers will still just seek something new, but products with a history or natural materials will be more popular; especially jewelry and incense. People pursue inner peace and tranquility now – they don’t just work all day. Culturally, they seek a new way of life. For example, Taiwan’s Eslite Bookstore just opened in Hangzhou. Eslite is a 24-hour bookstore that welcomes the intellectual crowd at all times of day. Just look at how many Taiwanese idol movies were shot there; it’s a place where knowledge and romance meet to form a new way of life! Another trend will be the continued rise of women; there will be more woman entrepreneurs and social and political activists. On a more unsavory note, worldwide scandals and gossip will increase in 2013.”
The Tourbillon Collection includes models for each of the elements: fire, earth, water and air.
Serge Michel
镂空表品牌 Armin Strom 董事长 兼首席执行官。
Based in Biel, Switzerland, Armin Strom is a watch company that prioritizes simplicity, function, and hand craftsmanship. CEO Serge Michel is now bringing the brand to China.
“继大尺寸腕表之后,传统尺寸的小 巧腕表重新回归流行趋势,但我认为更加 吸引眼球、彰显个性的大尺寸腕表不久后 会再次走俏,而各种新材料的应用也将成 为一大卖点。过去人们佩戴腕表的目的是 为了获知准确的时间,而我希望融入多样 新元素的腕表能再次流行。 中国一直是瑞士钟表的重要市场,中 国消费者走在了腕表风尚的前列。他们更 喜欢尺寸稍大、设计更加繁复的腕表,较 之以往更加注重个性,因此我期待像 Armin Strom 这样的镂空表之王也能赢得他们的青 睐。当然,与名气同样重要的是品质。 Armin Strom 是一个独立品牌,对市场 的反应也更加迅速。由于所有设计与生产 都是独立完成,因此更具创新性。中国社 会有其特殊之处,我们必须了解中国文化, 学会中国人的思维方式,此外由于中国地 域广大,我们必须划分出很多市场区域, 例如北京和上海是两个独立的市场。”
Armin Strom Director and Chief Designer Claude Greisler with Serge Michel
“After many years of big and bulky watches, we have been returning to smaller and classic models. I personally think bigger watches will be back again in the near future. New materials – fusions of different materials – are going to be important also. After the classical years, in which not much more was requested than hour, minute and second displays, I hope people will again appreciate the wide spectrum of different complicated elements! Chinese customers are already setting the trends, as they are a huge clientele for the Swiss watch industry. They want the slightly bigger watches with more complications. I expect a trend towards smaller independent niche brands like ours since customers want to be unique amongst friends to show individuality. The quality will be as important as the brand. The independence of Armin Strom makes us flexible and fast. We can be very creative since we design and produce all our watch movements in-house. China is a different culture: different things than what is normal in Europe are no-goes in China. We have to learn and understand the Chinese culture and mentality. As China is a huge country we have to develop single markets within the market. We see, for example, Shanghai as one market and Beijing as another market.”
Feature 韩小红
Han Xiaohong 留德医学博士,慈铭健康体检管理集团总 裁,她是中国健康管理第一人,也是中国高 端定制私人医生概念创建者。 Han Xiaohong, CEO and President of Ciming Health Checkup Management Group, received her PhD in medicine in Germany and is now not only the principal figure in China’s emerging Health Management industry but also a leading creator of the concept of personal doctors in the nation.
看好,这一领域也有望成为未来行业内企业 竞争的着力点,不过由于高端医疗会所资金 投入巨大,对专家及资源整合的要求极高, 因此短期内难有较大发展。 与此同时,健康管理行业的定位依然 模糊,缺乏适宜的商业运作模式,加之人 才匮乏,总体来说,中国的健康管理产业仍 处于起步阶段。这也是迄今这一行业仍无真 正强有力的巨头出现的原因。未来的行业巨 头必将出自拥有丰富体检经验的企业之中, 只有它们才能将体检和医院完美嫁接。由于 健康管理是一个庞大而复杂的工程,因此 短期内像私人医生形式的健康评估和跟踪 医疗健康服务只能是针对高端的小众群体。 实际上,健康管理行业更进一步的发展依然 取决于政策走向。”
“伴随社会需求的增加、国家政策扶 持力度的增大以及体检市场的日渐成熟, 社会体检机构将加快发展步伐,为此体检 行业将会有大发展。普通人对体检的认知 度进一步提高,体检意识将会越来越深入 人心。由于一线城市体检市场尚未饱和, 二线城市对健康的关注与需求日益增长, 因此健康体检市场潜力巨大。未来的体检 将更具个性化、更有深度和广度,体检将 会上升到防止猝死以及各种癌症、慢性病 和心脑血管疾病的意义上来。 此外,随着更多的资本和人才涌入这 一行业,设备、人才和管理的升级将成为 行业关注的重点。随着全方位的深度体检 需求的日益增加,融合了酒店、医疗、餐饮、 养护等各项服务的高端医疗会所市场前景
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“Following society’s increasing demand, the support of the government and the rapidly maturing market, our society’s health structure is expanding quickly, and the industry is poised for huge growth. This industry already has the approval of the consumers, people’s needs are growing, and they are now recognizing what a checkup is and why it’s useful. I hope it can become a lifestyle. Right now, Ciming Checkup is still the market leader in our field; the first-tier city market has not yet been saturated, and second-tier cities knowledge on the subject is still growing, and peoples’ concept of health management and getting checkups is becoming more clear – because of all these factors, our industry’s potential is quite large. In the future, checkups will become more personalized, broader in scope and more in-depth, even covering prevention of chronic illnesses, cancer, and emergency due to high blood pressure etc. With people’s demand for health checkups increasing, we have combined the hospitality, medical, food & beverage and other service industries into a high-end medical field, and this will hopefully spur others to do the same and make the industry competitive in the future. However because the investment in this kind of business is extremely large, and the standards for our health experts are very discerning, it takes a lot of time and capital to get the industry moving. At the same time, the Health Management field’s exact stance is quite muddled at present, and is somewhat lacking in talent and suitable operational methods – in general the Chinese health management industry is still in its developing stages. Overall, next year will certainly hold big growth for our industry, but the next big step in Health Management really depends on government policy.”
Pearl Cheng 曾是台湾知名演员和电视节目 主持人,现任瑞宝康健科技发展 (北京)有限公司总经理,经营 领域涉及健康休闲、能源环保、 金融保险和企业咨询,是一位成 功的商业女性。 Pearl Cheng is a woman of many roles. A former Taiwanese actress and television host, and now a successful spokesperson and businesswoman, she is the manager the Reborn Group, Beijing, involved in everything from health and environmental protection to finance and consulting.
With a boutique hotel, serviced apartments, and office tower, Daci Temple in Chengdu will open in 2014.
Kieran Bowers 太古地产证券投资经理,还是颐 堤港的掌门人,这家北京新兴 高端购物中心位于 798 艺术区附 近,北京东隅酒店便落户于此。
Kieran Bowers is Portfolio Manager at Swire Properties, and the man in charge of the Beijing’s hottest new shopping center, Indigo, located right around the corner from 798 Art District and home to East Hotel.
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“在 2013 年及更远的未来,随着医疗改革的深入以及医疗保 险的普及,传统的“先付款,后治疗”的医疗模式将得到改变,患 病就医的担忧将得到缓解,急救服务质量和水平将有大幅提升。另外, 一直以来城乡医疗卫生服务水平的差距也颇受诟病,如今医疗保险 的政策体系和医疗服务体系的逐步完善使得这种差别在紧急时刻不 复存在。同时,国内各医疗机构的服务水平也日益提高,做到基本 与国际接轨。无论你身在何处,发生紧急情况时只需拨打急救号码 就能得到援助。 更重要的是,年轻人越来越关注自身的健康状况,对此医疗保 健业也需随势而动,比如 iPad 和 iPhone 的很多应用程序都可随时 提供血糖和血压的测量服务以及每日医疗信息下载,人们甚至可以 直接与医疗专家取得联系。这种无线 / 远程健康监护技术就是“移 动健康”。按联合国标准,中国已迈入老年型国家行列,因此专为 老年人设计的各类房屋建筑也将大量涌现。日本和台湾在这一领域 的发展较为成熟,内地市场也处于快速发展中。” “For 2013 and in the future, the traditional medical service of ‘payment first, treatment later’ will be eased due to changes in the field and insurance policies; so that in the future patients will have timely relief. In short, there will be better emergency service. Secondly, the difference between medical service in the city and country has been a problem which has plagued us for a long time. But now because of these positive changes in the insurance and medical supplement system, this difference will, during times of emergency, not exist. Not only will ruralurban differences be improved, but domestic medical institutions will come up to standard with the international. In addition, the health-conscious crowd is getting ever younger, and so the healthcare field is moving along with the tide; for instance there are now many apps for iPad and iPhone that will immediately put digital medical resources at your fingertips, or you can directly contact medical professionals etc. This kind of technology is what we like to call “mobile health.” Homes and real estate for the elderly will become more developed. Based on the UN criteria for what is called an aging society, China has already entered that stage. Japan and Taiwan are more developed in this area, but the Chinese market is growing quickly.”
两年内中国零售业将出现并购浪潮,到分出胜负的时候了。就 高端产品市场来说,我期望中国消费者能够更加注重个性,给予独 具特色的品牌更多关注,而不仅限于购买被大家所熟知的全球顶级 奢侈品。事实上,他们确实渴望出众的品位与独特的个性,并不想 随波逐流。从中端市场来看,快速时尚品牌领域将会出现一两家令 人瞩目的先锋企业。只有不断创新、勇于改变,才能成为赢家。许 多本土连锁店致力于扩大零售市场份额,有望出现能与 Top Shop, Next, Zara 媲美的中国本土品牌,最后究竟鹿死谁手尚待分晓。此 外我期待 Charles & Keith, IT 和 Page One 这些外来品牌能够做得 更好。由两名具有创新精神的企业家打造的家居服饰类店铺 Biorck & Co 堪称榜样,这个品牌专门针对女性顾客,主打各式各样精致可 爱的小玩意儿。 由太古地产和远洋地产共同打造的成都大慈寺文化商业综合体 将于今年开业,这个大型综合发展项目不仅保护了这座具有 700 年 历史的古寺,还开创了独具特色的露天售卖,此外还包括一家太古 地产旗下的“舍居”系列酒店,目前这一系列包括北京瑜舍和香港 奕居。 “Over the next two years we will begin to see the winners and losers in the China retail market. On the high-end, I expect to see Chinese consumers differentiating themselves by selecting niche brands instead of global luxury products. They desire to be identified by selective taste rather than to follow the crowd. From a middle market perspective, there will be one or two clear front-runners in the fast fashion sector. Those that keep reinventing themselves will be the winners. Local chains are also developing and moving into this space; there will be a Chinese equivalent to Top Shop, Next, Zara, etc, but it’s too early to tell who will be most successful. I look forward to seeing Charles & Keith, IT and Page One bookstore doing well. Biorck & Co is a good example of two entrepreneurs setting up niche products for ladies. The Daci Temple site in Chengdu, due to open this year, is a classic Swire Properties project involving conservation of a 700 year temple with an open air retail concept. It will also include a hotel from the House collection, which currently consists of Opposite House in Beijing and Upper House in Hong Kong.”
Kasper Leschly 来自北欧的时尚女鞋品牌迪芙斯的创始人兼总经 理,这位在中国拥有广泛人脉的西方商人在事业 上极为成功,正在成为商界楷模。 Founder and Managing Director of D:Fuse shoes, Kasper Leschly is a rare example of a Westerner that has achieved the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur in China. He has a rich background in China and business and he loves the perfect last.
“明快艳丽的色彩将成为今年春夏女鞋流行 趋势,以高饱和度的红、黄、钢青蓝三种色调为主, 另外藏青色和深紫红色也相当抢眼。不同鞋型的 混搭是一大亮点,例如经典的休闲鞋可能会搭配 不同颜色防滑设计凹凸纹路鞋底或 EVA 防水台。 防水台、楔形鞋已被男士广泛接受,这样的设计 不仅轻便舒适,还可令鞋子焕然一新,也更加实用。 清新夏季风格令登山帆布鞋和橡胶底帆布鞋的销 量还会持续增加。从轻盈的帆布材质到高品质皮 革,五花八门的色彩和材质具有更强的表现力。 司机鞋和鞋底比较柔软的鞋子将广受欢迎。这些 适宜搭配夏装的鞋子舒适有型,即使全天穿着也 不会感觉到疲惫。 此外,不同深浅的靛蓝色牛仔将更多用于制 作鞋帮甚至整个鞋面。各种新颖的鞋履设计深受 中国年轻人喜爱,年纪稍长的人也开始接受这种 变化了。依照这种趋势,未来的鞋子不仅舒适, 还将更加时尚。就制鞋工艺来说,人们不断研究 新的技术,以期让鞋子更加舒适轻盈。亚洲人对 这一点尤其在意,欧洲人倒不那么在乎。”
Suede driving shoes in bright colors like these from C by DFuse are likely to find their way into more men’s wardrobes.
Hybrids like espadrille-inspired brogues will continue to be popular.
“For Spring Summer there will be a bloom of Colors; mostly primary colors in very saturated shades. Red, Yellows and Electric Blue. Navy and Burgundy will still be strong. But the new thing will be this saturated shades of primary colors. There will be a transition or crossover between categories, which will be recognizable in the outsoles, classic shoes and upper with, tractor outsoles, sneaker outsoles, Eva platforms with different colors. Platforms and wedges now are highly accepted by men, they are very comfortable and lightweight, and really update the classic uppers with this new shapes and the functionality of this outsole. Espadrilles and Plimsolls will continue growing, giving this summer freshness. They will come in a whole range of colors and materials; from very light canvas to high quality leathers. Driver shoes and shoes with very soft outsoles will be very popular, it’s a comfortable and cool option for the summer shoe that can be easily combined with summer outfits. And due to the comfort and lightness they are so easy to wear all day and keep you fresh. Denim will provide a strong influence in shoes, will be used its color in diverse shades of indigo and also the material itself will be used as upper material for details or the whole upper. Young Chinese men are already accepting more and more new fresh shoe design, more adults will start accepting them and the curve of acceptance will be changing gradually towards a trendier shoe, rather than a comfort office shoe. In terms of technology, there’s a continuous research to improve comfort and lightness of the shoe. Asians in general are very concerned of this aspect when buying shoes, whereas Europeans tend to sacrifice this a bit more.”
Catherine Colin
拥有 13 年的美容美发行业经验,曾任职爱丽克 巴黎美容美发连锁沙龙。如今她是北京法式美 容美发沙龙的老板,提供美发咨询、染发、剪发、 护发以及美甲、面部护理等一系列服务。 C de France in Beijing was opened by Catherine Colin, who has over thirteen years of experience in the hairdressing world. including stints at Eric Paris. It offers a good range of services, from hair consultations, colours and cuts through to waxing, manicures and facials.
“中国美容美发行业正处于飞速发展时期, 风尚标的变化令人目不暇接。中国人口众多, 人们的需求和爱好是多种多样的,我们必须适 应这一特点。我们力求发型和服装款式搭配和 谐,发型还要与场合相协调,而不仅仅为了拍 照上相。此外,我们也会考虑在中国生活的众 多外籍人士的需求。 中国男人显然比西方男人更加注重外表和 发型。他们会尝试染发、挑染和头发护理,可 以说在追逐流行方面丝毫不输给女人。相对而 言,大多数欧洲男人是不会染发的。中国男人 变得越来越随和,并且乐于改变,这极大地激 发了我们的创造力。 我们还将寻找新的投资人,在北京和上海 开更多分店,从 2013 年 1 月起我们将首家推 出空中理发师服务,另外也计划在迪拜和伦敦 开设分店。”
Elegant Updos will be the thing for 2013.
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“Hair and beauty trends in China will develop fast, constantly change. We have to adapt our style to this huge and diverse market, while creating harmony between hair and clothing styles and adapting for expats in China as well. Hairstyles will imitate lifestyles, and not just imitate what people see in photos. Chinese men clearly care more about their looks than Western men, and awful rival women – they follow fashion trends like coloring, highlights, treatments etc. Relatively few European men will accept dying their hair, so we gain a new creative outlet from men who are easy-going and adaptable to change. We will be looking for new investors, and we hope to open more branches in Beijing, hopefully expanding to Shanghai as well. We are also starting “flying hairdresser” service in January 2013, which will be the first and only one in China. Later we will open more branches in Dubai and perhaps London.”
Wilfred Kwok 几年前郭威从香港来到北京, 寻找一场餐饮业大冒险。如今 他是三里屯格兰高地酒吧的老 板,也是妃思客栈的合伙人。 展望未来,他更是雄心勃勃。 Wilfred Kwok came to Beijing from Hong Kong several years ago in search of an adventure in the Food & Beverage industry. Owner of Glen Whisky Bar in Sanlitun and new partner at Face Restaurant, Bar & Hotel Beijing, he has big plans ahead for the coming year(s).
“我相信人们将更加注重品质和品味。 由于从前品牌风格与定位模糊不清,所谓最 好的餐厅的标准就是大众化,针对的顾客群 很庞大,现在单个餐厅定位更加明确,顾客 群趋向小众化。四年前格兰高地酒吧开业, 成为首家中国人经营的小众威士忌与鸡尾 酒酒吧,如今这样的小众酒吧已发展到三十 多家。每个行业都需要专注而热情的开拓 者,在他们的带领下行业整体发展水平也会 显著提升。例如,在专门的威士忌酒吧,所 用的冰块极为讲究,由手工精心切制的圆形 冰块刚好可以放进酒杯中。另外,我认为会 有更多提供生鲜食物的餐厅,而且随着顾客 品味的提高,也会有更多的餐厅致力于提供 真正的美食。 与那些半年之内就想收回所有成本的 人相比,我有另外的想法。格兰高地酒吧开 业时,我希望它能永远延续下去。当时许多 人并不了解古典鸡尾酒酒吧这一概念,更不 懂此类酒吧文化,像如何点鸡尾酒以及怎样 去品尝等。你很难向人们解释那些具体的东 西,而且没人喜欢听别人的教导。但要想开 创一种新的文化,必须有坚定的信念,慢慢 就会得到人们的理解。作为一家高档休闲酒 吧,为保证侍酒师和客人交流的方便,环境 一定要很安静。如果你喜欢热闹,自然可以 有其它多种选择。有时一些抱怨也会让服务
得到改进。当客人对我们有更深入的了解, 他们也会喜欢上这里安静舒适的氛围。我希 望将来能看到越来越多信念坚定的经营者, 一起经营整个餐饮行业,这将是一件很有意 思的事情。今年我会继续努力,提升品牌的 声誉,同时打理妃思酒吧的生意,因此我有 很多事情要做。” “People will be more focused on quality. Before, branding and positioning in China were not clear. The best restaurant was the one that could entertain everyone, so they were huge. Now it’s more niche. Four years ago when I started Glen, there were no focused whiskey bars or cocktail bars owned by Chinese. Now, there are more than thirty whisky bars. Food & Beverage is a growing market, and each industry needs its own pioneer, someone passionate and focused, and eventually they will lead toward better general quality. For instance, in the whiskey bar, we pay a lot of attention to the ice we use in the drinks. Each ice cube is hand cut for a round shape so it fits into the glass. In terms of food, I think there will be more restaurants featuring raw materials. More restaurants will try to make authentic menus, as customers become more and more educated. When I created Glen, I wanted it to last
100 years. Of course I think differently than someone who just wants to open and make their money back in half a year. When we started Glen, most people didn’t know about the concept of the classic cocktail bar, what the culture is like, how to order, how to behave – it’s hard to tell people how to act. No one wants to be taught, but to create a new culture you need to be very strong on what you believe and eventually they will understand. We have some complaints from customers we tell to lower their voices. But this is a classy lounge bar, we need the noise level to be kept low so the bartender and other customers can hear – there are so many other options if you want a typical noisy bar. Sometimes a few complaints is the cost of good service. Now most customers know us, and expect a quiet comfortable environment. I hope to see more operators in the future who have a very strong belief in what they’re doing, and hold on to this belief so we can create new culture in the F&B industry, which will make the industry more fun too. So for next year, we will continue to build this reputation. I am also working on FACE bar now, so I have lots of new things going on this coming year. What is coming in 2013? Me!”
Growth Unabated: 北京万豪行政公寓
中国酒店业的大腕齐聚头,各话产业新动向以及新年大动作。 From the most important hotel groups active in China, we gathered together a group of the top figures to tell us what they will be doing in 2013 and to talk about their predictions for the industry at large.
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Hospitality Trends 太原万达文华酒店
Feature 团预计到 2016 年在中国招聘 4 万名员工。 万豪国际集团在中国推出了“启航者”管理 培训生项目,旨在扩大并培养一支高素质的 员工团队。包括从卓越的管理学院雇佣管理 培训生,这些毕业生将在他们的训练领域受 到广泛培训,从而最终能胜任酒店内的管理 职位。此外,万豪与中国各地的 120 家高 等院校紧密合作,在 2011 年共雇用其 850 名毕业生及 1800 名实习生。
Henry Lee 万豪国际集团大中华区高级副总裁 Senior Vice President - Greater China of Marriott International
就酒店服务、硬件设施以及客人要求等方面 来说,2013 年酒店业将会有哪些重要动向? 对于中国酒店业来说,不仅北京、上 海和广州等中心城市对高质量酒店的需求 不断增长,二三线城市的需求也毫不逊色。 国际酒店业必须认识到中国出境游旅客数 量不断飙升,并且这种趋势在 2013 年仍会 持续。
在竞争日益激烈的酒店业,你们集团打算推 出哪些独树一帜的举措? 2013 年我们会继续加强“万豪礼赏” 这一全球服务业知名的忠诚款客计划,为会 员创造更多优惠,进一步增加万豪礼赏会员 数量。 你们集团在 2013 年及以后有什么发展规 划?计划新开多少家酒店?有没有打算推 出新的酒店品牌? 万豪目前在中国拥有 127 家已开业酒 店及签订的新酒店项目,2013 年万豪在中 国预计新开 16 家酒店。未来五年我们计划 平均每月新开一家酒店。万豪已签订了上海 宝格丽酒店项目,预计于 2013 年把这个品 牌引进中国。
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What sets apart Mainland Chinese from consumers of high-end hospitality in other markets? Personalization is a key element. Chinese guests like more private dining rooms in Chinese restaurants and other home comforts when they are traveling. What is your group going to be doing differently in the future? We are going to further enhance our Marriott Rewards, the leading guest loyalty program in the hospitality industry worldwide, so as to create more benefits to its members as well as further increase its membership. Describe your hotel group’s plans for 2013 and beyond. How many new hotel openings will there be? Are any new brands planned? With 127 open and signed hotels in China, Marriott expects to open 16 new hotels in China in 2013. We expect to open on average one hotel per month in the country the next five years. Marriott expects to introduce the Bulgari brand to Shanghai in 2013 with the opening of Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, Shanghai.
就高端酒店来说,来自中国内地的客人与其 它国家的客人有什么不同? 为客人提供个性化服务至为关键,例 如中国客人在中餐厅用餐时更偏爱包房,出 门旅游也希望能有家庭般温馨舒适的环境。
你们集团在中国的迅速发展过程中遇到哪 些值得一提的事情?挑战又是什么? 人力资源将是挑战之一。万豪国际集
What are some general trends in hospitality, in terms of services, hardware, or guest expectations that you expect to be important over 2013? For China, there is a growing market demand for quality hotels not just in those gateway cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, but also second and thirdtier cities. For the hotel market worldwide, we have to acknowledge that the soaring number of outbound travelers from China and this trend will continue in 2013.
As you expand rapidly in China, what do you find most interesting and what are some of the challenges you face? Human resource is a key challenge for Marriott operations in China. We need hiring enough right talent, in the right place, at the right time. Marriott International makes contributions to the economic and social development of China, expecting to employ 40,000 people in China by 2016. Marriott International has introduced its “Voyage Program” in China, which is aimed at recruiting and training top talent. It includes hiring of management trainees from reputable management universities and institutes; these graduates are then trained extensively in their areas of discipline and are groomed to eventually take on managerial positions within hotels. In addition, Marriott has relations with 120 colleges across China and recruits over 850 graduates and about 1,800 interns in 2011 in China.
Ilja Poepper 万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司市场营销副总裁 Sales and Marketing VP of Wanda Hotels & Resorts
就酒店服务、硬件设施以及客人要求等方面 来说,2013 年酒店业将会有哪些重要动向? 我们发现客人越来越希望酒店能提供 iPad、免费 WiFi 和高清电视等技术设施, 还有灯光模式,特别是浴室里的。另外,注 重时令食材、讲究“鲜”和清淡口感的淮扬 菜似乎越来越流行了。 就高端酒店来说,来自中国内地的客人与其 它国家的客人有什么不同? 从电视频道、酒店工作人员到菜单, 他们都喜欢是中文的或说中文的。虽然中国 家庭比较喜欢吃自助餐,但他们同样注重私 人包间。孩子们似乎很乐意尝试全球不同的 美食。政府官员一般是大主顾,他们比较喜 欢让所有的服务人员都来接待。还有,大部 分的酒店都是有吸烟室的。 你们集团在 2013 年及以后有什么发展规 划?计划新开多少家酒店?有没有打算推 出新的酒店品牌? 2013 年我们预备在沈阳、天津、武汉 等二线城市新开九到十家自营酒店和六家 签约酒店。 你们集团在中国的迅速发展过程中遇到哪 些值得一提的事情?挑战又是什么? 我们希望中国经济会持续增长,同时 也期待欧美市场状况有所改善。中国是一 个出口依赖型国家,有时候你很难找到“有 机人才”,我们希望将来这一点能改变。
What are some general trends in hospitality, in terms of services, hardware, or guest expectations that you expect to be important over 2013? We are noticing that guest expectations are increasingly towards technological features such as iPad and iPod connectors, free WiFi, HD TV, and things like that. Also, there is more of an emphasis on mood lighting especially in the bathrooms. There also seems to be a popularity of Huaiyang Cai, which places an emphasis on fresh, seasonal ingredients and a light touch. What sets apart Mainland Chinese from consumers of high-end hospitality in other markets? They obviously prefer to have things in their native language, from TV channels to the service staff to menus. Also, there is an emphasis on private dining rooms although families prefer to eat at the buffets. The kids seem to like sampling the different cuisines from around the world. Government officials tend to like to have an entire service staff cater to them as they tend to be big spenders. Also, many of the hotels have smoking rooms. Describe your hotel group’s plans for 2013 and beyond. How many new hotel openings will there be? Are any new brands planned? For 2013 we are going to open 9-10 self-
managed hotels and 6 contracted hotels in second-tier cities such as Shenyang , Tianjin , Wuhan and Guangzhou. As you expand rapidly in China, what do you find most interesting and what are some of the challenges you face? We hope the Chinese economy continues to grow and we hope that Europe and America also do better. At this point, China is an export country where it is sometimes difficult to find organic talent. We hope to change this in the future.
就酒店服务、硬件设施以及客人要求等方面 来说,2013 年酒店业将会有哪些重要动向? 我认为 2013 年中国酒店业仍处于黄金 发展期:旅游人数增加会为酒店发展提供足 够的市场支持;会议会展和奖励旅游市场 (MICE)是酒店需求增长的一个重要驱动 力;越来越多的旅客选择新兴的区域性旅游 度假胜地,并且对度假村的硬件和服务有别 于城市型酒店。 就高端酒店来说,来自中国内地的客人与其 它国家的客人有什么不同? 中国酒店业的餐饮收入远远高于欧美 酒店业的餐饮收入,并且依旧有上行动力, 中国酒店应不断挖掘酒店餐饮的潜力。基于 我们扎根中国近三十载的运营经验,我们认 为中国旅客期待融中华传统与豪华于一体 的入住体验。 在竞争日益激烈的酒店业,你们集团打算推 出哪些独树一帜的举措? 洲际酒店集团相较于其他酒店集团的 优势是,我们有占据各个细分市场的领先品 牌。2014 年,专为中国旅客打造的华邑酒 店及度假村将马上开业。“华邑”的意思是 中华各界菁英相聚于此 , 是一个以传承中国 文化习俗为荣,又能契合当地传统的高端国 际酒店品牌。 你们集团在 2013 年及以后有什么发展规 划?计划新开多少家酒店?有没有打算推 出新的酒店品牌? 我们计划未来三到五年内在中国现有 180 家酒店的基础上,再开 160 家新酒店; 在中国现有近 6 万名员工的基础上,再招聘 11 万名员工。香港英迪格酒店将在一年内 开业迎客,而西双版纳避寒皇冠假日度假酒 店是皇冠假日酒店及度假村品牌进驻顶级旅 游胜地,面向更多入境休闲游客的举措。
Kent Sun 洲际酒店集团大中华区发展副总裁 Vice President - Development, Greater China of InterContinental Hotels Group
What are some general trends in hospitality, in terms of services, hardware, or guest expectations that you expect to be important over 2013? In my opinion, the boom of Chinese hospitality in the year of 2013 is still highly expected. First, the rapid tourist growth will keep giving strong support to the hospitality business. Second, MICE (Meetings & Incentives & Conferences & Exhibitions) is also an important driving force on hospitality. Lastly, more and more travelers choose new regional tourist resorts, which are highly expected to perform distinctive services from city hotels. What sets apart Mainland Chinese from consumers of high-end hospitality in other markets? The revenues of catering industry within Chinese hospitality far exceeds that of America and Europe and it also shows a significant growth trend. I think hotels here should fulfill the great potential of catering. In addition, our nearly 30-year professional experience rooted in China hospitality tells us that Chinese travelers looks forward to a smart blending of luxury and Chinese traditions. What is your group going to be doing differently in the future? Compared with other hotel groups, InterContinental Hotels Group has the advantage of different leading brands aiming at segmentation market. In 2014, our new high-end brand “Hualuxe Hotels and Resorts”, which is proud to inherit Chinese culture and traditions and also infused with local folk traditions, will be launched. Literally, Hualuxe means a place where the Chinese elite can gather.
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Describe your hotel group’s plans for 2013 and beyond. How many new hotel openings will there be? Are any new brands planned? We plan to add 160 new hotels to the existing 180 ones in China and hire 11,000 more employees (right now there are 60,000) in 3 or 5 years. Following Hotel Indigo Shanghai On The Bund, Xiamen and Tianjin, the Hotel Indigo Hong Kong Island will open its doors in one year. Besides, Crowne Plaza Xishuangbanna aims to attract more oversea tourists.
就酒店服务、硬件设施以及客人要求等方面 来说,2013 年酒店业将会有哪些重要动向? 2013 年将有更多国际高端酒店品牌在 中国开新酒店,而中国本土酒店品牌也在发 力,“国际六星钻石奖”的坚冰终于被海航 集团天津唐拉雅秀酒店打破。作为高端酒店 的标杆,天津唐拉雅秀酒店是世界第六家、 中国大陆第一家国际六星钻石奖酒店。
Zhao Hui 海航酒店集团悦逸度假俱乐部董事长 Chairman of Club Vac of HNA Hospitality Group
就酒店度假俱乐部来说,客人来源有什么不 同? 度假俱乐部的客人大多以家庭为单位, 主要是年轻夫妇或者有下一代家庭成员,且 月收入在 2 万元以上的中产家庭。他们喜 欢旅游度假、懂得享受生活,更注重家庭观 念,有海内外度假经验。
in mainland China to receive this award, leading domestic hotels to a new level. What sets apart a family vacation club from consumers of high-end hospitality in other markets? Generally speaking, the target market of a vacation club is family, young couples especially, as well as the families with children and a monthly income of RMB 20,000 and above. They enjoy life, travel a lot worldwide and are home-focused.
在竞争日益激烈的酒店度假俱乐部中,你们 集团打算推出哪些独树一帜的举措? 海航酒店集团集合海航集团本身吃、 住、行、游、购、娱的多方面优秀资源,让 俱乐部会员无缝对接到航空出行、国内精选 星级度假酒店住宿、海外酒店度假交换、邮 轮度假等服务。我们提供定制的私人服务, 俱乐部的私人管家为每一位俱乐部会员打造 24 小时专属的“诺式服务”。 你们俱乐部在 2013 年及以后有什么发展规 划? 悦逸度假俱乐部在 2012 年 12 月正式 与北京银行达成合作,推出信用卡“0 息 0 手续费”分期付款业务,成为国内首家拥有 银行信誉背书的优质服务企业。在此基础之 上,俱乐部将发展开拓更多便利支付渠道, 为更多的中国家庭满足享受度假享受生活 的愿望。 What are some general trends in hospitality, in terms of services, hardware, or guest expectations that you expect to be important over 2013? We are sure that more international top
What is your group going to be doing differently in the future? HNA Hospitality Group gathers the superior resources of aviation, hotels , catering, travel and shopping, providing vacation spots including resorts, villas, cottages, castles, cruises, camping sites, riverboats and yachts. Club members get customized vacation service with the help of our private butler or vacation advisor.
hotels will be launched in China in 2013 while Chinese hotel brands are also working very hard. Tangla Hotel Tianjin(of HNA Hospitality Group) was bestowed with the “Six Star Diamond Award” by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences, and honored to be the sixth hotel in the world and the first Hotel
Describe your group’s plans for 2013 and beyond. Club Vac proudly takes the initiative to launch the installment project “Zero Interest& Commission Charge” in cooperation with the Bank of Beijing. In addition, the Club will offer more easy pay channels to meet the demands of Chinese families.
Lynn Grebstad 嘉希传讯合伙人 Partner of Grebstad Hicks Communications Ltd
就酒店服务、硬件设施以及客人要求等方面来说,2013 年酒店 业将会有哪些重要动向? 从我个人的经验来看,现在的旅客越来越希望能“融入” 自己入住的酒店。他们期待极具本土特色的体验,或者从酒店 的时尚酒吧、餐厅体验到本土化场景。而对于商旅人士来说, 省时变得越来越重要,比如康莱德酒店新推出的 App 让客人入 住前就能基本上安排好住店计划和在当地的行程。另外,人人 都希望能免费享受 WiFi。 就高端酒店来说,来自中国内地的客人与其它国家的客人有什 么不同? 内地客人希望能享受到他们在自家熟悉的东西,比如可口 的中国传统早餐粥、饺子等,同时希望看到和自己说同样语言 的酒店员工以及中文版室内指南、菜单、标识、电视节目和报纸。 他们很喜欢购物,毕竟在国外买名牌比国内便宜。 你们公司打算推出哪些独树一帜的举措? 我们会更注重奢华游和酒店,并通过 Facebook 和微博与 时尚客户、名流人士分享体验。 你们公司在迅速发展过程中遇到哪些值得一提的事情?挑战又 是什么? 对目的地信息和新体验的渴求,包括常规的旅游胜地,还 有那些你绝对想不到中国人会感兴趣的地方。主要挑战是如何 能跟那些帮助富足的旅行者策划出行和投资的人或公司对接上。
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What are some general trends in hospitality, in terms of services, hardware, or guest expectations that you expect to be important over 2013? From my own experience, I believe that today’s traveller increasingly wants to be connected to the community in which they are staying: localized experiences or the local “scene” through a stylish bar or restaurant in the hotel where one feels part of it all. For business travelers, I believe time saving will become more and more important. For example, a new APP by Conrad Hotels enables travelers to basically plan their entire hotel stay and destination experience well before they ever check into the hotel. People will also expect a WiFi connection without paying for it. What sets apart Mainland Chinese from consumers of highend hospitality in other markets? They rightfully expect to be able to enjoy the things that are familiar to them back home, such as a tasty Chinese breakfast with congee, dumplings and so on. They want to see staff who can communicate with them in their language, in-room directory, menus and signs, TV channels and newspapers, in their own language. The Mainland traveller is also noticeable by their love of shopping; branded goods are usually less expensive overseas. What is your company going to be doing differently in the future? Focusing more on putting our luxury travel, hospitality and lifestyle clients together with key influencers sharing their experiences through social media such as Facebook, Weibo, etc. As you expand rapidly in China, what do you find most interesting and what are some of the challenges you face? The desire for information, new experiences and not just in those traditional international destinations, but places you would never think that Chinese travelers would be interested in. The main challenge is reaching out to those companies / individuals who assist the affluent traveller and investor with their travel plans, investments and such.
你的新年新目标是什么 ?
Your Fitness & Health Goals For 2013 Text: Drew Campbell
马上就要迈入 2013,你有没有为蛇年定下一个新目标呢?在追 寻梦想的路上,百分百的努力、百折不挠的毅力和坚定的目标缺一 不可。与其守株待兔,做白日梦,不如学会用良好的心态和工作态 度全力以赴心中的梦想。 想必你曾用极为肯定的语气说过我是这样或那样的诸如此类的 话,也许你并未意识到自己在说一个目标,或者说是表达你内心真 实的愿望。事实上,对自己目前状况的积极评价远胜过任何设定的 目标,例如“我身材好,长得又漂亮”是很多女孩对自己说过的话, 类似这种积极的暗示能够激发潜意识的力量。足够的自信心、反复 正面心理暗示,再加上每日的努力,你会发现梦想变成了现实,你 真的成为心中想成为的样子。而那些不是肯定的陈述与上述肯定陈 述虽然意思相同,其内含的负面因素却会影响我们潜力的发挥,阻 碍目标的实现,例如“下个月我要……”或者“我不胖”这样的说法。 “不胖”在形式上是否定的,还暗示说话人其实“很胖”,这无疑 成了潜意识中的消极因素。由此看来,潜在的心灵力量不可小觑, 但它输出的是正能量还是负能量则取决于我们给它提供的信息。 在 2013 年,想赚更多的钞票?想收获自己的爱情?想变得更加 快乐?若你有追求的目标、良好的心态和不懈的努力,实现这些梦 想将指日可待。别忘了,这种积极肯定的评价适用于生活的所有领域, 不仅仅在健美方面。我强烈推荐风靡全球的畅销书、励志纪录片《秘 密》,它讲述了正能量的传递以及生活中的“吸引力法则”。我敢 大胆预测,你在看完书之后一定会去看这部精彩的电影。“吸引力 法则”拥有无穷的力量,在生活中充分运用这一法则并辅以正确可 行的目标、积极的态度,它将在你未来的成功之路上发挥巨大作用。 在此,我要感谢在过去的一年中来自读者和维衡生(WHS)所 有员工的支持,同时也感谢我自己,因为我的坚持。WHS 的官方微 博和脸书上每日都会提供大量知识和信息,鼓励大家坚持运动与健 美。祝愿大家在新的一年里更加健康快乐! For this month’s issue I decided to talk about goals we set for ourselves and achieving these goals for the year of the Snake in 2013. To achieve success we need to be 100% dedicated, have unstoppable perseverance and set concrete goals. In my opinion luck has very little to do with achieving goals - thus “predictions” for 2013 can soon be called “achievements” with the right mind-set and work ethic. Who has heard of an affirmation before? An affirmation is a positive goal; but, even stronger than a goal, it is a phrase that you use in the present tense; “I am ” and is always positive; “lean and good looking”. A good affirmation is better than a goal as it can have the ability to rewire our sub-conscious mind to allow for a better outcome in life. If we think we are good looking and lean as well as work hard on this goal daily, slowly but surely we will be good looking and lean… by constantly reaffirming this in our minds we bring this “goal” closer to our present. A badly written affirmation therefore can mean the same thing but in fact inhibit our ability to achieve these goals. For example saying something in future tense like “next month I will…” and in the negative form instead of positive, like “I am not fat.” Not fat is actually negative in form as you are reaffirming in your mind that you are actually fat. Our
sub-conscious mind is a very powerful tool so we must be very careful of what we feed it daily if we are to achieve our goals for 2013. Building these goals and thus predicting key areas in our life for 2013 with the right mind-set and hard work can be achieved. These affirmations can be applied to all areas of life – not just health and fitness. Who wants to have more money in 2013, more love or even more happiness? A famous film documentary and book on this subject “The Secret” talks strongly about creating these positive messages to the universe and how the “laws of attraction” work in our daily lives. For those that have not read or watched this film, I highly recommend it. In fact I do “predict” that during 2013 you will want to watch it after reading this article! Yes, the laws of attraction can be very powerful indeed and can play a major role in predicting the future by controlling it with the right goals, the right mind-set and positive affirmations. To everyone reading my articles over the last year, I thank you for the support and from myself and China’s first health food store China World Health Store (WHS,) I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2013. For those not yet following us on our official Weibo and Facebook there is a heap of affirmations, positive learning and free info about health and fitness posted daily. Have a healthy 2013!
德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/wellness/fitness industry. For more information about being healthy & fit, please visit www.facebook.com/worldhealthstore or follow WHS on Weibo at: weibo.com/worldhealthstore
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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Profile / P.64 潮物
Material Culture / P.68 艺术
Art / P.74 座驾
Auto / P.76
章俊杰设计的竹编灯 Lamp by Zhang Junjie
何洁,华谊音乐旗下情歌手,影视演员, 做过多家企业形象代言,代表作品: 《请 不要对我说 Sorry》、 《敢不敢爱》、 《幸 运小姐》。最新专辑《敢爱》贴合“情 歌手”清新、自然、简单、质朴的特质, 诚意十足。 Besides being the spokeswoman for several businesses, J. He, the popular singer and actress under Huayi Brothers Media Corporation, has also released several hit songs like Sorry Doesn’t Mean Anything, Dare You to Love, and Lady Luck. Her latest album Brave to Love conveys her overall appeal as a fresh, unaffected, eternally sincere individual.
64 LifeStyle
爱笑,爱吃路边摊,爱和朋友聊天, 爱简简单单地生活!对情歌手何洁 来说,音乐舞台只是生活舞台的一 部分,她相信做简单的人,就会拥 有简单快乐的人生。 With her sweet smile almost conflict with a piercing gaze, singer J. He prefers the simple things in life like eating street food and chatting with her best mates. Singing and being onstage are only one part of her life. It is in the little things that she finds genuine, long-lasting, happiness. Text: Eva Liu Photography: Matjaž Tančič Make-up: Lina Hair: Mehdi Moussaoui Dresses: ILARIA (Jinbao Place)
66 LifeStyle
明星瘾没那么重 当初我没有想过要进娱乐圈,也没有想过自己会红。 我从小到大都不是追星族,小时候我妈问我以后想干嘛, 我说我要当邓丽君,其实当时我只是希望站在台上给好 多人唱歌,人家都知道我在唱什么,希望能够得到回应, 我要的只是这样而已。我的明星瘾没那么重。 做简单的人,就会拥有简单的人生 对我来说,音乐舞台只是生活舞台的一部分,只有 在演出舞台上才喜欢那种闪光灯的感觉。人总是在经历 中慢慢成长,不管是对待工作还是生活中的人和事,包 括来自媒体的压力、处理与家人和朋友的关系以及对待 生活的态度,我发现自己在慢慢地成长。我想,这其实 是一种心态上的改变。出道七年,我最大的感触就是做 简单的人,就会拥有简单的人生。而人生有时很简单, 你做到了,你就会很快乐! 活在自己小的时候,长不大了 不工作的时候,就整天宅在家,要么逛逛街、看看 电影、和朋友聊聊天,尽量让自己放松些。我希望我不 在台上的时候,尽量活得真实、本色一些,这样自己也 开心一点。我到现在都喜欢吃路边摊,前段时间去墨西 哥吃了很多路边摊美食;我也喜欢买便宜货,喜欢淘一 些小东西,喜欢童话故事,还喜欢看动画片,喜欢去游 乐园,喜欢春游。有时候我真的觉得我活在自己小的时候, 长不大了。 有个好心情比什么都重要 我不爱化妆,工作完了我会立马卸妆,用的化妆品 也多是纯植物或纯天然的。因为平时坐飞机比较多,所 以化妆包里备有保湿喷雾,喜欢玫瑰香熏的。吃、睡、喝, 对女孩子来说真的很重要,但是有个好心情比什么都重 要。我相信,如果一个女孩子心情不好的话,用再昂贵 的化妆品也没有用,况且昂贵的化妆品也有副作用的。 受妈妈影响,平常我也会喝点茶,一来养生,二来静心 养性。 听邓丽君的歌,能听出和妈妈在一起的感觉 妈妈教给我的第一个人生道理是,不要拿别人的东 西,不管你心里有多喜欢。我最喜欢邓丽君的歌也源于 妈妈,妈妈非常喜欢邓丽君的歌,怀我时也经常听,久 而久之我也爱上了邓丽君的歌。听她的歌,能听出和妈 妈在一起的感觉。每当心情不好的时候,一听到邓丽君 的歌,顿时就让我有安全感,很温暖。 I’m not a fame addict I’ve never been a worshipper of celebrities, and in the past I never thought of being an entertainer, let alone a star. When I was a little girl, my mom asked me who I wanted to be, and I said Teresa Teng. In fact, at that time, my wish was just to sing on the stage and get a response. That’s all I want. I’m not just addicted to fame. Life is simple, just enjoy it For me, being on stage is just a part of my life – I love the spotlight when I’m up there; but people grow up - and so did I. I’ve gradually learned to deal with all sorts of challenges in life and work, like pressure from the media, relationships with family and friends, etc. Now I have a different attitude towards life. It is simple, so just try your best to enjoy it. That’s what I’ve gotten from these seven years since I made it big in 2005. Life is actually not that complex and choosing to enjoy the simple things will make you happier.
I’m a kid at heart When I’m not working, I usually stay at home, go shopping, watch movies or chat with friends. In sum, I relax, be myself, and then I feel happier. I always love streetside snacks. I went to Mexico not long ago and pigged out on delicious street food. I’m fond of looking for bargains, buying little trinkets, reading fairy tales, going to the amusement park and having spring outings. Sometimes I fancy I’m still a little girl and won’t grow up. Of course, I’m a kid at heart. Keeping a good mood is paramount I hate wearing make-up, so I remove it as soon as I finish my work. Most of my cosmetics are natural and organic. As a frequent flyer, I carry a facial hydrating spray wherever I go. Rose aroma is my favorite. Healthy eating, sufficient water and good sleeping are really important, but keeping a good mood is paramount. No comsmetics are as effective as a sunny disposition. And, you know, expensive cosmetics have side effects. Influenced by my mom, I drink tea occassionally. I believe tea can keep you in good health as well as a peaceful mind. Teresa Teng’s songs make me feel like being with mom I was influenced so much by my mom. The first life lesson she taught me was to keep away from what doesn’t belong to you. Mom also loves the singer Teresa Teng. She often listened to her when she was expecting a baby - me, of course - so I have a special affection towards her songs. They make me feel like being with my mom. Every time I’m feeling blue, I listen to Teresa Teng, and it makes feel warm and safe.
Keep it Basic 5 位极具代表性的年轻设计师将传统手工艺与原生态元素 作为设计突破点,为我们呈现一种原生态的幸福感。 Five young designers present innovations on traditional Chinese handicrafts that display a primitive sort of beauty. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Interior Lifestyle CHINA
原木的每个纹路和肌理都是世界上唯一的。 Keep it simple! The wood base and shades help project lightness into your space.
Zhang Fei
本来设计 bela DESIGN 创办人。 代表作:原木系列台灯—MAN、WOMAN; 原木落地灯—DESKTOP
Founder of bela DESIGN. Magnum opus: Wood Table Lamps - MAN and WOMAN, Wood Floor Lamps - DESKTOP
Li Zhiqian
在法国迪卡侬总部实习期间设计的 The Kage 球门获 2008 年德国 iF 设计奖。 代表作:竹质台灯
One of the winners of iF Designe Awards 2008, held annually by Industrie Forum Design Hannover, Germany, with “The Kage” goal, created during his internship at Decathlon’s French headquarters. Magnum opus: Bamboo Table Lamp
原生态本身就是一种境界! Li seeks a raw, primitive spirit.
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将中国传统的诗性文化引入到产品设计里来, 让人感受到自然宁静的美。 Constantly integrating China’s traditional poetic culture into his design, Ran creates a natural, serene beauty.
Ran Xiangfei
“AIR, NO CHAIR” Tom Loeser 家具设计工作坊成员。 代表作:卷轴。灯 Member of “AIR, NO CHAIR” Tom Loeser furniture design workshop. Magnum opus: Scroll Table Lamp
Zhang Junjie 曾获得两项德国红点概念设计大奖。 代表作:灯 Winner of two Red-dot Concept Award (Germany) in 2011. Magnum opus: Lamp
采用空编、曲面编织等创新技法, 将竹丝编织的现代美感表达出来。 Through new ways of utilizing bamboo, like empty knitting and curve knitting, he conveys a modern beauty of Chinese bamboo weaving.
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运用欧洲现代实木家具的设计手法, 融入一种不可言表的东方韵律。 His furniture features a unique oriental flavor and modern European design technique for solid wood furniture.
Frank Chou 跟随意大利资深设计师马 塞洛·贝纳蒂先生从事独立 设计事务,敢于突破创新。 代表作:Angela 椅子 Cooperated with Italian senior designer Marcello Bennati, Frank has committed to Independent Design. His design concept emphasizes on innovation. Magnum opus: Angela Chair
黄扉 北京商报《中国当代艺术周刊》主编、北京 798 艺术区盛世天空美术馆馆长、艺术策展人。
Huang Fei is the Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Business Today’s China Art Weekly and Curator of Saatchi Sky Art Gallery at Beijing's 798 Art District.
The Clarity of Yesterday 与鲁燕生约采访约了将近一年,每次都是临了 就被一件不相干的事搅乱,直到今天我也没跟他坐 下来谈上一句关于画画的事。 第一次见到鲁燕生是在 798 的一次由老诗人 们举办的画展上,他和他的妹妹鲁双芹一起出席。 早年北京画画写诗的圈子没有不知道这兄妹俩的, 他们像一个永不磨灭的见证伫立在当代美术文化运 动的路途上。那天他给了我一本小小的画册,那也 是我第一次看到他的画。 这两年我接触了不少从上世纪七十年代末就开 始画画的人的作品,总的感觉是画外的东西比画里 的多,这跟岁月有关,也跟这个群体有关。他们刚 刚摆脱了集体英雄主义的掣肘,在一点一点摸索着 进行自由民主开放的试探,时而张扬,时而闭锁, 处于一种破坏与重建的对应统一状态中。鲁燕生显 得很特别,他属于这个群体又游离在这个群体之外。 他的画很温和,甚至于很冷静,但有时又是自由和 坦率的,我看到了线条和空间之间的韵律,每块色 彩都好像悬在画布上,尤其是他画的花朵,有一种 说不出来的音乐性,它们散发的温度是中性的,甚 至是偏冷的,在整体光泽度上是真正平和而宽容的。 很奇怪,我从鲁燕生的画中看不到那个时代的伤痕 和病痛,看到的更多是他对以往岁月的逆来顺受和 平铺直叙。 我最近在读叙利亚诗人阿多尼斯的作品, 他说, 每一个瞬间,灰烬都在证明它是未来的宫殿,旅人 们埋头于遗忘的海洋,却达到了记忆的彼岸。在我 的感觉里,鲁燕生就像这个默默前行的旅人,在记 忆的同时,迅速把一切遗忘。 798 像个大卖场,每周近百个画展热闹开张, 我的手机整天收到不同的邀请,但我越来越不知道 在哪儿能看到我真正喜欢的画。这个时代越来越不 需要绘画这种技术性、创新性的活计,画家大多都
是在画钞票和照片,就像人们不再需要爱情,只需 要现实的契合和交易的划算一样。我真怀念鲁燕生 年轻时的岁月,一张图画能打动亿万人的心,一段 旋律能让人如痴如醉。我不知道鲁燕生们在这个时 代怎样生存,但我从他的画里无奈地看到了他用孤 独给自己建造的一座花园。这花园里的花不茂盛不 灿烂,只是静静地开着,为那些逐渐清晰的过去和 被渐渐淡忘的现在一点一点努力绽放。
n a strange coincidence, all of the interviews I had planned with Lu Yansheng during the past year were put off by unexpected obstacles, so perhaps it isn’t surprising that until today, we hadn’t had the opportunity to sit and chat about his paintings. I still remember our first meeting at an art show held by a group of elder poets at Beijing’s 798 Art Zone. He was present with his younger sister, Lu Shuangqin, and gave me a book of his pictures. That was the first time I saw his paintings. Years ago, the brother and sister were quite famous within Beijing’s painting and poetry circles, witnessing and creating the important changes of China’s contemporary art and culture.
《风景·梯田》( 布面油画 )
In the past two years, I came into contact with lots of drawings whose creators began painting in the 1970s, and got a feeling that there is more meriting attention behind the pictures than what is presented on the paper, which I think is related to time and the painters’ unique experiences. These painters belong to a generation which in its youth cast off the chains of collective heroism and tried to find a road to freedom and democracy. While self-assured, they were self-abased sometimes, being in a contradictory state of destroying the old world and building a new one. But Lu Yansheng is very special. Though he belongs to this group, he has his own style. His paintings are mild, even sober, and sometimes they are free and straightforward. I feel rhythms between his lines and spaces. Each lump of color seems to be hanging onto the canvas. Especially the flowers he paints possess a kind of musical character, giving out a mild, perhaps even cold temperature, and radiating a calm and tolerant temperament. Rather than scars and sufferings, I see from his paintings great patience towards and unadorned narration of that particular era. Lu Yansheng is like a silent traveler who goes through most of the landscapes on the trip but chooses to forget them all. Like a marketplace, there are nearly a hundred art shows every week at the 798 Art Zone. Every day, I receive text invitations for visiting art exhibitions, yet I get more and more confused about where I can find pictures I truly love. It seems that this era doesn’t need careers that require technique and innovation in drawing any longer, and lacks depth of feeling. Most painters draw for money and fame, like society focuses more on realistic and cost-efficient trading. I miss the era when Lu Yansheng was young, because at that time a picture or a melody could be touching enough to appeal to millions of people. I don’t know what Lu Yansheng and his contemporaries’ lives were like, but in his paintings, I see a secluded garden he builds for himself, made of his loneliness. Flowers in the garden are neither luxurious nor magnificent, but they blossom quietly and industriously for the clear past and hazy present.
兰博基尼 Aventador LP700-4 敞篷版
新款兰博基尼 Aventador LP700-4 敞 篷版具有极高的辨识度,可以被轻松识别。 车身采用双色调漆面,挡风玻璃、顶棚的 两个部位、后窗区域至“鳍片”部位皆为 高亮度黑色。这样的视觉效果让它看起来 完全像一款敞篷车,车身的流线型轮廓更 将运动精神和高雅气质完美融合。它还拥 有其引以为傲的创纪录的性能表现:0 到 100 公里 / 小时加速时间仅需 3 秒,最高时 速可达 350 公里 / 小时。6.5 升排量、输出 功率高达 700 马力的中置 12 缸引擎、ISR 7 速变速箱以及推杆式悬挂造就了这款敞 篷超级跑车的新标杆。 The new Lamborghini Aventador LP 7004 Roadster is immediately recognizable by the unique profile of its upper half, which extends along newly designed geometric lines from the removable roof to the engine hood. The body of the new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster sports a twotone finish, with the windshield pillar, the two roof sections and the rear window area up to the “fins” are painted in a glossy black. The visual effect is that of a completely open vehicle with sleek lines perfectly combining sportiness and elegance. Moreover, the new Aventador LP700-4 Roadster boasts record performance. It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in only 3 seconds flat and has a top speed of about 350 km/h. These numbers, combined with a drive train featuring a centrally located, 6.5 liter aspirated V12 generating 700 hp, an ISR 7-speed gearbox and push-rod suspension make the new Aventador Roadster a totally unique super sports car with no viable competition.
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亚琛施纳泽携 25 周年特别版亮相长沙国际车展
AC Schnitzer 25 Years Edition Appears at 2012 Auto Changsha
在 2012 长沙国际车展上,亚琛施纳泽为中国专属定制的全球首 台 ACS6 35i 25 周年特别版完成首秀,这款车型在 ACS6 35i 的 基础上加入了 25 周年的定制元素,力求不落俗套地呈现中国的 金色传统。与美国著名轮毂生产商 HRE 合作打造的金色 22 寸多 片式锻造轮毂,配合前 295 后 335 的超级大脚,视觉冲击力极强; 位于车辆 C 柱的 25 周年标志材质采用 24K 纯金打造;金色丝线 纯手工缝制的座椅配合金色安全带以及金色内饰板。 AC Schnitzer’s first anniversary edition - ACS6 35i 25 specially designed for China made its first show at the 2012 China (Changsha) International Automobile Exposition. On the base of ACS6 35i, the car presents China’s “golden” tradition unconventionally with added 25th anniversary elements. The 22 inch golden multiple-piece forged wheels made in cooperation with HRE, as well as the large tires (295mm front /335mm rear) create a powerful visual impact. The “25 Years” emblem on the C-pillar is made from 24k gold. The interior features handmade golden thread seats, golden safety belt and golden interior trim panel.
2014 款玛莎拉蒂总裁将搭载双涡轮 V6 引擎
2014 Maserati Quattroporte Will Be Powered by Twin Turbo V-6 Engine 在明年的底特律车展上,车迷有望近距离接触经过重新设计的 2014 款玛莎拉蒂总 裁。2014 款总裁会提供 V6 和 V8 两种发动机。3.0 升 V6 发动机会采用涡轮增压, 最大功率为 410 马力;而排量大一些的 3.8 升 V8 发动机,最大功率将为 530 马力, 改款车型的 0-96km/h 加速时间约为 5 秒。 The re-designed 2014 Maserati Quattroporte will debut at 2013 North American International Auto Show, known to most as the Detroit Auto Show. The four-door Italian car provides two kinds of engines (V-6 and V-8) for consumers to choose from. By using a turbocharger, the maximum power of 3.0 liters V-6 can get 410 horsepower while that of higher emission V-8 is expected to be 530 horsepower. The retrofitted car will be able to go from 0 to 96 km/h in 5 seconds.
宝马发布 DTM 冠军版 M3
BMW M3 DTM Championship Edition Revealed 宝马最新推出了一款限量版的宝马 M3,称为 DTM 冠军版。这款车会在 2013 年 2 月份开始生产,限量 54 台。M3 DIM 冠军版车身颜色是亮黑配亚光黑轮毂,宝马 M 的条纹穿越车顶,加拿大国旗在 C 柱上,代表了加拿大车手的国籍。在车身外观 和内饰方面都有不少的碳纤维,意在大幅减负。每款车的限量序列号可在前面表板 上找到,价格约为 99000 欧元。 The newly-launched limited edition will be built from February 2013. All 54 cars come with black metalic sheen, matte black wheel, BMW M stripe design over the roof and and icon of the Canadian on the C-pillar which indicates the driver’s nationality. There is the serial number of the limited edition on the dial. In addition, CFRP is used in the exterior and interior to reduce weight. Price is €99,000.
Porsche’s Panamera Sport Turismo Concept Car Makes its Debut 保时捷最新帕纳梅拉旅行版概念车在洛杉矶完成了它的第一次路跑,同时也是这款 概念车首次亮相街头。帕纳梅拉旅行版概念车集合了保时捷家族各款车型之特性: 削矮了的卡宴车身、类似 Boxster 的头灯和形似 911 的尾灯。这部概念车的主体设 计仍来自于帕纳梅拉,而它也可能预示已经三岁的帕纳梅拉未来的改款方向。 Porsche’s latest Panamera Sport Turismo concept car recently struck its first pose on the street of Los Angeles. Inheriting the design of prestigious Panamera, the concept car also combines the merits of others in the Porsche family with lowered Cayenne body, Boxster-style headlights and taillights in the shape of 911. The concept car indicates a facelift for the 3-year old Panamera.
东方神韵 唐拉雅秀
Make Your Dream at Tangla Hotel
2012 年 12 月 17 日,海航酒店集团旗 下高端酒店旗舰品牌唐拉雅秀继北京和天 津店后成功进驻华南地区,深圳友和国际 唐拉雅秀酒店隆重揭幕。作为中国最具竞 争力的民族酒店品牌,海航酒店集团将中 国传统文化中的礼仪之道、辞让之心融入 现代酒店服务的待客之道,在深厚的东方 文化底蕴中带来大隐隐于市的文化风情, 让每一位客人享受富有东方神韵的惬意体 验。 “唐拉雅秀”源于一个属于唐古拉山 的美丽传说,承载着念青唐古拉山脉守护 神的美好祝愿与福泽。唐拉雅秀系列酒店 致力于将源自远古传说中对生命和自然的 美好追求还原于现代都市,遵循“和、雅、至、 静”的核心理念,向客户提供从顶级奢华 酒店(博唐)到豪华五星级酒店(唐拉雅秀)、 文化型精品酒店(王君唐)及商务舒适型酒 店(逸唐)的全套酒店品牌解决方案。 唐拉雅秀酒店由北京发展到天津、三 亚、深圳等一线城市和热门旅游城市,并 在纽约和布鲁塞尔等国际大都市陆续开设 分店。预计未来五至十年内,唐拉雅秀品 牌所拥有的酒店总数将达到 100 间。2012 年,天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店以卓越的服务 成为全球第六家、中国内地第一家被美国 优质服务科学学会授予“国际六星钻石奖” 的酒店。 17 December 2012, Shenzhen, China - Tangla Hotels and Resorts, Hai Nan Air (HNA) Hospitality Group’s high-end hotel
78 LifeStyle
brand has successfully completed the branding of Tangla Hotel Shenzhen. As the Most Competitive National Hotel Brand in China, HNA Hospitality Group are committed to bringing every visit to another level of experience and satisfaction. The word “Tangla” originated from a beautiful legend set in the Tanggula mountain area, and reflects the wish and fortune of the Guardian God of the Nyenchen Tonglha Mountains. Tangla Hotels and Resorts’
brand core values are “Harmony, Elegance, Excellence and Tranquility”, as the brand strives to carry out the finest wishes from nature through the art of modern hospitality so that every guest may enjoy an unforgettable hotel experience in a city oasis through oriental hospitality. The Tangla Hotel & Resorts International offers a comprehensive hotel branding solution that encompasses a wide range of hotels including top-level luxury, five-star, boutique and business hotels under the flagship brands of “Tangla Grand Place”, “Tangla Hotel and Resorts”, “The Tang Hotel”, and “Gardenlane Select”. The Tangla Hotel & Resorts International is dedicated in professional hotel management, hotel design consultation, operation and investment management, specializing in centralized hotel operating services. With Tangla Hotels in China’s most developed metropolitan areas, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen and so on, Tangla Hotels and Resorts expect 100 hotels in total worldwide in five to ten years, including New York, Brussels, etc. Today, Tangla Hotel Tianjin counts among the six Tangla hotels in the world and the first hotel to garner the Six Star Diamond Award in hospitality. Other worldwide Tangla hotels are located in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Paris, London, and Los Angeles. No.588 Jixiang Middle Road, Longgang City Center, Shenzhen Tel: 0755 8998 8888
有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.80 飨宴
Dining / P.92 美酒
Wine / P.96
Profile / P.98 旅游
Travel / P.102
海棠居手撕鱼翅 Hui Cuisine, Begonia House
Strange Bedfellows 从混凝土污水管道到拜占庭时期的洞穴、 英格兰乡间的云中屋,这些稀奇古怪的 旅馆定会给你带来终身难忘的入住体验。 From a sewage pipe to a Byzantine cave to an English cottage in the sky, these hotels are bound to make your stay memorable. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels
Das Park Hotel, Linz Austria 想体验一把流浪汉的栖身之所?奥地 利北部城市林茨的 Das Park 污水管道旅馆 能让你如愿以偿。2004 年德国设计师安卓 斯·史特拉斯在林茨实施了这一绝妙创意, 后来旅馆移至奥腾斯海姆。客人可根据自 己需要按不同价格选择不同大小的“管道”, 通过自助网站预订成功后,即可获得入住 代码,然后通过数字终端完成入住。跟洞 穴酒店一样,混凝土管道旅馆夏天相当凉 爽,并且每年只有 5 月至 10 月营业。 房价:每晚 180 美元起。 Has the idea of staying in a sewage pipe ever appealed to you? Then the Das Park Hotel in Linz Austria may be for you. Based on the idea of Andreas Strauss in 2004, the first rooms were provided in Linz. Moved to nearby Ottensheim, rooms are accessed by a digital keypad, whose code is provided by the self service website upon booking acceptance. Much like cave hotels, these rooms are rather cool in the summer but the hotels are only open from May to October. Prices start from $180 a night. www.dasparkhotel.net
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德国科隆: 水塔酒店
Hotel IM Wasserturm, Cologne Germany
韦斯特姆酒店前身为当时欧洲最大的 水塔,沿袭水塔本来的美学风格,眼前这 个 11 层楼的奢华酒店是耗资 7500 万美元 才完成华丽变身的。虽然外表看起来令人 生畏,但内部装潢设计精巧独特,从沃霍 尔的画作到令人叹为观止的黑木装饰的大 堂,整体风格简约和奢华并重。水塔本身 建于 19 世纪,但除此之外再找不到一点旧 日痕迹。每间客房的配置都极具特色,无 一不极尽舒适和便利之能事,艺术真品随 处可见,铺着精致地毯的宽敞房间怎么看 都像某位日耳曼收藏家的豪华公寓。 房价:每晚 150 美元起。 Continuing the industrial aesthetic, the Hotel Im Wasserturm was converted from the tallest water tower in Europe. It is now an 11-story deluxe hotel whose renovation cost $75 million. Despite its forbidding exterior, the interior is all minimalist luxury. The design and decor are ingenious, from the Warhol paintings to the tiled lobby with stunning dark woodwork. The structure is 19th century, but everything else is contemporary. Rooms come in unusual configurations, but each is cleverly designed for comfort, flair, and convenience. Original art and fine carpeting fill the spacious rooms, reminding one of a deluxe apartment of a Teutonic art collector. Prices start from $150 a night. hotel-im-wasserturm.de
瑞典朱卡斯加维: 冰雕酒店
The ICE HOTEL, Jukkasjarvi Sweden
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怎样能在寒冷的环境下睡得暖和?来 瑞典小村庄的冰雕酒店试试就知道了!自 上世纪 80 年代末第一家冰雕酒店在朱卡斯 加维落成后,冰雕酒店每年都在此“重建”。 酒店位于北极圈以北 120 英里处,用附近 托尔纳河的结冰作建筑材料。所有入住客 人都会拿到一套过冬装备和毛皮衣,有的 衣服最早是为宇航员在月球表面行走研发 的。酒店冰雪吧提供冰镇伏特加给客人取 暖,而且是盛在冰制酒杯里的。冰雕酒店 每年都以新面貌示人,值得一提的是,它 还是 007 系列电影《择日而亡》中冰雪宫 殿的灵感来源。 房价:每晚 300 美元起。
How to stay warm in a cold climate? Stay in The Ice Hotel located in a village in Sweden. First constructed in the late 1980’s, The Ice Hotel is built and re-built each winter in Jukkasjarvi, located about 120 miles north of the Arctic Circle from ice harvested from the Tome River. All guests are given technical winter wear and fur coats for the duration of their stay. Indeed, some of the winter gear was first developed for astronauts walking on the moon. An ice bar serves ice-cold vodka to help one stay warm and all the vessels are made out of ice too. Never the same from one year to the next, the hotel was also the inspiration for the Ice Palace in the James Bond film, “Die Another Day”. Prices range from $300 a night. www.icehotel.com
英格兰萨福克郡: 云中屋
House in the Clouds, Suffolk England 这幢位于英格兰萨福克郡的“怪屋” 本是索普尼斯村庄废弃不用的水塔,其貌 不扬的水塔建于 1923 年,现在改建为旅馆, 并美其名曰“云中屋”。远远望去,70 英 尺高的英国范儿乡村小屋仿佛建在云端。 “云中屋”曾为儿童读物作家马康·麦森女 士长期所有,这无疑又给它增添了不少童 话趣味。“云中屋”现为假期家庭旅馆, 配备 5 间卧室、3 个洗浴间和一个全套厨房, 是家庭出游的理想之选。因为建在离索普 尼斯村庄(建于上世纪 20 年代)不远的一 块 1 英亩的私家空地上,云中屋可充分满 足侦探小说爱好者对阿加莎·克里斯蒂的幻 想。 房价:每周 5000 美元起。 A folly in the best English tradition, the House in the Clouds was originally a water tank for the village of Thorpeness. Constructed in 1923, the structure fell into disuse and it was decided to renovate the “hideous” structure as a house; from a distance, it appears that this is an English cottage lodged in the trees, 70 feet high. Owned for a long time by Mrs. Malcom Mason, a writer of children’s books, the House in the Clouds has a distinctly fairy-tale quality to it. Now available for holiday rentals, the house is ideal for families as it has 5 full bedrooms and 3 bathrooms as well as a full kitchen. The hotel is set on 1 acre of private grounds and is close to Thorpeness village, an unspoiled town from the 1920s. One can live out one’s Agatha Christie fantasies here. Prices start from $5000 a week. www.houseintheclouds.co.uk
Hotel Marques de Riscal, Elciego Spain 作为里斯卡尔候爵酿酒厂的一部分, 该酒店是新兴葡萄酒文化的地标性建筑, 由毕尔巴鄂市古根海姆博物馆的设计师弗 兰克·盖里打造。酒店全部使用钛和不锈钢 建造,盖里用其无与伦比的设计风格,将 当地的葡萄种植和酿酒传统与当下时兴的 葡萄酒主题完美结合在了一起,并糅进了 酿酒厂的色彩:葡萄酒的粉红色、里斯卡 尔侯爵珍藏酒瓶上网丝的金色以及葡萄酒 瓶软木塞外衣的银色。酒店共有 43 间客房, 外加一间可提供世界各地著名葡萄酒的高 级餐厅。客人还可以在入住期间参观葡萄 酒厂。 房价:每晚 500 美元起。
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Part of the Marques de Riscal winery, this landmark hotel was designed by none other than starchitect Frank Gehry. While Frank Gehry has another more illustrious project in Spain, the Guggenheim Bilbao, one can’t stay there. Done in his inimitable style, the Hotel Marques de Riscal is a reflection and testament to wine; the huge titanium paels are tinted pink to reference the burgundy of rioja wine. The silver is meant to be the foil that covers the cork while gold reflects the mesh cage that covers all Marques de Riscal bottles. The hotel itself comprises 43 rooms and an exclusive restaurant that naturally has an extensive wine list. As part of the stay, guests can tour the vineyards. Prices start from $500. www.hotel-marquesderiscal.com
土耳其格雷梅: 卡帕多西亚岩洞套房酒店
Cappadocia Cave Suites, Goreme Turkey 卡帕多西亚岩洞套房酒店可是由一千多年 前修道院所在的洞穴改建而成的,这座洞穴酒 店拥有 36 间套房,且每间都能饱览格雷梅峡 谷景致。墙壁上还保留着大量的千年壁画,历 经了赫梯、罗马和拜占庭时期,堪称引人入胜。 而现在酒店又融合了 21 世纪的奢华和舒适。 房价:每晚 100 美元起。 Built in the cave of a former monastic complex from a thousand years ago, the cave suites are a luxury hotel comprising 36 suites, each with commanding views of the Goreme Valley. Featuring millennium old painted frescoes and crosses from the former monastery, the hotel is an intriguing relic of pre-Ottoman Turkish culture. The architecture is derived from the Hittite, Roman and Byzantine periods but with the luxurious comfort of the 21st century. Prices start at $100 a night. www.cappadociacavesuites.com
Promotion Combining the classic Thai concept of hospitality with astute attention to detail, Anantara Seminyak in magnificent Bali has created the ultimate luxury vacation; with 60 modern suites, two newly opened restaurants and a relaxed rooftop bar, you will never want to leave. With their new dining venues, Anantara will set higher benchmarks for Seminyak’s already trendy restaurant scene. Anantara’s most romantic venue is Wild Orchid, a Thai restaurant on the lobby level of the resort. This venue was designed with both authenticity and drama, and presents a mix of traditional and contemporary fusion Thai cuisine from all four different regions of the country; coconut, lemongrass and lime from the South, and fragrant herbs and exotic spices from the Northeast, along with the perfect balance of sweet, sour, hot and salty that make Thai cuisine so famous. Only the freshest ingredients are used, and to top it all off the presentation is stunning, providing a cultured elegance that is both unique and classically Thai.
Anantara Seminyak: Seduce your Senses 巴厘岛水明漾安纳塔拉水疗度假村打造了一个豪华酒店的新标杆, 新开的豪华餐厅和豪华海景套房极致诱惑你的感官,更令身心彻底放松。 Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa in Bali sets the standard for luxurious resort experience with alluring new dining venues and breathtakingly beautiful suites that will entice your senses and relax your mind. 经典的泰式服务理念以及对细节的超 凡专注成就巴厘岛水明漾安纳塔拉水疗度 假村极致奢华的度假体验,令人流连忘返。 度假村拥有 60 间现代风格的套房,两间新 开的餐厅和一个位于天台的休闲酒吧更为 时尚气息浓郁的酒店锦上添花。 久负盛名的“野兰花”餐厅提供正宗 泰式料理,是巴厘岛最顶级的泰国餐厅之 一。厨师用采自泰国东北部的新鲜蔬菜、 芬芳香草和奇特香料搭配泰国南部的椰子、 香茅和青柠,烹制出辛辣爽口、芳香浓郁 的地道泰式佳肴。这些美味盛放在竹筒、 砂煲和铺有米纸卷的吊笼里,令人耳目一 新之余,也带来了浓浓的泰国风情。你还 可以在这里品尝到来自世界各地的美味, 或者慵懒地倚在窗边、坐在露台上,边喝 鸡尾酒边欣赏海景。“野兰花”的设计也 颇具时尚浪漫情调。新颖典雅的泰式装潢 大量使用酒红色、紫色与金色,温暖而华丽, 配以精美绝伦的泰式艺术品和独具匠心的 灯光设计,足以令人沉醉。 在度假村所有的房间皆可欣赏巴厘岛 如画般的碧海景色。当代亚洲风情家具加 上精致可人的装饰品,让你尽享舒适豪华。 此外,度假村还为客人准备了独特的探索 与灵感之旅。独一无二的“安纳塔拉体验”
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传承安纳塔拉一贯的宗旨,即让游客融入 当地丰富的文化传统和自然美景中。你可 与信奉宗教的圣徒一起体验他的一天,观 察他去稻田冥想之前所必须进行的古老神 圣的仪式,还可以去潜水,与多姿多彩的 珊瑚礁和巴厘岛特有的海洋生物来一次亲 密接触;或者跟酒店的教练学习冲浪,享 受弄潮儿的乐趣。如果还嫌不够刺激,就 在阳光明媚的午后去骑大象,或者去巴厘 岛的火山区探险吧! 一天的探索之后,回到度假村,在可 遥望印度洋的泳池中舒展你的身体,再来 一次提神祛乏的泰式按摩和古老的印度阿 育吠陀水疗,或者享受舒缓压力、呵护身 心的安纳塔拉水疗,沉浸于用当地最好的 原料制成的按摩油宜人的香气中。 水明漾安纳塔拉目前推出中国春节优 惠套餐:只需 1100 美元、1300 美元即可 入住安纳塔拉套房或海景房两晚,其中包 括“野兰花”餐厅两次免费晚餐、60 分钟 双人传统巴厘岛式按摩、每日下午 5-6 点 沙滩休闲的鸡尾酒茶、每日新鲜水果派送 以及免费 Wifi 和报纸,还可随意使用所有 酒店设施。超值的价格,优惠的套餐,还 需犹豫吗?
To compliment the diverse and exotic flavors of their cuisine, Wild Orchid’s design is chic and sensual, featuring a warm rich color palette with burgundies, violets and golds complimented with beautiful Thai art and mood lighting to enhance the romantic atmosphere of the venue. To give it a classic Thai feeling, the restaurant also featuers creative touches like dishes served from bamboo tubs and clay pots, and bird cages with rice paper rolls. Wild Orchid is a perfect
space not only for feasting on delicious Thai food, but also for casual meals and snacks – try the international cuisine at lunch – or simply lounging with a cocktail in hand as you drink in the fantastic seascape through the panoramic windows or on the outdoor deck. Aside from romantic restaurants, Anantara also lets you dive into Bali’s cultural heritage with an array of different retreat options. The 60 suites of the newly opened Resort & Spa are all inspired by their fantastic waterfront location, and incorporate contemporary Asian furniture and every modern lifestyle trimming to ensure guests are surrounded by luxury. But the pleasure is not only in the modern comforts – there are also countless activities and cultural adventures to be had! Anantara’s philosophy has always been to craft the ultimate hospitality experience through memorable destination expeditions. Guests can enjoy the the exotic natural beauty or spiritual heartland of Bali with unique activities and outings. You can spend the day with a spirit man who will carry out ancient and sacred Balinese rituals before heading out to tiered rice paddies for a meditation session. Or why not choose to go diving – go on an up close discovery of Bali’s beautiful and famed
coral reefs and observe sea life native to the area, or take some surfing lessons with the in-house surfing teacher. Not adventurous enough for you? Take a hike to the volcanic hinterlands, or go elephant riding in the afternoon. After your day of exploring, return to the comfort of your luxurious suite, unwind in one of the three pools which overlook the Indian Ocean, or indulge in pampering spa treatments, including an invigorating Thai massage, ancient Ayurvedic spa therapy or the signature spa treatment utilizing special long pressure treatments and local oils at Bali’s first Anantara Spa. For a limited time, there is a Chinese New Year promotion, including, among other things, an Anantara Suite or Ocean Suite for 2 nights for $1100 or $1300 respectively, a free dinner for 2 at Wild Orchid Restaurant, a free 60-minute massage for two, daily sunset tea cocktails by the beach from 5-6 pm, daily fresh fruit, complimentary wifi and newspaper, and free use of all hotel facilities. The ultimate sensory experience awaits! bali.anantara.com.cn Tel: +62 361 737773
South Korea’s First Smart Luxury Hotel 希尔顿全球酒店集团旗下首尔康莱德酒店近期盛大开业。作 为距离韩国仁川与金浦两个国际机场最近的豪华酒店,首尔康莱 德酒店战略性地雄踞于汝矣岛首尔国际金融中心四塔之一,设有 434 间优美别致的超级大房,提供精致、奢华和贴心的服务,为 客人带来现代化的生活气息和独特的异域风情,在诸多方面堪称 里程碑式的典范。最小面积的 48 平米豪华特大床房布置精美,是 首尔城中最大的酒店豪华客房。 希尔顿全球酒店奢华生活品牌全球负责人约翰·范德斯利斯先 生表示: “康莱德酒店及度假村为商务和休闲旅游者带来真我奢华、 唯您独享的一流服务、环境与设施。” 首尔康莱德酒店诠释了智能型奢华酒店的新概念,是韩国第 一家拥有室内多媒体娱乐中心的酒店。客房安装了基于苹果技术 的室内科技系统,客人可通过各种终端尽享网上冲浪乐趣。 为给客人创造独一无二的经典体验,位于 37 层的 37 烧烤酒 吧和行政酒廊呈献令人沉醉的汉江全景;意大利餐厅 Atrio 拥有一 个从 28 米高的天花板上悬吊下来的摩登优雅灯光雕塑;全天候激 情餐厅 Zest 是一个东方与西方风尚、时尚与别致美食体验的融汇 点,开放式烹饪台和自助美食岛堆满了新鲜寿司拼盘和生鱼片组 合、地中海美食或精品西式美食、亚洲炒菜和最受欢迎的韩国菜 式以及各种诱惑人心的甜品。激情餐厅的美食焦点是新鲜,当然 还有热情!
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Hilton recently announced the opening of Conrad Seoul in South Korea. Strategically located in Seoul’s financial district in Yeouido, the five-star luxury hotel opened its doors on November 12, 2012 and features 434 spacious, designer rooms that provide guests with a contemporary and exotic experience by delivering modern sophistication and smart luxury. Conrad Seoul also boasts super spacious rooms starting at a minimum floor space of 48 square meters - one of the largest in Seoul. “Conrad Hotels & Resorts offers today’s affluent travellers a world of style, service, and connection with the luxury of being themselves,” said John T.A. Vanderslice, global head of luxury and lifestyle brands for Hilton Worldwide. Exemplifying the hotel’s Smart Luxury concept, Conrad Seoul is the first hotel in Korea to implement Smart In-room Multimedia Technology. Using Apple-based technology and offering an allin-one multimedia hub and a Mac computer, guests will be able to surf the Internet, access Facebook and Wi-Fi access points or play personal content from his or her own mobile devices or laptop. Conrad Seoul’s digital rooms will also allow for a customizable personal space. Creating memorable experiences, 37 Grill and Bar restaurant and the Executive Lounge on the 37th floor will captivate guests and Seoulites with a breathtaking panoramic view of the Han River. Conrad Seoul also features an Italian restaurant, Atrio, with a 28-meter high ceiling adorned with designer lighting sculptures. The hotel’s exquisite dining options also include Zest, a three meal restaurant with trendy show-cooking stations and buffet islands.
conrad.com.cn/Seoul Tel: +822 6137 7000
The New Steak Regent Text: Nels Frye Photos: Morton’s Steak House
将新鲜丰盛的进口食材的原味发挥得 淋漓尽致的芝加哥莫尔顿牛排坊,终于在 北京丽晶酒店落户。无论是牛排分量还是 会让女孩子受点小惊吓的“城堡级”胡萝 卜蛋糕以及来自遥远北大西洋的鲜活大龙 虾,都能让人感觉到这家牛排店的郑重其 事。同时,食客们也会因为店家独到的上 火烤制,而享受到外皮香脆、内里鲜嫩多 汁的三文鱼。 与美国的莫尔顿餐厅一样,这里的食 物让商务客人的味蕾得到充分安慰的同时, 餐厅也营造出熟悉的亲切感。在莫尔顿的 夜晚,如果马提尼与奶酪、生蚝与香槟、 牛排与纳帕溪谷葡萄酒,加之店家极力推 荐的曼哈顿仍不过瘾,那就用“城堡级” 的胡萝卜蛋糕、五种口味的舒芙蕾或者柠 檬派来收尾吧。 北京的莫尔顿牛排坊正好是全球的第 70 家,也是亚洲的第 5 家,想必那些商务 成功人士和 CEO 们将纷至沓来,享受愉快 的晚餐。别忘了每周一到周五的下午 5 点 到 7 点的鸡尾酒欢乐时光有免费赠送的菲 力牛排三明治,绝对超值。
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99 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 6523 7777
resh, premium, mostly imported ingredients - and magnanimous use of them - separate Morton’s of Chicago, just opened in at Beijing’s Regent Hotel, from other establishments called “steakhouse”. This is real. Portions are very manly - you may be intimidated by size of the steak as well as the expressions of the still-live lobsters, just in from the North Pacific. All will enjoy the aged-grain fed beef with perfect marbling and salmon juicy, soft, and pink but still remarkably crispy on the outside thanks to use of top-firing. Like the USA, Morton’s is serious, wholesome and decadent at once. The food is not challenging and will comfort business travelers seeking reliable quality, service and a familiar atmosphere. But a full-on night at Morton’s is seriously bacchanal. The dirty vodka martini with blue-cheese-stuffedolives comes first, then try raw oysters and champagne, and after turn to Napa Valley wine and steak. Have a Maker’s Mark Manhattan before the finale, a carrot cake the size of a castle, or one of the five flavors of soufflé or key lime pie. The 70th Morton’s in the world, and 5th in Asia will attract CEOs, officials and all those looking for the best night money can buy, but the impecunious but refined class should head to Mortini nights every weekday from 5pm to 7pm, for generously sized Gin Mortinis and complimentary filet mignon sandwiches.
ead Chef Michael Zhao is not trying to impress you. He also doesn’t want you to come here to impress your guests. Mesa and Manifesto, the new restaurant/ bar duo, in Sanlitun North Village are “not for face, but for good food” he says. The goal is not diners seeking an occasional fancy night out, but regulars who come for top quality ingredients sourced from all over the world and a relaxing ambiance. Start with the tasty array of tapas, like baby burgers, sesame prawns in a sweet chili, and homemade hummus. The pigeon, crispy
Authentic Faire Text: Nels Frye Photos: Mesa
魅莎餐厅从没想刻意给人留下深刻印 象,更不想你在此待客只为脸上有光。这家 三里屯北区新开的餐吧“不为面子,只为美 食”,旨在吸引那些注重高品质新鲜食材以 及喜爱千锤百炼而成的精品菜肴的客人,不 追求奢华的用餐空间,而是在一个环境优雅、 价格合理的地方全然放松地大快朵颐。 餐厅精心甄选世界各地的顶级食材,连 面包、酱料等配搭食物也是自制的。可口的 小吃拼盘包括迷你汉堡、香炸芝麻虾配越南 汁和鹰嘴豆;脆皮乳鸽配烤干葱、蘑菇色拉、 培根,还搭配油桃和烩京葱沙拉,令人印象 深刻。新鲜美味且菜量丰厚的碳扒澳洲谷饲 牛腩排、铁扒美国黑猪排配自制苹果酱、炙 烤羊排配慢烤大蒜泥和薄荷酱等主菜更是让 人不断光顾魅莎的理由。 来自上海的主厨赵方拥有超过 20 年的从 业经验。在成为西餐厨师之前,他有超过 10 年的中餐厨师经历。他曾在 Susanna Foo’s Gourmet Kitchen(美国费城一家大名鼎鼎的 餐饮机构)工作 18 个月,也是位于原上海法 租界的魅莎餐厅创办者之一。他那开阔的视 野和坚持质量至上的宗旨激励着一支忠诚的 核心团队,其中四名心怀使命感的才华杰出 成员跟随餐厅举家北上,落户北京。 另一位值得一提的灵魂人物是来自英格 兰的调酒大师蒂吉·皮卡德,他同样拥有十 余年的从业经验。酷爱杜松子酒的他对于威 士忌也能做到驾轻就熟,尤其擅长调配融合 得天衣无缝的苹果荔枝马提尼、小红莓巧克 力马提尼和使用孟买杜松子酒、小红莓汁和 青柠汁调制而成的鸡尾酒。三十多个品种的 原创鸡尾酒单和餐厅的菜单一样,新鲜又自
然。这些用新鲜水果调制的鸡尾酒恐怕会像 有着热烈口感的巧克力蛋糕一样,成为女孩 们的话题和微博秀图的对象。 尽管顶着高调的名字,魅莎承诺创造一 个轻松舒适的用餐环境,只为保证老顾客愿 意常来。就像餐厅经理兼主厨赵方所言,忘 记那些夸夸其谈和盛气凌人的高端餐厅和邻 座食客,让味蕾和心情一同放轻松来魅莎畅 享适价良品餐饮吧。
on the outside, tender inside, is served with a braised leek, roasted shallot, mushroom, bacon, and stonefruit salad, and will convince doubters to love the bird. Generously sized mains are the centerpiece. Aged grain-fed Australian Wagyu beef tenderloin, rack of Australian lamb with a garlic confit and mint chutney, and US pork chop with homemade apple jam will keep discerning carnivores coming back for more. Shanghaier Zhao honed his skills over more than two decades as a chef, including an 18 month stint at Susanna Foo’s gourmet kitchen, a renowned Chinese and fusion outlet in Philadelphia. Zhao is also one of the men behind the original Mesa and Manifesto in Shanghai’s French Concession. His vision and dedication to quality inspire loyalty in his staff. Four members of his talented team of chefs from Shanghai followed Zhao up to Beijing, changing homes and bringing family. They believe in the mission. The other notable figure is Tiggi Pickard, master mixologist. From Leeds, England, Tiggi has tended bar for a decade. A gin man who loves his whiskey too, Tiggi specializes in harmonious, slightly unexpected, but approachable blends like the Apple Lychee Martini, Raspberry Chocolate Martini and the Bramble, with Bombay gin, raspberry liquor, and lime extract. With an original cocktail list with over thirty entries, expect clever bellinis made with real pure fruit purées and lots of fresh ingredients. Despite the bombastic name, Manifesto is for understated, unpretentious types seeking refuge from the clutter of random watering holes and the snootiness of swankier places nearby. Like Mesa, Manifesto is just about quality and giving customers the flavors and service that make them come back again and again. As Michael Zhao says, the offering is “honest food and drink without stupid prices”. 3F, Building 3, Sanlitun Village North, Beijing Tel: 137 1851 7917
Begonia House
Text: Eva Liu Photos: Begonia House
海棠居在京城原有两家直营店,一直 主推私家菜、官府菜。新开业的海棠居东 土城店位于建达大厦二层,主打养生徽菜。 餐厅整体设计大气,富有尊贵与豪华气质, 中式古典的厚重格调与雅致精美的书画装 饰、浓装淡抹的原木色彩完美搭配。15 个 贵宾包间皆以花卉命名,内里布置也与之 呼应。包间绕廊而立,凭栏而望,有纱帘 轻拂,冬日和煦的阳光照在木窗格子上, 看上去颇有情调。待到夜色正浓酒意正酣 之时,还可邀请餐厅的小乐队来上一曲。 新店菜品所用的食材及做法都讲究原 汁原味,呈献中国八大菜系之一——徽菜 的独特风味。海棠居有自己的食材基地, 总面积近百亩,并且聘请名厨顾问指导, 出品清淡适口的健康养生佳肴。最有徽菜 味道的当属海棠雄鱼头,这道菜最大限度 地保留了原材料营养及鲜美滋味。最有故 事的“一个萝卜”、“一个馒头”是姊妹菜, 原汁原味的萝卜汤汁和中式料理西式吃法 的馒头片让自制的实惠美味来一次激情碰 撞,浓香沁人心脾。 饮海棠酒品养生徽菜之余, 你还可以 品茶听琴,享受丰富美好的感官飨宴,此 时的饕餮之宴亦是一场身心灵的美妙盛宴。
ith two restaurants in Beijing, Begonia House offers elegant private dining experience. At the newest Begonia House Dongtucheng located on the second floor of the Jianda Building, their specialty is Hui Cuisine, the well-known culinary arts of Anhui province; specifically Huizhou. The restaurant is designed in luxurious traditional Chinese style, with elegant paintings and calligraphy on the walls whose classic designs match perfectly with the colors of the woodwork. Located along the porch, 15 private rooms named and themed after different kinds of flowers are also exquisitely designed. One of the eight most famous cuisines in China, Hui Cuisine is known for best preserving the original taste and nutrition of the materials used. The chefs of Begonia House Dongtucheng meticulously choose ingredients from their own expansive stock, and strictly control the cooking process. They are also responsible for making sure the flavors are authentic and the cuisine is healthy. One specialty not to be missed is Begonia’s fish head dish, which is made to retain the maximum amount of nutritients while also tasting delicious. Another interesting dish is one nicknamed “The Sisters” – original turnip soup combined with Chinese steamed bun slices served Western style. In addition to excellent Hui Cuisine, Begonia House also presents a lovely Chinese tea, zither performances and more for a truly traditional Chinese experience.
2F, Jianda Building, 14 Dongtucheng Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6657 2688
94 LifeStyle
东西 Café 合璧味
Beautiful Things: Café DongXi
Text: Eva Liu Photos: les suites orient
东西 Café 位于上海外滩历史建筑东方 商旅精品酒店二楼,由台湾著名设计师吴宗 岳操刀,暖色的大理石、深色的木材、柔和 的灯光营造出静谧舒适的内部空间,颇有旧 上海的感觉,又不乏上世纪 30 年代装置艺 术的优雅。餐厅里摆放着从世界各地搜罗来 的经典古董相机、收音机、麦克风、青花瓷 碗盘等;一张由整块红木制作的大型实木餐 桌保留了原始树皮的纹路;还有一口来自扬 州的古井,让人似乎感受到那些遥远的过往。 东西 Café 正如其名,全天候供应中西 合璧的创意美食。行政总厨方俊先生特别推 荐了餐厅美食,开胃菜有极富特色的北京烤 鸭沙拉配鲜橙酱、法式烟熏三文鱼沙拉以及 意大利风味的芝士番茄沙拉,招牌主菜包括 充满浓郁东南亚风情的亚洲风味鸡、马来西 亚拉萨米线汤,干香味美的味噌银鳕鱼配意 大利炖饭、烤羊排、肉眼牛排、地道台湾牛 肉面等。独具特色的生菜沙拉吧精选数十种 顶级新鲜的生菜,主厨团队创制出清新美味 的酱汁,宾客可以自己动手制作生菜沙拉, 可谓是美食 DIY 健康百分百。 餐厅设有风格典雅的包房和雪茄吧。配 备先进视听设备的包房可容纳 8 至 15 名客 人,适合举办各种活动,此外餐厅还布置了 多处优雅静谧的休闲空间和开放式图书馆。 客人可以在舒适的环境中尽情享受美食、美 酒、上等雪茄和慵懒惬意的美好时光。
afé DongXi is located on the 2nd floor of the historic building of Les Suites Orient, on the Bund in Shanghai.
Designed by Taiwan-based designer Wu Zongyue, the café features comfortably chic interiors of dark woods, subdued lighting and warm-toned marble and displays with antique collections dating back to 20’s and 30’s, creating a classic Old Shanghai atmosphere. Old cameras, radios, microphones, bowls and plates made of the characteristic blue and white porcelain as well as a replica of an ancient well from Yangzhou take guests back
in time. Also notable is a long wood table made from a single piece of rare mahogany. Café DongXi offers an all-day dining menu entwining Asian and Western cuisines with contemporary fusion. Executive Chef Teddy Fang has over 15 years experience in the food and beverage industry. The mouthwatering menu starts with appetizers ranging from Roasted Peking Duck Salad, reinvented with orange marmalade sauce, to Smoked Salmon “A-la Timbale” in French style and Italian vine-ripened Tomato and Mozzarella Cheese Salad. Signature dishes range from the Miso Cod Fish with Seaweed Risotto, Roasted Rack of Lamb and Pan-fried Rib Eye Steak to Indian Chicken Curry with Steamed Rice, Malaysia Laksa and the very typical Taiwanese Style Beef Noodles. Café Dongxi also distinguishes itself with a “Lettuce Bar” with dozens of hand-picked prime lettuces and a variety of homemade sauces, where guests can make their own salad, a wonderful choice for the health-conscious among us. Café DongXi also offers two private dining rooms - perfect for corporate entertaining and private celebrations for 8 to 15 people. These multifunctional rooms are also equipped with audio-visual facilities catering to a range of private functions. A laid-back cigar bar offers cigars, fine wines and cognac while the library offers a quiet retreat for its guests. 1 East Jinling Road, Shanghai Tel: 021 6320 0088
WineClub 田博华,享誉全球的葡萄酒专家、作家,如今常驻曼谷、纽约。 他为亚太地区众多连锁酒店及餐厅担当顾问。他致力于慈善事业,并为餐饮类学校提供奖学金。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. is a global wine consultant and writer based at Bangkok, Thailand and with a U.S. office at New York. He operates a global social entrepreneurship for the benefit of those less fortunate, assisting some of the top hotel and restaurant chains in the U.S. and across Asia Pacific, developing their wine & spirits programmes. He also hosts hospitality industry dinners to recognize excellence, provide scholarships at hospitality and culinary schools and to make charitable donations to the UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity International and other worthy charities.
My Three Wine Predictions for 2013 从来就没有完全准确无误的预测,但 假如是经验丰富、充满智慧、直觉敏锐的人 经过深思熟虑做出的判断,那多半还是可以 经得住时间考验的。不管怎样,预测的准确 性和有效性只能通过时间来证明。从根本意 义上来说,所有的预测都是当下的反映,因 为过去已不可追回,未来还只是图景。既然 这样,我也只能小心翼翼地奉上我对 2013 年中国葡萄酒行业的前景预测分析。 进口高端葡萄酒消费量增幅将超过 15% 虽然中国经济增速放缓,但这并未影 响葡萄酒(以红酒占大多数)消费的增长, 其风头远远盖过中国传统白酒、果汁及其他 软饮料。出现如此状况跟越来越多城市新贵 们的接受不无关系。他们中的大多数要么出 生于上世纪 60 年代,要么就是 80、90 后, 积极进取且雄心勃勃,追求更高的生活质量 与品位是这一人群的特点。他们乐于接受 高端进口葡萄酒且频繁购买中意酒品。预 计 2013 年葡萄酒零售将继续高达 20% 的 增长,餐厅、酒店、酒吧以及俱乐部的葡萄 酒销售仍将保持强劲势头,因为更多的消费 者在外就餐时会选用鸡尾酒作为开胃酒来 搭配午餐或晚餐。另外,目前中国在建国际 品牌酒店数量全世界最多,这些葡萄酒消费 场所也为中国消费者了解与熟悉来自世界 各地的优质葡萄酒创造了有利条件,比如喜 达屋酒店与度假村国际集团旗下的每一家 酒店都推出了“樽酒典藏”(品尝顶级美酒 佳酿)活动。 国产高端葡萄酒消费增幅将达 20% 进口高端葡萄酒消费的增长也刺激了 中国本土高端葡萄酒产销量的上升。由于无 需负担运输费用及关税,土地和劳动力成本 也比发达国家低廉得多,国产葡萄酒往往价
96 LifeStyle
廉物美,况且很多中国消费者喜欢购买国货 以表达自己对民族工业的支持和对中国风 味物品的喜爱。像山西怡园酒庄和宁夏贺兰 山葡萄酒等,在种类、风格和质量上都能够 与同类进口葡萄酒相媲美。在未来几年内, 随着新的葡萄种植基地的开垦与拓展,国产 高端葡萄酒的消费量将会剧增。不过话说回 来,越来越多外国游客品尝的并非如标签上 显示的“中国制造”,这些所谓“中国葡 萄酒”多半是由 98% 的进口廉价葡萄酒与 2% 同样廉价的本地葡萄酒混装而成,前者 通常大批量购买自拍卖会,然后由集装箱运 到中国。 侍酒师将大量涌现 伴随高端葡萄酒在中国日益走红,餐厅、 酒店、酒吧和俱乐部也在招聘培训能够为顾 客提供专业葡萄酒服务的人员,并为其中特 别出类拔萃的冠以侍酒师的头衔。一名卓越 的侍酒师的光芒总是可以照亮整间餐厅,他 的讲解令在座的每一位客人精神振作,心情 舒畅,他根据客人荷包推荐的每款葡萄酒都 是佐餐的佳品。最重要的是侍酒师的美誉不 仅仅来自丰富的葡萄酒知识和娴熟的推销技 巧,对葡萄酒的真正迷恋,尤其是对服务生 和其他员工热情、孜孜不倦的教导,才使他 们赢得越来越多的赞誉。在我看来,中国乃 至世界的葡萄酒服务不只需要懂酒的人,更 需要真正热爱葡萄酒的人。他们愿意倾其所 有与人分享,帮助那些有志于成为专业侍酒 师(甚至品酒师)的人实现自己的梦想。 如此说来,在中国,不管是普通消费 者、热忱的葡萄酒爱好者还是严肃的葡萄酒 品鉴师和收藏者,2013 都将是值得期待的。 你可以尽情品尝世界各地的佳酿、丰富自己 的葡萄酒知识、结交有相同爱好的朋友并与 他们分享对葡萄的爱恋。
redictions are never guaranteed; however, if conceived after considerable thought and reflection by those with experience, wisdom and intuition, they are more likely than not to survive the test of time: For only after any such predictions have been proven right or wrong is their accuracy and validity a matter of record. By definition all predictions are of the present; being that the past is history; and the future is yet a fantasy. Given these truths to be so, I humbly offer our readers my Three Wine Predictions for 2013: Premium imported wine consumption in China will increase by over 15% Despite slowing economic growth and the economy in general, wine consumers on the Mainland will continue the trend, drinking more imported premium wine, mostly red of course, rather than traditional Chinese wine, fruit juices or soft drinks. This will be the case, primarily because an increasing number of upwardly-mobile aspirationals, mostly Millennials and Boomers, will be experimenting with premium imported wines and consuming greater quantities of the wines that they like the most. In addition, while off-premise or “take-home” premium imported wine sales in wine shops and
super markets will continue to increase even as much as 20% in 2013, on-premise or “dining-out” sales will remain strong, due to the increased frequency of wine consumers choosing an imported premium wine as a cocktail in bars, clubs, restaurants and hotels, both as an aperitif and as a compliment to their lunches and dinners. And since there are more western, global flag hotels being built on the Mainland than anywhere else in the world, all of which offer and promote imported premium wines, more and more Chinese wine consumers will be introduced to and find new favorites among a greater variety of premium imported wines from around the world, as in the very popular Starwood Hotels & Resorts “Wines the World” program now in every Starwood hotel. China-produced premium wine consumption will increase by 20% So, with the increased premium imported wine consumption in China, domestically produced premium wines will, likewise, increase in consumption, but as they do not include the required shipping and duties of imported wines; not to mention the fact that the cost of vineyard land and labor in China is far less than much of the developed world, Chinese premium wines are often an even better value than imported wines of similar pedigree. In addition, many Chinese wine consumers prefer buying China produced wines to support their country’s industry and to express their national pride in all things Chinese. Two of the Mainland leaders in the production and sales of premium Chinese wines, Grace Vineyard and Domaine Helan Mountain are now considered the equal of many of the top imported wines of similar variety, style and quality. Over the coming years, as new China vineyard sites capable of producing premium wines are discovered and planted, domestic premium wine consumption will soar. And last but not least, all this being so, increasingly, the growing
number of wine consuming tourists coming to China who want to say they tried Chinese wines will no longer as likely be drinking wines that appear from the bottle label to be “Chinese”, but are often in reality, 98% inexpensive, imported bulk wines, delivered in ocean tankers, bought at auction and combined in a factory with 2% equally inexpensive Chinese wines. A record number of Chinese “Wine Patriots” will be crowned And with increased premium wine consumption, restaurants, clubs, bars and hotels are hiring and training more servers to provide professional wine service; and promoting the best to “sommelier”. Sommeliers of Excellence always brighten the room, lift everyone’s spirits and ensure that they suggest just the right wines to compliment every dish, according to each customer’s budget. But it is not simply their wine expertise or salesmanship that earns them the title of “Wine Patriot”; it is their enthusiasm for all things wine, especially in educating the servers and staff with spirited excellence that they deserve to be considered a true patriot. And what China and the world of wine service needs more than anything is not more “wine PhD’s”, but passionate wine enthusiasts who lovingly share their knowledge and passion with those who want to become more professional wine servers; and perhaps even one day, “Wine Patriots”. So whether you are a casual premium wine consumer, an avid wine enthusiast or even a serious wine connoisseur & collector, 2013 will be another great year on the Mainland to sample a growing variety of delicious wines from around the world, increase your wine knowledge and make new friends who share your passion for the finer fruits of the vine. I am Red Owl, Ever Vigilant, Over & Out.
作为喜达屋旗下的豪华精选酒店,上海衡山路 十二号豪华精选酒店如何在同类酒店中脱颖而 出? 本着豪华精选酒店的“非凡卓越、本地风情、 多姿体验”三个核心价值理念,上海衡山路十二 号豪华精选酒店可以说是上海的绝佳“代言人”, 致力为客人留下难忘的回忆。我们将协助客人完 成一系列别具特色的上海探索活动,提供深度游 等信息。我们的探索之旅活动会让酒店工作人员 先亲身体验,再将艺术画廊、特色店和建筑等重 要信息制成个性出行指南,诸如此类的贴心服务 能让我们在激烈竞争中脱颖而出。 面对上海酒店业国际化的激烈竞争以及中国本土 酒店实力的稳步增强,你如何应对? 上海几乎囊括了所有你能想到的酒店品牌。 当然,整个市场的供与求都在增长。上海市中心 衡山路的地理位置非常重要,幸运的是这里近十 年来都没有高端豪华酒店入驻,我们这个只有 5 层楼、171 间客房的都市别墅式度假酒店还含有 一个别具禅意的“神秘花园”,除了提供星级标 准的奢华体验,更多的是个性化的定制服务,这 些会让我们别具一格。
Personalized Luxury 在酒店业打拼二十余年的资深专才汤大伟先生履新上海, 担任上海衡山路十二号豪华精选酒店总经理。这里,他和我们分享了从业心得。 General Manager of just opened Twelve at Hengshan, David Katemopoulos is a veteran hotelier with over 20 years of experience. He began his hospitality career in 1984 and since then has worked in many top-end hotels in North America and Asia. Text: Audrey Hammonds
作为酒店业资深人士,这些年你的领导风格有哪 些变化? 30 年前的酒店管理更多是自上而下式的命令 化管理,现在则更像顾问,比较民主,这可能是 我感受到的比较大的变化,另外我的经验告诉我 细节决定一切,从最大处到最细微处,连地上的 一片落叶都影响着酒店的形象,反映了这个团队 的合作状况。靠我一个人远远不够,我们有 300 名员工,我必须信赖我的 299 名工作伙伴,如果 他们刚好路过,他们会自觉捡起地上的落叶。 你觉得这一行最重要的职业道德是哪些? 我觉得和其它行业一样,诚信和以身作则, 公平也至关重要。你必须让人知道你是一视同仁 的,另外要有同情心,懂得原谅宽容他人的错误。
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上海衡山路十二号豪华精选酒店及其水疗中心在设 计和服务上有哪些“绿色举措”? 喜达屋内部有一个倡议,就是在 2020 年前要 减少 30% 耗能和 20% 耗水。比如,我们在房间里 安装了传感器,室内有人,灯才会亮。一旦 30 分 钟内传感器没有感应到人的活动,房间里面的设备 自动关闭。我们还采用了节能水龙头和厕所节水器。 位处繁华大上海的繁华地段,上海衡山路十二号豪 华精选酒店如何闹中取静? 酒店由著名建筑设计师马里奥·博塔倾力打造, 考虑到酒店所处的地段有大量带花园的私家别墅, 酒店也走相同路线,你可以走出起居室去探索“神 秘花园”。和衡山路周边的红砖楼相呼应,酒店建 筑也使用了赤陶砖。
As a member of the Luxury Collection of Starwood hotels, how will the Twelve at Hengshan hotel differentiate itself from other luxury hotels? The Luxury Collection has three core values: indigenous, experience and exceptional. Twelve at Hengshan is an expert representative of Shanghai, giving guests a memorable experience. When guests come and ask us questions about the city, we will offer them in-depth info about sightseeing spots;in our discovery tour program, we first went out and walked around to see what was notable: art galleries, specialty shops, architecture etc. We put these things on a walking map which we custom made telling guests where to go and what to see. Things like this make us stand out. How do you deal with the competitive environment of Shanghai and China’s steadily growing hospitality industry? Any hotel brand you can think of is in Shanghai. But although supply is growing, demand is growing as well. Also location
– being in the center of Hengshan Road is key, as is the low density of it – only 5 storeys tall, it is an urban chic hotel with a garden in the building. Also fortunate is that this specific area hasn’t had a deluxe hotel opening within the last 10 years. As a luxury hotel with only 171 rooms, we offer more personalized service but also have all the standard offerings of a luxury hotel, which helps us stand out among the competition. You have extensive experience managing luxury hotels. How has your management style evolved over the years? 30 years ago hotel management was a bit more authoritative, top-down, nowadays it’s more consultative, democratic. This is probably the biggest change to me. The thing that it’s taught me about managing hotels is that everything matters, from the biggest aspect to the smallest leaf that falls off a plant. It all translates into the hotel’s image and shows how well each associate (we have 300) works together. Since I’m only one person, I have to rely on the 299 associates to look out for these things for me; if they are walking past, they need to take initiative to pick up that leaf. What do you think are the most important aspects of your work ethic? I think it’s the same as with any other industry: Integrity through out the hotel, how you conduct yourself, and behave. Fairness is another, you must be seen to be fair so they know there is no favoritism. Show empathy to each of your associates and accept that people make mistakes. How has the Twelve at Hengshan hotel and spa incorporated environmental sustainability into its design and service? Starwood has a company-wide initiative called “30 20 by 20” – 30% less energy use and 20% less water wasted by the year 2020. For example, in the rooms we have control units with occupancy sensors, if there’s movement in the room then the electricity will turn on. After 30 minutes without movement, the whole room will shut down by itself. We also use water saving faucets and toilets.
How will the hotel emphasize its residential feel despite its location at the heart of bustling Shanghai? The building was designed by Mario Botta, who usually designs museums. For the concept he took the neighborhood into consideration, there are a lot of private villas with gardens in them, so the hotel is rather like these villas where you can walk through the living room and into a secret garden. Also the red terra cotta bricks are reminiscent of the red brick buildings you can find in and around Hengshan Road.
A Professional Homemaker 对于上海奥克伍德华庭总经理仲维豪来说, 这个温馨舒适的家外之家是他最津津乐道的话题。 Oakwood Residence Shanghai’s Stanley Chung talks about what makes Oakwood a home. Text: Jeffrey Ying
作为酒店式服务型公寓的“一家之主”,你 的经营理念有什么不同? 紧紧围绕“家”这个主题,奥克伍德的 公寓非常适合大小家庭和对空间自由度有要 求的个人旅行者。所有公寓都十分强调“家” 的感觉,我们的目标客户是商务人士和国外 旅居者,对于他们来说,宽敞整洁的房间、 厨房、冰箱、浴缸、洗衣设备以及全方位的 服务是最具吸引力的,而上海奥克伍德华庭 提供的正是他们所需要的。 那么上海奥克伍德华庭提供的服务有什么特 别之处呢? 根植于“倾听和照顾客人”的价值观, 五十多年前奥克伍德在美国先导了“服务公 寓”的先进理念。我们给客人提供的是个性 化、体贴入微式的服务,让他们真正无后顾 之忧:从刚移居新城市、进入新学校到学习 新语言,经验丰富且都是本地通的奥克伍德 人随时准备帮助客人解决难题。我们确定的 优质服务标准已众所周知,并且赢得了住户 的口碑,他们甚至在搬离后依然与我们保持 着联络,他们知道我们值得信赖,尤其是遇 到问题的时候。上海奥克伍德华庭就像一个 大家庭,员工和住户之间的关系就像家人一 样,孩子们叫什么名字、什么时候放学、谁 谁星期天爱睡懒觉、狗狗的最爱是什么…… 我们的员工都能如数家珍,这应该就是所谓 的“家外之家”吧。 你是新加坡人,在上海工作与在新加坡工作 有什么不同? 你也许不太相信,几乎没有什么差别。 上海是一个很成熟的市场,硬软件都非常不 错。深受全球化的影响,这里的人对国际品 牌、服务理念等一点都不陌生。上海一直被 认为是一个生活、经济环境都非常良好的国 际化大都市,它的快速发展就是很好的证明, 同时也展示了“魔都”的光明前景。
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你闲暇时喜欢做什么呢 ? 旅行对于我来说就是最好的休闲,一个 人得站在不同的角度来看世界。旅行对我的 工作也有着莫大的帮助。我会留意入住酒店 哪怕是微小的细节,然后把新方法或新想法 用到工作中去。奥克伍德一直以来都是享誉 全球的服务公寓品牌,而且能保持创新能力, 让住户惊喜不断。 What kind of different systems do you have for running a residential hotel? At Oakwood, our apartments are specially designed for all the comforts of modern living. With fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities and spacious living and dining areas, an Oakwood apartment is the ideal option for families, couples or individual travelers who just want the freedom of space. A residential hotel or what we call serviced apartments, usually emphasize creating the feeling of home. Our target market is business travelers and expats. What really attracts them is a clean and spacious rooms with a kitchen, a fridge, a bathtub, and laundry services. These are the service and extra equipments we offer here and these are exactly what travelers and expats need. What does the Oakwood offer that other serviced apartments do not? Oakwood pioneered the serviced apartment concept in the United States over 50 years ago, based on the values of listening to and caring for the customer. What Oakwood offers is personal and attentive service that tells our guests that all their worries are taken care of. From moving to a new city, to schooling and language concerns, our team is ready to jump in and help with their expertise and local knowledge. Oakwood’s famous Gold
Standard of service strives to achieve the trust of our customers, and for us, maintaining that relationship even after they check out, is as important. We keep close contact with our guests and they know they can count on us when they need a hand. Running an Oakwood serviced apartment is like managing a large home. Our associates are so used to treating guests and residents like family. We know they like to sleep in on Sundays and their dog’s favorite treats. Now that is how a ‘home-away-from-home’ should be, like a family. You come from Singapore. So what is different between working in Shanghai versus Singapore? You might find it hard to believe that there is any difference between working in Shanghai versus Singapore. However, Shanghai is a very mature market with advanced hardware and software - highly influenced by globalization, the people here have access to international brands, thoughts, services etc and Shanghai has been long regarded as an important international city. The speed of development is testament to its global status and future progress. What do you enjoy in your leisure time? Traveling is simply the best thing for me. You get to see a different world from a different perspective. For me, it actually helps with my career. I pay attention to small details in hotels I stay in and bring back new ideas back to my property. At Oakwood, we continue to be the most trusted name in serviced apartments worldwide while always bringing new elements and surprises for our guests.
A Culinary Legend 北京万达索菲特大饭店全新揭幕的一品淮扬中餐厅行政主厨蒋应荣拥有 30 年淮扬菜制作经验, 掌握一手烹饪绝活,并有多年星级酒店餐饮经验,被业内人士称为淮扬菜领军人。 Mr. Jiang Yingrong, Head Chef of newly-opened Yipin boutique restaurant in Sofitel Wanda Beijing, boasts many years’ catering experience in starred hotels, as well as a unique and fantasticbrand of culinary art. He has been hailed as the Number One chef of Huaiyang cuisine. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Chen Li
淮扬菜素有“东南第一佳味,天下之至美”的美誉,听北京万 达索菲特大饭店行政主厨蒋应荣说淮扬菜更像是听书般精彩!从菜 品的烹饪步骤到灵感创新,没有上年头的烹饪经验的厨师,绝对讲 不出这么多独门独道来。“淮扬菜口味平和、咸甜适中、南北皆宜, 菜品细致精美,酥松脱骨而不失其形,滑嫩爽脆而不失其味。如果 要说选料的讲究,则在于时令新鲜,都说醉蟹不看灯、风鸡不过灯、 刀鱼不过清明、鲟鱼不过端午。所谓因时而异,要的就是新鲜食材 的最佳状态,品的就是淮扬菜的清鲜与醇和。” 清炖狮子头曾作为开国第一宴的主菜,也是周恩来总理生前最 爱吃的一道菜,这道菜可是蒋师傅的拿手菜。他烹制的狮子头论刀工、 论火候、论配料,都是丸子中的极品。一般人做这道菜都会用五花肉, 他用的是猪颈肉,炖三个小时以上嫩滑多汁;别人用鸡蛋清,他用 的是鸽蛋清,在所有家禽和鸟类中只有鸽蛋的蛋清是透明的;人家 用自来水,他用的是纯净水;普通做法仅三个小时的火候,而他说 至少需要六个小时。如此精细的做法,难怪前国家领导人在尝过他 做的清炖狮子头后连连称赞。 淮扬菜注重刀工,蒋师傅的刀工更是传奇。他将文思豆腐改良 成菊花豆腐,豆腐切得犹如艺术品,更具观赏性。每个花瓣不仅粗 细均匀、大小相等、厚薄一致,更绝的是不断丝。做文思豆腐都得 勾芡,菊花豆腐则可以免去勾芡,口味更加清爽。蒋师傅强调说:“做 这道菜一定要淡定,心静才能动工,动则一气呵成。” 蒋师傅的招牌菜可不止这些,特别推荐大煮干丝、烧汁银鳕鱼、 金陵盐水鸭、秘制酥鱼……
Huaiyang cuisine ranks among the four major regional cuisines in China, with the other three being Lu cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and Yue cuisine. Derived from the native cooking styles of the region surrounding the lower reaches of Huai and Yangtze rivers, it has long been known as one of the culinary wonders in the world. Being an expert at cooking this cuisine, Mr. Jiang Yingrong, Head Chef of Yipin boutique restaurant at Sofitel Wanda Beijing, introduces Huaiyang cuisine by telling a story. He also knows all the secrets of the cuisine. “Huaiyang cuisine tastes light and moderate, suitable for all people whether from the North or the South. The finished dishes are delicate and beautiful. Being soft, tender and crispy, they still retain their complete forms and original flavors. The cuisine also features seasonal and fresh ingredients. As tradition goes for Huaiyang cuisine, Drunken Crab and Feng Chickenare best before Lantern Festival, anchovies before Tomb-sweeping Day and sturgeon before Dragon Boat Festival. That’s why Huaiyang cuisine is always fresh.” Steamed Meatballs in Clear Soup is a famous dish which were served at the celebration ceremony in 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was founded, and was one of Zhou Enlai, the ex-Prime Minister’s favorites. But the dish Chef Jiang cooks can be classified as awork of art for its superb cutting technique, appropriate heat control and ingenious use of ingredients. While generally marbled pork is used in cooking the dish, Chef Jiang uses pork neck and stews for as long as over 3 hours to make it tender and juicy; while common egg white is usually used he chooses pigeon egg white for its transparency; he also uses purified water instead of tap water; and though it usually takes 3 hours to make the dish, in his opinion, at least 6 hours are required. With such choice ingredients and elaborate process, no wonder his steamed meatballs are so fantastic. Excellent cutting technique is one of the features of Huaiyang cuisine and Chef Jiang’s skill is especially good. His take on Steamed Shredded Tofu with Chicken Soup, another famous dish of Huaiyang cuisine, is dubbed “Stewed Chrysanthemum Tofu with Chicken Soup” because the bean curd is cut into the shape of chrysanthemums to be more pleasing to the eye. Amazingly, each petal of the chrysanthemum has the even thickness and the same size, and the whole flower is complete and perfect. And his refashioned dish is lighter since no constarch is used. “One must keep a peaceful mind and accomplish it at one go.” Chef Jiang stressed. Of course, Chef Jiang’s specialties and innovations are far more than what’s listed here; my personal recommendations are Braised Shredded Tofu with Ham, Braised Codfish with Brown Sauce, Jingling Style Poached Salted Duck and Homemade Crisp Fish with Scallion Oil.
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周末度假有新宠 长白雪乡暖融融
Asia’s St. Moritz
万达联手泛海、一方、亿利、联想、用友, 六大集团共聚长白山西坡,秉承人与自然和谐共处的理念, 打造世界顶级度假体验地——万达长白山国际度假区,开启长白山西坡新时代。 A different world is closer than you think - travel to the western slopes of Changbai Mountain (Changbaishan) where the purity of nature and opulent lifestyle of a European-style ski resort await, taking you to a place (literally) closer to heaven.
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长白山下有人家,周末度假全无忧 山与天齐,雪如云白,目光所及之处, 天地一色,远处似有山黛若隐若现,偶见海 东青刹那掠过,留下一声低啸,余音袅袅。 让人不禁想探探那山下村,是否掩在清香漫 漫的梅花之中?度假区的六星级柏悦酒店、 威斯汀酒店,五星级凯悦酒店、喜来登酒店, 假日度假酒店和假日套房酒店便以这冰雪 世界为布景,参差错落地融在这银装素裹的 童话世界里。向窗外眺望,茫茫林海,皑皑 雪山和阳光普照的美景,让人觉得似乎入了 明信片中的一景。功能齐全的欧式小镇穿插 在度假区酒店群间,错落有致,设计精巧, 餐饮、剧院、品牌店等一一俱全,仿佛某个 藏在世外桃源里的小城,宁静安逸,与世无 争。小镇是度假区美食购物中心、公共服务 中心及文化活动中心,且功能区之间已实现 室内室外无缝对接,各个景点间也有巴士穿 梭接驳,免去客人寒冷之忧。 万达长白山国际度假区距长白山国际 机场 20 分钟车程,航空公司已开通北京、 上海、武汉、沈阳、长春等多条航线。度 假区设有机场大巴接送,无缝接驳与一站 式服务让客人在繁忙工作之余,轻松度假, 高枕无忧。你只需在周五卸下忙碌的包袱, 一切交给雪乡,便能找到犹获新生的感觉, 周日神采奕奕地返回。
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亚洲最好的滑雪度假胜地 万达长白山国际度假区的滑雪场作为 其最重要的旅游项目之一,地理位置得天独 厚,位于北纬 41 度的黄金滑雪度假纬度带, 占地面积为 7 平方公里,冬奥设计团队精 心打造的“会呵护的港湾滑雪场”让你轻松 享受一场原始山林中的冰雪盛宴。独特的自 然优势、灵活多变的雪场设计、刺激的灯光 滑雪道可充分满足不同滑雪爱好者的需求。 多条国外进口的顶尖索道设备构成的高速 缆车群让你一览长白风光的同时,能快速到 达指定雪道;4 台进口压雪车保证每天开放 的雪道具备舒适和安全的滑雪条件;师资力 量雄厚的滑雪学校和敬职的雪上巡逻队为 你创造一个专业的滑雪环境,提供更完美的 滑雪体验。 度假区内丰富多彩的雪地娱乐项目及 儿童滑雪场等娱乐设施让你和长白山的皑 皑白雪亲密接触。佛库伦湖冰雪世界、狗拉 雪橇、马拉爬犁、雪上冲浪……约上好友, 来一次激动人心的冰上对抗,无论是体验滑 行的速度还是冰面上的拦截,这里绝对是体 验激情、回味童趣的绝佳场所。 上古天真,“氧”生为先 古人云,天真者,就是不加任何人为 粉饰雕琢,尚未受污染、受蒙蔽的状态,同 时也暗含自然赋予万物的能量或能力,包含
人与自然交流的能力。时代越进步,日常用 品越高级,我们离天真就越远,更谈不上与 自然交流了,而追求天真的唯一办法是返璞 归真,接近自然。 优越的生态环境,未被过度开发的原 生美景,使得长白山四季景色各异。好环境 是达到“氧”生的根本。长白山保存较完整 的生态体系保证了整个长白山地区的环境 优异性。而万亩长白山原始森林也造就了长 白山地区整体优良清新的富氧大环境,充沛 的负氧离子含量(平均负氧离子含量约为市 区 10 倍)使得在这里的每一次呼吸都有一 种通透畅爽的感觉。也正因为此,长白山才 有了“黄山归来不看山,长白归来不问医” 的美誉。漫步白桦环伺的山间栈道,感受着 长白山原始纯净的浪漫,时间似乎停顿了下 来。西落的太阳将一抹金色的余晖铺满山 野,原本苍白肃立的白桦林也被这金色所笼 罩,犹如身披金甲的卫士守护这一片纯净天 空。 更喜温泉池水净,飞尘浴后一身轻 看着白雪皑皑的长白山,你会相信这 是座休眠活火山么?但大自然的奇妙之处 便在这里:冰寒冷酷如斯,却又要用近 100 摄氏度的“温暖”来慰藉生灵,冰与火两种 极端的美丽同时在这里演绎,似乎隐隐昭示 着天地与生命之间不可道的秘密。冬季的长
白山雪花漫天飞舞,空气清冷,那些星罗棋 布的温泉正是长白山几百年前“发火”后留 下的补偿,热气蒸腾,汩汩不竭,生机勃然。 对于热爱自然、钟爱温泉的人们来说,长白 山犹如圣地一般难能可贵。 长白山温泉素有“神水”之称,具有 较高的医疗保健价值。2700 米的热力泉涌 是不可多得的偏硅酸氟型医疗温泉,富含 锶、锂、锌、碘等多种微量元素,具有防治 皮肤病、改善血液循环、镇静神经等医疗保 健作用。长白山国际度假区温泉中心是长白 山众多温泉中一处私密的胜地,将户外雪景 与温泉完美融合。卸下沉重行装,放空心情, 自温泉池的青石板走下,温度在水的传导下 由脚下蔓延至全身肌肤,此时的心境悠然自 如,目及之处玉树琼枝,冰霜树挂,松柏绽 银菊,奇妙之感难以言喻。凝视着漫天飞雪, 氤氲的水汽半掩着远处的长白山颠,在两 极温差中释放真我,一切恍若置身于仙境, 与天地融为一体,人间难得几处寻! 天地精气,珍宴药膳 长白山国际度假区的湖景餐厅、雪顶 餐厅、小镇餐饮都收录了长白山地区各种 山珍美食。长白山珍宴是长白山地区独有 的美食体系,以长白山得天独厚的特产—— 人参、鹿茸、飞龙、雪蛤、松茸菇、蓝莓、 红景天、天麻等珍品为原料,博采京鲁素
菜之所长,集我国传统宴席之荟萃并加以发 扬,做工精细,烹制有术,席面优美华贵, 色彩灿烂。其配制特点是营养与药膳结合, 将山珍野味与名贵滋补品配伍,相辅相成。 珍宴由一个大花摆、八配美碟(四色八款串 拼)、六个热菜、两道点心组成。花摆的主 菜“全鹿梅花”以长白山鹿肉塑制一只奔跑 的梅花鹿,周围以松茸蘑、银耳、蕨菜缀成 一幅林海春光图;“长白飞龙鲜香锅”用长 白山飞龙肉配以翠绿油菜、艳红火腿,加顶 汤汆制而成;“多喜人参长寿鱼”以长白山 珍贵的人参和甲鱼为主料,蒸制而成,含有 丰富的蛋白质和无机盐;“天池雪蛤江莲花” 更是让人遐想联翩,色泽鲜艳,清适可口。 雪顶餐厅建在雪场主峰之上,视角绝 佳,可以俯瞰度假区的整体风貌,远观天池 胜景,夜探苍穹万象。冬日午后,沐浴暖阳, 一杯现磨咖啡相伴,享受美好时光。灯火阑 珊,一份精美牛排,时尚派对,共度良宵。 湖景餐厅更是借着那洋洋洒洒的雪花 将浪漫演绎得妙不可言。透过观景玻璃望出 去,冰冻的湖面犹如熠熠生光的宝石,又像 是等待舞蹈家上场的冰上舞台,天穹为幕, 星光灿烂,耳边万籁俱静。与眼前人喃喃低 语,美食美景,夫复何求。
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The Perfect Long Weekend Who doesn’t need a rest from the constant hustle and bustle of urban life, stressful work schedule, and muggy city air? A long weekend at the new resorts and suites at Changbaishan is all it takes to remedy your city blues. Set foot off the shuttle bus from the airport, and you will immediately feel that you’ve stepped into a lofty world somewhere
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between heaven and earth. The breathtaking natural beauty of this majestic snowcovered mountan and its surrounding wildlife is the perfect escape waiting only a few hours away. The air is crisp, clear, and beautiful, and will inspire and replenish your weariness from the long work week. The resort’s 6-star Park Hyatt hotel, Westin Hotel & resort, fivestar Hyatt regency and Sheraton Hotels,
resort and suites are a perfect setting for a winter fairytale. Gaze out through the window of your plush suite over the vast forest covered hills, snowy slopes and brilliant sunlit scenery for inspiration that you really can’t find in the city. Breathe in fresh pine-scented air and welcome the change from the daily city smog. Stroll down to the beautiful European style village, comfortably
nestled between sprawling resorts, which includes among other attractions, dining and drinking venues, theaters, shops and more. Or if you prefer, hop on one of the many buses that will chauffer you around town. Asia’s Alps The Wanda ski park is one of the prominent attractions at the Changbaishan Resort group. Lying at an ideal altitude for skiing, the 7 sq km ski park was carefully designed to interfere as little as possible with the surrounding natural habitat and provide guests with the most natural experience. With the fantastic surroundings, top-notch features including imported ski lifts and highspeed cable cars, and ample space, this is a ski lovers dream park. International standard imported machinery ensures the comfort and safety of skiiers daily, and professional ski instructors and safety patrol make for the best skiing environment possible. Inside the resort area, there are all kinds of different wintery activities for those less ski inclined – Cullen Lake is perfect for iceskating, and you can go dog sledding, ride in a horse drawn sleigh, or choose snowboarding if you’re adventurous. There’s something for everyone in this fantastic winter playground.
The Purity of the Past Back when things were simpler, not yet polluted with the side effects of modern society, people were closer to nature; now with cluttered lives and cluttered hearts, people are constantly looking for ways to escape the constant drone of technology and return to that simpler state. Sprawling forests and an incredibly well-preserved
eco-system (the area is home to over 200 animal and bird species,) make Changbai Shan a remarkable place to do that in this rapidly developing world. And on top of that, it’s also an amazing health retreat for the modern businessperson – the oxygen content in the air is supposedly almost 10 times that of within the city, meaning guests will feel healthier and deeply refreshed with
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each breath. Wander through an enchanted wood of snowy pines on the slopes and feel time stop as you take in the magic of this area. Soak off your Stress Gazing over the peaceful slopes of Changbaishan, you’d never believe this was once in fact an active volcanic mountain! Buried far beneath the icy slopes is a natural fiery warmth that provides the best comfort from the wintery freeze outside – natural hot springs. Steam your worries and the cold away in the healing 2700-meter-deep waters of the hot springs; known to have visible health effects on the body. Rich in mineral composition and high in Geothermal energy, the water can provide relief from the pain of stressed muscles and tired joints or skin problems, increase blood flow to help dissolve and eliminate toxins from the body, and increase metabolism, aiding digestion. The contrast of the sparkling snow outside with the steamy waters of the hot spring is a rare and wonderful experience. Dining Restaurants at the Changbaishan Resort from the lakeside restaurant, the mountaintop restaurant and the venues in the resort town all offer unique and varied local cuisines and specialties, including ginseng, deer antler, matsutake mushrooms, Chinese Snow Frog, blueberries, roseroot etc. All of these are natural health products are infused with traditional Chinese cooking methods and modern improvements, to create a refined culinary experience which
is both delicious and healthy. Well known dishes include venison surrounded by local gourmet mushrooms and ferns, arranged to look like a deer running through a forest; a hotpot including tender local Hazel Grouse meat, ham, and fragrant greens; the unique “Longevity” dish which combines precious local ginseng with turtle meat rich in protein and natural flavor; and the rare delicacy frog hasma soup. The mountaintop restaurant is stationed high atop a peak with particularly amazing views of the surrounding natural
beauty and resort itself, while the lakeview restaurant offers a vision of the snowy lake with its glittering frozen waters. All resorts are only 20 minutes ride away from theChangbaishan airport, which can be conveniently reached from cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenyang, Changchun etc. Take off on Friday to rest, relax and cure your weariness, and return refreshed and rejuvinated on Sunday, ready to take on the world.
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2012 年 11 月 30 日,北京瑞吉酒店在瑞吉花园 举行了盛大的圣诞树亮灯仪式,由此拉开 2012 年圣 诞节精彩序幕。当晚,酒店还荣幸地邀请到美国驻华 大使骆家辉先生及其夫人李蒙女士前来出席。 On November 30th, 2012- The St. Regis Beijing welcomed this year’s Christmas season and celebrations with their Tree Lighting event. Among the guests of honour there were The United State Ambassador to China Mr. Gary Locke and his wife Ms. Li Meng.
北京万达索菲特大饭店于 2012 年 12 月 4 日在酒店举 行每年一度的圣诞树点亮仪式。大约 300 位来宾出席了活 动,其中包括媒体及酒店客人。酒店大堂吧里美妙的唱诗 班表演、季节特饮、节日甜点和小吃迎接到访的宾客。 Sofitel Wanda Beijing organised a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the 4th of December, 2012. About 300 people attended this gathering including media representatives and guests. Vous Lobby Bar welcomed guests with seasonal delicacies, beverages and a Christmas choir performance.
2012 年 12 月 3 日,北京盘古七星 酒店在大堂举行了 2012 圣诞节点灯仪 式。从酒店正门前壮观的雪花屏、高达 7 米的特制圣诞树、圣诞姜饼屋到圣诞老 人和圣诞唱诗班,酒店内充满了浓郁的 圣诞氛围。 Pangu 7 Star Hotel held the 2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Dec 3rd. With a 7 meter tall Christmas tree, gingerbread house, Santa Claus and the choir, Christmas spirit was spread all over the hotel.
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以“圣诞亮灯,让爱摇摆”为主题的圣诞点灯慈善活动于 2012 年 11 月 30 日在上海 安达仕酒店盛大举行。15 个 Playsam 摇摇马于 12 月 1 日至 1 月 12 日在酒店展示,并于 1 月 13 日进行慈善义卖活动。 “Let’s Rock and Light Up Christmas” -A Christmas tree lighting event was held in Andaz Shanghai on 3th December.15 PLAYSAM Rocking Horses are displayed in the hotel from 1 December to 12 January with an auction on January 13th.
2012 年 12 月 6 日,上海绿地万豪酒店举办了隆重而又别有新意的圣诞亮灯仪式。在 唱诗班的歌声中,圣诞火车徐徐启动,为圣诞季鸣响了汽笛,圣诞树瞬间被点点星光所环绕, 所有的来宾都沉浸在幸福浪漫的氛围中。 On 6th December, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan hosted an exciting Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Enhanced by a choir, the Christmas train started moving slowly, ringing the Christmas season, and then the Christmas tree was lighted up.
上海浦东嘉里大酒店于 2012 年 11 月 30 日举行了圣诞树亮灯仪式,这可是上海 最高的光纤圣诞树。当天精彩的圣诞唱诗班 表演为圣诞季拉开帷幕。 Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai started the festive season by the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on 30 November 2012 with the city’s largest “Tree of Light” as well as a brilliant Christmas choir performance.
天庭圣诞亮灯仪式预示着上海金茂君 悦大酒店节日欢乐季的开始! 2012 年 12 月 2 日,众宾客相约在绚烂缤纷的圣诞树 周围。来自上海德威英国国际学校的圣诞小 天使们带来了温暖人心的圣诞颂歌。 On 2 December 2012, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony heralded the beginning of Christmas at Grand Hyatt Shanghai. The Christmas Carols choir of Dulwich College Shanghai performed several enchanting Christmas carols opening the ceremony.
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北京民族饭店 VIP 客户答谢晚宴 暨“美食每客”品牌发布会完美落幕
Gourmet Guest
2012 年 12 月 3 日,北京民族饭店 VIP 客户答谢晚宴暨“美食每客”品牌发布会在 民族饭店锦绣宫宴会厅盛大举行,北京民族 饭店总经理翟立军女士与众多新老客户及重 点媒体出席了此次活动。以“美食每客”品 牌发布为契机,民族饭店全新的品牌理念“在 一起,让我们成就更多”得到进一步发展与 深化,同时也为宾客呈现出北京民族饭店的 活力与生机。更为重要的是,一场引领餐饮 产业创新升级的变革由此拉开序幕。 On December 3rd, 2012 Beijing Minzu Hotel’s Customer Appreciation Dinner, called “Gourmet Guest” was held at the Banquet Hall of Jinxiu Palace. General Manager Zhai Lijun, new and old clients and influential media figures attended the event. With the promotion of “Gourmet Guest”, Beijing Minzu Hotel further develops its brand concept - “Together, we can create more.” While displaying its vigor and vitality, it has also started a big movement for innovation and upgrading within the food & beverage industry.
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Bling Bling Wonderland 2012 年 12 月 13 日晚,上海绿地万豪酒店“璀璨之夜——2012 客户答谢会”在其顶层酒吧“玉”激情绽放。约 160 位嘉宾亲临现场, 大家身着闪亮摩登的服装,在美轮美奂的夜上海景色下品尝美酒与美 食,无不被复古与华丽的浓郁气息所深深吸引。极具魅惑的舞蹈表演 和丰富多彩的抽奖环节贯穿其中,更有幸运者将头等奖香港双飞及入 住香港万丽海景酒店收入囊中。整场晚会高潮迭起,酒店总经理缪建 伟先生代表酒店管理层致辞并真挚地感谢来宾和公司客户对上海绿地 万豪酒店的鼎力支持。 On the night of December 13th, 2012, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan hosted a year-end customer appreciation event called “Bling Bling Wonderland” on its top floor Yu Bar. About 160 distinguished guests were invited to attend this fantastic event. Dressed in shimmeringly chic clothing, they enjoyed fine wines and delicious foods. All people indulged themselves in the convivial atmosphere and were impressed by the inspiring night views of the Huangpu River. There were also enchanting dancers and an exciting lottery draw with the lucky winning a first prize of a round trip to Hong Kong with accommodation at Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong. On behalf of the management, General Manager Jerry Miao made a thankful speech, promising to provide travelers a home from home.
西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店是西双版 纳傣族自治州第一家国际奢华水疗度假酒 店,于 2012 年第四季度正式对外营业,曾 被《中国饭店》杂志评为“2012 年最值得 期待新开业酒店”。酒店坐落于云南西双版 纳的原始森林中,毗邻老挝和缅甸的边界。 这片风光无限的世外桃源除了拥有少数民 族文化传承,还融合了极具东南亚特色的 异域风情。酒店依傍蜿蜒曲折的罗梭江畔, 为青翠欲滴的热带植被所包围,其现代风格 与自然美景浑然天成,何不去陶醉于原始森 林的葱郁,感受丰富多彩的文化?
A Hidden Enclave of Exotic Tropical Beauty The first international luxury spa resort in Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna, Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort & Spa opened recently. It was called “The Most Anticipated New Hotel Opening in 2012” by China Hotel magazine. The resort is nestled along a sweeping curve of the Luosuo River and is surrounded by verdant landscape. At the resort, contemporary style meets the rugged beauty of this evocative locale. It boasts unprecedented access to the emerging and pristine landscape of Yunnan. Also, with close proximity to the borders of Laos and Myanmar, the resort is ideally situated at the crossroads of Southeast Asia’s most distinctive cultures. Immerse yourself in the region’s rich culture against a background of enchanting green.
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蛇年十二生肖运程 蛇 ............................................................................................... 本命年。因有刑星入命,处事、投资方面不要做出错误抉择, 以免造成多方面压力。上半年是非特别多,下半年有破财,感 情常有斗嘴,人事也易招小人。健康方面需留意伤风头疼。万 事宜守不宜攻,方可平安度过。正月入庙拜太岁。
李同哥: 易经讲师,早年拜易学大师吴桐先生门下,随 其深造易经、风水命理、阴阳八卦、五行等学术, 历经内地和港澳十多年的实地操作和国学交流, 给企业和个人创造了无数个成功案例。
今年工作方面有很大发展,喜事连连,财运非 常好,但也会发生小是非和冲突,提防情感和 爱情变化,忍耐用心才会有好转,同时出手大 方也会造成财务困难。健康方面注意糖尿病。
鼠 ...................................................................
羊 ...................................................................
牛 ...................................................................
猴 ...................................................................
虎 ...................................................................
鸡 ...................................................................
兔 ...................................................................
狗 ...................................................................
龙 ...................................................................
猪 ...................................................................
生肖属鼠的人,今年流年各方面都需努力、专 心一致,方可获得好的回报。如有大投资应小 心,防金钱损失。人事方面小心属马的人有小 人之作。情感多一点礼让,相信自己,不要太 相信他人。健康方面注意肝、胆问题。
今年是三合之年,感情和爱情都有上佳发展, 但有时也会发生一点小插曲。生意方面要提防 属狗和羊的人生事,造成钱财损失。工作方面 平顺,心想事成。情感调和。健康注意头痛。
今年与太岁相害,流年是非口角较多,需有吉 星。钱财方面有理想收获。事业将得贵人相助。 情感则要小心第三者出现并造成伤害。正月入 庙拜神为上吉,有条件今年可外出发展。健康 方面注意肠胃病。
今年做事可进可退,伴有多方面的赞美,努力 就会有收获。投资方面小心为宜,需保持平常 心。情感要小心桃花劫造成家中不和。虚心听 讲,增进自信。健康要注意骨骼。
今年多方面都比较稳定,和气生财,但不宜大 投资,努力才有发展,注意属狗和羊的人带来 财物损失。情感要小心第三者。健康则要小心 眼病。
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马 ...................................................................
今年一切都比往年理想。正财大有增进,投资 方面在上半年较为理想。忌和属狗和属牛者合 作,宜自己经营。合作容易受他人拖累而造成 损失。少管他人事,感情方面要小心桃花劫。 健康注意泌尿系统等问题。
今年危机四伏,事事小心,贪字得个贫。事业 有所改变,有小人造成人事是非纷争,幸好贵 人出现化解。感情非常不稳定,变动非常大。 健康要注意血压问题。
今年为三合之年,工作、财运强旺,有事都是 好事,有新方向新希望,但忌为人担保,以免 损财。感情、健康都顺利,只是要小心骨骼和 神经类疾病。正月入庙烧香更好。
今年在事业上有反复多变, 特别在农历的三月、 六月、十二月,不破财也有伤,小心就可遇贵 人化解。工作、投资都要处理好人事关系,才 能有理想的回报。感情方面多一点包容,少一 点冷战斗嘴。健康注意外伤。正月有条件往东 北方走走更好。
今年因冲太岁在流年运程中做事多反复,不定 的事情常发生,不管做生意还是上班都会发生 大大小小的是非冲突,从而造成工作多变或投 资大而收益少。不要轻信他人,否则极容易造 成资金缺口,用平常心看待可转危为安。情感 多口角。健康少食海鲜。
A Rose By Any Other Name...
世人总喜欢用“人比花娇”来形容正 值妙龄的女孩,并且喜欢把美好的爱情寄托 在花之皇后——玫瑰身上,大多数人都以为 只是玫瑰明艳的外表讨喜而已,其实玫瑰才 是内外兼修的“美人”,具有极高的药用和 美容价值。保加利亚因得天独厚的地理和气 候条件非常适合玫瑰生长,成为举世闻名的 “玫瑰之邦”,卡赞勒克的玫瑰谷更是玫瑰 爱好者心中的圣地。优质原料加上当地悠久 的玫瑰加工工艺,世人便有幸享用玫瑰带来 的神奇效力。 经提炼而得的玫瑰精油居各类精油之 首,被称为“液体黄金”。玫瑰精油是极佳 的女性保健高级浓缩香精,能调节女性内分 泌,改善肌肤天然保湿力,增强肌肤免疫机 能,使肌肤光滑柔嫩,焕发健康光彩。玫瑰 清香甜美的香氛能通神怡情,具有平抚情 绪、舒缓紧张与压力,让人释放幸福感的效 果,对女性经前的紧张、痛经和月经不调也 有明显的改善作用。玫瑰精油也是名贵香水 的原料,用来制造美容、护肤、护发等产品, 还广泛用于医药和食品行业。 保加利亚玫瑰水能有效补充皮肤水分, 更适用于敏感皮肤,帮助消退因阳光直晒 而变红的肌肤;用作敷眼可舒缓疲劳不适, 改善黑眼圈,使面容滋润而富有光泽。 纯天然手工皂不含任何化学添加剂, 由 100% 天然植物原料制成,如天然植物 精油、植物甘油、椰子油及香熏油,再加上 纯天然植物及矿物去污、美白、滋润等功效, 长期使用可使肌肤充满弹性和活力,更加滋 润美白。 成立于 1991 年的 Refan 原本是经营香 水和化妆品贸易的家族企业,秉承保加利亚 三百多年制作玫瑰精油的传统工艺,融入最 新的产品研发理念以及严格遵守国际质量 安全标准和欧洲质量安全标准,致力于为
消费者带来纯正时尚的芳香护理体验,目前 已在全世界超过 30 个国家设有分部。如今 Refan 来到中国,为广大中国消费者奉献纯 正的保加利亚玫瑰精油护理理念。上海雨仁 文化传播有限公司与 Refan 一起将玫瑰精 油融入到人们日常生活中,让你通过简单的 沐浴、洗脸便可享受玫瑰精油带来的纯天然 呵护。 Shakespeare once compared the beauty of a woman to that of a rose, and it has so often been proclaimed the most beautiful of all flowers – who would question its place as the floral queen? But beauty is not only skin deep – the value of the rose lies not only in its visual charm, but also its“soul:” roses posses abundant value both medicinal and cosmetic. Bulgaria has long been famous for producing roses high in both quality and quantity, due to its unique climate and geographic conditions. Kazanlak, also known as Valley of Rose, has become somewhat of a Mecca for roselovers. There, they have combined premium
roses and traditional processing technology to produce beneficial new products like Rose Essence Oil. The skincare industry’s new“liquid gold,” Rose Essence Oil has been and still ranks number one among serums and essence products. It helps to adjust skin’s emission of natural oils and improve moisture retention and endurance, skin tone and elasticity. The familiar floral aroma is known to be refreshing and calming for the spirit and mind;and is supposedly especially helpful for female hormones, even having been said to reduce the tension of PMS. Rose Essence Oil is also one of the most important raw materials used in perfumes and beauty products, and also widely used in the culinary and medical industries. Bulgarian rosewater is also a perfect option for sensitive skin, soothing for damaged skin and helpful in the relief of sunburns. It even covers eye care, repairing signs of fatigue and lessening the appearance of dark undereye circles. Other products using rose oil include pure hand-made soaps, which retain the original plant’s essence, are free of any chemical substances and are also usable for long periods of time. Bulgarian family business Refan, founded in 1991, has combined an over 300-yearold process of producing Rose Essence Oil with the latest product R&D to offer high-tech and luxurious fragrance to its clients, all while strictly implementing international quality standards. At present, it has successfully entered the market in over 30 countries and established an international name for itself. Yu Ren, Shanghai has joined forces with Refan to bring amazing Bulgarian products to the Chinese market, passing on the culture of the world’s most outstanding beauty.
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IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 无锡梁鸿湿地丽笙度假酒店 : 任命 Grant Gaskin 先生为总经理 Radisson Blu Resort Wetland Park Wuxi : Mr. Grant Gaskin, General Manager,
上海世茂佘山艾美酒店: 任命马林先生为总经理 Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai: Mr. Ma Lin, General Manager
Mr. Grant Gaskin has over 30 years of professional experience in all facets of hotel operations, covering leadership roles across Asia-Pacific and the Oceania, for both business hotels and resort hotels including Pan Pacific Hotels, Southern Pacific Hotels and others. Mr. Gaskin is responsible for the overall strategic direction and operation of Radisson Blu Resort Wetland Park Wuxi.
Mr. Ma Lin has been appointed as the General Manager of Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai. Ma Lin is a veteran among China’s hotel professionals. He started his hotel career in 1985 with Starwood Hotels and Resorts, and has 25 years of domestic and international hotel management experience. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Ma Lin was the general manager of Sheraton Qingyuan Lion Lake Resort.
北京怡亨酒店:任命柯伟松先生为总经理 Hotel Éclat, Beijing: Mr. Wessel Z. Krauss, General Manager
上海龙之梦万丽酒店 : 任命曾镇乾先生为总经理 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: Mr. Tin Kiang Chen, General Manager
Mr. Wessel Z. Krauss was recently appointed as General Manager of Hotel Éclat Beijing; the newest, soon to be opened Small Luxury Hotel of the World in Beijing’s Central Business District. Dutch-born hotelier Mr. Krauss joins Hotel Éclat Beijing with extensive experience, including re-branding, preopening and refurbishments of properties in both Europe and Asia.
上海淳大万丽酒店: 任命卓展豪先生为总经理 Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel: Mr. Silvano Dressino, General Manager We are so excited to welcome Silvano Dressino to the to the Renaissance brand. Silvano boasts a 16-year career of hospitality and management at Marriott International covering a variety of brands and positions as Area Director of Revenue Strategy for South East Asia overlooking Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. and m o re re c e n t l y t h e J W M a r r i o t t H o t e l Hong Kong where he served as Resident Manager.
上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店 : 任命艾剑敏先生为总经理 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: Mr. Arthur Ai, General Manager Accor Hospitality Group is pleased to appoint Mr. Arthur Ai as the General Manager of Pullman Shanghai Skyway. Mr. Ai will oversee all aspects of property management in accordance with hotel’s mission statement. Arthur has over 20 years experience in the hospitality business.
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓与上海福朋喜 来登由由酒店 : 任命卞家佳先生为销售总监 Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences, Pudong and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: Mr. Jerry Bian, Director of Sales Mr. Jerry Bian is appointed as Director of Sales of Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Pudong. He will be in charge of Corporate, Travel and Residences Sales Teams. Prior to joining Pudong hotel complex, Jerry took the role as Assistant Director of Sales in Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel.
Mr. Tin Kiang Chen has been appointed as the General Manager of the Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel. An Australian Malaysian who first joined the Marriott Group in 2000, Mr. Chen has served with Marriott International for 12 years. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Chen was the GM of the Nanning Marriott Hotel.
上海国丰酒店:任命何启荣先生为总经理 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Mr. Christian Ho, General Manager Guoman Hotel Shanghai is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Mr. Christian Ho as the General Manager. Mr. Christian Ho graduated from Les Roches International School of Hotel Management and has 30 years of working experience in the hospitality industry, with 13 years of experience in Europe.
上海红塔豪华精选酒店: 任命王欢先生为餐饮总监 The Hongta Hotel, Shanghai: Mr. Tony Wang, Director of Food and Beverage
The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai is delighted to announce the appointment of Tony Wang as Food and Beverage Director effective immediately. Tony started his career in Switzerland studying a higher diploma in the Swiss Hotel Management School. Since then, he has held several positions with Starwood, as well as independent restaurants in Europe.
广州圣丰索菲特大酒店 : 任命 Nicolas Vienne 先生为行政总厨 Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich: Mr. Nicolas Vienne, Executive Chef Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicolas Vienne in position of Executive Chef, effective from January 7th, 2013. Renowned French Chef Nicolas has more than 10 years of professional cooking and kitchen management experience all over the globe. He uses organic, natural cleaning materials and works with local producers to create tempting cuisine.
116 LifeStyle méLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129
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宝格丽推出全新 Astrale 系列珠宝腕表 Bulgari Launches New Astrale Series of Wristwatches
万宝龙倾心呈上 2013 情人节项链 Valentines Day Necklace by Montblanc
2 月 14 日情人节当日,万宝龙将深情 呈献情人节项链,粉红金色心形吊坠及 不锈钢星形吊坠一线双连,设计巧妙饶 富深意,如同月老红线相牵,象征两情 相悦,相爱一生矢志不移。万宝龙珠宝 首饰设计向来灵活多变,情人节项链皮 绳有棕及黑两色,随意调节皮绳长度有 不同效果,心星合璧妙传情。此款项链 自 1 月起于全球万宝龙专卖店发售。
全新的 Astrale 珠宝系列延续宝格丽的一大钟爱审美主 题,焕发出亘古不灭的创新之火,唤起相较以往更为辉 煌的闪耀星辰永恒之光。才华横溢的宝石大师们大胆创 新,完美地设计出无与伦比的作品,巧妙地将钻石最闪 烁的光芒以和谐适度的设计表现无遗,统治着当代珠宝 界至高无上的优雅。
Victorinox Swiss Army 新添 Alpnach 机械计时腕表 Victorinox Swiss Army: New Mechanical Alpnach Chronograph
Alpnach 机械计时腕表是 Victorinox Swiss Army 至今最 大胆的设计,以著名的瑞士空军阿尔卑斯山直升机基地 命名,设计灵感源自空军的双旋翼美洲狮 AS 532 直升机。 腕表设计鲜明脱俗,棱角分明,其中重要的结构元素仿 照直升机的螺旋桨、驾驶舱、轮转轴及涡轮。
蒂芙尼艾尔莎·柏瑞蒂蛇形项链盛赞农历新年 Tiffany & Co and Elsa Peretti’s Year of the Snake Necklace 世界顶级珠宝品牌蒂芙尼以殿堂级珠宝设计师艾尔莎·柏 瑞蒂摄人心魂的 18K 黄金蛇形项链荣耀礼赞中国农历蛇 年。形态优雅的蛇形项链完美展现了艾尔莎·柏瑞蒂打破 传统桎梏,将自然精髓幻化为革新之作的超凡才华,更 加彰显出她作为顶级珠宝设计师的尊崇地位。
卡西欧发布第三代 自拍神器 TR200 Casio Releases Third-Generation TR200
继 TR100 与 TR150 的 持 续 热 销之后,卡西欧近期推出了新 一代的 TR200。这款活跃于模 特、时尚达人手中,被誉为“自 拍神器”的卡片机型完全打破 了相机业界的市场生态环境。 凭借 360°旋转外框、270°旋 转触屏与令自拍爱好者倾心的 美颜模式,卡西欧 TR 系列成 功缔造了一个卡片机神话。
黑莓保时捷高端智能手机 P’9981 在中国发布 BlackBerry & Porsche Release P’9981 Smartphone in China
保时捷设计工作室与 RIM 公司近期在中国正式发布全新 保时捷设计的 P’9981 智能手机。该产品自 2012 年 12 月起于保时捷设计专卖店以及黑莓授权零售店发售。为 了满足中国客户的需要,P’9981 智能手机支持简体中 文界面及输入法。在中国地区指定零售店购买此款智能 手机的客户,将可享受专属的贵宾服务。
诺基亚 Windows Phone 8 系列产品登陆中国 Nokia Windows Phone 8 products Land in China
诺基亚 Window Phone 8 产品正式登陆中国市场并开始 接受预定,其中诺基亚 920、诺基亚 920T 和诺基亚 820 三款产品于 2012 年 12 月开始接受预订,诺基亚 620 将 于 2013 年年初上市。此次家族亮相距离诺基亚 920T 发 布时间不足一周,标志着全新诺基亚 Lumia 产品已全面 覆盖不同价格区间,为消费者提供更多选择。
Doxie 推出首款手持式扫描仪 Doxie Launches First Handheld Scanner
Doxie 近期推出了首款手持式扫描仪。这款便携式扫描仪 体积很小,可以随身携带。你只需要打开电源,然后扫 描就可以了,手持式扫描仪会将扫描的内容保存到外接 的 SD 卡中。除此之外,它还可以通过设置将文件传输到 电脑、iPhone、iPad 和 iOS 6 系统的 iPod Touch 上。无 Wifi 版售价约为 927 元,而 Wifi 版售价约为 1238 元。
LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE WA 臻景医疗北京中心试营业开幕 WA Optimal Health Care Center Opens in Beijing 世界一流的五星级医疗中心——WA 臻景 医疗北京中心近期在香山公园试营业开 幕。“更健康、更美、更长寿”,WA 臻 景医疗以前瞻性的眼光开启其中国高端 医疗保健事业的大门,也掀起中国高端 医疗保健事业的革命。该中心拥有世界 最先进的医疗系统、最人性化的服务以 及最奢华的享受。
九朝会四周年感恩答谢会暨美食新 理念体验营成功举行 Nine Dynasty Fourth Annual Thanksgiving Gourmet Cuisine Assembly Held
2012 年 11 月 28 日晚,九朝会“四周年 感恩答谢会暨美食新理念体验营”活动 在九朝会会所隆重举行。九朝会投资方 博洛尼集团领导、九朝会高管及会员代 表、中外美食家及媒体应邀出席此次盛 会。2013 年九朝会集团将在全国重点城 市开拓自有品牌和管理品牌,将自身在 文化、餐饮领域的经验与更多的业内人 士分享。
FILA x NOOKA 极致设计主张引发 跨界潮爆 FILA x NOOKA Crossing Borders with Futuristic Chic
地中海国际葡萄酒及烈酒亚洲展 将在上海举行 The International Mediterranean Wine & Spirits Exhibition in Asia
2 月 26 日至 28 日,首届地中海国际葡 萄酒及烈酒亚洲展将在上海新国际博览 中心举行。三百余家展商将带来品种繁 多的地中海葡萄酒,满足亚洲专业人士 求新、求变、日益增长的需求,并能完 美搭配亚洲的各种美食。地中海葡萄酒 及烈酒国际展览会由法国朗格多克 - 鲁西 荣大区创立于 1994 年并作为世界性的葡 萄酒盛会延续至今。
Victorinox 推出 Werks Traveler 4.0 旅行箱系列 Victorinox Releases Werks Traveler 4.0 Suitcase Line
Werks Traveler 系列一向以构造轻巧、 内部宽敞见称,其符合人体工学设计, 深 受 旅 游 行 家 欢 迎, 也 赢 得 了 各 界 赞 誉。Victorinox 最新推出糅合时尚独特的 外型与创新配件功能的 Werks Traveler 4.0 Dual-Caster 旅行箱系列,享有多功 能性间隔及特大的储物空间,为休闲及 商务旅行人士最佳旅游伴侣。轻便耐用 兼具的最新旅行箱备有不同尺寸,现于 Victorinox 零售店全面发售。
法国旅游产品推介会成功举办 Atout France Holds Travel Goods Promotion
意大利百年时尚生活品牌斐乐一直是高 品质时尚生活方式的代表,其与 NOOKA 的颠覆性跨界合作在迎来品牌新高峰的 同时,也将翻开革命性的新篇章。本次 的 FILA x NOOKA 系列由明星级设计师 马修·沃尔德曼亲自操刀,他将一贯的前 瞻性的设计语言与极具未来感的建筑美 学实践到产品的设计与研发当中,创造 出前所未见的潮流单品,备受新潮人士 追捧。
由法国旅游发展署中国办事处主办的“玩 转法兰西”法国旅游产品推介会近期在 北京、上海、广州举行,部分法国旅游 机构还前往武汉进行推介。法国航空公 司、协和酒店及度假村、巴黎老佛爷百货、 丽都夜总会等二十余家旅游机构及酒店 代表为中国的旅游业界人士提供了法国 最新的旅游信息和旅游产品建议。据悉, 2012 年到访法国的中国游客数量增长了 15%(2011 年中国游客人数突破百万大 关),业内人士对于 2013 年游客数量预 测也颇为乐观。
孙菲菲与 CC 卡美一起品鉴“结” 系列 Sun Feifei Weighs in on CC.Knot Jewelry Series
海格林中国首家旗舰店登陆上海 Hedgren Opens First Flagship Store in Shanghai
对中国之美颇有见解的珠宝品牌 CC 卡美 自推出“结”系列以来,因独特的寓意 备受名流追捧。近日,内地艺人孙菲菲 应邀来到 CC 卡美与 VIP 一起品鉴中国爱 情信物——结系列,并在活动现场分享 了她对“结而为约”中国情感的独到见解。 孙菲菲也成为 CC 卡美珠宝大使,为 VIP 讲述“结”系列中的美好寓意与珠宝搭 配心得。
2012 年 11 月 26 日,来自比利时的世界 著名箱包品牌海格林首次登陆上海,其 在中国的首家旗舰店——上海淮海路旗 舰店隆重开幕,旨在用时尚舒适、集品 质与功能于一体的箱包为消费者带来更 轻松方便的生活。将中国首家旗舰店落 户在上海最繁华的商业地标淮海路商圈, 也彰显出海格林对中国市场的重视。
澳大利亚顶级酒庄回归软木塞 Australian Wineries Return to Cork
“意大利葡萄酒在中国”项目启动 Launch of “Italian Wines in China” Project
澳大利亚顶级酿酒商罗世登酒庄在过去 五年中采用螺旋盖来封存其所产葡萄酒, 然而却一直备受此种封盖所带来的品质 监控问题的困扰。有鉴于此,该酒庄近 期宣布停止使用螺旋盖,重新使用软木 塞来封存其所产各种葡萄酒。酒庄负责 人说,软木塞对葡萄酒的封存性能的改 进可谓立竿见影,回归软木塞显然是正 确方向。
由意大利葡萄酒联合协会和意大利酿酒 师协会发起的“意大利葡萄酒在中国” 项目近期在北京举行开幕仪式。该项目 旨在增加中国市场对意大利主要葡萄酒 产区的认知,传播意大利各个葡萄酒大 区的历史与传统,并展现意大利葡萄酒 相关机械生产的杰出工艺。历时一年的 项目将由意大利公共机构意大利国家酒 业促进中心——意尚负责在中国推进。
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE天津利顺德大饭店豪华精选酒店 1863 别致西餐厅 & 花园: 皇家圣诞菜单 经典永流传 Astor Luxury Collection Hotel Tianjin,1863 Bistro & Terrace: Royal Christmas Menus
Come and enjoy traditional Christmas fare in December from our festive Historical menus in the 1863 Bistro or our private banquet rooms. Edwardian, with Christmas pudding and roast beef; Victorian, with roast turkey served with traditional garnishes, pudding of winter fruits and marzipan, or Elizabethan, with roast goose and Yule log. Tel: +86 22 2331 1688 ext 8918
2012 沈阳盛贸饭店: “情迷夜巴黎”圣诞夜宴 Traders Hotel Shenyang: “Paris at Night” Christmas Banquet
Tr a d e r s h o t e l , S h e n y a n g h e l d a magnificent “Paris at Night” celebration on Christmas Eve. For the event, there was coffee in the Hotel Grand Ballroom, with gourmet treats including Christmas baked ham and mellow wines; and exciting live performances. Tel: +86 24 2341 2288
北京金融街威斯汀酒店 Prego 意大利餐厅: 意式简约午餐 + 意式美味 Westin, Beijing Financial Street, Prego Italian Restaurant: Espresso Lunch & Menu Degustazione
Enjoy Prego Italian Restaurant’s Espresso Lunch, an antipasto buffet followed with a choice of main course and dessert served at your table. Appetizers include a selection of refreshing salads, soup, with main courses like risotto and grilled salmon. Their Menu Degustazione is hearty Italian fare that promises to take you to the beautiful provinces of Italy. Tel: +86 10 6629 7523
深圳大中华喜来登酒店 Mezzo 意大利餐厅:全新晚餐套餐 Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel: New Dinner Set @ Mezzo Italian Restaurant
Until 28 February 2013, a brand new dinner set is available in Mezzo Italian Restaurant at Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel. Indulge a three course set dinner prepared by our talented Chefs with elegant environment and professional service. Enjoy real and authentic Italian cuisine. Tel +86 755 8383 8888
艾狄士食品致力推崇质量、 口感和新鲜度 Elders Fine Foods Celebrates Quality, Flavour & Freshness
Elders Fine Foods recently played host to a food and beverage celebration at the Shanghai InterContinental Expo that will long be remembered for culinary innovation and the unmistakable freshness and clarity of flavour common only to produce grown in the pure environments of South Australia. Tel: +86 158 2133 2995
上海锦沧文华大酒店: 冬日优惠礼包 Shanghai JC Mandarin: Winter Special Deal
From 2012.12.15 to 2013.2.28, spend RMB2500 or above in any of our restaurants (excluding banquet and wedding), and you will get a one night stay free of charge either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday or one night stay from Monday to Thursday for only additional RMB350+15%. Tel: +86 6279 1888 5228
都会西餐厅 : 自助晚餐两人同行一人免单 ! Eaton Luxe Xinqiao, Shanghai, Metro Buffet & Grill: International Buffet Dinner Buy One Get One Free!
An exciting interactive dining experience where chefs cook in a show kitchen. The 142-seat Metro Buffet & Grill features smart modern design with local and international favorites including seafood, “hand pulled” noodles, sushi, and fresh salad bar. Don’t forget to try our dessert station with smoothies and ice cream! Tel: +86 21 2309 8888
年年岁岁花更相似,岁岁年年民族更新 Minzu Hotel Beijing: New Year Festival 2013 Yi Pin Restaurant at Beijing’s Minzu Hotel prepares a special New Years Festival for 2013 with a NYE dinner including creative and classic Chinese cuisines that will make your mouth water, like stirfried satay seafood and of course, dumplings. The celebration also includes musical performances for your enjoyment! Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163
Spoil yourself with sheer indulgence at The Longemont Shanghai’s Amici Italian restaurant! For a limited time you can enjoy a special steak set dinner menu featuring a mouthwatering Grilled Beef Tenderloin Steak, Roasted Rosemary Potatoes garnished with seasonal vegetables, daily soup or pasta, homemade bread and coffee or tea with cookies to end the dinner on the sweetest note. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8230
花园饭店 ( 上海 ): 新年特别套餐 Taste in Okura Garden Hotels Shanghai New Year Special Set Meal
I n t h e N e w Ye a r h o l i d a y p e r i o d , c o m e t o Te p p a n y a k i R e s t a u r a n t Sazanka to experience the New Year’s atmosphere, and taste exquisite fine food guaranteed to whet your appetite. Continuing oriental traditions, Sazanka offers exotic food in a setting with elements both eastern and western. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111
北京北辰洲际酒店: 蛇年贺新春,粤秀轩年夜饭 Intercontinental Beijing Beichen, Yue Sau Hin Restaurant: Celebrate the Year of the Snake
Intercontinental Beijing Beichen Hotel celebrates Chinese New Year with a dinner, with its magnificent view of the Olympic Park and stadiums. You and your family can celebrate at Yue Sau Hin Chinese restaurant for the year of the snake in style with a variety of packages, which can be customized according to your requirements. Tel:+86 10 8437 1334
上海齐鲁万怡大酒店:新春佳节其 团圆,年夜饭火热预定中 Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Pudong, Hua Mei Garden Restaurant: Chinese New Year Celebration
Celebrate Chinese New Year at Hua Mei Garden Chinese Restaurant in Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Pudong! Our reunion menu prepares every families favorite cuisines, with classic Chinese dishes by our house chef. Reservations available from now until Feb 24th. 2013. We look forward to seeing you there! Tel: + 86 21 6887 7886 ext 8510
2012 上海希尔顿酒店 : 圣诞新年嘉年华 Hilton Shanghai, Leonardo’s & the Atrium Café: Happy New Year 2013
Step into the grace of Leonardo’s where a glass of champagne waits for a night of pure elegance on New Year’s Eve. Dine on a six-course set menu of delicacies from the Mediterranean, luscious desserts on a trolley and wines. Or try cuisine with a celebratory twist at the Atrium Café on New Year’s Eve, with an assortment of western and Asian fare and Holiday desserts. Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1886
上海索菲特佘山酒店: 日式雪蟹火锅 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: JAPANESE SNOW CRAB HOTPOT
Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental’s Fukami Restaurant invites you to discover the Japanese FUKUI snow crab; a delicious remedy for cold winters from the bottom of the Japanese sea. Fresh high-quality ingredients are only picked from certified origins is slowly cooked for an unforgettable experience. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1916
上海威斯汀大饭店:舞台餐厅厨师 领班王毅荣获 FHC 中国国际烹饪 艺术比赛 2012 海鲜烹饪金奖 Shanghai Westin hotel head chef Wang Yi Wins Gold Medal at the FHC International Culinary Arts Competition 2012.
Head chef of the Westin Shanghai hotel restaurant Wang Yi recently won a gold medal for China in the WACS-sponsored 2012 FHC International Culinary Arts Competition for seafood cooking with his dish of grilled salmon. His recipe is innovative and healthy, promoting the Westin brand’s commitment to wholesome eating. Tel: +86 21 6335 1888 ext 7523
裕景大饭店 : 如意盆菜 The Eton Hotel Shanghai, Yuting Restaurant: Treasure Pot
Yuting Restaurant presents a special treasure pot for you and your family & friends in this special festive season, including delicacies like Abalone, Sea Cucumber, Baked Meat, Chicken, Goose Web, Cuttle fish ball, shrimps, and more..... Tel: +86 21 3878 9888
上海龙之梦万丽酒店:功夫意面 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel, Azur Restaurant: Kung Fu Pasta!
We l o v e p a s t a i n e v e r y g l o r i o u s shape and form, we also think that it should be made fresh and just the way you like it! So we have created an interactive pasta bar, where you can choose the shape, the ingredients and the sauce, our chefs will take care of the rest. Discover pasta the kung fu way! F r i d a y s a n d S a t u rd a y s 6 : 0 0 p m 10:00pm. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888
富贵蛇年 新锦江新春年宴 Jin Jiang Tower Shanghai: Spring Festival Dinner
Happy Chinese New Year of Snake! Celebrate Spring Festival at the Magnolia Grand Hall on Feb. 9, 2013, the Lunar New Year’s Eve. The chef will prepare delicate traditional Chinese Cuisine for all the families in attendance. Price is ¥3,388 net per table for maximum 10 persons including free flow soft drinks. Tel: +86 21 6415 1188 ext 80411
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LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店 : 2012 年圣诞爱心点灯仪式 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental Launches the 2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony In December 2012, Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental held its Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The hotel invited the Si Jing Grade School to attend this year. To prepare a wonderful Christmas night for these children, management bought Christmas gifts for them and asked for donations for their christmas wishes. We hope that all their wishes come true. Tel: +86 21 3761 1626
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店被申江服务 导报评为“2012 最佳行政酒廊酒店” Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel awarded as “2012 The Best Executive Club Lounge Hotel” by Shanghai Times
Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel was awarded “The Best Executive Club Lounge Hotel” at the Shanghai Times Best Hotel Awards Ceremony. Mr. Anis- the Managing Director, says, “This is a great honor for Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel, and inspires us to provide high quality service to the guests.” Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2830
《王的盛宴》主创下榻苏州独墅湖 世尊酒店 The Last Supper Stars Visit Worldhotel Grand Dushulake Suzhou
香港演员钟丽缇小姐入住上海大酒店 Ms. Christy Chung Stays at Grand Central Hotel Shanghai
昆山瑞士大酒店 : 承接 2012 年世界 电子竞技大赛接待工作 Swissótel Kunshan Set for the World Cyber Games 2012
深圳大中华喜来登酒店 : 总经理那 瑞帝先生荣获“福田国际友谊奖” Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel: Mr. Claudio Nardini, the GM, receives “The First Futian International Friendship Award”
Last December, director Lu Chuan, actor Liu Ye of new Chinese historical film The Last Supper (Chinese: 王的盛宴 ), visited Worldhotel Grand Dushulake Suzhou and received a warm welcome from the hotel general manager Mr. John Bertram and his management team. Tel: +86 512 6956 8888
From 29 November to 2 December 2012, the city of Kunshan hosted its first international event – the World Cyber Games. Welcoming gaming contestants from over 30 countries, their supporting teams and fans, it was the city’s biggest event ever. As part of the opening festivities, a model dressed as Lara Croft from the series Tomb Raider stormed Swissôtel Kunshan, the official partner hotel for this event. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788
Recently, popular Hong Kong actress Ms. Christy Chung came to Shanghai to take part in some activities. During that period, she stayed at Grand Central Hotel Shanghai. Ms. Christy Chung (left) was warmly welcomed by Mr. Charles Feng (right), Assistant General Manager of the hotel. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 80841
Claudio Nardini, general manager of Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel, recieved “The First Futian International Friendship Award” during the “Sound of Friendship” Concert at Shenzhen Concert Hall on December 2nd, which was held by Futian’s Government to express gratitude to expats who have contributed to Futian’s development. Tel: +86 755 8383 8888
斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心 : 荣膺 Tatler Travel Awards 2013 大胆创意 设计奖 Swatch Art Peace Hotel wins Daring Design at the Tatler Travel Awards 2013
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓和 上海福朋喜来登由由酒店 : 圣诞点 灯仪式 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: 2012 Christmas Lighting Ceremony
海口香格里拉大酒店: 隆重亮相“中国夏威夷” Shangri-La Hotel, Haikou Opens on the Shore of “China’s Hawaii”
南京威斯汀大酒店:健康跑 The Westin Nangjing: 3K Run for Launch of New Balance Gear Lending Program
The Swatch Art Peace Hotel was awarded the Daring Design Award for 2013 in the annual Tatler Travel Awards 2013 hosted at the Ritz Hotel in the heart of Mayfair in London for its qualities as an outstanding hotel and its inspired operating concept. The Swatch hotel innovatively blends a retail environment with a residence where gifted artists are invited to live and work. Tel: +86 21 2329 8337
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts officially arrived on the shore of Hainan this week with the opening of the 337-room Shangri-La Hotel, Haikou. The hotel offers spectacular sea views and extensive event venues, and is offering an opening package through 31 March 2013 that includes a stay in a Deluxe Sea View Room, daily buffet breakfast for two etc. Tel: +86 898 6870 7799
Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong invited over 100 guests including children from Shanghai Pudong Special School to join the 2012 Christmas Lighting Ceremony on November 29th. The tree was lit by Managing Director Mr. Anis and two children from the School. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2830
The Westin Nanjing recently kicked off the celebration of the global roll-out of Westin Hotels & Resorts’ successful New Balance gear lending program with a 3k run. The Westin Nanjing is one of more than 70 Westin properties worldwide, that combined will run over 6,000 miles, reinforcing the brand’s ongoing commitment to making fitness convenient for travelers. Tel: +86 25 8355 5198
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 上海证大丽笙酒店: 蓝色圣诞点灯仪式 Radisson Blu Hotel Pudong Century Park: Christmas Lighting Ceremony
Last November, the Radisson Blu Hotel Pudong Centur y Park launched its Christmas program with a tree lighting ceremony. The hotel invited pupils from Yangdong Migrant Primary School to celebrate the event. The pupils performed festive songs in both Chinese and English, to show sincere appreciation to the hotel for its continued support. Tel: +86 21 5130 0000 ext 6017
美高梅度假酒店: 入驻海南三亚 1 周年 MGM Resort & Spa in Sanya, Hainan Celebrates Golden 1 year Anniversary
In December 2012, MGM resorts Hainan Sanya held its 1-year gold celebration. MGM MIRAGE resort Sanya prepared a Hollywood-style star red carpet show for VIP guests. With gold as the theme color of the scene, it was held in true MGM style. Activites included a four round draw, and master chef Zhang Pingsheng provided delicious Taiwanese seafood dishes for each guest. Tel: +86 898 8863 9999
无锡千禧大酒店:温暖之旅 Millennium Hotel Wuxi: A Warm Journey Need to warm up from the icy winter? Millenium Hotel Wuxi offers
a special winter package for winter season, including one night stay in the Superior Room stay, buffet breakfast for 2 people, thermal spring vouchers for 2, complimentary usage of swimming pool and gym. Relax the cold away. Tel: +86 0510 6661 5551
洲际酒店集团上海区域英迪格与皇 冠假日酒店:2012 年跳绳比赛 Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pudong: 2012 Rope Skipping Competition
All 8 hotels of Indigo and Crowne Plaza Brand in the IHG Shanghai Cluster held Rope Skipping Competition at Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan on 30th November. Finally, Crowne Plaza Shanghai Harbor City, Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan and Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pudong rank top 3. Tel: +86 21 5862 1000
万豪集团: “服务精神”之爱护环境,绿色出行 Marriott Hotels, Jiading, Shanghai: “Spirit to Serve” – Drive Less and Ride More
Marriott Shanghai Cluster hosted a riding activity to promote a green life style – Drive Less and Ride More. Traffic jams and air pollution are now big and serious issues in cities, but people can help improve the environment starting with their own behavior. Tel: +86 21 3991 6888
唐山曹妃甸紫天鹅庄国际酒店: 凤凰涅槃南湖生态城 Grand Metropark Hotel Violet Swan Tangshan: International Flair with a Unique Experience
Tangshan is becoming a frontier of sustainable development, and Caofeidian Inter national Hotel Tangshan is an international five- star luxury hotel, with spacious accommodation, food & beverage, conference, and recreational facilities. The hotel celebrates the intimate links between the visual ambiance of Chinese design with a fresh blend of Southeast Asian and Western Classical style. Tel: +86 0315 2977 509
上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 赞助米饭妈妈新书发布会慈善晚宴 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong holds charity event with Mifan MaMa Charity organization
金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 咖啡厅全新揭幕 Sanya, Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: The New Big Kitchen Unveiled
丽江和府皇冠假日酒店及丽江古城 英迪格酒店:山区小学爱心探访 Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town & Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town: A Charity Visit
上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店: 2012 年会活动推广 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: Yearend Celebrations 2012
On Thanksgiving Day, InterContinental Shanghai Pudong provided the venue and food for a charity event hosted by the Mifan MaMa Charity organization. Money raised was donated to foster a home for blind orphans at Shining Star. InterContinental Shanghai Pudong has had a partnership with Mifan MaMa for many years, helping to support charity in the community. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666 ext 3894
In order to help the children in remote mountain area of Yunnan, Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town and upcoming opening Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town organized a charity visit to a school named Mao Niu Ping primary school in Yongning County last November. Through this trip, the hotel hopes to help more needy children in Mao Niu Ping village for their further education. Tel: +86 888 558 8888 ext 8800
Sanya, Hainan Island, China – December 18th, 2012 – Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa announced its grand opening for Big Kitchen after 2 months of upgrades. The whole kitchen has been completely redesigned and offers a more open show kitchen and more seats and spaces for guests. With the theme of Fire, the resort’s all-day dining is equipped with comfortable and state-of-the-art furniture. Cozy lighting and contemporary original artworks complete the new look. Tel: +86 898 8858 8888 ext 8841
Pullman Shanghai Skyway, five star hotel managed by Accor Hospitality, has 16 venues suited perfectly for year-end celebrations. There are five tailor-made Year-end Packages for you to choose from, available from 1st December 2012 to 28th February 2013. Packages include Chinese set menu prepared by our chef, free flow soft drink and local beer for 3 hours, and more! Tel: +86 21 3318 9988 ext 8709
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Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒
Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟
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Pudong Xinmei: 999 Pudong Nan Lu.G104 (Near Babai Ban) 浦东新梅双塔大厦店:浦东南路 999 号一层 104 室 ( 靠近八佰伴 ) Tel: 021-5134 1075 Fax: 021-5134 1076 Contact person: Leon Xu 徐振童
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Brick of Gold 乐高玩具如今也像芭比娃娃一样随处可见,不过眼前这块乐高金砖可不一般, 是乐高曾经“抛”出的 6 块金砖中的一块。这 6 块 14K 包金金砖完全按照 2x4 的实 体砖打造,1979 至 1981 年间授予在乐高服务 25 年以上的员工,每年只有极少数 员工能被金砖“砸”到。这件珍品最近在乐高网站上以 14450 美元的价格成交。 Legos have become as ubiquitous as Barbie but this particular brick is one of only half a dozen made. This is a solid 14kt gold brick made to the same dimensions as a 2x4 brick and was only given to workers who had been with the company more than 25 years. It was only awarded to staff from 1979 to 1981 and in a year only a few workers would receive it. This rarity recently sold for $14,450 on an online Lego website.
128 LifeStyle
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2012 年九月号 总第 316 期
Xu Jinglei Happy Wherever
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Wang Jiliang An Innovator of Chinese Ink Wash Painting
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