Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Wing Chun Ng (826182) Junhan Foong + 13
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three techniques are two-dimensional fabrication, subtractive fabrication and additive fabrication. In two-dimensional fabrication, design parts are produced by precisely cutting components out of flat sheets of material, such as cardboard and metal sheets, which will then be assembled according to the design. This method could help designers to materialize triangulated and developable surface components defined by parametric modelling efficiaently and cheaply. In subtractive fabrication, solid chunks of materials are carved out of an initial material block that has a greater volume than the final product using drilling machines that could operte in multiple axies at a time. This method is helpful when parametric modelling designs require sculptural qualities or the use of moulds for in-situ fabrication. In additive fabrication, materials are layered on top of each other to produce design components. Since huge expensive machineries are required to fabricate using this method, designers could use additive fabrication for prototyping complex parametric geometrical structures.
Week Three
Surface Creation
Different surface iterations were developed and explored in order to assess their feasibility and to solidify a well-defined design concept of the whole project. Left: Grasshopper script for generating surface iterations. 4 on right: 4 different surface iterations.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
Contrasting panels were chosen for their interesting differences in terms of modular form, scalar progression and density of openings per panel module.
An appropriate waffle structure was developed to support the panels on the surface iterations chosen.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
A laser cut model was made by unrolling the finalized 3-D panels and manually adding tabs on the outer curve lines on Rhino one row of panels at a time. One crucial constrain of this method is that unrolling a whole panel without dividing it into rows is not viable in terms of designing tabbed laser cut templates and fabricating them. This exercise allowed me to understand that material thickness has to be considered even for two dimensional fabrication since the materials involved has a set thickness themselves, especially when developing slots for the waffle structure components to be affixed upon each other.
Week Five
Numerous relationships between the boolean geometry and the solid were explored in order to assess their structural practicality especially during its 3-D printing process. Left: Grasshopper script for generating surface iterations. 4 on right: 4 different surface iterations.
Week Five
This isometric view shows a couple of highly geometrical openings left out by intersecting octahedrons on a booleaned triangular prism. The process of finalizing which iteration to devolop further on had been defined by factors including its constructability, sdtructural practicality, aesthetical credits and, above all, resluting spatial qualities. The spatial qualites evoked by this model include the contrasting interaction between the monolithic structural qualities of the solid and the airiness of the interior void courtesy of the geometric shapes and openings. Abundance of openings and spatial void allows light to permeate the internal spaces quite thorouhly.
BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line
Week Six Task 01
Task 01 Matrix For surfaces, iteration 1.4, which has one relatively flat surface and one significantly curvier surface, was chosen for its contrasting properties. Likewise, for paneling, iteration 3.4 was chosen.
BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line MAGENTA = insert artwork in this area
Week Six Task 02
Task 02 Matrix Iteration 3.1 was chosen for its numerous interesting threshold options available for further development.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
The four pictures shows the assembly process of task one, from the waffle structure to the painstaking process of folding and gluing the panels up.
Appendix Process
An early unsuccessful attempt to 3-D print a different part of the boolean structure due to constructability issues.