VPS L&D Network Meeting Minutes 09 Aug 12

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VPS Learning & Development Network Meeting Department of Premier and Cabinet Date: Thursday, 9 August 2012 Time: 9:30am – 11am Room: M101 – 1 Macarthur Place, Melbourne VIC 3002 Chair: Natasha Polatidis

Minutes 9:30 – 9:35am

Meeting Open

Natasha Polatidis opens meeting.

Carolione Nadj – Manager, Performance & Development welcomes attendees.

9:35 – 10:00am

Performance Development and Planning (PDP) at DPC Presentation

Natasha Polatidis provides an overview of the new performance management online tool to be implemented at DPC for the 2012/13 performance cycle.

Emphasis on the tool and how updates to the performance process will be reflected by the online tool.

10:00 – 10:15am

Morning Tea

10:15 – 11:00am

Updates from other Departments

Michael Smith (Parks Victoria): Discussion of LinkedIn and encouraged everyone to join and become members of the VPS L&D Network group.

Handout: ‘The Power of Positive Performance.’

Discussion: Bullying and Harassment training. DOJ: ‘respecting the Workplace’ online module.

Discussion of Evaluation and successfully measuring evaluation techniques. VLDC: ‘Improvements for on the job performance.’

Robyn Thompson (DHS): Current restructure at DHS and issue of governance in L&D.

OD Team change and resilience workshops.

EO Development plan part of support and restructure.

Gareth Sambrook (DOJ): Streamlining the L&D function across DOJ.

Performance Management System within Learning Management System.

Regional leadership programs. Access for leaders within regions to training and development.

Ben Elisha (VicPol): VicPol Blueprint 2012 – 2015.

Major change within the department in introducing PSO’s. Change to the current learning culture and emphasis on communication consultation.

Aim to have 950+ PSO’s, currently 125 (3 – 5 year implementation period).

Importance of rapport, customer service and developing people to successfully manage stakeholder relationships.

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Jenni Allison (DBI): Looking at opportunities to do things differently at DBI following the Sustainable Government Initiative: Preparing a full analysis of current learning and development offerings including:

- Extracting PS3 data from the 2012/2013 individual PDP plans to see what the needs are - Opportunities to enable learning using a 70/20/10 model (blended online - including bit size activities(ie needed now) and face to face as well as on the job and through others) - Sponsoring of the 2012 Graduate Group Learning Team project (collating all learning activities being offered internally and externally across the department to source trends and consider the possibility of offering inhouse for 2013). Creation of a Manager's toolkit: - To enable self assessment of development needs - Change management checklist (to support SGI and impending restructures so the process and the people aspect are all covered) - Creation of a Manager's toolkit:

Going out to tender for a Learning Management System that can be integrated to an online performance management tool, our employee self service system as well as our HR Information system.

Also would like to have a look at any tools or templates others might be using to support the capturing of knowledge with the impending VDPs.



Next meeting: Thursday, 13 September 2012

Level 5, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne

Contact: Ruth Fleming (DOJ)

Footer text here


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