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Keys of the Abyss Michael Bolerjack

Š 2012 Michael Bolerjack

Dissemination and the Abyss

Then the theory of imagination depends on the (differential) confrontation of two opposing forces, that can be termed “Dissemination” and “The Abyss”: Where do I get these terms and what do they mean? I originally encountered them in my reading of Jacques Derrida in 1985-86: Of course, one of his key early works (of the canon of the first twelve) is La Dissemination: while use of the term “abyss” is ubiquitous in the early works: to disseminate is scattering the seed or whatever there is to be scattered, signs or spaces, names, texts, effects, phonic and graphic traces, with or without meaning: construction-deconstructionreconstruction, a hopeless circularity of creation and destruction like Krishna or love and strife, is shown brilliantly in Glas: The disseminative is

Catholic Economy The vocation of writing notes august 24 2007 of writers and writing fiction and non-fiction american novelists cather ellison west bellow educators washington dewey newman the case of william faulkner modern writing all of the above versus postmodern writing derrida pick up work from first book metaphysics in christ word-listen-work vocationcalling-work the word at work in writing writing as listening interpretation the work of god prayer spirit in the world hearers of the word word without meaning there can be no work words need meaning to work de-con play words of love works of love love in service don’t play at love meaning of love love of meaning vocation work as calling if a soul had an axe it would be writing work as response to calling the work of listening chop chop elimination of the call by txt elimination of the call by the proliferation of writing if everyone is a writer then no one is a writer if writing is all there is then service service work for all servant of all the service of writing of listening if you have ears to hear then hear definition effacement of voice lack of

conversation lack of conversion endless turnings there is no turn critique of the derridean idea about writing you know them

centrifugal, wandering, as Derrida said in a place in his text that I am no longer able to identify, he does not mean to return to the Father: The Abyss, on the other hand, is centripetal, turning inward, repetitive, perhaps in terms Freud would see in a case study or in the fort-da of Beyond, which is a depth in the psyche, an aspect of madness, as in thought echoes, which is hellish, a room full of mirrors, and as in the heraldic “mise en abime� the picture repeated in the picture ad infinitum, and so the doubling, as in Glas, or novels of the 19th century or shadows of whatever genesis: Light scatters while darkness gathers: or so it seems in these latter days: life death: and in Derrida not clearly demarcated as in Nature, but more than deeply interfused, juxtaposed in the great contamination, the complicated relation of deconstruction and what is the turn of events in the coming deconsecration: These figures which introduced themselves to me in the 1980s were to me Romantic: Or so it seemed then to the man I was:

case of rousseau from education from novel from de renovation of writing hear say yes joyce to be read case of joyce calling who calls how do I respond call of the prophet samuel here I am lord writing in vocation vocal speech writing is a response to the word heard and understood god church world I for vocation of writing second sheet 8-24-07 hierarchy and classical writing logic dialectic rhetoric grammar became eliminate dialectic logic rhetoric play of language how is this collapsed to just language elimination of the subject no one to speak write elimination of the theme leaves language itself and nothing besides hierarchy of language signified signifier parole langue expressive indicative exp is aa indicative sig sig significant by every thing being a sign nothing has meaning la parole souffl where is the

difference the contrast bellow gainer la parole souffl by inflation parole eliminating leaving pure so called language play grafted into language all lang is rhet only rhet no logic wo logic rhetoric lang collapse into one point for hierarchy when 3 rd is eliminated the other 2 automatically de derrida’s love for pure language is it lang or parole parole is never pure collapse spiritual meaning

“This therefore will have been a signature�

The necessity of such a beginning will I hope become clear: It is an appropriation of Derrida, and remarks the epic time of the beginning, starting in the middle of things like the Odyssey or the Iliad, or as in the Romantic epics of Blake and Wordsworth: Media Res: For like the state of things in Paradise Lost, too, we are falling, as Joyce says in the epic Wake, 32 ft ps ps, and are in the middle of things, as it may seem, as we have been told, though our place on the timeline is only necessarily middling, if the origin is immemorial and the end by commodious vicus cannot be, river run: The signatures, here already and to come, are keys to the disseminative, neither theory nor practice nor effect nor chance nor real nor ideal, a binding and loosing for which the signatures hold the key not the authority of

material sign eliminate spirit leave only sign only langue can be pure a language unspoken the possibility is pure but he said anything but purity I repeat the structure of the raw and the cooked the basis in these very pp sp elimination of subject leaves only predicates no substance only accidents no essence elimination of substantive leaves being appearance as in the history of an error which led not to truth but only more error after 1888 the verso of sheet two 8-24-07 if all meaning as such is displaced then words can mean whatever you want if

nothing is true everything is permitted truth eliminated no truth no lie only words wo meaning sign of the times time of the signs in order to affirm everything when everything and nothing are the same eliminate difference between yes no no no yes yes no yes no being but appearance adhering to the absolute everything nothing sign is appearance to the absolute txt we are signs in the world txt but then not even that ciphers what is left over what do we call the remainder play writing trace chance spacing think about excerpt resource of writing and eternity works of mercy spiritual and corporeal and justice corporal and capital la

the see of peter or the hierarchical structure built around it, and I quote Derrida more or less, repeating the first line of Dissemination:

“This (therefore) will not have been a book�

My text mirrors his: and between the mirror and the scattering of the light of the lamp unto my feet of the wisdom of God, I then have approached the thesis of the 1986 essay on Romantic poetry: “We have then a thesis: a description [let us say almost barely invocation] of two textual effects from Derridean theory, those of dissemination and the mise en abime, as they figure in the work of the English Romantic Poets: thus this text now repeats, mirrors my earlier text, though I cannot help wandering a bit, and this being I think a fragmentation or element of it, to combine scattering and repetition, to at once close and open, for closure, what may be seen as The God Enclosure, is a problem building for years and now disclosed here:

parole souffl parody of inflation inspiration breath spirit psyche rising falling on parole justice god church world I here in the raw you see the cooked side by side going back and forth but you will never necessarily on one mad instant of decision read them simul at once in one time for you find the raw and have pleasure the cooked takes time in joy what reams now for you a genet yes yet reminds the hegel ss let be rest is fire remain first p of next work 8-24-07 against wittgenstein tractatus and quine I say relationship is is an ontology bode body of christ for metaphysics in christ meaning still is it is this relationship of the head and members raw cooked hegel genet body of christ christ fixed point of reference gives meaning to all in relation to and on the great and terrible day of YHWH in relation to that final fixing this gift is real is not as existing merely symbol and can be perceived through acts of charity see how they love one another or not word listen work vocation to christ metaphysics of christ words work aristotles on work the logos the energeia meaning words words words language retrieval of work work and meaning significance of work definitions work of reality and reality of work play is fantasy necessity and fantasy addictions play addiction sober work relation of creativity to play and work fruitfulness my father was thoughtful god church world I sheet aug 25 vocation of writing continuation of previous night on hierarchy the deconstruction of hierarchy we know that it is the third term that structures the hierarchy as such if there are only 2 the automatic de-con is inevitable they collapse into 1 grafted onto each other in a parody of the aufhenbung it is not a synthesis of the 2 whatever spiritual elements of the right or top whatever recto is eliminated that which was related to the 3rd proper spiritual term allowing circulation only by restriction can economies function well not through general consumption de-con means elimination of spirit mind idea ideal the form the structure logic logos geist to be replaced by ghosts by simulacra twilights the marginal by an indefinite neither definite nor

infinite witness a difference between the infinite in levinas and the indefinite in derrida the definite dogmatic the speculative infinite and the skeptical indefinite so without the holy spirit the father-son relationship is leveled into one indefinite pantheism as trinitarian thinking is necessary to maintain hierarchy and the spirit in the world derrida heidegger nietzsche did not come so much to deny or ignore god but to re-write him to re-invent him but the fourth term beyond god church world paradigmatics that is what perfects genesis or telos the godhead or the great and terrible day of YHWH completes the hierarchy by reverential referencing absolute exteriority the limit opening to true containment against the leveling bad closure with three there can be a 4th but with two there is then 1 and then nothing there is affirmative hesitation between the 3rd and the 4th but the radical decision is between duality and nonduality which Christians seem to know in part but cling to the nihilistic path rather than ascend, for the 3 requires that I become truly I to complete and perfect god church world by effracting it and unless I arrive no one can there is only the system at point balance which tends back down toward hell but which the I can free for the heaven the computers are wrong there is essentially no difference between the 1 and the 0 as Rothko paintings could not hold the form but collapsed to hell and in languages logic rhetoric grammar or dialectic style language collapse by the elimination of logic a perversion of phenomenological bracketing merging style-language purifying the language by eliminating logic-meaning difference does not begin with 2 but with 3 not between but among difference is not just spiritual but is the spirit articulating the joints holding apart and together at once differences as derrida said in his presentation on differAnce the material rewriting of spirituality part of the re-invention of the whole not done to deprive us of god but in order to place god out of the reach by deconstruction of those bent on deconsecration back of sheet vocation of writing aug 25

2007 the terrorist attack on the wtc in nyc 9-11 was the visible sign of the post-modern de-con leveling of structure and of babylon by the book terrorism against capitalism us west christians and dialectical hierarchical thinking the leveling of the wtc is the most important spectacle of the era the great perception consumed by everyone everywhere the leveling of our minds occurs silently and is not perceived directly the effects wtc internet globalization totality totalization types of terror also simulacra denial the virtual reality online with one world we will have none there must be three in fact we are at the complete 4 if the relation to come is peace not war page for metaphysics in christ aug 25 2007 god angels man nature the 4 aquinas the angelic doctor the elimination of god and angels leaves man and nature which is leveled not into a humanized creation but the natural man rousseau and the natural standpoint quine god angels man nature god acts on people still through angels but there is only one mediator from us to god christ fifth term hypostatic union pointing up denial of christ god-man and development of angelic hierarchy is gnostic back of sheet on metaphysics in christ aug 25 2007 degrees 4 out of the 4 one comes christ fifth gnomon pointing up pointing way out off square see joyce dubliners theory first page paralysis simony gnomon christianity islam capitalism communism accordingly none of these can be the 1 as in god angels men nature what wd the fifth be religion religion economy economy a union of religion and economy a theological economics either genuine or spurious capital catholicity which may be being feigned through social doctrine to deceive some and cover the tracks of what is already happening yet a genuine catholic economy wd be a good thing if not a lie while what will happen with islam and communist east 2 nd sheet of metaphysics in christ aug 25 protestant capitalism transformed into catholic economy the problem of restricted and general economy globalization and globalatinization derrida term derridas idea of the capital

economy with rome was a correct intuition though he did not tout it but feared it because the whole of his career was an oblique but steady confrontation with the papacy with the end in view which the lay faithful of the church know not but is coming how globalatinization occurs is all important from a consumer perceiving protestant capitalism to a creating believing catholic economy that must sacrifice itself even the fifth is a union of the 2 cath cap in christ 2 natures 1 divine being in ce 1 being a matter informed by spirit but having already been turned out of ideal to hypocritic contamination of spirituality by money rather than the purging of dirty money by faith see simony at peters see metamodern hyper consumption chinese position old dialectic or not perhaps already contaminated by fascism capitalism in china mega-modern hybrid future already no longer infinite dialectic of marx but indefinite monster neither one nor the other post-m grafts and juxtaposition not synthetic end of history no opposition marcuse 64 fukayama 91 everyone forced into fascist closure the god enclosure of globaltinization of what would be ce but became the last imposture the ritual abuse now and to come a church opposed to the kingdom of heaven god church world to be effracted by individuals so the kingdom will come aug 25 next sheet subj obj descartes dualism led in nietzsches de-con logic to the collapse 2 always leads to collapse roman sacred clergy and profane laity grace above nature below we go to their keys for grace mercy forgiveness before descartes 3 hierarchy spiritual the failure of modernism but post reaps the whirlwind obj subj collapse into vacant subj idealism or vacant obj realism taste style beauty no longer moral but immoral what proceeds the jective throw who throws doubt equals abyss abyssal logic of deconstruction repetition end aug 25th notes on the somber realization that the theory and practice of catholic economy actually describe two different things or shall we say beasts to come which that is to say you could call these the keys to the abyss

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