52 of 70 the complete apocalypse marginality fiction without fiction part 2

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Michael Bolerjack Marginality: Fiction Without Fiction, Part 2

In the transformation of the philosophic mind into the Mind of Christ, how does Mary accomplish the renewal of the Body of Christ? To speak of the enthronement of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not incorrect, for she is queen, but in the mystical order of things, not according to practical decree. In her enthronement she becomes THRONE, in two senses. On the one hand, according to the practical decree, the impending declaration that she is comediator and co-adjutrix, she is “thrown” in the sense of the expression “throwing roses,” that is, subject to a kind of flattery, dubious and meant to deceive the faithful, as well as impugning the humility of the Handmaid of the Lord, who said, do whatever he tells you, not do whatever I say. On the other hand, while never losing the humility inherent to her, she is truly Queen, and in her

The helper T cells are marked by a surface feature called CD-4, the clusters of differentiation. It is at this site that it is the receptor for HIV, which through reverse polymerase rewites the DNA of the helper T cells with the RNA of the virus. cDNA is the strand of DNA that is complementary to a given RNA messenger and that serves as a template for production of the messenger RNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase. In the dictionary, CD-4 occurs on the page next to the word Celebrate. The helper T cells in the Body of Christ, the lay people, would alert the T cells and B cells, the theologians and bishops, to the antigen viral threat, but are depleted by the HIV through celebration of the mass. The antigen that attacks the helper T cells through a neg-tain, to read antigen in the way Joyce and Derrida would. The negative tain is something in the tain of the mass, in the obscured, intertwined portion of the double helix of textuality, that will destroy the holiness of the Body of Christ, at least in English-speaking countries. I have not read other translations of the new liturgy. Holiness occurs in the dictionary next to the word Holocaust, a sacrifice consumed by fire, a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, the mass slaughter of European citizens especially Jews by the Nazis in World War II. Where are the CD-4 receptors in terms of the Body of Christ? What must they be to interface with the celebration of the mass?

Queenship, she becomes throne for the King, not seated beside Him, on a pair of thrones. That kind of binary thinking is abolished, by her neither nor, seen previously in the-her-notnor of the throne-throne, the thrones she becomes in Heaven and in New Jerusalem, respectively. What is it that makes a King a King? Having a throne. Without a throne, there is no King, and often by metonymy or synecdoche one speaks of the throne as one would speak of the royal person him or herself. One speaks of the Chair of Peter from which ex cathedra announcements are made, in relation to the pope. Mary, then, is the condition of possibility for the King. Mary, as the Mother of God, is also condition of possibility, as the Theotokos. She is not equal. She is the condition of possibility, not so much for God, but for His

It could have something to do with the history of the mass, the four steps it has gone through, from the ancient, to the Tridentine, to the mass of Paul VI in 1970 after the reform at Vatican Council II and the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, which was passed almost unanimously by the Fathers of the Council, to the new mass of Benedict, first suggested by John Paul II in 2000. Now, the missals are divided between the extraordinary rite of the 1962 missal of Blessed John XXIII, and the ordinary rite of Benedict. The CD-4 could be the celebration defined four times. But the CD-4 must be on the surface of the helper T cells, the lay people, in the reception of the mass. What are the clusters of differentiation in terms of the Body of Christ? The interface between the hierarchy and laity occurs at the mass. There are two parts of the mass, Word and Sacrament. The Word is received through the ears (2) and the Eucharist, in the hand and mouth (2). The HIV holiness virus attacks the lay helper T cells through these receptors, ears, hand, mouth. The consumption through the ears is more than receiving the Word in the Scriptures, it is of everything heard at the celebration, especially the new changes in the wording of the mass. There are at the mass three Bodies of Christ, the Word, the Sacrament and the People themselves. But it is all one Body of Christ. At the moment of the dispensing of the communion, the priest says:

Kingship and Sovereignty. It is her assumption of the Church that is the condition of possibility for the reign of Christ in the Church. He will have been seemingly excluded in his sovereignty at that point, by the pope, who has made himself the interpreter of Christ, in persona ecclesia, and in the elevation of Mary to equality with Christ. In practical terms, the antichrist will have won. In mystical terms, he will have defeated himself.

Neither true nor good but beautiful is she. It is not metaphysics, nor ethics, but beauty herself is not aesthetics. Aesthetics is still on the model of the philosophic mind based on judgment. I just love beauty. What is absolute beauty? In Hegel there is the triad of subject-object-absolute. He

BODY OF CHRIST And one receives on the tongue or in the hand and says: AMEN

The changes of translation in the rewritten mass occur at many points. In early questioning by the laity of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, three of the most frequently asked questions concerned the wording of the response made to the priest when he says to the congregation “peace be with you,” the changing of the words in the creed concerning Christ and the Father as one in being, and the change in the words of institution, from “for you and for all,” to “for you and for many.” The congregation responds to the priest “and with your spirit.” Around the corners of the tain, in the initial letters, is spelled the word sway. This also makes the word ways. In the last letters of the words are the letters T H R D. Could this be referring to the third person of the Trinity? I think not. It refers to The Holy Roman Deconsecration. The change in the creed involves translating homousious as consubstantial, rather than one in being. Both mean the same thing. Why the change? Within the word consubstantial is the word satan, as well as con and sub. Con means with, sub means under. There are also the letters I and L.

reaches the absolute by synthesis. Mary reaches by the neither-nor. Nature is neither true nor good but beautiful. How much more so the holiness of the supernatural mystic? The Philokalia is the love of the beautiful. New Jerusalem is beautiful. The Revelation ends with beauty. Mary exemplifies beauty. Why? Beauty is perceived by the senses. God cannot be perceived by the senses. But Mary is. Because Mary is human. God became man to be like Mary. It is for her sake that there is salvation. Again, she is the condition of possibility. Beauty is perceived by light. God is light, in order to reveal the beauty of Mary. Mary is the reason. It is not that Mary is the mirror of the Church, it is not that we see ourselves in her, or find ourselves in her. We lose ourselves in her, as in service to the Queen.

Il- is a prefix meaning not. There are the words con-with, sub-under, il-not, satan. It says with satan not under. The other letters also spell connubial and STAT. The response to the priest, and with your spirit, has within it the words in, it, and the letters O U, as well as RIP. One way to read this is: not under, with satan, a connubial stat For you and for many becomes for you and for all in the words of institution. The combination of letters in many/all makes my anal L. L could be life or love. This is the tain of the three key changes in the new mass. These words plug into the receptors of the lay, helper T cells, to make them unholy. But there is more. Looking at the letters in the phrases for you and for many/for you and for all they spell O NO U FRY A.D. Fr. (Father) Allo- (other, different atypical) And one in being/consubstantial spells a connubial stat satan with not under in line. The changes in the words of institution destroy what is being in the Eucharist. The statement in tain of words of institution: O no u fry A.D. Fr. Allo-, allo is one of a group whose members together constitute a structured unit. Also, allosounds like allow.

Even to speak of self at this point is to miss the mark. The entire Church will be assumed by her, in order for the Theotokos to disclose the Mind of Christ. If one of the defining characteristics of the individual is freedom, as individuals we will cease to be. The paradoxical reversal of complete obedience to the pope giving way to being assumed by Mary who brings us the Mind of Christ, for whom and in whom we lose not the legal freedom once judicially allocated to the pope, but the actual wish for freedom itself because there is no longer a site of self-assertion, but a life of complete abandonment and surrender, steps necessary for our arrival. Not of I, but of We. At this point, the Church that only seemed to be for 2000 years will actually be. There have been simulations of this truth, and individualism is itself a denial of Marian beauty.

. There are other things yet to be said, concerning the RNA and the DNA. It is the RNA that rewrites the DNA. The letters RNA can be found in the name RATZINGER When the letters RNA are subtracted they leave Z Tiger, the last tiger. Perhaps a German tiger tank, for the letters of Ratzinger also combine as Nazi Rt Ger, Nazi Right German. The papal name BENEDICT Forms many combinations. One is straight across: Ben Edict, and it is by the pope’s edict that the new mass translation has been promulgated, overturning the work of thousands of men at the Second Vatican Council. In Scottish ben means within, and the edict concerns what is within, not ect-, outside, the words of the mass. It also forms Bent Dice, which recalls the poem Paradise Throne, when the meaning of 666 was first revealed. He has loaded dice. There are Bend Cite and Bent Cide. The first concerns the skewed translation, the second the spiritual death of the church. Ben De- CIT, deconsecrates the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. And in De- Cite mistranslates the mass. Then there is Deceit, N.B. And there is Be Dicten, like the German dichten, spoken. The Mass is spoken, the statute or image for worship as in Revelation. The CT is a code telegram about the BIND, CT: bet end, bed net, be tend, ben die.

The Church has sometimes been terrorist, as in wars and inquisitions. But when the perfect is come, these will pass away and be forgotten.

The DNA part of the equation has to do with the Book of Daniel. The name of Daniel can be divided various ways: DNA I EL, I God, in the DNA, or as the word Denial.

We will be en-wombed by Mary. What seemed to be the coming entombment of the Catholic Church will be suddenly changed from death to life. The Theotokos as New Jerusalem will not be God-bearer, but bear her race within her.

The Book of Daniel is one of the two pillars of scripture for apocalyptic interpretation, along with the Revelation of John. In Daniel, chapter 12, the power of the holy people will be scattered, the abomination of desolation will be set up, and the sacrifice suspended. Daniel is told to remain out of sight until after it is all over. I believe there is such a man alive today, and he may be the one referred to as Peter the Roman by St. Malachy. He will be the last pope.

It was a question of closure, enclosure, all along, as everyone could see. We were destined for the tomb, not only for our individual deaths, but in the apocalypse, the entombment of both Church and World. Instead, all will be returned to Mary’s womb, from which all will be reborn, as All in All. The tomb is death and horror, but the womb is life, and life is beautiful.

The translation changes are specifically targeted at the American Church. They are in English. Why? Because the most outspoken criticism of Benedict has come from the U.S. And perhaps because the prophecy of Malachy about the last pope was meant to conceal his identity rather than reveal it. Benedict has been packing the college of cardinals with members of the curia, as if to ensure his successor will be a Roman. But he may not be. He may be English-speaking. The antichrist wants to preempt the man who will lead the church to renounce the error now underway and save the Body of Christ.

The womb of Mary is the Mind; the Kingdom of Heaven within.

The church may still be saved through repentance, if the theologians and bishops act in time. Individuals may as individuals repent of the unholy mass and abstain.

Our enwombment means not just to be children of Mary, but so close to her as mother, so dependent, and really one with her, as not to be able to live without her or outside of New Jerusalem ever again, or ever wish to.

It may be that Malachy wrote of Peter the Roman, because of the letters PR. The letter in the alphabet closest to these is Q, the seventeenth letter. Elsewhere I have shown the necessity of the numbers sixteen and eighteen to the antichrist. And I have also wondered who Q is. That would be the Queen, Mary.

It is said of the Queen that all her beauty is within.

And I believe she will defeat the antichristian closure of sixteen and eighteen. Also, she will choose Benedict’s successor, the last pope, who will love her, and have the Mind of Christ.

She is a garden. She is paradise. She is not the same as God, but there is no difference. God Himself chooses to find his repose within her. The reason one must be pure to go to Heaven is that Mary is all pure, she is Heaven, she lays a limit on infinity, she is the Bride, she is the City, within whom are God and the Lamb and His people. Mary as both Virgin and Mother is the very figure of the impossible, but God does the impossible.

There are seventeen letters in the name BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

Finally, the word tain, taken from the French for the backing of a mirror, is, not to overlook the obvious, the letters of the word anti-. The antichrist is found in the tain, and perhaps in some sense the tain itself is, if not antichrist, at least antichristian. The tain will not be retained, it will not attain its purpose. In the double helix herein, a kind of containment took place, in which the Blessed Virgin Mary decontaminated the church of the taint of the antichrist. It is now necessary for those in the church to act on what they have read and save the Body of Christ. If they will have the Mind of Christ, they must first save His Body. We are all members of the Body of Christ, and we stand or fall together.

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