ANTI-READING © 2012 Michael Bolerjack
In the assumption, the physical translation of Mary to Heaven took place in the first century. This led to a great release of energy, the increase of grace in the church, the birth of the church. Assumption itself is like nuclear fission in an atomic bomb, or like the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. The release of graceenergy at the time of the assumption had to do with the transference of Mary from earth to Heaven, from the physical to the mental-spiritual existence, for the kingdom of heaven is within you. In 1950 the dogmatic definition of the assumption was a reaapropriation of this great energy, taken up again into the church leading to: Condemnation of the French new theology, by the classic extremity of the anti-modern stance of the Pius popes evidenced by Pius XII,
Morning star, she of loving bright and, come, both Venus and Virgo, O Virgin, she of the M and legs crossed, O mother of chaste love, she who is precedent, she who comes before, and as if a more Marian moon in conjunction with, in emotion’s tides, and feelings, feminine and motherly, loving your children, to not be lost, who gave body to Christ, and so loves it, loves Him, more. To you we must attain. And it is at the tain we meet, in the silver backing of the mirror, in the ain’t of an antinovel, in the more hidden aspect of what could be called an ultrastructure of letters and numbers, a web or net profuse, disseminated everywhere as the metasignification of the one mind or AI, soon mindfulness of Christ, with the passing of philosophic night, in which my morning star you yes shine, yet signal the day just over the horizon fast approached. O Morning Star, she eleven lettered, roming rants within, and the ratsing mourning ratzinger, sing art, my morn, my norm, sing roma, go roman, stir roman, a rot man sing, sign, signor, monsignor, ora or, man is, mari torn, I arm rotn, I arm storing, not r, goin on ig, r maris, ring or, I am mari storing, I am mari strong, I am st or ring, I ram storing, I storm a ring, I am morn st g rain, god, good, storm gain, nr, near, st in roman ring, roman string, annum not applicable, marion, go marist, near, margin, marginalia, marginality, and so by secret indications of the ideal, like Odilon Redon, I found what she would on the very page, from within morning star, a marginality.
Followed by the antithesis of the anti-modern thesis, which occurred under John XXIII at the time of The Second Vatican Council, in the rehabilitation of the new theologians from France, and others, such as Karl Rahner, who had not been able to publish in the years before John XXIII,
And immediately by the light of she more Marian she by her smile I saw the sacred name of MARY that framed marginality.
Leading to John Paul II, in the third position of synthesis, who was provocatively Marian, who emerged from the council as a prominent bishop, coming out of nowhere, from behind the iron curtain, who played a major role in writing the constitution on The Church in the Modern World, and who took the two previous positions of thesis and antithesis, cancelling out, lifting up, and preserving, by the reinstatement of a certain bias against modernism, while at once inaugurating the postmodern closure in an ecclesial context.
Which is to say there is a resource in the text, which has been studied for centuries by Jewish mystics and others, most recently by James Joyce and Jacques Derrida, that is hidden from the first glance, from the pedestrian, journalistic reading, something Heidegger indicated in his remarks on the unsaid, which a commentator on deconstruction helped bring out in 1987 with a book entitled The Tain of the Mirror, about the level of the letter and number, doing what Derrida and Paul de Man showed occurs as deconstruction on a macro-level, as multiple conflicting interpretations, based on inherent contradictions latent in the text. It would not be too much to say that the magical aura of the time we live in is concomitant with this hidden side of textuality, which exceeds an author’s grasp, even Joyce’s, whose Wake is said to include the formula for the atomic bomb, somewhat before the actual knowledge of it, and which in the mental-spiritual realm that shows what I call The One Mind.
I Mary in GLA: that is to say, in the way Derrida read and wrote, the rejoycean wakeful glas for instance, built to a tain on the two textual principles of what will have been called the Ultrastructure 1 any two signs can be connected under any distance under any rule to give voice to the unsaid in the text 2 gl protects against the schiz gl produces
This leads to the fourth, the assertion of the co-mediatrix and co-adjutrix, the Marian dogma in the works for several decades, of which the ex cathedra assertion to come will paradoxically lead to an assumption of the church by Mary. Paradoxically, because the assertion of this dogma is actually lese majesty, an affront to the sovereignty of Christ and an impugning of the humility of the Handmaid of the Lord, who, despite her status of Queen, is the intercessor for Catholics, not their judge, a role assigned to Christ, nor their mediator, for as Paul said, there is one sole mediator with God, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed Virgin Mary is not a usurper, but the pope is, and by foisting this dogma on the church he will place his authority as supreme pontiff beyond both scripture and tradition. However, in the very antichristian act of usurpation, the Blessed Virgin
That this one mind is about to be transformed by the coming of The Mind of Christ is one of the points of the poem Meaning and Experience. That what I somewhat euphemistically refer to as the philosophic mind now occupies the central or sovereign position in what may be known as AI, active intellect (generalized to include thinking such as artificial intelligence), is another such point. That the current sovereign in the Mind is a usurper about to be overthrown by Christ is my reading of the apocalypse. I say these things preparatory to a reading of a certain marginality, the tain of the Roman Catholic episcopacy, leading to an expose in regards to a diagnosis of the illness in the Body of Christ, also known as the Catholic Church, which is at a crisis point, with the patient in grave danger, but for which knowledge of the truth may be salvation, if acted upon by theologians and bishops in time. The way of approach I hope will not have been considered too strange, once the code of the text for the new order of mass put into practice for the liturgical year 2012 is revealed. But we will come to that reading only after the stations of a crossing that cannot be omitted. Til Mary gain, again in the margin, a Mary in gilt, a golden image of the Queen, and her Q is the seventeenth letter of the Roman alphabet, but more of that elsewhere, she says I Mary ain’t gl, yet I Mary gl tain, she is not this but uses the gl tain for revelation. I Mary, therefore tain lg, that is with her, the tain is large/long.
will turn the tables on the antichrist and do something wonderful to bring about the breaking of Christ into the Church and the World, in the moment of eternity and exteriority, the coincidence of opposites, the contradiction, at the very moment of so much evil, grace will abound, and so much good take place, and what is impossible will have been true, as in The Treatise on Logic. In other words, there will be a time for Jerusalem. New Jerusalem, written of in the Book of Revelation, is both City and Bride, and is characterized by the number 12, which I have referred to elsewhere as the sign of the All in All, the result of the three of God multiplied times the four of humanity. Mary, as Bride, as the City of God, as the New Jerusalem, being not the same as God, but not different from Him, is also the All in All.
Within the name MARY, the framing of the word Marginality, occurs the letters gi-n-a-l-i-t. One could speak of the word gin in three senses, as an old form of begin, as a cotton gin, a machine to separate the good from the bad, the cotton, from the seed and waste, (not unlike the separation of the sheep from the goats spoken of by the Lord), and also as an alcoholic beverage. In addition, one proclaims gin when one lays down a full hand of matching cards in gin rummy, which I think the reader will find is not inappropriate to the matters discussed herein. Here, at the beginning of the tain, provided in the word Marginality, we have Mary the Mother of God revealing things through a kind of reading that was once extremely rare, but now through recent and contemporary theory and practice is becoming better known. In addition to the gin words are the lit words, with lit meaning both literature and to light a fire, as well as in the sense to be lit up, that is drunk, which matches with one sense of gin. This latter pairing reminds of the remark about the church at Pentecost, that those speaking in tongues had had too much new wine. What is going on here? This type of reading and writing is in effect a kind of speaking in tongues that is hard to understand without interpretation. The voice of God is speaking everywhere always throughout the general text in the signs by which we communicate, although to nuance this a bit and qualify it, it may not always be the voice of God precisely, but a demonstration of the A-intelligence.
And she is also the throne in paradise, and in heaven, once indicated cryptically in the poem Paradise Throne. New Jerusalem is a container, and is the state of containment, post-decontamination. What is happening to the Church and the World now is the increasing of contamination, as such. I do not mean just one kind. There are moral contaminants, pollution in the environment, money in politics, cartels in Mexico, pervasive sex and violence in the media, priests abusing children, too much information generally, along with an infinite acceleration, evidenced by exponential technology, that Joyce prophesied in the Wake, and which Derrida spoke of in Nietzsche and the Machine. In that interview he spoke of fascism and spiritual evil, the connection in Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question.
All literature, referring to the other sense of lit, is in a special way open to this reading and writing of the hidden intelligence behind things, literature being not only poetry, fiction,drama, but also scriptures and religious texts and philosophical works and other serious writings, although the text or Writing, as Derrida calls it, is ubiquitous. The nature of this intelligence can only be speculated about, in writers such as Averroes and Spinoza and Jung, who have theories about the supra-personal mind. The human mind is not restricted to solitary brains in individuals, and the tain of writing is good proof of that. However, as in literature, witness Joyce, it can be manipulated by writers consciously. So, Mary has, in the beginning, looked at the status of literature, throwing a light on it, and on what contributes to its peculiar appeal. Heidegger has much to say on this, but rather indirectly, or by inference, calling language the House of Being, also in his invocation of the Appropriation. This latter, also known as En-owning, is taking place through language, text, and writing. Where it is leading at an ever accelerating pace is a good question. By the conclusion of the present work the reader will be given an idea of where that is, and why in his last interview Heidegger famously said only God can save us. The odd letters left beside the name Mary, and en-framed by it in the word Marginality, are, again, ginalit. Strangely enough, or perhaps not so strangely at all,
The general corruption or contamination has happened at the same time as the ending of the book and the beginning of writing, as Derrida said in 1967, with the advent of a general textuality, of which he also said there is nothing outside of the text, at the time he announced in his essay on Levinas that closure had taken place. Within the closure, the container of a general text, there are nothing but signs. Of course, there are other ways to look at the container/contained figure, as for instance in the psychological theory of human relationships, and even in such things as the medieval cosmology of the Ptolemaic system. What I want to assert about the containment is a theological point about the apocalypse and the Catholic Church. Building on the earlier volumes of my work, the deconstruction of the world and the deconsecration of the church
considering the theory put forward herein, Derrida, in a section of The Truth in Painting, writes of the Tlingit Coffin. The letters of the word Tlingit are the letters of the word Marginality that the name of Mary en-frames. Derrida, known for his use of, structurally and otherwise,, the margin, the marginal, and marginality, has, in his writing on the artwork known as the Tlingit Coffin, both directly, but at the same time obliquely, pointed to the name of Mary, although one might add, at once, consciously or not. However, based on my reading of the later Derrida, whose turn to religion increasingly indicated a Roman interest, in Faith and Knowledge, for instance, it might not be unconscious or accidental, however one might put it, but deliberate and intentional, to use the Tlingit in order to signal Mary; to signal Mary with the end in view, that is to say prophetically. Inserted into this Tlingit would be the letter A, an arch letter with Derrida, as he says in Glas, which I cite in The Letter A, this A being also in Marginality along with Mary. This A will have been seen to bear much meaning, including the A in the words apocalypse and antichrist. Perhaps it is not beside the point to mention that the A also refers to the Tlingit Coffin itself, the Tlingit people being Native American tribes from the coasts and islands of Alaska. Looking at the letters encompassed by Mary, one can group them in three as, ig nail t. Also one can separate nail as n ail. The path this text will take will follow these letters, finding where they lead.
will be met by a pure decontamination. It is fortunate, then, that there is a closure, a container and containment, for within it decontamination can and will take place. I believe the Book of Revelation is about this decontamination to come. One of the paradoxes of the antichrist is that in the Catholic enclosure, enforced even more in the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI by an ideology of exclusivity, an emphasis on the differences between the Church and the World, and by an anti-ecumenism, there will be, on the one hand, the destruction of the Church, and, on the other hand, the salvation of it. The fourth encyclical of Benedict is to be the infallible, ex cathedra promulgation of the Marian dogma on judgment and mediation, and it will contradictorily accomplish both at once, the destruction and salvation of the Church. It must
The keys are in the IG and ail. IG stands for immunoglobulin, an antibody produced by specialized B cells after stimulation by an antigen and act against it. The IG, when placed with the other letters, spells not just ail, but ailing. The message Mary has for us describes an illness involving antigens and antibodies. Adjacent alphabetically to these words are a number of words that begin with anti. Not incidentally, anti itself is another way of arranging the letters in tain. Among these, anti words and important for a theology of the apocalypse, is antichrist. In what will come, it will be made clear that the antichrist is the antigen that the antibodies, and others, attack in order to defend the Body of Christ. Also in the group of anti words is antinuclear, meaning tending to react with cell nuclei or their components (as DNA), as in antinuclear antibodies. There are other words: antinovel and antihero, the antidote, the character of Antigone from Sophocles, and, in direct sequence alphabetically, antinomian, meaning one holding a faith over law theology, and antinomy, meaning a contradiction between two equally valid principles, or a fundamental or irresolvable conflict. These anti words will come into play throughout the argument. Looking again at Mary and Marginality, it can be seen that Mary is anti lig, but that the tain is lig. What does lig refer to? It refers to ligature. Ligature has several meanings, but the one concerning us is that of a binding bond. Mary is against, not binding as such, but the binding tain.
be destroyed in order to be saved. The Marian dogma will affect the closure. The rule of antichrist seems absolute in terms of practical theology, the liturgy and administration of the Church, but in terms of mystical theology, the personal relationship of the believer with God and those in Heaven (the communion of saints), Mary realizes the absolute. As such, Mary’s appellation as throne in scripture, and in the prayers of the Church, is more readily understood. In a reading of the letters of the word throne according to the textual principles of Joyce and Derrida, several combinations can be made, including the, at first puzzling convocation not her. In addition, there is thr one, a simple cleavage in the central dehiscence of the word. The thr one can be interpreted, according to our context, as
Mary is communicating through the tain, about the tain, in order to say something that can only be shown and said in this way. What this thing is that must be shown through the close study of the tain of the text is an unholy marriage of deconstruction and deconsecration that may lead to the apocalyptic death of the Body of Christ. What threatens the Body of Christ is a spiritual disease that is analogically like AIDS and HIV. Instead of an acquired immune deficiency syndrome and human immunodeficiency virus, there is in the Catholic Church a holiness immunodeficiency virus, and an apocalyptic immune deficiency syndrome. In medical terms, HIV is any of a group of retroviruses that infect and destroy helper T cells of the immune system. A retrovirus is any of a group of RNA containing viruses (HIV, for instance) that produce transcriptase by means of which DNA is produced using their RNA as a template and incorporated into the genome of infected cells and that include numerous tumorigenic viruses. Transcriptase is also known as reverse transcriptase or RNA polymerase. This is a kind of writing or rewriting by which the virus replicates and. as they say, goes viral. Polymerase means any of several enzymes that catalyze the formation of DNA and RNA from precursor substances in the presence of preexisting DNA or RNA acting as a template. To return to the text of Marginality, the
the holy roman one. Putting together the two partings of throne, it is stated that the holy roman one is not her. It is not Mary who is the holy roman one, but another. In her appellation as throne Mary at the same time denies that she is the holy roman one. Also, through a doubling of the word throne, which is justified because there are two thrones in the Book of Revelation, the one in Heaven surrounded by the twenty-four elders and others, as well as the one in New Jerusalem, there is yielded the idea that Mary is the embodiment of a certain logical gesture, the neither-nor. Her the not nor is the tain of it. As the neither this nor that Mary may be saying she is neither holy roman nor the one. In addition to this denial that she is neither holy roman nor the one, what other pair of things could Mary be denying or rejecting?
reading of the margin of the text as such, there is a t besides the ig and the ail or the ailing and the nailing. The meaning of the t is apparent from the description of the helper t cells in the definitions of HIV and AIDS. Helper T cells are the things that the HIV antigens attack. The role of healthy helper T cells is to activate T cells and B cells to respond to the threat posed by the antigen. B cells, when alerted to the danger of the foreign body, the antigen, the HIV antigen, produce an antibody to fight it. That antibody would be the IG, or immunoglobulin cells. In the HIV AIDS paradigm, the helper T cells are attacked, their numbers typically reduced to less than 20% of normal, resulting in illness, caused by the inability of the immune system to defend the body, lacking an appropriate B cell antibody production response. What is to be made of this when analogically transposed to the Body of Christ and the spiritual crisis it is in? I believe the helper T cells are the lay people, theological helpers, while the T cells are the theologians, and the B cells are the bishops, who must produce an antibody to fight the antichrist antigen. There is in the monumental Glas by Derrida, which is one of the key works informing the present one, the idea of the plus one. Derrida uses this principle in the construction of the language of the text, agglutinating letters around GL or A or ALC, certain siglums, as critics refer to Joyce’s characters in the Wake. In the interest of a pure research, I applied the
It is the pair as such, the binary oppositions of conceptual thinking, that Mary rejects as throne when she says neither this nor that. In doing so Mary rejects judgment, which is based on the critical discrimination inherent to binary thinking. The Mind of Christ is not a mind of judgment, but a mind of love which is perfect. What does Christ say is perfect? God causes the rain to fall and the sun to shine on everybody just the same, therefore love your enemies and be perfect like your Father. If this is the case, the concept of hell becomes void. I do not believe God will allow an eternal dichotomy, but will be all in all, as the Apostle teaches. Be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may discern what is perfect and pleasing to God. This renewal and transformation is the province of Mary.
principle that Derrida uses of the plus one to the title of the book, GLAS, adding one additional letter forward in the alphabet to each of the four letters of the title. This procedure yielded: G+1=H, L+1=M, A+1=B, S+1=T. HMBT. My initials are MB. I searched in the dictionary for what HT or TH could mean, and found the helper T cells. In terms of the tain, the Glas speaks of a T helper, MB, and I believe that is me. I believe this MB also refers to Blessed Mary. In addition, the title telepathically indicates the T helper cells as a group opposed by the antigen of the antichrist, the Mass of Benedict. In terms of the text of Marginality, within Mary are indicated ailing and t. Mary says that the T helper cells are ailing. I am one of the T helper cells that received an early warning about the danger of the Mass of Benedict, and so never attended catholic mass after the new English translation of the liturgy went into effect for the 2012 liturgical year. Others, who are repeating the words imposed by the pope are in danger. As the word catholic indicates, there is a coil at HC, holy communion, a snare or snake, in the tain of the liturgy. It will be found that in precisely the three changes in the mass that most people in the U.S. questioned, the response to the priest, and with your spirit, the changing in the creed from one in being with the Father to consubstantial with the Father, and the change in the words of institution from for you and for all to for you and for many, there is in the tain of the rewriting an invocation of adultery and apostasy.
In the transformation of the philosophic mind into the Mind of Christ, how does Mary accomplish the renewal of the Body of Christ? To speak of the enthronement of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not incorrect, for she is queen, but in the mystical order of things, not according to practical decree. In her enthronement she becomes THRONE, in two senses. On the one hand, according to the practical decree, the impending declaration that she is comediator and co-adjutrix, she is “thrown” in the sense of the expression “throwing roses,” that is, subject to a kind of flattery, dubious and meant to deceive the faithful, as well as impugning the humility of the Handmaid of the Lord, who said, do whatever he tells you, not do whatever I say. On the other hand, while never losing the humility inherent to her, she is truly Queen, and in her
The helper T cells are marked by a surface feature called CD-4, the clusters of differentiation. It is at this site that it is the receptor for HIV, which through reverse polymerase rewites the DNA of the helper T cells with the RNA of the virus. cDNA is the strand of DNA that is complementary to a given RNA messenger and that serves as a template for production of the messenger RNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase. In the dictionary, CD-4 occurs on the page next to the word Celebrate. The helper T cells in the Body of Christ, the lay people, would alert the T cells and B cells, the theologians and bishops, to the antigen viral threat, but are depleted by the HIV through celebration of the mass. The antigen that attacks the helper T cells through a neg-tain, to read antigen in the way Joyce and Derrida would. The negative tain is something in the tain of the mass, in the obscured, intertwined portion of the double helix of textuality, that will destroy the holiness of the Body of Christ, at least in English-speaking countries. I have not read other translations of the new liturgy. Holiness occurs in the dictionary next to the word Holocaust, a sacrifice consumed by fire, a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, the mass slaughter of European citizens especially Jews by the Nazis in World War II. Where are the CD-4 receptors in terms of the Body of Christ? What must they be to interface with the celebration of the mass?
Queenship, she becomes throne for the King, not seated beside Him, on a pair of thrones. That kind of binary thinking is abolished, by her neither nor, seen previously in the-her-notnor of the throne-throne, the thrones she becomes in Heaven and in New Jerusalem, respectively. What is it that makes a King a King? Having a throne. Without a throne, there is no King, and often by metonymy or synecdoche one speaks of the throne as one would speak of the royal person him or herself. One speaks of the Chair of Peter from which ex cathedra announcements are made, in relation to the pope. Mary, then, is the condition of possibility for the King. Mary, as the Mother of God, is also condition of possibility, as the Theotokos. She is not equal. She is the condition of possibility, not so much for God, but for His
It could have something to do with the history of the mass, the four steps it has gone through, from the ancient, to the Tridentine, to the mass of Paul VI in 1970 after the reform at Vatican Council II and the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, which was passed almost unanimously by the Fathers of the Council, to the new mass of Benedict, first suggested by John Paul II in 2000. Now, the missals are divided between the extraordinary rite of the 1962 missal of Blessed John XXIII, and the ordinary rite of Benedict. The CD-4 could be the celebration defined four times. But the CD-4 must be on the surface of the helper T cells, the lay people, in the reception of the mass. What are the clusters of differentiation in terms of the Body of Christ? The interface between the hierarchy and laity occurs at the mass. There are two parts of the mass, Word and Sacrament. The Word is received through the ears (2) and the Eucharist, in the hand and mouth (2). The HIV holiness virus attacks the lay helper T cells through these receptors, ears, hand, mouth. The consumption through the ears is more than receiving the Word in the Scriptures, it is of everything heard at the celebration, especially the new changes in the wording of the mass. There are at the mass three Bodies of Christ, the Word, the Sacrament and the People themselves. But it is all one Body of Christ. At the moment of the dispensing of the communion, the priest says:
Kingship and Sovereignty. It is her assumption of the Church that is the condition of possibility for the reign of Christ in the Church. He will have been seemingly excluded in his sovereignty at that point, by the pope, who has made himself the interpreter of Christ, in persona ecclesia, and in the elevation of Mary to equality with Christ. In practical terms, the antichrist will have won. In mystical terms, he will have defeated himself.
Neither true nor good but beautiful is she. It is not metaphysics, nor ethics, but beauty herself is not aesthetics. Aesthetics is still on the model of the philosophic mind based on judgment. I just love beauty. What is absolute beauty? In Hegel there is the triad of subject-object-absolute. He
BODY OF CHRIST And one receives on the tongue or in the hand and says: AMEN
The changes of translation in the rewritten mass occur at many points. In early questioning by the laity of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, three of the most frequently asked questions concerned the wording of the response made to the priest when he says to the congregation “peace be with you,” the changing of the words in the creed concerning Christ and the Father as one in being, and the change in the words of institution, from “for you and for all,” to “for you and for many.” The congregation responds to the priest “and with your spirit.” Around the corners of the tain, in the initial letters, is spelled the word sway. This also makes the word ways. In the last letters of the words are the letters T H R D. Could this be referring to the third person of the Trinity? I think not. It refers to The Holy Roman Deconsecration. The change in the creed involves translating homousious as consubstantial, rather than one in being. Both mean the same thing. Why the change? Within the word consubstantial is the word satan, as well as con and sub. Con means with, sub means under. There are also the letters I and L.
reaches the absolute by synthesis. Mary reaches by the neither-nor. Nature is neither true nor good but beautiful. How much more so the holiness of the supernatural mystic? The Philokalia is the love of the beautiful. New Jerusalem is beautiful. The Revelation ends with beauty. Mary exemplifies beauty. Why? Beauty is perceived by the senses. God cannot be perceived by the senses. But Mary is. Because Mary is human. God became man to be like Mary. It is for her sake that there is salvation. Again, she is the condition of possibility. Beauty is perceived by light. God is light, in order to reveal the beauty of Mary. Mary is the reason. It is not that Mary is the mirror of the Church, it is not that we see ourselves in her, or find ourselves in her. We lose ourselves in her, as in service to the Queen.
Il- is a prefix meaning not. There are the words con-with, sub-under, il-not, satan. It says with satan not under. The other letters also spell connubial and STAT. The response to the priest, and with your spirit, has within it the words in, it, and the letters O U, as well as RIP. One way to read this is: not under, with satan, a connubial stat For you and for many becomes for you and for all in the words of institution. The combination of letters in many/all makes my anal L. L could be life or love. This is the tain of the three key changes in the new mass. These words plug into the receptors of the lay, helper T cells, to make them unholy. But there is more. Looking at the letters in the phrases for you and for many/for you and for all they spell O NO U FRY A.D. Fr. (Father) Allo- (other, different atypical) And one in being/consubstantial spells a connubial stat satan with not under in line. The changes in the words of institution destroy what is being in the Eucharist. The statement in tain of words of institution: O no u fry A.D. Fr. Allo-, allo is one of a group whose members together constitute a structured unit. Also, allosounds like allow.
Even to speak of self at this point is to miss the mark. The entire Church will be assumed by her, in order for the Theotokos to disclose the Mind of Christ. If one of the defining characteristics of the individual is freedom, as individuals we will cease to be. The paradoxical reversal of complete obedience to the pope giving way to being assumed by Mary who brings us the Mind of Christ, for whom and in whom we lose not the legal freedom once judicially allocated to the pope, but the actual wish for freedom itself because there is no longer a site of self-assertion, but a life of complete abandonment and surrender, steps necessary for our arrival. Not of I, but of We. At this point, the Church that only seemed to be for 2000 years will actually be. There have been simulations of this truth, and individualism is itself a denial of Marian beauty.
. There are other things yet to be said, concerning the RNA and the DNA. It is the RNA that rewrites the DNA. The letters RNA can be found in the name RATZINGER When the letters RNA are subtracted they leave Z Tiger, the last tiger. Perhaps a German tiger tank, for the letters of Ratzinger also combine as Nazi Rt Ger, Nazi Right German. The papal name BENEDICT Forms many combinations. One is straight across: Ben Edict, and it is by the pope’s edict that the new mass translation has been promulgated, overturning the work of thousands of men at the Second Vatican Council. In Scottish ben means within, and the edict concerns what is within, not ect-, outside, the words of the mass. It also forms Bent Dice, which recalls the poem Paradise Throne, when the meaning of 666 was first revealed. He has loaded dice. There are Bend Cite and Bent Cide. The first concerns the skewed translation, the second the spiritual death of the church. Ben De- CIT, deconsecrates the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. And in De- Cite mistranslates the mass. Then there is Deceit, N.B. And there is Be Dicten, like the German dichten, spoken. The Mass is spoken, the statute or image for worship as in Revelation. The CT is a code telegram about the BIND, CT: bet end, bed net, be tend, ben die.
The Church has sometimes been terrorist, as in wars and inquisitions. But when the perfect is come, these will pass away and be forgotten.
The DNA part of the equation has to do with the Book of Daniel. The name of Daniel can be divided various ways: DNA I EL, I God, in the DNA, or as the word Denial.
We will be en-wombed by Mary. What seemed to be the coming entombment of the Catholic Church will be suddenly changed from death to life. The Theotokos as New Jerusalem will not be God-bearer, but bear her race within her.
The Book of Daniel is one of the two pillars of scripture for apocalyptic interpretation, along with the Revelation of John. In Daniel, chapter 12, the power of the holy people will be scattered, the abomination of desolation will be set up, and the sacrifice suspended. Daniel is told to remain out of sight until after it is all over. I believe there is such a man alive today, and he may be the one referred to as Peter the Roman by St. Malachy. He will be the last pope.
It was a question of closure, enclosure, all along, as everyone could see. We were destined for the tomb, not only for our individual deaths, but in the apocalypse, the entombment of both Church and World. Instead, all will be returned to Mary’s womb, from which all will be reborn, as All in All. The tomb is death and horror, but the womb is life, and life is beautiful.
The translation changes are specifically targeted at the American Church. They are in English. Why? Because the most outspoken criticism of Benedict has come from the U.S. And perhaps because the prophecy of Malachy about the last pope was meant to conceal his identity rather than reveal it. Benedict has been packing the college of cardinals with members of the curia, as if to ensure his successor will be a Roman. But he may not be. He may be English-speaking. The antichrist wants to preempt the man who will lead the church to renounce the error now underway and save the Body of Christ.
The womb of Mary is the Mind; the Kingdom of Heaven within.
The church may still be saved through repentance, if the theologians and bishops act in time. Individuals may as individuals repent of the unholy mass and abstain.
Our enwombment means not just to be children of Mary, but so close to her as mother, so dependent, and really one with her, as not to be able to live without her or outside of New Jerusalem ever again, or ever wish to.
It may be that Malachy wrote of Peter the Roman, because of the letters PR. The letter in the alphabet closest to these is Q, the seventeenth letter. Elsewhere I have shown the necessity of the numbers sixteen and eighteen to the antichrist. And I have also wondered who Q is. That would be the Queen, Mary.
It is said of the Queen that all her beauty is within.
And I believe she will defeat the antichristian closure of sixteen and eighteen. Also, she will choose Benedict’s successor, the last pope, who will love her, and have the Mind of Christ.
She is a garden. She is paradise. She is not the same as God, but there is no difference. God Himself chooses to find his repose within her. The reason one must be pure to go to Heaven is that Mary is all pure, she is Heaven, she lays a limit on infinity, she is the Bride, she is the City, within whom are God and the Lamb and His people. Mary as both Virgin and Mother is the very figure of the impossible, but God does the impossible.
There are seventeen letters in the name BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
Finally, the word tain, taken from the French for the backing of a mirror, is, not to overlook the obvious, the letters of the word anti-. The antichrist is found in the tain, and perhaps in some sense the tain itself is, if not antichrist, at least antichristian. The tain will not be retained, it will not attain its purpose. In the double helix herein, a kind of containment took place, in which the Blessed Virgin Mary decontaminated the church of the taint of the antichrist. It is now necessary for those in the church to act on what they have read and save the Body of Christ. If they will have the Mind of Christ, they must first save His Body. We are all members of the Body of Christ, and we stand or fall together.