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@LRiÉÓÁ xmsLi²R¶V: DLi²R¶ª«sÖýÁ úgSª«sVLi, gRiVLiÈÁWLRiVÑÁÍýØ, Fs.zms., ˳ØLRi»R½®µ¶[aRPLiv B A N A N A : U N D A V A L L I V I L L A G E , G U N T U R D I S T R I C T , A . P. , I N D I A
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this page
ËØL`i: µR¶Li²y¸R¶VVµ³R¶xmsoLRiLi, ®©sÌýÁWLRiVÑÁÍýØ, Fs.zms., ˳ØLRi»R½®µ¶[aRPLi B A R : D H A N D A Y U D H A P U R A M , N E L L O R E D I S T R I C T , A . P. I N D I A
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the end
American traveling in a foreign land. Dressed head to toe in a white linen suit
To drive 2000 kilometers across southern India, from the fabled Malabar Coastal
this “fish out of water” character stumbles his way from one situation to the next,
town of Cochin to one of India’s newest high-tech centers, Hyderabad, in a three-
in a country full of beauty and chaos, contradiction and mystery. These images
wheeled 150cc auto-rickshaw in two weeks, in the name of art and charity.
tell his “story”.
Technically, I didn’t want the “natural ligh look” of editorial travel photography.
To raise donations for the international charity Mercy Corps to help provide clean
Since the fine details of the locations were so important to me, I wanted to be able
water, school improvements and education in northern India, while at the same
to retain a balance of lighting in the foreground and background of each shot.
time create a photo story and short documentary film about our journey.
Unfortunately, this meant heavy lighting and grip equipment, further complicating how to efficiently pack my kit. In the end, I decided forgo my digital cameras
and go back to my basics with a large format 4 x 5” camera, one high-intensity
The idea sprang from what seemed to be a ridiculous dinner conversation with
battery-powered light and four hundred sheets of color negative film. In all, there
Chicago-based art director, Anthony Munoz in Novemeber ‘06. Embracing the
were about twenty photo set-ups and fifteen hours of video footage. Twelve final
possibilities, we next enlisted the help of New York-based cinematographer,
pictures and five video stills were incorporated into this book.
Adam Sternin, who had worked with me on Furry Kama Sutra. Despite the incredible distance, multiple vaccinations, insurance, airline tickets and the logistics of
These are my “visions” of India. My wish is that the viewer will catch a glimpse of
travelling with minimal “heavy” lighting and gear, our “road trip” miraculously
my 2,000 kilometer adventure on the “wrong” side of the road, with people, walk-
became a reality.
ing or sleeping, with buses, trucks, SUVs, Jeeps, other auto-rickshaws, mopeds, motorcycles, bicycles, ox carts, herds of goats, chickens, monkeys, water buffalo,
By our departure date, December 25th, 2006, we had managed to get some press,
elephants, cows, dogs, cats, mongoose, pigs, oxen, quail, bald eagles, and cats
throw a fundraising event, raise $7,500.00 in donations for Mercy Corps and board
sharing the road, through crowded cities or up winding, mountain roads of ques-
our Aeroflot flight bound for India on time!
tionalble condition.
THE PROJECT: The concept for the images was to capture the classic “experience” of a naive
Michael Cogliantry 2007
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Two Thousand Kilometers in Two Weeks The gang takes a break to pose for a picture in Malkapur, India after an early morning shoot with one of their two auto-rickshaws. (Left to Right) Michael Cogliantry, Anthony Munoz, Adam Sternin
This project would not have been possible without the amazing contributions from the following organizations and people: Anthony Muñoz Adam Sternin Jen Cogliantry Tom Morgan at the League of Adventurists Mercy Corps International Getty Images Solio Competitive Brokerage Service First Giving Bajaj Auto of India Travel.com Taalim School of Indian Music Debra / Meier LaCoppola, David / Jen Keeling, Ruth / Albert Lowenberg, Nootan Bharani, Christopher Strong, Stephen Rutterford, Sally / Tracy Harlor, Todd Warnock, Stephanie Lynen, Stephanie Serpick, Tammy Wetterberg, Bill Hovard, Rolf Sjogren, Melanie / Mark / Jasper Martinez, Dani Szule, Jonathan Kannair, Lars Soderkvist / Jean Baker, Sarah Foster, Tim Kitchen, Jan Stromme, Kim-Van Dang, Joshua Rosenzweig, Jim / Wilma Cogliantry, Brad Wilson, Irene Nielsen, Jon Nissenbaum, Jerry Craven, Wendy Sokoluk, Kathy / Matt Jones, Brandon Kavulla, Jeff Needham, Jamie DiVenere, Cynthia Berman, Laura / Andy Skodol, Pam / Thomas Reed, Kevin Ripp, Ken / Lainie Sternin, Michael Beneville, Paul Bikoff, Jacqueline / Ed Maron, William Abranowicz, Carmen / Lupe / Julian Tomic, Dan Delfino, Kate Wilson, Cheryl / Jason / Jared / Martha / Ray Boss, The Diamond Family, Joellen Nicholson, George / Marion Halvatzis, Lauren May, Daryl Katz, AJ Jacobs, Erica Sternin, Christopher Havens, Greg Krinsky, Shorty Maniace, Mia Cogliantry, Adam Selkowitz, Jeff Griffith, Marc Scherer, Jeanine / Ian / Sierra Silversmith, Stephanie Cabrera, David Wells, Scott Burns, J. Victor Munoz, Jessica Luhrssen, Mike Duva, David Head, Raul / Sally Vallines, Katty / Cristina Munoz-Perou, Lisa Button, Kathy Maloney, Chris Martiniano, Steve Hudson, Bill Frischling, Jennifer Canty, Lucas / Amelia, Andree Chalaron, Franck Hoffmann, Beth Hoff, Brandon Harman, Chad / Pheobe Kincaid, Chantelle Norton, Dawn Bauer, Duffy Higgins, Jan / Steve Bodenstein, Alan Krevis, Gary Horrowitz, Jamie DiVenere, Frank Potash, Jessica Luhrssen, Ben Hoffmann, Kevin Schaefer, Paul / Judy Czeladnicki, Judith Sucher, Elena Lakocur, Nicholas Merchant-Bleiberg, Peter Mannes, Keren Bernard, Tina Roth, Merideth / Todd Longdagin, Joellen Nicholson, Miho Suzuki, Mike Dura and of course the “Lucky Coconut” we picked up on the first day in Kerala that surely saved our lives.