AHS Essential Information

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West Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: 08 8231 9373

≈ Facsimile: 08 8212 7827

Email: office@adelaidehs.sa.edu.au ≈ Web: www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS provider number 00018A






House Manager:

Pastoral Care Teacher: Emergency Contact Name: Telephone (W):



Allergies (if any):

Parents/Carers are asked to inspect this book regularly and to sign it at the end of each week with one of the following signatures.



CONTENTS About The School School Schedules School Songs

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4, 5

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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7, 8

Student Code of Conduct

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Adelaide High School Rules

10- 12


13- 15

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School Procedures

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Emergency Procedures ICT Acceptable Use

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Anti-Harassment Policy Grievance Procedures

16, 17

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ICT Acceptable Use Agreement



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Moving Around The School

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22 23 24 25

House Environmental Care


Sustainable Practices


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Helpful Resources

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ABOUT THE SCHOOL The School Badge and Motto Non Scholae Sed Vitae The Latin words of the School Motto mean Not only for school but for life.

Vision Adelaide High School is a dynamic community which is passionate about learning for life.Respect, resilience and optimism help us flourish. Wellbeing: We encourage the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of all members of our community. Learning: We nurture independent, creative and collaborative learners. Curiosity and innovation motivate us to excel individually and collectively. Culture: We celebrate diversity, promote intercultural understandings and connect with communities here and across the world. We reflect on our past and learn in the present to shape our future.

Our School Priorities: We are committed to: ¨¨Wellbeing: A safe and welcoming environment based upon mutual respect. ¨¨Learning: Engaging and challenging learning experiences through: Reflective, innovative and contemporary practices. Varied curriculum and co-curricular offerings. Learning within and beyond the classroom. ¨¨Culture: Developing compassionate, positive and contributing citizens.

The Qualities of an Adelaide High Graduate The qualities that the graduands have developed over time include: ¨¨Constructive personal and interpersonal abilities ¨¨Entrepreneurship ¨¨Citizenship ¨¨Active global awareness ¨¨Effective communication skills ¨¨An ability to work as an effective team member ¨¨Self-awareness and an ability to recognise and value the character strengths of others. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL








Lesson 1






Lesson 2









Lesson 3





Lesson 4






Lesson 5







Lesson 6






Lesson 7









8.35 am

8.35 am

Lesson 1

8.40 am – 9.20 am

8.40 am – 9.20 am

Lesson 2

9.20 am – 10.05 am

9.20 am – 10.00 am

Pastoral Care

10.10 am – 10.30 am

10.05 am – 10.35 am

Lesson 3

10.35 am – 11.15 am

10.40 am – 11.20 am

11.15 am – 11.35 am

11.20 am – 11.40 am

11.30 am

11.35 am

Lesson 4

11.35 am – 12.15 pm

11.40 am – 12.20 pm

Lesson 5

12.15 pm – 1.00 pm

12.20 pm – 1.05 pm

1.00 pm – 1.40 pm

1.05 pm – 1.45 pm

1.35 pm

1.40 pm

Lesson 6

1.40 pm – 2.25 pm

1.45 pm – 2.25 pm

Lesson 7

2.25 pm – 3.10 pm

2.25 pm – 3.10 pm


3.10 pm

3.10 pm

Warning Bell

Recess Warning Bell

Lunch Warning Bell

Senior School Dismissal


3.20 pm (Monday and Thursday only)


SCHOOL SCHEDULES About Lessons ¨¨‘Single’ lessons – Lesson 3 each day and Friday Lessons 6 and 7 ¨¨Most Year 11 and 12 students have private study on Lines 1 & 7, i.e. early dismissal Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; late start Monday and Thursday. ¨¨Senior School Students can sign in or out using the device set up in Students Services. ¨¨Pastoral Care every day. Extended PCG on Wednesdays. Pastoral Care Programs supplied by House Managers.

Special Bells and Sirens ¨¨2 bells: wet lunch or wet recess ¨¨3 bells: yard assembly or assembly in the Hall



SCHOOL SONGS (Sung at formal school assemblies)

School Hymn

Advance Australia Fair

Thy servants pray, O hear us Lord Be Thou our shield, be thou our sword; Be Thou our guard against all sin, From foes without, from foes within.

Australians all let us rejoice For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea. Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

O make us loving comrades all, Forgetting self at duty’s call; Bless Thou the guardians of our land, And keep our dear ones in Thy hand.

War Cry (The Adelaide High School rallying song) Kooringa ronga ringa Kooringa ronga roo The boomerang, the wallaby The good old kangaroo, Battle for the school, lads/girls And for the loafers, boo High School Adelaide Kooringa ronga roo.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We’ll toil with hearts and hands, To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands. For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share. With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.

Kaurna Welcome Ninna Marni (A Kaurna word for “Hello, how are you?”) We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.



UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Adelaide High School works to ensure that it operates within the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in all that we do. 1.

When children are born, they are free and each should be treated in the same way. They have reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a friendly manner.

2. Everyone can claim the following rights, despite: a different sex a different skin colour speaking a different language thinking different things believing in another religion owning more or less being born in another social group coming from another country It also makes no difference whether the country you live in is independent or not. 3. You have the right to live, and to live in freedom and safety. 4. Nobody has the right to treat you as his or her slave and you should not make anyone your slave. 5. Nobody has the right to torture you. 6. You should be legally protected in the same way everywhere, and like everyone else. 7.

The law is the same for everyone; it should be applied in the same way to all.

8. You should be able to ask for legal help when the rights your country grants you are not respected. 9.

Nobody has the right to put you in prison, to keep you there, or to send you away from your country unjustly, or without good reason.

10. If you go on trial this should be done in public. The people who try you should not let themselves be influenced by others. 11. You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself. Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done. 12. You have the right to ask to be protected if someone tries to harm your good name, enter your house, open your letters, or bother you or your family without a good reason. 13. You have the right to come and go as you wish within your country. You have the right to leave your country to go to another one; and you should be able to return to your country if you want. 14. If someone hurts you, you have the right to go to another country and ask it to protect you. You lose this right if you have killed someone and if you, yourself, do not respect what is written here. 15. You have the right to belong to a country and nobody can prevent you, without a good reason, from belonging country if you wish. 16. As soon as person is legally entitled, he or she has the right to marry and have a family. In doing this, neither the colour of your skin, the country you come from nor your region should be impediments. Men and women have the same rights when they are married and also when they are separated. Nobody should force a person to marry. The government of your country should protect your family and its members. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 17. You have the right to own things and nobody has the right to take these from you without a good reason. 18. You have the right to profess your religion freely, to change it, and to practise it either on your own or with other people. 19. You have the right to think what you want, to say what you like, and nobody should forbid you from doing so. You should be able to share your ideas also—with people from any other country. 20. You have the right to organise peaceful meetings or to take part in meetings in a peaceful way. It is wrong to force someone to belong to a group. 21. You have the right to take part in your country’s political affairs either by belonging to the government yourself or by choosing politicians who have the same ideas as you. Governments should be voted for regularly and voting should be secret. You should get a vote and all votes should be equal. You also have the same right to join the public service as anyone else. 22. The society in which you live should help you to develop and to make the most of all the advantages (culture, work, social welfare) which are offered to you and to you and to all the men and women in your country. 23. You have the right to work, to be free to choose your work, to get a salary which allows you to support your family. If a man and a woman do the same work, they should get the same pay. All people who work have the right to join together to defend their interests. 24. Each work day should not be too long, since everyone has the right to rest and should be able to take regular paid holidays. 25. You have the right to have whatever you need so that you and your family: do not fall ill; go hungry; have clothes and a house; and are helped if you are out of work, if you are ill, if you are old, if your wife or husband is dead, or if you do not earn a living for any other reason you cannot help. The mother who is going is going to have a baby, and her baby should get special help. All children have the same rights, whether or not the mother is married. 26. You have the right to go to school and everyone should go to school. Primary schooling should be free. You should be able to learn a profession or continue your studies as far as wish. At school, you should be able to develop all your talents and you should be taught to get on with others, whatever their race, religion or the country they come from. Your parents have the right to choose how and what you will be taught at school. 27. You have the right to share in your community’s arts and sciences, and any good they do. Your works as an artist, writer, or a scientist should be protected, and you should be able to benefit from them. 28. So that your rights will be respected, there must be an ‘order’ which can protect them. This ‘order’ should be local and worldwide. 29. You have duties towards the community within which your personality can only fully develop. The law should guarantee human rights. It should allow everyone to respect others and to be respected. 30. In all parts of the world, no society, no human being, should take it upon her or himself to act in such a way as to destroy the rights which you have just been reading about.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Plain Language version – Sourced from, www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/humanrights/resources/plain.asp






At AHS students have a right to: ¨¨ A safe and welcoming environment.


To achieve this I agree to:

As a student I can expect:

¨¨ Follow the AHS policies and expectations regarding behaviour, uniform, attendance, internet and computer usage as outlined in school publications.

¨¨ The support of the staff, House Managers and the Leadership Team.

¨¨ Treat staff and my fellow students with positive, unconditional regard and respect.


At AHS students have the right to: ¨¨ Quality and explicit teaching and quality learning experiences

As a student I can expect: ¨¨ Staff to act in my best interests.

¨¨ To value the efforts of my colearners and to work collaboratively when this is demanded by the task design.

¨¨ Share in a forward-looking community which honours its traditions and celebrates its diversity

¨¨ To be supported by the school’s behaviour management processes when things go wrong.

¨¨ Respect the right of teachers to teach and learners to learn in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from harassment or disruption to the learning program.

¨¨ To continually search for selfimprovement by responding positively and acting upon constructive advice and criticism.

At AHS students have the right to:

¨¨ That the student leadership groups will act to support my wellbeing.

To achieve this I agree to:

¨¨ To do the best I can in all I undertake and to attempt all set tasks to the best of my ability.



¨¨ Open, transparent and respectful communication about my learning. ¨¨ Access to opportunities to learn and grow as a learner, both inside and outside classrooms. ¨¨ To benefit from the AHS international focus. ¨¨ Consideration to be made of my special needs and circumstances.

To achieve this I agree to:

To achieve this I agree to:

¨¨ Support the cultural and sporting programs of the school by participating in the spirit in which they were initiated, with good sportsmanship and respect.

¨¨ To be treated with equal consideration.

¨¨ Respect each individual as important to the whole AHS community regardless of ethnicity, culture, religion, age, gender or sexual preference, understanding that our diversity is a strength.

¨¨ To have the support of the student leadership groups, staff and the Leadership Team of AHS.

Acknowledgement of the Student Code of Conduct I have read the information regarding the student Code of Conduct at Adelaide High School. As part of the Adelaide High School community, I support the Code and agree to abide by it. Signature of student ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL RULES “If my actions or behaviour in any way offend, or interfere with the rights of others, then my actions and behaviour must be considered inappropriate.” Our School rules are based on this single concept. It is expected that courtesy and consideration will, at all times, be shown to members of staff, to fellow students and to school visitors.

Behaviour Management Policy At Adelaide High School we believe in maintaining a positive, safe and caring learning environment. This is achieved through the cooperation and support of the entire school community – students, staff and parents. We have a very clear Behaviour Management Policy, as outlined below.

School Rules The rules of Adelaide High School are intended to make this a place where people can learn effectively, enjoy themselves and be confident that they, their property and their reputations are safe. All students are required to accept responsibility for their own behaviour. Please note that this School Diary also contains explanations of school rules and outlines the school policies with regard to harassment, uniform, use of information and communication technology (ICT) at school and behaviour. Expectation What this means

What will happen if the rules are not respected

Respect yourself.

¨¨ School Uniform Wear the School Uniform.

¨¨ School Uniform Policy, as outlined in the School Diary, will be followed.

¨¨ Smoking Smoking or having cigarettes in your possession during school hours or on school related activities or whilst going to and from school, is prohibited.

¨¨ Cigarettes or tobacco will be confiscated and parents/carers will be contacted. Smokers receive detention for the first offence and suspension or exclusion for any subsequent offence.

¨¨ Alcohol and Drugs Taking alcohol or any drug not prescribed by a doctor for you is prohibited.

Respect your property.

¨¨ Look after your own personal property. Use your locker to secure valuables or hand them in to Student Services at the beginning of the day. ¨¨ No school responsibility is taken for electronic devices brought to school. See Acceptable Student Use of ICTs at Adelaide High School for more detail.

Attend School.


¨¨ Remain in school grounds during school hours and attend all scheduled lessons and activities.


¨¨ Parents/Carers will be contacted and suspension or exclusion will result. Police may be notified. ¨¨ Illegal drugs will result in Police involvement and suspension pending exclusion. ¨¨ Any personal property lost or stolen is the responsibility of the student. ¨¨ Electronic devices being used inappropriately will be confiscated, placed for safe-keeping in the Front Office and returned to the student at the end of the day. Students are to provide proof of identity when collecting phones. School consequences may apply, depending on type of misuse of device. ¨¨ Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours without the permission of a parent/ carer, acknowledgement of parent/carer permission by their Pastoral Care Group teacher and signing out through Student Services. Students who do not follow this process will receive detention initially. Repeated truancy may result in suspension.

ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL RULES Expectation What this means

What will happen if the rules are not respected

¨¨ Show courtesy and politeness Recognise to other people. No physical and abuse, hitting, pushing, touching, respect the punching, or bullying will be rights of tolerated. Verbal abuse, spreading everyone rumours, sexual and racial who comes harassment are unacceptable. to Adelaide ¨¨ Problems must be resolved with High non-violent methods. Intimate School.

¨¨ Fighting, bullying, spreading rumours, abusive language, harassment

contact at school is inappropriate.

¨¨ Students are not to be in possession of weapons in the school or on the way to or from the school. Abusive or foul language is unacceptable.

These behaviours are unacceptable. Parent’s/ Carers will be notified and the students will face consequences. These will include counselling, suspension or exclusion. ¨¨ Weapons will be confiscated and parents and Police will be notified. Exclusion will result. ¨¨ Students who stand by and watch without trying to prevent incidents or who encourage others to bully or harass, will experience similar consequences.

¨¨ Harassment procedures will be followed if bullying or harassment is happening.

Respect the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn.

¨¨ Allow others to learn. Be on time for lessons. Submit work on time.

Respect your property and the property of others

Look after your personal and school property. Respect your environment by:

¨¨ Do all homework and other set work. Cooperate with requests made by staff.

¨¨ Learning Students will be required to complete work which has been missed or is incomplete. This will be in students’ own time or in detention. Students who prevent others from learning or refuse to follow instructions, will be removed from the group to complete work in the withdrawal room. ¨¨ Lateness Students late for school without notes, or late to lessons, will sign in at Student Services and report for community service at lunchtime.

¨¨ Not damaging, stealing or mistreating the property of the school and others ¨¨ Not writing on walls or the property of others ¨¨ Not spitting ¨¨ Not littering ¨¨ Not damaging plants or walking on garden beds ¨¨ Not chewing gum in school grounds

¨¨ Damaging property Student(s) responsible will either have to repair or replace the damage or contribute towards the cost of repair or replacement. Parents will be notified. Police may be notified. Exclusion may result. ¨¨ Littering, spitting Students will have to clean up any mess, and other consequences such as community service will result. ¨¨ In rooms without permission Students will be required to clean up rooms, or will be detained after school. Being in areas which are out of bounds will also result in similar action. ¨¨ Computer misuse See Acceptable Use Policy

¨¨ Not eating in buildings ¨¨ Not staying in classrooms without a teacher’s permission ¨¨ Not using the school's computers irresponsibly

Behave responsibly and sensibly, demonstrate pride in Adelaide High School through your actions at school and on excursions and camps. Be courteous and helpful at all times. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL RULES Detention Policy At Adelaide High School we have a Detention session after school on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Detention concludes at 4.00 pm. Students may be placed on detention for infringement of school rules such as: ¨¨ Truancy ¨¨ Uniform infringements ¨¨ Litter infringements ¨¨ Chewing gum Students will be given at least 24 hours notification of detention. They will receive an orange slip to take home for parents/carers to sign prior to attending detention. The student is to return the slip to school and hand the slip to the teacher on duty for detention. Failure to return a signed detention slip may result in another detention or another appropriate consequence.

Community Service Students who sign in late on any school day without a note from parents/carers will be given yard duty on that day. Students report to staff on yard duty during recess or lunchtime and are required to pick up papers. Teachers may also place students on lunchtime yard duty for lateness to lesson.

Withdrawal from Class Students may be withdrawn from class during lessons due to inappropriate behaviour, consistent interruptions or failure to work. Repeated withdrawal from class will result in parents, the teacher and the House Manager meeting to explore strategies to further support the student.

Internal Suspension Internal suspension is used as a consequence for various breaches of school discipline. It is a strategy which is not used lightly and it is arranged and managed by the Principal,

Assistant Principals and/or House Managers when other measures have not led to changes in behaviour. It is also a possible disciplinary option for the school after a student has been referred to the Withdrawal Room for a 5th occasion. A student on internal suspension must remain in a restricted area. The extent of the internal suspension could be from one to two days, but it may lead to external suspension in some cases if the student persists in displaying irresponsible behaviour.

Take Home “Take home” is not suspension. It is used in a behavioural emergency. This situation occurs when a student is unwilling or unable to comply with reasonable directions from teachers and is endangering himself or herself, or other members of the school community, or is interfering with the learning and teaching rights of other members of the school community. In such circumstances a student can be accompanied home by a parent.

External Suspension Suspension from school is an appropriate response when the Principal has reasonable grounds to believe that:

¨¨ the student has threatened or perpetrated violence; ¨¨ the student has acted in a manner which threatens the good order of the school by persistently refusing to follow the school’s behaviour code; ¨¨ the student has acted in a manner which threatens the safety or well-being of a student, member of staff or other person through sexual or racist harassment, verbal abuse, bullying or any other means; ¨¨ the student is interfering with the rights of other students to learn and of teachers to teach; ¨¨ the student shows persistent and wilful inattention or indifference to school work.

Acknowledgement of the Behaviour policy I have read the information regarding the behaviour policy at Adelaide High School. As part of the Adelaide High School community, I support the policy and agree to abide by it. Signature of Student



UNIFORM The school has a Uniform Committee which reviews details of the uniform and reports to the Governing Council. The Committee is made up of representatives of staff, students and parents. The wearing of the school uniform is one of the strong traditions of Adelaide High School. The school recognises the diversity of its community and respects the cultural and religious beliefs of its members. At times, therefore, special allowances are made to support the beliefs of students and families with regard to the uniform. In cases where the uniform code does not cater for individual requirements, parents/carers are requested to discuss this with the House Assistant Principal. The House Assistant Principal will make a decision regarding any exceptions. The school uniform should be worn with pride and in an appropriate manner.

Uniform and Appearance Boys SUMMER UNIFORM (TERMS 1 AND 4)


¨¨Grey melange school trousers or grey melange shorts* to be worn with white school shirt.

¨¨Grey melange school trousers or grey melange shorts* to be worn with white school shirt.

¨¨White shirt, short or long sleeves, worn with or without an Adelaide High School tie. This shirt must be tucked in.

¨¨White shirt, short or long sleeves, worn with an Adelaide High School tie.

¨¨Short sleeve white shirt, specially designed to be worn un-tucked, may be worn over school shorts or pants, without an Adelaide High School tie. ¨¨Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes. ¨¨Socks: grey, black or white. ¨¨The AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform but will be phased out from 2019.

¨¨AHS contemporary grey (black for Year 8 & 9) V-neck jumper, vest and/or AHS blazer with school logo on pocket. ¨¨Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes. ¨¨Socks: grey, black or white. ¨¨Scarves: black or navy only may be worn. ¨¨The AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform but will be phased out from 2019. ¨¨School Blazers are being phased in as a compulsory item from 2019. See next page for more details.

Note – When the school jumper, vest or blazer are worn, an Adelaide High School tie must also be worn. *When representing the school on formal school occasions, grey melange trousers, school blazer, white shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn.





OR AHS approved navy shorts to be worn with white school shirt.

¨¨AHS check skirt, AHS approved navy shorts or school uniform navy trousers* (polyester/wool style 186600).

OR AHS approved navy pleated skirt with white school shirt.

¨¨White shirt with an Adelaide High School tie.

OR school uniform navy trousers (polyester/wool style 186600) with white school shirt.

¨¨AHS contemporary blue V-neck jumper, vest and/or AHS blazer with school logo on pocket.

¨¨Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes.

¨¨Shoes: black leather lace-up school shoes.

¨¨Socks: white/navy.

¨¨Either: Socks – white or navy OR tights – navy (plain or ribbed tights, but not textured).

¨¨AHS check dress with gold piping.

¨¨The AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform but will be phased out from 2019.

¨¨Scarves: black or navy only may be worn. ¨¨The AHS approved tracksuit jacket can be worn with the school uniform but will be phased out from 2019.

* When representing the school on formal school occasions, the AHS check skirt or school navy trousers, school blazer, white shirt and an Adelaide High School tie must be worn.

What will be different in 2020 1. All Year 8 students must wear the new blazer and jumper in 2020. 2. No compulsory change to your current school uniform if you are in Year 10 or above in 2020. 3. Year 10s and above may choose to purchase a blazer, new contemporary black or blue jumper or vest. 4. The introduction of the new school uniform will be as follows: 2020 Year 8 and 9 cohorts 2021 Year 8, 9 and 10 cohorts 2022 Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 cohorts 5. The current grey and blue jumpers and spray jacket are no longer available for purchase.

Boys and Girls Senior School Uniform Students in Year 12 may also wear the school-approved Year 12 jacket and the Senior School tie.



UNIFORM PE Uniform ¨¨AHS sports top with black shorts and/or Adelaide High School tracksuit top. The tracksuit top will be phased out from 2019. ¨¨No dark soled sandshoes. ¨¨The wearing of an Adelaide High School approved hat is compulsory for all outdoor Health & Physical Education lessons. ¨¨The PE uniform may be worn for HPE lessons, school sport and other occasions as designated appropriate by the school. ¨¨The AHS rugby top can be worn at HPE lessons and school sport.

Ties Melbourne High School and Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School ties can only be worn in Term 3 but must not be worn on formal school occasions.

Jewellery 1. Only minimal jewellery may be worn. 2. Earrings: Sleepers or unobtrusive studs in ears. No other visible body or face piercings are permitted.

Make-up Minimal make-up only may be worn. Only unobtrusive nail polish may be worn.

Hair Colour In accordance with a Governing Council decision, any hair dyed an unnatural colour is not acceptable.

Facial Hair Students in uniform are expected to be clean-shaven.

Acknowledgement of the Uniform policy I have read the information regarding the uniform policy at Adelaide High School. As part of the Adelaide High School community, I support the policy and agree to abide by it. Signature of Student



SCHOOL PROCEDURES Use of Diary The Adelaide High School diary is regarded as a key document for communication and planning. Parents/Carers are asked to use the diary to explain a student’s incomplete homework, absence, late arrival and to request a student’s early departure. It will also be used for messages to parents/carers from the school.

Homework The co-operation of parents/carers in seeing that the prescribed homework is done, and under suitable conditions, is requested. In Years 8, 9 and 10, students will receive homework for those subjects on days when they have double lessons.

Attendance: Absence, Lateness and Early Departure Middle School Students All students are expected to attend school from 8.40 am through to 3.10 pm. Students who arrive after 8.40 am are late and must follow the process outlined. Students who have permission to leave prior to 3.10 pm are to follow the early departure process outlined. Students participating in a VET course may negotiate a line of study which is to be completed at school in the designated study area. All students are expected to attend Pastoral Care session. Pastoral Care sessions occur after Lesson 2 each day; on Wednesday for 30 minutes from 10.05 am–10.35 am; and on other days for 20 minutes from 10.10 am – 10.30 am. Students whose lateness falls outside of these guidelines will follow the processes detailed below. Students who have



permission to leave prior to 3.10 pm are to follow the early departure process outlined.

Senior School Students At the beginning of the school year, all students are expected to attend school from 8.40 am through to 3.10 pm. On Monday and Thursday students will be dismissed at 3.20 pm. If a student has demonstrated satisfactory academic progress, then they may apply for home study during study lessons at the beginning or end of the day. Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during the day except for Home Study or a pre-approved appointment. All students are expected to attend Pastoral Care session. Pastoral Care sessions occur after Lesson 2 each day; on Wednesday for 30 minutes from 10.05 am – 10.35 am; on other days for 20 minutes from 10.10 am – 10.30 am. Students whose lateness falls outside of these guidelines will follow the processes detailed below. Students who have permission to leave prior to 3.10 pm are to follow the early departure process outlined.

Late arrival Students who arrive after 8.40 am are late. Late students are to report to Student Services and sign in. Students without notes for legitimate reasons for being late, will be issued a pink slip. ¨¨Report to Student Services and sign in by swiping the student card. ¨¨Collect the late document. ¨¨Report to Lesson 1 (or the current lesson) and show late docket to subject teacher – signed by subject teacher. ¨¨Show the Pastoral Care teacher the signed print-out and a note from a parent/carer explaining the lateness.

SCHOOL PROCEDURES Arriving without a note from parent/carer detailing adequate reason for lateness. ¨¨Report to Student Services. ¨¨Swipe in electronically. ¨¨Report to Lesson 1 (or the current lesson) and show late docket issued to subject teacher – docket signed by subject teacher. ¨¨Students given a pink yard duty slip by the Pastoral Care Teacher. ¨¨Ongoing lateness will result in detention.

Early Departure Students who have permission to leave school prior to 3.10 pm must follow the following process: ¨¨Note from parent/carer shown to Pastoral Care Group teacher during Pastoral Care Group session and signed by teacher.

¨¨Swipe out electronically – Student Services change reason code from U – unexplained. ¨¨Docket attached to note – docket and note to accompany student to appointment.

Absence On a day of absence, parents are asked to phone Student Services (81100 443 or 81100 434) to inform the school. If a student is not in school by 11.30 am, the school will send an automated SMS message to the nominated parent advising them of the absence. The day that a student returns from absence, he/she must bring a note in the diary signed by a parent/carer to explain this absence. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the Pastoral Care teacher with this note.

¨¨When leaving the school student reports to Student Services showing note signed by Pastoral Care Group Teacher.

The Aims of Adelaide High School are to: ¨¨Address the varied academic, social, emotional, cultural and physical needs of the wide range of students in an increasingly complex and changing world. ¨¨Provide a stimulating, interesting and valued environment which fosters a positive attitude towards study, work and leisure-time activities, and encourages students to want to learn. ¨¨Promote and facilitate the study of languages and the cultivation in students of an awareness and appreciation of the cultural and linguistic diversity of today’s society. ¨¨Establish an environment that provides equity of opportunity and of access to learning for all students in the school. ¨¨Develop in students qualities of self-control, courtesy, consideration, tolerance and regard for the rights, feelings and sensibilities of others. ¨¨Develop students’ skills and attributes that prepare them for life-long learning and achievement. ¨¨Assist students to develop a personal set of values. ¨¨Provide encouragement for individuals to develop a sense of responsibility. ¨¨Involve parents in working with the school towards achieving its aims. ¨¨Keep parents aware of their child’s development, progress and attitudes. ¨¨Encourage students to make their contribution to school and life. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency Alarms Evacuation Woop woop sirens, accompanied by red flashing lights in passageways. Listen for instructions from the teacher, then follow the exit signs out of the building. Proceed to the oval in a quiet, orderly manner, assembling in your home class group. Do not use the lift.

Invacuation Continuous bells During Lessons: Staff and students are to remain in classrooms if an invacuation is required during normal lesson times until the all clear is given. During Breaks: Staff and students are to go to their Pastoral Care Group room and remain there until the all clear is given.



ICT ACCEPTABLE USE The computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other ICT equipment/devices bring great benefits to the teaching and learning programs at Adelaide High School, and to the effective operation of the school. The Adelaide High School ICT Acceptable Use Agreement for students is designed to ensure that the computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other ICT equipment/ devices used at Adelaide High School enhance the School’s teaching and learning programs in keeping with our values and with legislative obligations and provide a safe learning environment. To assist us and to enhance learning through the safe use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), we are now asking you to read this document and sign the attached Use Agreement Form. The Use Agreement includes information about your obligations, responsibilities, and the nature of possible consequences associated with cyber-safety breaches that undermine the safety of the school environment. Rigorous cyber-safety practices are in place at Adelaide High School, which include Acceptable Use Agreements for staff. Child protection education, such as the Keeping Safe child protection curriculum, includes information about remaining safe when using new technologies and is provided to all students. Material sent and received using the network may be monitored, and filtering and/or monitoring software may be used to restrict access to certain sites and data, including e-mail. Where a student is suspected of an electronic crime, this will be reported to the South Australia Police. Where a personal electronic device such as a mobile phone is used to capture images of a crime, such as an assault, the device will be confiscated and handed to the police. While every reasonable effort is made by schools and Department for Education administrators to prevent student’s exposure to inappropriate content when using the department’s online services, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of such exposure. In particular, Department for Education cannot filter Internet content accessed by your child from home, from other locations away from school or on mobile devices owned by your child. Department for Education recommends the use of appropriate Internet filtering software. More information about Internet filtering can be found on the websites of the office of the esafety Commissioner (https://esafety.gov.au), the Kids Helpline at http://www.kidshelp.com.au and Bullying No Way at http://www.bullyingnoway.com.au. Please contact the Principal, if you have any concerns about your child’s safety in using the Internet and ICT equipment/devices.

Important Terms ‘Cyber-safety’ refers to the safe use of the Internet and ICT equipment/devices, including mobile phones. ‘Cyber bullying’ is bullying which uses e-technology as a means of victimising others. It is the use of an Internet service or mobile technologies–such as e-mail, chat room discussion groups, instant messaging, webpages or SMS (text messaging)–with the intention of harming another person. ‘School and preschool ICT’ refers to the School’s or preschool’s computer network, Internet access facilities, computers, and other ICT equipment/devices as outlined below. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


ICT ACCEPTABLE USE ‘ICT equipment/devices’ includes computers (such as desktops, laptops, tablets), storage devices (such as USB and flash memory devices, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, iPods, MP3 players), cameras (such as video and digital cameras and webcams), all types of mobile phones, gaming consoles, video and audio players/receivers (such as portable CD and DVD players), and any other, similar, technologies. ‘Inappropriate material’ means material that deals with matters such as sex, cruelty or violence in a manner that is likely to be injurious to children or incompatible with a school or preschool environment. ‘E-crime’ occurs when computers or other electronic communication equipment/devices (e.g. Internet, mobile phones) are used to commit an offence, are targeted in an offence, or act as storage devices in an offence. Once this agreement consent has been signed, students will be able to use the school's ICT equipment. 1. I will not use school ICT equipment until I have signed my Use Agreement Form and the completed form has been returned to school. 2. If I have my own user name, I will log on only with that user name. I will not allow anyone else to use my name. 3. I will keep my password private. 4. While at school or a school related activity, I will inform the teacher of any involvement with any ICT material or activity that might put me or anyone else at risk (e.g. bullying or harassing). 5. I will use the Internet, e-mail, mobile phones or any ICT equipment only for positive purposes, not to be mean, rude or offensive, or to bully, harass, or in any way harm anyone else, or the school itself, even if it is meant as a joke. 6. I will use my mobile phone/s only in a manner agreed to by my teacher and which adheres to the following rules: I have teacher permission to use it in order to support my learning I have the phone on silent at all times and in my bag unless permission is given, in which case I will have the phone on my desk facing up so that the screen can be seen at all times.

At no time can the phone be used: ¨¨ During exams. ¨¨ During assemblies. ¨¨ As a tool for harassment. ¨¨ Phones that are used in inappropriate ways (for example to record or film others without their consent) or are used under the desk during lessons, will result in it being confiscated, placed for safe keeping in the Front Office and, in some cases, school consequences such as suspension or suspension pending exclusion may apply. ¨¨ Mobile phones that have been confiscated may be collected at the end of the day from the Front Office. Students are to provide proof of identity before collecting phones. ¨¨ The school will not be able to take responsibility for the loss or theft of mobile phones, or any other electronic devices students bring to school. ¨¨ Students will not store, distribute or install on school computers or any other storage media or use from the internet or a portable device any application software, games or multimedia content without authorisation.



ICT ACCEPTABLE USE 1. While at school, I will: access, attempt to access, download, save and distribute only age appropriate and relevant material report any attempt to get around or bypass security, monitoring and filtering that is in place at school. 2. If I accidentally access inappropriate material, I will: not show others turn off the screen or minimise the window report the incident to a teacher immediately. 3. To ensure my compliance with copyright laws, I will download or copy files such as music, videos, games or programs only with the permission of a teacher or the owner of the original material. If I infringe the Copyright Act 1968, I may be personally liable under this law. This includes downloading such files as music, videos, games and programs. 4. My privately owned ICT equipment/devices, such as a laptop, mobile phone or USB/portable drive that I bring to school or a school related activity, is also covered by the Use Agreement. Any images or material on such equipment/devices must be appropriate to the school environment. 5. Only with written permission from the teacher will I connect any ICT device to school ICT services, or run any software (e.g. a USB/portable drive, camera or phone). This includes all wireless/ Bluetooth technologies. 6. I will not use headphones in class without teacher permission. To ensure a safe environment, I will not use headphones when walking around the school or walking in corridors. 7. I will ask my teacher’s permission before I put any personal information online. Personal identifying information includes any of the following: my full name my address my e-mail address my phone numbers photos of me and/or people close to me. 8. I will respect all school lCTs and will treat all ICT equipment/devices with care. This includes: not intentionally disrupting the smooth running of any school ICT systems not attempting to hack or gain unauthorised access to any system following all school cyber-safety strategies, and not joining in if other students choose to be irresponsible with ICTs reporting any breakages/damage to a staff member. 9. The school may monitor traffic and material sent and received using the school’s ICT network. The school may use filtering and/or monitoring software to restrict access to certain sites and data, including e-mail. 10. The school may monitor and audit its computer network, Internet access facilities, computers and other school ICT equipment/devices or commission an independent forensic audit. Auditing of the above items may include any stored content, and all aspects of their use, including e-mail. 11. If I do not follow this Use Agreement, the school may inform my parents/caregivers. In serious cases, the school may take disciplinary action against me. My family may be charged for repair costs. If illegal material or activities are involved or e-crime is suspected, it may be necessary for the school to inform the police and hold securely personal items for potential examination by police. Such actions may occur even if the incident occurs off-site and/or out of school hours. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


ICT ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT Please read this page carefully to check that you understand your responsibilities under this agreement.

I understand that Adelaide High School will: ¨¨do its best to enhance learning through the safe use of ICTs. This includes working to restrict access to ¨¨inappropriate, illegal or harmful material on the Internet or on school ICT equipment/ devices at school, or at school related activities; and enforcing the cyber-safety requirements detailed in Use Agreements ¨¨respond to any breaches in an appropriate manner ¨¨provide members of the school community with cyber-safety education designed to complement and support the Use Agreement initiative ¨¨welcome enquiries at any time from parents/caregivers/legal guardians or students about cyber-safety issues.

For the Student: My responsibilities include: ¨¨reading this Use Agreement carefully ¨¨following the Agreement whenever I use the school’s ICTs ¨¨following cyber-safety strategies whenever I use privately-owned ICT devices on the school site or at any school related activity, regardless of its location ¨¨avoiding any involvement with material or activities that could put at risk my own safety, or the privacy, safety or security of the school or other members of the school community ¨¨taking proper care of school ICTs. I know that if I have been involved in the damage, loss or theft of ICT equipment/devices, I and/or my family may have responsibility for the cost of repairs or replacement ¨¨keeping this document somewhere safe so I can refer to it in the future ¨¨asking the (relevant staff member) if I am not sure about anything to do with this agreement.

Adelaide High School ICT Acceptable Use Agreement I have read and understood this Acceptable Use Agreement and we are aware of the school’s initiatives to maintain a cyber-safe learning environment. Signature of Student


Please note: This agreement will remain in force as long as you are enrolled at this school. If it becomes necessary to add/amend any information or rule, you will be advised in writing.



ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY ¨¨Everyone has the right to feel safe. ¨¨Any kind of harassment is unacceptable because it harms the school community and the dignity and wellbeing of others. ¨¨State laws, Department for Education and school policy protect your rights.

There are many forms of harassment. Here are some examples: Racial


¨¨Making degrading putdowns or gestures about your cultural background

¨¨Name calling

¨¨Calling you names because of your cultural background


¨¨Telling jokes or showing offensive material ¨¨Deliberately excluding you because of your background

Physical ¨¨Hitting ¨¨Pushing ¨¨Punching ¨¨Kicking ¨¨Spitting

¨¨Putting you down

Sexual ¨¨Touching or brushing against you when you’ve asked them to stop ¨¨Ogling, whistling, gesturing or making comments about your body ¨¨Writing rude, unpleasant notes about you ¨¨Telling offensive jokes or showing offensive reading matter ¨¨Making comments about sexuality



¨¨Damaging work or belongings

¨¨Sending or receiving offensive text messages

Intellectual ¨¨Calling you names or giving you a hard time because you may be good at school work, or find school work difficult

¨¨Writing offensive comments on Facebook or other social networking sites ¨¨Establishing offensive websites about others

What can you do about harassment? ¨¨Tell the person to stop it and say you do not like it. ¨¨Talk to a close friend or a Peer Leader. ¨¨Tell your parents/carers. ¨¨Tell a trusted staff member. They may record the incident and help you talk to the person. ¨¨Lodge a formal complaint with one of the Student Counsellors, House Managers, Assistant Principals or the Principal. ¨¨If you are still being harassed, tell a staff member again. This time the offender will be further counselled and/or disciplinary action will take place and be recorded. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Good relationships within the school are fundamental to successful student learning and create a harmonious work environment for all. Adelaide High School’s Grievance Policy is based upon the Department for Education policies. It outlines the processes for resolving grievances within the school. Principles of our policy are: ¨¨Everyone should be treated with respect ¨¨No-one should feel intimidated by raising a grievance or conflict ¨¨Confidentiality will be maintained during the process of making and resolving grievances.

Grievance Procedures Although the steps below appear as a sequence, staff, students and parents can commence a grievance procedure at any of the stages listed below. Students with a grievance could

Talk to the person about the problem Issue not resolved

Talk with a Student Counsellor or teacher they feel comfortable with about the issue.

Issue not resolved

Speak with their parent/carer about the problem.

Issue not resolved

Speak with a teacher, Student Counsellor, House Manager, Assistant principal or Principal.

Issue not resolved

Arrange a time to discuss the issue with an appropriate officer from the District office or personnel in the Ethical Standards and Protection Unit.

Acknowledgement of the Anti-Harassment policy I have read the information regarding the Anti-Harassment policy at Adelaide High School. As part of the Adelaide High School community, I support the policy and agree to abide by it. Signature of Student

International Students International students follow the same procedure. However, they can also speak with the Assistant Principal or House Manager responsible for International Programs, the BSSO who works with them, their ESL support teacher or they can contact International Education Services.



MOVING AROUND THE SCHOOL Student Access to School Buildings and Classrooms Students are not permitted inside the school buildings before school, during the recess and lunch breaks and after school, apart from the exceptions given below. ¨¨Before School: The corridor from the Physics entrance door to the quadrangle is for through traffic only. After 8.30 am: Students may enter the corridors to access their lockers. ¨¨At recess time: The Senior School Centre for Year 11/12 students. ¨¨At lunch time: The Senior School Centre is for Year 11/12 students. The rooftop (Cloud 12) is available for Year 12s only. ¨¨After School: The Resource Centre is open from 3.10pm to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday. ¨¨Meetings: To attend meetings, students may enter the building as required. Food and drink must not be consumed in classrooms and corridors. Chewing gum is not permitted on the site. ¨¨Inclement Weather: When a ‘wet recess’ or ‘wet lunch’ is signalled by two (2) sirens, students may go to a designated area under staff supervision. Students are not to remain in corridors.



¨¨ Change rooms by Gymnasium

¨¨ Northern end of Canteen building

¨¨ Near Room 8

¨¨ Near Room 4

¨¨ Senior School Centre (for Year 11/12 only).

¨¨ Opposite Room 22 (Not available out of lesson times).

¨¨ The eastern and western ends of The Hub.

¨¨ Senior School Centre (for Year 11/12 only). ¨¨ Change rooms in the Gymnasium. ¨¨ The eastern and western ends of The Hub.

Outdoor Out-of-Bounds Areas ¨¨Car Park: Out-of-bounds at all times. Students are not permitted to park motor vehicles on the school grounds. ¨¨Bicycle racks: Are located at the front of the Hall and at the eastern end of the new building near the driveway entrance. Students who ride bicycles to school must leave them in the bicycle racks. A suitable padlock and chain will need to be provided by students. ¨¨North side of language building: Out-of-bounds to all students except for the lawn area south of the mound for Year 11/12 students only. ¨¨First Oval: No ball games on the eastern side of cricket pitch (nearest the school buildings) during recess and lunchtime. NB–No food or drink is to be taken on the oval. ¨¨Second Oval: Out-of-bounds except for: Organised sports practice before or after school Lessons under direct supervision of a teacher NB–No food or drink is to be taken on the oval. No spectators.

¨¨Third Oval: Out-of-bounds except for: Organised sports practice before or after school Lessons under direct supervision of a teacher. ADELAIDE HIGH SCHOOL


HOUSE ENVIRONMENTAL CARE Each House will now have an Environment Zone. Each Zone is broken into areas 8 – 12. This process is designed to encourage Houses to take responsibility for and to develop ownership of Environmental Care. ¨¨All PCG classes take responsibility for their PCG Room and their local space including lockers and corridors. ¨¨House Managers, House AP’s, House Students will be responsible for the Environmental Care Program that takes place within their zone. ¨¨Each House MS and SS team develops their own environmental practice/procedures. ¨¨Refer to the attached Map regarding ZONES. The role of the House in MS and the SS is to develop strategies to care for their environment zone. The role of the PCG teacher is to discuss environmental care. On days when we have clean-ups, Open Nights etc. students will clean-up their Year Level House Zone indicated on the Map.







SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES ¨¨Put clean rubbish (like recycling) in your pocket until the right bin is available. If you use the wrong bin (eg. recycling), the whole bag goes to general waste and damages the environment further. ¨¨Avoid throwing waste on the floor!! ¨¨Use a reusable container from home to bring food (sandwiches) and avoid single-use wrappings. ¨¨Print double-sided and two-pages on each side of the paper when you can. ¨¨Avoid individually packaged foodstuffs. eg. buy large packets of chips and not seven packs inside a larger packet. ¨¨Bring home-made food to school – this is usually a cheaper option anyway! ¨¨Use scrap paper!!! ¨¨Bring your own cutlery from home. Refer to: https://www.coolaustralia.org/ for more sustainable practices

FUN FACTS ¨¨If you print two per page and double sided you can print four times as much! (for the same cost) ¨¨Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees ¨¨You can drink without a straw! (or use a reusable metal straw if you are an enthusiast) ¨¨2.6% of biodiversity belongs to Australia alone. This is why taking care of our environment is very important



HELPFUL RESOURCES Where to Get Help When You Need It Alcohol and Drug Information Service (Counselling telephone service)

Kids Helpline (Counselling for young people on any issues. 24 hours)

Lifeline The Second Story (Counselling/Youth Health Centre)

1800 55 1800 131 114 8232 0233

Youth Healthline (24 hours)

1300 131 719

Domestic Violence Helpline

1800 80 0098

Clinic 275 (Sexually Transmitted Disease Services)

Rape and Sexual Assault (After hours emergency 8226 8787)

Birthline (Pregnancy Support)

Vietnamese Community (Youth Workers/Counsellors)

8226 6025 8226 8777 8331 1223 8447 8821

Cambodian Association

0412 774 161

Chinese Association

8445 2500

Aboriginal Health Council of SA

8132 6700

Accommodation (Trace a Place)

1300 306 046

Legal Services Commission (telephone advice)

1300 366 424


131 444

Moodgym Training Program (Self-Help Website)


Beyond Blue


Reach Out Web based service that encourages young people to help themselves through tough times

Bullying No Way! Information to help students and school community members feel safe and supported

Harassment Notification Reporting harassment issues


1300 131 340



www.bullyingnoway.gov.au Email your House Leader

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