Pros and cons of having a dedicated landing page for each ad

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Pros and cons of having a dedicated landing page for each ad

Michael David Wilson Writes on Adspeed adserver, topics of interest latest ad server technologies

When you click on an ad that piques your interest, you are usually taken to a page where you can find more details or purchase the product or service shown in the ad. People who click on ads often want to learn more about the product first. If they have to wade through many pages to get those details, that is a bad experience. With this in mind, the advertiser often creates a special landing page and sets it as the ad's click destination in the ad server. This special page tells potential buyers more about the product they are interested in and includes a call to action. However, what do you do if you have many different ads? Should you create a dedicated landing page for each one? Let’s look at the pros and cons of doing just that.

Higher conversion rate If the person has already clicked on the ad, they are already inside the sales funnel. It is now up to you to close the deal. Having a dedicated landing page for each ad campaign will increase your chance to convert a lead. A well designed landing page that goes into more benefits of your product may well make that happening. Clicking on the ad alone does not guarantee that the ad viewer will go all the way through the sales process, so a little nudge in the right direction certainly helps, which is what the landing page should accomplish.

All the right info A good landing page should briefly summarize all the benefits of the product or service without being too overblown or salesy. You run a fine line between completing the sale and driving the potential customer away. It is the latter that often happened when an ad click directs a customer to the home page of the website. This is where they can feel a little overwhelmed with too much information. They may in fact have a tough time tracking down the one thing that they arrived with the intention of buying. Keep the landing page simple, yet obviously part of your site as a whole.

Time requirement If you only have a handful of ads and products available for sale, then creating a landing page for each is a good idea. Things start to get a little trickier if you have a lot of different items or run many ad campaigns because the time and money that it takes to put together a landing page for each specific item or each ad may well outweigh the benefits. You goal is to get the best ROI possible, and that includes the amount of time you have invested.

Look and feel There are software out there than can create a ton of landing pages in a short time. However, there could be a potential issue here. You want each of your landing pages to look and feel as though they are an extension of your main website, which may not be easy if you are using some sort of auto-generator to create them. However, it is possible with careful planning and having a smart and suitable software.

Maintainability Are you someone who likes to frequently tinker with the design and layout of your website? If the answer is yes, then you need to think about the time and effort it will take to update and change all of your individual landing pages to match the new design changes you make. It’s best to think and anticipate these factors, particularly if you do not have a smart and automated content management system as the back-end of your online presence.

About Adspeed AdSpeed ad server is a reliable & powerful ad serving and ad management solution that serves your ads, tracks impressions & clicks and reports ad statistics in real-time. Driven by the latest ad serving technologies, the goal of Adspeed adserver is to provide a reliable platform that can help in executing online advertising strategy more efficiently. Thank you for spending your precious time in reading this article.

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