10 Secrets of SuccessfulPeople

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February 10th, 2013

Published by: Miked

10 Secrets of Successful People 10 Secrets of Successful People

If you are looking for 10 secrets of successful people you have come to the right the page. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude… Thomas Jefferson http://www.empowernetwork.com/ miked24/secrets-of-successful-people/

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Observe the Masses and Do the opposite Invest in yourself Helping others get what they want is how you will get what you want 80/20 Rule – 80% Production, 20% Consumption People Join People Focus not on getting, but on providing value Drop the Ego! Take Action Take Responsibility

Secrets of Successful People – Overview •

Below are the 10 secrets of successful people which I will break down one by one. •

Life is a journey of self-discovery

Life is a Journey of self-discovery

Never stop pushing yourself to learn more, experience more, and challenge yourself more. The moment you get complacent is the moment your dreams start to die. To most in the “real world” it means to stop dreaming, stop putting yourself out there, do what the masses do and go get a good education and a good job and work 40 years of your life. The only journey is the journey within… Rainer Maria Rilke 1

February 10th, 2013

This leads me to point 2 of secrets of successful people. •

Observe the Masses and Do the opposite

Imagine you are floating above the world and you can see, hear and feel all the traffic patterns, all the lights from the traffic and all the people on the sidewalks. What are they doing? Lean in and look real close, hear the horns honking and smell that exhaust. Do you feel their joy as they do the same thing Monday – Friday for 40 plus years? You need to do the opposite of the masses and take a journey of your life and pursue your own dreams and not someone else’s. •

Invest in yourself

A key ingredient in 10 secrets of successful people is to invest in you. What do I mean by investing in you? •

Read positive books that challenge the world around you and expand your knowledge. Study people who are in life where you want to be and do what they are doing Listen to audio’s of people in life that you look up to Constantly challenge yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone Grow as a person, never get complacent

Change yourself and fortune will change with you… Portugese Proverb •

Helping others get what they want and you will get what you want

Too many times in this world we run into people who always want to take, take, take, gimmie, gimmie, and gimmie. You know the type

Published by: Miked

Instead try and lift people up and help them without expecting anything in return and in the end you will get everything you desire. As stated earlier, observe the masses and do the opposite. •

80/20 Rule – 80% Production, 20% Consumption

This one I am guilty of and that is if you are in training mode all the time and never use anything you trained on all you will ever be is a well-trained broke person. Learn 20% of the time and go do 80% of the time. You will never have everything perfect so stop trying to make it so. This is a lesson I had to learn since I was the type who always wanted everything to be perfect before I did anything but here is what I learned. I learned more by trying and screwing it all up then I ever did from just watching training videos. Best thing to do is go screw something up really bad, then go watch the video again and then go screw up some more until you get it right. Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life… Herbert Otto •

People Join People

I read online where someone had points laid out like I have but they just had the points like it was written by an auto-blogger. I used to use auto-bloggers but it just wasn’t me so I stopped. My grammar and spelling might not always be the greatest and I might throw in a cuss word here and there but this is all me.


February 10th, 2013

People want to know they are joining a real person and not just some auto-generated text thrown on a page. The company you are in may be the best on planet earth but people will join you, not your business. Click here to come see what we are doing. •

Focus not on getting, but on providing value

Always provide value. This blog is somewhat long but I just didn’t want to throw out the 10 ways and give you a one liner about what they mean. I actually wanted to write about it. That is one of the things I really love about the Empower Network . They are constantly giving and sharing how to build instead of pitching something else for you to buy. It is a very refreshing change. Go do a webinar to your subscriber list and don’t pitch anything, just give value. You will be gleaming when you are done. Always be a giver. •

Drop the Ego!

Published by: Miked

Take Responsibility

Out of all the secrets to successful people I think this one is the most important of them all. How many times have you heard or read of people who blame their company, MLM, or whatever else for the reason they did not succeed. If you do not do the secrets of successful people then the only person you have to blame is yourself. Start taking responsibility for your own failures instead of blaming everything else and everyone else. Remember if it’s always someone else’s fault you will never take an internal look at what the real problem is. YOU! If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams… Les Brown Visit my blog

Check This Out

That’s right you heard me, drop your stupid ego if you have one. Most people are so opinionated and think they know it all that they will not listen to what anyone else has to say or teach. Remember everyday: Empty your cup and take it all in again and push your ego to the side. •

Take Action

You need to take action and not be in learning mode 24/7. Yes you will screw up but that is one of secrets to successful people. Go screw up and learn from your screw ups. 3

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