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OCTOBER 16, 2011


Bowman triplets p move fast

Fitter kids: Just don’t sayy ‘diet’





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Michigan State Police, wearing special gear to protect them from toxic gases inside a motel room where several people were believed to be making methamphetamine, restrain a suspect Sept. 21 at the El Rancho Motel in Port Huron Township. The police knocked out the windows of the motel room to vent the fumes and gases, causing the fog under the canopy. MARK R. RUMMEL/TIMES HERALD

Same war, new battle

Roadster buffs reveling in the Roaring 20s


St. Clair S Cl i County cops fight rising scourges of heroin and meth



Times Herald

fter battling a cocaine epidemic for decades, authorities now are trying to stay ahead of heroin and meth traffickers spreading into the county. “Street-level dope, that’s where the violence is, and we put a ton of pressure on these jokers when they get here and try to set up shop, and I honestly believe that’s what keeps Port Huron from becoming the wild, wild west of Detroit,” said St. Clair County Sheriff Lt. Rick Mouilleseaux, head of the county drug task force. He and his law enforcement colleagues said heroin has saturated some areas within the county. Homemade methamphetamine, a drug that inundated the west side of the state more than a decade ago, has turned into a serous problem in the Blue Water Area only in the past year. It hasn’t yet reached the saturation point that heroin hit recently and crack cocaine did a decade ago and remains to be. “I’m not so naive to think dope is the root of all evil, but its close, it’s pretty damn close,” Mouilleseaux said. It’s keeping the drug task force busy, planning and executing raids and making arrests.

Reading can help kids learn better manners


Think twice Do your homework before cutting down that tree


Lewis P. Kautz, 65 Richard Charles Lewandowski II, 57 Dianne C. Saunders, 66 Howard W. Sloan, 88 Ruth A. Smith, 93 Irene C. Stevens, 68 Sarah Sturdevant, 87 Norma Jean Totzke, 84


Calendar . . . . . . . . 3B Classified . . . . . . . E-H Crossword . . . . . . . 3E Horoscope . . . . . . . 2C Lottery . . . . . . . . . . 2A The Mixx . . . . . . . . . 1C Money . . . . . . . . . . 6D Movies . . . . . . . . . . 3C Opinion . . . . . . . . . 5B Sports. . . . . . . . . . . 1D TV . What’s On, inside


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Copyright 2011 The Times Herald Co. A Gannett Newspaper Printed in the USA

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Flies buzzed and a black and white cat meowed from a crate in a dimly lit Port Huron apartment as drug task force members searched for drugs and questioned two people on the evening of Oct. 4. “Welcome to Port Huron, man,” Sgt.

Jim Spadafore said to a handcuffed 30-yearold Detroit man as he was searched inside the » The Drug apartment in the 3300 Task Force block of Military Street. takes down The team spent about a meth lab, an hour and a half Page 7A inside the apartment, searching everything from couch cushions and cups to potted plants and duffle bags as the lights of boats could be seen drifting


down the St. Clair River. “Am I getting hotter or colder?” a drug task force member asked Jardderil Lymare Williams. “I don’t know sir. It ain’t mine,” said Williams as the DTF officer, wearing a black mask that covered everything but his eyes, pored through the bedroom. Half a dozen officers moved throughout the apartment, talked with neighbors and See HEROIN, Page 6A

A tale of 2 cities: Motown and PoHo


f Detroit were a planet, Port Huron would be a minor moon captured in a wobbly orbit. So much of what happens in the Port Huron area — and what doesn’t happen — is influenced by its larger neighbor to the southwest. I was reminded of this twice in the past week: once in a conversation about trails in Fort Gratiot and also in a discussion of scaled-back plans for expansion of the Port Huron border crossing. «« »» IN THE LATTER CASE, I was chatting with Mayor Pauline Repp pp about how an anticipated p



Miike Conn nell

windfall for Port Huron had gone kaput. Nine years ago, the state and federal governments began planning major improvements to the U.S. Customs plaza on the Blue Water Bridge as well as to the expressway between the plaza p and the jjunction of



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Interstates 69 and 94. Tens of millions of dollars were spent on environmental studies, property acquisition and the like. At the same time, a rancorous debate divided the community as it argued over the design and merits of the project. In the end, the Federal Highway Administration and Michigan Department of Transportation signed off on a plan costing not quite $600 million. At least a quarter of this money was to be spent on work in Port Huron Township, but city officials salivated over the prospect of collecting municipal income taxes from construction




Richard D. Berggren, 79 Martin “Stomper” Bloomfield, 60 Mark A. Cole, 47 Dale E. Depue Sr. Marian B. Falk, 85 Florence M. Ferris, 96 Mary Gathergood, 57 Carol Marie Harper, 61 Karl S. Kalisch, 74

St. Clair County Sheriff Department officers wait inside the county drug task force van for a drug deal to go down before a September raid targeting a meth lab.

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workers at the bridge plaza. Then came a bombshell. After years of bitter debate and costly planning, the feds and the state said, “Oops. We’ve changed our minds.” Rather than dumping $400 million or so on expanding the plaza, they would spend about $110 million on a less-ambitious plan. Port Huron still benefits, but what looked like a whole pie is now a mere slice. What’s more, the slice won’t cover what the city has lost with the pointless destruction of a stable neighborhood that generated taxes year after year.

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See CONNELL, Page 2A

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High 54 40% chance of rain

Low 41 Partly cloudy

58 8 | 43


52 | 40

40% chance of rain

Continued from Page 1A

«« »»


Mexico’s newest export to U.S. might be water By y ELLIOT SPAGAT The Associated Press

SAN DIEGO — Mexico ships televisions, cars, sugar and medical equipment to the United States. Soon, it might be sending water north. Western states are looking south of the border for water to fill drinking glasses, flush toilets and sprinkle lawns, as four major U.S. water districts help plan one of two huge desalination plant proposals in Playas de Rosarito, about 15 miles south of San Diego. Combined, they would produce 150 million gallons a day, enough to supply more than 300,000 homes on both sides of the border. The plants are one strategy by both countries to wean themselves from the drought-prone Colorado River, which flows 1,450 miles from the Rocky Mountains to the Sea of Cortez. Decades of friction about the Colorado, in fact, are said to be a hurdle to current desalination negotiations. The proposed plants have also sparked concerns that American water interests looking to Mexico are simply trying to dodge U.S. environmental reviews and legal challenges. Desalination plants can blight coastal landscapes, sucking in and killing fish eggs and larvae. They require massive amounts of electricity and dump millions of gallons of brine back into the ocean that can, if not properly disposed, also be harmful to fish. But desalination has helped quench demand in Australia, Saudi Arabia


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and other countries lacking fresh water. Dozens of proposals are on the drawing board in the United States to address water scarcity but the only big project to recently win regulators’ blessings would produce 50 million gallons a day in Carlsbad, near San Diego. A smaller plant was approved last year in Monterey, 110 miles south of San Francisco. Mexico is a relative newcomer to desalination. Its largest plant supplies 5 million gallons a day in the Baja California resort town of Cabo San Lucas, with a smattering of tiny ones on the Baja peninsula. Skeptics already question the two proposed plants in Playas de Rosarito — known as Rosarito Beach to American expatriates and visiting college spring-breakers. “It raises all kinds of red flags,” said Joe Geever, California policy coordinator for the Surfrider Foundation, an environmentalist group that has fought the Carlsbad plant for years in court, saying it will kill marine life and require too much electricity. Water agencies that supply much of Southern California, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Tijuana, Mexico, are pursuing the plant that would produce 50 million gallons a day in Rosarito near an existing electricity plant. They commissioned a study last year that found no fatal flaws and ordered another one that will include a cost estimate, with an eye toward starting operations in three to five years.



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Yesterday’s High

» Port Huron » Mt. Clemens » Bad Axe » Normal » Record

50 | 38

30% chance of rain


Water gushes from an electricity plant in Playas de Rosarito, Mexico, next to a site where state officials in the western United States are considering putting large desalination plants. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


was announced last December, a few weeks after Rick Snyder won the gubernatorial election. It also more or less coincided with news of Snyder’s enthusiastic support for a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor, the centerpiece of the proposed $3.8 billion New International Trade Crossing. “All across our great state, the tenor of what people are saying is both clear and consistent: We need jobs, and we need them now,” state Rep. Doug Geiss, D-Taylor, said of the Detroit project. “The (new crossing) will immediately create jobs for workers in southeast Michigan.” On the record, no one in a position of authority has acknowledged shifting the $300 million from Port Huron to help make the numbers work in Detroit. Off the record, one plus one still equals two. I asked the mayor if she had heard anything to confirm this suspicion. Repp shook her head and said she had not. So I asked if she personally believed this was the case — that money and jobs had been shifted from Port Huron to Detroit? Her nod and ironic smile said she did. The timing, she added, makes it difficult to believe otherwise. «« »» IF IT IS TRUE, and we may never know with certainty, it would not be the first time Motown has plucked a plum from PoHo. A memorable example came three years ago when then-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick led Detroit’s successful effort to block a casino in Port Huron. Kwame’s mommy, former U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, and Detroit’s other representative, John Conyers, crushed the Port Huron casino bill on the House floor. They did so by making an unusual — some might say unholy — alliance with out-state Republicans. U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, whose district includes St. Clair County, supported the casino, but she could not convince any of her Republican colleagues in the Michigan delegation to join her. Overall, Republicans opposed the measure, 167-25, shattering whatever hopes Port Huron had. «« »» THE TUG OF WAR R also reached editorial pages, where Port Huron casino supporters asked for the chance to compete with gaming facilities in Point Edward and Sarnia. No other American border town, they noted, has been denied this opportunity to participate in free trade. Detroit pundits scoffed at these arguments. Even the editorial page of The Detroit News, a champion of free enterprise and conservatism, dismissed the notion of Port Huron being allowed to compete in the casino marketplace. “Gaming works best for

the region and the state when the casinos are concentrated downtown,” The News intoned. The failure of the bill nipped a blossoming partnership between a pair of billionaires — Jim Acheson and Marian Ilitch — who had completed blueprints for a spectacular development at Desmond Landing. The casino was the anchor. Without it, there would be no hotels, hockey arena, commercial aquarium, indoor water park, antique boat museum, shipwatching center, minorleague baseball park, golf course or other ideas penciled into the grand plan. «« »» DETROIT’S COVETING of Port Huron development opportunities is an old story. Another example occurred in the mid-1990s, when Canadian National announced plans to replace Port Huron’s 1891 railroad tunnel, which had been built for boxcars, with a modern tunnel large enough to accommodate double-stacked containers. Detroit’s mayor, the late Coleman Young, protested. He wanted the tunnel for his city, of course. Ultimately, Port Huron got the tunnel, but Young boasted of extracting a promise from the railroad that his city would share in any jobs it produced. Today, Port Huron is — far and away — the nation’s busiest international border crossing for rail commerce. In a practical sense, this means we get to wave at the trains as they rumble through town. As for jobs, the car shops in Port Huron Township closed a few years after the new tunnel opened in 1995. Those shops, which dated to the late 1860s, had provided the Port Huron area with generations of welcomed paychecks. Historian T.J. Gaffney, who is wrapping up a new book on Michigan railroads, told me: “Before containerization, things went by boxcar, gin, etc. When the tunnel was completed, those cars, which were built and maintained at the Port Huron shops, began to be eliminated to the point (where CN) could justify farming out what little maintenance remained.” «« »» WITH A POPULATION of 163,000, St. Clair County stands 13th among Michigan’s 83 counties. It is neither enormous nor tiny, ranking just ahead of Jackson County and just behind Muskegon County. In many regions, a county of 163,000 people would carry considerable political clout. For instance, my home state of West Virginia has 55 counties, and only one — Kanawha, with 193,000 residents — is more populous. In Michigan, St. Clair County is a political backwater. It has virtually no influence. Is this assessment overly harsh? Well, in a typical year, the American president, whether Democrat or Republican, will make several trips to Michigan. As often as not, the presidential aircraft will land at Sel-


Water temperatures p

57 45 » Port Huron: 59 57 47 » Marysville: N/A 52 43 » St. Clair: 60 60 44 » Algonac: 60 80 30 » Marine City: 63

fridge Air National Guard Base, a 15-mile drive from the St. Clair County line. Yet in the 191 years since the county’s creation, a sitting president has never found the time or the excuse to set foot in St. Clair County. We are a pale moon, outshone by our larger neighbor. «« »» DETROIT SURPASSES Port Huron on other measures, too, including those involving pity. One in four Port Huron residents live in poverty. In Detroit, it is more than one of three. Port Huron’s unemployment rate of 20% or so is appalling, but Detroit’s rate nearly doubles it. Everyone understands Detroit’s struggles. When it comes to meeting its basic responsibilities, the city frequently gets a pass. For example, its sewers are the No. 1 polluter of the Great Lakes. There is no reason to suspect this will change in your lifetime unless the federal government writes a check for the work. Meanwhile, Port Huron has nearly completed the separation of its storm and sanitary sewers. It had no choice. Fifteen years ago, the state used the threat of heavy fines as a hammer to nail down a commitment from Port Huron. So a city of 32,000 people has spent $185 million on its sewers, going deeply into debt in the process. John Ogden, the city’s director of finance, tells me the taxable value of every piece of property in Port Huron totals a shade less than $709 million. Brood on that. Consider what it requires to skim $185 million from a tax base of $709 million. With shoulder to the wheel, Port Huron is doing it. In two or three years, its annual debt payments on the sewer work will reach the $12 million range. They’ll stay there for the better part of a decade, sucking away dollars — not to mention civic energy and enthusiasm — that might have been invested in a community renaissance. «« »» THE NOTION OF A RIVALRY Y between Detroit and

Port Huron is discounted by the wisest among us. I remember a conversation 20 years ago with Bob Giles, then the editor and publisher of The Detroit News, who insisted the two communities should concentrate “on cooperation

Weather & You

» Air quality: Good » Pollen: 2.9 (Low-medium) » UV: 2 (Low) 70 minutes to burn

not competition.” That cooperation has been manifested in many ways, including water. Forty years ago, Detroit began drawing water from an intake off the shore at Lakeport. From a treatment plant in Fort Gratiot, water flows into a 10-foot main — you could drive a commercial van down it with space to spare — en route to Detroit’s northern suburbs and Flint. The big pipe has never been used to anything approaching its capacity, in part because it was expected to furnish water to a Detroit Edison nuclear power plant in Greenwood Township. That was another example of regional cooperation. St. Clair County would have supplied the larger region with power as well as water. When nuclear energy lost favor, in part because of Three Mile Island, the design of the Greenwood plant was altered. It generates electricity by burning fuel oil and natural gas. Except in extreme drought, it has no need to buy water from Detroit. «« »» A FEW YEARS AGO, Fort Gratiot drew up plans to connect its marvelous system of trails with the bike path in Burtchville Township. This would be a segment of the Bay to Bridge Trail between New Baltimore and North Lakeport. Rob Crawford, the township clerk, said Fort Gratiot asked Detroit for an easement along the edges of the treatment plant’s property at the intersection of Metcalf and State roads. “We have all the easements we need except the one from Detroit,” Crawford told me. “This has gone on for years. We did have a grant to help build the trail. I am sure the grant is no longer available, and we would need to reapply.” Crawford seemed dismayed by Detroit’s reluctance to return a neighbor’s generosity. “Detroit pays nothing in local taxes,” he noted. “The easement seems like a reasonable request. (It) is well outside any sensitive area of the plant.” I asked him if Detroit officials had explained their decision. “No reason was offered,” he replied. Mike Connell is a freelance writer. Contact him at fort or visit his website at www.abbey

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Illinois owes billions in bills

S State is i worst ffor unpaid id obligations bli i By y CHRISTOPHER WILLS The Associated Press

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Drowning in deficits, Illinois has turned to a deliberate policy of not paying billions of dollars in bills for months at a time, creating a cycle of hardship and sacrifice for residents and businesses helping the state carry out some of the most important government tasks. Once intended as a stopgap, the months-long delay in paying bills has now become a regular part of the state’s budget management, forcing businesses and charity groups to borrow money, cut jobs and services and take on personal debt. Getting paid can be such a confusing process

that it requires begging the state for money and sometimes has more to do with knowing the right people than being next in line. As of early last month, the state owed on 166,000 unpaid bills worth a breathtaking $5 billion, with nearly half of that amount more than a month overdue and hundreds of bills dating back to 2010, according to an Associated Press analysis of state documents. The true backlog is even higher because some bills have not yet been approved for payment and officially added to the tally. This includes the Illinois health care agency, which says it is sitting on about $1.9 billion in bills from Medicaid providers because there’s there s


no money to pay it. While other states with budget problems have delayed paying their bills, the backlog in Illinois is unmatched, experts say. Year after year, Illinois builds its budget on the assumption that it will pay its bills months late — essentially borrowing money from businesses and nonprofits that have little choice but to suffer the financial hardship. The unpaid bills range from a few pennies to nearly $25 million. In early September, for example, Illinois owed $55,000 to a small-town farm supply business for gasoline, $1,000 to a charity that provides used clothing to the poor, $810,000 to a child nutrition program. child-nutrition

Abha Pandya sits in her office in Chiccago. The CEO of the Asian Human Services Center, one of numerous Illinois nonprofits, charities and community groups is awaiting payment from the state for human services they provide. The Chicago-based organization is owed $609,000 in bills, some of them stretching back to November. NAM Y. HUH/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

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Population about to reach 7 billion By y DAVID CRARY

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The Associated Press

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THE LATEST NEWS IN YOUR POCKET Browse with your cell phone or pda.

Tourists gather Oct. 1 near an electric sign reading “the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of Republic of China” in Tiananmen Square on China’s National Day in Beijing. For now, China remains the most populous nation. ANDY WONG/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Breaking news on your cell phone T THNEWS to 44636 (4INFO). Text presented by

She’s a 40-year-old mother of eight, with a ninth child due soon. The family homestead in a Burundi village is too small to provide enough food, and three of the children have quit school for lack of money to pay required fees. “I regret to have made all those children,” Godelive Ndageramiwe said. “If I were to start over, I would only make two or three.” At Ahmed Kasadha’s prosperous farm in eastern Uganda, it’s a different story. “My father had 25 children — I have only 14 so far, and expect to produce more in the future,” said Kasadha, who has two wives. He considers a large family a sign of success and a guarantee of support in his old age. By the time Ndageramiwe’s ninth child arrives, and any further members of the Kasadha clan, the world’s population will have passed a momentous milestone. As of Oct. 31, according to the U.N. Population Fund, there will be 7 billion people sharing Earth’s land and resources. In Western Europe, Japan and Russia, it will be an ironic milestone amid worries about low birthrates and aging populations. In China and India, the two most populous nations, it’s an occasion to reassess policies that have already slowed once-rapid growth. But ut in Burundi, u u d , Uganda Uga da

and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, the demographic news is mostly sobering as the region staggers under the double burden of the world’s highest birthrates and deepest poverty. The regional population of nearly 900 million could reach 2 billion in 40 years at current rates, accounting for about half of the projected global population growth during that span. “Most of that growth will be in Africa’s cities, and in those cities it will almost all be in slums where living conditions are horrible,” said John Bongaarts of the Population Council, a New Yorkbased research organization. Is catastrophe inevitable? Not necessarily. But experts say most of Africa — and other high-growth developing nations such as Afghanistan and Pakistan — will be hard-pressed to furnish enough food, water and jobs for their people, especially without major new familyplanning initiatives. “Extreme poverty and large families tend to reinforce each other,” said Lester Brown, the environmental analyst who heads the Earth Policy Institute in Washington. “The challenge is to intervene in that cycle and accelerate the shift to smaller families.” Without such intervention, Brown said, food and water shortages could fuel political destabilization in developing regions. eg o s.

“There’s quite a bit of land that could produce food if we had the water to go with it,” he said. “It’s water that’s becoming the real constraint.” The International Water Management Institute shares these concerns, predicting that by 2025 about 1.8 billion people will live in places suffering from severe water scarcity. According to demographers, the world’s population didn’t reach 1 billion until 1804, and it took 123 years to hit the 2 billion mark in 1927. Then the pace accelerated — 3 billion in 1959, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1987, 6 billion in 1998. Looking ahead, the U.N. projects that the world population will reach 8 billion by 2025, 10 billion by 2083. But the numbers could be much higher or lower, depending on such factors as access to birth control, infant mortality rates and average life expectancy — which has risen from 48 years in 1950 to 69 years today. “Overall, this is not a cause for alarm — the world has absorbed big gains since 1950,” said Bongaarts, a vice president of the Population Council. But he cautioned that strains are intensifying: rising energy and food prices, environmental stresses, more than 900 million people undernourished. “For the rich, it’s totally manageable,” Bongaarts said. “It’s the poor, everywhere, who will be hurt the most.” ost. 30+>5 06 E7">D'B0A 80A4FD'C )D%4=7% F+AC,-D%4!7%

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IN BRIEF U.S. drops keeping troops in Iraq BAGHDAD — The U.S. is abandoning plans to keep U.S. troops in Iraq past a year-end withdrawal deadline, The Associated Press has learned. The decision to pull out fully by January will effectively end more than eight years of U.S. involvement in the Iraq war, despite ongoing concerns about its security forces and the potential for instability.

9 al-Qaida militants die in Yemen strike SANAA, Yemen — The United States has raised the tempo in its war against al-Qaida in Yemen, killing nine of the terrorist group’s militants in the second, high-profile airstrike in as many weeks. The dead in the late Friday night strike included the son of Anwar al-Awlaki, the prominent AmericanYemeni militant killed in a Sept. 30 strike.

Barriers determine Thai capital’s fate RANGSIT, Thailand — Beside a wall of white sandbags that has become a front line in Thailand’s battle to prevent an epic season of monsoon floods from reaching Bangkok, needlefish swim through kneehigh water inside Sawat Taengon’s home. Whether floodwaters breach fortified barriers like these this weekend will decide whether Bangkok will be swamped or spared.

Rioters hijack Rome protests



‘Occupy Wall Street’ goes global By y ALESSANDRA RIZZO The Associated Press

ROME — Italian riot police fired tear gas and water cannons Saturday in Rome as violent protesters hijacked a peaceful demonstration against corporate greed, smashing bank windows, torching cars and hurling bottles. Elsewhere, hundreds of thousands nicknamed “the indignant” marched without incident in cities across Europe, as the “Occupy Wall Street” protests linked up with long-running demonstrations against European governments’ austerity measures. Heavy smoke billowed in downtown Rome as a small group broke away and wreaked havoc in streets close to the Colosseum and elsewhere in the city. Clad in black with their faces covered, protesters threw rocks, bottles and incendiary devices at banks and Rome police in riot gear.

With clubs and hammers, they destroyed bank ATMs, set trash bins on fire and assaulted at least two news crews from Sky Italia. Riot police charged the protesters repeatedly, firing water cannons and tear gas. About 70 people were injured, according to news reports, including one man who tried to stop the protesters from throwing bottles. TV footage showed one young woman with blood covering her face, while the ANSA news agency said a man had lost two fingers when a firecracker exploded. In the city’s St. John in Lateran square, police vans came under attack, with protesters hurling rocks and cobblestones and smashing the vehicles. Fleeing the violence, peaceful protesters stormed up the steps outside the Basilica, one of the oldest in Rome. “People of Europe: Rise Up! read one banner Up!”

in Rome. Some activists turned against the violent group, trying to stop them and shouting “Enough!” and “Shame!” Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno blamed the violence on “a few thousand thugs from all over Italy, and possibly from all over Europe, who infiltrated the demonstration.” Some Rome museums were forced to close down and at least one theater canceled a show. Protesters also set fire to a building, causing the roof to collapse, reports said. The Defense Ministry denied reports it was one of its offices. Premier Silvio Berlusconi called the violence a “worrying signal,” and added that the perpetrators “must be found and punished.”

An Italian paramilitary policeman, blood running down his face, adjusts his helmet Saturday during clashes in Rome during a demonstration against corporate greed, part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Egyptians question army about protests CAIRO — An army crackdown on a protest that killed more than 20 Christians has not only stunned Egyptians, it has left them with deeply torn feelings toward the force seen as the protector of the nation. Even supporters of the ruling military are grappling with the question of how the bloodshed could have happened. —From From wire reports

DEATH NOTICES Dianne C. Saunders, 66


ST. CLAIR - Dianne C. Saunders, 66, died October 12, 2011. Survived by her husband, Al. Visitation 6-9 p.m. Friday, October 14, 2011 at L.C. Friederichs & Son Funeral Home. Services will be private.

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Norma Jean Totzke, 84

MARYSVILLE- Norma Jean Totzke, 84, formerly of Marine City, died October 14, 2011. She is survived by husband Melvin Totzke. a private family service will be conducted. Arrangements by Young Funeral Home, China Twp.

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Sarah Jane Sturdevant, 87

The Times Herald publishes death notices free of charge.

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FORT GRATIOT- Sarah Jane Sturdevant, 87, died October 14, 2011. She is survived by her daughter, Sally London. A service will take place at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Grace Episcopal Church. The family will receive visitors at church beginning at 10 a.m. Arrangements by Smith Family Funeral Home North.

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Continued from Page 1A

photographed and bagged evidence. “Start singing, Jerry,” a DTF member said when searchers discovered nearly 10 grams of pure heroin in two baggies inside a prescription pill bottle. The raid netted $2,500 worth of heroin, along with $350 of crack cocaine, marijuana, prescription medication, $658 in cash, along with drug packaging material and drug paraphernalia. Williams was charged with possession with intent to deliver less than 50 grams of heroin, possession with intent to deliver less than 50 grams of cocaine, possession of the prescription medicines and possession of marijuana. Spadafore said one-tenth of a gram of heroin, usually cut with other materials, is a typical heroin addict’s dose. Williams’ bond was set at $50,000, and he is due back in court for a preliminary examination Oct. 18. The 51-year-old woman who lived in the apartment is expected to be charged with maintaining a drug house, Spadafore said.

Coming home

“We’ve hit this place hard a few times,” Spadafore said. While the second-story apartment was unlocked for this raid, battering-ram marks from a previous task force visit still were visible on the door frame. The tenant sat on a couch smoking and sipping from a glass of water while officers searched the apartment. Swaying in her seat, she talked about how she had been using drugs for years and about how difficult it was to get clean. “I’d get my shit together ... Something would trigger me to go back, mostly bad relationships,” she said. “I try really hard.” Officers told her she either had to get clean and stop making her home a haven for dealers and users, or her future was bleak.

“You’re going to die or get locked up.” Heroin was rarely seen by the task force before 2007, and last year the team seized a record 55 grams and is in line to surpass that amount this year. “It just kind of came on us all of a sudden,” Mouilleseaux said. Mouilleseaux and Spadafore said heroin followed the abuse of prescription painkillers. Heroin gives a similar high and is cheaper than pills. Mouilleseaux said when abusers’ prescriptions run out they often resort to the street drug. Mike McCarten, executive director of St. Clair County Community Mental Health, has tracked its arrival. Of the more than 2,000 people receiving mental health services from the county agency on an annual basis, McCarten said 18.6% of them were there for heroin addiction in 2010, up from 7% in 2006.

Migration of meth

A Drug Task Force raid Sept. 21 at the El Rancho Motel in Port Huron Township began with toxic smoke gushing from shattered windows. A team of Michigan State Police troopers, dressed in gear making them look like a cross between firefighters and soldiers, charged into room No. 3 as Mouilleseaux’s gravely voice rang out from a loudspeaker in a marked sheriff car. “Search warrant, police! Search warrant, police!” Three men were hauled out of the room. Their hands were bound behind their backs, then they were seated in lawn chairs spread out in the parking lot under a cloudy sky that threatened rain. Officers in protective coveralls and gas masks reviewed the scene and prepared to collect evidence. They found the typical — and toxic — ingredients of a crude meth lab inside the motel room. “Meth is big because they’re cooking all these little one-pots now,” Mouilleseaux said. Spadafore said small meth-making operations



Lt. Rick Mouilleseaux of the St. Clair County Drug Task Force drives through a Port Huron neighborhood as he travels to a drug buy in September. MARK R. RUMMEL/TIMES HERALD can produce a gram or two of the crystalline powder, enough for the maker to use with enough left over to sell or trade for the components needed to make it again. “People will gladly exchange Sudafed for a small amount of meth. That gives them the vehicle to make more,” he said. “It started on the west side of the state and finally migrated here.” Before Andrew Bartley, 25, and William Sills, 26, could be taken to jail, they were decontaminated to remove the remnants of the noxious gas produced during the production of meth. Township firefighters were called to the scene and hosed down each man. Bartley and Sills, both Port Huron residents, face multiple charges, including operating a meth lab, possession of meth and maintaining a drug house. Sills is scheduled to return to court Oct. 24 and is being held on a $50,000 bond. Bartley is due back in court Nov. 7 and is being held on a $10,000 bond. Operating a meth lab carries a prison term of up to 20 years.

New challenges

Manufacturing meth uses hazardous materials and generates toxic wastes that brew up special problems for police and others. For the El Rancho raid, the Drug Task Force brought in a meth-certified Michigan State Police team to enter the room and process evidence. Soon, though, they’ll be able to handle those spe-

cial risks themselves. Task force members last month underwent special training in collecting evidence and neutralizing labs. Getting certified was necessary because of the rising number of meth cases in the county, Spadafore said. Spadafore said DTF having its own meth team will speed up investigations and simplify raids because the county won’t have to coordinate with outside agencies. “Now we can help other agencies if they have a lab,” he said. After officers have bagged their drug dealers and their evidence, there’s still a problem. Cleaning up a meth lab requires hiring specialists from outside the county and costs $3,000 to $4,000. The department used to have federal funding for cleanups, but that cash has run out. Mouilleseaux said while they’d like the person doing the cooking to foot the bill, it’s usually passed on to the property owner’s insurance. “You can’t get blood out of a rock,” he said. Mouilleseaux said there is concern that insurance companies will find a way out of covering the cost, giving the county the burden, which would create another challenge.

Costly consequences

Phil Chvojka, with the Michigan Department of Community Health, said Michigan spends about $137 million in state and federal dollars each year to treat 70,000 drug abusers.

“And it’s an underfunded program,” Chvojka said. Worse, McCarten said, is that there are far more than 70,000 who need help. “We’re only seeing it from the perspective of people who are seeking services, which is the very, very tip of the iceberg,” he said. Fewer than 1% of community mental health’s clients in 2010 were seeking help with a meth addiction, McCarten said. But that number doesn’t mean it is a tiny problem, he said. It means meth users just aren’t seeking treatment. Grady Wilkinson, president and CEO of Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center, also has seen an increase in the number of people addicted to heroin looking for treatment. “It’s a younger population, a young adult population is the increase,” he said. Wilkinson said getting clean can be very difficult, and some people end up taking drugs like methadone for extended periods of time. “The withdrawal is very physiologically taxing,” he said. “Some people just can’t do it. Methadone allows them to stabilize their lives and have a quality life ... Some people will need it indefinitely; some just need it for a time just to get their life in order. (Opiates like heroin) are one of the most, if not

the most addictive drug.” Daniel Spitz, the county medical examiner, said overdose cases regularly come across his autopsy table, with prescription drugs and heroin showing costly results. His office dealt with 21 prescription drug overdose deaths and six heroin overdose deaths during the first eight months of 2011. In 2010, he recorded 11 heroin overdose deaths, 35 prescription drug overdoses and five cocaine overdoses. “Heroin is cheap, and it’s pretty readily available,” Spitz said. “When taken in excess, it takes on depressive effects on the brain and ultimately causes respiratory depression ... ultimately causing the breathing to stop.”

It doesn’t stop

Mouilleseaux said as soon as the task force executes one warrant, it’s already focusing on the next raid. But he admits locking up low-level dealers doesn’t clean up the streets. “You knock one guy off, there’s someone to step into his place,” he said. “One thing we know for sure is if they’re in prison, they’re not selling dope and they’re not stealing shit to buy dope. That’s the only thing we know for sure.” Contact Liz Shepard at (810) 989-6273 or lshepard@

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S Clair St. C County C Drug Taking the The Task Force raids a meth lab fight to t e st the street eet



The sediment in the bottom of the crushed soda bottle is the reason meth traffickers risk injury and death to manufacture the illegal drug. After settling, the sediment is filtered and dried into a white, crystalline powder.

As one trooper, left, tests the methamphetamine oil seized in the El Rancho Motel raid, another member of the specially trained Michigan State Police team inventories the crude chemistry lab.

Before he can be loaded into the back of a patrol car and hauled off to jail, one of the men suspected of manufacturing methamphetamine at the El Rancho Motel is decontaminated with a spray from a Port Huron Township firefighter’s firefighter s hose. Chemicals in the smoke as the illegal drug is “cooked” cooked are hazardous and permeate the maker maker’ss hair, skin and clothes. Gun on hip, a member of the St. Clair County Sheriff Department’s special response team listens to a description of the location where the team will execute its next search warrant.

An undercover Drug Task Force officer tells the raid team who they’re looking for and where they expect to find him. Parts of this photo are blurred to protect his identity and to avoid tipping off potential suspects. A Drug Task Force officer faxes a search warrant request to a St. Clair County magistrate before a raid in September.

Officers check each others’ gear and protective armor before leaving the Drug Task Force headquarters for a September raid on a suspected drug trafficker.






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Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Tickets On Sale Now Ea aattendee Each ttendee te tthat hat buys a ticket also receives a one year re ar ssubscription to the e M azzinne. Magazine. PRESENTED BY:








PORT HURON: Country-style breakfast, 8 a.m. to noon, Masonic Temple, 927 Sixth St.; $5 adults, $3 younger than 12 HARSENS ISLAND: Arts and crafts show, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Harsens Island Lions Club, 230 LaCroix Road LEXINGTON: Oktoberfest, noon-6 p.m., downtown Lexington; $2

Halloween concert by SC4 Symphonic Band The St. Clair County Community College Symphonic Band will present a “Halloween Spooktacular” at 3 p.m. Saturday in the McMorran Auditorium, 701 McMorran Blvd., Port Huron. The concert also will feature the New Horizons Band. Musical selections will be from “Star Wars” and “Phantom of the Opera.” Carl Gippert is conductor of the SC4 Symphonic Band; T. Patrick Dempsey is conductor of the New Horizons Band. Those attending can dress in costume. Special events for children include a costume parade, treats and a Halloween safety presentation. The concert also will feature a special story presentation of “Peter and the Wolf.” Tickets are $7 for adults; $5 for college students; and free for grades kindergarten through12 when accompanied by an adult. Call (810) 985-6166.

Workshop focuses on college admission A free College Survival Kit Workshop is 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday in Rooms 120A and B of the TEC Building on the St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency campus at 499 Range Road, Marysville. The workshop is targeted at families with seniors graduating from high school in 2012. Registration is required — call or email Jennifer Evans, college access coordinator, at (810) 455-4261 or Registration information should include parent’s name, phone number, student’s name and number of people attending (limit two). Parents and students should bring any college materials they have received. Submit your news at news

STATE Truck driver dies on Mackinac Bridge ST. IGNACE — A tractortrailer driver died Friday after suffering an apparent heart attack, crossing four lanes of the Mackinac Bridge and striking a car heading in the opposite direction. The truck was headed south near midspan of the 5-mile-long bridge. It missed one car but hit another. Two people in the car were taken to a local hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. A motorist checked on the truck driver and found he had no pulse.

Patti Shinn, left, coaches her son Carl, 6, both of Fremont Township on how to bite into a doughnut that hangs from a string Saturday during Boo Fest on the grounds of the Sanilac County Historical Village and Museum in Port Sanilac. MELISSA WAWZYSKO/TIMES HERALD

Say Boo!

L l families Local f ili enjoy j fall f ll festival’s f i l’ events By y JULIANNE MATTERA Times Herald

PORT SANILAC — Stephanie Tesluck, 31, stuffed straw into the arms of a jean jacket Saturday as she put the finishing touches on her scarecrow. Working with her 11-year-old son, Caleb, at BooFest, she assembled the fishermanthemed scarecrow equipped with a jack-o’lantern head and toy fishing rod. “I think it’s really neat,” said Tesluck about the scarecrow decorating contest at BooFest. “We’ve never done anything like this before.” By about noon, about 20 completed scarecrows were lined up on the front lawn of the Sanilac County Historic Village and Museum facing South Ridge Street. The contest was one of many family-friendly activities offered at the annual event.

By y BOB GROSS Times Herald

Patty Morden d off Fort Gratiot and d Gerald Saunders of St. Clair look over the Wills Sainte Clair.

MARSYVILLE — Shiny, fast cars with runningboards and rumble seats, gangsters toting Tommy guns and flappers with hip flasks filled with what one only can assume is cheap booze. The latest Ken Burns documentary? No, the Wills Sainte Claire Automobile Museum in Marysville was celebrating its 10th anniversary Saturday with a special Roaring 20s event. About 12,000 Wills Sainte Claire Automobiles were built in Marysville from 1921 to 1926, said Terry Ernest, director of the museum. The company’s founder and chief engineer, C. Harold Mills, worked for Henry Ford

Official: First lady coming to Detroit DETROIT — A Democratic official says Michelle Obama is heading to Detroit for a fundraising event. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the event hasn’t been officially announced, said Friday the first lady is scheduled to attend a lunchtime event Oct. 25 at downtown’s Westin Book Cadillac hotel. — From wire reports

T THNEWS to 44636 (4INFO). Text

whole year,” Sophie Norton said. The girls’ father, Damon Norton, 39, of Port Sanilac said his daughters enjoy coming to the event, and they’ve made a point of attending in the past several years. “They love coming here,” Damon Norton said. “They can’t wait for BooFest every year. Contact Julianne Mattera at (810) 989-6275 or

Wills S Will Sainte i Cl Claire i musuem celebrates 10th anniversaryy

LINWOOD — Three chil-

Breaking news on your cell phone

Charles Shinn, 6, does his best to finish fi off ff his gnawed on and elusive doughnut.

A sleek peek at history

Capsized boat forces family into bay dren, two adults and a dog were pulled from Saginaw Bay after the 18-foot flat bottom boat they were in capsized. Winds were gusting late Saturday morning when the boat turned over a mile offshore of Linwood Beach on Saginaw Bay. The passengers were suffering from mild hypothermia. It was not clear if any were wearing life preservers. The National Weather Service reported wind gusts Saturday of up to 45 mph.

Even with brisk winds and rainy weather, a number of families with young children came out to enjoy the festivities. For the Teslucks, the strong gusts of wind didn’t help their unsteady scarecrow. “We just hope he doesn’t fall over,” Stephanie Tesluck said. But kids at BooFest didn’t seem to mind the weather conditions. Many kept busy going from one attraction to the next, including mini-train rides, face painting, pumpkin bowling and hunting for candy in the straw scramble. Twin sisters Sophie and Abigail Norton of Port Sanilac beamed as they emerged from the straw scramble. Both of the 8-year-olds carried paper bags stuffed with candy and bits of straw. “We will be stocked up on bubble gum for a

This 1926 Wills Sainte Claire T-6 Cabriolet Roadster owned by Raymond Burgess was the star of the show Saturday. WENDY TORELLO/TIMES HERALD

and helped develop the Model T before striking out on his own. There are 80 Wills Sainte Claire automobiles left in the world, and the museum on — appropriately — Wills Street has 11 on display and four in storage, Ernest said. “This is the largest collection of Wills Sainte Claire automobiles anywhere in the world,” he said. The museum, he said, is “a great piece of automotive history (and) it’s a great piece of Marysville history.” Saturday’s event was a 10th anniversary celebration, a fundraiser and a way to create some exposure for the museum, which gets about 500 visitors a year. “We want to increase the exposure for a couple of reasons,” said Holly Weaver, one of the event’s coordinators. “This is one of those little gems most people don’t realize is sitting right here in their back yard.” Sally Wills Achatz of St. Clair and Nancy Wills of Palm Springs, Calif., both granddaughters of C. Harold Wills, were at the event. “I am so proud to have a heritage that I learned about from so many people,” said Achatz. Her grandfather died in 1940 before she was born. “He was Henry Ford’s first employee and worked with Henry until 1919, and he had a dream,” she said. Her grandfather designed the script “Ford” still used as the company’s logo, she said. Wills said she shares in her sis-


WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM » The museum is open the second Sunday of each month from 1-5 p.m. Additional summer hours during June, July and August are 1-5 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of the month. » Group tours can be arranged by calling (810) 388-5050 or (810) 987-2854. » The museum is at 2408 Wills St., Marysville » Admission is $5 » For more information, visit the museum website at

Rosemary Cleaver and Dorothy Burgess mingle in their 1920s attire Saturday during a fundraiser at the Wills Sainte Claire Museum in Marysville. ter’s pride in their grandfather. “I’m very proud and very honored to be a granddaughter and part of the evolution from horse to automobile,” she said. “I want to own one, very badly, and I’m going to make it happen in my lifetime.”

Contact Bob Gross at (810) 989-6263 or rgross@

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Howard W. Sloan

Special tributes purchased by family and friends

To place an obituary: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. call 866-543-6431 Saturday and Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. call 866-543-6431

Mark A. Cole Port Huron

Mark A. Cole, age 47, crossed over the threshold into everlasting life on October 14, 2011 after a long courageous battle with ALS. He was born June 9, 1964 in Port Huron to Norman and Elizabeth Cole, and was a life-

long resident. He married his beloved soulmate Treena on May 22, 1987 in Port Huron. Mark enjoyed playing and watching poker, hunting, shooting skeet, and loved his job working as a Supervisor at the Schaller Corporation but, his passion was technology. When his illness prevented him from working, Mark started a rental business from his bed called Better Living Rentals. He and his wife have operated it for the past few years. He was a member of The Blue Water Sportsman’s Club, and the NRA. He is survived by his wife of 24 years, Treena A. Cole of Port Huron, children, Erika A. Cole of Fort Gratiot, Joshua A Cole of Port Huron, and a nephew, Cory Chisholm of Port Huron, his siblings, Diane Kibbe, Jody Cole, Colleen Barber, and Carolyn (Brian) Alexander, his mother-in-law, Siegrun Sweet, sisters-in-law, Yvonne (Dave) Neely, Fran Forbes, Gay (Don) Simpson and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents. You can visit Mark at Smith Family Funeral Home on Hancock St. between the hours of 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. and 5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. on Tuesday. There will also be a scripture service Tuesday at 6 PM in the funeral home. A funeral mass will take place at 3:30p.m. Wednesday with viewing beginning at 2:30 p.m. in St. Edward on the Lake Catholic Church with The Rev. Fr. Joseph Esper officiating. A graveside committal service will follow in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Joshua Cole, Cory Chisholm, Randy Bryer, Rich Schaller, Dan Radloff, and Joe Bryer. Memorials may be made to ALS of Michigan.

Ruth A. Smith

St. Clair Ruth A. Smith 93, passed away Oct. 6th. She was born Feb 18 1918 and lived in St. Clair all her life. She married Clayton Smith and they had three sons Dennis, Brian and Terry. She is survived by her son Terry and his wife Nancy and granddaughters Jennifer

and Melissa. Cremation has taken place and a service will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Friday Oct 21st at 11a.m.. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to a place of your choice.

Richard D. Berggren

Richard D. Berggren 79 passed away October 8, 2011. He had been an engineer, 35 years for Ford, Utica Trim. He was the dearly loved husband of Gail; loving father of Lee, Kathy (Robt.) Crawford, David (deceased) (Leslie), Laura (Laird) Anglesey, Lonnie Hardy Kenneth, Michael (Linda); and grandfather to 14 grandchildren. Cremation has taken place. Memorials may be made to Blue Water Area Humane Society (810)987-4357 6266 Lapeer Rd., Clyde. MI 48049

Florence M. Ferris

Marysville Florence M. Ferris, 96, went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, October 12, 2011. She leaves behind her four children, Barbara (Daniel) Champion of Ann Arbor, Gloria (Mark) Hudson of Shelby Township, Anita Nammo of Marysville and John (Gayle) Ferris of Bad Axe; ten grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren; three great great granddaughters; her brother, Joseph (Meredith) Abdo ; three sisters-in-law, Helen and Dolly Ferris and Genevieve Saba; as well as many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, George. Visitation will be 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday in the Marysville Funeral Home. A Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Mrs. Ferris will lie in state from 10:30 a.m. until the time of the Funeral Mass at 11 a.m. on Monday, October 17, 2011 in St. Christopher Catholic Church. The Rite of Committal will follow in Riverlawn Cemetery, Marysville. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Christopher Catholic Church, Right to Life of Michigan or The Salvation Army. To send condolences, visit

Port Huron

Howard W. Sloan, 88, passed away Friday, October 14, 2011 in Medilodge of Port Huron following a short illness. He was born to William and Ethel Sloan on March 24, 1923 in Port Huron Twp. Howard served in the Infantry with the U.S. Army during World War II. He married Florence Alloway on July 1, 1947 in Port Huron. Florence died April 18, 2008. On May 25, 1983, he retired as a freight carman from the Grand Trunk Western Railroad after 37 years of service. He was a member and officer of Huron Lodge #641, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, for many years and was financial secretary for 14 years. He was a board member of the Port Huron Terminal Credit Union for many years. When the MSU Extension offered a master gardeners course in 1984, Howard was a member of their first class. He became an honorary member of the St. Clair County Master Gardeners Association in 2004. He was a charter, lifetime member of the Port Huron City Beautification Commission. He received numerous gardening awards and is a past recipient of the Golden Trowel Award and the Steve Revnik Award. He built, planted, and maintained flower beds along Edison Drive and Edison Parkway for many years. Along with other Master Gardeners, Howard planted and maintained the flower beds at 10th Street and Lapeer Ave. and other locations in Port Huron. Another of Howard’s hobbies was building model railroads. He built one in the yard of his 10th Avenue home and gave rides to many children and adults. His railroad cars were always on display each year at the railroad show in the McMorran Arena. Howard is survived by his daughter, Carol (Brian) Campbell of Fort Gratiot; two granddaughters, Tricia (Bobby) Sikand of Mississauga, Ontario and Tracy (Dan) Sanborn of Cedar Springs, MI; three great grandchildren, Alexis Campbell and Jasmine and Deven Sikand; and a great great granddaughter, Ava Brielle Day. He was also preceded in death by all of his siblings. Visitation will be on Sunday, October 16, 2011 in Smith Family Funeral Home-North, 1525 Hancock St. from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The funeral service will be in the funeral home on Monday beginning at 10:00 a.m. preceded by one hour of visitation. The Rev. Robert Trask will officiate. Burial will follow in Lakeside Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Bobby and Deven Sikand, Dan Sanborn, Gary Minnie, Nick Lucas, Al Watson, Christopher Curtis Sr. and Jr., and Kyle Curtis. Contributions may be made in Howard’s memory to Grace Episcopal Church, Michigan Eye Bank, or the charity of the donor’s choice. To send condolences, please visit

Carol Marie Harper

Newnan, GA Carol Marie Harper, 61, passed away September 27, 2011. She was born in East China Township, MI to the late Vernon Warner and the late Betty Goetz Warner. She worked at East Alabama Medical Center for over 25 years and retired as Secretary/Office Manager of the physical therapy department, leaving many co-workers and friends. Other than her parents she is preceded in death by her brother, John Warner. She is survived by her loving husband, Jimmy M. Harper; three children, John “Mickey” Harper (Norma Harper), Jimmy “Marty” Harper Jr. (Cherity Harper), Cindy Harper Osborn (Brian Osborn), Two brothers, Vernon George Warner (Linda Warner), and Michael Collis Warner; sister, Kathleen Anne Wood (John Wood); six grandchildren, Dalton, Jacob, Destiney, Haven, Audrey and Macey; great grandchildren, Ryan and Raeleigh. Cremation has taken place. Visitation will be at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church vestibule in Algonac at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 29th with a funeral Mass starting at 11:00 a.m.

Irene C. Stevens

St. Clair Irene C. Stevens, age 68, formerly of Richmond died Saturday, October 15, 2011. Irene was born in Casco Twp., June 16, 1943 to the late Joseph and Irene Riedel. She is survived by her daughters, Carol (Tom) Cook, Kimberly Stevens and fiancé Dave, Susan (Kerry) Copeland and Connie (Larry) Durst, grand children Tim, Tom, Tyler, Joshua, Jason and Dylan, 1 future great-grandchild, 4 brothers, Bernard, James, Joseph and David and 3 sisters, Phyllis, Loretta and Shirley, and many nieces and nephews also survive. In addition to her parents she was also preceded in death by a brother Roy and sister Lucille. Cremation has taken place. The family will receive friends Tuesday in the L.C. Friederichs & Son Funeral Home from 1-3 p.m. with a memorial service at 3p.m. Memorials to wishes of the family.


Karl S. “Opa” Kalisch, 74

Construction SEASONAL LIGHT EQUIP MENT OPERATOR-TRUCK D R I V E R : The St. Clair County Road Commission is accepting applications for a Seasonal Light Equipment Operator-Truck Driver. Qualified candidates 3840 CHEROKEE INDIAN must have a valid state opTrails North-2bdrm all aperator and Group A, CDL lipliances incl. deck & shed cense; working knowledge incl. $2500 call 984-3693 of motorized vehicles, equipment, and power tools.

Mobile Homes for Sale

Automotive CERTIFIED MECHANIC / ESTIMATOR ∂ Must be able to do quotes ∂ Must own their own tools To Apply please call: 810-984-2695 or in person at: 2026 Lapeer Ave. Port Huron 48060

Applications will be accepted through October 21, 2011. Applications are available at our Central Service Center located at 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair, MI or at our website www.sccrc-roads,org. Drug test required. Equal Opportunity Employer.

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HOUSEKEEPING/MAINTENANCE Visiting Nurse Association/Blue Water Hospice has an opening for a full time housekeeping/maintenance position to work our hospice residential facility in Marysville, MI. Applicants must have facility housekeeping experience with the ability to perform minor maintenance duties. Interested applicants should apply in person at:

1430 Military St. Port Huron via fax at 810-984-0019 or email to

FAMILY ADVOCATE The Community Action Agency of St. Clair County will be accepting applications for a Family Advocate for the Head Start Program. Position assist in planning, implementation and supervision of parent activities through organizing parent groups, classroom activities, center committees, parent education and meeting social service needs of families. Please submit your application by October 21, 2011 Community Action Agency of St. Clair County Attn. Sherry Beiser Walter 302 Michigan Street. Port Huron, Michigan 48060 EOE




Furniture MIRROR 42x30 in. professionally framed beveled mirror, soft elegant silver finish. New $450, never used $200. 810-326-4546.

Musical Instruments KURZWEIL MARK III DIGITAL PIANO Excellent condition. $400/obo. Call 810364-9387.

CALL 810.985.4745

Wanted to Buy A+ JUNK CARS WANTED, RUNNING OR NOT Up to $1000. Fast pickup! Call Rich @ 810-656-0290

Furniture CURIO CABINET Large, all glass, light oak trim. $200. 810-765-8134




A heavy duty mechanic to work the afternoon shift in Richmond is needed immediately. This individual must have a Class A driver’s license and a minimum of 1 year experience. Must be able to work box trailers and class 7 and 8 trucks for 10 hours per day and some weekends. Please send resume or letter of interest to: or Attn: Martha 69245 Burke Drive Richmond, MI 48062. EOE


An oil company in Richmond is searching for a team player experienced in credit and collections. This individual must also have good math skills, computer knowledge (Excel and Word) and communicates well with others. Please send resumes to: or Attn: Martha 69245 Burke Drive, Richmond, MI 48062. EOE

RESA-ST CLAIR TEC POSITIONS AVAILABLE ∞ Collision Repair Instructional Technician ∞ Metal Machining Instructional Technician ∞ Caterer - Baker, Cake Decorator, Cook


GOODELLS - Karl S. “Opa” Kalisch, 74, died Sunday, October 9, 2011. Survived by his wife, Hilde “Oma”. Mass 11 a.m. Monday in Holy Family Parish’s All Saints Catholic Church, Memphis. Visitation in the church 10 to 11 a.m. Monday. Arrangements by Kammeraad Funeral Home, Memphis.

Martin “Stomper” Bloomfield, 60

PORT HURON- Martin “Stomper” Bloomfield. 60, died Saturday, Otober 15, 2011. Survived by a daughter Betty Maskell. A service will be announced later by the Pomeroy Funeral Home, Croswell.

Irene C. Stevens, 68

ST. CLAIR- Irene C. Ste-

vens, 68, formerly of Richmond died Saturday, October 15, 2011. She is survived by her daughters, Carol Cook, Kimberly Stevens, Susan Copeland, and Connie Durst. Visitation Tuesday in the L.C. Friederichs & Son Funeral Home from 1-3 p.m. with a memorial service at 3p.m.

Richard Charles Lewandowski II, 57

LAKE- Richard Charles Lewandowski II, age 57, died September 26, 2011. Survived by his children, Richard III, Adam and Andrew. Services will be 11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 in the Mt. Hope Cemetery Chapel. Arrangements by Karrer-Simpson Funeral Home.

The Times Herald publishes death notices free of charge.

More Death Notices, 5A


Mary Gathergood

Houston, Texas Mary Gathergood, 57, ended her courageous 22.5 month battle with the brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme on Friday, September 16th, 2011. Throughout her illness, she was an inspiration to all who came into contact with her and witnessed the dignity in which she handled it. She was born December 1, 1953 in Port Huron, Michigan to John and Jean Gathergood. Mary was a graduate of Port Huron Northern High School, Central Michigan University (Bachelor’s), and the University of Houston (Master’s). She was very dedicated to her career as a Coach, Special Education teacher, and Special Education Department Chair for the Galena Park ISD, working at North Shore High School and North Shore Senior High School, and retiring in 2007. Prior to, and after retirement, she was the score keeper for the NSSH Lady Mustangs Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball programs. She was also an avid golfer, and a member of the Deer Park Lady Swingers. Mary will be sorely missed by everyone whose life she touched, and especially by her longtime friend, Linda Laidlaw of Channelview, TX; brother Dale (Debbie) Gathergood and nephew Tyler Gathergood, of Grand Haven, MI; many relatives; and a countless number of friends all over the country and world. A Memorial Service to honor Mary was held on Sunday, October 2nd, at the Battleground Golf Course in Deer Park, TX. Her funeral will be held at 11:00 on October 22nd, at the Smith Family Funeral Home on Hancock Street, Port Huron, MI followed by burial next to her parents at Sunset Memorial Gardens, Fort Gratiot, MI. The family would like to thank the many people who offered prayers and support from the moment word spread about her diagnosis. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts in her name may be made to the North Shore Special Education Life Skills Class Activities Fund or the Countryside Christian Church in Yale, Michigan. To send condolences, please visit

Norma Jean Totzke

Marysville Norma Jean Totzke, age 84, formerly of Marine City, died October 14, 2011. She was born July 29, 1927 to the late Ralph and Josephine Hart. On October 11, 1947 Norma Hart married Melvin Totzke in Marine City. She is survived by her husband of 64 years Melvin Totzke, children; Jo Anne (Jim) Osterland, Lou Anne (Brian) Kaufman and James W. (Dana) Totzke, 6 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Cremation has taken place and a private family service will be conducted. Memorials may be made to the Port Huron Salvation Army. Arrangements by Young Funeral Home, China Twp.

Marian B. Falk

Jeddo Marian B. Falk, 85, of Jeddo, died Thursday, October 13, 2011. She was born July 17, 1926 in Port Huron to the late Clare and Doreen Young. She married Carl Falk on August 8, 1947. He preceded her in death on May 14, 2001. She was a science teacher at Marysville Intermediate School, retiring in 1986 after 34 years of service. She also owned McHardy Fashions in Marysville for many years. Mrs. Falk graduated from Port Huron High School in 1944, attended Port Huron Junior College and graduated from Michigan State University. She received her Master’s Degree in Education from Wayne State University. Marian was involved with 4-H and was a past member of Quota Club. She raised and showed world champion Morgan and American Saddlebred Horses. She is survived by two daughters, Connie Falk of Jeddo and Lori (Ron) Falk-Skover of Avoca; a niece, Joyce Young of Sterling Heights; a nephew, Richard Young (Sue Lozano) of Port Huron; two sisters-in-law, Eloise Young of Port Huron and Laura Emerich of Traverse City; lifelong friends, Pat and Bill Philp and family of Fort Gratiot, Stephen and Carole Kibner of Pocasset, Massachusetts, Reverend Carl Asher of Troy, OH, Michael Wahl of Greenback Mountain, TN, Jack Boyd Smith Sr., of Bristol, IN, Barbara Randall of Port Huron, William (Bobbi) Frost of Taylorswood, KY, George W. Henn of Sunbury, OH, Scott Badley of Fort Gratiot, Joan Lurie of Shelbyville, KY, and Harvey (Katie) Mast of Brown City. She was preceded in death by her nephew, Paul Young; and two brothers, Colin and Russell (Lucille) Young. A memorial service will be held at 12:00 noon, Friday, October 21, 2011 in Pollock-Randall Funeral Home with visitation starting at 11 a.m. The Reverend Max Amstutz will officiate. Memorial contributions may be made to Blue Water Hospice Home or Blue Water Humane Society. To send condolences visit

Lewis P. "Louie" Kautz

Lexington Lewis P. "Louie" Kautz, age 65, a resident of Lexington passed away on Tuesday October 11, 2011 at the Port Huron Hospital. He was born on May 12, 1946 in Lexington a son of the late Peter and Elizabeth (Andrews) Kautz. Louie proudly served his country in the U.S. Army during the Viet-

nam War. While in high school Louie was active on the football team and according to his former coach Pat, Louie was the most aggressive and toughest player for the offensive line the school had ever had, he was also on the basketball team and track team; a member of the Booster Club and Varsity Club and was voted Homecoming King in his senior year. He graduated from the Cros-Lex High School in the Class of 1965. He then attended the Northern Michigan University in Marquette where he was also active on the football team. Louie worked as a carpenter and was an avid hunter and outdoorsman. He is survived by a daughter Andrea Lynn Gardner-Kautz of Canada. Three brothers Pete, Andy and Nick Kautz and a sister Susan Scott. Several nieces and nephews and many cousins. He was preceded in death by a sister Betty and two brothers Richard "Dick" and John Kautz. Memorials are suggested to the Disabled American Veterans. Arrangements were by the Pomeroy Funeral Home in Lexington.

Dale E. Depue Sr.

Dale E. Depue Sr., 54, passed away on August 20, 2011, at Providence Hospital, in Anchorage, Alaska after a long disability. Dale was born June 23, 1957, in Mount Clemens, Michigan. He was raised in St. Clair, MI, where he graduated high school in 1975. His family moved to Fairbanks that same year. Dale lived 37 years in Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Bethel. He was proficient in repairs in all things mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic, and made many friends wherever he worked. Dale enjoyed hunting, fishing and the repair of small and large household items for family and friends. Dale was a large person of great strength with empathy for people in trouble. He often repaired trucks, mining equipment, or tools until late into the night for people who had hard luck. Dale was preceded in death by his brothers, Kenneth J. Depue and Douglas M. Depue; and his grandparents, Alvoy Depue and Viola Depue of St. Clair, MI. He is survived by his son, Dale E. Depue Jr., and daughter, Alexandria V. Depue; his parents, Gordon E. and Ardella (Skip) Depue; his sisters, Cheryl LaValley and Nancy Ozimkoski; brother and sister-in-law, Brian A. and Sharon Depue, of Nampa, Idaho; and uncle Gary Depue of Fairbanks, as well as a large extended family in Michigan, Idaho and Virginia. Dale will be deeply missed by his family and friends, and will be remembered in their prayers. A family service for Dale was held on Tuesday August 30th at the Elks Lodge 1551 in Fairbanks. A memorial mass is being planned at the Immaculate Conception Church in Fairbanks.







» Lexington Octoberfest Weekend: Noon-9 p.m. Saturday, noon-6 p.m. Sunday. With music, polka bands, dancing, beer and wine, German food both days. Saturday: Big Daddy Lackowski entertains from 5-9 p.m., grape stomp at Old Town Hall Winery 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday: Children’s Halloween costume contest at 2 p.m. $2.

Friday, Saturday and Oct. 23 Night of the Pumpkin Lighting: Noon-9 p.m. Featuring fall festival, pumpkin lighting at dusk, 400 carved and lighted pumpkins, straw maze, trains rides and inflatables for children. Shuttle available from Algonac Baptist Church, 8567 Marsh Road. Portion of proceeds benefits Smile Train charity, Foxfire Farm Country Store and Floral Shop, 8061 Marsh Road, Algonac. $5 adults, $3 children ages 2 to 12. $5 parking charge donated to church.


8 a.m.

Breakfast, to noon, Port Huron Masonic Lodge, 927 Sixth St.$5 adults, $3 children younger than 12. 11 a.m. Gospel Concert: Mark and Andrea Forester. Sandusky Baptist Church, 34 Gaige St., Sandusky. 11 a.m. Lioness Arts and Crafts Show, to 3 p.m. Flu shot clinic from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Harsens Island Lions, 230 LaCroix Road. 11:30 a.m.Bingo. play begins at 1 p.m. Knights of Columbus, 7556 Lakeshore Road, Lexington. 12:30 p.m.Harvest Fest, to 4:30 p.m. Accepting nonperishable items and monetary donations to benefit the St. Clair Ecumenical Food Pantry in tribute to Pat LaCroix. Entertainment. LaCroix’s Riverside Pub, 314 Clinton Ave., St. Clair. 2 p.m. “Fool for Love,” St. Clair County Community College Fine Arts Theatre, 323 Erie St., Port Huron. $7 adults, $5 students and seniors 3 p.m. “To Kill A Mockingbird,” presented by Port Huron Civic Theatre. McMorran Auditorium, 701 McMorran Blvd., Port Huron. $15. 3 p.m. Mosaic Concert: Hank

4 p.m.

6 p.m.

6 p.m.

8 p.m. 7 p.m.

Williams and Johnny Cash Tribute. With Carl Henry and Ourselves, Sanilac County Historic Village and Museum, 228 S. Ridge St. (M-25), Port Sanilac. $10. St. James United Church of Christ Chili Cook-Off, to 7 p.m. Featuring chili cook-off, silent auction, raffles, bake sale and children’s entertainment area. Perch Point Conservation Club, 7930 Meisner Road, Casco Township. $8 adults, $5 children 10 and older. Sponsor: The church in Casco Township. “Divas Unite.” To raise awareness of ovarian and breast cancer awareness. Shop vendors at 6 p.m., guest speaker, Patti Manley, fashion show and entertainment at 7 p.m. Harrington Inn, 1026 Military St., Port Huron. $10. Benefits the United Way Cancer Fund. Tickets available at DOTS and Bliss Hair Gallery. Gospel Concert: The Chapelaires, Lexington United Methodist Church, 5597 Main St. Offering. Port Huron Mental Asylum Haunted House, to 2 a.m., 510 Pine St., Port Huron. $10. Blake’s Halloween, begins at dusk. Spookyland, corn maze, fun house terror tunnel, spooky hayride, three-level haunted barn and black hole, Blake’s Orchard and Cider Mill, 71485 North Ave., Armada. $15.95 to $34.95 for combination of attractions. Not recommended for young children.


8 a.m.

9 a.m.

10 a.m.


American Red Cross Blood Drive, to 2 p.m. By appointment only. Richmond High School, 35320 Division Road. (800) GIVE-LIFE. St. Clair County Land Bank Authority, St. Clair County Administrative Office Building, 200 Grand River Ave., Port Huron. Computer Class: Word Processing. For adults. AlgonacClay Library, 2011 St. Clair River Drive, Algonac. Registration requested. (810) 794-4471. Free. St. Clair Friends Book Club. St. Clair Library, 310 St. Second St. This month’s selection is “Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages that Shaped our History” by Kati Marton.




» To pass along information for this page, call Mary Jo Olmstead at (810) 989-6253.


Below are some of the special events the centers are offering.

Potluck luncheon

» Oct. 18, noon, St. Clair Township » Oct. 25, noon, Allenton/ Berlin Township » Oct. 26, noon, Wadhams Baptist Church

Blood-pressure readings » Oct. 18, 11:30 p.m. St. Clair Township » Oct. 24, 11:30 a.m. Harsens Island

Travel service

For information about these trips offered by the Council on Aging’s Travel Service, call (810) 984-5063 or (810) 765-4254 » Oct. 23: “My Fair Lady” at the Fox Theater in Detroit. $105 per person. Includes pre-performance luncheon. » Oct. 28: Turkeyville Theater production of “Uncle Charlie’s Wacky Wake.” Includes turkey luncheon. $100 per person. » Nov. 6-12: Branson; seven days, six nights lodging, admission to seven shows. $599 double occupancy, $799 single occupancy. » Nov. 11: Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” at the Fox Theatre in Detroit. Luncheon at Mario’s. $126 per person. » Nov. 13: “In the Mood” at Macomb Performance Center. Lunch at Gino’s Surf. $105 per person. » Nov. 29: “Holiday Tribute to Nat King Cole,” at the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth. Departs from Port Huron and Marine City. $85 per person. » Nov. 30: “The Face of Jesus,” Rembrandt exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Lunch at DIA cafeteria. $65 per person. » Dec. 3: Donnie and Marie Osmond’s Christmas Show at the Fox Theatre in Detroit. Lunch at the Traf-

fic Jam. $125 per person. » Dec. 7: Canterbury Village Christmas shopping, “A Christmas Carol” at Meadowbrook Theatre. dinner at Alfoccino’s and driving tour of Rochester’s Christmas lights. Price to be determined.

St. Clair County meals Meal sites are: Algonac Elementary School; Capac Senior Center; Washington Life Center in Marine City; Desmond Village; Our Lady of Guadalupe Hispanic Mission; and Palmer Park Recreation Center in Port Huron; Pine Shores Golf Course in St. Clair; and Yale Senior Center. » Monday — Salisbury steak, corn, mashed potatoes, pineapple » Tuesday — Pork roast, green beans, sweet potatoes, applesauce » Wednesday — Scrambled eggs and sausage, orange juice, hash brown casserole » Thursday — Potato crunch pollock, broccoli, red skin potatoes, fruit pie » Friday — Stuffed cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, carrots, tropical fruit salad.

Sanilac County meals Meal sites are at the Marlette VFW; Bark Shanty Community Center, Port Sanilac; Eastland Manor, Sandusky; St. Joseph Hall, Argyle Township; Deckerville Community Center; and Lexington Senior Center. » Monday — Breaded chicken patty, bun, tater tots, peas and onions and fruited gelatin » Tuesday — Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and apricots » Wednesday — Goulash, Bosco stick, asparagus and diced pears » Thursday — Philly steak, potato wedge, corn and mixed fruit » Friday y — Closed.


» The police are going to get after peddlers who have failed to comply with an ordinance requiring the securing of licenses. Some licenses have expired and have not been renewed.

70 years ago

» Four special busses pulled away from City Hall shortly before 9 a.m. carrying 130 St. Clair County draft registrants to Detroit, where they were to report during the day for induction into the Army.

50 years ago

» Theron V. Campbell, Mueller Brass Co. plant protection man, reported to police that vandals smashed the windshield of his car, broke a side window in another and broke two windows in a watchman’s shack Sunday.

25 years ago

» FORT GRATIOT TWP. — Workers will begin bracing Keewahdin Beach for the onslaught of fall winds and creeping winter ice. The Board of Trustees on Wednesday approved spending about $1,500 for temporary controls to strengthen a sea wall and halt further erosion along Lake Huron. Compiled by Mary Jo Olmstead from Times Herald files.


» DEPAPE, Dustin W. and DAVIS, Nichole R., both of

Ira Township. » PROUDFOOT, Kevin R. and SCHMIDT, Cynthia S., both of Columbus Township. » SYMONS, Jason L. and LAMONT, Melissa I., both of Port Huron. » HAYDEN, Gerald F. and LABELLE, Hillary J., both of St. Clair.

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Lansing ponders potential budget surplus By y TIM MARTIN The Associated Press

LANSING — It turns out Michi-

gan’s state government might have brought in more money from taxes and fees than previously expected in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30. That likely will set up a battle this fall about what to do with the cash, which could total $285 million or more. Democrats, outnumbered in the Michigan Legislature, say any extra money should be committed first to public schools and education programs that are dealing with budget cuts in the fiscal year that started this month. Republicans, including those in Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration, are hesitant to commit to any spending before they have a clearer picture of state revenues. And if there is extra money, Republicans might use it to pay off state debt or

stick it in state government’s savings account. “We need to wait and be sure that we understand what’s available,” Republican House Speaker Jase Bolger said. “Everybody’s talking about the money already — they are estimates at this point.” Republican Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville also urged caution among his colleagues at the state Capitol. “Money gets spent real fast around here, before we ever get it in some cases,” Richardville said. Snyder’s budget office is expected to close the books on the recently completed 2010-11 fiscal year in December. In January, officials from the state treasury and the nonpartisan House and Senate fiscal agencies will prepare consensus revenue forecasts that also will help build state spending plans. The last official revenue estimating conference was held in May.

The House Fiscal Agency recently estimated that the state brought in $145 million more than expected in its school aid fund and $140 million more than expected in its general fund that pays for various state departments. Revenue estimates from the Senate Fiscal Agency are even higher. Snyder’s administration will wait another month until information related to last fiscal year is available before making its estimates. The state’s new $47.4 billion budget resolves a projected $1.5 billion revenue shortfall and partially addresses long-term pension and health care liabilities for public employees. The 2011-12 budget also made up for $1 billion in revenue lost through business tax cuts that will begin in January. New spending plans for state departments and programs began this month with deep cuts to education. Many public schools will lose

STATE BUDGET SITUATION COULD GET BOOST BUDGET BLUES: Michigan has had state budget problems for the better part of a decade because of a struggling economy and tax changes. Spending for education and other programs will be cut in the fiscal year that started Oct. 1. UNEXPECTED BONUS: It’s possible the state brought in more revenue than previously expected for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30. Surplus estimates begin at $285 million, but the numbers aren’t final. SPEND OR SAVE: If the extra money materializes, Republicans will want to save it or pay off debt. Democrats want to restore a portion of education cuts.

an additional 2% to 3% of their state aid this year. Universities lost 15% of state aid, and community colleges lost about 4%. Democrats opposed the education funding cuts approved by the Republican-led legislature and say that’s the first place any extra money should go. “It’s a no-brainer to me,” said Sen. Steve Bieda, a Democrat from Warren. “That’s That s where we need to put

the money.” Some key Republicans say money for the classroom could be a potential priority if extra money materializes. But there are other priorities that might rank higher on the list. “At this point, we can’t answer that,” said Kurt Weiss, a state’s budget office spokesman. “It’s going to be part of the budget-planning process.

Report: Farm runoff declining near Great Lakes By y JOHN FLESHER The Associated Press

DETROIT — Farmers are making significant cutbacks in erosion of soil and nutrients into the Great Lakes, where runoff is suspected of being a leading contributor to rampant growth of algae that damages water quality, a new U.S. Department of Agriculture report said. The study estimated that because of changes in cultivation practices, the amount of sediments washing into to rivers ve s and a d streams st ea s that t at feed eed

the lakes is 50% less than it would have been otherwise. Nitrogen and phosphorus runoff is about onethird lower than it would have been without the improvements. The report, released this week, was based on computer modeling and surveys of farmers involved farmers on the U.S. side of the lakes, from New York to Minnesota. The government “appreciates the actions of every farmer who is stepp g up to implement ping p e e t co conservation se vat o

practices, protect vital farmlands and strengthen local economies,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said. “At the same time, we also see opportunities for even further progress.” Farm runoff is of growing concern in the region with resurgence of algae in all the Great Lakes except Lake Superior. The situation is worst in Lake Erie, the warmest and shallowest, where scientists say algae covered more of the surface ace this t s summer su e tthan a itt has as in a

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LORI DRISCOLL, general manager and advertising director JUDITH McLEAN, editor THOMAS D. WALKER, opinion page editor PAT MULLINS and BOB SWEET, T community members MIKE CONNELL and CHUCK WANNINGER, emeritus members


Opinion by Andy Marlette

Transit hub could boost downtown

MDOT tells caller about her street


We can use mental illness stories to change the world W

e all have stories to tell. When we tell those stories, especially if they are about what society would call taboo subjects — facing psychiatric illness in ourselves or in our families — we become change artists. The very act of sharing our stories changes the world and the people around us. When I ran down the street naked during a manic psychosis, I had no intention of writing a play, let alone acting in it. I had no intention — period. But fast forward 10 years and four solo shows have been born — all revolving around my “adventures” with bipolar disorder, anxiety, psychosis and recovery. I began writing instead of going back to acting (my career before all this mental health stuff) because ...well, after being at “Club Medication” several times (a.k.a. the psych ward), I wasn’t getting the auditions quite like I used to. Psychosis has a way of doing that. So with trepidation, I started writing about what happened. Lo and behold, when I read excerpts at a disability arts festival, the segments took on a life of their own. My voice no longer was only my voice. It was the sound of others struggling to come to terms with the lurid


Victoria Maxwell


‘CRAZY FOR LIFE’ » What: Writer, actor and educator Victoria Maxwell performs a one-woman stage show about her experience with bipolar disorder. » When: 7 p.m. Thursday » Where: McMorran Auditorium, 701 McMorran Blvd., Port Huron » Cost: Free

label of mental illness. There are people like me who hunger to see themselves reflected accurately within the context of mental illness. It’s a two-way street. When people share their stories of mental illness with me at the end of performances, I gain strength, validation, a sense of purpose and wholeness. I don’t know how this happens but it does. Even when the people sharing don’t consider themselves artists or storytellers, they are. We are. “Stigma-busting” storytelling addresses subjects we fear, illuminat-

JOIN THE DISCUSSION » We welcome your comments. Only submissions including name, address and day and evening phone numbers verified by the Times Herald can be considered for publication. Letters of 250 or fewer words and opinion columns of 600 words a have the best chance of being published. No poetry, please. All submissions may be edited for length, accuracy and clarity. Letters,

TALKBACK 989-6297

m lker


here’s nothing like a Sunday in autumn. Hope you’re enjoying the day. Talk to me: » Tracy from Port Huron: “I was wondering if you guys could find out for me if Riverside Drive will ever connect again under the expressway. Will it be open after all this construction is done? If so, when?” Michigan Department of Transportation spokesman Rob Morosi: “The opening will occur in fall 2012, after the new bridges over the Black River are completed. Riverside is closed due to the close proximity of construction activities to the

YOUR VIEWS School bus week puts kids’ safety first


ay what you will about the Blue Water Area Transit’s plan for downtown Port Huron, but one thing is indisputable: This is no pipe dream. The agency wants to build a $9.8 million transportation hub on the south parking lot of the McMorran Place civic center. All three of its designs feature a four-story parking garage with 500 parking spaces, restrooms, an information kiosk, a covered passenger waiting area, an office area for bus drivers and park. These plans might be dismissed as just talk, but the agency has money to back them up. A $6.86 million federal grant the Blue Water Transportation Commission was awarded Thursday accounts for 70% of the project’s funding, General Manager Jim Wilson said. Its balance will be paid with 20% state funding and a 10% match from the Blue Water TransIF YOU GO portation Commission. DOWNTOWN The question TRANSIT HUB isn’t if the tran» What: Public comsit hub will be ment session on the built; the quesBlue Water Transit tion is where. Authority’s plan for If the a downtown transit McMorran lot hub is used, the » When: 7 p.m. Monday transportation » Where: Council agency will be chambers, Municipal responsible Office Center, 100 for maintainMcMorran Blvd., Port ing the propHuron erty, but the city would lose the south lot’s parking fees — $160,000 last year. When the City Council meets Monday, its members could decide whether this new development merits their support. Port Huron’s leaders have looked to major development projects, however, as tonics for the city’s ailing economy. The transit hub fits that category, and it doesn’t require city officials to commission studies or pony up seed money. Except for the potential loss of parking revenue, the city won’t be on the hook. The truth is Blue Water Area Transit doesn’t need the city’s support. A McMorran lot location might be preferable, but the project could be built elsewhere. Notable, though, is the project’s relevance to the city’s interest in making the McMorran area more pedestrian friendly. The city and St. Clair County Community College floated the idea of closing McMorran Boulevard between River and Erie streets and creating an open area in front of the civic center. The transit hub could anchor that vision. Its hard to imagine city officials passing on this project. It is a development that will create jobs during its construction and more people downtown when it’s finished. Granted, the parking revenue loss is an obstacle, but surely the city and Blue Water Area Transit can figure out a remedy. Downtown development projects have been pretty scarce. It would be hard to turn this one away.


road. Crews need to build the new support mechanisms for the bridges and to have that heavy construction so close to local traffic is not safe. While this is an inconvenience to the residents in the area, safety is the top priority. In addition, we worked with emergency responders prior to the closure of Riverside so they were aware of the closure and have since reconfigured their routes. They’re on board.” » Donna from Port Huron: “This is to No Name. I was a member of Port Huron’s first Citizens

Police Academy, and I also have done volunteer work for the police department. Leadership and leadership priorities are the keys to fixing what is broken. Instead of these continual studies the city pays for, that money would be better spent hiring another blight inspector.” » Linda from Marysville: “I want to praise a 5-yearold who came to my rescue the other day. I had to take my car in for repair. Moran gave me a ride home, but I realized when I got there that I didn’t have my house keys or my garage door opener. The only window unlocked was in the kitchen. At 52, I really can’t crawl through that window. I flagged down little Nash Murray, who was with his father, and I asked them for help. I think the poor little guy was late for school that day, but his father was able to get g him

ing the forbidden, the outlawed and the unspoken. By unearthing prejudices and offering information it challenges deeply entrenched perceptions. Telling our stories changes societies — — one person, one conversation at a time. There is no other way. In the words of the eminent educator Marshall McLuhan: “the medium is the message.” When those of us with psychiatric diagnosis tell our stories, we become the medium itself. We trigger change not just because of the stories we tell but because we tell our stories. People see who is telling the story and realize we are all much more alike than we are different. Attitudes shift because we conflict with the social status quo of what it means to be mentally ill; violent, dangerous, forever unwell. If you are touched by mental illness and decide to tell your experience, you are an artist of change — even if you’ve never considered yourself creative. No matter to how many people or how much of your story you tell, you are changing the tapestry of the world. Victoria Maxwell is a writer, actor and educator. Admission is free for “Crazy for Life,” courtesy of St. Clair County Community Mental Health.

opinion columns and articles submitted to the Times Herald may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. » BY MAIL: Times Herald, Box 5009, Port Huron, 48061-5009. » BY FAX: (810) 989-6294. » BY EMAIL: » We will publish a letter by the same author no sooner than 14 days after his or her previous letter.

through my kitchen window. Nash is my hero, and I believe every hero should receive accolades. Thank you so much, Nash.” » Kathy from Fort Gratiot: “This is in response to the caller complaining of Faith Lutheran Church having a beer tent. I’m guessing you didn’t go or you would have known there were activities offered all day for people of all ages. We have a wonderful new pastor, and I hope your nasty comment doesn’t discourage him in any way. It was a great opportunity to promote camaraderie between members and reach out to the community. I’m also guessing you call yourself a Christian, but do nothing but complain about others.” » Mike from Wales Township: “I’d like to thank TalkBack caller Tired of Hearing g About It for his com-

ct. 17 will mark School Bus Safety Week. We at First Student are committed to the safety and security of the students we transport and encourage both students and motorists to eliminate distractions and remain in view of the school bus driver at all times. It’s important that we all take a moment to “see yellow” and be aware of the school bus with which we share the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, school buses are about 13 times safer than cars and nearly 10 times safer than walking or biking to school. While school buses are designed for maximum safety, it is essential that students remain aware and in the line of sight of their school bus drivers when entering or exiting the bus. We encourage students to: » Stay 10 giant steps away from the outside of the bus. » Wait for the bus to completely stop before approaching or leaving it. » Avoid picking up any items they might have dropped near the bus. Ask the driver for help. » Wait until the driver advises it’s OK to cross the street or to walk in front of the bus. » Stay away from the bus wheels at all times — especially the back wheels where it’s hard for the driver to see. With the increase in mobile technology, students and motorists easily can become distracted. The few seconds it takes to talk on a cell phone, text or change songs can take a student’s focus off walking safely to the bus stop or cause a motorist not to see important safety features on a bus such as stop arms and warning lights. Motorists should remember school buses are on the road every day, and despite their size and bright color, buses are often overlooked. It is crucial to know wherever there is a school bus, there are children around. Always heed the school bus’ stop arm. When the stop arm is activated, children are entering or exiting the bus, and motorists must stop until the area is clear. For more information, please visit www.nsc. org/back2school. First Student is focused on delivering safe and reliable transportation to the students of the community every single day. We appreciate your commitment to a safe and secure school year. AMY WOLFE First Student Port Huron, Oct. 13

Farmers market got tremendous support


he Marine City Farmers Market thanks everyone involved in making the 2011 outdoor season such a wonderful experience. We especially acknowledge the sponsorship of the Marine City Chamber of Commerce and its board members through the past three seasons. Georgia Phelan and the chamber board provided the market with the assistance needed for growth and success. Special thanks go to all of the enthusiastic customers from Marine City and the surrounding areas who shopped at our market. Thanks also go to our great team of vendors who work in earnest to provide a unique and varied assortment of locally produced foods and products. Fresh and exciting plans are in progress for the autumn indoor season of the Marine City Farmers Market at the Knights of Columbus, 6385 King Road, Marine City. Tuesday is the opening day. The market will operate every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., through Nov. 22. Market merchandise includes autumn specialties such as caramel apples, cider, donuts, pumpkins and baked goods. There also will be Michigan honey, granola, fresh produce and more. For more information about the market, call (810) 765-5165. Market information also is available on the Marine City Farmers Market Facebook page. JACQUELINE MORREN Market Manager Marine City Farmers Market China Township, Oct. 10

ment against people thanking strangers for buying their meals. It’s about time someone stood up and expressed outrage at these random acts of kindness. How dare they express their gratitude! When Tired said they should ‘get a life,’ I wonder what kind of life he meant. Is it the loving kind of life that criticizes people for being nice to each other? What is society coming to? If this trend toward kindness continues, people might actually start getting along. What will become of TalkBack?” I wouldn’t worry about TalkBack’s future. Being mean is too much fun. » No Name: “I’m calling about all these people protesting against rich people. Maybe if they spent some of their time looking for jobs, they wouldn’t be unemployed.” » Anthony P. Wahowske: “I would like to apolop

WHAT DO YOU THINK? TalkBack is the newspaper’s version of a radio talk show. The opinions are Tom’s and those of his readers.


» The TalkBack line is open 24 hours: (810) 989-6297 » Toll free: Call (800) 4624057 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. » Email: » Visit TalkBack online: Click forums.

gize for my brother for using your newspaper to try to belittle me. He has my phone number and the U.S. mail goes right to my house. Using your newspaper to tell me his views is rather cowardly — or should I say democratic?” See what I mean. Mike?



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TRUE CLASSIC You can’t beat all-American apple pie this time ofyear.

Page 6C


Freak us out: Enter our costume contest All dressed up with nowhere to haunt? Do it at Show off your Halloween costume in our reader photo galleries for a chance to win a prize. Not just your costume, either: Dress up your friends, relatives, kids — even animals. (There’s nothing creepier than dogs, cats and cows in their trick-or-treating outfits.) When you upload your photo, please include in the “Description” box your name, hometown and a few words about the costume and what motivated you to create it and wear it. The deadline for posting a photo is 10 a.m. Oct. 25. For details, visit thetimesherald. com.

Texting can help you in battle of the bulge

Texting to track your calories may help peel off pounds. Students who used cell phones to monitor calories and physical activity, and got personalized feedback, lost more weight than those who didn’t, a new study shows. The study involved 52 college students, most of them women, averaging 190 pounds. Losing the most average weight — 5.3 pounds — where students who were assigned to private Facebook group, got eating and exercise advice, a book of calorie counts, a text message of tips and reminders, and sent in information about calories and exercise. Gary Foster, director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at Temple University in Philadelphia, where the research was done, said dieters often say they need to be held accountable.

— USA Today

HSN Halloween decor offerings spooky, cute Looking for something a little different from the usual black cat and witch décor this Halloween? Home shopping giant has rolled out its favorite accessories for the creepy season. Among them: » Grandin Road’s Animated Talking Witch Hand, $12 » Martha Stewart Living’s Halloween Pumpkin Beverage Tub, $89 » Grandin Road’s Albagore Skeleton Figure & Coordinating Bench, $129 for skeleton, $59 for bench » Martha Stewart Living’s Set of 4 Halloween Beakers, $19.00 » Grandin Road’s Set of 3 Bats with Flashing Eyes, $39.

Great finds JEWELRY

CRYSTAL CLUSTER BROOCH $246.98 / Anton Heunis / » Swarovski crystals sit in a gold-toned claw setting. » Stamped oval stone featured in the center. » Fastens with a pin.


THEGHOST $149 / Karen Elson for Nine West Vintage America / Nine West » Model/singer Elson designs vintage-style shoes. » Sequins, charms and deep hues evoke the 1930s. » Inspired by her album “The Ghost Who Walks.”


ECO POD WATERPROOF CASE $46.89 / Grace Digital / www. » Solid plastic case keeps your electronic gadgets dry. » Contents will stay dry in heavy rain or submerged to one meter. » Extra room inside for money, credit cards, ID. — ContentOne

Weighty issues

Brendan Jones works on his ninja squat during a Ninjas in Training class Thursday in the Blue Water YMCA in Port Huron. Exercising can help your child burn off his or her unwanted calories. WENDY TORELLO/TIMES HERALD

With obesity in spotlight, what can a parent do? By y CRYSTAL GARCIA Times Herald


uestions about children’s weight and obesity have ignited a firestorm of debate.

Gov. Rick Snyder announced in September the state will track kids’ body mass index, an idea that angers some. Also igniting fury is the debut of “Maggie Goes on a Diet,” a book about a 14-year-old-girl who slims down. Just the very mention of “diet” for girls is damaging to their body image, some say. So what’s a parent concerned about an overweight child to do?

A family affair

As childhood obesity statistics continue to climb in the United States, experts say it’s better to work together instead of making the child get healthy on his or her own. In 2008, nearly 20% of children 6 to 11 years old were considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control. “Weight issues have to be handled delicately,” said Dr. Susan

First-graders d exercise with h hoops h in the h hallway h ll off Palms l Elementary l School h l in Ira Township as part of a program to help students fight childhood obesity. They participate in Workout Wednesdays. At Palms, they don’t talk about diets, weight or size, but encourage healthy living. MARK R. RUMMELL/TIMES HERALD Woolford, medical director of the Pediatric Comprehensive Weight Management Center at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor. “And weight is a very sensitive topic for both children and adults.” Experts said addressing a child’s weight issues as a family can help the child feel supported and not isolated. “It can be a discussion of ‘We’re doing something that’s going to be good for all of us,’” Port Huron psychologist Dr. Fred Roberts said.

Just a number

While the weight number is what parents are concerned about, experts said they should be more worried about health. See DIET, T Page 2C


SIGNS YOUR CHILD COULD BE ON AN UNHEALTHY PATH » If children have more than two hours a day of screen time, which includes watching TV, playing a video game or being on the computer » If children drink too many sugarsweetened beverages » If children have less than one hour of vigorous activity a day » If children are having problems sleeping or are tired during the day, they might not be receiving enough nutrients » If children eat a lot of sugar-filled snacks » If children experience shortness of breath when they do exercise

Change your lamppost décor with the seasons Sprucing up your outdoor décor to reflect the seasons needn’t be expensive or time consuming. I found a quick way to freshen up a lamppost and add a welcoming touch to the home. First, I bought a floral cage from my florist, filled with oasis foam. With wire, I attached the cage to my lamppost. I then arranged an


Jan Zimmer assortment of fall-related items, such as faux foliage and grapevine, into a pleasing arrangement.

And it won’t go to waste come winter. At Christmastime, I can remove the autumnal items and replace them with evergreen branches, pinecones, ornaments and perhaps a bow. You can go season to season, simply changing up your arrangement.

Jan Zimmer is an interior designer with janzimmer

Jan Zimmer created this fall-inspired decor for her lamppost.





Books can help teach good manners

Most parents try and teach their children good manners. Sometimes, though, that task can be a bit exhausting. Parents get tired of correcting, monitoring and forever having their antenna up to try and guide their children in the direction that will yield a well-mannered child — while not smothering them, their creativity or individuality. And just when your child seems to be coming around to grasping what you’ve been trying to teach, your child is exposed to peers whose behavior contradicts your teaching. Bang! A backslide occurs. The good news is there are books that can add to the message you’re tirelessly trying to drive home on the importance of good manners. Today’s reviewed books are just that. After all, good manners are important, for children and adults alike.

Books to borrow

The following book is available at many public


Continued from Page 1C

Children’s bodies are constantly changing, and their weight varies depending on such factors such as age, genetics, family history and environment, said Rose Murphy, a registered dietitian at St. Joseph Mercy Port Huron Health officials use growth charts and bodymass-indexes — a measurement of body fat — to map where a child falls compared to other children in the same age group. Murphy said children ages 9 to 12 typically have a little extra weight as their bodies prepare for the changes that come with puberty — so parents shouldn’t panic. Experts stress that if parents think their children are on an unhealthy path, they should consult their pediatricians. “I think most professionals don’t care about image,” said Dr. Chris Pohlod, a pediatrician with Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. “We’re basically worried about the health consequences of it.” Pohlod said experts don’t use words such as “diet,” “overweight” and “obese,” and instead use the terms “healthy” and “unhealthy.” “I’ve really started to talk to kids about health, and not image,” he said. “I tell them, ‘I think you look wonderful. I think you’re a wonderful person, but I’m concerned about your health. I’m concerned about your health when you’re 20.’” In the end, Roberts said,


Kendal Rautzhan

libraries. » “Madeline Says Merci: The Always-Be-Polite Book” written and illus-

trated by John Bemelmans Marciano, Viking, 48 pages » Read aloud: Ages 3 and older » Read yourself: Ages 7 and older Based on the characters created by his grandfather, Ludwig Bemelmans, John Bemelmans Marciano has created a delightful book about some important, basic manners. Ably assisted by friends, Miss Clavel and other familiar characters in the “Madeline” books, Madeline demonstrates such concepts as please and thank you, the proper way to say hello, little lessons on kindness and consid-

“it will take a revolution in the thinking of adults” to raise healthier kids because obesity is not just a kids’ problem. Pohlod echoed his sentiments. “It’s going to break this country financially in the next 30 years taking care of all the things that are going to happen due to being overweight,” he said.

Looking in the mirror While it might be one child in the family with a problem, experts said the family’s lifestyle probably led to that point. “I encourage healthy eating because usually when a child is overweight, it has to do with the eating habits of the parents or family —because a 7-year-old isn’t doing the grocery shopping,” said Laura Dahnke, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Port Huron Hospital. Murphy agreed. “When parents are looking at what they can do, the biggest thing they can do is look at what they are modeling,” she said. St. Clair mother Heather Jones knows the importance of being a good role model for her two sons — Caden, 7, and Brendan, 8. “It’s not my child’s responsibility to eat healthy,” she said. “It’s my responsibility to make sure they eat healthy. They’re just kids. We have to set an example.” Jones said her family eat most meals at home, and her children take lunches to school most of the time. She said her children would rather play outside than watch television.


DEAR ABBY: My mother’s family has never been close- knit, but what they did to her was despicable. My grandmother died recently, and not one person in the family called Mom to notify her. We saw it in our local paper. No funeral details were mentioned, so we called the mortuary repeatedly only to be told arrangements were “still pending.” Mother tried to contact her sister, but got no response. She called her brother four times. He told her the same thing — the arrangements were pending. Two days later, Mom heard from another relative that her mother had been buried in a private ceremony with only immediate family. Mother called her brother again, and was told it wasn’t true — the arrangements were pending. The next day, Mom and I went to the cemetery to see if the rumor was true. Imagine our sadness when we found my grandmother’s grave. Mom was heartbroken she wasn’t able to pay her respects to her own mother. We went to my uncle to

Browse the latest news headlines from on your cell phone. Enter this url into your cell phone or pda browser:

eration, and how to say you’re sorry. Written in rhyme, this charming and helpful book is full of good advice, humor, fun illustrations, and strong messages on an important topic: being polite!

Librarian’s choice

» Library: Burtchville Twp. Library, 7097 Second St., Lakeport » Branch Librarian: Jane Fortushniak » Choices this week: “The

Bee Tree” by Patricia Polacco; “A Bear Called Paddington” by Michael Bond; “Stuart Little” by E.B. White

Books to Buy The following books are available at favorite bookstores. » “School for Bandits”

written and illustrated by Hannah Shaw, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011, 32 pages, $16.99 hardcover » Read aloud: age 5 – 6 and older. » Read yourself: age 8. Mr. and Mrs. Raccoon were worried about their very polite son, Ralph. He was clean and tidy, very well behaved, and never stirred-up trouble. Ralph’s parents decided it was time for Ralph to learn some bad manners and announced they were sending him off to Bandit School. As soon as Ralph arrived, he knew he wasn’t going to fit it. Ralph didn’t do well on learning unpleasant behavior, such as throwing food, burping in public, and tak-

ing what wasn’t his. In fact, everything Ralph was expected to learn he simply couldn’t – it just didn’t feel right. So, when the class competition was for each student to fill their sack with as much loot as possible, Ralph thought he’d surely fail this assignment as well. Much to Ralph’s surprise (and everyone else’s, too), Ralph gathered more loot than anyone – simply by being nice. A clever and humorous presentation of good manners, “School for Bandits” is both a fun read with a solid message. » “The Busy Beaver” written and illustrated by Nicholas Oldland, Kids can Press, 2011, 32 pages, $16.95 hardcover » Read aloud: age 3 and older. » Read yourself: age 7 – 8.




Dr. Chris Pohlod, a pediatrician with Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, offers these tips to help parents keep their children’s weight in check: » Eat breakfast every morning that doesn’t include a lot of sugar and has a good source of

» Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has said the state will begin tracking kids’ body mass index, an indication of body fat, to fight childhood obesity. » To determine your child’s BMI, go to healthyweight/assessing/bmi/ and click on the “Child and Teen BMI Calculator.” Plug in your child’s information (including gender, weight, height and age). The site not only will calculate your child’s BMI, but will tell you whether your child falls within healthy limits for his or her age group, gender and size. If you don’t have the Internet, and are handy with numbers, you can determine your child’s BMI by multiplying his or her weight in pounds by 703 and then dividing that sum by his or her height in inches squared. » Consult your pediatrician if you feel your child could be at risk for being unhealthy.

Caden said his favorite exercise is jumping jacks, but he also does sit-ups and push-ups and jogs. Dahnke recommended parents play healthy eating or fitness games with their children and keep a list of food groups to check off what’s been eaten during the day. “It’s kind of an eye-opener,” she said. Janine Stein of Port Huron plays with her granddaughter, Azalea Hanton, 4, of St. Clair when she comes over, she said. “We stay active,” Stein said. She said she doesn’t allow Azalea to have too many sweets and makes sure she has her vegetables. “I stress the importance of putting good energy in the body, so she’ll have energy to play,” Stein said.

Making changes

Some changes can be made in the household without making it a big deal, such as increasing vegetables in meals or switching to whole-wheat bread, Roberts said.

break the news to him, thinking he didn’t know and were shocked when he admitted he had known all along about the arrangements, but that Mother’s older sister had instructed him to share no information with Mother. He said his “hands were tied” because she made him promise not to divulge any details to us. Abby, please tell your readers that no matter how dysfunctional family ties may be, everyone should be able to pay last respects to their own parent. And funeral homes should have the decency to tell callers that funeral arrangements are private rather than lying about it. — BRENDA IN TEXAS DEAR BRENDA: My deepest sympathy to you and your mother for your loss. Regardless of what caused the falling out with her siblings, their behavior was brutal and allowed her no closure. They have made it plain she should keep her distance, and for her own sake I hope she will. It is obvious who runs that family, and further contact will cause your mother only more pain and frustration. Sometimes people have to build their own family, and that’s what I recommend you do. DEAR ABBY: At 78, my dad has given up on life. After a bout with cancer in his 50s, he has gone downhill with severe depression, sleep apnea, heart issues, etc. Dad sleeps about 20 hours a day, and refuses to do anything to improve his quality of life. My mom is a vibrant woman of 70 who is in excellent

Pohlod said parents should limit foods “in a sly way.” He said if children know something is in the cupboard that they can’t have, they’ll gorge on it when they can have it. It’s better to provide it at a low level without pomp and circumstance, Pohlod said. “It’s called the forbiddenfruit effect,” he said. Woolford said parents should make sure food items in the home are things everyone can have. “It’s unrealistic to limit what one child can have access to,” she said. “We recommend changing the contents of the home so they can have access to everything.” Pohlod suggested following a five, two, one and zero plan: Children have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, no more than two hours of screen time with things such as televisions, computers and video games, at least one hour of vigorous activity and zero beverages with added sugars or high-fructose corn syrup.

health. She has many years ahead of her, but her quality of life has diminished because of my father. We encourage her to find some kind of life outside the home through friends, women’s groups, church groups, etc., but she’s reluctant to leave Dad. She’s a youthful person who, basically, is living with a corpse. I love my father, but his refusal to do anything to make his life better (treat his sleep apnea, get some exercise, take his meds properly) makes me realize he won’t change. I hate that two lives are being destroyed because of Dad’s choices. How can I make Mom see her life could be better? — TROUBLED SON IN ILLINOIS DEAR TROUBLED SON: You and

your mom should schedule an appointment with your father’s physician to discuss everything you have disclosed to me. His doctor needs to know he sleeps 20 hours a day and isn’t compliant in taking his meds. And you need to find out whether your father’s condition is improvable at this point, because you may be judging him too harshly. While your mother’s life might improve if she got out more, it’s possible that if she took the time away from your dad she would feel too guilty to get the most out of it. If there are family members or friends who would stay with him while she went out, she might be more receptive. Remember, you can always suggest, but don’t push. Write Dear Abby at www.Dear or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069.

Beaver was a whirlwind of activity, operating at such a careless, hasty speed that he left a lot of mess and damage in his wake. And because of it, his forest friends were not very happy with him. One day, Beaver’s recklessness caused a tree to fall right on top of him, landing Beaver in the hospital. His recovery was slow and gave Beaver time to think about the errors of his ways and how to make amends, which is precisely what he did. At once charming, funny, and providing lessons on friendship and good behavior, “Busy Beaver” is a solid little book.

Nationally syndicated, Kendal Rautzhan writes and lectures on children’s literature. She can be reached at www.

protein. » Don’t allow children to have a television in their bedrooms » Limit meals out at restaurants or fast-food places. » Have one serving a day of 100% juice » Switch to skim milk. » Limit junk food. » Have family-style meals at the dinner table.


RESOURCES TO FIGHT OBESITY A variety of information is available on the following websites: » » » » »

Most importantly, he said, focus on exercise and food equally. “A lot of people focus on physical activity, and we’re finding if you do that, you’re missing a larger opportunity in being aware of the types of calories that the kids are getting,” Pohlod said. Roberts said it’s also important to not use food as a reward. “The concern is eventually you could end up with an individual who rewards themselves, when depressed or unhappy, with food,” he said.

Getting physical

Denise Brooks, executive director at the Blue Water YMCA, said more parents are aware of the importance of physical activity. “We need to be getting kids out and getting them involved in regular exercise, teaching them lifetime habits,” she said. “It’s no



» ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll easily match your energy to those around you. It’s not only good manners; it’s also economical for you to do so. You’ll put in the effort that’s needed to be effective — no more, no less. » TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your tasks are set before you. The only trouble is you’re not particularly looking forward to any of them. A wild card in the mix will improve your mood and re-spark your interest. » GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have the best kind of power. It comes from a deep place in the core of who you are. So you don’t have to worry about protecting it to make sure no one steals it. They couldn’t if they tried. » CANCER (June 22-July 22). There’s a kind of bottleneck in your life. People are restricting your energy flow because they are trying to direct it in the way that best suits them, not you. Stand up for yourself, and break the bottleneck. » LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve been circulating in interesting ways — ways that will be helpful to others, not just you. You will speak plainly and directly on subjects that capture your curiosity. Others will be all ears. » VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). In the beginning, it is said, was the word. Today you will feel the power of words, especially the ones you choose to say. You will also feel the power of the words you hold back.

different than teaching kids to wear their safety belts.” Healthy habits are important at Palms Elementary School in Fair Haven, too. Students have been participating in Workout Wednesday each week since last year, Principal Robbie Kafcas said. “We never refer to weight or size or dieting or anything like that,” she said. “We talk about healthy habits.” Students exercise to music for about 10 minutes each week during their workouts. They also hear healthy tips during daily announcements. “The kids love it,” Kafcas said. “It gives us a fun start to the day, but also it really works in getting them physically moving and their brains moving.” Contact Crystal Garcia at (810) 989-6276 or cagarcia@

» LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). As you promote your interests, you are promoting yourself, as well. People assume anyone who can present things with such enthusiasm must have a lot of good going on in their life. » SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). No one wants to be around a person who brings up his or her insecurities. And yet, there are those who habitually knock others down to get a feeling of superiority. Stick with those who treat their fellows with respect and dignity. » SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll be considered for a project. You would do a tremendous job in the role, but you need some guidance about how to best present yourself. Don’t try to do this alone. Give yourself the edge. Preparation will be the factor that determines your success. » CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your future is calling you. The thing is, you’re still on the line with the past. Luckily, you have call waiting. Hang up the phone with the past. Click over now. » AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be torn between tactics. Should you try to fit in with the culture around you, or should you exert your independent spirit? Do both. First blend, and then, at a strategic moment, make your independent move. » PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There’s a funny reason why you have to keep going in the direction you are going, but you don’t understand it yet. There’s something good in this: You relate to those in similar circumstances.




» Corn Maze, 4-9 p.m. Saturday. Heritage United Methodist Church, 3329 Washington St., Snover. Flashlight maze begins at dusk. Free parking, handicapped accessible restrooms and concessions. $3, free for children younger than 5. » Halloween at the Y, 25 p.m. Saturday. Blue Water YMCA, 1525 Third St., Port Huron. Games, swimming, crafts and Halloween fun for families. Costumes encouraged. $10 members, $20 nonmembers. » Halloween Bonfire, 57 p.m. Saturday. Cottrellville Township Park, Shortcut Road, east of township hall. Costume prizes, food and candy. Reservations requested by Wednesday. Free. » Halloween Movie and Costume Contest, 11 a.m. Saturday. William Aitkin Memorial Library, 111 N. Howard Ave., Croswell. “Spooky Buddies” will be

shown. Prize for best costume. Free. » Halloween Party, 13 p.m. Saturday. Port Huron Township Hall, 3800 Lapeer Road. In the Malane Schoolhouse behind the hall. Games, bobbing for apples, pumpkin painting and other activities. Free. » Halloween Party for Tots, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Friday. Riverview Plaza, 201 N. Riverside Ave., St. Clair. Trick or treating at businesses, goodies bags, train ride with Dan Dan the Choo Choo Man, cider and donuts. For children ages 5 and younger. Free. » Halloween Spooktacular Concert, 3 p.m. Saturday. McMorran Auditorium, 701 McMorran Blvd., Port Huron. Presented by St. Clair County Community College Symphonic Band. $7 adults, $5 college students, free for children in kindergarten through 12th grade accompanied by an adult. » Haunted Village and Spook Walk, 7-9 p.m. Saturday. Sanilac County Historical Village and Museum, 228 S. Ridge St. (M-25), Port



Today » Divas Unite, 6 p.m. Harrington Inn, 1026 Military St., Port Huron. To raise awareness of ovarian and breast cancer. Vendors at 6 p.m., guest speaker Patti Manley, fashion show and entertainment at 7 p.m. Benefits the United Way Cancer Fund. Tickets available at DOTS and Bliss Hair Gallery. $10. » “Fool for Love,” 2 p.m. St. Clair County Community College Fine Arts Theatre, 323 Erie St., Port Huron. $7 adults, $5 students and seniors. » Harvest Fest, LaCroix’s Riverside Pub, 314 Clinton Ave., St. Clair. Accepting nonperishable items and monetary donations to benefit the St. Clair Ecumenical Food Pantry in tribute to Pat LaCroix. Entertainment. » Lioness Arts and Crafts Show, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Harsens Island Lions, 230 LaCroix Road. Flu shot clinic from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. » Oktoberfest Weekend, noon-9 p.m. Lexington. Featuring music, entertainment by polka bands, dancing, brats, beer, wine, German food. Children’s Halloween costume contest at 2 p.m. $2 per person.


» Pink Hair For Hope, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. 2 p.m. St. Joseph

Sanilac. Featuring tour of creaky old buildings, walk in woods, bonfire, concessions. $2. » Hog Town Inc. Halloween Party, 5 p.m. Saturday.

VFW Hall, 7108 Maple Valley Road, Brown City. Featuring costume contest, DJ, children’s games, pumpkin painting, pancake dinner, haunted tent and hay-

ride. Proceeds go to memorial scholarship for Hog Town member Bev Smith. $10, free for children 12 and younger. » Haunted Farm Muse-

lage, 4170 24th Ave., Fort Gratiot. Featuring entertainment by Johnny Needham and refreshments. Reservations requested. (810) 989-7440. Free. » The Boogie Woogie Kid, noon. St. Clair County Community College Fine Arts Theatre, 323 Erie St., Port Huron. Featuring pianist Matthew Ball. Free.

Presented by the International Symphony Orchestra. (810) 984-8857, www. $26 adults, $24 seniors, $7 students. » Star Party, 7-10 p.m. Pine River Nature Center, 2585 Castor Road, Wales Township. View the night sky with amateur astronomer Mike Heymes. Take a flashlight and chair and dress for the weather. Registration requested. (810) 364-5477. Free.



Victoria Maxwell performs “Crazy for Life” at 7 p.m. Thursday in McMorran Auditorium in Port Huron. Mercy Port Huron, 2601 Electric Ave. Stylists from Oasis Hair Co. will add pink hair extensions. Benefits the Mercy Pink Ribbon Fund. $10.


» “Crazy For Life,” 7 p. m. McMorran Auditorium, 701 McMorran Blvd., Port Huron. One-woman stage show featuring Victoria Maxwell. Sponsored by St. Clair County Community Mental Health. Free. » Lunafest Film Festival, 7 p.m. Studio 1219, 1219 Military St., Port Huron. Highlighting female filmmakers. $10. » Oktoberfest, 2 p.m. Sanctuary at Mercy VilVil

» Adopt A Family Program Fundraiser, 6-9 p.m. Zebra Bar, 522 Quay St., Port Huron. Door Prizes, raffles, Chinese auction. Registration is at 6 p.m. and bowling starts at 7 p.m. Sponsor: Woman’s Life Chapter 819. $20 per person. » Family Movie Night, 6:30 p.m. Palmer Park Recreation Center, 2829 Armour St., Port Huron. Seating limited, spots are on a first-come, firstserved basis. Free. » Fall Festival, noon-2 p.m. Riley Township Park, 13042 Belle River Road. Featuring carving and painting pumpkins, children’s games and snacks. Free. » Fall Festival, 9 a.m.5 p.m. Port Huron Factory Shops, 1661 Range Road, Kimball Township. Featuring craft show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and chili cook-off from noon to 4 p.m. Benefits Marysville Food Pantry. $1 donation to sample chili. » “May We Present,” 7:30 p.m. Port Huron Northern Performing Arts Center, 1799 Krafft Road.


Abduction (PG-13)

★/2 ★ A thriller centered on a young man (Taylor Lautner) who sets out to uncover the truth about his life after finding his baby photo on a missing persons website.


★★★ The worldwide medical community races to find a cure to a deadly epidemic and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. Stars Matt Damon and Kate Winslet.

Courageous (PG-13)

★★ This faith-based film follows four deputy sheriffs in suburban Georgia as they struggle to raise their families while dealing with ethical dilemmas.

Dolphin Tale (PG)

★★★ Director Charles Martin Smith’s appealingly earnest family film is based on a true story about a dolphin that was fitted with a prosthetic tail.

Dream House (PG13)

No review Soon after moving g into


» Great Lakes: Mysteries of the Blue Water, 11 a.m.5 p.m. daily. Port Huron Museum, 1115 Sixth St. Hands-on exploration of life surrounding — and at the bottom of — the Great Lakes. $8 adults, $6 seniors, $5 students, $22 families, $2 members with family maximum of $6, free for children 4 and younger. » Port Huron Public Art Renewal Exhibit, 8 a.m.4:30 p.m. weekdays. St. Clair County Community College Fine Arts Gallery, 323 Erie St., Port Huron. Featuring work by sculptor Tom Pyrzewski. Free. » September and October Artist of the Month, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday; noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Spiral Studio, 1219 Military St., Port Huron. Featuring St. Clair County Community College alumna Karen Peterson-Steinkraus, who work in cremains art. Free. an idealistic campaign expert working for a candidate (George Clooney) he believes in. He eventually becomes a hardened realist.


★★★★ Joseph Gordon-Levitt is brilliant as a young man suffering from cancer. The movie never succumbs to cliché. Instead, thanks in large part to co-star Seth Rogen, it’s both hilarious and moving, one of the best movies of the year.

Killer Elite (R)

Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough are shown in a scene from “Footloose.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS their seemingly idyllic new home, a family learns of a brutal crime committed against former residents of the dwelling.

Drive (R)

★★★ Style over substance rules in this slick noir drama about a stunt driver (Ryan Gosling) involved in a heist gone wrong.


A scary tree carved into a pumpkin is among other creative jack-o’-lanterns on display at the 2009 Night of the Pumpkin Lighting at Foxfire Farms in Algonac. This year’s event is Friday, Saturday and Oct. 23. WENDY TORELLO/TIMES HERALD

Footloose (PG-13)

★★ This agreeable remake stars newcomer Kenny Wormald in the Kevin Bacon role as the big-city kid challenging a smalltown ban on dancing. With Julianne Hough.

Ides of March (R)

★★★ Ryan Gosling plays an

★★ Director Gary McKendry’s film, based on Sir Ranulph Fiennes “factional” novel about hit men killing former soldiers, plays better as an action film than as the political thriller it sometimes pretends to be.

Moneyball (PG-13)

★★★ The chemistry between Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill helps make director Bennett Miller’s film version of Michael Lewis’ bestseller about Oakland A’s manager Billy Beane (Pitt) brings computer-generated statistical analysis to his team, to the consternation


» Carrie Shepard, 6-9 p.m. today. Raven Café, 932 Military St., Port Huron. (810) 984-4330. » Cody Harnden, 7:3010:30 p.m. Thursday. Raven Café, 932 Military St., Port Huron. (810) 9844330.

Easy Listening

» Hrant Hratchian at the piano, 6-10 p.m. Wednesdays. Voyageur, 525 S. Riverside Ave., St. Clair. (810) 329-3331. Free. » Piano Bar with Harry Krause, 6-10 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 4-8 p.m. Sundays. Voyageur, 525 S. Riverside Ave., St. Clair. (810) 329-3331. Free.


» At Average, 7:3010:30 p.m. Friday. Raven Café, 932 Military St., Port Huron. (810) 984-4330. » Still Running, 7:3010:30 p.m. Saturday. Raven Café, 932 Military St., Port Huron. (810) 984-4330.


» Piano Company, 6-9 p. m. Fridays and Saturdays. Quay Street Brewing Co., 330 Quay St., Port Huron. (810) 982-4100. Free.


» 9 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Office Lounge, 1951 95 Water Wate St., St , Port o t Huron. u o of baseball purists.

Real Steel (PG-13)

★★ A tiresome sci-fi action film about a father and son involved in the futuristic sport of robot boxing. Stars Hugh Jackman.

The Big Year (PG)

★★1/2 Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson aren’t zany in this film. They’re obsessed, each doing a Big Year, an attempt to see the most species of birds in a year.

The Lion King 3D (G) ★★★★ The 1994 animated


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Open Mic

» 8 p.m. Mondays. Office Lounge, 1951 Water St., Port Huron. (810) 982-1531.


» Dave Liniarski, 8:30 p.m. Saturday. LaCroix’s Riverside Pub, 314 Clinton Ave., St. Clair. (810) 3299955. » Eric Liniarski, 12:304:30 p.m. today. LaCroix’s Riverside Pub, 314 Clinton Ave., St. Clair. In conjunction with Harvest Fest. Accepting nonperishable items and monetary donations to benefit the St. Clair Ecumenical Food Pantry in tribute to Pat LaCroix. (810) 329-9955.


» Crush, 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Active Lounge, 708 Lapeer Ave., Port Huron. (810) 987-5482.


» Closing Time Band, 8 p.m. Thursday. Murphy Inn, 505 Clinton Ave, St. Clair. (810) 329-7118. » Spectrum Band, 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Club Capri, 6343 Dyke Road, Clay Township. ow s p (810) (8 0) 794-7431. 79 7 3

The Thing (R)

★1/2 Director Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.’s version of the alien tale made famous in two previous movies is a prequel, though that’s a stretch. It’s gory, with a few scares, but there’s no humor or warmth.

What’s Your Number? (R)

★1/2 Anna Faris wastes her talents in this lame romcom about a woman who decides to revisit her past bedmates in hopes of finding her soulmate.


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(810) 982-1531. » 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Frank’s Swissel Inn, 4985 24th Ave., Fort Gratiot. (810) 3855385.


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See EVENTS, Page 4C

— Reviews from wire services

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Continued from Page 3C

Goodells County Park, Wales Township. Two barns of terror, wagon rides, bonfire and children’s area. Benefits Rustic Ramblers 4-H Club and the museum. $10 adults, $7 children 12 and younger. » Maze and Fear Farm Fields of Fright, 2-10 p.m. Thursdays, 2 p.m.-midnight Fridays, noon-midnight Saturdays, and noon8 p.m. Sundays through Oct. 30. Corn Fun Family Farm, 9391 Lindsey Lane, Casco Township. Also petting zoo, picnic area, pumpkins and nightly bonfires. Friday and Saturday nights: Haunted corn field and forest, 3D horror house from dusk to midnight. Saturday and Sunday: Hayrides noon-5 p.m. $10 adults, $6 ages 5 to 11, $7 additional for haunted attractions, $2 additional for hayride. » Morrow Road Haunt-

ed Trail, 8-11:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 29. Park at Algonquin Middle School, 9185 Marsh Road, for shuttle. Self-guided. $18, $15 students with ID. $1 off for donation of up to three cans. » Night of the Pumpkin Lighting, noon9:30 p.m., Friday, Saturday and Oct. 23. Foxfire Farm Country Store and Floral Shop, 8061 Marsh Road, Algonac. Featuring fall festival, pumpkin lighting at dusk, 400 carved and lighted pumpkins, straw maze, train rides and inflatables for children. Shuttle available from Algonac Baptist Church, 8567 Marsh Road. Portion of proceeds benefits Smile Train. $5 adults, $3 children ages 2 to 12. $5 parking charge donated to church. » Panic at Pine Stump Hollow, dusk to midnight Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 29. 6310 Gratiot Ave., St. Clair. Haunted house and forest. $12

for haunted house, $10 for haunted forest, $20 for both. » Pick-A-Pumpkin in the Park, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday. St. Clair Township Park, 5500 Neuman Road. Candy for trick or treaters, pumpkins, hot dogs, cider, doughnuts. Free. » Port Huron Mental Asylum Haunted House, Thursdays through Sundays through Oct. 30. 510 Pine St., Port Huron. $10. » Salem’s Haunted Barn, 8 p.m.-midnight Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 29; and 7-10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23 and 30. 5411 Hackman Road, Capac. Featuring haunted barn and horsedrawn hayrides, weather permitting. Barn or ride, $10 adults, $8 children; both barn and ride, $17 adults, $14 children. » Scarefest Scream Park, dusk Thursday through Sunday through Oct. 30. 61288 Gratiot Ave., Lenox Township. Hayride of Doom, Forest of Darkness and 3-D House, Ter-


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ror Zone Maze and Yappo’s Fun House, and Castle of the Dead. Heated beer tent with entertainment. Ticket sales begin at 6 p.m. $15 per attraction or $45 for all attractions. » The Art of Fear: The Haunted Post Office, 711 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Oct. 29; and 710 p.m. Oct. 23 and 30. Former Port Huron post office, 1300 Military St. Featuring guided tours. Sponsored by and benefits Studio 1219. $10. » Wicked Woods of Benoit, 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday through Oct. 29. 6485 Benoit Road, Algonac. Featuring maze and quicksand alley Portion of proceeds benefit Goodfellows. $10 adults, $8 children ages 12 and younger. » Zombie Ball, 9 p.m. Saturday. Former Port Huron post office, 1300 Military St. Featuring costume party, music, spooky snacks, cash bar. Sponsor: Studio 1219. Free.





Do homework before removing tree

Q: I am ready to remove some trees on my property. Is there anything special I should ask or bring to the attention of the tree removal company I hire? Is there any research I should do? A: Yes. Here are some questions: 1. Is the company insured? Ask to see proof (a certificate of insurance from their carrier). This profession is very precarious, and these people regularly get injured on the job. 2. Is there going to be any damage to your property caused by the tree


Mitchell J. Kuffa Jr.

removal process? Are they going to leave any ruts in your grass from their vehicles? Are they going to clean up any debris and wood shavings? Are they going to dismantle or take apart any barriers to gain access with their vehicles

(and who’s going to replace them if they do)? 3. Is stump removal a concern, and how possible is it? Sometimes the trees being removed are in close proximity to areas that are sensitive to damage, such house foundations. How much extra will it cost to remove the stump? 4. Make sure to get several estimates, since bids for this type of work can vary dramatically. 5. Check your municipality to see if there are any permits required regarding tree removal. Some trees may be in a city ease-

ment or may be protected for one reason or another. 6. Verify the value of the tree and lumber being removed. There is a distinct difference between the value of a black walnut as opposed to a spruce or hemlock.

Mitchell J. Kuffa Jr. is a licensed builder and home inspector in St. Clair. Send questions to Inspectionsby or call (810) 329-4052.

Careful f research is necessary before deciding on a tree removal company. ADBUILDER.COM

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Willia iam aannd Denis i e Spic i er e of o R by Ru b ar a e pleas ased to an a no nounc n e the h enngageme m nt of the h ir i dau aughter e, Steepphanie Eileen Spic i er e to Noah Joonnatha han Laazurka, son of o Daniel an and Linda Laz a ur u ka o Crros of o w el l . The wedddiinng is set et for Sep eptemb mber 23, 2012.

CARTER LJ-0000960566-01

Gregory & Brenda Morrow of St. Clair, r MI are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Reba Mae Morrow of Saginaw, w MI to Ryan Adam Zieroff f of Bay City, y MI. Ryan is the son of Thomas & Kathleen Zieroff. f Reba is a 2009 graduate of Central Michigan University. y She is currently employed with Wolverine Bank as an Accountant. Ryan is a 2001 graduate of Swan Valley High School. He is currently employed with Saginaw Control & Engineering as a Welder. A July 2012 wedding is planned in Frankenmuth, MI.

Andrea Marie Edie to William Anthony Buhler, son of Stephen and Betty Buhler of Port Huron.

June 16, 2012

Amy m Fi F sher and David Ge G rr r ow were r marr rried on Ju J lyl 15, 2011 at Castlel Fa F rm r s in Charlrlevoix,x Michigian. Amy m is the daug u hte tr of Ti T m Milsk and the late t Chrirstine Milsk. Amy m is also the daug u hte t r of the late t Ro R bert r Fi F sher.r David is the son of Frede Fr d rirck and Debora r h Le L pleley and Dave and Kr Kristi Ge G rr r ow. Amy m and David honey e mooned in Jamaica. Amy m is a registe re t re r d nurse s at He H nry r Fo F rd Ho H spital and David is an eng n ineer at Ry R de d r In I te tegra r te t d Log o istics. The couplel is re r siding n in Livonia, Michigian.


George Ladensack

and are thankful for our family and friends. Wo W oody &


Andrea received her Master’s Degree in Social Work & Psychology through Indiana W sleyan College. Daniel is a We Border Patrol Agent. They met through mutual friends and graduated from Port Huron Northern High School.


George and Jeanette Ladensack celebrated their 60th Anniversary September 29. 2011. They were honored at a dinner given by their children Oct. 15th. George and Jeanette were blessed with 4 children, 8 granddaughters, and 2 great grandchildren.


Andrea Elizabeth Cummings and Daniel Gary Vincent were married on September 3, 2011 at North Lakeport W sleyan Church in Lakeport, We MI. Reception was held at the Knights of Columbus in Lexington, MI.


announce the engagement of their daughter,

Christy is a graduate of Wayne State University and Walsh College. Scott is a graduate of Northwood University. They are both employed in sales/marketing. A winter wedding is pla in Va V il, Colorado.

We have been blessed in our ou marriage of 55 years,

They honeymooned in Nashville, TN and traveled to T xas where they will make Te their new home.

Morrow & Zieroff

Fisher - Gerrow



Scott Rinn and Christy Nagorka, both of Royal Oak, are pleased to announce their engagement. Christy is the daughter of Jean and To T m Figurski, Livonia. Scott is the son of Melody and Richard Rinn, Port Huron.

Ted and Patti Edie of Clyde




Season is ripe for classic apple pie ALISON LADMAN The Associated Press

There are plenty of fancy variations of apple pie, but sometimes you just need an all-American classic. So we created this simple, and simply delicious, recipe. The method is basic, but the results are anything but. The key is to slightly cook the apples before spooning them into the unbaked crust. This prevents them from deflating during cooking, which inevitably leaves you with a domed (and disappointingly empty) shell of a top crust. We also loved the look of the traditional lattice top. It’s easier than it looks. If you’re not up for that, simply roll out the top crust and set it whole over the pie. It still will be beautiful and just as delicious.

CLASSIC LATTICE APPLE PIE (Serves 8) For the crust: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cold, cut in chunks 1/3 cup water 1 egg, separated 2 tablespoons rolled oats 1 tablespoon milk For the filling: 8 baking apples (such as Granny Smith or Golden Delicious), peeled, cored and sliced (about 8 cups) ¾ cup sugar 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon nutmeg ¼ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons cornstarch To make the crust, in the bowl of a food processor, pulse together the flour,


The key to this recipe is to slightly cook the apples before spooning them into an unbaked crust. This prevents them from deflating during cooking. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

salt and 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture forms chunks the size of peas. Pulse in the water 1 tablespoon at a time just until the mixture forms a dough. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Reserve the eggs, oats and milk for later. Meanwhile, make the filling. In a large deep skillet, combine the apples with the sugar, vinegar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring and turning gently until the apples are just tender, about 5 minutes. Stir together the water and cornstarch, then add to the apples. Continue to cook until the juices thicken, about 1 minute. Set aside to cool. Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Place a pizza stone in the oven, if available. Divide the dough into 2 pieces, one slightly larger than the other. On a floured surface, roll the larger piece out to a 12-inch circle. Fold the dough in half to make it easier to move, then transfer it to a 9-inch pie plate, unfolding it and allowing it to settle into the bottom. The crust should

overhang the edge slightly. In a small bowl, beat the egg white until slightly frothy. Brush it over the surface of the crust. Sprinkle the oats over the bottom of the crust, then spoon the apple filling into the crust. On a floured surface, roll the smaller piece of dough to a 10-inch square. Using a pizza cutter or a paring knife, cut the dough into 1-inch strips. Weave the strips in a lattice across the top of the apple filling. Alternatively, roll the dough into a 10-inch circle and simply transfer to the top of the pie for a full crust. Fold the overhang of the crust under the bottom crust, gently tucking them into the pie dish, then crimp the edge. Beat the egg yolk in a small bowl with the milk and brush over the surface of the pie crust. Sprinkle with the remaining tablespoon of sugar. Bake on the pizza stone or on a baking sheet set on the rack in the lowest position of the oven until the crust is golden brown, about 45 minutes. Cool before cutting.

These Blood Drop Cookies are a fun way to get your gross on during Halloween. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Bloody cookies grossly delicious The Associated Press

We generally discourage cooking or baking with open wounds. Then again, Halloween is the one time of year nobody seems to mind a little blood

BLOOD DROP COOKIES Makes 3 dozen 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate bits ½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 2/3 cup granulated sugar 4 eggs ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1½ cups all-purpose flour ½ cup seedless raspberry jam In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate bits and butter, stirring constantly. Set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together brown sugar, granulated sugar and eggs. Add melted chocolate and butter; stir until smooth. Stir in the baking powder, salt

on their food. So to get you in the mood for gore, we created these grossly delicious blood drop cookies. They are quick, easy and perfectly disturbing. and flour until completely smooth. Refrigerate until completely chilled, about 2 hours. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Scoop dough by the tablespoonful onto baking sheets leaving 2 inches between cookies for spreading. Gently press each ball of dough with the palm of your hand to slightly flatten until about ½-inch thick. Using your thumb or the handle of a wooden spoon, create a dimple in the center of each cookie. Add a teaspoon of raspberry jam to the dimple of each cookie. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes on the pan, then transfer to a rack to cool completely.

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STARK f mily l of Orville The fa and Bev e erly l Stark are pleased to announce their 70th We W dding Anniv i ersary They were married October 18, 1941 in Port Huron, MI. Mrs Stark is the fo f rmer Beverly l Bennett.

In Loving Memory of

Raymond D. McDonald January 1, 1940 – October 13, 2010

eason, THEY say there is a reason, they say that time will heal. But neither time nor reason, eason, will change the way wee feel. FOR no one knows the heartache that lies beyond our smiles. No one knows how many times, we have broken down and cried.

They hav a e one daughter, Daw a n Green (late R bert Green) and one Ro son, Larry (Debbie) Stark.They hav a e several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

WE want to tell you something so there won’t be any doubt. You’re so wonderful to think about, but…so hard to live without.

Orv retired fr f om the City of Port Huron and they hav a e liv i ed the last 33 years in We W st Palm Beach, FL.

Until we meet again my love, Marilyn You are with us in ALL we do. Love & miss you, Your children & grandkids







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» SPORTS EDITOR: Jim Whymer, (810) 989-62 » FAX: (810) 989-6294 » EMAIL:

Croswell-Lexington’s Tayl Regan passes the ball a host Sandusky Saturd during the Sanilac Tournament. Behin effort, the Pioneers were the tournament champi See story, Page 3D.


» SC4 defeated Black Haw (Ill.) 25-22, 27-25 and 25-1 » SC4 lost to Iowa Lakes Community College, 20-25, 12-25 and 14-25.


Amanda Curley of Marysville led the Skippers on the day with 18 kills. Lindsay Thams added 14 kills and five blocks.

Amanda Curley

lets excel n h

» Sanilac County Tournament: 1. Croswell Lexington; 2. Marlette; 3. Sandusky

Taylor Regan had 24 service points, 28 kills and 19 digs to pace the Pioneeres.


» Owosso Invitational: Marysville Vikings place third. Jessica Martin had 25 service assists, and Haylee Booms had 17 kills and eight digs to pace the Vikings.

y JI T

na Bowman patiently waited on the lawn outside the Marlette High School locker room Monday afteroon for the start of cross-counry practice The final two runners on the varsity squad to show up were her sons, Andy and Jacob. “They sometimes act like girls, making sure they look good,” said Celina jokingly. “They always seem to be the last ones out. “Andy is coming from AP Biology, so he might be finishing things up.” Andy and Jacob, along with their sister, Abby, are triplets and outstanding junior student-athletes at the Greater Thumb Conference East Division school. The Bowmans, 17, might take r time getting to practice, re constantly on the letics, schoolwork and family activities. Abby is playing one sport this fall — volleyball. She also plays


» Reese Invitational: Girls: 1. Sandusky; 2. Cass City; 3. Reese; Boys: 1. Reese; 2. Marlette; 3. USA


» Marysville and St. Clair compete in the Michigan Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association Meet in Ypsilanti.

Lena Szuminski qualified for the state meet in the 100 butterfly after recording a 1:05.84.

ns oo ce track team in the spr ob is standing distance run a left midfielder in so 5-foot-8 point guard w ing out for the varsity team next month. He al out “Both Andy and Jacob ar good students, probably 3. higher,” said Chris Titus, th Marlette boys and girls cro country coach. “They are g kids and real leaders. “I’m blessed to have them my te

Brotherly love

Abby said she has a hard ti getting to her brothers’ cross country meets and soccer ma es in th “With my practices and g I don’t see them play that m said Abby, a 5-3 defensive cialist in volleyball. “I’m classes with both An Jacob “We will pick on me, especially when See TRIPLETS, Page 4D

Local players fall at state finals Times Herald

Jahvid Best and the Detroit Lions will look to run past the San Francisco 49ers today.


» FOOTBALL: The Detroit Lions (5-0) look to remain unbeaten against the San Francisco 49ers (4-1) at 1 p.m. on Fox. » BASEBALL: St. Louis at Milwaukee, National League Championship Series, game 6 at 4 p.m. on TBS

JENISON — Armada’s Ryan Carl-

son came up short in his bid for a tennis state championship Saturday at Jenison High School. Carlson, who played three matches on the second day of the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 4 state tournament, lost 6-1, 6-4 in the No. 2 singles championship match to Rob Stevens of Kalamazoo Christian. The Tigers finished with 13 points, which was good enough for eighth place. Finishing a spot behind Armada with 12 points was Almont. “We’re pleased with a top 10 finish,” , Armada coach Lane Hurd

TENNIS FINALS said. “The 13 points is the most we’re scored at the state finals. It also was the first time we’ve had somebody in the finals and also two in the semifinals. “We had some close matches in the quarterfinals, so we could have had a few more on to the semifinals. But it wasn’t meant to be.” Because of darkness Friday, Carlson was forced to play his quarterfinal match Saturday morning. He picked up a 6-2, 6-1 victory against Andy Johnson of Williamston. In the semifinals,, Carlson elim-

inated Matt Heeder of Lansing Catholic 1-6, 6-4, 6-0. Armada’s No. 4 doubles team of Zach Kilpatrick and Jason Knoeget reached the semifinals before losing to the No. 1 seed Ann Arbor Greenhills 6-3, 6-4. “No. 4 doubles were two seniors out for tennis for the first time,” Hurd said. “They were very good athletes. They just lost to better tennis players.”

Division 1

MIDLAND — Tim Gaul was Port Huron Northern’s final player alive in the state tournament at the Midland Tennis Center. Gaul suffered his third loss of

the season to Kevin Mei of Ann Arbor Huron 6-2, 6-2 in the No. 3 singles semifinals. “Tim lost 7-5 in the third set in the first meeting and 6-3, 6-0 the second time against Mei,” Northern coach Char Sween e y s a i d . “ Ti m played really well and it was a good match. Mei just didn’t make any mistakes. He played Tim a flawless match. Gaul “Tim matched up well with him on strokes, but Mei was a little more consistent.”

Quinlan gave to studens for 41 years


» SPARTANS: Win fourth straight over Michigan, 2D. » BOWLING: Matt Langolf wins third singles title, 3D.


» COMING MONDAY: We preview the opening of district soccer.

The latest scores on your cell phone T THSPORTS to 44636 (4INFO). Text

They are rarely in the spotlight and get very little recognition for what they do for a varsity sports program. We’re talking about lower-level coaches. Before the start of Friday night’s Macomb Area Conference Silver Division football game Friday night at Walt Braun Viking Stadium, veteran coach Jack Quinlan was honored for 41 years of coaching Jack at Marysville High Quinlan School. Forty-one years doing any profession is amazing and almost unheard of. Working that long with student/athletes is unbelievable. Quinlan, 68, will coach his final game 6 p.m. Thursday when the Marysville junior varsity football team takes on St. Clair Shores


Jim Whymer

South Lake at the stadium. Quinlan’s Vikings take a 6-2 record into the season finale. “It’s not that I’m getting out because I don’t enjoy it anymore,” Quinlan said. “It was the same thing when I retired from teaching six years ago. I still enjoyed teaching very much. “When you’ve been coaching football 41 years, your wife doesn’t get to spend much time with you during August, September and October. That’s a neat time because of the weather. We want to do some traveling.” Varsity coach Mark Caza prepre

sented Quinlan with a blue and white Marysville varsity jacket before the kickoff. Quinlan wore the jacket proudly throughout the game. Quinlan, who was inducted into the Michigan High School Football Coaches Association and Michigan High School Coaches Association Hall of Fame, remembers the day he got involved in the program. “I was playing softball in Marysville and was a young teacher at the high school,” Quinlan said. “One day, Walt Braun knocked on my classroom door and asked if I would be interested in coaching football. “I had never played football or coached it. Randy Jacobs and I were the greenhorns.” Quinlan was an assistant under Jacobs for 10 years with the eighth-grade team. He spent the next six years working with the ninth-grade squad as an assistant.

Following four years as an assistant with the junior varsity team, Quinlan has been calling the shots for the past 20 years as the head coach. “I like the junior varsity level,” Quinlan said. “The kids are great to work with, and you don’t have the pressure. “There’s a lot of pressure that goes with being a varsity coach. It’s not that I don’t mind pressure, but just like getting the players ready to play at the next level if they want to. “I’ve had many kids come back to me and say their best year of football was on the junior varsity team.” Quinlan started with Jacobs and finished his career with him. He also is assisted by Don Nabozney and Drew Saunders, a Marysville grad, this season. Contact Jim Whymer at (810) 9896267 or View his blog at sports.




IN BRIEF BASEBALL Leyland: Verlander won’t pitch in relief ARLINGTON, Texas — If

Justin Verlander pitches again this season, it will be in Game 1 of the World Series. Detroit manager Jim Leyland is adamant that if the AL championship series against Texas reaches a seventh game, he will not use Verlander in relief. Leyland probably isn’t trying to deceive the Rangers. In the AL division series, he said he wouldn’t use Verlander in relief in Game 5 and didn’t, despite the strong temptation. Verlander is likely to win the AL Cy Young Award and is among the front-runners for MVP after leading the AL in wins (24), ERA (2.40) and strikeouts (250). Game 6 was after press time Saturday night.

PRO FOOTBALL Colts Addai to miss today’s game INDIANAPOLIS — Three Colts players will not travel to Cincinnati for Sunday’s game. Running back Joseph Addai, left tackle Anthony Castonzo and defensive tackle Drake Nevis will stay in Indianapolis, the team says. Addai left last week’s game in the first quarter after hurting his hamstring. Castonzo missed last week’s game with a sprained ankle. Nevis has been battling a back injury. When Addai went out last week, rookie Delone Carter got more playing time. Indy could also use Donald Brown, their first-round pick in 2009, more.

Merriman out today against Giants ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Buffalo Bills starting outside linebacker Shawne Merriman won’t play in Sunday’s game at the New York Giants because of an Achilles tendon injury. Merriman’s Achilles flared up during Thursday’s practice, and he was held out of Friday’s practice. Merriman said Friday he didn’t think the injury was significant. The Bills will have their bye next week, giving him an additional week to heal. Merriman finished last season on injured reserve because of a nagging injury to his tendon.

HOCKEY Ducks Blake to miss 3 months ANAHEIM, Calif. — Ana-

heim Ducks left wing Jason Blake will be out for three months with tendon damage in his left forearm caused by a severe cut. Blake will have surgery next week to repair his arm, the Ducks announced Saturday. Blake was injured midway through the third period of Anaheim’s 1-0 victory over San Jose on Friday night. After Blake fell down while trying to play the puck out of a faceoff, Sharks defenseman Brent Burns’ skate accidentally cut him just above his left wrist. The 38-year-old Blake is entering his third season with the Ducks after recording 16 goals and 16 assists last season as a gritty two-way forward.


MSU blows past U-M, 28-14 By y NOAH TRISTER The Associated Press

EAST LANSING — Jerel Worthy and his Michigan State teammates charged across the field, holding four fingers in the air while celebrating another sweet victory over their biggest rival. “A clean sweep!” Worthy yelled. In his four years with the Spartans, Worthy has never lost to Michigan. He and the rest of Michigan State’s defensive line helped extend that run Saturday, shutting down Denard Robinson and the 11th-ranked Wolverines in a 28-14 victory. The 23rd-ranked Spartans have won four straight against Michigan for the first time since 1959-62, equaling Michigan State’s longest streak in the series. “For the rest of our life, we can walk the streets of Michigan,” quarterback Kirk Cousins said. Cousins, a fifth-year senior, is the first Michigan State starting quarterback to win three straight over Michigan. Keshawn Martin scored twice in the third quarter on similar lunges g to the end

Gillett scored on a 30-yard run with 37 seconds left, and Eastern Michigan beat Central Michigan 35-28 on Saturday despite blowing a late 15-point lead. Central Michigan (2-5, 1-2 Mid-American Conference) had tied the game at 28 when Ryan Radcliff hit Jerry Harris with a 2-yard touchdown pass with 1:09 remaining, then found Titus Davis on a two-point conversion. Davis and Radcliff had hooked up for an 11-yard score on the Chippewas’ previous drive. But Gillett needed only three plays to get the Eagles (43, 2-1) back on top, completing a 14-yard pass before a 20-yard run and the gamewinning 30-yard score. Gillett had just 76 yards passing, but rushed for 93 more. Eastern Michigan’s Dominque White rushed for 161 yards and a score, and Javonti Greene had 96 yards and three TDs. — From wire reports

zone, and Michigan State (5-1, 2-0 Big Ten) held off Robinson and the Wolverines during a wild fourth quarter. Michigan (6-1, 2-1) lost for the first time under coach Brady Hoke. The Wolverines had a chance to tie it, but Robinson was sacked on fourth-and-1 from the Michigan State 9-yard line with 6:16 to play. Robinson later threw an interception, and Isaiah Lewis returned it 39 yards for a touchdown with 4:31 left to make it 28-14. Shortly after that, Robinson was shaken up by a hit and left the game. Edwin Baker ran for 167 yards and a touchdown for the Spartans. “It’s a big win, a program win,” Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio said. “To do that a fourth straight year says a lot about our players.” Michigan State took the field in special green-andbronze Nike Pro Combat uniforms. In a surprise move, Michigan showed up in “legacy” uniforms by Adidas that included pants that were white instead of the

Michigan State’s Keshawn Martin scores on a 13-yard reception between Blake Countess, left, and Courtney Avery of Michigan during the third quarter Saturday in East Lansing. The Spartans defeated the Wolverines, 28-14. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS usual maize. The Wolverines haven’t beaten the Spartans since 2007, when then-Michigan running back Mike Hart compared Michigan State to a “little brother” and Dantonio shot back by saying the Wolverines needed “to check themselves.” Dantonio said after that game that “pride comes before the fall” — and now it’s Michigan State enjoying j y g the spoils p of victo-


All Times EDT AMERICAN CONFERENCE East Buffalo New England N.Y. Jets Miami

W 4 4 2 0

L 1 1 3 4

Houston Tennessee Jacksonville Indianapolis

W 3 3 1 0

L 2 2 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

Pct PF PA .800 164 120 .800 165 119 .400 121 125 .000 69 104

South T 0 0 0 0

Pct PF PA .600 127 95 .600 105 94 .200 59 115 .000 87 136

North Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland

W 3 3 3 2

L 1 2 2 2

San Diego Oakland Kansas City Denver

W 4 3 2 1

L 1 2 3 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pct PF .750 119 .600 110 .600 102 .500 74

T 0 0 0 0

Monday Colorado at Toronto, 7 p.m. Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at Winnipeg, 8:30 p.m. Nashville at Edmonton, 9:30 p.m. Anaheim at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.

Pct PF PA .800 120 109 .600 136 133 .400 77 150 .200 105 140

College Sum

NATIONAL CONFERENCE East Washington N.Y. Giants Dallas Philadelphia

W 3 3 2 1

L 1 2 2 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pct PF PA .750 83 63 .600 127 123 .500 99 101 .200 125 132

South New Orleans Tampa Bay Atlanta Carolina

W 4 3 2 1

L 1 2 3 4

Detroit Green Bay Chicago Minnesota

W 5 5 2 1

L 0 0 3 4

W San Francisco 4 Seattle 2 Arizona 1 St. Louis 0

L 1 3 4 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pct PF PA .800 157 125 .600 87 125 .400 104 130 .200 116 132

North T 0 0 0 0

Pct 1.000 1.000 .400 .200

PF PA 159 89 173 111 107 122 111 106

West T 0 0 0 0

Oct. 23 Atlanta at Detroit, 1 p.m. Houston at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Washington at Carolina, 1 p.m. San Diego at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. Seattle at Cleveland, 1 p.m. Denver at Miami, 1 p.m. Chicago vs. Tampa Bay at London, 1 p.m. Kansas City at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at Arizona, 4:05 p.m. St. Louis at Dallas, 4:15 p.m. Green Bay at Minnesota, 4:15 p.m. Indianapolis at New Orleans, 8:20 p.m. Open: Buffalo, Cincinnati, N.Y. Giants, New England, Philadelphia, San Francisco Oct. 24 Baltimore at Jacksonville, 8:30 p.m.


EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh 5 3 0 2 8 16 13 Philadelphia 3 3 0 0 6 10 5 N.Y. Islanders 3 2 1 0 4 7 4 New Jersey 3 2 1 0 4 6 6 N.Y. Rangers 2 0 0 2 2 3 5 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 2 2 0 0 4 8 5 3 2 1 0 4 11 7 3 1 2 0 2 6 7 4 1 3 0 2 7 7 4 1 3 0 2 13 21 Southeast Division

GP W L OT Pts GF Washington 3 3 0 0 6 13 Carolina 5 2 2 1 5 13 Tampa Bay 4 1 2 1 3 12 Florida 2 1 1 0 2 4 Winnipeg 2 0 2 0 0 4 WESTERN CONFERENCE

GA 10 18 16 4 9

Central Division RED WINGS Chicago Nashville St. Louis Columbus

GP W L OT Pts GF GA 3 3 0 0 6 10 3 3 2 1 0 4 10 7 3 2 1 0 4 9 9 3 1 2 0 2 9 9 4 0 3 1 1 8 13 Northwest Division

Colorado Minnesota Edmonton Vancouver Calgary

GP W L OT Pts 4 3 1 0 6 4 2 1 1 5 2 1 0 1 3 4 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 0 2 Pacific Division

GP W Dallas 4 3 Anaheim 3 2 Los Angeles 3 1 Phoenix 3 1 San Jose 2 1 NOTE: Two points overtime loss.

GF GA 11 6 10 9 3 3 10 13 9 11

L OT Pts GF GA 1 0 6 9 9 1 0 4 4 5 1 1 3 6 8 1 1 3 9 10 1 0 2 6 4 for a win, one point for


2 p.m. SPEED — ARCA, Toledo 200, at Toledo, Ohio 3:30 p.m. ABC — IRL, IndyCar, at Las Vegas 7 p.m. ESPN2 — NHRA, Arizona Nationals, at Chandler, Ariz. (same-day tape)


4:30 p.m. NBC — Dew Tour Championships, at Las Vegas


No. 23 MICHIGAN ST. 28, No. 11 MICHIGAN 14 Michigan

7 0 0 7

— 14

Michigan St.


— 28

0 14


First Quarter Mich—D.Robinson 15 run (Gibbons kick), 8:50. MSU—Baker 1 run (Conroy kick), 5:08. Third Quarter MSU—Martin 10 pass from Cousins (Conroy kick), 11:07. MSU—Martin 13 pass from Cousins (Conroy kick), :25. Fourth Quarter Mich—Roundtree 34 pass from D.Robinson (Gibbons kick), 9:49. MSU—Lewis 39 interception return (Conroy kick), 4:31. A—77,515. Mich MSU First downs



Rushes-yards 36-82 Passing

Pct PF PA .800 142 78 .400 94 122 .200 96 121 .000 46 113

Today San Francisco at Detroit, 1 p.m. St. Louis at Green Bay, 1 p.m. Jacksonville at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Philadelphia at Washington, 1 p.m. Carolina at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Indianapolis at Cincinnati, 1 p.m. Buffalo at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. Cleveland at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. Houston at Baltimore, 4:05 p.m. Dallas at New England, 4:15 p.m. New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 4:15 p.m. Minnesota at Chicago, 8:20 p.m. Open: Arizona, Denver, Kansas City, San Diego, Seattle, Tennessee Oct. 17 Miami at N.Y. Jets, 8:30 p.m.

Toronto Buffalo Montreal Boston Ottawa

Friday Carolina 4, Buffalo 3 Anaheim 1, San Jose 0 Saturday Calgary at Toronto Colorado at Montreal N.Y. Rangers at N.Y. Islanders Los Angeles at Philadelphia Buffalo at Pittsburgh Ottawa at Washington Winnipeg at Phoenix Tampa Bay at Florida New Jersey at Nashville Detroit at Minnesota Columbus at Dallas Boston at Chicago Vancouver at Edmonton St. Louis at San Jose Today St. Louis at Anaheim, 8 p.m.

PA 57 94 89 93


EMU defeats CMU on touchdown run MOUNT PLEASANT T— Alex





Comp-Att-Int 12-31-1


Return Yards 22





Fumbles-Lost 2-0




13-124 Time of Possession


30:33 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Michigan, D.Robinson 18-42, Smith 8-37, Gallon 1-8, Toussaint 2-7, Dileo 1-3, Gardner 6-(minus 15). Michigan St., Baker 26-167, Martin 3-20, Bell 7-20, Fowler 1-6, Cousins 2-0. PASSING—Michigan, D.Robinson 9-24-1123, Gardner 3-7-0-45. Michigan St., Cousins 13-24-0-120. RECEIVING—Michigan, Roundtree 4-66, Gallon 3-43, Hemingway 3-43, Koger 2-16. Michigan St., Cunningham 439, Martin 3-31, Linthicum 2-22, Ke.Nichol 2-20, Bell 1-5, Caper 1-3. E. MICHIGAN 35, CENT. MICHIGAN 28 E. Michigan


0 7 21

— 35

Cent. Michigan


3 7 15

— 28

First Quarter CMU—FG Harman 28, 5:18. EMU—White 1 run (Fulkerson kick), :30. Second Quarter CMU—FG Harman 40, 5:26. Third Quarter EMU—Greene 36 run (Fulkerson kick), 11:13. CMU—Blackburn 8 pass from Radcliff (Harman kick), 6:33. Fourth Quarter EMU—Greene 2 run (Fulkerson kick), 14:27. EMU—Greene 5 run (Fulkerson kick), 12:34. CMU—Davis 11 pass from Radcliff (Harman kick), 3:36. CMU—Harris 2 pass from Radcliff (Davis pass from Radcliff), 1:09. EMU—Gillett 30 run (Fulkerson kick), :37. A—17,158.

First downs





Rushes-yards 50-350





Comp-Att-Int 6-8-0


Return Yards 19





Fumbles-Lost 0-0




5-45 Time of Possession


32:01 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—E. Michigan, White 19-161, Greene 19-96, Gillett 11-93, Fleming 1-0. Cent. Michigan, T.Phillips 854, Garland 14-41, C.Wilson 2-11, B.Brown 1-2, Cotton 4-2, Radcliff 2-(minus 2), Hogan 1-(minus 10). PASSING—E. Michigan, Gillett 6-8-0-76. Cent. Michigan, Radcliff 33-50-1-351. RECEIVING—E. Michigan, Hoskins 4-43, Hunter 2-33. Cent. Michigan, C.Wilson 9-103, Blackburn 8-83, Davis 779, Harris 3-28, T.Phillips 2-25, C.Williams 2-10, Ja.Wilson 1-18, Fenton 1-5.

2 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, The McGladrey Classic, final round, at St. Simon Island, Ga. 5 p.m. TGC — Nationwide Tour, Miccosukee Championship, final round, at Miami (same-day tape) 7:30 p.m. TGC — Champions Tour, AT&T Championship, final round, at San Antonio (same-day tape) 9:30 p.m. TGC — LPGA Malaysia, final round, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (sameday tape)


4 p.m. TBS — Playoffs, National League Championship Series, game 6, St. Louis at Milwaukee (if necessary, 8 p.m. if ALCS is completed) 8 p.m. FOX — Playoffs, American League Championship Series, game 7, Detroit at Texas (if necessary)


1 p.m. CBS — Regional coverage FOX — 49ers at Detroit Lions 4 p.m. CBS — Regional coverage 4:15 p.m. FOX — Regional coverage, doubleheader game 8 p.m. NBC — Minnesota at Chicago


9 p.m. ESPN — MLS, CD Chivas USA at Los Angeles

World Gymnastics Championships At Tokyo Men Floor Exercise 1. Kohei Uchimura, Japan, 15.633. 2. Zou Kai, China, 15.50. 3. Diego Hypolito, Brazil, 15.466. 3. Alexander Shatilov, Israel, 15.466. 5. Steven Legendre, Port Jefferson, N.Y., 15.400. 6. Flavius Koczi, Romania, 15.333. Women Vault 1. McKayla Maroney, Laguna Niguel, Calif., 15.30. 2. Oksana Chusovitina, Germany, 14.733. 3. Thi Ha Thanh Phan, Vietnam, 14.666. 4. Jade Barbosa, Brazil, 14.566. 5. Giulia Steingruber, Switzerland, 14.450. 6. Tatiana Nabieva, Russia, 14.349. 7. Alexa Moreno Medina, Mexico, 14.216.



National Football League INDIANAPOLIS COLTS—Announced the retirement of senior vice president of sales and marketing Tom Zupancic. NEW YORK GIANTS—Signed DT Dwayne Hendricks from the practice squad. HOCKEY National Hockey League NEW JERSEY DEVILS—Recalled G Keith Kinkaid from Albany (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS—Recalled G Dany Sabourin from Hershey (AHL).

ry in this series, keeping the Paul Bunyan Trophy from its in-state foe. Worthy, a standout defensive tackle, is a redshirt junior. He has a tattoo displaying a Spartan stomping on a Wolverine. “We’re always fighting for respect,” Worthy said. “I feel even better about getting that tattoo now.” The Spartans, who tied for the Big g Ten title last

year, are now alone atop the Legends Division with a big home game against Wisconsin coming up next weekend. This week, Michigan State was coming off an open date. Michigan has one next weekend. “They need to feel this one,” Hoke said. “We all need to feel this one for a while. But we’ll turn the p g page.”

Wilson leads Badgers in bigg victoryy The Associated Press

Wisconsin quarterback Russell Wilson one-upped Andrew Luck, padding his Heisman resume with a touchdown catch and No. 2 LSU crushed another SEC rival playing with a backup quarterback. Wilson led No. 4 Wisconsin to a routine 59-7 victory Saturday against Indiana, catching a 25-yard touchdown pass from Montee Ball in the process. A couple weeks ago, Stanford used Luck as a receiver and the star quarterback made a spectacular onehanded catch near the sideline. But it wasn’t a touchdown like Wilson’s in Madison. In Knoxville, Tenn., LSU remained unbeaten with its seventh straight double-digit victory. LSU beat Tennessee 38-7 with backup quarterback Matt Simms playing for injured Vols starter Tyler Bray.

No. 3 Alabama was playing later at Mississippi and No. 3 Oklahoma was at Kansas. The BCS standings debut today and LSU, Alabama and Oklahoma figured to be in the top three spots if they all won Saturday.

Ohio State 17, No. 15 Illinois 7 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Daniel Herron, who hadn’t played since the Sugar Bowl in January because of NCAA suspensions, ran for 114 yards and a touchdown in his return to Ohio State. With true freshman Braxton Miller at quarterback, the struggling offense of Ohio State (2-1 Big Ten, 4-3) counted on Herron against Illinois (2-1, 6-1). The Buckeyes didn’t complete a pass until Miller hit Jake Stoneburner for a fourth-quarter touchdown and a 17-0 lead. The Buckeyes’ defense forced three turnovers.

West details battle with depression The Associated Press

Jerry West says he has battled depression since childhood, when his father would beat the future Hall of Famer, causing low selfesteem that has plagued him despite a successful career as one of the NBA’s biggest influences. West says his West Virginia childhood was devoid of love and filled with anger as a result of his abusive father, who left him feeling tormented and worthless. “I would go to bed feeling like I didn’t even want to live,” West says in a segment airing Tuesday on HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.” “I’ve been so low sometimes and when everyone else would be so high because I didn’t like myself.” West’s memoir, “West by West: My Charmed, Tormented Life,” is in stores Wednesday. It’s a book his wife, Karen, their four sons and his four siblings didn’t want him to write. In the HBO interview, West describes his father beating him with a belt, saying, “It was brutal.” He says he never knew what would set his father off. It wasn’t until his father hit his sister that West found the courage to stand up to

the man that had abused him. At 12, West kept a shotgun under his bed and threatened to use it on his father if the abuse didn’t end. When West’s father died of a heart attack, he attended the funeral. He cries in the interview as he talks about wondering whether his father would be proud of him and his achievements. West says his depression never bothered him as a player during 14 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers because he was so driven by a fear of failure. However, once the season ended, he would dwell on the defeats, including the Lakers’ six NBA finals losses to the Boston Celtics. “He wouldn’t speak for days at a time ... It worried me,” Karen West says, adding that “Jerry doesn’t say ‘I love you.’... Maybe once a year.” West tells HBO he tried therapy, but gave it up, preferring to take Prozac and work through his depression by himself. He says his condition has eased in the 10 years since he served as Lakers general manager. He now works as an adviser to the Golden State Warriors. “I’m the luckiest person in the world,” world, he says.





Langolf claims third singles title Matt Langolf took home his third match game singles title in four years with a close victory against John Essenmacher III at Strikers Matt EntertainLangolf ment Center in Richmond. Langolf came from the ninth qualifying position to win the title. Ray Wisniewski finished third and Eric Emmi was fourth, Jose Ganhs earned a fifth followed by Glenn Lendel, Cliff Crawford, Jesse Hojnacki, Henry Sul-

livan, Steve Jakubowski, Jeff Meldrum and John Hill. In the qualifying round, Crawford rolled an 813 series and a 300 game. Steve Jakubowski recorded a 300 game, while Jim Creasor was near perfection with a 299. Matt Langolf rolled a 290, and Jose Ganhs had a 279. Del Shea continued where he left off last year with another 300 game and the weekly high league series for the week with a 785. Shea averaged 249 last season at Lakeview Lanes in Lexington. Brenda Arnold had high series for the women with a 651 at Blue Water Bowl


Scott Wassom

in the Port Huron Hospital League including the runner-up high game of the week a 245. Kathleen Smith had a big 268 game bowling at Port Huron Lanes in the Inter City Ladies League and finished with a 605 series. Sullivan led the rest of the men with a 773. Others included Ray

Randall and Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 736; Don Allen, 733; Rich Scott, 726; Joe Beidler, 725; Greg Allen, 722; Jim Creasor and Nathan Atchison, 718; Oscar Vazquez, 717; Don Purdy, 715; Nick Conard, 713; Brian Hayes, 712; John Hill, 711; Langolf, 710; Bob Nicolai, 709; Chad Jeroue, 707; Don Thiede, 705; and Scott Badley, 700. Top games included Rob Roberts, 289; 279s by Allen, Matt Pawlak, and Dave Klaas; 278s by Lenny McIntyre, Creasor and Thiede; Steve Jakubowski and Vazquez, 277; Hill, 276; Sullivan, 269; and Beidler, 269. Karyne Legault led the rest of the women with a 617.

Others were Alicia Smith, 600; Bev Cummings, 595; Kristie Lashbrook, 582; Lynn Wilcox, 567; Becky Van Hoesen, 555; Jamie Yeager, 526; Debbie Alderson, 523; Jane Biscorner, 522; Brenda Provast, 522; Jane Morris, 511; Maxine Brown, 511; and Brenda Tack, 511. Other games were Cummings, 234; Ann Nichols and Legault, 226; Wilcox, 223; Fay Hill, 219; 213s by Sally Bruen, Melissa Legault and Alicia Schroeder; Sandy Drouillard, 212; Kim Condland and Lori Schrieber, 211; and Van Hoesen and Tack, 208.

Special Mentions

» Pam Diaz was 80 pins bet-

ter than average at 207 and 106 pins better than average for series with a 487. » Susan Monzo rolled her first 200 (215) and was 100 pins better than her average.

Split Conversions

» 4-7-10: Alice Fuller; Mike Gibson; Carol Doubles; Gary Milutin » 4-10: Marcia Swick » 6-7-10: Fred Hinojosa; Dorothy Hamilton » 2-4-10: Frank Benedict » 3-6-7-9-10: Jeff Van Hoesen » 3-4-7: Don Jackson » 2-5-10: Mercedes Fox » 5-7: Dorothy O’Neill; Barb Becktold; Joe Napolitan » 6-7: Paul Fleckenstein


YOUTH LEAGUES PORT HURON LANES Bumper (2-4) Carlie Irvine 93; Jacob MacKay 87 Bantams (5-8) Brendan Horak 287 series; Nathan Puwal 122; Kylie Guyette 197(78) Prep (9-11) Caleb Rowell 390(138); Sydney Sepsey 344(127) Juniors (12-14) Caleb McPhail 466; Daniel Hawley III 169; Keeley Barone 120; Katie Bowles 284 series Majors (15-21) Eddie Smith 552; Jonah Bell 224; Stephanie Krauss 564(233) BLUE WATER BOWL Blue Water Mixers Connie McMann 503 (203): Brenda Arnold 501; Kim Condland 211; Rich Scott 726 (257); Dale Camphausen 630(246); Jeff Van Hoesen 235 Don McIvor Memorial Mike E. Gossman 661 (251); Don Allen 733 (279); Jose Ganhs 688 (258); Steve Ganhs 654 (266); Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 640 (234); Mike Benner 633 (257) Friday Night Wanna Bees Terry Thompson 697 (265); Oscar Vazquez 679 (240); Chad Jeroue 707 (247); Dale Camphausen 636(247) Mixed Singles Becky Van Hoesen 555 (208); Becky Bauman 483 (170); Mike Gibson 640 (226); Marty Nichols 611 (239); Jamie Warren 231; Ondrea Hooper 215 Mon PM Adult Bowling Irma Vincent 464 (169); Joyce Bailey 467 (164); Mel Totzke 549 (200): Bruce Sedich 530 (212); Dorothy Hamilton 170; Sharon Bailey 176; Tim Sassanella 546 (210) Mueller Retirees Bev Cummings 595 (234); Gary Smith 646 (264); Ron Dunlap 605 (234) Port Huron Hospital Brenda Arnold 651 (245); Jamie Yeager 526 (203); Debbie Alderson 523; Sally Bruen 512 (213); Anita Hubbard 204; Becky Van Hoesen 201

Thirsty Thursdays John Hill 711 (276); Ray Randall 736 (268); Jacob Danik 650 (249); Dale Camphausen 651 (258); Frank Mitchell 677; Gene Watson 660 Viking Three Man Mike Raleigh 678(242); Steve Jakubowski 662(277); Randy Avers 635(243); Charlie Peeling 619; Rich LaVere 246; Leon Jemison 237; Tony Hebel 236 BOWL O DROME Beverage Bob Nicolai 709 (258); Jim Hazelton 649 (249); Jerry Hedrick 633 (226); Brian Gossman 623 (212); Russ Knowles 615 (223) Monday Night Mixers Pat Crottie, Sr. 575 (207): Roy Badgerow 551 (210); Charlie Wehrwein 528; Kevin Tack 523 (200); Pat Crottie II 506 Original Sunday Funtimers Pam Diaz 207; Liz Quant 507 (203); Jane Morris 511 (187); Sherry Middleton 187; Christine Bachorski 180; Matt Bachorski 619 (235); Jason Diaz 599 (214); Dave Pulliam 560 (214); Craig Seaman 538 (204); Joel Scouten 511; Scott Woolman 582 (201) P.H.A.S.D. Brenda Tack 511 (208); Annette Sampier 201; Pat Crottie, Sr. 522; Kevin Tack 520; Jamie Frazer 514 (214); Jason Daniel 509; Steve Van Vilet 202 Port Huron Hospital AM Ron Dunlap 508; Gordon Harvey 518 (217); Jerry Grzech 612 (205); Pete Lapka 575 (248); Bob Repp 531; Mike Mullins 532 (206) Tuesday Early Ladies Maxine Brown 511; Donna Class 484 (189); Betty Doxtator 180 Zebraettes Lori Schrieber 211; Debbie Egan 481 (198); Brenda Delano 495 (181); Barb Becktold 499; PORT HURON LANES Adult Activities-Mon AM Maxine Brown 455 (155); Lillian Woolman 431 (163); Lois Zmolik 431 (163); Dave Dykstra 517; John Szczygiel 497

((204); ) Rod d Downing 492 ((192); ) Bob b Dinkel 194 Cowboys & Indians Del Shea 785 (300); Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 736 (268); Jim Creasor 718 (278); Nathan Atchison 718; Oscar Vazquez 717 (277); Nick Conard 713 (268); Brian Hayes 712 (268); Karyne Legault 617 (226); Melissa Legault 213 Friday Industrial Don Purdy 715 (257); Matt Langolf 710; Steve Jakubowski 681; Matt Pawlak 279; Don Barr 261 Friday Industrial Steve Jakubowski 687 (260); Oscar Vazquez 685 (259); Joe Benner 642 (241) Friday AM Seniors Elmer Gamble 571 (246); Carl Bauman 519; Paul Fleckenstein 500; Al Hux 203; Walt Cumerlato 191; Robyn Rossow 447 (176); Marilyn Roach 433; Lil Woolman 421; Dorothy O’Neill 160 Friday PM Seniors Delores Masters 489 (182); Karen Watzek 464; Gary Smith 644 (222); Ron Dunlap 625; Dale Ross 601 (224); Lysle Smith 602; Bob Hepting 603; Bruce Sedich 647(233); Pete Lapka 603 Friday Nite Misfits Lenny McIntyre 680 (278); Joe Beidler 725 (269); Jeff Morrison 675 (258); Ken McCauley 640 (246); Dom Cocco 655 (244); Lynn Wilcox 567 (223); Alicia Schroeder 600 (213); Joddy Swoffer 545 (198); Sherri Beidler 531 (197); Courtney Stroh 197; Rhonda French 521 Hamilton Classic Rob Adamick 224; Mike Schindler 220; George Stafford 218; Fay Hill 219; Kim Will 196 Inter City Ladies Kathleen Smith 605 (268); Kristie Lashbrook 582 (202); Sandy Drouillard 541 (212); Ann Nichols 226 Masters Jeff Krauss 682 (268); Larry Kavanagh 621 (234) PHL Early Four Man Don Thiede 705 (278); Oscar Vazquez

SC4 earns split at event Times Herald


St. Clair County Community College volleyball team ran into a buzzsaw Saturday morning in its final match of the Wisconsin Dells Tournament. Chuck The SkipWeisner pers wrapped up the two-day event with a 3-2 record following a 2520, 25-12, 25-14 loss to No. 6-ranked Iowa Lakes Community College.

VOLLEYBALL In their first match Saturday, SC4 handled Black Hawk (Ill.) CC 25-22, 27-25, 25-19. “Overall, it was a good weekend for us,” SC4 coach Chuck Weisner said. “We wish we would have given Iowa Lakes a better game. “They were the best team we’ve seen all year. They had two players from China. They were a big team.” The Skippers improved to 26-11 on the season. Amanda Curley led the squad with 18 kills, while Lindsay Thams added 14

Kelly David

kills and five blocks. We i s n e r said setter Kelly David turned in the best performance of the Skippers. She had six kills and 49

assists. SC4 is off until Thursday when it entertains Henry Ford CC 7 p.m. in a Michigan Community College Athletic Association Eastern Conference match. The Skippers are in second place in the league at 7 7-2. 2.

LOCAL BRIEFS BOWLING Cros-Lex soccer team holds event The Croswell-Lexington soccer team is having a scotch doubles bowling fundraiser Oct. 22 at Kautz Lanes in Lexington. For a donation of $25, you get three games with shoes. There also are a 50/50 drawing and a prize raffle. For more information, call Markus Munger or Curt Manninen at (810) 359-2140.

Senior match singles event set for Oct. 22 The annual senior match game singles will be held Oct. 22 at Port Huron Lanes. Squad time is 1 p.m. and the cost is $20 per bowler with an optional jackpot fee for $5. All participants must be U.S.B. C. and PHBA members prior to Oct. 17, 2011 and 50 years of age or older as of Oct. 19, 2011. Qualifying round is three games with handicap 90% from 220. Entry blanks are available at all bowling centers or a form can be downloaded at www. For more information, call Henry Sullivan Sr. at (810) 300-1433 or email henwade826@

PREPS Yale hiring varsity softball coach Yale ale is in search of a

varsity softball coach. Anyone interested can contact athletic director Maureen Klocke at (810) 387-3231, ext. 251.

SOFTBAL Michigan Diamonds 18U needs pitcher The 18U Michigan Diamonds fastpitch travel softball team is looking for a strong pitcher to complete the roster for 2012. The team will be playing in five competitive tournaments in Michigan. If interested, please contact Jeff at (810) 4171192 or email jtcombs@

GOLF Fall Classic 3-Man event scheduled The Fall Classic 3-Man Bestball Scratch tournament is Oct. 23 at Black River Country Club. Cost is $300 per team (limit one club pro per team). Shotgun start at 10 a.m. Deadline is noon Oct. 20. For more information, contact Jim at (810) 9825251.

BASKETBALL PHASD sponsors youth league The Port Huron Area School District is sponsoring a youth basketball league for boys and girls in first- through sixthgrade. Games begin Nov. 5t and run on Saturdays

until Dec. 17. Cost is $40 and it is open to players in and out of Port Huron. For more details, contact Brian Jamison at or (810) 984 -2671, Ext 486.

SOCCER AYSO Region 161 holds spring signup The American Youth Soccer Organization Region 161 will be holding Spring 2012 soccer registration for all area players ages 4 to 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 19. The registration will be held at the Port Huron Hospital Duffy Classroom (use front entrance). For more information or to download a flyer, visit www. or contact our hotline at (810) 9891918.

VOLLEYBALL Memorial tourney scheduled for Oct. 22 The second Rodger Adolph Memorial Coed Volleyball Tournament is Oct. 22 at Port Huron Northern High School. Play begins at 9 a.m. Blind draw format. Teams will be formed the day of the tournament, which consists of Class A and B level players. Cost is $25 per person. Proceeds benefit the Northern volleyball program. For more details, contact coach Tim Langolf at (810) 300-0042 or

694 (246); ( ) Dave Klaas l 688 (279); ( ) Jim Eldridge 676 (268); Dave Cox 690 (237); Tim Donnenworth 676 (268) Service Trish DeFrain 531; Barb LePla 201; Rich DeFrain 565; Tom Tenyer 233 Sunday Outcast Scott Badley 700 (248); Bob Pihaylic 688 (234); Sean Provost 616 (247); Andre Guyette 616 (260); Angie Brennan 503 (197); Deborah Turck 489 (187); Cindy Badley 480 (189); Pam Reid 476; Corrie Churchill 197 Tuesday AM Adult Lil Woolman 438 (169); Pat Moue 429; Gary Milutin 556 (193); John Szczygiel 539; Ray Davis 203; Donna Dunn 189 Tuesday Mixed Heather Marthen 500 (196); Angie Allen 491 (175); Misty Adair 436 (163); Greg Allen 722 (258); Steve Erwin 630 (224); Ryan Motte 615 (222) Wednesday Night Ladies Stacey Grant 530 (194); Noel Frost 551 (198); Cec Simmons 521 (201) ST. CLAIR RIVER LANES Blue Water Mens Henry Sullivan 684 (236); Steve McCoy 674 (235); Charlie Bockstanz 652 (244) Kendeigh Senior’s Kay Force 464 (180); John Galvin 623 (203) Ladies City League Jane Biscorner 522 (187); Sandy Bennett 507 (203); Janet Allington 505 (197); Chrissy McNabb 197 Monday Big 12 Henry Sullivan 773 (269); Rob Roberts 731 (289); Mark Schoeneweg 669 (237); Butch Murray 245; Chad Jeroue 245 River Queens Brenda Provast 522 (191); Anita Hubbard 503 (185); Chris Reid 489 (169); Sheila Randall 170; Barb Galos 458


BLUE WATER BOWL Women’s High Series Brenda Arnold 651 Bev Cummings 595

Becky Van Hoesen 555 Jamie Yeager 526 Debbie Alderson 523 Women’s High Game Brenda Arnold 245 Bev Cummings 234 Sally Bruen 213 Kim Condland 211 Becky Van Hoesen 208 Men’s High Series Ray Randall 736 Don Allen 733 Rich Scott 726 John Hill 711 Chad Jeroue 707 Men’s High Game Don Allen 279 Steve Jakubowski 277 John Hill 276 Ray Randall 268 Steve Ganhs 266 BOWL O DROME Women’s High Series Jane Morris 511 Maxine Brown 511 Brenda Tack511 Liz Quant 507 Barb Becktold 499 Women’s High Game Lori Schrieber 211 Brenda Tack208 Pam Diaz 207 Liz Quant 203 Annette Sampier 201 Men’s High Series Bob Nicolai 709 Jim Hazelton 654 Jerry Hendrick 633 Brian Gossman 623 Matt Bachorski 619 Men’s High Game Bob Nicolai 258 Jim Hazelton 249 Matt Bachorski 235 Jerry Hendrick 226 Russ Knowles 223 PORT HURON LANES Women’s High Series Karyne Legault 617

Kathleen Smith 605 Alicia Schroeder 600 Kristie Lashbrook 582 Lynn Wilcox 567 Women’s High Game Kathleen Smith 268 Ann Nichols 226 Karyne Legault 226 Lynn Wilcox 223 Fay Hill 219 Men’s High Series Del Shea 785 Chuck Ouellette, Jr. 736 Joe Beidler 725 Greg Allen 722 Jim Creasor 718 Nathan Atchison 718 Men’s High Game Del Shea 300 Matt Pawlak 279 Dave Klaas 279 Lenny McIntyre 278 Jim Creasor 278 Don Thiede 278 ST. CLAIR RIVER LANES Women’s High Series Jane Biscorner 522 Brenda Provast 522 Sandy Bennett 507 Janet Allington 505 Anita Hubbard 503 Women’s High Game Sandy Bennett 203 Janet Allington 197 Chrissy McNabb 197 Brenda Provast 191 Jane Biscorner 187 Men’s High Series Henry Sullivan 773 Rob Roberts 731 Steve McCoy 674 Mark Schoeneweg 669 Charlie Bockstanz 652 Men’s High Game Rob Roberts 289 Henry Sullivan 269 Butch Murray 245 Chad Jeroue 245 Charlie Bockstanz 244


Eisenhower at Northern, 5 p.m.

Anchor Bay at Romeo, TBA Thursday At L’Anse Creuse North LC North/Port Huron High winner vs. Northern/ Eisenhower winner, 5 p.m. Dakota vs. Romeo/Anchor Bay winner, 7 p.m. Oct. 22 Finals: 1 p.m. DIVISION 2 Monday Lapeer West vs. St. Clair, 7 p.m. at East China Stadium Marysville at Cros-Lex, 5 p.m. North Branch at Goodrich, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday St. Clair/Lapeer West winner

vs. Cros-Lex/Marysville winner, 4:30, site TBA Lapeer East vs. Goodrich/ North Branch winner, 4:30 p.m. site TBA Oct. 21 At Goodrich Finals: 4:30 p.m. DIVISION 3 At Imlay City Monday Yale at Capac, 4:30 p.m. Richmond at Algonac, 4:30 p.m. Almont at Armada, 4:30 p.m. Marine City at Imlay City, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Semifinals Capac/Yale winner vs. Algonac/Richmond winner, TBA Armada/Almont winner vs.

Imlay City/Marine City winner, TBA

Oct. 21 At Imlay City Finals: 4 p.m. DIVISION 4 At New Life Christian Academy Monday Brown City at Memphis, 5 p.m. Dryden at Sandusky, 5 p.m. Tuesday Marlette at New Life, 5 p.m. Thursday Dryden/Sandusky winner vs. Marlette/New Life winner, 3 p.m. Landmark Academy vs. Memphis/Brown City winner, 5 p.m. at Landmark Oct. 21 Finals: 5 p.m.



TRIPLETS Continued from Page 1D

it comes to sports. “Of course, I give it right back to them. But I’m often out-numbered with the two of them.” Said Jacob: “We’ve had our arguments at different times. Not when we’re running, but maybe on the soccer field.” Celina helps with crosscountry practice Monday and Tuesday. She works at the Marlette Leader throughout the week and also is a paraprofessional in the school district. “I don’t want to be one of those parents who pokes too much into their children’s lives,” Celina said. “I tried to keep my distance. “We’ve had arguments before about running because I might have pushed them too hard. I was proud of myself because I backed off this summer.” Andy’s claim to fame is his headbands. He wears a different one each day for practices and matches. “I used to have the longer hair, but now Andy does,” Jacob said. “It’s so long right now because he hasn’t had Jacob time to get it Bowman cut.” The Bowmans could be called your smalltown All-American family. The triplets’ father is the Rev. Dan Bowman, the pastor of First United Methodist Church in Marlette. The couple’s oldest child, Alyssa, 19, is a sophomore at Oakland University. Alyssa played volleyball and soccer, along with cheering for four years at Marlette. “The boys are very close because they spend a lot of time together,” Celina said. “Each of them has their own different friends, but they also will do things together. “I don’t know what’s going to happen when they go off to college. I don’t know if she would admit it right now, but I know Abby would definitely miss them if she went to a different school.” Marlette boys and girls soccer coach Dave Hayden has known the triplets for close to 10 years. He coached the boys in a youth wrestling program and travel soccer team when they were in elementary school. “The kids are very mentally tough,” Hayden said. “Jacob and Andy are real competitors. They get after it pretty good and always want to beat each other. Abby plays hard at everything she does. “They get along pretty well, but the boys aren’t afraid to tell each other something when they don’t think it’s right. “Andy and Jacob have played a major role in our soccer success. Hopefully, we can get past New Life Tuesday in the district opener and get them back for the rest of the playoffs.”

On the run

Abby y is in her second

year as a member of the varsity volleyball team. She plays the libero position and is a defensive specialist. “Abby is a scrappy player,” Marlette coach Fred McDowell said. “She’s very aggressive. “She gives us good depth in the Fred back row.” McDowell Following a victory Tuesday against rival Sandusky, the Red Raiders are 5-2 in the Greater Thumb Conference East Division and 13-16-2 overall. Andy and Jacob have played a major role in the Red Raiders’ success on the soccer field and crosscountry course. “Doing both sports doesn’t bother us because we have conditioned for it,” Jacob said. “We put in the miles over the summer to be ready. We also are careful not to overdo it and get hurt.” The boys many days go directly from cross-country practice or meet to a soccer event. “We’re careful with the boys to not wear them down or burn them out with playing two sports,” Titus said. “Playing soccer and running cross-country is a good combination. “My son (Matthew, No. 3 runner) played junior varsity football and crosscountry last year, and it didn’t work out. He got banged up playing football.” The Bowmans, who were born in LaSalle and moved from Lapeer to Marlette 13 years ago, are part of a young Marlette crosscountry squad. There are six juniors and a freshman in the starting lineup. Titus has been coaching Andy and Jacob since they were in sixth grade. Jacob ran a careerbest 16 minutes 10 seconds Tuesday in a victory against previously unbeaten George O’Connor of Croswell-Lexington at the Sanilac County Invitational. Andy, who is an inch shorter than his brother, took third at the meet, which was held on the Pioneers’ home course. “George is a very good runner,” Andy said. “We had a good race down at Algonac. We were right together until we came out of the woods and onto the track. He pulled away from me at that point.” Said Titus: “George is tough. He’s a very mature senior. That’s what I’ll look for from Andy and Jacob when they are seniors.” Andy’s best time this season was 16 minutes, 23 seconds, which he recorded Oct. 8 at the Portage Invitational. He finished 10th, one spot behind Jacob. “Andy and Jacob ran an unbelievable race at Portage,” Titus said. “They were the only underclassmen to finish in the top 10 of the Division 3 race. “They are exceptional runners, but very different runners. Andy is the pace guy, while Jacob is the speed guy. Jacob has really stepped up his game this year.” The race strategy gy has

SPORTS been successful. “Andy usually goes out fast, takes the lead and sets the pace,” Jacob said. “I will run with somebody. But I know the runners and who I need to stay up with.” Andy spends time in the weight room in the offseason and runs indoor meets. He competed in indoor events last winter at Saginaw Valley State University. In track, the Bowmans run individual events from the 800- to 3,200-meter races, along with the 1,600 and 3,200 relays. Celina is no stranger to distance running and proper training. She ran track at Grayling High School and is an avid runner. In the spring, Celina gets a chance to watch Abby play soccer as she assists coach Dave Hayden with the varsity squad. “The hardest thing as a parent is missing their events,” Celina said. “Dan cannot always make it because of his schedule. “I might be at Abby’s volleyball match and miss the boys running or the other way around.”

In the home stretch

While Abby and her teammates are looking for a long run in the volleyball state tournament, Andy and Jacob want the same in cross-country and soccer. “We’ve had a good soccer season, winning the league championship,” Andy said. “Now we want to win the district.” Said Jacob: “I really want to break into 15 minutes. I think I have a shot the next few weeks.” The Red Raiders have competed in the traditionally strong Algonac, Holly and Portage invitationals. “That’s coach’s plan this year,” Andy said. “He wants us to run Andy against Bowman strong competition in tougher invitationals. “Hopefully we will be prepared to do well at states.” Andy and Jacob are looking ahead to the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 3 regional Oct. 29 at Wagener Park in Harbor Beach. “Jacob will do less early on, but gets in more conditioning later on in the season,” Titus said. “Andy takes days off. He will miss a practice for soccer. “A lot of times they will run a race but won’t stay around to get their medals because they are off to a soccer practice or match.” A year ago, Jacob earned all-state crosscountry honors as he finished 25th at the Division 3 race. Andy came in 35th at 16:40. The Red Raiders’ 1-2 punch hopes for another trip to the state finals, which are Nov. 5 at the Michigan International Speedway.


Croswell-Lexinton’s Allie Faszczewski, Jessica Newberry and Cassidy Carpenter attempt a block Saturday on Sandusky’s Dani Leander during the Sanilac County Tournament at Sandusky High school. WENDY TORELLO/TIMES HERALD

Cros-Lex wins county title Times Herald

SANDUSKY — The Croswell-Lexington Pioneers defended their title Saturday in the Sanilac County volleyball tournament. Coach Michelle McCulloch’s squad improved to 28-3-5 with a 4-0 record in the seven-team event, which was played at Peck and Sandusky high schools. The double-elimination tournament started at Peck, but was moved to Sandusky when the power went out. Cros-Lex, which won the Burton Bendle tournament earlier in the season, defeated Carsonville-Port Sanilac 25-3, 25-21, Marlette 25-22, 25-14, Sandusky 25-18, 25-22, and Marlette a second time, 25-13, 25-22, in the finals. Taylor Regan led the Pioneers with 24 points, 28 kills and 19 digs. Mikayla Shell added 21 kills, 22 points and seven blocks. Other players with strong performances were Erin Tait (40 assists, 15 points, 12

The Associated Press

SHANGHAI — Andy Mur-

ray overpowered Japan’s Kei Nishikori 6-3, 6-0 in under an hour Saturday to set up a Shanghai Masters final against David Ferrer. Ferrer struggled to beat fellow Spaniard Feliciano Lopez 6-7 (5), 6-3, 6-3, the third straight match the fifth-ranked player has come back to win after losing the first set. The fourth-ranked Murray has now won 24 of his last 25 matches and is vying for his third tournament title in as many weeks. Nishikori was completely overwhelmed by Murray, winning just one point on the Scot’s serve in the first set and six in the entire match. The 21-year-old Nishikori has had the best week of his career, defeating two Top20 players — Jo-Wilfried Tsonga of France and Alexandr Dolgopolov of Ukraine — and improving his rank rank-

TENNIS ing to around 32 next week, the highest ranking ever for a Japanese player on the ATP tour. But he had no answer for Murray, who hit 20 winners to just eight unforced errors, whilebreaking Nishikori’s serve five times. M u r r a y, t h e d e f e n d ing champion, has barely been tested this week. He received a bye in the first round, a walkover in the second and easily beat a 124th-ranked qualifier in the quarterfinals. The Scot dropped one set to the only seeded player he’s faced, No. 13 Stanislas Wawrinka of Switzerland. Ferrer, meanwhile, had to save three match points in his third-round win over Juan Carlos Ferrero and edged by Andy Roddick in the quarterfinals in a thirdset tiebreaker. He had a tough time with Lopez, too. Although Lopez is ranked 23 spots below

Owosso Invitational

OWOSSO — The Marysville Vikings went 4-1-1 and took third place in the event. In pool play, Marysville (34-8-2) defeated Fowler-

Times Herald

ville and St. Clair girls swimming and diving teams competed Saturday in the Michigan Interscholastic Coaches Association meet at Eastern Michigan University. The Saints’ 200-yard medley relay team swam a time of 2 minutes, 3.36 seconds and was a second off qualifying for the state finals. The squad consisted of Amanda Slis, Taylor Westrick, Lena Szuminski and Megan Lamb.

Ashley Jones, Hope Ayers and Sydney Howard placed 57th at 2:04.79. In the 200 freestyle relay Marysville placed 61st at 1:51.53. The team consisted of Howard, Jones, McCormick and Riley James. Howard, Jones, Ayers and McCormick swam 4:05.14 in the 400 freestyle relay. The state finals are set for Nov. 18-19 at Oakland University. Marysville returns Thursday at home against L’Anse Creuse North.


YPSILANTI — The Marys-

Szuminski qualified for the state finals in the 100 butterfly at 1:05.84, while Lamb was a half-second off in the 100 freestyle at 58.03. Kelsey McCormick placed 58th overall for the Vikings in the 100 freestyle (57.49). McCormick also placed 72nd in the 200 freestyle (2:06.29). In the 200 medley relay, the team of Molly Alger,

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Contact Jim Whymer at (810) 989-6267 or jwhymer@ View his blog at sports. p

Ferrer, he had a 6-1 record against his countryman on hard courts coming into the match and had eliminated three seeded players in straight sets to reach the semifinals. “I know the record with him, it was bad, no? But I tried to refocus on my game,” Ferrer said. “I had confidence with me, with my game.” Lopez was the more aggressive player in the first set, coming in behind his big serve and backhand slice repeatedly to finish off points at the net. After going down 4-1 in the tiebreaker, Lopez hit three big serves and a running backhand crosscourt winner to come back to take the set. But Ferrer rebounded in the second, breaking Lopez in the third game when Lopez hit a slice backhand wide. He then got the decisive break in the third set when Lopez missed another shot badly wide while serving at 3-4. 3 4.

ville 25-21, 25-18 and split with Midland Dow 25-22, 19-25. The Vikings beat Saginaw Swan Valley 25-17, 2520 and St. Clair 25-15, 25-8 in power pool play. The Vikings eliminated Swan Valley 25-16, 25-21 in the semfinals before losing to Dow 25-19, 24-25, 15-5 in the semifinals. Jessica Martin led the Vikings with 25 assists, while Katie Kelley had 23 digs. Taylor Hornbacher chipped in with 10 digs, five kills, four service points, and Haylee Booms had 17 kills and eight digs in the semifinals. St. Clair (20-13-6) split pool-play matches, losing to Riverview 25-10, 25-15, and beating Alma 25-17, 25-9. The Saints lost to Marysville and split with Swan Valley in power pool, but fell 25-17, 25-13 to DeWitt in the quarterfinals. Sara English (21 kills), Goldie Breuhan (24 assists), Jordan Johnson (nine kills, nine blocks) sparked the Saints.

Szuminski makes state cut

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Murray, Ferrer reach finals By y JUSTIN BERGMAN

digs), Lyric Bostick (18 digs, 20 serve reception), Kylee Barrett (15 points, 35 assists, 13 kills), Jessica Newberry (17 kills, seven blocks) and Cassicy Carpenter (17 kills, 25 points, 10 digs). Marlette reached the finals with a 25-20, 25-23 semifinal victory against Greater Thumb Conference East Division rival Sandusky. Sandusky (14-10-2) went 2-2 in the tournament. The Redskins won their first two games, defeating Deckerville 16-25, 25-11, 15-12, and Peck 25-8, 25-13. Erin Freiburger paced the Redskins with 42 assists and 15 kills, while Kelcey Stauffer added 17 kills. Emily Davison was credited with 18 digs, and Charlie DeKam had 29 service points.

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Balance on offense key for Vikings By y JIM WHYMER Times Herald

MARYSVILLE — As the weather turns nasty in the next few weeks, football coaches know the importance of running the ball in the playoffs. The Marysville Vikings are certainly capable of that with their seven-game winning streak. Coach Mark Caza’s squad captured the Macomb Area Conference Silver Division title outright Friday with a 46-8 victory against Clintondale at Walt Braun Viking Stadium. “We have some bangers in the t e backfield,” bac e d, Caza Ca a said. sa d

“They can get 3-4 yards and not come back injured. “We know how important it is to have a balanced Mark attack.” Caza The Vikings rushed for 227 yards on 44 carries against the Dragons. Eight backs picked up yardage for the high-scoring squad. Senior quarterback Jake Mineau took the opening kickoff back for a score, but a so rushed also us ed for o two touchtouc

PORT HURON 42, PH NORTHERN 16 RECORDS: Port Huron High finishes 5-0 in the MAC Blue and is 8-0 overall; Port Huron Northern is 3-2, 4-4. NORTHERN 0 7 9 0 — 16 PH HIGH 7 6 13 16 — 42 First Quarter PH — Mark Chapman 67 run (Brandon Huntoon kick) Second Quarter PH — Winslow Chapman 34 run (kick blocked) PHN — Jackson Langolf 7 pass from Alex Johns-Moore (Quinn Kotsko kick) Third Quarter PHN — Johns-Moore 2 run (kick failed) PH — W. Chapman 58 run (Huntoon kick) PHN — Kotsko 34 field goal PH — Terez Watkins 5 run (kick failed) Fourth Quarter PH — W. Chapman 35 run (Huntoon kick)

PH — K.J. Thomason 13 run (Huntoon kick) PH — Safety PHN PH First downs 15 9 Rushes-yds 44-190 33-356 Passing 92 31 Comp-Att-Int 11-20-1 2-2-0 Punts 1-51 2-28 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-0 Penalties-yds 6-48 6-55 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: PHN — Johns-Moore 17-80, Darien Haeck 9-57, Tyler Hughes 9-36, Kotsko 1-26; PH — W. Chapman 13-158, M. Chapman 6-82, Watkins 4-68, Carl Portis-Hollier 4-27, Thomason 5-19, Montez Jackson 1-2. PASSING: PHN — Johns-Moore 11-20-1 92; PH — M. Chapman 1-1-0 19, W. Chapman 1-1-0 12. RECEIVING: PHN — Kotsko 659, Erik Olsen 2-16, Haeck 1-14, Langolf 1-14; PH — W. Chapman 1-19, Jalen Esters 1-12

MEMPHIS 30, PECK 14 RECORDS: Memphis finishes 3-1 in the NCTL and is 4-4 overall. Peck is 1-3, 1-7 overall. PECK 0 6 0 8 — 14 MEMPHIS 7 8 8 7 — 30 First Quarter M — Jeff Weidner 11 pass from Philip Jock (Jock kick) Second Quarter M — Aaron Hayes 18 run (Alonte Davis conversion run) P — J.T. Cahoon 4 run (run failed) Third Quarter M — Hayes 14 run (Davis conversion run) Fourth Quarter M — Hayes 28 interception return (Jock kick) P — Jacob Overstreet 65 pass from James Logghe (Cameron Warren from Logghe)

P M First downs 10 14 Rushes-yds 34-140 46-295 Passing 104 43 Comp-Att-Int 7-16-2 3-11-0 Punts 3-28 1-55 Fumbles-Lost 2-2 2-2 Penalties-yds 4-40 7-40 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: P — Cahoon 1555, Nolan Kreiner 7-19, Justin Alexander 4-18, Logghe 3-18; M — Weidner 15-113, Hayes 11-103, Roman Gonzalez 11-46, Davis 6-22 PASSING: P — Tim Logghe 716-2-104; M — Jock 2-10-0-17; Weidner 1-1-26-0 RECEIVING: P — Overstreet 483, Warren 2-18, Calhoon 1-3; M — Hayes 1-26, Weidner 1-11, Davis 1-6

MARYSVILLE 46, CLINTONDALE 8 RECORDS: Marysville finishes 5-0 in the MAC Silver and is 7-1 overall; Clintondale is 2-3, 4-4 CLINTONDALE 0 8 0 0 — 8 MARYSVILLE 29 17 0 0 — 46 First Quarter M — Jake Mineau 93 kickoff return (kick failed) M — Mineau 31 run (Jared Gross run) M — Drew Johnson 18 pass from Mineau (Gross run) M — Mineau 8 run (Matt Darden kick) Second Quarter M — Johnson 16 pass from Mineau (Darden kick) M — Brandon Stevenson 41 run (Darden kick) M — Darden 32 field goal C — Milak Hazzard 78 pass from

Jacob Roy

C M First downs 2 17 Rushes-yds 24-50 44-227 Passing 85 107 Comp-Att-Int 2-6-1 5-6-0 Punts 4-32 2-27 Fumbles-Lost 4-4 1-1 Penalties-yds 1-15 1-5 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: C — James Gibson 740, Hazzard 3-11, James Dhue 73. M — Mineau 7-81, Stevenson 4-51, Gross 7-22, Ronnie Nunez 15-40, Josh Szczepanski 312, Brewer 4-10, Smith 3-8, Fox 1-3. PASSING: C — Roy 1-4-178, Luwain Harris 1-2-0-7. M — Mineau 5-6-0-107. RECEIVING: C — Hazzard 1-78, Gibson 1-7. M — Johnson 3-64

CROS-LEX 26, RICHMOND 6 RECORDS: Cros-Lex finishes 7-0 in BWAC and is 8-0 overall. Richmond is 4-3 and 4-4. RICHMOND 0060—6 CROS-LEX 12 0 8 6 — 26 First Quarter CL — Nathan Guitar 1 run (kick failed) CL — Guitar 28 run (kick failed) Third Quarter R — Scott Gulette 38 pass from Jeremy Schweiger (kick failed) CL — Dominic Arnold 3 run (Arnold run) Fourth Quarter CL — Josh Dech 1 run (kick failed) R CL

First downs 10 11 Rushes-yds 35-69 40-260 Passing 69 46 Comp-Att-Int 4-17-1 3-10-0 Punts 4-39 2-22 Fumbles-Lost 2-2 1-1 Penalties-yds 2-6 7-85 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: R — Gulette 12-44, Brendan Adams 3-29. CL — Guitar 11-91, Arnold 18-137, Tyler Sergent 9-23, Anwar Childers 1-8, Dech 1-1. PASSING: R — Schweiger 4-171-69; CL — Guitar 3-10-0-46 RECEIVING: R — Gulette 2-45, Travis Toia 1-24. CL — Laperriere 1-49.

C-PS 39, AKRON FAIRGROVE 6 RECORDS: C-PS is 7-1; AkronFairgrove is 5-3 A-FAIR. 0006—6 C-PS 9 19 8 3 — 39 First Quarter C-PS — Hayden Adams 20 run (Steven Koehler kick) C-PS — Blocked punt safety Second Quarter C-PS — Hayden Adams 48 run (Steven Koehler kick) C-PS — Hayden Adams 4 run (kick failed) C-PS — Hayden Adams 15 run (Koehler kick) Third Quarter C-PS — Ryan Davis 44 pass from Hayden Adams ( Koehler run) Fourth Quarter

C-PS — Koeher 23 field goal AF — 6 run (run failed) AF C First downs 9 15 Rushes-yds 22-43 47-248 Passing 106 141 Comp-Att-Int 6-22-3 12-17-0 Punts N/A 2-50 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-1 Penalties-yds 1-15 3-20 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: CPS — Hayden 21182, Danny Rickett 11-36, Davis 15-30 PASSING: CPS — Hayden Adams 12-17-0-141 RECEIVING: CPS — Davis 4-72,

MARINE CITY 28, LAKESHORE 6 RECORDS: Marine City finishes 50 in MAC Gold Division and is 8-0 overall. Lake Shore is 3-2, 4-4 MARINE CITY 7 7 7 7 — 28 LAKESHORE 0006—6 First Quarter MC — Jamie Salisbury 31 run (Dillon Ferguson kick) Second Quarter MC — Anthony Scarcelli 16 run (Ferguson kick) Third Quarter MC — Kroll 1 run (Ferguson kick) Fourth Quarter MC — Tyrell Nelson-Woodard 3 run (Ferguson kick)

L — Joseph 1 run (kick failed) MC L First downs 15 7 Rushes-yds 60-231 25-41 Passing 38 72 Comp-Att-Int 3-13-0 9-27-4 Punts 1-37 4-28 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1 Penalties-yds 6-45 9-68 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: MC — Scarcelli 23140, Salisbury 17-76, Kroll 8-19, Woodard 7-11; L — Joseph 13-48 PASSING: MC — Kroll 3-13-0-38; L — White 9-27-4-72. RECEIVING: MC — Ferguson 1-11

downs and tossed two TDs to senior tight end Drew Johnson. “We’ve got a lot of weapons right now,” said Johnson, who had touchdown catches of 18 and 16 yards. “Teams know all about Jake’s running ability, and they have to concentrate on stopping him. “We’ve got four guys who can catch the ball. Jake also has taught himself how to pass.” Since a 28-21 MAC Silver victory against St. Clair Shores Lakeview, the Vikings have put up scores of 53, 54, 47, 47, 38 and 46. They ey e entered te ed Wee Week 8 tthird d

in the area in scoring with a 43.6 average. » While Port Huron High wasn’t expecting to be without Mark Chapman at quarterback Friday night, they were prepared thanks to a thumb injury the junior suffered in Week 7 against Grosse Pointe South. Winslow Chapman took 90% of the snaps in practice during the week to prepare him, in case Mark Chapman couldn’t go. Mark Chapman wound up injuring his ankle in the second quarter. Winslow Chapman responded by rushing for 158 58 ya yards ds a and d three t ee touc touch-

MADISON 33, ST. CLAIR 13 RECORDS: St. Clair finishes 2-3 in the MAC Gold and is 4-4 overall; Madison is 4-1, 5-2 MADISON 0 21 0 12 — 33 ST. CLAIR 6 7 0 0 — 13 First Quarter SC — Carter Allington 37 run (kick failed) Second Quarter M — Tevin Washington 10 yard fumble return (Theo Gray kick) M — DJ Larkins 57 run (kick failed) M — Denzel Manning 25 pass from Will Bradley (Manning run) SC — Brandon Boyte 58 run (Schweihofer kick) Fourth Quarter M — Juan Johnson 4 run (kick failed) M — Larkins 61 run (kick failed)

M SC First downs 15 15 Rushes-yds 27-258 51-307 Passing 128 13 Comp-Att-Int 8-15-0 1-7-3 Punts 4-26.5 1-35 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 3-1 Penalties-yds 9-60 5-35 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: SC — Allington 25143, Boyte 5-66, Cody Mahaffey 12-61, Blake Meldrum 3-25, Blake Trujillo 6-12; M – Juan Johnson 19-171, DJ Larkins 2-118, PASSING: SC — Allington 1-7-313; M — Will Bradley 8-15-0-128 RECEIVING: SC — Easton Schweihofer; M — Larkins 3-40, Manning 1-25, Washington 1-19, Alvin Mingo 1-7

downs as the Big Reds kept the ball on the ground. » There have been very few so-called upsets this season, but one took place Friday night in the Greater Thumb Conference East Division finale. The Brown City Green Devils, fighting for their playoff lives, knocked off Marlette 43-12. “Andrew Knox, Brandon Angerbrandt, Dan Lindsay, Lex Wiles, Dalton Natke, Evan VanBuskirk and Tyler Banks — our offensive line — played a fantastic game,” Brown City coach Scott Banks said. “They ey controlled co t o ed tthe e line e

Big East looks to stay strong in realignment The Associated Press

RECORDS: Algonac finishes 1-6 in the BWAC and is 2-6 overall. Imlay City is 0-7, 0-8. IMLAY CITY 0000—0 ALGONAC 14 14 7 0 — 35 First Quarter A — Darrin Teschler 1 run (kick good) A — Dejean DeWitt 4 run (kick good) Second Quarter A — DeWitt 5 run (kick good) A — Teschler 2 run (kick good) Third Quarter A — William Emrick 4 run (kick good) IC A First downs 5 19 Rushes-yds 32-12 39-268

Passing 1 87 Comp-Att-Int 2-7-0 6-8-0 Punts 5-22.2 0-0 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 2-1 Penalties-yds 4-35 5-45 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: IC — Nicholas Reis 10-3, Kyle Guerrero 4-14, Andrew Caldwell 10 (-1), Hugo Leonardi 6- (-11) Ken Wargo 2-7; A — DeWitt 28-236, Emrick 7-21, Teschler 4-11 PASSING: IC — Leonardi 7-2; A — Emrick 8-6 RECEIVING: IC — Guerrero 1-2, Chase Forsyth 1-(-1); A — Tyler Banks 2-21, Tyler Mikolowski 122, Wirgau 1-16, Zach Osbourn 2-28

CAPAC 29, YALE 12 RECORDS: Capac finishes 5-2 in the BWAC and is 6-2 overall. Yale is 2-5, 3-5 YALE 0 0 6 6 — 12 CAPAC 9 13 7 0 — 29 First Quarter C — Sean O’Brien 22 pass from Dan Cornish (conversion run failed) C — Cornish 12 field goal Second Quarter C — Aaron Sammut 5 run (Cornish kick) C — O’Brien 3 run (kick failed) Third Quarter Y — Nicholas Juip 11 pass from Mason Smeznik (conversion run failed) C — Sammut 3 run (Cornish kick) Fourth Quarter Y — Corey Smykowski 11 run

(conversion pass failed) Y C First downs 14 17 Rushes-yds 34-148 48-263 Passing 51 94 Comp-Att-Int 6-14-1 6-6-0 Punts 2-24 1-30 Fumbles-Lost 2-1 2-1 Penalties-yds 0-0 0-0 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: Y — Gavin Smith 12-88, Smykowski 10-37, Robert Nolan 3-12, Zeb Long 4-11; C — Sammut 24-110, Jayson Winsor 4-71, O’Brien 10-43, Jake Beaudin 6-35 PASSING: Y — Smeznik 6-13-151; C — Cornish 6-6-0-94 RECEIVING: Y — Long 4-35, Juip 1-11, Smykowski 1-5; C — Sermo 1-45, Beaudin 1-7

UBLY 20, DECKERVILLE 0 RECORDS: Deckerville is 5-3; Ubly is 6-2 UBLY 14 6 0 0 — 20 DECKERVILLE 0000—0 First Quarter U — Franzel 4 run (run failed) U — Sweeney 2 run (Kaufman run) Second Quarter U — Kaufman 1 run (run failed) U D First downs 13 14 Rushes-yds 43-261 47-152 Passing 34 28 Comp-Att-Int 3-5-0 3-12-0

Punts 2-44 1-6 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-1 Penalties-yds 5-35 4-30 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: U — Kaufman 15-70, Shaw 16-101, Drake 6-50. D — Dillon Lundgren 14-49, Tyler Pattulo 8-48, Andrew Estrada 13-45. PASSING: U — Drake 3-5-0-34. D — Pattulo 3-12-0-28 RECEIVING: U — Kaufman 2-26. D — Justin Asher 1-11, Lundgren 1-6, Chris Wolfe 1-11.

SANDUSKY 33, USA 0 RECORDS: Sandusky is 5-3; Unionville-Sebewaing Area is 4-4. USA 0000—0 SANDUSKY 6 8 13 6 — 33 First Quarter S — Justin Mills 20 run (run failed) Second Quarter S — Mills 14 run (Brandon Tucker from Mills conversion) Third Quarter S — Mills 5 run (pass failed) S — Tucker 11 run (Gage Frank kick) Fourth Quarter S — Frank 16 run (pass failed)

USA S First downs 13 14 Rushes-yds 46-204 39-314 Passing 6 0 Comp-Att-Int 2-13-1 0-2-0 Punts 0-0 0-0 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 0-0 Penalties-yds 6-70 4-40 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: USA — Brandon Harper 9-74, John Bauer 12-60, Kyle Comer 14-64; S — Mills 16-165, Tucker 6-87, Bobby Rich 5-44 PASSING: USA — Jacob Beachy 2-13-1-6; S — Mills 0-2-0-0 RECEIVING: USA — Comer 1-5

BROWN CITY 43, MARLETTE 12 RECORDS: Brown City finishes 2-3 in the Greater Thumb Conference East Division is 5-3 overall; Marlette is 3-2, 6-2. MARLETTE 6 6 0 0 — 12 BROWN CITY 15 6 8 14 — 43 First Quarter M — Kolby Lange 25 run (run failed) BC — Nate Primeau 65 run (N. Primeau run) BC — Cody Laroque 1 run (N. Primeau kick) Second Quarter M — Donnie Thomas 45 pass from Lange (run failed) BC — N. Primeau 15 run (run failed) Third Quarter BC — Jacob Primeau 5 run (J. Primeau run)

Fourth Quarter BC — Laroque 10 run (N. Primeau kick) BC — N. Primeau 4 run (N. Primeau kick) M BC First downs 4 16 Rushes-yds 25-118 51-389 Passing 99 89 Comp-Att-Int 7-14-0 4-5-0 Punts 3-47 2-35 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-0 Penalties-yds 2-10 9-45 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING: BC — N. Primeau 18-238, Ryan Spokaeski 5-51, Laroque 12-82, J. Primeau 7-42 PASSING: BC — Spokaeski 4-50-89; M — Lange 7-14-0-99

Contact Jim Whymer at (810) 989-6267 or jwhymer@gannett. com. Read his blog at www. / p

Conference might raise its exit fee By y RALPH D. RUSSO


of scrimmage offensively and opened some good holes for our backs to run through. “This was a big win for our kids after the past couple of weeks.” Senior halfback Nathan Primeau took advantage of the solid blocking up front as he rushed 18 times for 238 yards and three touchdowns. The Green Devils (5-3) can secure a spot in the playoffs with a victory Friday against Memphis.

NEW YORK — The Big East knows which schools it wants to add. Now it’s just a matter getting those programs to come aboard. To help convince some of the candidates — such as Boise State — that Big East will be stable in the long run, the conference has a plan in place to double its exit fee to $10 million. An official in the Big East told The Associated Press that conference leaders are slated to vote Monday on raising that fee, which will clear the way to invite six new members. Along with Boise State, which would be invited only to play football in the Big East, the league also wants to invite Air Force and Navy as football-only members and Conference USA members Central Florida, SMU and Houston to join in all sports. The official, who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because the league wasn’t announcing its plans publicly, said he is confident the league’s members are ready to move forward with the plan. The Big East has only six football members committed to the league beyond this season. The conference would like to get to 12 football schools and split into two divisions, East and West, and play a championship game. “Everybody realizes there is a window of opportunity here to get these six teams,” the official said Saturday. Boise State and Air Force, currently in the Mountain West Conference, and Navy, an independent in football, have had concerns about the long-term health of a league that has already had several defections during this latest round of conference realignment. Pittsburgh and Syracuse announced last month they will move to the Atlantic Coast Conference, though Big East rules require them to stay in the league

for the next two seasons, and Big East commissioner John Marinatto has said he will hold the Panthers and Orange to that. It seems unlikely Pitt and Syracuse will be forced to stay if the Big East can get to 12 football members by 2012. TCU was slated to join the Big East in 2012, but the Horned Frogs reneged on that commitment and accepted an invitation to the Big 12 last week. TCU is free to go immediately because it was never an official member, but the Big East is expecting to collect a $5 million exit fee. Trying to recruit new members has been tricky for the Big East because its remaining members have not committed to stay in the league. Louisville and West Virginia are possible targets for the Big 12 if it needs to replace Missouri — which is pondering a move to the Southeastern Conference — or if it decides to expand back to 12 teams. Connecticut has interest in joining the ACC if it expands again, and there has been speculation about Rutgers moving, too. The Big East also has eight members that do not compete in football: Villanova, Georgetown, St. John’s, Providence, Seton Hall, Marquette, DePaul and Notre Dame, which is independent in football. The agendas of the football members and the ones that don’t play football in the conference have often conflicted. But they came together this week to agree on a plan that they hope will allow the Big East retain its automatic bid to the Bowl Championship Series, and the millions in revenue that goes with it, for years to come. Neither the Mountain West Conference nor Conference USA has an automatic BCS bid, which makes the Big East attractive to Boise State, despite being nearly 1,900 miles away from Louisville, the closest current Big East member.

Aggies too strong for Bears, 55-28 By y KRISTIE RIEKEN The Associated Press

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Ryan Tannehill threw

for 415 yards and a careerhigh six touchdown passes and Ryan Swope caught four of them, to lead No. 23 Texas A&M to a 55-28 win against No. 24 Baylor on Saturday. The Bears got within six points after a touchdown run by Terrance Ganaway in third quarter, but the Aggies scored 21 straight to take a 55-28 lead with about six minutes remaining in the game. Swope’s fourth touchdown — his second 68-yard reception of the game — was the first in that span. He finished with 206 yards receiving and also had a 68yard TD reception in the second quarter. He also scored on receptions of 8

and 5 yards. Baylor star quarterback Robert Griffin III threw for a school-record 430 yards and three touchdowns, but the Bears had trouble running the ball and were outgained 26650 on the ground. Griffin is the third quarterback this season to set a school record against the Aggies’ worst-in-the-nation pass defense. Texas A&M (2-1, 4-2) has won three in a row against the Bears, and the loss leaves Baylor (1-2, 42) without a win against its longtime rival at Kyle Field since 1984. The Bears might not get another chance for some time because the Aggies are leaving for the Southeastern Conference in July.







» For questions, comments or suggestions about business, investing or personal finance, call Liz Shepard, city editor, at (810) 989-6257.

Automation may heat up tech stocks USA Today


You may have noticed basic appliances do more these days. Washing machines can sense how big a load you’re stuffing in them. Dishwashers can adjust their jets according to how many pans you’ve burned. The world is becoming increasingly automated — something managers used as an argument for technology stocks back in the 1990s, at least until those stocks turned into little puffs of smoke. As automation becomes increasingly real, however, tech stocks are worth a second look. First, a word of warning: If you haven’t guessed already, tech stocks in general are volatile. Many companies have a short life span: Remember Palm Pilots? Apple and IBM aside, many tech stocks are best viewed as intermediate-term trades, not longterm investments. And the current revolution in tech may make some big tech companies look somewhat quaint in the next few years. That revolution is cloud computing, a mildly annoying term that means using the Internet to store data and software. Rather than storing your data on a hard drive at home, you can now store it on a gargantuan server system and access it via the Internet. The advantage to you, of course, is that if your house gets hit by a meteor, your spreadsheets won’t get blown to bits. For companies, cloud computing means cheaper delivery of software. Rather than buying, say, TurboTax at Best Buy, you can do your tax returns online, which saves production, shipping and other charges for Intuit, which makes TurboTax. Even with the economic slowdown, Internet traffic is growing at significant rates, said Chris McHugh, senior portfolio manager at Turner Investments. “We have lots of room to go from here,” McHugh said. And, for what it’s worth, tech tends to fare well in cold weather. The old rule of thumb was to buy tech stocks in November, around when the American Electronics Association (now TechAmerica) has its annual meeting, and sell them in May, when West Coast investment banker Hambrecht & Quist had its conference. The association with cold weather isn’t entirely coincidence. Consumers tend to buy electronics during the holidays, and businesses do much of their tech spending in the first and second quarters, said Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist for Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ. Tech stocks average a 6.9% gain in the fourth quarter, vs. 4.7% for the S&P 500. For most people, a mutual fund is the best way to go for investing in tech; the best are in the chart. We may not have yodeling toasters yet, but we are in the middle of a significant change in the way we use tech. A tech fund can help you get a piece of that.

Robert Mathis of Sacramento, Calif., who lost his job after 23 years and has had trouble finding a similar analyst job, works with financial planner Debbie Grose in 2010 as his unemployment benefits were ending. It’s a good idea to plan ahead for life’s unexpected emergencies.

Estate planning can payy even while you’re alive

Disability, job loss can toss your finances a curve ball


ou may think of estate planning as death planning, but it is much more than that. Estate planning includes lifetime planning. The first component of estate planning is you want to control your property while you are alive and well.

Pink slip

One unexpected event you need to plan for, especially in this economy, is a loss of a job. There are a number of things you can do to soften the blow. One thing is to budget your expenses so you are not using all of your income each month. This accomplishes two objectives: It allows you to set aside some savings; and, if you do have a job loss, there will fewer expenses to cover. For example, don’t buy the biggest house you possibly can afford or for which you qualify. Buy a smaller, more affordable one. Then your situation won’t be as much of a strain in the event of a job loss. You should be setting aside some savings to cover your expenses in the event of a job loss. The experts used to recommend savings to cover three to six months of your expenses. I am now seeing recommendations of six to twelve months — or more. If you are a married couple with two incomes, try setting up your household to run on one income, and bank the other. The blow of losing one income would not cause the loss of your home to foreclosure or otherwise.

For example, back in my early pre-lawyer career, I lost my full-time job while attending law school part time. Then I decided to go to school full time so I could finish my degree in a year. While finishing my degree, I also did some part-time work. During that one-year period, my wife, Emily, and I had about 50% of our previous income. We had to make some major changes. Instead of going out to eat at restaurants, which we had enjoyed on a frequent basis, we dined at home. Instead of regularly going to the movies or watching cable, we watched broadcast television. We just cut expenses and didn’t spend. During that time, we actually saved more money than we had the previous five years combined when we had two incomes. We also paid for all my schooling as the bills came due. We didn’t have to dip into our savings at all.


The second component of estate planning is, you want to provide for your and your family if you become disabled. Disability insurance is a lifetime planning tool to protect your income if you become disabled. There are a variety of insurance programs available, either as group or individual plans. Group plans generally are cheaper than individual plans, but they also usually have fewer benefits and/or longer waiting periods. Although you may have a group disability plan at work, you may want to investigate an individual disability income plan. Not only do individual plans typically offer more or better benefits, they follow you wherever you are employed. Both Emily and I have maintained individual disability income policies for more than 20 years, paying our premiums every month. Although we have had a few scares in which we


Matt Wallace

thought we might have to use the policies, we never have. I don’t regret the payments, though. If something were to have happened — or might happen in the future — we are protecting our family financially. Another type of insurance to protect you and your loved ones in the event of your disability is long-term care insurance. This might be something you want to investigate, especially if you are younger. Typically, the earlier in your life you get the insurance, the lower your premiums will be. If you start your longterm care policy in your 40s or 50s, your premiums will be much lower than if you start your policy in your 60s or 70s. If you wait too long, the premiums may not be affordable. A number of people have asked me why I recommend investigating long-term care insurance, when Medicaid is available to pay for nursing home care. Well, the answer is twofold. First, no one has any idea how long Medicaid will be around in its present form. Under the current rules, if you went into the nursing home today and you qualified for Medicaid, it would pay for your nursing home care. However, with all the governmental budget shortfalls at the state and federal levels, the Medicaid program has a big target on it for budget cuts. Second, Medicaid for seniors older than 65 generally only covers care in a nursing home, except in limited circumstances if you qualify for certain in-home waiver programs — which may have lengthy waiting periods. On

the other hand, most long-term care policies include care wherever you need it, be it in your own home, an adult foster care home, an assisted living facility or other residence. If you no longer can care for yourself, these policies pay benefits to assist you in staying out of a nursing home. If you want to plan on Medicaid paying for your nursing home care, you still can have a long-term care policy to pay for care before you get to the nursing home.

Untimely death

Now we come the last component of estate planning: When you are gone, you want to give what you have to whomever you want, the way you want. Planning for your untimely death includes an investigation of your life insurance needs. If you are in your primary earning years, life insurance can provide a safety net for your loved ones if you die and are no longer providing an income. The insurance could be used for income replacement. Or it could be used to pay off mortgages or other debts. In such instances, your survivors would not be burdened by the monthly loan payments. Sometimes life insurance is used to pay for funeral and burial expenses. Other times, I have seen it used to create an estate to pass on to the insured’s loved ones. Does everyone need disability, long-term care and life insurance? No. However, don’t you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to at least investigate to see if these types of policies would be applicable or usable for your needs? So, when you are thinking about estate planning, don’t just think about death planning, think about lifetime planning. Matthew M. Wallace is an attorney and CPA with the law firm of Matthew M. Wallace, PC in Port Huron. He can be reached at (810) -985-4320

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