New Splicer Volume 2.3

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~NEW SPLICER~ Volume 2.3 May 2011

In this issue Topic of the month: Create your own Chimera... The darker side of light The Dreams of my friends... The Physiologus Chronology protection conjecture... The twists of fate explained... How to fill a black hole... and much more! Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Foreword This has been most fun... I have discovered, reinvented and explored the darkest sides of light, myth, science and humour... Thank you to all the contributors for your dreams and inspiring mine. Enjoy the ride and don’t read this in the dark, you will not be able to! ~New Splicer~

Opposite of Friction is non-friction, but that’s not funny. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

~~~~~~~~~ToPIC of the Month~~~~~~~~

Create your own Chimera A chimera or chimaera is an animal that has two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells that originated in different zygotes involved with sexual reproduction; if the different cells emerged from the same zygote, it is called a mosaic. Chimeras are formed from four parent cells (two fertilized eggs or early embryos fused together). Each population of cells keeps its own character and the resulting animal is a mixture of tissues. Chimeras are typically seen in non-human zoology, but also discovered to a rare extent in humans. This condition is either inherited, or it is acquired through the infusion of allogeneichematopoietic cells during transplantation or transfusion. In nonidentical twins, chimerism occurs by means of blood-vessel anastomoses. The likelihood of offspring being a chimera is increased if it is created via in vitro fertilization. Chimeras can often breed, but the fertility and type of offspring depends on which cell line gave rise to the ovaries or testes; varying degrees of intersexuality may result if one set of cells is genetically female and another genetically male. In biological research, chimeras are artificially produced by physically mixing cells from two different organisms. Chimeras are not hybrids, which form from the fusion of gametes from two species (like a donkey and a horse) that form a single zygote that will develop as much as it can (in this case into a live mule if the parents are jackass and mare, or a hinny if the parents are stallion and jenny); in comparison, chimeras are the physical mixing of cells from two independent zygotes: for example, one from the donkey and one from the horse. “Chimera” is a broad term and is often applied to many different types of mixing of cells from two different species.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

By Dr. Gary B. Anderson of en:UC Davis. Released under the GFDL with the additional stipulation that the subject not be called a geep.

Some chimeras can result in the eventual development of an adult animal composed of cells from both donors, which may be of different species — for example, in 1984 a chimeric geep was produced by combining embryos from a goat and a sheep. The “geep” has been a very important contributor to answering fundamental questions about development, and the techniques used to create it may one day help save endangered species. For example, if one tried to let a goat embryo gestate in a sheep, the sheep’s immune system would reject the developing goat embryo; however, if one used a geep that shared markers of immunity with both sheep and goats, the goat embryo might survive. It may be possible to extend this practice for the purpose of preventing the extinction of some endangered animal species.

Such interspecies chimeras such as the “geep” are made in the laboratory and rarely with the purpose of generating living hybrid animals. Intraspecies chimeras are created by transplanting embryonic cells from an animal with one trait into an embryo of an animal with a different trait. During November 2006, UK researchers from Newcastle University and King’s College London applied to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for a three-year license to fuse human DNA with cow eggs. The proposal is to insert human DNA into a cow’s egg which has had its genetic material removed and then create an embryo by the same technique that produced Dolly the Sheep. This research was attempted in the United States several years before and failed to yield such an embryo. In April 2008 the researchers from Newcastle University reported that their research had been successful. The resulting embryos lived for 3 days and the largest grew to a size of 32 cells. The researchers are aiming for embryos that live for 6 days so that embryonic stem cells can be harvested. What do you say to a black hole to make it feel self-conscious? “Oh, I think I saw a little flash of light there.” Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Chronology protection conjecture From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The chronology protection conjecture is a conjecture by the physicist Professor Stephen Hawking that the laws of physics are such as to prevent time travel on all but sub-microscopic scales. Mathematically, the permissibility of time travel is represented by the existence of closed timelike curves. The chronology protection conjecture should be distinguished from chronological censorship under which every closed timelike curve passes through an event horizon, which might prevent an observer from detecting the causal violation. In a 1992 paper, Hawking uses the metaphorical device of a “Chronology Protection Agency” as a personification of the aspects of physics which make time travel impossible at macroscopic scales, thus apparently preventing time paradoxes. He says: It seems that there is a Chronology Protection Agency which prevents the appearance of closed timelike curves and so makes the universe safe for historians. The idea of the Chronology Protection Agency appears to be drawn playfully from the Time Patrol or Time Police concept present in works of science fiction such as Isaac Asimov’s novel The End of Eternity. Quantum corrections Many attempts to generate scenarios for closed timeline curves have been suggested, and the theory of general relativity does allow them in certain circumstances (for example, it would allow for a time machine constructed from a wormhole – see Wormholes and time travel). But attempts to incorporate quantum effects into general relativity using semiclassical gravity seem to make it plausible that vacuum fluctuations would drive the energy density on the boundary of the time machine (the Cauchy horizon of the region where closed timelike curves become possible) to infinity, destroying the time machine at the instant it was created or at least preventing anyone outside it from entering it. The question then arises: is this apparent censorship of closed timelike curves a global constraint of physics, in the same way as a conservation law, or is it a series of accidental coincidences? A definite theoretical decision on the status of the chronology protection conjecture would require a full theory of quantum gravity as opposed to the semiclassical arguments that have been mainly used to support it (there are also some arguments from string theory which seem to support chronology protection, but string theory is not yet a complete theory of quantum gravity). Experimental observation of closed timelike curves would of course demonstrate this conjecture to be false, but short of that, if physicists had a theory of quantum gravity whose predictions had been well-confirmed in other areas, this would give them a significant degree of confidence in the theory’s predictions about the possibility or impossibility of time travel. Other proposals which allow for backwards time travel but prevent time paradoxes, such as the Novikov self-consistency principle which would ensure the timeline stays consistent, or the idea that a time traveler is taken to a parallel universe while his original timeline remains intact, do not qualify as “chronology protection”. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

The darker side of light It’s a small unknown truth that light., so aptly named, is both light [in weight] and light [as in eminence]; however, it is a far more larger known fabrication that darkness is neither of these things but weighs heavily on us all the same. Darkness is more than the absence of light; the world of dark light surrounds us and casts a shadow on even the brightest of us. An object in dark light is occasionally silhouetted with darkness, creating the eerie semblances of the invisible monsters and bogey men than haunt our childhoods and dreams. As children our developing retinas are not fully accustom to regular light bending upon the iris via Brownian motion; we see all light at this age in both dark and light forms. As the retina develops and the extraocular muscles strengthen we lose the ability to see Dark Light and the bogey men disappear [at least from perceived reality]. However, for several years what we see is in fact real, the dark figures seen at night [assigned to dreams and overactive imaginations] are real shapes brought about by the perceived wholesome light of day. A simple and innocuous refection from an orange will one day haunt you and shape you as an adult. Recent scientific research into this has cited that religion, world war II, baseball, beards, the French, sheep, dragons and tweed are all subsequent adult creations to deal with the reality of exposure to dark light (also referred to by Freud as the REAL, and exposure to the REAL manifesting as psycho trauma and the grotesque surreal). But where Freud slipped up and New Splicer will enlighten is in the actual physical properties of dark light; which will enable simple defences against its effects.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

At night Darkness is not the same as dark light, the darkness is merely the absence of light which obtusely created a lull of dark light at night [any fear felt is from latent dark light energy stored from daylight activities - as I shall go on to discuss]. During daylight (not to be confused with DL) Light is no defence against the dark light, it simply weakens its apparent effect on the mind, storing up the potential Dark Light Energy to a time when it can be effectively released [although this appears to be a random event and not controlled by greater mind]. Dark light is created when the regular visible waves/photons create sinusoidal motion through the atmosphere but much like a pond after a single stone is thrown in, initially creating single circular waves emanating outward, eventually turning into a cacophony of compound waves originating from rippled interactions between the waves on reflection. It is these ripples of new waves, that never existed, but formed from light that make up the basis of the dark light we can no longer see with our adult eyes. It can however be felt by our latent sixth sense of extra sensory perception or (DL ESP - Dark Light ESP). This almost extinct gene cluster controlling for the detection and processing of dark light exists in an endangered subpopulation of us and is activated near any DL field. Children maintain this ability until the onset of puberty when, for an as yet undiscovered reason, the gene is down regulated and no longer functions to produce the correct DL receptor proteins. The research into dark light continues and we have recently made several key breakthroughs which I will now discuss in greater detail relating to the defence against DL.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Child protection Children are the greatest defence against DL, [not that you want to be running around with one as a detector and it by no means implies that procreation is a defence against DL -it is however a good distraction] if given the correct guidance and ability to understand what thay are observing you as a parent can remove any potential future trauma from your child. Simply telling them that the bogey man is actually real or more literally the REAL manifestations of the surrounding dark light should completely reassure your child! Failing this we have discovered a simple trick of mimicking dark light to create a safe environment for your child to start believing their own eyes. Much in the same way you would dress up as Santa Claus or Jesus; we suggest dressing in complete black [bin bags make excellent DL imitation reflections]. Then simply approach your child in the dead of the night and wait at the foot of their bed until they stir from their sleep; and this is when you can begin a gentle conversation, in low tones, recant the myths of old and subtly suggest that you are real and that they should fear you in a rational way. [In some test cases this has worked in reverse and put the fear of god into children, in these instances put on the Jesus suit].

Post-juvenile protection This is far trickier as the adult subject is far more preconditioned to reject the notions that Dark Light exists and that all there traumas and beard growths are due to past lives and general childhood woes. [We have found that subjects over the age of 50 are untreatable as are people who have been exposed to religion and dragons at an early age]. However, in most cases through the hard work of scientists, we have developed a lifestyle regime for the rewriting of past conditioning and a move to a more childlike and free state of mind.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

~New Splicer Lifestyle programe against DL ~ Step 1 Start to think for yourself, take everything you hear as words only and not fact until verified. Step 2 Change your routine, we humans are conditioned in life to run like a program, don’t let yourself fall into this trap. Something as simple as waking up on the wrong side of bed can be good for you [contrary to popular belief]. Step 4 Always miss a step just to liven things up and test those around you! Step 5 We at New Splicer have developed an extensive reading list to open your mind to the absurd and magical world that exists around us [such titles as The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglass Adams, The Thursday Next series of books - Jasper Fforde and Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk just to name a few]. Step 6 A wise hobgoblin once said “Don’t take anything for granted” it’s a sub-motto here at New Splicer, anything that might happen actually could happen and the impossible is simply yet to happen. Steps 7-10 require specialist training so if you get this far please contact our labs for further information. Remember Dark light is a REAL phenomenon that will harm children, act now! Scare them safely...

Q: Where does bad light end up? A: In a prism. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

The Dreams of my friends... Mr ATom Dressed as a Muppet, 1st task to build something out of wood and nails... Well the most valuable item in monopoly is hotels, so let’s build hotels... And they began to build... This is when the ostriches came, as far as the eye could see they approached from the horizon. Time to run... And so they did, and Andy witnessed a most rare event, not a million bloodthirsty ostriches chasing him... no, the sight of a Muppet running, legs and all. Running through golden corn fields as the sun was setting, in a Muppet costume (or as a Muppet), Andy turned back as watched the silent dismemberment of his fellow Muppet as the horde of ostriches caught up and began devouring. The End...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

ays alw elf e s v I ha al. My ere Mik g n eri osexu son w ord i s n n con heter Robi any ver , s i e s d l n a th we ne yself r Euge s wou ed ho f this o M ed a do ur ern odd f m An ght o beefy n a b t conc ther en cting o e I i u s tho a very ound s mo t the o prote en sur . I a ea n r v .. d a w n a rtai not e e odd g le. I wer u n i c l l . foo coup rents only a n. I’m t a litt nson.. l a o l ma my p ; with etecti t all fe r Robi t tha room from d eam; i ing M g s r lon icking the d e refu frol gay in rd tim a was ad a h h rm eFa

Eugen robinson - Oxbow

Anonymous ‘’Has anyone ever had that dream where your dressed in sun-god like robes standing ontop of a golden pyramid with thousands of women in togas surrounding you screaming your name while throwing pickles at you?’’

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

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My girlfr

Don’t forget to smile

Don’t forget to Breathe

crime in nd fights

the night. JFiz

JFriz The squeezing knee My oldest cousin, in France. Discovered if you squeezed your knee it squeaks “squeak”... I woke up laughing

OShep Not really weird for normal people... I dreamt I was breast feeding a baby... No fear, nothing odd, just incredibly real and vivid...

A black hole walks into a bar. Life on that planet comes to an end, and the planet is annihilated. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

The Physiologus

The Physiologus is a collection of moralized beast tales. It was one of the most popular books of the Middle Ages, appearing in most of the vernacular languages of Europe, as well as Greek (its original language) and Latin. It was the basis of the later bestiaries, which added to the stock of stories and to the moralizations. Many versions of it were written by a variety of authors, both in prose and in verse; some left off the moralizations, while others expanded on them. Since the true author of the original Greek Physiologus was unknown, several Greek and Latin Christian church writers received credit for it in the Middle Ages, including Epiphanius, Peter of Alexandria, Basil, John Chrysostom, Athanasius, Ambrose, and Jerome; even pre-Christian authors like Solomon and Aristotle were said to have written parts of it. When and where it was written is also uncertain, though the general consensus is that it was probably produced in Alexandria, sometime in the third or fourth century. The date is based on evidence in the text itself and on references to the text by other writers by the fifth century at the latest; the place is suggested by the animals described, several of which were known primarily in Egypt.

Q: Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex? A: Because when they find the position, they can’t find the momentum, and when they have the momentum, they can’t find the position.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

The original Greek text contained between 40 and 48 chapters. No manuscript copies of the original Greek text survive; the earliest versions of the text are Latin translations. Through the centuries the number of chapters was expanded. The animals described also changed as some were added and others discarded. The works of later authors, such as the sixth-seventh century bishop Isidore of Seville and the work of other authors of the encyclopedic texts that were popular in the Middle Ages, were merged with the Physiologus; the result was the medieval bestiary of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

“Physiologus” is often translated as “the naturalist,” but this is somewhat misleading. The Physiologus is not “natural history” in the same way that, for example, Pliny the Elder’s first century work Natural History or Aristotle’s De animalium is. The intent of those authors was to describe what was known about “nature” at the time; to disseminate objective knowledge. The author of the Physiologus used some of the descriptions of animals found in the earlier works, but his intent was different: the stories were there to illustrate the deeper meaning, the explicitly Christian religious, dogmatic, allegorical meaning, that was thought to be imbedded in nature. “Physiologus was never intended to be a treatise on natural history. ... Nor did the word ... ever mean simply “the naturalist” as we understand the term, ... but one who interpreted metaphysically, morally, and, finally, mystically the trancendent signficance of the natural world.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Dodo adventurer extraordinaire... Our SO 13 man in the field Joel Furze (Pictured) has managed to capture and contain a nondomestic and unlicensed dodo pet. As reports grow of increased sightings of unlicensed genetic pets SO-13 promises to trace and remove the source of the illegal scientific closed door cloning.

Dodo mystery finally solved? The dodo, an extinct flightless bird that up until a few centuries ago lived in Mauritius, continues to fascinate. Archaeologists and palaeontologists are still trying to find out how this enormously fat ‘dove’ lived, and how it died. The latest in a series of annual expeditions to Mauritius – in the Indian Ocean - by the Dutch Museum of Natural History in Leiden, or Naturalis, has made some important new discoveries. The team discovered dodo bones in Mauritius that are so perfectly preserved it might just be possible to extract DNA from them. If so, then scientists will finally have the complete genome of the extinct bird. They will be able to discover how the dodo evolved from the ancient ancestors of today’s doves and perhaps even breed a new dodo-like bird. However, the latter possibility is a highly speculative one. Isaac Newton: Chickens at rest tend to stay at rest, chickens in motion tend to cross roads. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

According to expedition leader Kenneth Rijsdijk, this year’s trip to Mauritius has resulted in a wealth of new information. There is a huge mass grave containing thousands of dodo remains in Mare aux Songes, the marshy area where the annual dig is conducted. What is left of the dodo’s entire environment, complete with animals, plants and insects, remains intact. And a new way of excavating has improved results: “Previously, we used a digging machine and just blindly dug up the marsh. When you do it like that, you don’t see the position of the bones and that’s really important for this sort of forensic investigation. If you want to know how an animal has died, then you also have to see how the bones are placed in relation to each other and anything else. And that was what we were able to do for the first time this year.” Egyptian pharaohs The Mare aux Songes mass grave is not the location where the last dodos lived before the bird became extinct. It’s actually about 4000 years old and the dodos found there probably died as a result of the global drought which also heralded the downfall of the Egyptian pharaohs’ empire. The dodo managed to survive that disaster and its population grew until Dutch VOC (Dutch East India Company) ships landed in Mauritius. Around 1640 an unknown settler ate the last dodo egg and, by 1690, the bird was extinct. Disgusting bird Dr Rijsdijk, however, does not believe the story that Dutch sailors were responsible for the demise of the dodo. VOC archives and ships’ records describe the dodo as a ‘disgusting bird’. It was, it seems, inedible. Besides, at just a few dozen, there were just too few Dutch settlers on the island to eat the whole dodo population. Non-native animals, which the settlers brought with them, were probably responsible. Pigs, rats and cats made short work of eggs which, until then, had lain totally safe in unprotected nests on the ground. The return of the dodo thanks to the possible discovery of its complete DNA is by no means certain, but Dr Rijsdijk is excited about the quest: “The presence of DNA in bones depends on age and temperature. The bones we’ve found are right on the cusp; it’s not certain whether there’ll be any DNA left, but there could well be. We’re working with Penn State University in the United States, and they have a lab where they endeavour to identify ancient DNA. It’s really a kind of Holy Grail: will we manage to recover dodo DNA? And, if we get the dodo’s genome…?” Lookalike Dr Rijsdijk is not ready to claim that the dodo could really be brought back to life, but he isn’t entirely dismissing the notion of a ‘Jurassic-Park’ dodo either. At the moment, however, it remains mere science fiction. What would definitely be possible is to use the genome as a kind of map for a breeding programme. A dodo-lookalike would then be a definite possibility, but as to whether that would be morally or scientifically desirable… SpecOps 13: Disclamer and warning Genetic detectives, responsible for the destruction of chimeras and the regulation of genetic engineered pets, including those formerly extinct. SpecOps 13 is also responsible for Neanderthal affairs.. Our mandate also covers re-engineered extinct species, including dodos and Mastodons. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

The twists of fate explained... “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?” Sir Walter Scott, in Canto VI, Stanza 17 of “Marmion” (1808) O’ when we were all gods and life was simple and constant, everything was laid out as we desired. ~New Splicer~

Something else... Fate is something you can control, to a fine degree, but not entirely; it is a constant battle. Thus far I am at stalemate; controlling the mundane things in my life as a way of controlling the complex. I believe the key to life is understanding what existence is to you and what you want from love the universe and everything. With my current overriding thought here being “don’t lie to yourself” which is not a simple as it sounds. We, as humans, do it all the time and with serious consequences; it’s easy to reveal once you know how. Ask yourself, what do I want? The “I” being crucial, as controlling the universe begins with controlling yourself. An example would be what we sacrifice and overlook for love? That is to say, concession is not bad, it’s essential, and the trick is being true to yourself, for yourself, and standing by precisely what you decide to allow (and not trying to change someone). Just be your true self... A priest asked the Master, “What is fate?” The Master answered: It is that which gives a beast of burden its reason for existence. It is that which men in formertimes had to bear upon their backs. It is that which has caused nations to build byways from City to City upon which carts and coaches pass, and alongside which inns have come to be built to stave off Hunger, Thirst and Weariness. “And that is fate?” said the priest. “Fate... I thought you said Freight”, responded the Master. “That’s all right” said the priest, “I wanted to know about Freight too.” Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

If you don’t know what you want start by thinking about what you do know you don’t want... It’s simple, just take some time away from the world and just think. [I probably wander a little too much in my own mind, but it is how I explore, learn and write]. The key however is love and death, the progenitors of psychosis and ecstasy; I have survived both yet remain fascinated. The allure of love and fear of death still persist but I am free from the fear they represent. I understand that I will die, not simply know or ignore this fact (not that I seek death). This rationalisation of death is the second greatest freedom one can feel; the first would be the freedom to love absolutely. So what to do with this knowledge? I simply try to be happy, smile, breathe and keep my heart open to love, life the universe and everything.

As Ananke worked the spindle and threaded my fate My love for her turned to hate She, personification of destiny Beginning of Chronos and the cosmos Bound like lovers in necessity Inevitably falling gradually into oblivion Replaced by Eros (the god of love), the force opposing fate and death. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Francisco Goya

Saturn Devouring His Son, c. 1819–1823

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Insane shot stories by a madman Chapter 3 Blinded by the darkness Or Your shining light that I cannot see If life is an experiment then I am a scientist, which I am, by the nature of my will to perceive the universe. Observing and interacting with every molecule of existence; to know, to ask the questions yet known. A beautiful life I lead in the waking hours of the day, the daydream, New Splicer evenings and dreamless sleep. I exist, I think, in my world with perhaps a childish reflection upon my life and everything. Something very innocent, I see the world for its beauty and life, and a story behind every dark corner. However, as age creeps wisdom to my door a darkness encroaches upon the light and I am no longer sure of my beliefs, my own sight, my own mind. Do I adopt this darkness, accepting I was blind from birth, delusional from the start; but for this I must forsake all light in my life and future? Currently I hold on to the last remaining shards of light that come and go between shadows, between confused rays of hope; for myself for all things. These are not dark thoughts just sad ones in which a simple person longs for the light of day in his own darkening night. A hope Not yet have I given in to my own dark thoughts and smile every morning for every glimmer looking into an unrealised future in which I can breathe. Surrounded by good friends in the absence of love is my light. In the corner of every joke I try to inspire small rainbows, small fractions of colour for everyone’s taste. I write to keep alive, metaphorically and physically, tethering together the joys of my perceived world. It’s is strange that I write mostly at night, existing between the folds of my text and the worlds that I create, foolishly laughing to myself and my terribly bad good jokes [a thing of personal taste; I find a cringe in my audience almost as good as a smile] and how I love and remember all the smiles inspired and that inspire me. If only I could see you all as you read these unimportant lines mixed with truth and lies and fact and fiction. All of which is open to suggestion... New Splicer is yours and mine, with the free jokes giveaway how could you refuse; like paying the horrid busker to move on, the magazine flies from the shelves. Maybe a winged beast metaphor would bee better here but ill move on or buzz off. Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

How to fill a black hole... A little science first, what is a black hole? Cue a million bad sexual jokes... Seriously for once, the black hole has been sensationalised by scientists and described as one would mythological beings, gods or carrot cakes. It is wondrous no less and I can see why you would deify such a monstrously beautiful object. You see black holes are all about gravity, the energy giant bodies exert on each other, much like the moon to the earth. And the Earth itself is not all that different from what makes up a black hole, the black hole is just considerably more dense. Density, simply being the amount of matter squeezed into a given object and not some sort of intelligence quotient. An example I take from childhood from Isaac Asimov’s “The Collapsing Universe”, a truly beautiful factual book to spark anyone’s imagination, in which he explains that if you were to crush Mount Everest into the size of a pin head it would become a black hole. This is where the properties of the black hole become exciting, and give it its name; at these immense pressures and with corresponding massive gravity that surrounds black holes, the gravitational force starts to have an effect on light waves itself. The speed of light ~300,000m/sec is not sufficient to escape the pull of gravity from a black hole, hence light cannot escape its clutches creating a black entity in the visual spectrum. It is still a planet like object and is likely crucial to the formation of our galaxy and possibly universe; it is theorised (or believed depending on your inclinations) that at the centre of every galaxy lies a massive black hole holding us all together in a delicate space ballet.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Now we know what a black hole is; so on to the prospect of filling one!!

Black holes are like Atheists they never see the light…

But slightly before this we need to know how they are likely to have been created (by whatever god, gods or said carrot cake). Imagine a universe of dust, and not a single hoover or vacuum (hehe) cleaner; it’s a dirty place, black everywhere, and someone has to clean this place up! So leave it to the laws of physics and attraction to do the job; as we know opposites attract and collide in life and nature which, is exactly what happed and continues to happen ad infinitum.

Negative to positive moves quickly Dipole to dipole almost not at all Van Der Waals force eventually Weak force, simple at first towards complexity in time Binds us all, to grow into something beautiful And then entropy to atoms, molecules, carrot cakes, and stars...

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

How Black holes are created (By Physics or God the physicist) Stars begin their lives as clouds of dust and gas called nebulae. The gravity of a passing star or the shock wave from a nearby supernova may cause the nebula to contract. Matter in the gas cloud will begin to coalesce into a dense region called a protostar. As the protostar continues to condense, it heats up. Eventually, it reaches a critical mass and nuclear fusion begins.

Ho ta w m ke No to any ne ch bla , w an ck ha ge ho t’s a l les th igh do ep t e oi bul s it nt b? …

This begins the main sequence phase of the star. It will spend most of its life in this stable phase. The life span of a star depends on its size. Very large, massive stars burn their fuel much faster than smaller stars. Their main sequence may last only a few hundred thousand years. Smaller stars will live on for billions of years because they burn their fuel much more slowly.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Eventually, the star’s fuel will begin to run out. It will expand into what is known as a red giant. Massive stars will become red supergiants. This phase will last until the star exhausts its remaining fuel. At this point, the pressure of the nuclear reaction is not strong enough to equalize the force of gravity and the star will collapse. Most average stars will blow away their outer atmospheres to form a planetary nebula. Their cores will remain behind and burn as a white dwarf until they cool down. What will be left is a dark ball of matter known as a black dwarf. If the star is massive enough, the collapse will trigger a violent explosion known as a supernova. If the remaining mass of the star is about 1.4 times that of our Sun [The Chandrasekhar limit], the core is unable to support itself and it will collapse further to become a neutron star. The matter inside the star will be compressed so tightly that its atoms are compacted into a dense shell of neutrons. If the remaining mass of the star is more than about three times that of the Sun, it will collapse so completely that it will literally disappear from the universe. What is left behind is an intense region of gravity called a black hole.

Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

Denser and denser less and less a part of my life Angrily exploding and shouting ‘till the end of our relationship in the universe. Until the point of collapse we danced, The burden of co-existence crushing us both. I never let go and would have died, perhaps she saved me... Ok again, as I have been swept ash-tray by the allure of the black hole, I have once again failed to fill it... It’s all about flapjacks, life can revolve around one thing but black holes cannot; a unstoppable force [black hole] meets an immovable object [Flapjack], the only object, with mass, that is able to maintain itself at the Event horizon of a black hole. It is at this point that we need to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann constant of matter to energy conversion.

The power emitted by a black hole in the form of Hawking radiation can easily be estimated for the simplest case of a nonrotating, non-charged Schwarzschild black hole of mass M. Combining the formulas for the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole, the Stefan-Boltzmann law of black-body radiation, the formula for the temperature of the radiation, and the formula for the surface area of a sphere (the black hole-Flapjack event horizon). When particles escape due to the filling nature of the flapjack at the event horizon, the black hole loses a small amount of its energy and therefore it’s mass. This loss is in the form of Hawkings radiation, whereby 2 particles (usually an electron and positron) literally pop into existence on the event horizon of a black hole. Usually the particles would annihilate each other, but the flapjack prevents this and one particle falls into the black hole while the other actually takes energy from the black hole and accelerates from the event horizon... Eventually, over eons, light-years and more time than you have, the black hole passes away; in the blackness with one everlasting bite, it is satiated and full... Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

~NEW SPLICER~ Volume 2.4 June 2011

And in the next volume... The French!

In this issue Topic of the month: Famous French Scientists (with funny names)... The War with the English never ended... Edible cloning... A History - from an English perspective Red, White and Blurh (Genetic pet colour enhancement)... The Andouillette... and much more! Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

!TOAST! Empire Approved

In Space no one can hear Toast scream...

Toast Marketing board Don’t forget to Breathe

Don’t forget to smile

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