Tidbits vernon 323 july 25 2017 youtube online

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July 25 - August 7, 2017

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read®

Issue 00323

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Most folks these days have navigated around the YouTube site at some point in their internet browsing. This week, Tidbits delves into the history of this website, founded in 2005. • Three PayPal employees conceived the idea of a video website in early 2005. Chad Hurley was a 28-year-old graduate in fine arts from Pennsylvania. While at PayPal, Hurley, the company’s first designer and 10th employee, designed the now-familiar official PayPal logo as part of his job interview. Jawed Karim was a 26-year-old East Germany native, the son of a chemist and biochemistry professor. Taiwanborn Steven Chen was a 27-year-old graduate in computer science. • The founders have differing stories as to the inspiration. One says he wanted to share videos with friends of a dinner party held at his apartment. Another story is that friends were looking for a video of Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction during her Super Bowl half-time performance. The idea was born for a videosharing site. • The trio of founders opened up shop in Hurley’s garage, and on April 23, 2005, the first video was uploaded by Jawed Karim, a clip entitled, “Me at the Zoo,” chronicling his visit to the San Diego Zoo. • The first words spoken on YouTube from Karim’s San Diego Zoo clip were, “All right, so here we are in front of the elephants.” To date, more than 38 million people have viewed that first video. • When YouTube registered its domain name in 2005, an Ohio company named Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment was already registered with a similar name, Utube.com.

Neighbor: Haven’t I seen you on YouTube? Actor: Well, I do appear on YouTube, on and off, you know. How do you like me? Neighbor: Off.

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* “To loosen grime in the shower, run the shower hot for a few minutes and then use a cleaner. The heat and steam make it easier to clean. Or you can clean up the shower just before you clean up yourself.” -- T.G. in Texas * When moving, pack a suitcase or two with essentials for a few days: toiletries, clothing, medicines, etc. This way, the pressure is off to everything set up right away.

The equipment company’s site became flooded with traffic from people trying to spell YouTube, and promptly sued YouTube for damaging its business, claims that were later dismissed. • Within the first month after its creation, YouTube had 3 million viewers. By February, 2006, that amount had tripled, and was up to 30 million visitors by July of that year. After one year in operation, 38 million viewers had visited the YouTube site. • The first YouTube video to be viewed a million times was Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho’s Nike ad entitled “Touch of Gold.” That occurred in September, 2005, just five months after YouTube’s first video was uploaded. • In early 2006, the company abandoned the garage, moving their headquarters to office space above a pizzeria. While here, they took on the company’s first 20 employees. Hurley was the CEO and Chen was the Chief Technology Officer. Karim moved on to the computer science graduate program at Stanford University. • Just 18 months after the first video was uploaded, Google purchased YouTube in October, 2006 for $1.65 billion in stocks, with Chen receiving $310 million, Hurley, $334 million, and $66 million in stocks going to Karim. YouTube was actually losing money at the time of the purchase, about $500,000 a month, but Google realized the enormous advertising potential and buttoned up the sale. • By 2009, there were 1 billion daily video views, about 11,600 views per second. Less than a year later, the views per day surpassed 2 billion per day, 23,150 per second. By 2012, there were 4 billion daily video views. • It’s estimated that approximately 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. YouTube had about 176 million viewers in 2016, with that number expected to reach 181 million during 2017. It’s the secondlargest search engine, after Google, bigger than Bing, Yahoo, and ASK combined. It accounts for about 22% of all social media visits, just slightly lower than Facebook’s 24%. • The most subscribed channel on YouTube once belonged to a Swedish man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie. With 55 million subscribers, Kjellberg is a comedian who provides commentary to various video games as he plays them. His annual income last year was around $15 million. While some viewers love his goofy jokes and energetic style, others find his videos “obnoxious and filled with profanity.” He was dropped from YouTube’s preferred channels in February, 2017 for including anti-Semitic jokes in his site’s content. • South Korean singer PSY holds the record for the most watched YouTube video of all time. When “Gangnam Style” was released in 2012, it became the first video to reach 100 million views, accomplished in 52 days. • More than 50 videos have surpassed one billion views, with four of those exceeding 2 billion.

* “To make sure you don’t get any slipped stitches when you’re interrupted while knitting or crocheting, just clip the work at the needle with a clothespin. It stays put, and you can pick it right back up after you are done taking a break.” -- C.C. in Arkansas * If you use cold water to clean all of your clothes, you can save about $40 a year in electricity costs. Your clothes will last longer, as well. And consider a clothesline for air-drying items like towels and sheets on nice days. That saves electricity too. * Be sure to get and check references for any homeservice professional you hire. Get estimates in writing, and make sure the estimates list what is included -- and what is not. * “My 3-year-old wants to help with EVERYTHING these days, so when I clean house, I give her a spray bottle with plain water and a large, clean cloth. She’s responsible for ‘cleaning’ the sliding glass door, which she does very well and safely. I also have her dust shelves and fold washcloths.” -- R.V. in Arizona Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

The fastest video to reach a billion views was singer Adele’s “Hello” music video, which reached the mark in 87 days. “Hello” reached 100 million in only five days. Only one artist, Justin Bieber, has four YouTube videos that exceed one billion views. • While music videos are very popular on YouTube, nearly half of those who uploaded their own videos posted a video of a pet or

IHADBWDTN The capacity, often measured in bits per second, of a communications channel

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1. How many times per month does the average user access YouTube? 2. How many times can a YouTube user upload copyrighted material without permission before his/her account is suspended? 3. What pseudonym is used by YouTube celebrity Jenna Nicole Mourey? 4. What popular video game has the most searches on YouTube? 5. What subject is the most searched for on YouTube?

animal. Even more than that post videos of family and friends doing everyday things or funny things. Nearly 99% of YouTube’s traffic comes from just 30% of the videos. • If you have the next 24 days free, you can log into YouTube’s longest video, a slideshow of Jonathan Harchick’s 2009 trip to Chile. It will take you about 23 days and 19 hours to catch the slideshow of the trip’s highlights. • Who’s using YouTube? About 45% of baby boomers use the search engine, over 80% of millennials, and a whopping 91% of teens aged 13 to 17! • How does YouTube make money? The site earns its revenue from Google AdSense, a program that targets ads according to site content and the audience. AdSense’s content-targeting technology aids website publishers display ads relevant to their site’s traffic. • One of YouTube’s most positive success stories was that of 2014’s Ice Bucket Challenge to benefit the ALS Association. More than 150 countries participated by uploading videos to YouTube, with more than a billion views, generating over $15 million for the research of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. • More than 80% of internet users have visited YouTube in the last month. About one-third of YouTube users access the site more than once a day. Although YouTube can be navigated in more than 75 different languages, several countries have blocked access to the site. This is because certain posts are offensive to the country’s religion or leadership, or violated a country’s moral code of conduct, or have featured videos of violence taking place there. • Every day, over a billion hours’ worth of content are viewed on YouTube.

“I’m sure if Shakespeare were alive today, he’d be doing classic guitar solos on YouTube.” -- Peter Capaldi


SNOWDONIA HAWKWEED The Snowdonia Hawkweed may well be the rarest plant on Earth. Turn your attention to this scarce plant found only in Wales. • There is only one known surviving specimen of the hierachium snowdoniense. The plant is endemic to Wales, meaning that is the only geographic area where it has been found. Although it was first discovered in 1892 by a Welsh botanist, it wasn’t given “species” status until 1955. At that point, the plant hadn’t even been seen for two years, and even then, it only grew on seven rocky mountain ledges in Snowdonia. • The north Wales mountainous region known as Snowdonia has been a national park covering 823 square miles (2,130 sq. km) since 1951. It’s named for the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon, which has a height of 3,560 feet (1,085 m). More people climb Mount Snowdon than any other British mountain, with more than 444,000 people scaling it last year. The peak was used by Sir Edmund Hillary

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to train for his 1953 ascent of Mount Everest. The Welsh word for the mountain is Eryri, which translates “Highlands.” It’s one of the wettest spots in the United Kingdom, with an average rainfall of 176.1 inches (4,473 mm) a year. • There’s nothing unusual about the Snowdonia hawkhead’s appearance. It’s simply a golden yellow rosette with spear-shaped leaves on a shaggy stalk. The base of the flower is surrounded by black velvety leaves on a slender 11.8-inch (30-cm) stem. It seems to like rocky, north-facing cliffs. • After the 1953 sighting, there were no hawkweeds spotted until 1967. It was believed the plant had become extinct. A huge increase in the amount of sheep grazing in the area was thought to be the reason, as sheep seem to love the taste of these little plants. An extensive search was launched in 2000, but the team combed the mountainside to no avail. • Another explanation has been offered for the hawkweed’s near extinction, that of the increase in acid rain, which could have caused soil acidification in this rainy area. • Botanists had given up on finding any more hawkweed specimens, when, in 2002, one lone surviving plant clinging to life on a rocky outcrop of a mountainside in the Cwm Idwal National Nature Reserve was discovered by a Welsh team of botanists in the same area as it was first discovered and the same as its last sighting in 1967. It wasn’t known if the newly-discovered plant had been growing there for many years or if it had sprouted from buried seed. • Sheep grazing was immediately eliminated from the nature reserve where the plant was found, in hopes of promoting the recovery of the hawkweed. The botanists took two flower heads containing about 50 seeds back with them to attempt cultivations at the National Botanic Garden of Wales. Twenty-six seedlings were cultivated from that take, with a restocking program as a possible proposal. Five flower heads were left on the plant, hoping the plant would self-propagate through wind-dispersed seeds. Falling rock presents a natural unpredictable risk to the one surviving plant’s survival.

PREDICTING ECLIPSES • The Chinese have recorded solar eclipses since 720 BC, giving us a partial historical record dating back 2,700 years. The Mayans, Sumerians, Egyptians, and Chinese were each able to work out the formula that predicted the next eclipse. Ancient astronomers could predict eclipses even before they understood that the Earth circles the Sun and that the Moon circles the Earth. • Eclipses happen in “family groups” that come at regular intervals. For ancient astronomers who understood the intervals, predicting the next eclipse would have been a matter of working out the math. It’s called the Saros cycle. When there’s an eclipse of the Sun, there will be another eclipse exactly 18 years, 11 and one-third days later. That eclipse will follow a parallel path exactly one-third of the planet away from the first eclipse, starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. If the first eclipse was a total eclipse, the next

YouTube wasn’t the first video-sharing website. That honor belongs to ShareYourWorld.com, which was launched in 1997. Due to technology not being advanced enough for sending and watching videos over the internet because of bandwidth issues, the company quickly went out of business.

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eclipse will also be total. If the first was a partial eclipse, the following will also be partial. This Saros cycle repeats itself for about 1,300 years before petering out. • The 2017 eclipse is part of a cycle called Saros 145. It started in the year 1639 and will repeat at 18 year intervals until it ends in the year 3009. The previous eclipse in this Saros cycle happened on August 11, 1999 with a total eclipse that stretched over Great Britain, Europe, and India. • Another eclipse that will travel from Texas to Maine on April 8, 2024 is part of Saros cycle 139, which started in the year 1501 and will repeat every 18 years, 11 and one-third days until the year 2763. • Astronomers now know that 18 years, 11 and one-third days is the length of time it takes the Moon to travel from perigee (closest to Earth) to apogee (farthest from Earth) and back to perigee again.

A HISTORICAL ECLIPSE • In the year 1503, Christopher Columbus was on his fourth journey to the New World when he discovered that his two ships were riddled with worms and unable to sail home again. He pulled into a cove on Jamaica where the local natives were friendly at first, supplying provisions for his men in return for trinkets. But eventually they grew tired of constantly supplying the 50 men. After six months, they refused to bring anything more. • Columbus had with him an astronomical almanac that listed the dates of upcoming celestial events including a lunar eclipse that was to occur on the last day of February. On that day, he explained that he worshiped a powerful God who had been angered by their refusal to keep the Spaniards fed. As a result, God was going to punish them with famine and disease. Columbus explained that God would give the leaders one last chance by providing a sign from the heavens of his displeasure: The full Moon would go dark soon after it rose in the evening and would turn blood red. If they paid heed to the sign, they would be spared their fate. • That evening when the Moon rose on the horizon, a lunar eclipse turned the Moon dark red. The people frantically begged Columbus for forgiveness and promised to do his bidding as long as they needed to stay. Columbus thought about it for the duration of the eclipse, and he emerged just as the eclipse was beginning to clear to announce that he had consulted God and God had agreed to forgive the natives as long as they continued to supply the crew. They agreed to the terms and Columbus made a great show of telling God that the Moon should be restored to its full glory. The lunar eclipse receded. The natives continued to supply Columbus until June when a rescue ship appeared.

1. What is YouTube’s advertising motto? 2. How long is the average YouTube viewing session? A budding YouTube talent went to see a new agent one day and said, “You must have a look at my act, it really is innovative.” He flew up to the ceiling, circled the room a few times and landed smoothly on the agent’s desk. “So you do bird impressions,” said the agent, “what else can you do?”

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What’s the Best Dog for Small Apartment? DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My apartment building doesn’t allow dogs or cats, but I just found out from a neighbor (who was walking her cat outside) that the management does allow “therapy” pets or companion animals, with a doctor’s letter. What kind of dog is best for a small apartment, though? Sign me -- Not a Cat Person

Turkey and Spaghetti Summer Salad Here is a salad to put on your list for when it’s “too hot” to cook. 1 1/2 cups cooked spaghetti, rinsed and drained 3/4 cup thinly sliced zucchini 1 cup diced cooked turkey breast 1 (8-ounce) can cut green beans, rinsed and drained 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup sliced ripe olives 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1/4 cup Kraft Reduced Fat Parmesan Style Grated Topping 1/2 cup Kraft Fat Free Italian Dressing In a large bowl, combine spaghetti, zucchini, turkey, green beans, tomatoes, olives and green onion. Add Parmesan cheese. Mix gently to combine. Add Italian dressing. Toss gently to coat. Serves 4. TIPS: 1) Usually 1 cup broken uncooked spaghetti or 2 1/4 ounces uncooked whole spaghetti cooks to about 1 1/2 cups. 2) If you don’t have leftovers, purchase a chunk of cooked turkey breast from your local deli. * Each serving equals: 191 calories, 3g fat, 15g protein, 26g carbs, 633mg sodium, 92mg calcium, 3g fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 1/2 Meat, 1 Starch, 1 Vegetable; Carb Choices: 2. (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

DEAR NOT A CAT PERSON: There are a number of dog breeds you might consider for a companion pet, and I’m glad you’re taking the size of your apartment into consideration. Once you have the doctor’s letter and management approval, take some extra time -- plenty of it -to consider what kind of companion animal you would like to make part of your family. A search online for small- and medium-sized breeds will give you a good overview of the different traits of each breed. Basenjis, for example, don’t bark -- which is great if you don’t want to annoy your neighbors -- but also are energetic and playful. Pomeranians and Chihuahuas can be big barkers and even somewhat aggressive. Bulldogs are impressive, but can suffer from specific health problems. Then of course, you can (and I hope you will) look at adopting a dog from your local shelter, whether purebred or a mutt. Dogs take quite a bit more attention and training than cats, of course. While they can make great companion pets, they will need daily walking and behavior training. Because they’ll likely spend more time indoors than outdoors, you’ll need to monitor their diet and make sure they get enough exercise. Send your questions, comments and tips to ask@pawscorner.com. (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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by Samantha Weaver * It was 19th-century English writer Sir Arthur Helps who made the following sage observation: “Reading is sometimes an ingenious device for avoiding thought.” * In the state of Texas, it’s against the law to milk a cow that’s not your own. * You might be surprised to learn that when Walt Disney first released the animated film “Sleeping Beauty,” in 1959, it was a box-office flop. However, the success of the various re-releases -- in 1970, 1979, 1986, 1995 -- have made it one of the most successful films released in 1959, second only to “Ben-Hur.” The domestic total gross amounts to $623 million (when adjusted for the inflation of ticket prices), which puts “Sleeping Beauty” in the top-40 films of all time. * You might be surprised to learn that hyenas are more closely related to cats than to dogs.

Check out the Gift Shop There’s still a nice selection of cool, easy breezy summer tops and dress and some are marked down. New items are arriving all the time.

* Those who study such things say that men who tuck in their shirts on a regular basis -- and 49 percent of American men do tuck -- tend to be happier than non-tuckers. For starters, they earn, on average, 19 percent more. They’re also 22 percent more likely to have an optimistic outlook, are 10 percent more likely to feel that they’re outgoing, and are more likely to report that they date often. * Marsupials and platypuses are the only mammals that don’t have belly buttons. A marsupial loses its umbilical cord before emerging its mother’s pouch, so a scar never forms. Platypuses are hatched and never have an umbilical cord to begin with. Thought for the Day: “The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. That is possible for him who never argues and strives with men and facts, but in all experience relies upon himself, and looks for the ultimate cause of things in himself.” -- Albert Schweitzer (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.

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1. 14 times 2. 3 3. Jenna Marbles 4. Minecraft 5. Music

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1. “Broadcast yourself.” 2. 40 minutes

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