New hotel gets $895K from DDA for site improvements Jim Harger G R A N D R A P I D S — T he
Dow ntow n Development Authority approved up to $894,850 in property ta x reimbursements to help convert three aging downtown buildings into a 130-room AC Hotel by Marriott and an office tower along Ottawa Avenue NW. T he reimbu r sement s, approved Wednesday, will be collected over the next 13 years and used to build new sidewalks, brick pavers, street furniture, landscaping and lighting around the buildings, currently known as 50 Monroe Place. Work on the $42 million project is expected to begin this spring as construction workers remove the black panels, glass, chrome strips and atrium that were built in the 1980s to mask the three century-old office buildings and warehouse on the site. “Thirty years later, that design has not stood the test of time,” said Nick Koster, vice president of CWD Real Estate Investments. CWD bought the build-
ings from a bank almost five years ago after the former owners defaulted on their loans. After the west building is separated from the eastern two buildings, CWD will completely remodel the 6-story building into an AC Hotel, a unit of Marriott Hotels. The new hotel will be operated by the Amway Hotel Corp., which also operates three other downtown hotels: Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, J W Marriott and Courtyard by Marriott. Koster said CWD plans to move Townsquare Media, a chain of five radio stations, into the east office tower along with other yet-to-benamed tenants. A restaurant will be built on the southeast corner of the building. Asked about the alley that adjoins the newly opened 20 Monroe Live and Venue Towers apartment complex, Koster said they have been unable to reach an agreement with the building owners for shared use. The alley is split on two levels. Koster said they intend to build a pedestrian friendly sidewalk on their side of the building while
S U N DAY, F E B RUA RY 1 2 , 2 0 17
All D isco ntinu ed S tyles
This 127-year-old building will be stripped, restored and converted into a 130-room AC Hotel by Marriott. Jim Harger,
st ill ma inta in ing t r uck access for deliveries to the hotel and office buildings. The operators of 20 Monroe Live also are using their side of the alley for deliveries, Koster said. “Attempts to cooperate with our neighbors to the south were not successful,” he said. CWD is the largest property owner in Grand Rapids. It has revived several old office buildings in downtown Grand Rapids, includ-
ing its headquarters, at 50 Louis St. NW; the Trust Building, at 40 Pearl St. NW; the Ledyard Building, at 125 Ottawa Ave. NW; Aldrich Place, at 80 Ottawa Ave. NW; and the Blodgett Building, at 15 Ionia Ave. SW. Recently, CWD purchased the Fifth Third Bank complex on Vandenberg Plaza, next door to the Calder Squa re Pla za Bu i ld i ng , 250 Monroe Ave. NW, which it purchased last year and is in the process of renovating.
Rick DeVos’ ArtPrize takes aim at president Shandra Martinez G R A N D R A P I D S — A r t-
Prize, the high-profile arts compet it ion founded by Amway heir Rick DeVos, is taking aim at President Donald Trump’s policies — from a ban targeting Muslims to his attacks on the media. The message on ArtPrize’s blog was tweeted Thursday. It comes days after DeVos’ mother, Betsy, narrowly was confirmed to Trump’s cabinet as U.S. Education Secretary. Dick and Betsy DeVos have been major financial supporters of the international art competition and festival that has brought worldwide attention and thousands of visitors to Grand Rapids over the last eight years. They provided the financial backing to launch the competition with a $1.7 million no-interest loan from the Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation. The foundation also has picked up the tab for the $450,000 in prizes given away each year. Betsy DeVos has served on the arts organization’s board of directors but was required to step down as part of a divestment of businesses and organizations that could lead to conflicts of interest with her new Cabinet role. Rick DeVos is listed as the chairman of ArtPrize’s board of directors, on the organization’s website. ‘COMPELLED TO SPEAK OUT’
A r tPrize contends its message critical of Trump’s Jan. 28 executive order of a ban of travelers from seven most ly Muslim nat ions reflects the organization’s mission and 10 guiding principles. The ban has sparked nationwide protests and international criticism. It also has been rejected by the courts, including a federal appeals panel’s decision Thursday, refusing to reinstate it. “Recently the ground shifted, and so far the policies and statements of the c u r rent ad m i n ist rat ion have made what were once broadly agreeable sentiments into urgent calls to action,” the organization wrote in its post, adding: “... we’re compelled to speak out.” ArtPrize said it opposes discr im inat ion, deta in-
ing or prosecuting refugees or immigrants, undermining the press or freedom of speech, and preventing any child from accessing a quality education. Read the entire message on ArtPrize’s blog page, at
FURTHER ArtPrize entry “Inside Outside” was part of the SiTE:LAB Rumsey St. Project in 2016. files
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