Dr. Michael Harris Interim Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs, Eastern Michigan University

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Postsecondary Institution: Eastern Michigan University Contact Person: Dr. Michael Harris, Interim Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Phone: (734) 487-2246

AP Test Name

Score Required

Credit Awarded

Course Equivalent

Art, History of

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FA 101 FA 107 FA 379 (majors) FA 179 (non-majors) BIOL 110 BIOL 110, 120 MATH 120 MATH 120, 121 CHEM 121 CHEM 121, 123 COSC 138 COSC 138, 238 ECON 201 ECON 202 ENGL 121 ENGL 121, 225 LITR 100 LITR 100, 101 FRNH 121 FRNH 221 GERN 121 GERN 121, 221 PLSC 112 PLSC 211 HIST 101 HIST 101, 102 HIST 123 HIST 123, 124 LATN 121 LATN 122 MUSC 100 PHY 221 PHY 221, 222 PHY 223, 224 PHY 223, 224 PSY 101 SPNH 121 SPNH 122 SOCL 250

Art, Studio-Drawing Portfolio Art, Studio-General Portfolio Biology Calculus AB Calculus BC Chemistry Computer Science A Computer Science AB Economics-Macroeconomics Economics-Microeconomics English Language & Composition English Literature & Composition French Language French Literature German Language Government & Politics, U.S. Government & Politics, Comparative History, European History, U.S. Latin Literature Latin-Vergil Music Theory Physics B Physics C-Mechanics Physics C-Electricity and Magnetism Psychology Spanish Language Spanish Literature Statistics

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