Michael Harris Chancellor on LookUpPage
Michael Harris Chancellor Chancellor Indiana University IUK Education
About Me Dr. Michael Harris an academic served as Chancellor of IU Kokomo and led Indiana University Kokomo to be recognized for the first time in its history in U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of the best universities in America. Michael Harris increased fundraising, implemented new academic programs, obtained funding for the construction of the Cole Wellness and Fitness center, increased enrollment and led the school in joining the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Overall, his tenure as chancellor impacted regional transformation while positioning the campus as a leading institution in north central Indiana region. Michael Harris Chancellor Person of the Year, 2011, Kokomo Perspective. Prior to his work at IU Kokomo, Michael Harris served as provost and vice president for academic affairs and professor of public policy at Kettering University, a private engineering school in Flint, Michigan. His work there included initiating and negotiating agreements between Kettering and institutions in China, Germany, and Sweden for the purpose of international collaboration on alternative energy projects, professional development and student recruitment. Dr. Harris also boosted student retention at Kettering and designed an innovative entrepreneurship program that was implemented across the curriculum. Dr. Harris is an academic leader and a scholar.
Links michaelharrischancellor.com Michael Harris Academic Michael Harris Chancellor | Flickr
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Contact Information michaelharris53840@yahoo.com
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