Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, Branding, Entrepreneurship, Journalism
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VP Joe Biden, Michael Harris Chancellor IU Kokomo, President Barack Obama, Kokomo, Indiana, Indiana University Kokomo, IU Kokomo, IU Kokomo Chancellor, President of the USA, פרופסור מייקל הריס
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]
Michael Harris academic…
Nashville, TN, USA
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
VP Joe Biden, Michael Harris Chancellor IU Kokomo, President Barack Obama, Kokomo, Indiana, Indiana University Kokomo, IU Kokomo, IU Kokomo Chancellor, President of the USA, פרופסור מייקל הריס
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
Chancellor Michael Harris, President Barack Obama, VP Biden, Chancellor Michael Harris with President Obama and VP Biden, Chancellor Michael Harris IU Kokomo, Michael Harris Academic, Michael Harris Born In South Africa, Chancellor IU Kokomo, Kokomo Perspective, President Obama Visit, Kokomo, Chrysler, פרופסור מייקל הריס
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
Chancellor Michael Harris, President Barack Obama, VP Biden, Chancellor Michael Harris with President Obama and VP Biden, Chancellor Michael Harris IU Kokomo, Michael Harris Academic, Michael Harris Born In South Africa, Chancellor IU Kokomo, Kokomo Perspective, President Obama Visit, Kokomo, Chrysler, 2010 What a Year, Obama's visio, Kokomo 2010
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
VP Joe Biden, Michael Harris Chancellor IU Kokomo, President Barack Obama, Kokomo Perspective, Welcome Chance, December 29, 2010, Kokomo, Indiana, Indiana University Kokomo, IU Kokomo, IU Kokomo Chancellor, President of the USA
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama, VP. Biden, on Behance
Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama Visit Kokomo, IU Kokomo. RTV6, ABC, Indianapolis, Norman Cox, Screenshot 2014-11-30 Interview: "Michael Harris, chancellor of Indiana University-Kokomo, said he agrees that the bailout helped, but said there were other factors. "Chrysler could have not called back the employees that they called back and the unemployment would have been higher," he said. "The big question is, how is Kokomo going change as the economy and the region is going to change as we move into an economy of knowledge, economy of innovation?" Harris also credits a coalition of area leaders that has been working to diversify the economy, along with Gov. Mitch Daniels for working to make the state more hospitable to business." Michael Harris Chancellor, President Obama Visit Kokomo, IU Kokomo. RTV6, ABC, Indianapolis, Norman Cox
https://www.behance.net/gallery/11221811/Michael-Harris-Chancellor-President-Obama-VP-Biden[3/27/2015 8:46:26 AM]