IU Chancellor: 'It's a Good Day' For Kokomo - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick
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IU Chancellor: 'It's a Good Day' For Kokomo Josh Wikel, InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will be in Kokomo today touting the impact of stimulus dollars on the community. Indiana University Kokomo Chancellor Michael Harris says he sees similarities between Kokomo and Grand Rapids, Michigan, which has seen a resurgence through the life sciences sector, education and maintaining a manufacturing base.
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IU Chancellor: 'It's a Good Day' For Kokomo - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick
Source: Inside INdiana Business Continued Below...
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Harris notes the federal stimulus package helped Chrysler bring back thousands of jobs, transition Delphi into new markets and boost the city's downtown infrastructure. Source: Inside INdiana Business Orginally posted November 19, 2010 News Release WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Tuesday, November 23, President Obama and Vice President Biden will travel to Kokomo, Indiana, as part of their White House to Main Street tour. In recent years, Kokomo has been hard-hit by devastating plant closing and layoffs, but with the help of the Recovery Act and the Administration’s auto restructuring plan, Kokomo is on the rebound today and unemployment has dropped by nearly 8 percentage points since mid-2009. A new hybrid vehicle component manufacturing plant has opened with the help of an $89 million Recovery Act grant; newly restructured Chrysler Group has invested $343 million to retool and modernize its Kokomo transmission plant, which has helped to retain more than 1,000 workers this year and Administration investments have helped to support a downtown revitalization that led to the opening of a dozen new businesses in the area. While in Kokomo, the President and the Vice President will visit the Chrysler Groups Indiana Transmission Plant II where they will take a tour, greet plant workers, and give brief remarks. While in Kokomo, the President and the Vice President will make local stops. President Obama last visited Kokomo in April 2008 where he discussed the importance of investing in infrastructure, manufacturing and clean energy to bring good jobs to places like Kokomo. Source: The White House
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