U.S. News & World Report ranks IU Kokomo among the best Regional Campuses
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U.S. News & World Report ranks IU Kokomo among the best Regional Campuses
Contact Marie Radel Director of Media and Marketing
1 3 S E P TEMBER 2 0 1 2
(765) 455-9468 meradel@iuk.edu Twitter KOKOMO, Ind. — U.S. News & World Report ranks Indiana University Kokomo among the best regional campuses in the Facebook Midwest, a first-ever mention for the campus that includes a Tier 1 level, and the only IU regional campus to receive this recognition. Email
Danielle Rush Communications Specialist
The 2013 annual report, released Wednesday, September 12, lists IU Kokomo as a top regional campus in the category of regional colleges that focus on undergraduate education but grant fewer than half their degrees in liberal arts disciplines. Among the 74 ranked, only seven of those are public institutions.
(765) 455-9414 darush@iuk.edu
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"This is another historic moment for IU Kokomo as we are recognized as a world-class regional campus because of our strategic and intentional efforts to bring higher education that is relevant to the needs of north central Indiana," said Chancellor Michael Harris. "This campus is a clear destination of choice, as many students select IU Kokomo
Hunt Hall
because of the academic offerings, affordable tuition, and our vibrant campus life. We will continue to focus on the academic excellence and success of each and every one of our students." IU Kokomo is known for its world-class education, offering an IU degree with a private school experience at a public school price. The student-faculty ratio is 17:1, and the school has 50.9 percent of its classes with fewer than 20 students. More of IU Kokomo's information and ranking can be found at this link: http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/bestcolleges/indiana-kokomo-1814. The rankings allow for an at-a-glance comparison to the relative quality of institutions based on such widely accepted indicators of excellence as freshman retention, graduation rates, and the strength of the faculty. The criteria for rankings can be found here: http://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/2012/09/11/how-us-newscalculates-its-best-colleges-rankings. Facebook social plugin
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U.S. News & World Report ranks IU Kokomo among the best Regional Campuses Indiana University Kokomo serves north central Indiana.
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