Nutritional information on hemp seed
Hemp seeds or hemp nuts are the new found super food of this millennium. They are basically the seed of a plant named cannabis sativa. This plant product is a rich source of essential amino acids that play a vital role in growth and maintenance of human body tissues. Best part is that hemp seeds can be easily cultivated and they yield fantastically. No wonder these little nutritious seeds are a boon to vegetarians, raw food eaters and non-vegetarians alike in the United States as well as other parts of the globe. Nutrition information of hemp seeds: •
Dietary amino acids better known as proteins help in the growth and maintenance of body tissues. Hemp seeds are a very good source of these dietary amino acids. They contain 20 known amino acids including 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) which human bodies are not capable to produce on their own. That is why for a well-balanced diet, hemp seeds must be included in the diet. Approximately 65% of the protein in hemp seeds is the phosphorus-free globulin protein Edestin. This component of hemp seeds helps in digestion as well as plays a key role in constructing a human DNA. Albumin is also found in hemp seeds, which is otherwise found in eggs. So hemp seeds contain omega 3, 6 and GLA.
34% of the nutritional package found in hemp seeds is composed of carbohydrates. This is essentially dietary fiber and sugar.
On consuming hemp seeds, one can see a makeable change in blood LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure as these counts decrease considerably. So consumption of hemp seeds causes an improvement in the cardiovascular circulation. The heart functions better and immunity levels enhance. All other organs also function better there by yielding higher energy levels & metabolic rates.
Hemp seed consumption relieves menstrual cramps and arthritis. There is reduction in inflammation and a better recovery of muscles after exercise.
Furthermore, hemp seeds can yield beautiful skin and hair conditions.
All hemp seed products are free of GMO. They do not contain glutens, herbicides and pesticides. These nuts are good for people allergic to nuts and peanuts. Vegetarians can consume hemp seeds are they are 100% natural products. Additionally, hemp seeds have obtained a Kosher certification and thus they have no THC and or trypsin inhibitors. Hemp seeds are being widely used in health food packaged products these days. Hemp milk and ground hemp flour are some popular foodstuffs derived from hemp seeds that are loaded with nutrition and fiber. These items are low-priced as they are easily prepared. So people order hemp seeds in bulk and prepare hemp seed products at home! One can sprinkle these seeds on salads for a crunchy snack. Even though it’s nutritional
content is maximum in raw form, hemp seed flour can be used for regular cooking and baking. Lastly, hemp seed protein content is thought to be very digestible. Consumers who order hemp seeds in bulk for daily consumption have noted that hemp seed protein does not give rise to bloating or gas, unlike whey, soy or other protein products. So hemp seed can be consumed in the form of hemp milk, hemp cheese and hemp protein smoothies for maximum benefit to the human body.
About Author: Stef made this website and it provides different kinds of information about cannabis culture. She likes this culture and wants people to understand it and know that is nothing to be scared of. Sef is a cannabis enthusiast at heart. She works hard to create awareness because it’s the coolest thing in the world.