The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy | Michael Luzich

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The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy | Michael Luzich | Social Impacting

a The Bene ts of Corporate Philanthropy by Michael Luzich | Dec 10, 2020 | Uncategorized

Whether you and your company provide nancial contributions, goods or services, or allow employees to volunteer time “on the clock,” corporate philanthropy can have a major social bene t. As someone with a deep passion for philanthropy and social well-being, I understand the bene ts that corporate philanthropy o ers the company, the community, and your employees. Corporate philanthropy has become essential to business success. Improving the Community First, your company’s philanthropic endeavors can make a major impact on the community. Nonpro t agencies in the community greatly bene t from corporate sponsorships and donations, and your business should take the opportunity to support worthy causes. Making a nancial donation can address crucial needs in your community. There are many ways your business can provide assistance by donating funds to help: create a youth program purchase a new wheelchair-accessible bus build a senior center or teen clubhouse



The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy | Michael Luzich | Social Impacting

assist local shelters These are big-ticket items and perhaps your company or small business cannot a ord endeavors on this scale. A di erent but still e ective way for your company to help is to encourage your sta to participate as a volunteer while paying for their time. Boosting Employee Recruitment, Morale, and Retention Corporate philanthropy makes your company more appealing when recruiting new employees. When volunteerism and nancial giving is part of your company culture, a job seeker may be more drawn to working for you, especially when they already volunteer or support a charity. Getting your company involved in charitable and philanthropic e orts can boost morale among employees. When employees value giving back to the community and are encouraged to volunteer for a charity (whether self- or company-selected), the result is often a workforce with more passion and dedication toward their company. Volunteering together—outside of work—can improve internal teamwork on projects and collaborations. When allowed to volunteer during the workday, employees learn that their company cares about giving back and improving the community. Employees are more likely to stay with a company that openly gives back and works to improve its community. Improving Company Image Finally, people want to see that the companies they support are also putting forth e orts to improve society and their community. Clients and consumers often view philanthropic businesses much more favorably when they support the very community that provides them with business. A gratifying bene cial cycle ensues. Helpful philanthropic e orts done primarily for the recipients’ bene t are a great way to improve your company’s image and the odds for your company’s success.


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The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy | Michael Luzich | Social Impacting

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